Index of Available Documents

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anzeigen Levels

Title 21. Crimes and Punishments�

Chapter 1 - Preliminary Provisions

� 1. Short Title

� 2. Definition and Limitation on Criminal Acts

� 3. Definition of Crime and Public Offense

� 4. Two Types of Crimes

� 5. Definition of Felony

� 6. Definition of Misdemeanor

� 7. Purpose of Title

� 8. Punishments Inflicted Upon Conviction

� 9. Punishment of Felonies

� 10. Punishment of Misdemeanors - Generally

� 11. Specific Statutes in Other Chapters as Governing - Acts Punishable in Different Ways

� 12. Repealed

� 12.1. Minimum Sentences - Effective Date

� 13. Repealed

� 13.1. Required Service of Minimum Percentage of Sentence - Offenses Specified

� 13.1. Required Service of Minimum Percentage of Sentence - Offenses Specified

� 14. Repealed

� 15. Repealed

� 16. Repealed

� 17. Repealed

� 18. Repealed

� 19. Uniform Reporting Standard

� 20.1. Repealed

� 20.2. Repealed

� 20.3. Repealed

� 20.4. Repealed

Oklahoma Sentencing Modernization Act of 2024

� 20A. Short Title - Felony Classification System

� 20B. Class Y Criminal Offenses - Punishment

� 20C. Class A1 Criminal Offenses - Punishment

� 20D. Class A2 Criminal Offenses - Punishment

� 20E. Class A3 Criminal Offenses - Punishment

� 20F. Class B1 Criminal Offenses - Punishment

� 20G. Class B2 Criminal Offenses - Punishment

� 20H. Class B3 Criminal Offenses - Punishment

� 20I. Class B4 Criminal Offenses - Punishment

� 20J. Class B5 Criminal Offenses - Punishment

� 20K. Class B6 Criminal Offenses - Punishment

� 20L. Class C1 Criminal Offenses - Punishment

� 20M. Class C2 Criminal Offenses - Punishment

� 20N. Class D1 Criminal Offenses - Punishment

� 20O. Class D2 Criminal Offenses - Punishment

� 20P. Class D3 Criminal Offenses - Punishment

� 20Q. Minimum Time Served Requirements - Instruction to Jury

Chapter 2 - General Provisions

Miscellaneous Provisions

� 21. Prohibited Act a Misdemeanor Unless Otherwise Stated

� 22. Acts Resulting in Gross Injury - Misdemeanor

� 23. Repealed

� 24. Act Punishable in Foreign Jurisdiction

� 25. Repealed

� 26. Criminal Acts Also Punishable as Contempt

� 27. Imprisonment or Fines as Mitigation

� 28. Aiding in Commission of Misdemeanor - Penalty

� 29. Mailings - Completion - Place of Offense

� 30. Omission to Perform - Performance by Another


� 41. Attempt as Lesser Included Offense

� 42. Punishment for Attempt

� 43. Unsuccessful Attempt - Punishment for Different Crime

� 44. Attempt Defined

Second and Subsequent Offenses

� 51. Repealed

� 51.1. Punishment for Second and Subsequent Offenses after Conviction of Offense Punishable by Imprisonment in State Penitentiary

� 51.1a. Second Offense - First Degree Rape, Sodomy, Lewd Molestation, Sexual Abuse of a Child

� 51.2. Punishment for Second and Subsequent Offenses after Conviction of Offense Punishable by Imprisonment in State Penitentiary -- Exclusions

� 51.3. Repealed

� 51A. Repealed

� 52. Repealed

� 53. Concealment of Birth or Death of Illegitimate Child-Punishment for Subsequent Offense

� 54. Punishment When Previously Convicted in Other State, Government or Country

Sentence and Imprisonment

� 61. Repealed

� 61.1. Sentences to be Served in Order Received by Penal Institution - Concurrent Sentences - Credit for Good Conduct

� 61.2. Sentences to Run Concurrent with Federal Court or Another State's Court Sentence

� 61.3. Parole - Revocation - Relinquishment of Custody

� 61.4. Suspended Sentence - Revocation - Relinquishment of Custody

� 61.5. Return to State to Complete Sentence

� 62. Repealed

� 62.1. Discretion of Court When Duration of Imprisonment is Not Prescribed

� 63. Repealed

� 64. Fine in Addition to Imprisonment or Community Punishment

� 65. Civil Rights Suspended

� 66. Repealed

� 67. Punishment for Injury to Convicts Under Protection of Law

� 68. Forfeiture of Property Expressly Imposed

Perjury on Examination of Privileged Witness

� 81. Privileged Testimony and Perjury


� 91. Application

� 92. Definition of Willfully

� 93. Definitions of Neglect, Negligence, Negligent, Negligently

� 94. Definition of Corruptly

� 95. Definitions - Malice, Maliciously

� 96. Definitions - Knowingly

� 97. Definitions - Bribe

� 98. Definitions - Vessel

� 99. Definitions - Peace Officer

� 99a. Definitions - Peace Officer - Powers

� 100. Definitions - Signature

� 101. Definitions - Writing

� 102. Definition - Real Property

� 103. Definition - Personal Property

� 104. Definition - Property

� 105. Definition - Person

� 106. "Person" Used to Designate Party Whose Property may be Subject of an Offense

� 107. Construction - Singular Includes the Plural

� 108. Gender

� 109. Present Tense of Words

� 110. Definition - Intent to Defraud

� 111. Definition - Force

� 112. Definition - Sexual Assault

� 113. Definition - Consent

Other Remedies and Punishments

� 131. No Affect on Civil Remedies

� 132. Impeachment or Removal from Office

� 133. No Effect on Military Judicial Authority

Fine and Penalties

� 141. Disposition of Fines to School Fund

Oklahoma Crime Victims Compensation Act

� 142.1. Intent of Legislature

� 142.2. Short Title

� 142.3. Definitions

� 142.4. Crime Victims Compensation Board - Membership - Qualifications -Term - Vacancies - Officers - Expenses

� 142.5. Powers of Board Relating to Claims for Compensation - Office and Staff Support

� 142.6. Additional Powers of Board

� 142.7. Collateral Source Contributions

� 142.8. Parties - Right to Appear - Hearing - Notice - Settlement of Claim

� 142.9. Waiver of Privilege - Mental or Physical Examination - Reports - Advisory Panel - Limits of Compensation - Confidentiality of Records - Debt Collection

� 142.10. Award of Compensation - Criteria - Amount - Denial, Withdrawal or Reduction - Reconsideration

� 142.11. Prosecution or Conviction Not Required-Proof of Conviction-Suspension of Proceedings

� 142.12. Recovery from Collateral Source - Subrogation of State - Retention of Funds in Trust - Notice to Board

� 142.13. Payment of Award - Exemption from Process - Assignment

� 142.14. Advancement on Award

� 142.15. Report to be made by Board

� 142.16. False Claims

� 142.17. Crime Victims Compensation Revolving Fund

� 142.18. Victim Compensation Assessments

� 142.19. Administration of Sexual Assault Examination Fund -Transfer

� 142.20. Sexual Assault Examination Fund - Establishment

Murrah Crime Victims Compensation Act

� 142.31. Short Title

� 142.32. Murrah Crime Victims Compensation Fund

� 142.33. Administrator's Authority to Process and Pay Claims

� 142.34. Compensable Losses - Additional Monies

� 142.35. Denial of Claim and the Oklahoma Crime Victims Compensation Act

� 142.36. Administrator's Authority to Promulgate Rules

Oklahoma Victim's Rights Act

� 142A. Short Title

� 142A-1. Definitions

� 142A-2. Duty of District Attorney to Inform Victims and Witnesses of Rights

� 142A-3. Officers' Duties to Inform Victims of Violent Crimes of Rights - Lethality Assessment

� 142A-4. Persons Entitled to Relief Under the Protection from Domestic Abuse Act - Petition for Protective Order

� 142A-5. Availability of Restitution Form - Duty of Victim to Provide Evidence - Unexcused Failure or Refusal to Provide Requisite Information

� 142A-6. Victim's Priority Interest in Proceeds or Profits Received by Court From Offender

� 142A-7. Application on Behalf of Minor or Incapacitated Person for Address Confidentiality Program

� 142A-8. Victim Impact Statements

� 142A-9. Certain Information of Victim Not Disclosed if Requested

� 142A-10. Picture Buttons

� 142A-11. Application for Return of Items Owned by Victim Used or Held for Trial

� 142A-12. Victim's Right to Contest Parole - Notification of Parole Hearing - Failure to Receive Notice - Notification of Placement

� 142A-13. Notification of Parole or Pardon - Address of Person Receiving Pardon or Parole

� 142A-14. Persons Allowed to View Execution

� 142B. Attorneys Fees - Litigation Costs

Sexual Assault Victims' Right to Information Act

� 142C. Definitions

� 142C-1. Additional Rights of Victims

� 142C-2. Victim's Right to Speak with Sexual Assault Victims' Advocate

� 142C-3. Victim's Right to Advocate during Interview - No Discouragement of Medical Examination or Reporting

� 142C-4. Restrictions on Sexual Assault Forsensic Evidence

� 142C-5. Initial Interaction - Victim's Rights - Requirements for Enforcement Officier or Medical Provider

Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence (SAFE) Board

� 143. Board - Chair, Vice-Chair - Powers and Duties - Annual Report

� 143.1. Members - Meetings - Adminstrative Assistance

Chapter 3 - Persons Liable to Punishment

� 151. Persons Liable to Punishment

� 152. Persons Capable of Committing Crimes - Exceptions

� 153. Voluntary Intoxication Not Mitigating

� 154. Morbid Propensity No Defense

� 155. Subjection to Superior Exonerates

� 156. Defense of Duress

� 157. Repealed

� 158. Repealed

� 159. Repealed

� 160. Diplomatic Immunity

Chapter 4 - Parties to Crime

� 171. Classifications of Parties to Crimes

� 172. Definition of Principals

� 173. Sergeant Craig Johnson Act

� 174. No Accessories in Misdemeanor

� 175. Accessory to Felony - Punishment

Chapter 5 - Crimes Relating to Elections

� 181. Betting or Wagering on Elections

� 182. Unlawful Offers by Election Candidates

� 183. Communication of Unlawful Offer

� 187. Definitions

� 187.1. Limits on Contributions to Candidates - Exemption - Contributions by Intermediary - Penalty

� 187.2. Contributions by Corporation Prohibited - Exceptions - Penalty

Illegal Voting or Registration

� 191. Repealed

� 192. Repealed

� 193. Repealed

� 194. Repealed

� 195. Repealed

� 196. Repealed

� 197. Repealed

� 198. Repealed

� 199. Repealed

� 200. Repealed

� 201. Repealed

� 202. Repealed

Disturbances and Intimidation

� 211. Repealed

� 212. Repealed

� 213. Repealed

� 214. Repealed

� 215. Repealed

� 216. Repealed

� 217. Repealed

� 218. Repealed

� 219. Repealed

Ballot Boxes and Poll Lists

� 231. Repealed

� 232. Repealed

Offenses by or Concerning Election Officers

� 241. Repealed

� 242. Repealed

� 243. Repealed

Application of Provisions

� 251. Repealed

� 252. Repealed

� 253. Repealed

� 254. Repealed

Chapter 6 - Crimes Against the Executive Power

� 261. Acceptance of Public Office Without Oath or Security - Penalty

� 262. Validity of Acts

� 263. Pretending to be Executive Officer - Punishment

� 264. Holding Oneself Out as Deputy Sheriff, Peace Officer, etc. - Penalty

� 265. Bribe to Executive Officer - Penalty

� 266. Receiving a Bribe - Penalty

� 267. Attempt to Prevent Performance of Executive Duty - Penalty

� 268. Resistance to Executive Officer's Performance of Duty

� 269. Acceptance of Emolument, Gratuity, or Reward - Penalty

� 270. Acceptance of Emolument, Gratuity or Reward for Omission to Perform Duty

� 271. Acceptance of Unearned Fees

� 272. Procurement of Executive Authority of Governor - Penalty

� 273. Offer of Gratuity or Reward for Appointment - Penalty

� 274. Receiving Gratuity or Reward for Appointment - Penalty

� 275. Acceptance of Gratuity or Reward for Appointment or Exercise of Office - Penalty

