2024 Regular Session
Bill Selection
  • HB 4100-4198
  • HB 4101 Requires the Secretary of State to collect, and share with state agencies, small business development centers and certain organizations, information about the ethnicity, gender and veteran status of an owner or principal of a business that applies for, or renews or updates a business registration in this state, if the owner or principal chooses to provide the information.
  • HB 4102 Specifies the sources of moneys in the Natural and Working Lands Fund.
  • HB 4103 Modifies the definition of electric assisted bicycle for purposes of the Oregon Vehicle Code.
  • HB 4104 Designates the fourth Wednesday in February of each year as Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Awareness Day.
  • HB 4105 Appropriates moneys to the Oregon Health Authority for the costs of targeted case management services provided in the nurse home visiting services program for families during pregnancy and for two years after the pregnancy.
  • HB 4106 Directs the State Forester to establish sustainable harvest levels for harvesting timber on state forestland and develop a timber inventory model to inform sustainable harvest levels.
  • HB 4107 Provides that compensation for loss or injury to livestock or working dogs under the wolf depredation compensation and financial assistance grant program must be based on certain multipliers of fair market value.
  • HB 4108 Requires a health care practitioner to exercise the proper degree of care to preserve the health and life of a child born alive after an abortion or an attempted abortion.
  • HB 4109 Provides that certain aviation grant funds may be used for matching shares of any Federal Aviation Administration grant available and the funds are not limited to federal Airport Improvement Program grants.
  • HB 4110 Appropriates moneys from the General Fund to the Oregon Department of Administrative Services for expenses related to the Bridge of the Gods seismic analysis and strengthening project.
  • HB 4111 Removes the requirement that farm machinery and equipment be tangible personal property for the purposes of exemption from ad valorem property taxation.
  • HB 4112 Requires the Oregon Department of Administrative Services to adopt rules to govern procurements from clean energy technology manufacturing companies.
  • HB 4113 Requires an insurer, a pharmacy benefit manager, the Public Employees' Benefit Board, the Oregon Educators Benefit Board and a health care service contractor to count payments made by or on behalf of an enrollee for the costs of certain prescription drugs when calculating the enrollee's contribution to an out-of-pocket maximum, deductible, copayment, coinsurance or other required cost-sharing for the drugs.
  • HB 4114 Permits a police officer to take a person who is publicly intoxicated or under the influence of controlled substances, but who is not incapacitated, to their dwelling or, if the person is unable to identify a dwelling, to a treatment facility or sobering facility.
  • HB 4115 Modifies the definition of "supervisory employee" to include certain employees and exclude certain strike-prohibited public employees.
  • HB 4116 Provides that forensic scientists and evidence technicians employed by the Department of State Police qualify as police officers under the Public Employees Retirement System.
  • HB 4117 Authorizes the Oregon Government Ethics Commission to issue advisory opinions on the application of the public meetings law to actual or hypothetical circumstances.
  • HB 4118 Directs the Bureau of Labor and Industries to conduct a comprehensive study of youth apprenticeships in the United States.
  • HB 4119 Enhances the protections for post-secondary institutions of education, student athletes and others regarding the provision of compensation for a student's name, image, likeness or athletic reputation.
  • HB 4120 Establishes the Oregon Jail-Based Medications for Opioid Use Disorder Grant Program in the Oregon Criminal Justice Commission.
  • HB 4121 Directs the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission, in consultation with the State Department of Agriculture, to create a map of locations of premises licensed to produce marijuana or industrial hemp.
  • HB 4122 Directs the Department of State Police to establish a fingerprint retention system for participation in the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Rap Back system.
  • HB 4123 Appropriates moneys to the Department of Justice to fund the management of the Oregon SAE/SANE Certification Commission by the Attorney General's Sexual Assault Task Force.
  • HB 4124 Appropriates moneys to the Oregon Business Development Department to distribute to Oregon cultural organizations in response to the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on organization finances.
