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Re “Are you watching Harris at the DNC?” (Aug. 20):

I am a registered voter and consider it my patriotic duty to prepare and educate myself about the candidates and propositions for the next election. The outcome of the election determines my future, the future of my fellow citizens, the future of my state, country and even the world. This election is very important and needs to be taken very seriously. We cannot, and should not, make an important decision such as this without necessary preparation. I have watched every session of the RNC Convention and every session of the DNC Convention and that includes watching Kamala Harris.

— Christina Waayenberg Miller, Riverside


Bill Clinton’s DNC speech

Did you miss Bill Clinton praising Joe Biden because, like George Washington, he decided to forego another presidential term? Yes, Washington did refuse a third term in office, despite a popularity so great he would easily have been re-elected. He did so, much to the amazement of England’s George III, because he wanted to set an example for future presidents, Two terms and no more, else a president might see himself as king. Biden, after declaring that only the Almighty could convince him not to further pursue re-election, succumbed to a horrible debate performance, lousy poll numbers, and the forceful intercession of the guardian angels of the Democratic Party, most notably Obama. In short, Biden was shoved out of office, and lest the real message not be received: Joe Biden is no George Washington, and neither were Clinton nor Obama.

— Gregory F. Wirzbicki, Yorba Linda


Obamas at the DNC

Re “Obamas close DNC’s second night” (Aug. 21):

Didn’t the Obamas make a big deal about saying “when they go low, we go high“?. What happened to that? The Obamas and all the Democrats went low with ad hominem personal attacks on Trump. This is instructive. When you’re losing an argument, you resort to ad hominem and personal attacks. Democrats are losing all the arguments according to the polls on the economy, on immigration, and crime so they have to resort to personal attacks. Democrats can’t win with the actual policies they have so they resort to emotional appeals.

— Stephen Waddell, Palos Verdes Estates


It’s not about freedom, it’s all about Trump

In response to your editorial (Aug. 21), I think you are right when you say that Harris’s and Walz’s highest priority isn’t freedom. Their highest priority is defeating Donald Trump, a habitual, pathological liar whose only concern is himself, who in his own words considers those who support him to be “basement dwellers.”

In my experience, we are always left with having to choose between the lesser of evils. Harris and Walz are the lesser evil; they are “the devil you know.” You can be certain, though, that Harris and Walz will not strive to undermine our democracy by decrying and rebelling against election results and calling for violent insurrection. They will also uphold the rule of law, an impossibility for someone like Trump, who is incapable of speaking the truth or admitting defeat.

— Robert Mikkelson, Fontana



People who don’t know anything about our Constitution, or are too lazy to check Supreme Court decisions against it, feel the court is not in agreement with what the people want (Aug. 21).  What people want has nothing to do with the SCOTUS, whose members took an oath to make decisions based only on the Constitution and not what people would like. I have checked those decisions and find the Constitution has been used correctly. Abortion is an example. It belonged to the states until Roe vs. Wade arrived and the SCOTUS decision was to give it to the government. Now abortion has been returned to the states to make decisions about it, but so many people feel the Supreme Court decision was wrong. It was not. If all members of the SCOTUS honestly fulfilled the oath they took, most or all decisions would be unanimous.  The Constitution has been used correctly in making decisions. The Supreme Court does not need to be reformed!

— Arline George, Reseda


Originally Published: