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In Group 2018 Workplace and Gender Relations Survey of Active Duty Members: Reports, Infographics


The 2018 Workplace and Gender Relations Survey of Active Duty Members (2018 WGRA) offers critical insights regarding the estimated prevalence of sexual assault in the active component. One noteworthy change for women in the military in recent years has been the opening of all occupational specialties to women, and with it, the increased visibility of women across all spheres of military life. There is a concern as to whether and to what extent formerly male-only occupations pose unique risks for sexual assault of women Service members. We explore the possible effects of the increasing presence of women by examining the increase in sexual assault risk for DoD women at the Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) level in conjunction with the increase in the percentage of women at the MOS level.
Fielding Year: 2018
Produced By: H&R
Document Type: Report
Population: Active Duty
Product ID: 2019-063