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Child Placement Review Board (CPR)

The Child Placement Review (CPR) program is a key component of the court's role in the oversight of children in foster care. Groups of trained judicial volunteers, appointed by the assignment judge, assist the court in reviewing cases of children placed outside of their homes by the Division of Child Protection and Permanency (DCP&P). A volunteer is assigned to a CPR Board, consisting of about 5 volunteers, to review these cases.

CPR Boards conduct various reviews of children involved in "voluntary placement" cases. In such cases, DCP&P has placed a child out of his or her home pursuant to a voluntary agreement signed by the parent but there is no allegation of abuse or neglect and DCP&P has not filed a child abuse or neglect complaint case against the parent. In "litigated" cases, for which DCP&P has filed a child abuse or neglect complaint, a CPR Board conducts one review to determine the progress made by DCP&P in addressing the child's needs and any potential barriers to finding a safe, permanent home for the child. These litigated cases remain under the direct oversight of a judge.

In all cases, CPR Boards draft case-specific recommendations for the consideration of a judge. At CPR Board meetings, held at designated court facilities on a scheduled basis, the Board may interact with DCP&P caseworkers or their supervisors, parents, foster parents, or other child welfare stakeholders.

CPR volunteers complete court-sponsored initial training upon appointment in addition to annual continuing education programs dealing with current child welfare issues, ensuring their meaningful participation in the child placement review process. Integral to the New Jersey Child Placement Advisory Council (NJ CPAC) and its mission is the mandate to advise New Jersey’s three branches of government on the effectiveness of the Child Placement Review Act.  Read the NJ CPAC Annual Report.

NJ CPAC also holds training workshops and events on topics that are appropriate and relevant for CPR board volunteers.

A representative from each CPR Board statewide is selected annually to be a member of the New Jersey Child Placement Advisory Council (NJ CPAC).

For more information about CPR and NJ CPAC, contact the NJ CPAC Coordinator at  [email protected] .