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Oklahoma Session Laws - 2002�

� 0. Index to 2002 Oklahoma Session Laws

� 1. Statutes; increasing number of volumes for 2001 Statutes. Emergency.

� 2. Education; making appropriations for common education, higher education, OCAST; setting budgetary limitations for education agencies. Emergency.

� 3. State health agencies; making appropriations; setting budgetary limits. Emergency.

� 4. Human services entities; making appropriations; setting budgetary limits. Emergency.

� 5. Public safety entities; making appropriations; setting budgetary limits. Emergency.

� 6. State legal system entities; making appropriations; setting budgetary limits. Emergency.

� 7. State correctional system entities; setting budgetary limits. Emergency.

� 8. Tourism entities; making appropriations; setting budget limits.

� 9. Natural Resources entities; setting budget limits; authorizing travel reimbursements. Emergency.

� 10. Electoral process entities; transferring monies from the State Election Board; amending Ethics Commission budget limits. Emergency.

� 11. Department of Central Services; authorizing the sale of land. Emergency.

� 12. Office of the Governor; making an appropriation. Emergency.

� 13. Legislative Service Bureau; making an appropriation. Emergency.

� 14. State finance entities; making appropriation to Office of State Finance; amending Tax Commission budget limits. Emergency.

� 15. Department of Commerce; making appropriations; providing exemptions.

� 16. Department of Transportation; making an appropriation; increasing amount of transfer funds. Emergency.

� 17. State employees; providing maximum full-time-equivalent employees for state agencies; requiring budget categories for Merit Protection Commission. Emergency.

� 18. Revenue and taxation; relating to a tax credit for eligible investment; modifying provisions related to investment. Emergency.

� 19. Oklahoma Health Care Authority; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 20. Sex offenders; prohibiting deferred sentence for indecent exposure; adding crime for which registration is required. Emergency.

� 21. Brownfields; relating to the Oklahoma Quality Jobs Program Act; specifying language to authorize additional businesses on one site. Emergency.

� 22. Duplicate sections; amending, merging, consolidating, and repealing duplicate sections. Emergency.

� 23. Higher education; relating to motor fuel assessment; modifying distribution of proceeds; creating the Higher Education Facilities Revolving Fund. Emergency.

� 24. Motor vehicles; relating to special license plates; creating the West Point 200th Anniversary License Plate. Emergency.

� 25. Corporations; relating to the Rural Electric Cooperative Act; modifying the authority of a board of trustees of a cooperative; increasing percentage of membership required for affirmative vote. Emergency.

� 26. Civil procedure; relating to garnishment costs and attorney fees; modifying language. Emergency.

� 27. Tourism; renaming Fountainhead State Park to be Lake Eufaula State Park. Effective date.

� 28. Insurance; modifying the Service Warranty Insurance Act; modifying definitions. Effective date.

� 29. Retirement; relating to the Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System; requiring payment of benefits. Effective date. Emergency.

� 30. Insurance; mandating audiological services and hearing aids for children; modifying age at which coverage shall be mandatory. Effective date.

� 31. Workers' compensation; relating to admitted assets; defining rebate as an admitted asset. Emergency.

� 32. Electric cooperatives; modifying powers of cooperatives. Emergency.

� 33. Property; relating to trusts; modifying purposes for which express trusts may be created. Emergency.

� 34. Notaries public; adding requirement to include commission number of the notary; adding additional fee for same day service for appointment and commission. Emergency.

� 35. Motor vehicles; restricting type of punishment municipality may impose for seat belt violations. Effective date.

� 36. State government; providing a purchaser of property an option to retain possession of the abstract. Effective date.

� 37. Department of Central Services; requiring asbestos abatement services. Effective date. Emergency.

� 38. State government; relating to the Alternative Fuels Conversion Fund; modifying costs. Effective date.

� 39. Property; relating to trusts for benefit of the state, county or municipality; increasing contract amounts requiring a competitive bid. Effective date.

� 40. Poor persons; authorizing human services centers or social services centers to employ pharmacists to manage and operate a pharmacy at such centers; providing for licensure; providing for compensation. Emergency.

� 41. Cities and towns; deleting ordinance restriction or prohibition. Emergency.

� 42. Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation; modifying duties of Director and legal division; specifying forfeiture proceedings. Effective date.

� 43. Prisons and reformatories; removing capacity restriction for community work centers. Effective date.

� 44. State government; creating the Oklahoma Spaceport Management Fund. Emergency.

� 45. Motor vehicles; relating to vehicles approaching or entering intersections; providing for right-of-way. Effective date.

� 46. Waters and water rights; relating to the Oklahoma Floodplain Management Act; modifying purpose; encouraging completion of continuing education classes. Effective date.

� 47. Schools; authorizing the board of education of a technology center school district to approve building projects. Effective date. Emergency.

� 48. Public finance; relating to the use of revenues from public trusts; expanding allowable. Effective date. Emergency.

� 49. Driver improvement courses; modifying fees of courses. Effective date.

� 50. Workers' compensation; renaming managing officer of CompSource Oklahoma. Effective date.

� 51. Motor vehicles; allowing golf carts, power wheelchairs and power scooters on roadways. Effective date. Emergency.

� 52. Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act; adding dichloralphenazone to the schedule. Effective date.

� 53. Motor vehicles; relating to insurance on state-owned vehicles and equipment. Effective date.

� 54. Public health; declaring May to be Injury Prevention Month. Emergency.

� 55. Motor vehicles; requiring nonresident driver to use child passenger restraint system for child passengers. Effective date.

� 56. Prisons and Reformatories; authorizing registered nurse and licensed practical nurse employees of Department of Corrections to dispense nonprescription drugs. Effective date. Emergency.

� 57. Water permits; authorizing transfer of water permits for swine feeding operations. Emergency.

� 58. Motor vehicles; relating to Electric Personal Assistive Mobility Device; defining term; prohibiting operation of device on highways; specifying where operation is allowed. Emergency.

� 59. Motor vehicles; providing exception to operation for all-terrain vehicles. Effective date.

� 60. Schools; authorizing the creation of the Center for Issue Management and Communication for Agriculture, Rural Living, Environment, and Government. Effective date. Emergency.

� 61. Anhydrous ammonia equipment; adding to activities constituting a crime; relating to the Hazardous Liquid Transportation System Safety Act; setting minimum criminal penalty. Effective date.

� 62. Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training; requiring elderly abuse training for law enforcement certification. Effective date.

� 63. Counties and county officers; relating to retiring officers; providing circumstances for award of sidearm and badge. Effective date.

� 64. Labor; creating Oklahoma Professional Employer Organization Recognition and Registration Act. Effective date.

� 65. Agriculture; providing for restrictions relating to location of poultry feeding operations and land application of poultry waste.

� 66. Vessels; modifying provisions regarding abandoned vessels; establishing procedures. Effective date.

� 67. Banks; modifying procedural requirements of Banking Department; allowing charges; changing application requirements. effective date.

� 68. Counties and county officers; prohibiting reduced insurance rates for property located in rural fire protection districts for persons failing or refusing to pay assessments. Effective date.

