Got something you want to share? Here's how to submit letters, commentary to The Oklahoman's Viewpoints

In July 2021, The Oklahoman rebranded its opinion pages to create a platform for community voices. Now called Viewpoints, the platform offers opportunities for Oklahomans, regardless of formal credentials, to publish arguments, analysis and other commentary on a variety of subjects or issues that matter to their communities. 

If a topic in the news is important to you or your neighbors, share your perspective in a letter to the editor or a guest column. Commentary will be considered for publication in our print editions and online.

By offering a diversity of voices, we aim to foster greater understanding of how community issues affect people differently. Your views may guide deeper discussion with a wider audience than your social media friends and those who share your political ideology. We welcome commentary that can inform others, illuminate an issue and influence better social and economic outcomes for all Oklahomans. You may submit first-person experiences, expert perspectives and arguments that are passionate, provocative or even newsmaking commentary.

What's not accepted?

We do not accept commentary already submitted for publication elsewhere, including on blogs. All content in Viewpoints must be exclusive to The Oklahoman.

Commentary that diminishes humanness or infringes on the human rights of individuals will not be published. Neither will those that resort to name-calling or include an uncivil tone.

We do not accept public service announcements or promotional material for a business or individual. 

How to submit Letters to the Editor

The Oklahoman welcomes your letters. Limit them to about 300 words and include your full name, address and a phone number for verification. Only your name and city where you live will be published with your comments. Anonymous letters will not be published.

All letters are edited for length, clarity and factual content.

To facilitate a variety of viewpoints, only one submission from the same author will be considered for publication each month.

Email letters to [email protected] or mail them to The Oklahoman, 100 W Main, Ste. 201, Oklahoma City, OK 73102.

What is an op-ed?

Op-eds originally appeared opposite the editorial page where staff-written editorials were published in a newspaper. Now they are often referred to as guest columns. Essentially, an op-ed is an essay. It is a powerful, well-informed and focused opinion of the writer and addresses an issue to a particular audience. Op-ed authors have expertise or credibility on the topic about which they write. 

How to submit a guest column

The Oklahoman encourages local opinion articles on timely topics, including public problems and challenging municipal, state, national and global issues. Standard length is 500 to 600 words, but longer articles may be accepted. Include internet links to back up quotes and factual material.

Op-eds should not be a direct response to other commentary published in The Oklahoman. Rebuttals to commentary may be submitted as a guest column instead.

All op-eds or guest columns must include a one-sentence bio and headshot.

The Oklahoman does not pay for editorial commentary for Viewpoints.

Send op-eds, personal columns or analysis directly to Clytie Bunyan, [email protected], Linda Lynn, [email protected] and Yesenia Jimenez, [email protected].

Clytie Bunyan is managing editor for diversity, community engagement & opinion.