� 276. Grant or Deputation Made Contrary to §§ 274 and 275 Void - Acts Not Invalid

� 277. Exercise of Authority after End of Term - Penalty

� 278. Wrongful Refusal to Surrender Seal or Books - Misdemeanor

� 279. Applicable to Administrative Officers

� 280. Willfully Disturbing, Interfering With or Disrupting State Business, Political Subdivisions, Agency Operations, or Employees

� 281. False Statements Made During Internal State Agency Investigations - Penalty - Notice

� 282. Entry into Restricted Area - Disruptive Conduct - Obstruction - Acts of Physical Violence - Penalty - Prosecution

Chapter 7 - Crimes Against the Legislative Power

� 301. Prevention of Legislative Meetings - Penalty

� 302. Disturbing Legislative Proceedings - Penalty

� 302.1. Refusal to Leave Legislative Chambers, Galleries and Offices - Penalty

� 303. Forceful or Fraudulent Adjournment - Penalty

� 304. Preventing Legislative Member or Personnel from Performing Official Duties - Penalty

� 305. Compelling or Attempting to Compel the Legislature to Pass, Amend or Reject Bill or Resolution - Punishment

� 306. Fraudulent Alteration of Draft Bill or Resolution - Penalty

� 307. Fraudulent Alteration of the Engrossed Copy or Enrollment of Bill - Penalty

� 308. Offer of Bribe to Legislator - Penalty

� 309. Legislator Asking for or Receiving Bribe - Penalty

� 310. Failure to Appear before Legislature - Penalty

� 311. Refusal to Testify or Produce Documents to Legislature - Penalty

� 312. Conviction of Legislator Requires Forfeiture of Office

� 313. Repealed

� 314. Repealed

� 315. Repealed

� 316. Repealed

� 317. Repealed

� 318. Gift or Offer of Gift to Influence Legislator - Acceptance by Legislator

� 319. Repealed

� 320. Penalty for Violation

� 321. Members of Legislature - Soliciting Money for Securing Employment

� 322. Penalty

Soliciting Funds To Promote Legislation

� 331. Lobbying - Soliciting Funds - Receipts - Filed with Oklahoma Tax Commission

� 332. Records Confidential

� 333. Violations of Act

� 334. Compensating Lobbyists on Contingent Basis Prohibited - Penalty

Chapter 8 - Crimes Against State Property and Revenue

� 341. Embezzlement of State Property - Penalty

� 341.1. Postage Meter - Unlawful Use

� 342. Filling of Office Vacancy upon Suspension of Occupant

� 343. Willful Violation of Law Regulating Official Conduct - Penalty

� 344. Personal Interest of Official in Transaction - Penalty

� 345. Officer's Refusal to Perform Official Duties

� 346. Obstruction of the Collection of Taxes or State Revenue - Penalty

� 347. Application of § 346

� 348. Willful Neglect by State Officers

� 349. Destruction of Public Buildings - Punishment

� 350. Seizure of Arms, Military Stores, Supplies - Punishment

� 351. False Statements Made as Basis of Imposing Tax or Assessment - Penalty

� 352. Unlawful Issuance or Payment of Bonds in Excess of Appropriation or Fund

� 353. Purchase of Bonds or Warrants by Interested Officer Unlawful

� 354. Penalty for Violation of §§ 352 and 353

� 355. Furnishing Public Supplies for Consideration - Exceptions

� 356. Violation of § 355 Renders Contracts Void - Personal Liability

� 357. Punishment for Violation

� 358. False, Fictitious, or Fraudulent Claims Against State

� 359. Penalties

� 360. Coercing or Advising State Employees to Contribute to Political Activities - Retaliation Against Employee - Penalty

� 361. Use of Trading Stamps, Coupons, Tickets, Certificates, etc., Issued by Reason of Purchases from State Funds Prohibited

� 362. Issuance of Trading Stamps, Tickets, Certificates, etc., Resulting from Purchases by State Prohibited

� 363. Violations and Penalty

� 364. Repealed

Chapter 9 - Offenses Related to Flags

� 371. Penalty for Using Flag in Advertising

� 372. Mutilation, Treating with Indignity or Destroying Flag - Definitions

� 373. Penalty

� 374. Display of Red Flag or Emblem of Disloyalty

� 375. Raising Certain Flags Over Tax-Supported Property Prohibited - Penalty

Chapter 10 - Bribery and Corruption

� 380. Bribery of Fiduciary - Penalty - Definitions

� 380.1. Commercial Bribery Involving an Insured Depository Institution or Credit Union

� 381. Bribing Officers

� 382. Officers Receiving Bribes

� 383. Bribery of Judicial Officers, Jurors, etc. - Penalty

� 384. Acceptance of Bribe by Juror, Arbitrator, etc. - Penalty

� 385. Acts Prohibited by Juror - Penalty

� 386. Acceptance of Gifts by Judicial Officer, Juror, etc. - Penalty

� 387. Definition of Gift

� 388. Attempts to Influence Juror - Penalty

� 389. Improper Conduct in Drawing Jury Names

� 390. Misconduct of Officer in Charge of Jury

� 399. Athletic Contests - Bribery - Punishment

� 400. Acceptance of Bribe in Connection with Athletic Contest - Punishment

� 401. Prizes and Rewards

� 402. Violations of Bribery Laws - Forfeiture of Monies and Properties

� 403. Court to Order Monies or Properties Seized

� 404. Hearing - Order of Forfeiture - Sale

� 405. Appeals - Disposition of Proceeds of Sale

� 406. Fees in Addition to Salary

Chapter 11 - Conspiracy

� 421. Conspiracy - Definition - Punishment

� 422. Conspiracy by Persons Outside of the State

� 423. Act Required for Conspiracy

� 424. Punishment for Conspiracy Against State

� 425. Pattern of Criminal Offenses - Definition - Penalties - Jurisdiction and Venue

Chapter 12 - Escape and Aiding Escape

� 431. Escaped Prisoners - Imprisonment Despite Expiration of Sentence

� 434. Attempting Escape from Penitentiary - Penalty

� 436. Attempt to Escape from Prison Not a Penitentiary

� 437. Assisting Escape of Prisoner - Punishment

� 438. Providing Prisoner Useful Aids to Escape - Punishment

� 439. Concealment of Escaped Prisoner - Penalty

� 440. Harboring a Fugitive - Penalty - Aiding a Sex Offender - Penalty

� 441. Assisting Prisoner in Escape from Officer - Penalty

� 442. Definition of Prisoner

� 443. Escape from Penal Institutions - Juvenile Escape

� 443a. Additional Punishment

� 444. Escape or Attempt to Escape From Arrest or Detention - Electronic Monitoring Devices

� 445. Unauthorized Entry into Prison Institutions

� 446. Transporting, Moving, Concealing, Harboring, or Sheltering Aliens Illegally Present in the United States - Destroying, Hiding, Altering, Absconding With or Keeping Documentation

Chapter 13 - Crimes Relating to Evidence

� 451. Offering Forged or Fraudulent Evidence

� 452. Practicing Fraud or Deceit on a Witness

� 453. False Preparation of Exhibits as Evidence

� 454. Destroying Evidence - Penalty

� 455. Preventing Witness from Giving Testimony

� 456. Bribing Witness to Falsely Testify - Subornation of Perjury

Chapter 14 - Crimes Relating to Public Records and Documents

� 461. Theft, Destruction, etc. of Records by Custodian

� 462. Theft, Destruction, etc. of Records by Others - Penalty

� 463. Offering False or Forged Instruments for Recordation

� 464. Forgery of Name on Court Documents, etc.

� 465. Disclosing Information about the Investigation - Misdemeanor - Exceptions

Chapter 15 - Free Franks or Passes

� 471. Repealed

Chapter 16 - Nepotism

� 481. Employment of Relatives Unlawful - Divorce Terminates Limitation - Exception

� 484.1. Applicability of 21 O.S. §§ 481-484

� 482. Unlawful Salary Payments to Ineligible Persons

� 483. Unlawful to Appoint Relatives

� 484. Prohibition on Relatives Holding Office, Clerkship, etc.

� 485. Penalty for Violation

� 486. Removal from Office Upon Violation

� 486.1. Exemption of Board Member from Any Discussion of a Related Employee

� 487. Executive, Legislative, Ministerial or Judicial Officers

Chapter 17 - Perjury

� 491. Perjury Defined - Defense

� 492. Definition of Oath

� 493. Oath of Office Not Intended

� 494. Irregular Administration of Oath No Defense

� 495. Incompetency of the Accused No Defense

� 496. Contradictory Statements as Perjury

� 497. Deposition or Certificate - Time of Completion

� 498. Degree of Proof Required

� 499. Defenses to Charges of Perjury

� 500. Perjury - Penalty

� 501. Committal of Person to Prison or Taking a Recognizance Upon Perjury

� 502. Binding Over the Witnesses to Appear

� 503. Court Order to Detain Papers and Documents

� 504. Perjury by Subornation - Attempted Perjury by Subornation

� 505. Subornation of Perjury - Punishment

� 506. Repealed

Chapter 18 - Rescues

� 521. Rescuing Prisoner by Force or Fraud

� 522. Injuring or Taking Property from Officer

Chapter 19 - Other Crimes Against Public Justice

� 531. Destroying Official Records - Misappropriation by Sheriff, Coroner, Clerk, etc. - Penalty

� 532. Penalty for Officer Allowing Escape

� 533. Officer Refusal to Receive Prisoner

� 534. Delaying Taking Prisoner before Magistrate

� 535. Arresting Person Under Pretense Authority

� 536. Unlawful Execution of Search Warrant

� 537. Refusal to Aid Officer in Arrest

� 538. Refusal to Arrest Another

� 539. Resisting Execution of Process

� 540. Obstruction of Public Officer - Recording the Activity of an Officer in a Public Area

� 540A. Eluding Peace Officer

� 540B. Roadblocks

� 540C. Fortifying Access Point to a Place Where a Felony is Being Committed - Penalty

� 541. Unlawful Oath

� 542. Unlawful Administration of Oath

� 543. Compounding or Concealing Crime

� 544. Compounding or Delaying Prosecution

� 545. Threatening or Intimidating Judicial Officer, Juror, etc. - Penalty

� 546. Suppression of Evidence - Penalty

� 547. Taking Conveyance of Land Involved in Suit

� 548. Buying or Selling Land Under Pretended Right or Title

� 549. Mortgage Allowed on Adversely Possessed Lands

� 550. Definition of Common Barratry

� 551. Common Barratry - Penalty

� 552. Repealed

� 553. Party in Interest No Defense to Barratry

� 554. Attorney Buying Evidence of Debt - Misleading Court

� 555. Prosecution or Partner Aiding Defense - Penalty - Forfeiture of License

� 556. Prosecution Aiding or Advising Defense - Penalty

� 557. Attorney Defending Himself

� 559. Attorney, etc. Advancing Loan

� 562. Payment of Evidence of Debt for Property, Services, etc. Allowed

� 563. Application of Sections Relating to Buying Claims

� 564. Testimony Regarding Buying or Selling Claims - Privilege

� 565. Definition of Direct Contempt and Indirect Contempt

� 565.1. Judge's Power to Cite Contempt, Impose Censure - Notice and Opportunity - Sanction

� 566. Punishment for Contempt - Failure to Comply Child Support and Other Orders

� 566.1. Indirect Contempt for Failure to Comply With Order for Child Support, Child Support Arrears, or Other Support

� 567. Indirect Contempt - Notice - Trial by Jury - Appearance Bond

� 567A. Violation of Child Custody Court Order - Defense - Emergency or Protective Custody

� 567B. Failure to Appear for Jury Service - Good Cause - Sanctions, Penalties

� 568. Substance of Offense Made Part of Record

� 569. Application to Another Judge to Stay Trial - Penalty

� 570. Grand Juror Participating After Challenge

� 571. Magistrate or Clerk Permitting Deposition

� 572. Permitting Inspection of Deposition Returned by Grand Jury

� 573. Concealing Real and Personal Property After Lawful Order

� 575. Deceit, Collusion, Delay of Suit, etc. by Attorney - Penalty

� 576. Unlawful Use of Attorney's Name

� 577. Lawful Use of Attorney's Name

� 578. Fraudulently Producing Infant to Receive Inheritance or Property

� 579. Substituting One Child for Another

� 580. Public Officer's Willful Neglect to Perform Duty

� 581. Public Officer's Willful Omission to Perform Duty

� 582. Disclosing Content of Sealed Presentment or Indictment

� 583. Disclosing Proceedings of Grand Jury

� 584. Instituting Legal Action or Making Arrest in Name of Nonexistent Person

� 586. Unlawful Communication with Convict

� 587. Public Officer Making False Certificate or Writing - Penalty

� 588. Grand or Petit Juries - Recording of or Listening to Proceedings - Penalty

� 589. False Reports of Crime - Penalty

� 590. Maintenance of Financial and Business Records - Violations

� 591. Attorney's Use of Agent Runners Prohibited - Exception - Penalty

� 592. Definitions

Chapter 20 - Assault and Battery

� 641. Definition of Assault

� 642. Definition of Battery

� 643. Lawful Use of Force Upon Another - Circumstances

� 644. Punishment for Assault and Battery

� 644. Punishment for Assault and Battery

� 644.1. Domestic Abuse with Prior Pattern of Physical Abuse - Penalty

� 645. Assault, Battery, or Assault and Battery with Dangerous Weapon

� 646. Aggravated Assault and Battery Defined

� 647. Punishment for Aggravated Assault and Battery

� 648. Definitions

� 649. Assault and Battery Upon Police Officer, Sheriff, etc. - Penalties

� 649.1. Mistreating or Interfering with Police Dog or Horse - Penalty

� 649.2. Killing Police Dog or Horse - Penalty

� 649.3. Unlawful Treatment of Service Dog

� 650. Aggravated Assault and Battery upon Law Officers

� 650.1. Athletic Contests - Assault and Battery upon Referee, Umpire, Etc.