  • HB 4125 Directs the Legislative Policy and Research Director to conduct a procurement and enter into a contract with a qualified vendor to conduct a study on the impact of Senate Bill 242 (2011) and Senate Bill 270 (2013) on higher education in this state.
  • HB 4126 Repeals the prohibition on local rent control.
  • HB 4127 Creates rules and standards for warehouse employees' quota requirements.
  • HB 4128 Appropriates moneys from the General Fund to the Oregon Business Development Department for deposit in the Special Public Works Fund.
  • HB 4129 Requires the Department of Human Services and the Oregon Health Authority to contract with no more than two agencies to provide agency with choice services to individuals who are older adults or who have disabilities.
  • HB 4130 Prohibits a shareholder, director or officer of a domestic or foreign professional corporation organized for the purpose of practicing medicine or naturopathic medicine, or for the purpose of allowing physicians, physician assistants and nurse practitioners to jointly render professional health care services, from owning or controlling shares in, serving as a director or officer of, being an employee or contractor of or otherwise participating in managing both the professional corporation and a management services organization with which the professional corporation has a contract.
  • HB 4131 Appropriates moneys from the General Fund to the Housing and Community Services Department for the purpose of making matching deposits into individual development accounts.
  • HB 4132 Requires the State Department of Fish and Wildlife, the State Fish and Wildlife Commission and the Department of State Lands to implement the Ocean Policy Advisory Council recommendations to develop an adaptive management and social monitoring program to support marine reserves.
  • HB 4133 Makes certain changes related to the forest products harvest tax.
  • HB 4134 Requires the Oregon Department of Administrative Services� Oregon Business Development Department to provide grants to cities for specified infrastructure projects that will benefit housing developments that will make at least 30 percent of the dwelling units affordable to workforce income households.
  • HB 4135 Creates the crime of threatening a mass injury event.
  • HB 4136 Expands the exemption from the licensure requirement for certain nurses.
  • HB 4137 Directs the State Board of Education to adopt rules by which a student who has completed an International Baccalaureate program may satisfy certain requirements for a high school diploma in this state.
  • HB 4138 Allows the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission to issue provisional temporary service permits to an applicant for a service permit.
  • HB 4139 Excludes new hospitals providing inpatient psychiatric services, inpatient rehabilitation services or inpatient or outpatient substance use treatment and new long term care facilities from requirement to obtain a certificate of need from the Oregon Health Authority.
  • HB 4140 Appropriates moneys to the Department of Justice to fund certain programs that assist victims of crime. Directs the Department of Justice to include in future budget requests amounts necessary to fund children's advocacy centers, the Survivor Housing Funds grant program and the Oregon Domestic and Sexual Violence Services Fund.
  • HB 4141 Decreases the rate of interest charged on delinquent property taxes from 1.
  • HB 4142 Provides that when a person is charged with committing a new felony sex crime while on pretrial release for a felony sex crime, the person is only eligible for release after a hearing during which the court determines whether security release may be denied, and if security release is allowed, the person must deposit the full security amount set by the court.
  • HB 4143 Requires athletic organizations, institutions of higher education and school districts to designate athletic competitions according to biological sex.
  • HB 4144 Increases the penalties for making, delivering or possessing an object that is used to render a drug into a counterfeit substance.
  • HB 4145 Criminalizes the creation of a visual recording of aggravated animal abuse.
  • HB 4146 Provides that a petition for a Family Abuse Prevention Act order, Elderly Persons and Persons with Disabilities Abuse Prevention Act order or sexual abuse restraining order may be filed in the county in which the abuse occurred.
  • HB 4147 Permits an education provider to have stop arm cameras on school buses for the purpose of recording persons who fail to stop for bus safety lights.
  • HB 4148 Directs the State Department of Fish and Wildlife to expand programs related to wildlife disease.
  • HB 4149 Requires pharmacy benefit managers to be licensed by the Department of Consumer and Business Services beginning January 1, 2025.
  • HB 4150 Authorizes the Oregon Health Authority or a third party to provide electronic notification to a practitioner in certain circumstances when the practitioner's patient has a fatal or nonfatal overdose.