� 69. Ethanol; creating a feasibility study to attract ethanol processing plant.

� 70. Game and fish; providing exception to hunting and fishing license requirement for any person under eighteen years of age who is in the physical custody of a child care facility. Emergency.

� 71. Elections; allowing county election board secretaries election to participate in State and Education Employees Group Insurance Plans. Effective date.

� 72. Telemarketing; creating the Telemarketer Restriction Act. Effective date. Emergency.

� 73. Court reporters; increasing fee for original transcript. Effective date.

� 74. Cities and towns; modifying approval for vacation of plat; defining procedure for replatting. Emergency.

� 75. Motor vehicles; relating to illegal parking on state properties; authorizing fine; authorizing immobolization of vehicles; setting penalty for refusal to leave buildings where state business is being conducted. Effective date.

� 76. Crimes and punishments; prohibiting bidis cigarettes. Emergency.

� 77. Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation; relating to investigations and records; authorizing disclosure of investigative information for accreditation purposes. Emergency.

� 78. Insurance; deleting no cost to patient provision from mammography screening mandatory coverage. Emergency.

� 79. Roads, bridges and ferries; repealing statute relating to the transfer of the Aeronautics Commission to the Department of Transportation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 80. Telecommunications; providing for regulation of high speed Internet access service or broadband service providers. Effective date. Emergency.

� 81. Prisons and reformatories; modifying list of penal institutions; modifying private prison negotiation requirements. Effective date.

� 82. Cities and towns; amending restrictive covenants. Effective date.

� 83. Professions and occupations; relating to the Mechanical Licensing Act; adding exhaust systems to definition of mechanical work. Emergency.

� 84. Sunset; re-creating the Board of Examiners of Perfusionists.

� 85. Sunset; re-creating the Oklahoma Emergency Response Systems Development Advisory Council.

� 86. Public safety; authorizing Department of Public Safety to issue documents to military personnel. Emergency.

� 87. Schools; providing for withholding of State Aid payments to participating school districts to cure payment delinquencies on bonds or notes. Effective date. Emergency.

� 88. Prisons and reformatories; creating the Investigations Division within the Department of Corrections. Effective date. Emergency.

� 89. Schools; requiring certain revenue be deposited in general fund of school distric. Effective date. Emergency.

� 90. Department of Agriculture; making transfers to funds and providing purpose. Emergency.

� 91. Oklahoma Community Sentencing Act; authorizing the Department of Corrections to implement a pilot program for persons whose suspended sentence has been revoked. Effective date. Emergency.

� 92. Civil procedure; prohibiting court clerks from being subject to subpoena in certain situations. Effective date.

� 93. Professions and Occupations; authorizing Department of Health to issue administrative fines for unlicensed barbers. Effective date.

� 94. Corporations; deleting exemption; adding exemption for poultry operations; prohibiting acceptance of applications for permits for animal or poultry feeding operations located within one mile upstream of the Pensacola Project boundary. Emergency.

� 95. State Treasurer; modifying deductions from deposits to unclaimed property fund; creating Securities Lending and Custodial Fee Revolving Fund; modifying duties of State Treasurer and State Auditor and Inspector; modifying officers of tobacco fund board of investors. Effective date. Emergency.

� 96. Crimes and punishments; relating to smoking in public places; modifying areas; Effective date; emergency.

� 97. Computer crimes; relating to offenses commenced outside and consummated within the state; specifying jurisdiction for computer crimes. Emergency.

� 98. Cities and towns; relating to the Municipal Budget Act; modifying and defining term. Effective date.

� 99. Higher education; relating to the Oklahoma Scholarship Revolving Fund; modifying uses. Effective date. Emergency.

� 100. Professions and occupations; relating to the Licensed Professional Counselors Act; adding the terms knowingly and willfully to nondisclosure requirements. Emergency.

� 101. Tourism; relating to funding for properties and facilities of the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department. Emergency.

� 102. Capitol buildings; enacting the Oklahoma Historic Capitols Preservation Act. Effective date. Emergency.

� 103. Prisons and reformatories; adding type of inmates that may be housed at private prisons. Effective date. Emergency.

� 104. Sunset; re-creating the Oklahoma Educational Television Authority.

� 105. Sunset; re-creating the Special Agency Account Board.

� 106. Sunset; re-creating the Waterworks and Wastewater Works Advisory Council.

� 107. Crimes and punishments; modifying elements of offense of mailed materials harmful to a minor. Effective date.

� 108. Game and fish; authorizing the Department of Wildlife Conservation to administer a fish or game animal food distribution program. Emergency.

� 109. Intoxicating beverages; exempting organizations and societies from administrative fee. Emergency.

� 110. Crimes and punishments; expanding circumstances which shall constitute lewd proposals to a child. Effective date. Emergency.

� 111. Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act; modifying provisions regarding evidentiary samples. Effective date.

� 112. Sunset; repealing defunct entities. Effective date.

� 113. Victim protective orders; establishing a task force. Effective date. Emergency.

� 114. Motor vehicles; requiring Selective Service System registration occur upon application for driver license. Effective date.

� 115. Cities and towns; increasing the maximum number of volunteer fire department members for municipalities. Effective date.

� 116. Crimes and punishments; modifying definition of false or bogus check. Effective date.

� 117. Revenue and taxation; modifying exemption from motor vehicle excise taxes; modifying definitions; specifying when vehicle considered new or used. Effective date. Emergency.

� 118. Professions and occupations; relating to podiatric medicine; modifying examination criteria and contents. Effective date.

� 119. Cities and towns; providing intangible property to be presumed abandoned after a period of time; defining terms; providing for disposal. Effective date.

� 120. Crimes, criminal procedure, and cities; increases penalties for prostitution; increasing bail. Emergency.

� 121. Poor persons; relating to the Oklahoma Medicaid Healthcare Options System; requiring review and evaluation categories. Effective date.

� 122. Public health and safety; relating to incorporated physician providers income deferral programs; permitting adoption of plan related to investment of deferral amounts in life insurance or annuity contracts. Emergency.

� 123. Poor persons; relating to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families; expanding contracted services. Effective date.

� 124. State government; relating to the participation by political subdivisions in state insurance program; adding to list. Emergency.

� 125. Criminal Procedure; creating the Pretrial Release Act. Effective date. Emergency.

� 126. Criminal procedure; providing for new execution date following stay orders. Emergency.

� 127. State government; modifying provisions relating to continuation of life insurance benefits and termination requirements for a surviving spouse. Effective date. Emergency.

� 128. Civil procedure; allowing use of an appropriate photograph of murder victims. Effective date.

� 129. Insurance; modifying provisions relating to multiple employer welfare arrangements. Effective date.

� 130. Game and fish; authorizing Wildlife Conservation Commission to establish Blue River Conservation Passport. Effective date. Emergency.

� 131. State Department of Corrections; making an appropriation; deleting restrictions on expenditures from the Industries Revolving Fund. Emergency.