� 650.2. Aggravated Assault and Battery Upon Certain State Agency Employees

� 650.3. Interference with Emergency Medical Technicians or Care Providers - Punishment

� 650.4. Assault and Battery Upon Medical Care Provider - Penalty

� 650.5. Aggravated Assault and Battery or Assault with Firearm upon Medical Care Provider

� 650.6. Assault and Battery upon Officers of County, Court, Witnesses, Jurors, Process Servers - Penalties

� 650.7. Assault on Employee by Parent or Student

� 650.8. Assault and Battery Upon Employee of Office of Juvenile Affairs

� 650.9. Unlawful for Person in Custody to Transfer Bodily Fluids upon State Employee

� 650.10. Unlawful to Touch Assistive Device of Another

� 650.11. Medical Battery

Chapter 21 - Attempts to Kill

� 651. Administering Poison with Intent to Kill

� 652. Shooting with Intent to Kill - Assault and Battery with Deadly Weapon, etc.

� 653. Punishment for Assault with Intent to Kill Unless Otherwise Prescribed

Chapter 22 - Duels

� 661. Definition of Duel

� 662. Dueling - Penalty

Chapter 23 - Felonious Assault

� 681. Assault with Intent Commit Felony - Punishment

� 682. Repealed

� 683. Blank

� 684. Repealed

Chapter 24 - Homicide

In General

� 691. Definitions

� 692. Classifications of Homicide

� 693. Standard of Proof for Murder, Manslaughter or Aiding Suicide

� 694. Killing of Master or Husband as Petit Treason Abolished and Deemed Homicide - Punishment

� 695. Jury May Consider Domestic or Confidential Relationship in Certain Homicides


� 701. Repealed

� 701.1. Repealed

� 701.2. Repealed

� 701.3. Repealed

� 701.4. Repealed

� 701.5. Repealed

� 701.6. Repealed

� 701.7. Murder in the First Degree

� 701.8. Second Degree Murder

� 701.9. Punishment for First Degree Murder - Penalty for Second Degree

� 701.10. Sentencing Proceedings for First Degree Murder - State Seeking Death Penalty

� 701.10-1. Sentencing Proceedings for First Degree Murder - State Not Seeking Death Penalty - Prior Felony

� 701.10a. Death Penalty Sentencing Procedure Upon Remand - Evidence - Applicability - Construction

� 701.10b. Intellectual Disability - Death Penalty - Burden - Notice - Evidentiary Hearing - Standard of Review - Instructions

� 701.11. Jury Instructions for Sentencing - Aggravating Circumstances in Jury and Nonjury Cases

� 701.11a. Use of Clemency Not Affected

� 701.12. Aggravating Circumstances

� 701.13. Review of Death Penalty Sentence

� 701.14. Repealed

� 701.15. Constitutionality of Death Penalty

� 701.16. Solicitation for Murder in the First Degree

� 701.17. Repealed

� 702. Design to Effect Death Inferred from Killing

� 703. Design to Effect Death Formed Instantly

� 704. Voluntary Intoxication or Anger No Defense

� 705. Act Imminently Dangerous and Evincing a Depraved Mind


� 711. First Degree Manslaughter

� 712. Intoxication of Physician - Penalty

� 713. Repealed

� 714. Repealed

� 715. First Degree Manslaughter - Punishment

� 716. Second Degree Manslaughter

� 717. Owner of Animal that Kills

� 718. Repealed

� 719. Repealed

� 720. Repealed

� 721. Repealed

� 722. Second Degree Manslaughter - Punishment

� 723. Proof of Knowledge of Pregnancy of Victim or Intent to Harm Unborn Child Not Required

Justifiable and Excusable Homicides

� 731. Excusable Homicide

� 732. Justifiable Deadly Force by Officer

� 733. Justifiable Homicide by Other Persons

Chapter 25 - Kidnapping

� 741. Kidnapping

� 742. Repealed

� 743. Repealed

� 744. Repealed

� 745. Extortionate Kidnapping - Aiding in Exchange of Money

� 746. Venue for Kidnapping Trial

� 747. Holder of Hostage -Telephone Communications

� 748. Human Trafficking - Definitions - Prohibited Acts - Punishment - Affirmative Defense

� 748.1. Reserved

� 748.2. Rights of Victims of Human Trafficking - Civil Action Against Perpetrator

� 748.3. Victims of Human Trafficking and Prevention Revolving Fund - Purposes

Chapter 26 - Maiming

� 751. Definition of Maiming

� 752. Maiming One's Self

� 753. Repealed

� 754. Instrumentality Used in Maiming Immaterial

� 755. Maiming by Disfigurement

� 756. Design to Injure, Disfigure or Disable is Inferred

� 757. Premeditation Formed Instantly

� 758. Assault and Battery Substitutes Maiming if No Disfigurement Present at Trial

� 759. Maiming - Punishment

� 760. Female Genital Mutilation - Penalties

Chapter 27 - Defamation

� 771. Definition of Libel

� 772. Definition of Privileged Publication - Presumption of Malice

� 773. Punishment for Libel - Civil Liability

� 774. Defenses to Criminal Libel

� 776. Publication

� 777. Publication of Public Official Proceedings by Newspaper

� 778. Threats to Publishing a Libel - Proof

� 779. Repealed

� 780. Repealed

� 781. False Rumors of a Slanderous Nature - Penalty

Chapter 28 - Robbery

� 791. Definition of Robbery

� 792. Force or Fear Requirement

� 793. Degree of Force Required Immaterial

� 794. Element of Fear

� 795. Property Value Immaterial

� 796. Taking Without Knowledge Not Robbery

� 797. Robbery - First Degree - Second Degree

� 798. First Degree Robbery - Punishment

� 799. Second Degree Robbery - Punishment

� 800. Robbery Committed by Two or More Persons - Penalty

� 801. Robbery or Attempted Robbery with Dangerous Weapon or Imitation Firearm - Punishment

Chapter 29 - Suicide

� 811. Definition of Suicide

� 812. Repealed

� 813. Aiding Suicide

� 814. Aiding Suicide by Furnishing Weapon or Drug

� 815. Aiding an Attempt at Suicide

� 816. Incapacity No Defense to Aiding Suicide

� 817. Aiding Suicide - Penalty

� 818. Punishment for Aiding an Attempt at Suicide

Chapter 30 - Miscellaneous Offenses Against the Person

General Provisions

� 831. Intoxicated Physician - Penalty

� 832. Mingling Poison, Drugs, or Sharp Objects with Food, Drink, etc.- Penalty

� 833. Unauthorized Confinement of Insane Persons - Penalty

� 834. Unlawfully Recommitting Person Discharged Upon Writ of Deliverance

� 835. Concealing a Person to Elude Writ of Habeas Corpus

� 836. Assisting in Concealing Person

� 837. Intimidating Laborers

� 838. Threatening or Intimidating Employers - Penalty

Offenses Against Privacy

� 839. Repealed

� 839.1. Right of Privacy - Use of Name or Picture for Advertising Without Consent - Misdemeanor

� 839.1A. Use of Name or Picture of Service Member for Advertising Without Consent - Misdemeanor

� 839.2. Right of Action - Damages

� 839.3. Right of Photographer to Exhibit Specimens of Work - Other Uses Excepted

Tattooing and Body Piercing

� 841. Repealed

� 841.5. Renumbered as 63 O.S. § 1-1451 by Laws 2001, HB 1964, c. 384, § 12, emerg. eff. June 4, 2001

� 842. Repealed

� 842.1. Unlawful Body Tattooing, Body Piercing, and Scleral Tattooing - Exception for Practitioner of the Healing Arts

� 842.2. Penalties for Violations

� 842.3. License Required - Rules - Regulation by City or County - Notice - Penalties

� 842.3. License Required - Rules - Regulation by City or County - Pending Application - Notice - Penalties

Child Abuse

� 843. Renumbered as 10 O.S. § 7115 by Laws 1995, HB 1933, c. 353, § 20, eff. November 1, 1995

� 843.1. Abuse, Neglect, or Financial Exploitation by Caretaker

� 843.2. Verbal Abuse by a Caretaker

� 843.3. Penalties

� 843.4. Exploitation of Elderly Persons or Disabled Adults - Definitions - Penalties

� 843.5. Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation, or Sexual Abuse of Child - Penalties - Definitions

� 843.5. Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation, or Sexual Abuse of Child - Penalties - Definitions

� 843.6. Costs by Defendant upon Conviction - Payment

� 843.7. Appointment of Attorney to Represent Alleged Victim of Child Abuse or Neglect

� 844. Ordinary Force as Means of Discipline Not Prohibited

� 845. Renumbered as 10 O.S. § 7102 by Laws 1995, HB 1978, c. 353, § 20, eff. November 1, 1995

� 846. Renumbered as 10 O.S. § 7103 by Laws 1995, HB 1993, c. 353, § 20, eff. November 1, 1995

� 846.1. Renumbered as 10 O.S. § 7104 by Laws 1995, HB 1993, c. 353, § 20, eff. November 1, 1995

� 847. Renumbered as 10 O.S. § 7105 by Laws 1995, HB 1978, c. 353, § 20, eff. November 1, 1995

� 848. Renumbered as 10 O.S. § 7113 by Laws 1995, HB 1993, c. 353, § 20, eff. November 1, 1995


� 849. Wiring or Equipping of Vehicles or Structures with Explosives - Penalty

Malicious Intentional Intimidation or Harassment

� 850. Malicious Harassment Based on Race, Color, Religion, Ancestry, National Origin, Disability - System of Reporting

Chapter 31 - Abandonment or Neglect of Wife or Children

� 851. Abandoning Child under Age Ten

� 852. Omission to Provide for a Child - Penalties - Venue for Prosecutions

� 852.1. Child Endangerment by Permitting Child Abuse - Exception - Penalty

� 853. Desertion of Wife or Child Under 15 - Penalty

� 854. Proof Marriage Wife as Competent Witness - Duty of County Attorney

� 855. Employment of Prisoners - Disposition of Wages - Parole on Bond - Revocation of Parole - Suspension of Sentence - Who may Inform Against Violator

Chapter 31A - Contributing to Delinquency of Minors

� 856. Delinquent Minor - Contributing to Delinquency

� 856.1. Causing, Aiding or Encouraging Minor to Commit Drug Related Crime - Penalty

� 856.2. Harbouring Endangered Runaway Child - Penalty - Definitions

� 856.3. Gang-Related Offense as Condition of Membership in Criminal Street Gang - Penalty

� 857. Definitions

� 858. Parent or Guardian of Minor Child in Possession of Firearm on School Property - Administrative Penalty

� 858.1. Parent - Causing Delinquency - Punishment

� 858.2. Child on Probation - Neglect - Punishment of Parent

� 858.3. Other Persons Aiding in Delinquency of Minor - Penalty

Chapter 32 - Abortion - Concealing Death of Child

� 861. Procuring an Abortion

� 862. Repealed

� 863. Repealed

Chapter 32A - Trafficking in Children

� 865. Definitions

� 866. Trafficking in Children

� 867. Punishment

� 868. Invalidity Clause

� 869. Provisions Cumulative

� 870. Duty to Report Trafficking in Children

Chapter 33 - Adultery

� 871. Definition of Adultery - Prosecution

� 872. Adultery - Penalty

Chapter 34 - Bigamy, Incest, and Sodomy

� 881. Definition of Bigamy

� 882. Exceptions to Bigamy

� 883. Penalty for Bigamy

� 884. Knowingly Marrying Bigamist - Penalty

� 885. Incest - Penalty

� 886. Crime Against Nature - Penalty

� 887. Slight Penetration Completes Crime

� 888. Forcible Sodomy

Chapter 35 - Maliciously, Forcibly or Fraudulently Taking or Enticing Away Children

� 891. Maliciously, Forcibly or Fraudulently Taking or Enticing Away Children - Punishment

Chapter 36 - Crimes Against Religion and Conscience

� 901. Definition of Blasphemy

� 902. Exception to Blasphemy

� 903. Blasphemy - Misdemeanor

� 904. Definition of Profane Swearing

� 905. Profane Swearing - Punishment

� 906. Obscene Language in Public Place, etc. - Punishment

� 907. Sabbath Breaking

� 908. Sabbath-breaking - Defined

� 909. Defense to Sabbath-breaking

� 910. Repealed

� 911. Sabbath-breaking - Punishment

� 912. Procuring Service of Process Maliciously

� 913. Compelling Religious Belief by Threat or Violence

� 914. Preventing Religious Acts by Threat or Violence

� 915. Disturbing Religious Worship

� 916. Acts Constituting Disturbance

� 917. Definitions

� 918. Sale, Barter or Exchange of Motor Vehicles on Sunday Prohibited

� 919. Penalty for Violation

� 920. Reserved

� 921. Reserved

� 922. Reserved

� 923. Reserved

� 924. Reserved

� 925. Reserved

� 926. Reserved

� 927. Reserved

� 928. Reserved

� 929. Reserved

� 930. Reserved

Chapter 37 - Fortune Telling

� 931. Fees Prohibited

� 932. Penalty

Chapter 38 - Gambling

General Provisions

� 941. Gambling - Conducting - Penalty - Felony

� 942. Gambling - Playing - Penalty

� 943. Gambling Paraphernalia - Disposition

� 944. Slot Machines - Misdemeanor

� 945. Buildings - Use for Gambling - Penalty

� 946. Illegal Use of Building - Nuisance - Penalty

� 947. Dice - Cigar Stands - Prohibition

� 948. Officers - Gambling - Collusion - Penalty

� 949. Repealed

� 950. Permit of Privilege - Prohibited - Collusion a Felony

� 951. Investigations - Power of Courts - Record of Testimony

� 952. Persons Jointly Charged - Severance

� 953. Accomplice Testimony - Force of Same

� 954. Three Card Monte, Swindle or Confidence Games - Penalty

� 955. Repealed

� 956. Permitting Gambling on Premises - Penalty

� 957. Granting of Lease of Premises for Gambling - Misdemeanor

� 958. Lessor May Re-Enter Property upon Conviction of Lessee

� 959. Failure to Appear - Misdemeanor

� 960. Seizure of Gambling Equipment Authorized

� 961. Self-Incriminating Testimony - Immunity from Use

� 962. Repealed

Slot Machines and Punch Boards

� 964. Slot Machines Defined

� 965. Thing of Value

� 966. Punch Boards

� 967. Singular and Plural

� 968. Person

� 969. Sale or Possession of Slot Machines or Punch Boards

� 970. Operating Slot Machines

� 971. Operating Punch Boards

� 972. Gambling Devices

� 973. Peace Officers - Duties - County Attorney

� 974. Officers - Duty to Arrest and Prosecute

� 975. Knowledge Imputed to Officers

� 976. Failure to Perform Duties

� 977. Invalidity Clause

Commercial Gambling

� 981. Definitions

� 982. Commercial Gambling

� 983. Permitting Premises to be Used for Commercial Gambling

� 984. Dealing in Gambling Devices

� 985. Possession of a Gambling Device

� 986. Installing Communication Facilities for Gamblers

� 987. Dissemination of Gambling Information

� 988. Conspiracy


� 991. Betting or Letting Premises for Betting on Races

� 992. Repealed

� 993. Evidence for Prosecution - Accomplices - Immunity for Witnesses


� 995.1. Repealed

� 995.1a. Repealed

� 995.2. Repealed

� 995.3. Repealed

� 995.3a. Repealed

� 995.4. Repealed

� 995.5. Repealed

� 995.6. Repealed

� 995.7. Repealed

� 995.8. Repealed

� 995.9. Repealed

� 995.10. Repealed

� 995.11. Repealed

� 995.12. Repealed

� 995.13. Repealed

� 995.14. Repealed

� 995.15. Repealed

� 995.16. Repealed

� 995.17. Repealed

� 995.18. Repealed

Consumers Disclosure of Prizes and Gifts Act

� 996.1. Short Title

� 996.2. Definitions

� 996.3. Prizes and Gifts - Unlawful Acts

Automatic Vending Machines

� 1001. Repealed

� 1002. Repealed

� 1003. Repealed

� 1004. Repealed

� 1005. Repealed

� 1006. Repealed

� 1007. Repealed

� 1008. Repealed

� 1009. Repealed

� 1010. Repealed

� 1011. Repealed

Chapter 39 - Oklahoma Law on Obscenity and Child Sexual Abuse Material

� 1021. Indecent Exposure - Indecent Exhibitions - Obscene or Indecent Writings, Pictures, Etc. - Solicitation of Minors

� 1021. Indecent Exposure - Indecent Exhibitions - Obscene or Indecent Writings, Pictures, Etc. - Solicitation of Minors

� 1021.1. Application of Act

� 1021.1. Application of Act

� 1021.2. Minors - Obscene or Indecent Writings, Pictures, etc.

� 1021.2. Minors - Obscene or Indecent Writings, Pictures, etc.

� 1021.3. Guardians - Parents - Custodians - Consent to Participation of Minors in Obscene Writings, Pictures, Etc.

� 1021.3. Guardians - Parents - Custodians - Consent to Participation of Minors in Obscene Writings, Pictures, Etc.

� 1021.4. Duty to Report Sexual Abuse Material Depicting Minors - Penalty

� 1021.4. Duty to Report Obscene or Pornographic Material Depicting Minors - Penalty

� 1022. Authority to Arrest and Seize Obscene Materials Under Specific Section

� 1022. Authority to Arrest and Seize Obscene Materials Under Specific Section

� 1023. Delivery, Determination and Destruction of Child Sexual Abuse Material Upon Examination of the Accused

� 1023. Delivery, Determination and Destruction of Obscene Materials Upon Examination of the Accused

� 1024. Repealed

� 1024.1. Definitions

� 1024.1. Definitions

� 1024.2. Purchase, Procurement, or Possession of Child Sexual Abuse Material - Penalty

� 1024.2. Purchase, Procurement, or Possession of Obscene Material - Penalty

� 1024.3. Powers to Arrest and to Seize Obscene Material and Child Pornography

� 1024.3. Powers to Arrest and to Seize Obscene Material and Child Pornography

� 1024.4. Destruction of Obscene Material or Child Sexual Abuse Material Upon Conviction

� 1024.4. Destruction of Obscene Material or Child Pornography Upon Conviction

� 1024.5. Collection and Examination of Evidence Prior to Court Proceeding - Obstruction of Investigation - Penalty

� 1025. Prostitution Houses - Punishments and Fines

� 1026. Prostitution Houses - Penalty

� 1027. Rental of or Providing of Property for Prostitution House - Penalty

� 1028. Prostitution - Maintaining House - Transporting Person - Punishment

� 1028. Prostitution - Maintaining House - Transporting Person

� 1029. Engaging in or Soliciting Prostitution - Residing or Remaining in Place for Prohibited Purpose - Aiding, Abetting, or Participating in Prohibited Acts - Child Sex Trafficking - Human Trafficking

� 1029. Engaging in or Soliciting Prostitution - Residing or Remaining in Place for Prohibited Purpose - Aiding, Abetting, or Participating in Prohibited Acts - Child Prostitution - Human Trafficking

� 1030. Definitions

� 1030. Definitions

� 1031. Conviction - Punishment - Notification of the Superintendent of Health

� 1031. Conviction - Punishment - Notification of the Superintendent of Health

� 1032 to 1040.7. Repealed

� 1040.8. Publication, Distribution, or Participation in Preparation of Any Obscene Material or Child Sexual Abuse Material - Unsolicited Mailings - Penalty

� 1040.8. Publication, Distribution, or Participation in Preparation of Any Obscene Material or Child Pornography - Unsolicited Mailings - Penalty

� 1040.9. Repealed

� 1040.10. Repealed

� 1040.11. Short Title

� 1040.11. Short Title

� 1040.12. Repealed

� 1040.12a. Aggravated Possession of Child Pornography - Penalty

� 1040.12a. Aggravated Possession of Child Pornography - Penalty

� 1040.13. Prohibited Acts - Felony

� 1040.13. Prohibited Acts - Felony

� 1040.13a. Soliciting Sexual Conduct or Communication with Minor by use of Technology - Penalty - Jurisdiction

� 1040.13b. Nonconsensual Dissemination of Private Sexual Images - Penalties - Remedies - Prosecution - Felony

� 1040.13b. Nonconsensual Dissemination of Private Sexual Images - Penalties - Remedies

� 1040.14. Action for Adjudication of Obscenity of Mailable Matter

� 1040.14. Action for Adjudication of Obscenity of Mailable Matter

� 1040.15. Petition

� 1040.15. Petition

� 1040.16. Summary Examination of Material - Dismissal or Show Cause Order

� 1040.16. Summary Examination of Material - Dismissal or Show Cause Order

� 1040.17. Answer

� 1040.17. Answer

� 1040.18. Trial - Evidence

� 1040.19. Repealed

� 1040.20. Destruction - Injunction

� 1040.20. Destruction - Injunction

� 1040.21. Sending or Selling of Material with Knowledge of Judgment

� 1040.21. Sending or Selling of Materials with Knowledge of Judgment

� 1040.22. Contempt

� 1040.22. Contempt

� 1040.23. Extradition

� 1040.24. Presumptions

� 1040.24. Presumptions

� 1040.25. Jurisdiction - Service of Process - Fines - Execution Against Property

� 1040.26. Repealed

� 1040.51. Repealed

� 1040.52. Showing at Outdoor Theaters of Pictures Depicting Sexual Intercourse Prohibited Under Certain Conditions - Penalty

� 1040.53. Projectionists, Ushers or Cashiers Excepted from Statutes Relating to Exhibit of Obscene Motion Pictures

� 1040.54. Seizure of Equipment Used in Preparing, Mailing, etc. Obscene Material - Forfeiture - Notice - Procedure

� 1040.54. Seizure of Equipment Used in Preparing, Mailing, etc. Obscene Materials - Forfeiture - Notice - Procedure

� 1040.55. Billboard or Exterior Advertising Sign for Adult Cabaret or Sexually Oriented Business - Location - Penalty

� 1040.56. Civil Action Against Producer, Promoter, or Intentional Possessor of Child Pornography - Damages - Limitations

� 1040.56. Civil Action Against Producer, Promoter, or Intentional Possessor of Child Pornography - Damages - Limitations

� 1040.57. Publish Review of Paid Sexual Encounter - Felony

Display of Materials Harmful to Minors

� 1040.75. Definitions

� 1040.75. Definitions

� 1040.76. Legislative Findings, Intent - Prohibition on Display of Material Harmful to Minors - Blinder Racks

� 1040.76. Commercial Establishments - Prohibition on Display of Material Harmful to Minors - Blinder Racks

� 1040.77. Penalty for Violation

� 1040.80. Definitions - Interactive Computer Service Provider - Removal of Child Pornography - Court Order - Penalties

� 1040.80. Definitions - Interactive Computer Service Provider - Removal of Child Pornography - Court Order - Penalties

Chapter 40 - Junk Dealers

� 1041. Repealed

� 1042. Repealed

� 1043. Repealed

� 1044. Repealed

� 1045. Repealed

� 1046. Repealed

� 1047. Repealed

� 1048. Storage or Accumulation of Wrecked or Abandoned Motor Vehicle or Part Thereof Within View of Preexisting Residence

Chapter 41 - Lotteries

� 1051. Lottery Defined - Exceptions

� 1052. Lottery Unlawful and Public Nuisance

� 1053. Penalty for Preparing Any Lottery

� 1054. Sell or Transfer of Lottery Tickets a Misdemeanor

� 1055. Repealed

� 1056. Advertising or Publishing Lottery - Misdemeanor

� 1057. Offers to Sell or Dispose of Property by Lottery - Misdemeanor

� 1058. Penalty for Lottery Offices and Other Places

� 1059. Advertising - Publishing Lottery - Misdemeanor

� 1060. Insuring Lottery Tickets or Shares

� 1061. Penalty for Advertising or Publishing Insurance of Lottery

� 1062. Lottery Property - Forfeiture - Sale - Proceeds

� 1063. Permitting Use of a Building for Lottery - Misdemeanor

� 1064. Application to Lotteries Drawn Out of State

� 1065. Advertisements by Out of State Persons

� 1066. Lottery - Circumstances Constituting

� 1067. Injunction

� 1068. Violations and Penalty

Chapter 41A - Oklahoma Pyramid Promotional Scheme Act

� 1071. Short Title

� 1072. Definitions

� 1073. Punishment for Promoting Pyramid Scheme

� 1074. Effect of Written Assurance of Discontinuance

� 1075. Right to Declare Transaction Void - Civil Liability

Chapter 42 - Pandering

� 1081. Pandering Offense Defined - Penalty

� 1082. Part of Act Committed Outside State - No Defense

� 1083. Female Inmate as Witness

� 1084. Marriage No Defense to Pandering

� 1085. Unlawful Restraint of a Female in a Prostitution House - Penalty

� 1086. Owner or Proprietor Permitting Violation - Penalty

� 1087. Offering or Transporting Child for Purpose of Child Sex Trafficking - Penalty

� 1087. Offering or Transporting Child for Purpose of Prostitution - Penalty

� 1088. Child Sex Trafficking - Unlawful Detainment for Prostitution - Penalty

� 1088. Child Prostitution - Unlawful Detainment in Prostitution House - Penalty

� 1089. Forwarding of Fines to City - County Health Department

Chapter 43 - Pawnbrokers

� 1091. Repealed

� 1092. Embezzled or Stolen Goods - Refusal to Exhibit on Demand

� 1093. Selling Pledge before Expiration of Time

Chapter 44 - Pool Halls and Billiards Halls

� 1101. Repealed

� 1102. License - Restrictions - Fee - Notice - Protests

� 1103. Revocation of License

� 1104. Additional Fee by City - Abolishment

� 1105. Disposition of Fees and Fines

Chapter 45 - Rape, Abduction, Carnal Abuse, and Seduction of Children

� 1111. Rape Defined

� 1111.1. Rape by Instrumentation - Consent - Sentencing

� 1112. Age Limitations on Conviction for Rape

� 1113. Slight Penetration is Sufficient to Complete Crime

� 1114. Rape in First Degree - Second Degree

� 1115. Punishment for Rape In First Degree

� 1116. Second Degree Rape - Penalty

� 1117. Compelling Marriage by Force or Duress - Penalty

� 1118. Unlawfully Taking a Woman to Compel Marriage by Force or Duress - Penalty

� 1119. Abduction of Person under Fifteen

� 1120. Repealed

� 1121. Repealed

� 1122. Repealed

� 1123. Lewd or Indecent Proposals or Acts to Child Under 16

� 1123. Lewd or Indecent Proposals or Acts to Child Under 16

� 1124. Renumbered as 21 O.S. § 1958 by Laws 1989, HB 1096, c. 151, § 6, eff. November 1, 1989

� 1125. Zone of Safety Around Schools, Child Care Facilities, Playgrounds, and Parks - Penalties - Exemptions

Chapter 46 - Vagrancy

� 1141. Repealed

� 1142. Repealed

Chapter 47 - Human Remains and Tissue, Burial, Cemeteries, and Funerals

� 1151. Right to Direct the Disposal of One's Body

� 1151a. Forfeiture of Right to Dispose of One's Body

� 1152. Decent Burial - Exception

� 1153. Right to Carry Body to Another State for Burial

� 1154. Autopsy - Definition - When Allowed

� 1155. Penalty for Unauthorized Dissection

� 1156. Post-dissection Burial of Remains

� 1157. Burial of Dead Limbs

� 1158. Right to Control Disposition of Remains - Persons in Whom Vested

� 1158a. Determination by Court to Award Right of Disposition

� 1158b. Effect of Signing Funeral Service Agreement or Other Authorization for Disposition - Rights and Responsibilities of Funeral Directors

� 1158c. Authority of Funeral Director

� 1158d. Limitations on Liability of Funeral Director

� 1159. Failure to Perform Duty of Burial

� 1160. Custody of Body

� 1161. Unauthorized Removal of Dead Bodies - Penalty

� 1161.1. Desecration of a Human Corpse - Penalty

� 1162. Unlawfully Purchasing or Receiving Dead Body - Penalty

� 1163. Opening Grave or Place of Burial - Penalty

� 1164. Lawful Authorization to Remove Remains of Bodies

� 1165. Penalty for Attachment of Dead Body

� 1166. Penalty for Disturbing or Interrupting Funeral

� 1167. Punishment for Destruction or Removal of Tomb, Gravestone or Other Cemetery Ornament

� 1168. Definitions

� 1168.1. Penalty for Buying or Selling Human Skeletal Remains for Profit

� 1168.2. Institution's and Museum's Duty to Consult Tribal Leaders or Others before Final Disposition of Remains

� 1168.3. Punishment for Display of Open Burial Ground, Furniture or Remains for Profit

� 1168.4. Duty to Report Discovered Remains - Penalty for Failure to Report - Persons to Notify

� 1168.5. Designation of Repository for Unclaimed Remains for Scientific Purposes

� 1168.6. Penalty and Fine

� 1168.7. Government Agencies' Discovery of Remains - Duties

� 1169. Promulgation of Rules Relating to the Disposition of Human Tissue

Chapter 47A - Miscellaneous

� 1171. Loitering Around Residence to Watch Occupants, a Misdemeanor

� 1172. Obscenity, Threats, or Harassment by Telephone or Other Electronic Communication - Penalty

� 1173. Penalties for Stalking - Definitions

� 1173.1. Stalking Warning Letter Form - Service

� 1174. Burning Cross - Penalty

� 1175. Storage of Newborn's DNA Prohibited Without Parental Consent

� 1176. Using an Electronic Communication Device to Publish, Post, Make Publically Available Information Identifying a Peace Officer, Public Official, or Crime Victim - Definitions - Penalty and Fines

Chapter 48 - Miscellaneous and General Provisions

� 1190. Prohibition Against Hazing - Presumption - Penalty - Definition

� 1191. Penalty for Public Nuisance

� 1192. Penalty for Spreading Infectious Diseases

� 1192.1. Penalty for Knowingly Intending to Transfer Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

� 1194. Penalty for Depositing Gas Tar into Public Waters

� 1195. Penalty for Violating Quarantine Laws or Orders

� 1196. Penalty for Negligent Labeling or Filling of Prescriptions by Apothecary

� 1197. Poisons, Laying Out

� 1198. Penalty for Interfering with, or Preventing Firemen or Others from Extinguishing Fires

� 1199. Penalty for Exposing Oneself or Another With Contagious Disease in Public Place

� 1200. Falsities Affecting Market Price of Property - Penalty

� 1201. Penalty for Falsities in Newspapers

� 1202. Penalty for Eavesdropping

� 1205. Violations of Act - Dump Ground Officially Approved

� 1206. Punishment

� 1207. Repealed

� 1208. Abandonment of Refrigerator or Icebox in Place Accessible to Children a Misdemeanor

� 1209. Purpose of Act

� 1210. Definitions

� 1211. Disaster Areas - Drivers of Vehicles Prohibited from Driving Near

� 1211.1. Interruption, Disruption, or Interference With Emergency Telephone Call - Penalties

� 1212. Persons Prohibited From Going to Disaster Area - Exception - Removing Objects

� 1213. Violations and Penalties

� 1214. Radio Sets Capable of Receiving on Police Frequencies - Unlawful Uses - Penalty

� 1215. Renumbered as 10A O.S. § 2-8-222 by Laws 2013, SB 679, c. 404, § 27, eff. November 1, 2013

� 1216. Renumbered as 10A O.S. § 2-8-223 by Laws 2013, SB 679, c. 404, § 27, eff. November 1, 2013

� 1217. Firemen - Interference with Performance of Duties - Penalty

� 1218. Display of Names of Military Dead at Demonstrations or Protests Without Consent Prohibited

� 1219. Penalties

� 1220. Transporting Open Containers of Intoxicating Beverages or Low Point Beer - Exception - Penalty

� 1220.1. Buying, Selling, Furnishing, Manufacturing, or Possessing Alcohol Inhalation Device or Alcohol Infuser

Chapter 49 - Animals and Carcasses

� 1221. Repealed

� 1222. Repealed

� 1223. Unlawful Leaving or Disposing of Carcass - Duty - Misdemeanor

� 1224. Repealed

� 1225. Repealed

� 1226. Repealed

� 1227. Repealed

� 1228. Repealed

� 1229. Unlawful Injecting Drugs or Chemicals into Livestock - Exceptions - Penalty

Chapter 49A - Environmental Crimes Act

� 1230.1. Short Title

� 1230.2. Definitions

� 1230.3. Unlawful Hazardous Waste Transportation-Offense

� 1230.4. Unlawful Waste Management - Offense

� 1230.5. Unlawful False Statements and Acts Concerning Permits and Waste

� 1230.6. Unlawful Disposal of Hazardous Waste-Offense

� 1230.7. Unlawful Concealment of Hazardous Waste-Offense

� 1230.8. Penalties and Fines

� 1230.9. Double Fines

� 1230.10. Intent Not to Repeal Existing Law - Penalties Additional to Civil or Administrative Penalties

Chapter 50 - Tobacco

� 1241. Furnishing Tobacco, Nicotine or Vapor Products to Minors - Punishment - Exception

� 1242. Refusal of Minor to Disclose Place Where and Person from Whom Obtained

� 1243. Repealed

� 1244. Disposition of Fines

� 1245. Repealed

� 1246. Repealed

� 1247. Smoking in Certain Public Places Prohibited - Punishment

Chapter 51 - Railroads and Ferries

� 1251. Repealed

� 1252. Repealed

� 1253. Failure of Duty to Ring Bell

� 1254. Intoxication by Engineer or Conductor

� 1255. Penalty for Violation of Duty by Engineer, Conductor, or Other

� 1256. Repealed

Chapter 52 - Criminal Syndicalism and Sabotage

� 1261. Criminal Syndicalism Defined

� 1262. Sabotage Defined

� 1263. Advocating or Teaching Necessity, etc., of Crime, Criminal Syndicalism or Sabotage - Printing, Publishing, etc., Books, Pamphlets, etc. - Organizing or Becoming Member of Society or Assembly

� 1264. Permitting Use of Building for Assemblies in Violation of Section 1263 Prohibited

Sabotage Prevention Act

� 1265.1. Definitions

� 1265.2. Interfering or Hindering Preparations for Defense

� 1265.3. Making Defective Articles-Punishment

� 1265.4. Attempts to Commit Crimes

� 1265.5. Conspiracy to Commit Crimes

� 1265.6. Witness-Self Incrimination - Exemption

� 1265.7. Public Utilities-Entry Without Permission

� 1265.8. Peace Officers and Guards-Right to Stop, Detain or Arrest

� 1265.9. Petition by Manufacturers of War Products to Close Highways for Public Use and Travel

� 1265.10. Violation of Orders Under Section 9

� 1265.11. Collective Bargaining

� 1265.12. Repealed

� 1265.13. Cited as Sabotage Prevention Act

� 1265.14. Suspension of Other Acts

� 1266. Advocating Revolution, Sabotage, Treason, etc. a Felony - Punishment


� 1266.1. Declaration of Fact

� 1266.2. Communist Party Declared Illegal

� 1266.3. Prima Facie Evidence

� 1266.4. Unlawful Acts

� 1266.5. Violation a Felony - Punishment

� 1266.6. Disqualification from Holding Office Upon Conviction

� 1266.7. District Court Jurisdiction

� 1266.8. Search Warrants

� 1266.9. State Officers to Assist

� 1266.10. Invalidity Clause

� 1266.11. Provisions Cumulative

Overthrow of Government by Force or Violence

� 1267.1. Organization to Overthrow United States or State Governments

� 1267.2. Officers of Such Organizations to Register - Contents of Registration Statement - Records Required - Violations and Penalty

Oklahoma Antiterrorism Act

� 1268. Short Title

� 1268.1. Definitions

� 1268.2. Terrorism - Penalties

� 1268.3. Conspiracy to Commit Terrorism - Penalties

� 1268.4. Terrorism Hoax - Penalty

� 1268.5. Biochemical Assault - Penalties

� 1268.6. Manufacturing, Delivering, or Possessing Toxic or Lethal Substances with Intent to Engage in Terrorist Activities - Penalties

� 1268.7. Conducting or Attempting to Conduct Financial Transaction Involving Property Related to Terrorism - Penalties

� 1268.8. Use of Money Services and Electronic Transfer in Violation of Oklahoma Antiterrorism Act - Penalty

Chapter 53 - Manufacture, Sale, and Wearing of Weapons

� 1271. Repealed

� 1271.1. Confiscation and Forfeiture of Weapons Upon Arrest of Person Under 18 - Disposition

� 1272. Unlawful Carry

� 1272.1. Carrying Firearms Where Liquor Is Consumed

� 1272.2. Repealed

� 1272.3. Discharge of Stun Gun, Tear Gas, Mace, Pepper Mace or Other Deleterious Agent Against Officer

� 1273. Allowing Minors to Possess Firearms

� 1274. Repealed

� 1275. Repealed

� 1276. Penalty for 1272 and 1273

� 1277. Unlawful Carry in Certain Places

� 1278. Unlawful Intent to Carry

� 1279. Pointing Weapons at Others - Exception - Penalty

� 1280. Punishment for Violation

� 1280.1. Possession of Firearm on School Property

� 1281. Penalty for Manufacturing, Selling or Disposing of Slung Shot

� 1282. Felony Use of a Slung Shot

� 1283. Convicted Felons and Delinquents

� 1284. Penalty for 1283

� 1286. Repealed

� 1287. Use of Firearm While Committing a Felony

� 1287.1. Penalty Enhancement for Weapon Possession

� 1288. Purchases of Firearms, Ammunition and Equipment in Other States by Oklahoma Residents - Purchases in Oklahoma by Residents of Other States

Oklahoma Firearms Act of 1971

� 1289.1. Short Title

� 1289.2. Legislative Findings

� 1289.3. Definitions for Firearms Act

� 1289.4. Definition of Rifles

� 1289.5. Definition of Firearms Act

� 1289.6. Conditions Under Which Firearms May Be Carried

� 1289.7. Firearms in Vehicles

� 1289.7a. Liability for Prohibiting Persons From Transporting, Storing Firearms or Ammunition in Locked Vehicle

� 1289.8. Carrying Weapon

� 1289.9. Carrying Weapon Under the Influence of Alcohol

� 1289.10. Furnishing Firearms to Incompetent Persons

� 1289.11. Reckless Conduct

� 1289.12. Giving Firearms to Convicted Persons

� 1289.13. Repealed

� 1289.13A. Improper Transportation of Firearms

� 1289.14. Repealed

� 1289.15. Penalty for Firearms Act of 1971

� 1289.16. Felony Pointing Firearms

� 1289.17. Penalties for 1289.16

� 1289.17A. Felony Discharging Firearms

� 1289.18. Definitions

� 1289.19. Restricted Bullet and Body Armor Defined

� 1289.20. Manufacture of Restricted Bullets

� 1289.21. Possession or Use of Restricted Bullets

� 1289.22. Exemptions

� 1289.23. Concealed Firearm for Off-Duty Police Officer

� 1289.24. Firearm Regulation - State Preemption

� 1289.24a. Lawsuits Against Gun Manufacturers

� 1289.24b. Anti-Red Flag Act

� 1289.24c. State Preemption - Extreme Risk Protection Order

� 1289.24d. Second Amendment Sanctuary State Act - Short Title

� 1289.24e. Second Amendment Sanctuary State Act - Provisions

� 1289.25. Physical or Deadly Force Against Intruder

� 1289.26. Use of Body Armor

� 1289.27. Prohibiting Firearm Inquiry by Employer

� 1289.28. Unlawful Actions Related to Licensed Dealers and Private Sellers of Firearms - Penalty

� 1289.29. US Attorney or Assistant US Attorney - Carrying Firearms

� 1289.30. Certification of Transfer or Making of Firearm - Appeal

Oklahoma Self-Defense Act

� 1290.1. Short Title

� 1290.2. Definitions

� 1290.3. Authority to Issue License

� 1290.4. Unlawful Carry

� 1290.5. Term of License and Renewal

� 1290.5. Term of License and Renewal

� 1290.6. Prohibited Ammunition

� 1290.7. Construing Authority of License

� 1290.8. Possession of License Required - Notification to Police of Gun

� 1290.9. Eligibility

� 1290.10. Mandatory Preclusions

� 1290.11. Other Preclusions

� 1290.12. Procedure for Application

� 1290.13. Automatic Listing of Licenses

� 1290.14. Safety and Training Course

� 1290.14. Safety and Training Course

� 1290.15. Persons Exempt from Training Courses

� 1290.15. Persons Exempt from Training Courses

� 1290.16. Statistical Report

� 1290.17. Suspension and Revocation of License

� 1290.18. Application Form Contents

� 1290.19. License Form

� 1290.20. Penalty for Refusal to Submit or Falsification

� 1290.21. Replacement License

� 1290.22. Business Owner's Rights

� 1290.23. Deposit of Fees by OSBI

� 1290.24. Immunity

� 1290.25. Legislative Intent

� 1290.26. Reciprocal Agreement Authority

� 1290.27. Court Orders Regarding Involuntary Commitment and Mental Incompetence - Inclusion in National Instant Background Check System - Petition to Remove Disability

Chapter 54 - Masks, Disguises, Unlawful Organizations and Threats

� 1301. Masks and Hoods - Unlawful to Wear - Exceptions

� 1302. Trespass - Demanding Admission to Premises - Unlawful

� 1303. Assaults - While Masked - Felony

� 1304. Letters - Mailing Anonymous Letters - Felony

� 1305. County Attorney - Sheriff - Duties

� 1306. Organizations - Oaths

Chapter 55 - Other Crimes Against Public Peace

Riots and Unlawful Assemblies

� 1311. Definition of Riot

� 1312. Penalties for Riot

� 1313. Definition of Rout

� 1314. Unlawful Assembly

� 1315. Penalty for Rout or Unlawful Assembly

� 1316. Remaining After Warning to Disperse - Penalty

� 1317. Lawful Assembly Proceeding to Riot - Penalty

� 1318. Person Refusing to Aid Officers Deemed Rioter

� 1319. Penalty for Resisting Legal Process

� 1320.1. Riot

� 1320.2. Incitement to Riot

� 1320.3. Unlawful Assembly

� 1320.4. Penalty for Riot or Incitement to Riot

� 1320.5. Penalty for Unlawful Assembly

� 1320.6. Labor Disputes

� 1320.7. Insurance Policies

� 1320.8. Severability

� 1320.9. Act as Cumulative

� 1320.10. Teaching, Demonstrating or Training in the Use of Firearms, Explosives or Incendiary Devices in Furtherance of Riot or Civil Disorder

� 1320.11. Motor Vehicle Operator Fleeing Riot - Liabilities - Exceptions

� 1320.12. Conspirator, Fines, Penalties

Oklahoma Riot Control and Prevention Act

� 1321.1. Short Title

� 1321.2. Definitions

� 1321.3. Proclamation of State of Emergency - Notice - Termination

� 1321.4. Acts Which May be Proclaimed Prohibited

� 1321.5. Law Governing

� 1321.6. General Penalty

� 1321.7. Offenses and Penalties

� 1321.8. Provisions Applicable During State of Emergency

� 1321.9. Municipal Ordinances

� 1321.10. Provisions Cumulative

� 1321.11. Repealed

Unlawfulness on Public School Grounds

� 1326. Legislative Recognition

� 1327. Advocating of Unlawfulness, Criminal Syndicalism, Sabotage, Sedition or Treason Upon Public School Grounds Prohibited-Penalties

� 1328. Prosecutions

Prize Fights

� 1331. Repealed

� 1332. Repealed

� 1333. Repealed

� 1334. Repealed

� 1335. Repealed

� 1336. Repealed

� 1337. Repealed


� 1341. Repealed

� 1342. Repealed

� 1343. Repealed

� 1344. Repealed

� 1345. Repealed

Entry or Intrusion on Real Estate

� 1351. Penalty for Procuring Violence During Forcible Entry and Detainer

� 1352. Penalty for Returning to Reside on Lands after Lawful Removal

� 1353. Penalty for Squatting

� 1354. Request For Immediate Removal of a Person or Persons Unlawfully Occupying Real Property

� 1355. Penalty for Persons Unlawfully on Property Causing Damage to Dwellings

� 1356. Penalty for False Documents for Valid Lease Agreement, Deed, or Other Instrument Conveying Real Property Rights

� 1357. Relationship to Title 41 - Landlord Tenant

Miscellaneous Provisions

� 1361. Penalty for Disturbing Assembly or Meeting

� 1362. Disturbance by Loud or Unusual Noise or Abusive, Violent, Obscene, Profane or Threatening Language

� 1363. Use of Language Calculated to Arouse Anger or Cause Breach of Peace

� 1364. Discharging Firearm

� 1365. Penalty for Riding Railroad without Authority

� 1366. Venue

� 1367. Testimony or Evidence Tending to Convict One of Crime

� 1368. Possession of Explosives with Unlawful Intent after Felony Conviction, a Felony

� 1369. Repealed

� 1370. Renumbered as 45 O.S. § 9.1 by Laws 1995, HB 1624, c. 344, § 35, eff. November 1, 1995

� 1371. Penalty

� 1372. Injunctive Relief

� 1375. Definitions

� 1376. Orders to Leave Institutions of Learning - Grounds - Penalty

� 1377. Projecting Object at Public Event

� 1378. Punishment for Planning or Threatening Violent Act

� 1379. Willfully Bypassing a Security Checkpoint

� 1379.1. Obstructing or Impeding Passage Through Any State-owned Building - Punishment

Oklahoma Funeral Picketing Act

� 1380. Short Title - Legislative Findings - Purposes - Definitions - Unlawful Acts - Penalties and Remedies

Chapter 56 - Arson

� 1381. Repealed

� 1382. Repealed

� 1383. Repealed

� 1384. Repealed

� 1385. Repealed

� 1386. Repealed

� 1387. Repealed

� 1388. Repealed

� 1389. Repealed

� 1390. Repealed

� 1391. Repealed

� 1392. Repealed

� 1393. Repealed

� 1394. Repealed

� 1395. Repealed

� 1396. Repealed

� 1397. Repealed

� 1398. Repealed

� 1399. Repealed

� 1400. Repealed

� 1401. Arson in the First Degree - Punishment

� 1402. Arson in the Second Degree - Punishment

� 1403. Arson in the Third Degree - Punishment

� 1404. Arson in the Fourth Degree - Punishment

� 1405. Penalty for Endangering Life and Emergency Service Personnel During Violation

� 1406. Prohibition on Working or Volunteering as Firefighter

Chapter 57 - Documents of Title to Merchandise, Offenses Respecting

� 1411. Bill of Lading-Fraud - Penalty

� 1412. Warehouse Receipts - Fraud - Penalty

� 1413. Contents in Bill of Lading Corresponding with Merchandise Received

� 1414. Issuing Duplicate Receipts

� 1415. Selling Merchandise Without Consent

� 1416. Delivery of Merchandise for Which Bill of Lading Issued - Exception

� 1417. Property Demanded by Process of Law - Inapplicable Sections

Chapter 58 - Burglary

� 1431. Burglary in First Degree

� 1432. Repealed

� 1433. Repealed

� 1434. Repealed

� 1435. Burglary in Second Degree - Acts Constituting

� 1436. Penalty for Burglary

� 1437. Possession of Implements of Burglary

� 1438. Entering with Intent to Commit a Felony, Larceny, or Malicious Mischief - Breaking and Entering - Commercial Business Area

� 1438. Penalty for Entering with Intent to Commit a Felony, Larceny, or Malicious Mischief-Breaking and Entering Without Permission

� 1439. Definition of Dwelling House

� 1440. Definition of Night Time

� 1441. Penalty for Burglary by Use of Explosives

� 1442. Possession of Certain Tools a Felony After Conviction of Burglary

Chapter 59 - Embezzlement

� 1451. Embezzlement Defined - Penalties

� 1451. Embezzlement Defined - Penalties

� 1452. Repealed

� 1453. Repealed

� 1454. Repealed

� 1455. Repealed

� 1456. Repealed

� 1457. Repealed

� 1458. Evidence of Debt

� 1459. Defense that Property Appropriated Under Claim of Title

� 1460. Intent to Restore Embezzled Property No Defense

� 1461. Restoration of Property Authorizes Mitigation of Punishment

� 1462. Repealed

� 1463. Repealed

� 1464. Repealed

� 1465. Abandonment of Property or Goods Without Notice to Owner

Chapter 60 - Extortion and Blackmail

� 1481. Definition of Extortion

� 1482. Extortion Induced by Threats

� 1483. Penalty for Extortion

� 1484. Punishment for Extortion under Color of Official Right

� 1485. Obtaining Signature by Extortionate Means

� 1486. Penalty for Extortionate Letters

� 1487. Repealed

� 1488. Blackmail

Chapter 61 - Frauds, Cheats, False Pretenses, and False Personations

� 1500. Real Property Loans - Securing by False Instrument - Penalty

� 1501. Penalty for Falsely Obtaining Personal Property, Cash, Loans, Credit, or Promissory Note

� 1502. Penalty for Deceptive Advertising

� 1503. Defrauding Hotels, Inns, Restaurants, etc.

� 1504. Repealed

� 1505. Increasing Weight of Packaged Goods

� 1506. Penalty for Mock Auctions

� 1507. Fraud at an Auction

� 1508. Fictitious Partnerships - Penalty

� 1509. False Pedigree of Animals - Penalty

� 1510. Destroying Marks or Documents of Ownership Upon Wrecked Property - Penalty

� 1511. Fraud by Limited Partnership Members

� 1512. Misrepresentation in Selling Trees, Plants or Shrubs

� 1513. Penalty - Statute of Limitations

� 1514. Emblems - Deceptive Use of

� 1515. Telecommunication Services - Unlawful Procurement - Penalty

� 1516. Devices or Plans to Procure Services - Making, Possessing, etc., Prohibited - Penalty

� 1517. Amateur Radio Operators Exempt

� 1518. Misrepresentation of Age by False Document

� 1519. Penalties

� 1520. Provisions as Cumulative

� 1521. Motor Vehicle Lease or Rental - Payment by False or Bogus Check - Penalties

� 1522. Publication of Telephone Credit Card Information for Fraudulent Purposes

� 1523. Penalties - Civil Action for Damages

� 1524. Unauthorized Notary Public - Penalty

False Personation

� 1531. False Personation of Another - Marriage - Bail or Surety - Written Instruments - Other Acts

� 1532. False Personation - Receiving Money or Property Intended for Another

� 1533. False Personation of Public Officers, Firemen, etc. - Use of Motor Vehicles

� 1533.1. Fraudulently Obtaining Personal Identity of Other Persons

� 1533.2. Obtaining Personal, Financial or Other Information of Another From a Financial Institution - Attempts - Punishment

� 1533.3. Victims of Identity Theft - Right to Contact Local Law Enforcement Where Victim is Domiciled - Incident Report

False Pretenses, Deception, or Trick

� 1541. Repealed

� 1541.1. Obtaining Property by Trick or Deception - Attempt - False Representation or Pretense - Confidence Game - Penalty

� 1541.2. Penalty - Value of Property, Money, or Valuable Thing

� 1541.3. False or Bogus Checks, Drafts, or Orders - Penalty

� 1541.4. False or Bogus Check or Checks Defined - Prima Facie Evidence of Intent to Defraud and Knowledge of Insufficient Funds or Credit - Effect of Refusal by Drawee of Check Offered for Purchase of Goods or Livestock

� 1541.5. Credit Defined

� 1541.6. Fraud to Obtain Refund - Penalty

� 1542. Obtaining Signature or Property by False Pretenses - Penalty

� 1543. Obtaining Signature or Property by False Pretenses for Charitable or Benevolent Purpose-Penalty

� 1544. Penalty for False Promissory Note or Negotiable Instrument

� 1545. Use of Matured Check as False Token

� 1546. Defacing, Altering or Removing Trademark, Identification or Serial Number on or from Machine or Electrical Device

� 1547. Acquiring for Sale or Resale any Machine, Etc. on Which Trademark, Identification or Serial Number has been Defaced or Altered

� 1548. Not Applicable to Vehicles Covered by Other Laws

� 1549. Not Applicable to Changes by Original Manufacturer

� 1550. Possessing Firearm with Removed or Defaced Serial or Identification Number during Commission of a Felony

� 1550.1. Credit Card Defined

� 1550.2. Unauthorized Use of Credit and Debit Cards - Penalties

� 1550.3. Actual Notice Defined

Oklahoma Credit Card Crime Act of 1970

� 1550.21. Definitions

� 1550.22. Taking Credit or Debit Card - Receiving Taken Credit or Debit Card

� 1550.23. Receiving, Holding or Concealing Lost or Mislaid Card

� 1550.24. Selling or Buying Credit or Debit Card

� 1550.25. Controlling Credit or Debit Card as Security for Debt

� 1550.26. Receiving Taken or Retained Card Upon Giving Consideration

� 1550.27. False Making, Cloning, or Alteration of Credit or Debit Card

� 1550.27. False Making or Embossing of Credit or Debit Card

� 1550.28. Signing of Card-Possession of Signed or Unsigned Card

� 1550.29. Forged or Revoked Card

� 1550.30. Failure to Furnish Money, Goods or Services Represented to have been Furnished

� 1550.31. Possessing Incomplete Cards

� 1550.32. Receiving of Money, Goods or Services in Violation of § 1550.29 - Penalties

� 1550.33. Penalties

� 1550.34. Other Criminal Law Not Precluded - Exception

� 1550.36. Provisions Cumulative

Oklahoma Credit Card Crime Act of 1970

� 1550.37. Short Title

� 1550.38. Emergency

� 1550.39. Use of Device to Access Card Information - Penalties - Persons Excluded from Penalties

� 1550.41. Illegal Acts Relating to Identification Cards - Penalties

� 1550.42. Entities Allowed to Create Identification Document, Cards, or Certificates

� 1550.43. False Identification Documents, Cards, or Certificates

Chapter 62 - False Weights and Measures

� 1551. Use of False Weights with Intent to Defraud

� 1552. Retaining False Weight or Measure

� 1553. Authority to Seize False Weights and Measures

� 1554. Testing Weights and Measures-Destruction if False

� 1555. Weight or Measure Destroyed Upon Conviction

� 1556. Marking or Stamping False Weight or Tare on Any Cask or Package

Chapter 63 - Forgery and Counterfeiting

� 1561. Forgery of Wills, Codicils, Deeds or Other Instruments - Penalty

� 1562. Forgery of Stock Certificates or Securities

� 1571. Forgery of State, Public, Court or Corporate Seals

� 1572. Forgery of Records

� 1573. Forgery of Entries in Book of Record or Abstract

� 1574. Forgery of Certification or Acknowledgment of Conveyance

� 1575. Forgery of Engraving Plates

� 1576. Plates - Imitation of Genuine Instrument

� 1577. Sale, Delivery or Receipt of Forged Notes or Instruments - Aggregation of Offenses Due to Formulation of Plan

� 1578. Possession of Forged Notes or Instruments - Aggregation of Offenses Due to Formulation of Plan

� 1579. Other Forged Instruments

� 1580. Issuing, Selling or Pledging False Certificates of Stock

� 1581. Reissuing, Selling or Pledging Canceled Stock Certificates

� 1582. Issuing, Selling or Pledging False Bond or Other Evidence of Debt

� 1583. Forgery of Coins

� 1584. Forgery of Coin with Intent to Export

� 1585. Forgery of Court Instruments, Licenses, Property Instruments

� 1586. Making False Entries in Public Book

� 1587. Forgery of Tickets or Checks Entitling One to Passage

� 1588. Forgery of Postage Stamps

� 1589. False Entries in Book of Accounts Kept by Corporations

� 1590. Corporation Members, Officers or Employees Falsifying Book of Accounts or Records

� 1591. Possession of Counterfeit Coins

� 1592. Publishing Counterfeited Instruments or Coins as True - Aggregation of Offenses Due to Formulation of Plan

� 1593. Falsely Procuring Another's Signature

� 1621. Penalty for Forgery - First Degree - Second Degree - Third Degree

� 1622. Uttering Subscription on Instrument as that of One with Same Name

� 1623. Uttering One's Endorsement as that of Another with Same Name

� 1624. Erasure or Obliteration of Instruments as Forgery

� 1625. Definition of Writing and Written Instrument

� 1626. Pretended Signatures as Agent or Officer of a Corporation

� 1627. Obtaining Labor by False or Bogus Order Directing Payment-Definitions-Prima Facie Evidence-Punishment

� 1627.1. Payment for Labor or Personal Services by False or Bogus Orders - Penalties - Civil Action

� 1628. Fraudulently Altering, Forging, Reproducing Abstracter's Certificate or Signature

Chapter 64 - Frauds and Offenses in Corporate Affairs

� 1631. Fraudulent Subscription for Stock

� 1632. Forged Instruments Regarding Organization of Corporation

� 1633. Subscription of Another's Name without Authorization

� 1634. Omitting Entries in Books

� 1635. Destroying, Altering or Falsifying Papers, Securities, etc.