  • HB 4151 Directs the System of Care Advisory Council to establish a subcommittee on the youth behavioral health workforce.
  • HB 4152 Requires the office of Enterprise Information Services to study cybersecurity.
  • HB 4153 Establishes the Task Force on Artificial Intelligence.
  • HB 4154 Establishes the Semiconductor Talent Sustaining Fund and subaccounts of the fund�.
  • HB 4155 Directs the Oregon Business Development Department to study infrastructure financing in Oregon by considering and evaluating tools the state may use to have a positive effect on infrastructure and housing costs in Oregon.
  • HB 4156 Modifies definitions pertaining to stalking orders and stalking offenses.
  • HB 4157 Provides that district attorneys qualify as police officers under the Public Employees Retirement System.
  • HB 4158 Establishes the Home and Small Center Child Care Fund. Directs the Oregon Business Development Department to administer a grant program to provide financial assistance to child care facilities that serve a maximum of 75 children for the purpose of establishing or expanding child care infrastructure.
  • HB 4159 Requires the Office of Immigrant and Refugee Advancement to contract with entities to provide eligible newcomers with case management, short-term and long-term support services.
  • HB 4160 Modifies the length of time by which a person is considered a student for purposes of determining if conduct is prohibited sexual conduct.
  • HB 4161 Increases the limitation on the percentage of students in a school district who may enroll in a virtual public charter school that is not sponsored by the student's resident school district without first receiving approval from the school district.
  • HB 4162 Appropriates moneys to the Higher Education Coordinating Commission for the purpose of carrying out Oregon's Open Educational Resources (OER) Program. Appropriates moneys to the Higher Education Coordinating Commission for the purpose of the establishment and awarding of grants for basic needs programming at public institutions of higher education.
  • HB 4163 Requires the Higher Education Coordinating Commission to establish a grant program for the purpose of supporting organizations to expand the scope and community reach of college access and success programs.
  • HB 4164 Removes the condition on reimbursement for expenses for nonlegislative members of the Sexual Misconduct Survey Council.
  • HB 4165 Requires the Department of Transportation to prepare and submit a report on the statutory changes necessary to balance transportation cost responsibility between light and heavy vehicles.
  • HB 4166 Prescribes the method for creating a ballot title and an explanatory statement for any amendment to the Oregon Constitution or statutory Act that passes both houses of the Legislative Assembly during the 2024 session and that is referred to the people by the Legislative Assembly.
  • HB 5201-5299
  • HB 5202 Establishes and modifies the limits on payment of expenses from specified funds by certain state agencies for capital construction.
  • HB 5203 Establishes biennial appropriations and expenditure limitations for ______ for biennium ending June 30, 2025.� Modifies amounts allocated from the Administrative Services Economic Development Fund, Veterans' Services Fund, Criminal Fine Account and Oregon Marijuana Account to state agencies.
  • HB 5204 Establishes biennial appropriations and expenditure limitations for ______ for the biennium ending June 30, 2025.� Appropriates moneys to, limits expenditures by and modifies expenditure limitations for specified state agencies and the Emergency Board.
  • HCR 201-299
  • HCR 202 Expresses gratefulness to Oregon veterans' advocate Dick Tobiason.
  • HCR 203 Reaffirms the State of Oregon's commitment to its relationship with Taiwan.
  • HCR 204 Recognizes and honors Deputy Allen Burdic for his service to this state.
  • HCR 205 Adjourns sine die the 2024 regular session of the Eighty-second Legislative Assembly.
  • HCR 206 Establishes deadlines for presession-filed legislative measures for the 2025 regular session of the Eighty-third Legislative Assembly.
  • HJM 201-299
  • HJR 201-299
  • HJR 202 Proposes an amendment to the Oregon Constitution to require a majority of each house of the Legislative Assembly to be present to conduct business.
  • HJR 203 Proposes amendment to the Oregon Constitution to provide that parents have the fundamental right to direct the upbringing, education and care of their children.