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The Orange County Register has your definitive Voter Guide for the 2024 elections. (Illustration by Bay Area News Group)
The Orange County Register has your definitive Voter Guide for the 2024 elections. (Illustration by Bay Area News Group)
Kaitlyn Schallhorn is a city editor with the Orange County Register. She previously served as the editor in chief of The Missouri Times, overseeing print, television, and newsletter coverage of the State Capitol. Throughout her career, Kaitlyn has covered political campaigns across the U.S., including the 2016 presidential election, and humanitarian aid efforts in Africa and the Middle East. She studied journalism at Winthrop University in South Carolina.Annika BahnsenHanna KangDestiny Torres

Ahead of the March primary, The Orange County Register compiled a list of questions to pose to the candidates who wish to represent you. You can find the full questionnaire below. Questionnaires may have been edited for spelling, grammar, length and, in some instances, to remove hate speech and offensive language.

MORE: Read all the candidate responses in our Voter Guide

Name: Elizabeth “Beth” Culver

Current Job Title: Retired entrepreneur

Political Party Affiliation: Republican

Incumbent: No

Other political positions held: None

City where you reside: Cypress

Campaign website or social media: N/A

Gov. Newsom has been front and center lately in global affairs, from a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping discussing climate action to a trip to Israel where he met with victims of the Hamas attack. Aside from the governor’s trips, what do you see as the role California should play when it comes to foreign affairs?

The governor’s responsibilities are simple: To support and defend both the Constitution of the U.S. and the state of California from invasions of enemies foreign and domestic as stated in the oath of office he vowed to abide by; secure safety for citizens first. California should have no role in international matters. That is the federal government’s role.

There have been recent efforts at the local level to change voting requirements — from a proposed voter ID requirement in Huntington Beach to an effort to open up voting to noncitizens in Santa Ana. What changes, if any, should be made to California’s voting laws?

Government-issued ID to vote should be required — no exceptions.

Non-citizens should never be allowed to vote. It is an insult to every lawful American citizen as well as unconstitutional. Only citizens have that right.

Return to precinct voting, no drop-off ballot boxes or mail-in voting. National holiday for voting (one day).

The latest state budget projections show California’s deficit has swelled to a record $68 billion, leading to calls for spending cuts. Give us two specific ways California could address the deficit.

Close the border. Investigate the freewheeling, “double dipping” flow of money into social services with no accountability as there is a questionable duplicate of funds to/from similar resources. Or save $10 billion a year by defunding the bullet train which hasn’t laid down any track.

Speaking of the budget, what are your top three budget priorities?

– Prioritize the mental and physical needs of our veterans.- Adequately fund and train more police officers and first responders.- Necessary infrastructure updates of electrical, water and sewage.

The legislature garnered national headlines when an effort to increase penalties for child sex trafficking initially stalled. How would you, in the legislature, balance criminal justice reform with public safety concerns?

Not only should penalties be increased for child sex trafficking but be even more severe. Sex trafficking of children should be clearly defined and treated differently than other sex crimes. Sex trafficking is simply “slave trade” by another name.

Homelessness continues to be a concern for Californians. While there is no simple solution, what is one proposal you have that could reduce homelessness in our communities?

Defend and close the border. Remember the oath our elected officials took to defend and protect the border. Deport all foreign invaders. House veterans first.

The governor recently signed a law that set a first-in-the-nation minimum wage standard for healthcare workers. Should minimum wage standards vary by industry? Why or why not?

Prioritize citizens and industry specialties. Not all jobs are alike, nor should the pay be the same for all jobs. Some are entry-level with training and part-time jobs. Others are intern, hourly or temporary employment. Salaries should be at the discretion of the business owner, agreed upon with employees according to the job description’s required skills … not government.

What is one environment or climate policy you’d champion if elected?

I suggest we make California energy independent again by accessing our abundant supply of natural gas which is environmentally friendly.

What is one capital improvement project you’d like to see financed and completed in your district?

Updating our infrastructures: power supply grids to meet increasing demands (not useless wind power) and better water resources management, including developing desalination plants like our Navy and other countries have.

The state recently began rolling out the CARE Court program in some counties, the state-funded effort that allows first responders, family and other designated people to petition a court to have someone with untreated severe psychotic disorders receive treatment and services. What other ways can the state prioritize mental health care for its residents, including those with less severe disorders?

Research what organizations already provide care for residents, thus avoiding overlapping payments.

Describe your political philosophy in 10 words or less.

Government by the people, for the people. Restore the teaching of our Constitution in schools on Constitution Day, Sept. 17.

What is your go-to campaign trail snack or drink?

Cold water and healthy food.

Originally Published: