Emergency Information

Qualified Status Changes

Open enrollment is your once-a-year opportunity to review your current benefits, consider whether they still fit your life, health, and financial needs, and then make any necessary changes. Outside of open enrollment, you can make changes to your coverage within 31 days if you have a qualified status change, also known as a life event, or if you lose coverage (in certain cases). Qualified status changes include:      

  • If you have or adopt a child, or there's a change in legal custody of a child
  • You get married, divorced, or there's a change in your domestic partner relationship
  • Death of a spouse or child
  • Change in employment status that results in a loss or gain of benefits, such as beginning or ending employment, change in hours, or an unpaid leave of absence
  • Change in dependent status of a child, such as when he or she reaches age 26
  • Significant change in spouse’s premium contributions
  • Significant change in dependent care charges
  • Entitlement to Medicare, Medicaid, or another insurance plan
  • Change in spouse’s benefit elections
  • Relocation of home residence outside of current coverage area

Qualified status changes must be made within 31 days of the qualified event. 

Making Changes

To see what changes you can make and to enroll, go to the U.S. Benefits Enrollment Site