� 132. Children; modifying provisions regarding release of juvenile records. Effective date.

� 133. Motor vehicles; modifying provisions relating to insurers covering stored vehicles. Effective date.

� 134. Jurors; prohibiting requiring employees to use leave for jury duty. Effective date.

� 135. Controlled dangerous substances; adding substance commonly known as "ecstacy"; setting prohibited amounts and penalties. Emergency.

� 136. Firearms; prohibiting youthful offenders from possessing firearms. Emergency.

� 137. Intoxicating liquors; deleting references to identification stamp and wholesale liquor tax. Emergency.

� 138. Public health and safety; relating to nursing homes; expanding resident's rights and responsibilities. Effective date.

� 139. Environment and natural resources; relating to the Department of Environmental Quality; removing statutory requirement for public notice of employee interests; changing names of programs; removing statutory name of certain offices; modifying structure of the Department. Emergency.

� 140. Public finance; relating to public trusts; adding method of collateralizing investments. Emergency.

� 141. Blind persons; prohibiting motor vehicles from approaching within fifteen feet of blind individuals. Effective date.

� 142. Counties and county officers; relating to the content of cooperative agreements; deleting execution of cooperative agreements; modifying county road mileage computation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 143. Schools; modifying core curriculum requirements needed for high school graduation; modifying credit granting requirement. Effective date. Emergency.

� 144. Schools; modifying provisions relating to Oklahoma College Savings Plan Act. Emergency.

� 145. Workers' compensation; limiting when payments are due; modifying auditing procedures. Effective date. Emergency.

� 146. Roads, bridges and ferries; relating to the powers and duties of the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority; modifying procedure for selection of material for paving work on turnpike projects. Emergency.

� 147. Schools; relating to granting of high school diplomas to veterans of Korean War; removing 18-month service requirement. Effective date.

� 148. Scenic Rivers; requiring annual reports; require setting to allocation of wasteload for wastewater treatment facilities; requiring program to control pollution. Emergency.

� 149. Schools; creating the School Bullying Prevention Act; requiring district policy to prohibit harassment, intimidation, and bullying of students. Effective date.

� 150. Public finance; authorizing Department of Transportation to establish a preaudit and settlement system. Effective date. Emergency.

� 151. Historical societies; authorizing J.M. Davis Memorial Commission to maintain receptacles. Emergency.

� 152. Amusements and sports; modifying the Oklahoma Horse Racing Act; deleting limits on wagering on out-of-state races; deleting criteria for full racing program. Emergency.

� 153. Oklahoma Sex Offender Registration Act; including security and police of institutions of higher learning for registration requirement. Emergency.

� 154. Revenue and taxation; authorizing Oklahoma Tax Commission to enter into contract with Cameron University. Emergency.

� 155. State employees; relating to the State and Education Employees Group Insurance Board; providing for the contracted claims administrator responsibility. Effective date. Emergency.

� 156. Insurance and public health and safety; health care provider credentialing and recredentialing. Effective date.

� 157. Aircrafts and airports; authorizing the Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission to accept title to real and personal property. Effective date.

� 158. Children; relating to the Oklahoma Child Care Facilities Licensing Act; requiring development of a single licensure process. Effective date.

� 159. Criminal procedure; providing for prosecution of offenses committed in penal institutions; requiring payment of fees at certain time. Emergency.

� 160. Labor; permitting release of confidential information to public housing authorities for determining eligibility; providing an exception to semimonthly payment of wages. Effective date.

� 161. Professions and occupations; modifying time for renewal of apprenticeship license under the Funeral Services Licensing Act. Effective date.

� 162. Revenue and taxation; authorizing Oklahoma Tax Commission to abate tax liability, interest and penalties; providing a conditional effective date. Emergency.

� 163. Revenue and taxation; modifying sales tax exemption for aircraft repairs and parts. Effective date. Emergency.

� 164. Juvenile Sex Offender Act; reducing number of professionals required to make evaluation; changing criteria for releasing information to the public. Effective date. Emergency.

� 165. Oklahoma Community Sentencing Act; removing reciprocal agreements; removing funding priorities. Effective date. Emergency.

� 166. Professions and occupations; amending the Registered Electrologist Act; modifying criteria for application for license; modifying requirement for licensure. Emergency.

� 167. Schools; creating Oklahoma Center for Rural Development Act. Effective date; emergency.

� 168. Counties and county officers; adding requirement for board of county commissioners. Effective date. Emergency.

� 169. Motor vehicles; prohibits railroad crossings under certain conditions. Effective date.

� 170. Revenue and taxation; modifying tax years for which credits allowed; increasing credit for coal purchases. Emergency.

� 171. Debtor and creditor; modifying the Credit Services Organization Act.

� 172. Professions and occupations; Oklahoma Veterinary Practice Act; modifying, adding and deleting definitions; modifying powers and duties of State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners relating to criminal history records search; adding to list of titles and initials which may be used to designate veterinary technician; removing restrictions. Effective date.

� 173. Agriculture; making milk official state beverage; changing name of Department of Agriculture; adding powers and duties; modifying expenditure procedures; milk hauler/sampler permits; Oklahoma Fertilizer Act; agricultural liming material; soil amendment products; anhydrous ammonia equipment; egg container labels; timber. Emergency.

� 174. Game and fish; relating to special use permit to use private land leased and administered by the Department of Wildlife Conservation. Emergency.

� 175. Sunset; re-creating Oklahoma State Committee of Plumbing Examiners.

� 176. Sunset; re-creating State Board of Examiners of Certified Shorthand Reporters.

� 177. Counties and county officers; modifying maximum amount for purchase orders not subject to bidding procedures; deleting language relating to supply of specified items by local vendor. Effective date.

� 178. Agriculture; creating the Oklahoma County Fair Enhancement Act. Effective date. Emergency.

� 179. Motor vehicles; providing issuance requirements for Oklahoma Mustang Club and Choose Life special license plates; allowing for personalized plates; creating a revolving fund. Effective date.

� 180. Schools; increasing post-retirement annual earnings limitation for retired members. Effective date. Emergency.

� 181. Roads, bridges and ferries; removing highway from turnpike authorization; modifying placement of full access interchange. Effective date. Emergency.

� 182. Providing for conveyance of state property; authorizing conveyance; proceeds of sale to used for the CLEET Training Center in Ada. Effective date.

� 183. Revenue and taxation; exempting certain property from sale by county treasurer. Effective date. Emergency.

� 184. Motor vehicles; authorizing employees of the Driver License Examining Division, Driver Improvement Division or the Wrecker Services Division to drive state vehicle from residence to office. Effective date. Emergency.

� 185. School transportation equipment; prohibiting any person from interfering with a school bus; requiring inspection of school transportation equipment. Effective date.

� 186. Crimes and punishments; increasing penalty for stealing construction equipment or farm equipment. Effective date.

� 187. Agriculture; adding domesticated rabbits to definition of livestock. Effective date.

� 188. Revenue and taxation; modifying the qualifications to receive five-year ad valorem tax exemption. Emergency.

� 189. Corporation Commission; providing for the posting of motor fuel additives information at retail facilties; requiring labeling of motor fuel sold at airports for fueling aircraft. Effective date.

� 190. Revenue and taxation; extending ad valorem tax recredit; vehicle excise tax credit and income tax credit to owners of property destroyed by October 9, 2001, tornado. Emergency.

� 191. Professions and occupations; modifying authority of Construction Industries Board; requiring reporting of injuries resulting from operation or malfunction of elevators. Effective date.

� 192. Public Health and Safety; imposing penalty for failure to timely remit Emergency Nine-One-One fees to governing bodies. Effective date.

� 193. Criminal procedure; relating to the Oklahoma Indigent Defense System; changing reporting period for fees. Emergency.

� 194. Higher Education; changing name of Connors State College of Agriculture and Applied Science to Connors State College. Effective date. Emergency.

� 195. Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act; relating to the comprehensive professional risk management program; requiring insurance. Effective date.

� 196. Insurance; relating to the State and Education Employees Group Insurance Board; providing for reporting date changes; removing HEDIS data requirement for the state plan. Effective date. Emergency.

� 197. Tourism; changing the name of the welcome centers; change the name of the Office of the Oklahoma Film Advisory Commission; modifying membership. Effective date.

� 198. State and Education Employees Group Insurance Board; requiring mutual consent before contracts may be amended. Effective date. Emergency.

� 199. Schools and tourism; transferring responsibility State Register of Natural Heritage Areas Act from the Tourism and Recreation Department to the Oklahoma Biological Survey. Emergency.

� 200. Revenue and taxation; restricting application of county lodging tax. Effective date.

� 201. Motor vehicles; relating to size, weight and load; modifying exemption for movement of vehicles. Emergency.

� 202. Liquefied Petroleum Gas; changing title of inspectors; providing procedures for inspections. Effective date. Emergency.

� 203. Revenue and taxation; modifying definitions in Compete with Canada Film Act; modifying requirements for rebate payment. Effective date. Emergency.

� 204. State government; relating to voluntary payroll deductions; providing for online or electronically submitted forms to be accepted. Effective date.

� 205. Roads, bridges and ferries; modifying powers and duties of the Transportation Authority; designating Colonel Harold D. Pinney, U.S. Army Highway. Emergency.

� 206. Public health and safety; creating the Task Force on the Promotion of Children's health.

� 207. Sunset; re-creating Advisory Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse.

� 208. Office of Handicapped Concerns; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 209. Oklahoma Human Rights Commission; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 210. Oklahoma Indian Affairs Commission; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 211. Prisons; authorizing use of intermediate sanctions facilities; modifying inmates reintegration services and times. Effective date. Emergency.

� 212. Schools and motor vehicles; providing mathematics remediation for third through eighth grade students; relating to summer academies for students; specifying applicable subjects. Effective date. Emergency.

� 213. Professions and occupations; relating to the Oklahoma Allopathic Medical and Surgical Licensure and Supervision Act; authorizing additional foreign institutions for postgraduate medical training. Emergency.

� 214. Counties and county officers; adding reference to exception. Effective date.

� 215. Workers' Compensation; limiting parameters under which independent medical examiner may perform surgery. Effective date.

� 216. J.D. McCarty Center; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 217. University Hospital Authority; setting budget limits. Effective date. Emergency.

� 218. Health Care Authority; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 219. Public finance; modifying municipalities which receive higher priority for Rural Economic Action Plan funds allocated by Water Resources Board. Effective date. Emergency.

� 220. Schools; creating the Oklahoma Educational Interpreter for the Deaf Act. Effective date. Emergency.

� 221. Private prison contracts; including proposed per diem costs in contract. Emergency.

� 222. Public health and safety; relating to the Oklahoma Organ Donor Education and Awareness Program; providing for granting of leave of absence to donor state employees. Effective date. Emergency.

� 223. Torts; creating the Oklahoma Health Care Access Act. Effective date. Emergency.

� 224. Common carriers; providing for court orders for pen registers and trace devices; stating court's jurisdiction. Emergency.

� 225. Professions and occupations; modifying licensing of cosmetology schools. Effective date.

� 226. Labor; providing administrative fines for violations relating to labor practices. Emergency.

� 227. Environment and natural resources; deleting duplicate definitions relating to wastewater. Emergency.

� 228. Schools; modifying general fund balance carryover percentage for school districts. Effective date. Emergency.

� 229. Motor vehicles; authorizing Department of Public Safety to pursue vehicles without using audible and visual signals; prohibiting inattentive driving. Effective date.

� 230. Public health; relating to the Nursing Home Care Act; modifying licensing requirements; modifying Board of Health membership; modifying employment requirements for nurse aides. Effective date.

� 231. Prisons and reformatories; prohibiting jail employee from receiving compensation for bringing items into jail. Effective date. Emergency.

� 232. Revenue and taxation and counties; modifying duties of county treasurers and Oklahoma Tax Commission; modifying bonding and notice requirements and tax sale procedures; modifying petty cash requirements. Effective date.

� 233. Public Employees Retirement System; amending benefits for Department of Corrections personnel. Effective date. Emergency.

� 234. Open Records Act and Crimes; requiring security records to be kept confidential; prohibit tampering or disabling security cameras or security system. Effective date. Emergency.

� 235. DNA Offender Database; requiring blood or saliva samples be collected; including offenses in mandatory DNA sample; repealing duplicate section. Emergency.

� 236. Schools; relating to length of school day; modifying professional days for teachers; providing for substitutes; requiring successful completion of the competency examination for teacher licensure; excepting Alternative Placement Program candidates. Effective date. Emergency.

� 237. Children; providing for Children's Code amendments. Effective date. Emergency.

� 238. Oklahoma Law Enforcement Retirement System; relating to definitions and certain System accounts. Effective date. Emergency.

� 239. Oklahoma Arts Council; making an appropriation to the Oklahoma Arts Council. Effective date. Emergency.

� 240. Physician Manpower Training Commission; making an appropriation to the Physician Manpower Training Commission. Effective date. Emergency.

� 241. Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology; making an appropriation to the Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology. Effective date. Emergency.

� 242. Department of Civil Emergency Management; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 243. Oklahoma Merit Protection Commission; making an appropriation; stating purpose. Effective date. Emergency.

� 244. State Department of Rehabilitation Services; making an appropriation; authorizing the expenditure of funds. Effective date. Emergency.

� 245. Oklahoma School Land Commission; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 246. Teacher Preparation Commission; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 247. Department of Libraries; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 248. Oklahoma Education Television Authority; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 249. Consumer credit; modifying delinquency charges; modifying exclusion from definition. Effective date.

� 250. Labor; relating to the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Act; modifying exemption for oil and gas leases; placing jurisdiction of certain pressure vessels under the Corporation Commission. Effective date. Emergency.

� 251. Oklahoma Capitol Complex and Centennial Commemoration Commission; making an appropriation to the Oklahoma Capitol Complex and Centennial Commemoration Commission. Effective date. Emergency.

� 252. J.M. Davis Memorial Commission; making an appropriation; providing lapse dates. Effective date. Emergency.

� 253. Ethics Commission; making an appropriation; stating purpose. Effective date. Emergency.

� 254. Public health and safety; establishing the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee for Oklahoma Long-Term Care. Effective date. Emergency.

� 255. Professions and Occupations; modifying Chiropractic Practice Act. Effective date.

� 256. Department of Veterans Affairs; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency

� 257. Banking Department; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 258. Consumer Credit Commission; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 259. Securities Commission; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 260. Insurance Department; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 261. Oklahoma Horse Racing Commission; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 262. Council on Judicial Complaints; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 263. Liquefied Petroleum Gas Board; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 264. Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 265. Revenue and taxation; creating the Task Force on Valuation of Gas Gathering System Assets. Emergency.

� 266. State Department of Health; making appropriations. Effective date. Emergency.

� 267. Department of Mines; making an appropriation; providing lapse dates. Effective date. Emergency.

� 268. Will Rogers Memorial Commission; making an appropriation; providing lapse dates. Effective date. Emergency.

� 269. Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission; establishing Commission as separate state agency. Effective date. Emergency

� 270. District Attorney Council; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 271. State Auditor and Inspector; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 272. Poor persons; relating to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families; providing for redemption of vouchers. Effective date.

� 273. Environment and natural resources; relating to the Carbon Sequestration Advisory Committee; modifying and adding to membership of the Committee; authorizing Conservation Commission to establish and administer the carbon sequestration certification program. Emergency.

� 274. Cities and towns; providing for approval of subdivisions; providing requirements of approval; providing approval for exempt subdivisions. Effective date. Emergency.

� 275. Waters and water rights; setting criteria for determining camping or recreational facilities for purposes of swine animal feeding operations. Emergency

� 276. Insurance; enacting the Oklahoma Small Employer Health Insurance Purchasing Group Act. Effective date.

� 277. Oklahoma Tax Commission; making an appropriation; stating purposes. Effective date. Emergency.

� 278. Alcohol and Beverage Law Enforcement; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency

� 279. Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 280. Pardon and Parole Board; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency

� 281. Public utilities; relating to general supervision of cooperative corporations by the Corporation Commission. Effective date. Emergency.

� 282. Schools; creating the Larry Dickerson Education Flexible Benefits Allowance Act. Effective date. Emergency.

� 283. Schools; modifying investment options for school activity funds; modifying powers of boards of education to lease real or personal property. Effective date. Emergency.

� 284. Criminal activity; authorizing sheriffs to form regional task forces to investigate and prevent cattle theft. Effective date. Emergency.

� 285. Criminal procedure; creating the Anna McBride Act; authorizing mental health court pilot programs. Effective date.

� 286. Motor vehicles; providing exception for overweight vehicle. Effective date. Emergency.

� 287. Public finance; creating the Oklahoma Rural and Affordable Housing Linked Deposit Act. Effective dates. Emergency.

� 288. Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act; relating to possession and sale of pseudoephedrine products. Effective date. Emergency.

� 289. Schools; changing contents and information requirements for school improvement plans. Effective date. Emergency.

� 290. Revenue and taxation; making interest on governmental obligations issued by the Department of Transportation exempt from income tax. Effective date. Emergency.

� 291. Schools; directing the State Board of Education and the Oklahoma Commission for Teacher Preparation to conduct a joint study relating to school psychologists and speech pathologists; providing for sixth grade math teacher endorsement. Effective date. Emergency.

� 292. Oklahoma Personnel Act; relating to on-call classified employees; modifying employees eligible for minimum work requirements. Effective date. Emergency

� 293. Schools; relating to eligibility requirements for the Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program; modifying qualifications; authorize Quartz Mountain Board to adopt rules to govern Center; transfer bond funds. Emergency.

� 294. Public buildings and public works; modifying duties of the Construction and Properties Division of the Department of Central Services; repealing section relating to construction of certain facilities. Effective date.

� 295. Agriculture; requiring persons engaged in aquaculture to procure a license from the State Department of Agriculture; stating parameters for license usage; authorizing Department to conduct inspections. Effective date.

� 296. Contracts; prohibiting the printing of specified information on credit and debit card receipts. Effective date.

� 297. Railroads; changing the date on which report shall be filed; creating the Railroad Rehabilitation Act. Emergency.

� 298. Court-Appointed Advocates for Vulnerable Adults Programs; providing guidelines. Effective date. Emergency.

� 299. Economic development; enacting the Oklahoma Quality Jobs Incentive Leverage Act. Emergency.

� 300. State Board of Career and Technology Education; making appropriations to the State Board of Career and Technology Education. Effective date. Emergency

� 301. Oklahoma Board of Private Vocational Schools; making an appropriation for the Oklahoma Board of Private Vocational Schools. Effective date. Emergency.

� 302. Department of Human Services; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 303. Department of Environmental Quality; making an appropriation; providing lapse dates. Effective date. Emergency.

� 304. Indigent Defense System; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 305. Office of the State Fire Marshal; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 306. Department of Environmental Quality; making an appropriation; providing lapse dates. Effective date. Emergency.

� 307. Insurance; relating to the Insurance Commissioner and Insurance Department; modifying criteria for preparation and filing annual statements. Effective date.

� 308. Revenue and taxation; revising Small Employer Quality Jobs Incentive Act; modifying duration of and qualifications for incentive payments; modifying reporting time. Effective date. Emergency.

� 309. Court of Criminal Appeals; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 310. Prisons and reformatories; eliminating liability of sheriff for medical costs of inmate if costs are a direct result of the reckless, illegal or unauthorized actions of inmate. Effective date.

� 311. Office of the Lieutenant Governor; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 312. Professions and Occupations; modifying the Oklahoma Accountancy Act. Effective date.

� 313. Revenue and taxation; allowing income tax credit to manufacturers of advanced small wind turbines; specifying amount and qualifications therefor. Effective date.

� 314. Child support; modifying forms and procedures. Effective date.

� 315. Constitutional amendment; relating to permissible use of building funds.

� 316. Department of Tourism and Recreation; setting budgetary limitations. Emergency.

� 317. Telecommunications; making it an unlawful telemarketing practice to use certain telephone equipment or systems. Effective date. Emergency.

� 318. Motor vehicles; authorizing golf carts to be operated by persons with a physical disability or their designee within the boundries of state parks. Effective date.

� 319. Motor vehicles; providing special license plates for Oklahoma FFA; providing for design and fee; establishing revolving fund. Effective date. Emergency.

� 320. Contracts; prohibiting installation or reinstallation of certain items in vehicles. Effective date. Emergency.

� 321. Tax and taxation; authorizing donations from income tax refunds to be used for the benefit of Oklahoma Silver Haired Legislature activities; creating fund. Effective date.

� 322. Waters and water rights; relating to the Wastewater Facility Construction Revolving Loan Account and program. Emergency.

� 323. Civil procedure; stating that information provided to crime stoppers organizations is privileged. Effective date.

� 324. Crimes and punishments; relating to larceny of domestic animals; expanding to include implements of husbandry and dogs. Effective date.

� 325. State government; relating to public employee benefit programs; authorizing use of monies for recognition awards. Effective date.

� 326. Public health and safety; relating to health maintenance organizations and other managed care plans; requiring review and report. Emergency.

� 327. Mental health; modifying purpose of Inpatient Mental Health Treatment of Children Act. Effective date. Emergency.

� 328. Environment and natural resources; relating to the powers and duties of Department of Environmental Quality; requiring certification of control officers. Effective date.

� 329. Professions and occupations; creating the Nursing Workforce Task Force. Emergency.

� 330. Oklahoma Firefighters Pension and Retirement System; relating to death benefits. Effective date. Emergency.

� 331. Sunset; modifying sunset date for the entities listed in the 2002 omnibus sunset list.

� 332. Oklahoma Law Enforcement Retirement System; providing for benefit computations. Effective date. Emergency.

� 333. Tobacco products; specifying consequences of noncompliance with tobacco requirements.

� 334. Oklahoma Department of Libraries; authorizing the Department to enter into contracts for literacy services; specifying location of headquarters of the Department; specifying location duties of the Jan Eric Cartwright Memorial Library; authorizing expansion for housing state archives and records center. Effective date. Emergency.

� 335. Department of Corrections; making an appropriation for Department of Corrections. Effective date. Emergency.

� 336. Constitutional Reserve Fund; making an appropriation from the Fund to the Department of Environmental Quality. Effective date. Emergency.

� 337. Prescription drugs; creating the Oklahoma Pharmacy Connection Program. Emergency.

� 338. Workers' compensation; exempting parties from payment of search fee. Effective date.

� 339. Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation; adding additional employees to be assigned to work on oil field fraud. Effective date. Emergency.

� 340. Retirement; relating to the Oklahoma Police Pension and Retirement System; modifying disability retirement requirements and benefits. Effective date. Emergency.

� 341. Elections; modifying hours and days for in-person absentee voting.

� 342. Health Care Authority; making appropriations. Effective date. Emergency

� 343. Public finance and tourism; adding to sources of money to be deposited into fund. Emergency

� 344. Revenue and taxation; creating Oklahoma Housing Reinvestment Program Act; authorizing local governments to abate ad valorem taxes on property. Effective date.

� 345. Revenue and taxation; exempting pollution control property used by oil refineries from property taxes. Effective date

� 346. Fish and game; creating a nonresident antlerless and antlered deer hunting license; establishing fee. Effective date

� 347. Fish and game; creating a nonresident antlerless and antlered deer hunting license; establishing fee. Effective date

� 348. Counties and municipalities; providing for training; authorizing the sheriffs to apply for law enforcement grants; directing funding; requiring notification of the city-county health departments of arrests. Emergency.

� 349. Poor persons; creating the Strategic Planning Committee on the Olmstead Decision. Emergency.

� 350. Corrections; allowing lease and operation of prison facilities. Emergency.

� 351. Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation; requiring a nationally accredited laboratory; creating the Forensic Laboratory Accreditation Act. Emergency.

� 352. Public retirement systems; relating to death benefits; modifying federal income tax treatment. Effective date. Emergency.

� 353. Schools; requiring observance of one minute of silence; providing for observances.

� 354. Public retirement systems; modifying numerous procedures. Effective date. Emergency.

� 355. Oklahoma Personnel Act; relating to discipline; creating the Whistleblower Act. Effective date. Emergency.

� 356. Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education; making appropriations to the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. Effective date. Emergency.

� 357. Department of Central Services; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 358. Office of State Finance; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 359. Military Department of the State of Oklahoma; making an appropriation; stating purpose. effective date. Emergency.

� 360. Department of Human Services; relating to authority of the Department of Human Services to expend funds; modifying date. Effective date. Emergency.

� 361. Oklahoma Conservation Commission; making an appropriation to the Oklahoma Conservation Commission. Effective date. Emergency.

� 362. Oklahoma Historical Society; making an appropriation; providing lapse dates. Effective date. Emergency.

� 363. Oklahoma Scenic Rivers Commission; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 364. Oklahoma Department of Tourism and Recreation; making appropriation to the Oklahoma Department of Tourism and Recreation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 365. Office of Attorney General; making an appropriation; lapse dates. Effective date. Emergency.

� 366. Office of the Attorney General; setting budgetary limits. Effective date. Emergency.

� 367. District Courts; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 368. Department of Public Safety; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 369. Oklahoma Space Industry Development Authority; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 370. Public finance; providing fund transfers. Emergency.

� 371. Public finance and state revolving funds; transferring location of fund; providing for legislative intent for use of certain accounts. Emergency.

� 372. Revenue and taxation; relaing to income tax; increasing deduction for adoption expenses. Effective date.

� 373. Marriage and family; relating to the preferences of a child relating to custody and visitation; mandating consideration; providing findings of fact supporting actions. Emergency.

� 374. Medical care for indigent persons; creating the Community Hospitals Authority Act. Effective date. Emergency.

� 375. State boards, commissions, and authorities; providing for appointment of members upon modification of congressional districts. Effective date.

� 376. Retirement; relating to Public Employees Retirement System; modifying retirement benefits computation for certain firefighter members; modifying definition relating to normal retirement date for firefighters with Military Department. Effective date. Emergency.

� 377. Department of Health and Administrative Office of the Courts; requiring discussions regarding data on marriage and divorce; modifying requirements for posting no smoking signs. Effective date. Emergency.

� 378. Department of Human Services; relating to community services worker registry. Effecitve date.

� 379. Revenue and taxation; granting additional tax credits for space transportation vehicle providers; providing procedure. Emergency.

� 380. Elections; relating to vacancies in Congress; allowing incumbents to file resignation on some date certain; authorizing special election. Effective date.

� 381. Law enforcement; prohibiting parking in certain areas; authorizing sheriff to provide enforcement; establishing fines; modifying procedures forfeited items; allowing vehicles not to pay parking meters; relating to county sales tax; modifying procedures for initiative petition. Effective date. Emergency.

� 382. Oil and gas; prohibiting Commission on Marginally Producing Oil and Gas Wells from utilizing funds for certain purposes; providing exemption for sales of electricity used in oil dewatering projects. Emergency.

� 383. Agriculture; adding persons to list of persons who have valid pesticide applicator's license; modifying qualifications. Effective date. Emergency.

� 384. Corrections; removing provision relating to Department of Corrections providing medical care to private prison contractors; deleting reference to the O'Donoghue Rehabilitation Institute. Emergency.

� 385. Revenue and taxation; exempting tangible personal property sales made at estate sales from sales taxes. Effective date. Emergency.

� 386. Motor vehicles; requiring the Department of Public Safety to provide alternative method of testing for applicant eighteen or older who can only read Spanish. Effective date. Emergency.

� 387. Motor vehicles; relating to fees and charges for wrecker or towing services; amending definition; requiring wrecker or towing service on official rotation log to have its principal business located in Oklahoma, with exception; modifying after-hours release rate.

� 388. State Board of Education; making appropriations. Effective date. Emergency.

� 389. District attorneys and Ethics Commission; providing salary increase for district attorneys; setting salaries of Tax Commissioners. Emergency.

� 390. Courts; modifying procedures for destruction of records; modify allowed expenses; providing for removal of court reporter's materials upon termination; providing for Project Manager for the Oklahoma Court Information System; modifying expenses and procedures for jury selection. Emergency.

� 391. Public retirement systems; modifying provisions and reporting. Effective date. Emergency.

� 392. Motor vehicles; relating to cameras for motor license agents; modifying circumstances under which a motor license agent may receive a camera. Effective date. Emergency.

� 393. Revenue and taxation; modifying sales tax exemption for sales to or by churches. Effective date. Emergency.

� 394. Public retirement systems; relating to benefit increases for members of the Oklahoma Firefighters Pension and Retirement System. Effective date. Emergency.

� 395. Tulsa Race Riot; modifying requirements related to the Tulsa Race Riot Memorial Reconciliation Design Committee, the Greenwood Area Redevelopment Authority, and the Tulsa Reconciliation Education and Scholarship Program. Effective date.

� 396. Public officers and employees; relating to officers and employees of public entities who are members of the armed services; modifying compensation payment. Emergency.

� 397. Public safety; relating to the Department of Public Safety; removing references to vehicle inspections; modifying name and organizational structure of driver license examination division; modifying age for operating a farm vehicle; adding types of vehicles to list of exceptions from required tint. Effective date.

� 398. Oklahoma Firefighters Pension and Retirement System; relating to administration of the system. Effective date. Emergency.

� 399. Oklahoma Law Enforcement Retirement System; providing for administration of benefits. Effective date. Emergency.

� 400. Marriage and family; relating to procedures for divorce, annulment, legal separation and the custody of children. Effective date.

� 401. State government; creating Legislative Review of State Audits Act; providing definitions; providing procedures. Effective date.

� 402. Inmate lawsuits; modifying provisions regarding prisoner litigation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 403. Supreme Court and Court of Civil Appeals; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 404. Transportation; making appropriations for the Department of Transportation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 405. Criminal procedure; re-creating the Racial and Social Economic Statistical Analysis on Imprisonment Task Force; modifying duties. Emergency.

� 406. Teachers' Retirement System; authorizing certain persons to file for retirement when otherwise eligible. Effective date. Emergency.

� 407. Cities and towns; relating to building codes and municipal ordinances; authorizing municipalities to adopt code. Effective date.

� 408. Professions and occupations; relating to the Oklahoma Pharmacy Act; modifying and adding definitions; modifying duties of the State Board of Pharmacy. Emergency.

� 409. Health insurance; requiring health insurance carriers to furnish specified data to certain employers. Effective date. Emergency.

� 410. Motor vehicles; relating to tests used to determine concentration of alcohol or other intoxicating substances. Effective date.

� 411. Public health and safety; requiring the Oklahoma Health Care Authority to study the feasibility of implementing one or more disease state management programs. Emergency.

� 412. Telecommunications; relating to the Oklahoma Underground Facilities Damage Prevention Act; modifying definitions; making an excavator liable for damages to underground facilities. Effective date. Emergency.

� 413. Children; relating to custody or guardianship of children. Effective date.

� 414. Governmental operations; relating to school district's use of construction management; modifying sworn statement requirements for invoices submitted by contractors to political subdivisions. Effective date. Emergency.

� 415. Criminal procedure; authorizing address confidentiality program for victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault or stalking. Effective date.

� 416. Revenue and taxation; modifying gross production tax rate on gas; modifying qualifications for gross production tax exemptions. Effective date. Emergency.

� 417. Motor vehicles; relating to registration of manufactured homes; modifying procedures for registration; modifying type of documentation required for transportation of manufactured homes. Effective date. Emergency.

� 418. Schools; modifying permitted uses of flexible benefit allowance; requiring school districts to pay fifty percent of cost of health care for employees; requiring school districts to reduce administrative expenses. Effective date. Emergency.

� 419. Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 420. Secretary of State; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 421. Department of Libraries; setting budget limits. Effective date. Emergency.

� 422. Securities Commission; eliminating certain fees charged by Securities Commission; creating the Department of Securities Investor Education Revolving Fund. Effective date. Emergency.

� 423. Department of Agriculture; making appropriations. Effective date. Emergency.

� 424. Department of Labor; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 425. Native American Cultural Authority; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 426. District Courts; modifying number of judges for certain district; authorizing appointment of judge for certain purpose; authorizing limited waiver of judicial training requirement. Effective dates. Emergency.

� 427. Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 428. Board of Medicolegal Investigations; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 429. Department of Corrections; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 430. Corporation Commission; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 431. Office of the Governor; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 432. Office of the State Treasurer; making appropriations. Effective date. Emergency.

� 433. Office of Juvenile Affairs; setting budget limits. Effective date. Emergency.

� 434. State Election Board; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 435. State employees; unclassifying positions in certain state agencies. Emergency.

� 436. Education; modifying amounts of appropriations to the State Board of Education. Effective date. Emergency.

� 437. Education; exempting appointed members of Education Oversight Board from dual office holding prohibition; stating intent for a Technology Intern Partner Program to be developed; authorizing school districts to operate as federal Head Start program grantees. Effective date. Emergency.

� 438. Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System; modifying procedure for surviving spouse; modifying definition of compensation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 439. State and education employee benefits; relating to the Oklahoma State Employees Benefits Council; not requiring health maintenance organizations to follow standardized service areas or offer Medicare supplement plan. Effective date. Emergency.

� 440. Cities and towns; relating to the Municipal Budget Act; providing for consideration of unexpended appropriation balances and encumbrances to be made by governing body; amending exception when amounts may be reappropriated. Effective date.

� 441. Revenue and taxation; modifying income tax credits relating to child care. Effective date.

� 442. Motor vehicles; merging duplicate sections. Emergency.

� 443. Criminal procedure; relating to the return of property in custody of law enforcement; providing judicial procedures for return of property; prohibiting return of firearms. Effective date. Emergency.

� 444. Motor vehicles; relating to accident reports; providing exemption; restricting disclosure of confidential information; providing penalties; removing authorization for operation of power wheelchairs and power scooters on roadways. Effective date.

� 445. Children; relating to order of preference for custody of a child; modifying the Subsidized Adoption Act. Effective date.

� 446. Schools; relating to performance review of school districts; modifying authority. Emergency.

� 447. Elections; relating to voter registration, ballots, recounts, vacancies in offices; in-person absentee voting; specifying information on voter registration; authorizing family members of military personnel the right to vote. Effective date. Emergency.

� 448. State government; increasing limit for inventory of certain property; modifying terms of leases by State Regents. Effective date. Emergency.

� 449. Professions and Occupations; modifying fees relating to the Home Inspection Licensing Act; modifying date after which individuals must be licensed. Emergency.

� 450. Employee benefits; relating to the State and Education Employees Group Insurance Board and the Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System; allowing continued insurance for retirees; allowing payments be made toward retiree premiums. Effective date. Emergency.

� 451. State government; relating to state employee leave of absence for organ donation; subjecting scheduling of leave to approval. Effective date. Emergency.

� 452. Labor; amending the Employment Security Act; providing basis for unemployment benefits; modifying procedures; authorizing filing of appeals by telephone. Effective dates. Emergency.

� 453. Schools; authorizing enrollment of students on a part-time basis; authorizing remedial educational services through remote internet-based instruction; providing formulas for calculation of state aid; authorizing credit for core curriculum courses at technology centers. Effective date. Emergency.

� 454. Motor vehicles; modifying procedure for transfer of ownership of vehicles declared a total loss due to theft; allowing credit against vehicle registration fees for vehicles which are replacements for vehicles destroyed by tornado. Effective date. Emergency.

� 455. Crimes and punishments; enhancing punishment for rape, forcible sodomy, lewd molestation, sexual abuse of a child after former conviction of offenses. Emergency.

� 456. Public health and safety; modifying the Nine-One-One Wireless Emergency Number Act. Effective date.

� 457. Professions and Occupations; authorizing Construction Industries Board to take actions; allowing fees; modifying time frame for license renewal. Effective date. Emergency.

� 458. Revenue and taxation; allowing tax amnesty program; modifying various administrative procedures relating to the Oklahoma Tax Commission. Effective dates. Emergency.

� 459. Retirement; Teachers' Retirement System of Oklahoma; modifying language. Effective date. Emergency.

� 460. Criminal procedure; deleting requirement of residency for assistant district attorneys; providing for setting of compensation; defining life imprisonment and life without parole; seizure and forfeiture; expanding authority to seize items; removing conduct for embezzlement that would be criminal offense; modifying definitions of crimes. Effective date.

� 461. Crimes and punishments; expanding powers of courts relating to child support. Effective date.

� 462. Torts; relating to responsibility for negligence; deleting exception; relating to exemplary damages; declaring certain damage awards void; relating to the Utilization of Unused Prescription Medications Act; limiting liability of entities. Effective date. Emergency.

� 463. Public health and safety; relating to phenylketonuria and related inborn metabolic disorders; expanding areas to be included in educational programs and providing bases for expansion. Effective date.

� 464. Criminal procedure; relating to the powers of the court; authorizing reimbursement to law enforcement agencies for cost of drug laboratory clean-up; directing court clerk to retain percentage; providing for deposit. Emergency.

� 465. Prisons and reformatories; removing program restriction for persons convicted of drug distribution; removing capacity limit for community work centers. Effective date. Emergency.

� 466. Criminal procedure; relating to victims protection orders for victims of rape and forcible sodomy; deleting certain definitions. Emergency.

� 467. Redistricting; renumbering certain Senate districts. Emergency.

� 468. Civil procedure; conforming certain procedural requirements. Effective date.

� 469. Professions and occupations; relating to licensure requirements of mortgage brokers. Effective date.

� 470. Public health and safety; relating to direct-care staff to resident ratio; modifying ratio; providing procedures for investigating nontechnical services workers Effective date. Emergency.

� 471. State Capitol and Capitol Building; authorizing purchase and construction of laboratory buildings for Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 472. Motor vehicles; modifying provisions regarding motorcycle safety and education program of the Department of Public Safety. Effective date. Emergency.

� 473. Children; modifying provisions regarding programs for juvenile offenders. Effective date.

� 474. Motor vehicles; relating to the Oklahoma Motor Carrier Safety and Hazardous Materials Act. Emergency.

� 475. Criminal procedure; modifying expungement of records. Emergency.

� 476. Economic development; relating to certain public trusts; modifying publication requirements for public hearings. Emergency.

� 477. Terrorism; creating the Oklahoma Anti-terrorism Act; criminalizing acts. Emergency.

� 478. Soldiers and sailors; relating to the Department of Veterans Affairs; adding unclassified positions; modifying definition of open record. Effective date. Emergency.

� 479. Retirement; Teachers' Retirement System of Oklahoma; providing for benefit increase calculation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 480. Career technology and higher education; changing name of Tulsa County Technology Center School District; removing authority of State Board of Career and Technology Education to approve Tulsa Community College budget. Emergency.

� 481. Public finance; modifying terminology; providing for validation of portion of bond issue; authorizing services of bond attorneys; modifying contracting authority of Capitol Improvement Authority. Emergency.

� 482. Revenue and taxation; increasing dedicated revenue of the Teachers' Retirement System of Oklahoma. Effective date. Emergency.

� 483. Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act; modifying powers and duties of director. Effective date. Emergency.

� 484. State government; enacting the Oklahoma Science and Technology Research and Development Act. Effective date. Emergency.

� 485. Waters and water rights; establishing a three-year moratorium on sale or exportation of water outside of Oklahoma by public entities; creating the Joint Committee on Water Planning. Emergency.

� 486. Public finance; creating the Rural Economic Development Loan Act. Effective date.

� 487. Children; relating to the Child Abuse Reporting and Prevention Act; modifying and expanding definitions; providing for approval of freestanding multidisciplinary teamsrelating to Child Abuse Multidisciplinary Account; modifying disbursement provisions. Effective date. Emergency.

� 488. Mental health; providing Mental Health Code revisions. Effective date.

� 489. Public health and safety; creating the Oklahoma Medicaid Accountability and Outcomes Act. Effective date.

� 490. Judicial redistricting; describing electoral divisions of judicial districts. Emergency.

� 491. Office of Personnel Management; making an appropriation; stating purpose. Effective date. Emergency.

� 492. Oklahoma Water Resources Board; making an appropriation; lapse dates. Effective date. Emergency.

� 493. Oklahoma Water Resources Board; requiring budget categories and amounts. Effective date. Emergency.

� 494. Oklahoma Department of Commerce; establishing budget limits and categories; allocating funds. Effective date. Emergency.

� 495. Statutes and reports; enacting the Oklahoma Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Act. Effective date. Emergency.

� 496. House of Representatives; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 497. Legislative Service Bureau; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 498. State Senate; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency

� 499. Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Service; making appropriations. Effective date. Emergency.

� 500. Office of Juvenile Affairs; making an appropriation. Effective date. Emergency.

� 501. Insurance; establishing fiduciary responsibilities for the State Employees Benefits Council and the State and Education Employees Group Insurance Board; ensuring participants have options on vision plans. Effective date. Emergency.

� 502. Waste tires; removing exemption for waste tire fees relating to out-of-state recycling facilities; requiring tires to be collected and transported to conservation project sites; providing for compensation; modifying procedures for reimbursement or payments for playground surfacing material. Emergency.

� 503. Revenue and taxation; modifying exemptions from sales taxes; modifying dates sales taxes must be remitted and reported; providing for adjustment of federal adjusted gross income or federal taxable income for income tax returns; modify duties relating to ad valorem taxes. Emergency.