� 1636. False Material Statements by Corporations-Failure to Make Required Reports

� 1637. Refusing to Allow Inspection of Corporate Book

� 1638. Fraudulent Insolvency

� 1639. Fraudulent Insolvency - Penalties

� 1640. Unlawful Act or Failure to Perform Duty by Director

� 1641. Knowledge of Director

� 1642. Assent Presumed from Presence at Meeting - Exception

� 1643. Assent Presumed Despite Absence at Meeting - Circumstances

� 1644. Incorporated in Another State No Defense

� 1645. Definition of Director

Chapter 65 - Frauds on Insurance Companies

� 1661. Repealed

� 1662. Fraudulent Claim Upon Insurance Contract for Payment of Loss

� 1663. Workers' Compensation Fraud - Penalty - Definitions

Chapter 66 - Fraudulent Individual Insolvency

� 1671. Conveyance with Intent to Defraud

� 1672. Removal of Property with Fraudulent Intent

� 1673. Assignment of Property to Creditor for Priority

� 1674. Fraudulent Acts by Insolvent Debtor

Chapter 67 - Injuries to Animals

Animal Facilities Protection Act

� 1680. Short Title

� 1680.1. Definitions

� 1680.2. Unlawful Acts Upon Animal Facilities - Exemption

� 1680.3. Duty of Veterinarians to Report Animal Abuse

� 1680.4. Custody of Abused or Neglected Animals - Bond - Euthanasia

� 1681. Poisoning Animals - Penalty

� 1682. Instigating Fights Between Animals

� 1683. Keeping Places For Fighting Animals

� 1684. Wounding or Trapping Birds within Cemetery or Burying Ground

� 1685. Acts of Cruelty to Animals

� 1685.1. Prohibition on Use of Live Animals as Lure in Training Greyhounds

� 1686. Disposal of Abandoned Animals

� 1687. Repealed

� 1688. Carrying Animals in Cruel Manner

� 1689. Administration of Poisonous Drugs to Animals

� 1691. Abandoning Animals Along Streets or Highways Unlawful

� 1692. Penalty


� 1692.1. Definitions

� 1692.2. Instigating or Encouraging Cockfight

� 1692.3. Keeping Place, Equipment, or Facilities for Cockfighting

� 1692.4. Servicing or Facilitating Cockfight

� 1692.5. Owning, Possessing, Keeping or Training Bird for Fighting

� 1692.6. Spectators

� 1692.7. Seizure, Destruction, or Forfeiture of Cockfighting Equipment or Facilities

� 1692.8. Punishment

� 1692.9. Exemption


� 1693. Definitions

� 1694. Instigating or Encouraging Dogfight - Felony

� 1695. Keeping Place, Equipment or Facilities for Dogfighting - Felony

� 1696. Servicing or Facilitating Dogfight Felony

� 1697. Owning, Possessing, Keeping or Training Dog for Fighting - Felony

� 1698. Spectators

� 1699. Seizure, Destruction or Forfeiture of Dogfighting Equipment and Facilities

� 1699.1. Punishment

� 1699.2. Exemptions

Bear Wrestling and Horse Tripping

� 1700. Prohibition on Bear Wrestling Exhibitions or Horse Tripping Events - Penalty

Chapter 68 - Larceny

� 1701. Definition of Larceny

� 1702. Larceny - Lost Property

� 1703. Degrees of Larceny

� 1704. Grand Larceny and Petit Larceny - Definitions

� 1705. Grand Larceny - Penalty

� 1705. Grand Larceny - Penalty

� 1706. Petit Larceny - Punishment

� 1707. Grand Larceny in Dwelling House - Penalty

� 1708. Larceny in Nighttime - Penalty

� 1709. Value of Stolen Written Instruments or Evidence of Debt

� 1710. Value of Stolen Passage Tickets

� 1711. Applicable to Instruments or Securities Not Yet Issued or Delivered

� 1712. Larceny of Fixtures

� 1713. Receiving Stolen Property - Reasonable Inquiry Required

� 1713.1. Receiving Stolen Construction or Farm Equipment Prohibited - Penalty

� 1714. Unlawful Consumption of Gas - Penalty

� 1715. Bringing Stolen Property into State - Punishment

� 1716. Larceny of Livestock or Implements of Husbandry - Penalty

� 1717. Dog as Personal Property

� 1718. Larceny of Dogs

� 1719. Domestic Fowls, Larceny of-Receiving Stolen Fowls

� 1719.1. Larceny of Domesticated Fish and Game

� 1719.2. Grand Larceny of Exotic Livestock - Penalty

� 1720. Theft of Aircraft, Automobile, Automotive Driven Vehicle, or Construction or Farm Equipment

� 1721. Tapping Pipeline

� 1722. Taking Oil, Gas, Gasoline - Misdemeanor - Felony

� 1723. Larceny from Building

� 1724. Penalty

� 1725. Repealed

� 1726. Mercury - Possession of More Than One Pound Without Written Evidence of Title - Penalty - Defenses

� 1727. Copper - Stealing or Removing - Penalties

� 1728. Possessing, Receiving or Transporting Stolen Copper - Penalties

� 1729. Repealed

� 1730. Act as Cumulative - Definitions

� 1731. Larceny of Merchandise from Retailer or Wholesaler - Punishment - Subsequent Convictions

� 1731. Larceny of Merchandise from Retailer or Wholesaler - Punishment - Subsequent Convictions

� 1731.1. Definitions - Shoplifting - Civil Actions - Exemplary Damages - Public Service - Additional to Criminal Liability

� 1732. Larceny of Trade Secrets - Definitions - Exception

� 1733. Repealed

� 1734. Repealed

� 1735. Repealed

� 1736. Repealed

� 1737. Larceny of Cable Television Services

� 1738. Seizure and Forfeiture of Vehicles, Airplanes, and Other Property Used in Crime - Procedure

� 1739. Library Theft

� 1740. Gasoline Pump Thievery

� 1740.1. Theft of Dimensional Stone Products - Penalty

Porch Piracy Act of 2020

� 1740.2. Definitions - Penalties

Unlawful Use of a Recording Device Act

� 1741. Short Title - Definitions - Prohibited Acts - Penalty - Limited Immunity - Exemptions

� 1742.1. Definitions

� 1742.2. Procuring, Selling, or Receiving Telephone Records by Fraud - Penalties - Jurisdiction - Exception - Consumer Protection Act

� 1742.3. Construction

� 1742.4. Duty to Protect Against Unauthorized or Fraudulent Disclosure - No Private Right of Action

� 1743. Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) or Drone - Prohibited Acts - Misdemeanor

Chapter 69 - Malicious Mischief

� 1751. Maliciously Destroying Railroad or Railroad Equipment

� 1752. Offense Resulting in Death

� 1752.1. Interfering with Railroad - Misdemeanor - Penalty

� 1753. Injuries to Public Highways or Bridges

� 1753.3. Litter From Vehicle - Flaming and Glowing Substances - Burn Bans - Penalties - Definition

� 1753.4. Erection of Signs by State Highway Department

� 1753.5. Erection of Signs by County Commissioners

� 1753.8. Stealing Road Signs - Violation Results in Personal Injury - Penalty

� 1753.9. Returning Road Signs without Penalty - Disposition of Signs

� 1754. Obstruction of Public Highways or Streets - Penalty - Damages

� 1755. Injury to Toll House or Turnpike Gate

� 1758. Irrigation Ditches, Canals, Water Lines or Conduits-Interference With

� 1759. Penalty

� 1760. Maliciously Defacing Property of Another - Penalty - Civil Action

� 1761. Following Sections Do Not Qualify § 1760

� 1761.1. Dumping Trash on Public or Private Property Without Consent or in Violation of Regulations - Penalties - Bail

� 1762. Defacing Legal Notice of Mining Claims or Records

� 1763. Repealed

� 1764. Repealed

� 1765. Defacing or Injuring House of Worship

� 1766. Repealed

� 1767. Repealed

� 1767.1. Bombs and Explosives - Foul, Poisonous, Offensive or Injurious Substances - Threats

� 1767.2. Violations of Preceding Section

� 1767.3. Definitions

� 1767.4. Tracing of Telephone Calls - Immunity

� 1767.5. Permit Required to Possess, Manufacture, Store or Use Explosives - Certain Exemptions

� 1768. Trespass by Destroying, Cutting or Taking Wood, Timber, etc.

� 1769. Repealed

� 1770. Destroying Crops, Grains, Fruits, etc.

� 1771. Unlawfully Picking or Destroying Fruits, Flowers, etc. of Another in Daytime

� 1772. Unlawfully Picking or Destroying Fruits, Flowers, etc. of Another in Night Time

� 1773. Maliciously Cutting or Destroying Fruit or Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, etc.

� 1774. Maliciously Removing or Defacing Landmarks

� 1775. Unlawful Interference with Piers, Dams

� 1776. Destroying Dams - Penalty

� 1777. Removing or Injuring Piles Used to Secure Dams

� 1778. Masking or Removing Train Lights or Signals - False Lights

� 1779. Defacing or Destroying Written Instruments - Same Punishment as Forgery

� 1781. Opening, Reading or Publishing Letters of Another

� 1782. Disclosing Contents of Telegraph or Telephone Messages

� 1783. Concealing Telegraphic Dispatch of Another

� 1784. Injuring or Destroying Art, Ornamental Improvements, Trees, etc.

� 1785. Tearing or Destroying Literature or Art

� 1786. Digging Up or Obstructing Pipes, Wires, etc.

� 1787. Automobile or Motor Vehicle, Loitering in, Injuring or Molesting

� 1788. Penalty

� 1789. Caves or Caverns, Injuring

� 1790. Repealed

� 1791. Damaging Fences Used for Production or Containment of Animals - Penalty

� 1792. Trespass and Damage to Critical Infrastructure Facility - Penalty

� 1795. Impermissible Occupation - Penalty - Affirmative Defense

Chapter 70 - Other Offenses Against Property Rights

� 1831. Unauthorized Taking or Injury of Saw Logs

� 1832. Purchasing, Receiving or Injuring Stolen Saw Logs

� 1833. Repealed

� 1834. Chattels Encumbered by Mortgage, Conditional Sales Contract or Security Agreement-Removal or Destruction

� 1834.1. Sale of Secured Personal Property - Debtor as Trustee of Funds Received

� 1834.2. Repealed

� 1835. Trespass After Being Forbidden - Penalty - Exceptions - Entry Into Pecan Grove, Grand River Dam Authority, Governor's Mansion Without Prior Consent

� 1835.1. Right to Forbid Entry or Presence of Persons Convicted of Certain Crimes into Businesses, etc.

� 1835.2. Trespass to Private Land Primarily Devoted to Farming, Ranching, or Forestry - Penalties - Affirmative Defense

Oklahoma Private Lands and Public Recreation Act

� 1835.3. Short Title

� 1835.4. Definitions

� 1835.5. Prima Facie Evidence of Purpose for Being on Land - Effect of Posting or Lack of Posting - Implied Consent

� 1835.6. Prohibited Acts

� 1835.7. Penalties

� 1835.8. Citations - Payment Methods - Notice

� 1835.9. Aggravated Offenses - Penalties

� 1835.10. Revocation of License by Government Entity

� 1836. Deed to Restricted Indian Lands - Punishment for Filing

� 1836.1. Execution of Deed to Remove Cloud

� 1836.2. Failure to Comply With Demand - Damages

� 1837. Matches in Cotton-Stone in Grain - Felony

� 1838. Attaching Unauthorized Objects Upon Utility Poles Prohibited

� 1839. Penalties

� 1840. Repealed

Serial Numbers on Farm Machinery

� 1841. Destroying or Altering Serial Number from Farm Machinery - Sale or Disposal

� 1842. Exception

� 1843. Violation - Penalty

Emergency Telephone Calls on Party Lines

� 1844. Repealed

� 1845. Repealed

� 1846. Repealed

� 1847. Repealed

Use of Spurious Coins in Coin-Operated Machines

� 1847a. Restrictions on Use of an Automatic Dial Announcing Device - Penalty - Civil Action

� 1848. Definitions

� 1849. Coin-Operated Machines - Use of Spurious Coins a Misdemeanor - Penalty

� 1850. Manufacture, Sale, Possession etc. of Spurious Coins a Misdemeanor - Violations and Penalty

Reporting of Fires

� 1851. False Report of Fire

� 1852. Copies of Act to be Posted

� 1853. Violations a Misdemeanor

Telephone Solicitation

� 1861. Information to be Furnished by Solicitor - Calls Exempt - Penalties

Electronic Solicitation

� 1862. Definitions

� 1863. Prohibition on Solicitation by Facsimile Devices - Penalty

Sound Recordings

� 1865. Repealed

� 1866. Repealed

� 1867. Repealed

� 1868. Repealed

� 1869. Repealed

Misuse of Telecommunications Devices

� 1870. Definitions

� 1871. Penalty for Use of Telecommunication Device with Intent to Avoid Payment

� 1872. Penalty for Possession of Unlawful Telecommunication Device

� 1873. Penalty for Sale of Unlawful Telecommunication Device

� 1874. Penalty for Manufacture of Unlawful Telecommunication Device

Bus Passenger Safety Act

� 1901. Short Title

� 1902. Definitions

� 1903. Seizure of Bus-Assault or Battery - Use of Dangerous Weapon - Concealed Weapon - Discharging Firearm or Hurling Missile at Bus

� 1904. Unauthorized Removal of Baggage, Cargo or Other Item

Oil and Gas Equipment and Materials

� 1905. Repealed

� 1906. Repealed

Oklahoma Computer Crimes Act

� 1951. Short Title

� 1952. Definitions

� 1953. Unlawful Acts - Penalties

� 1954. Acts Constituting Prima Facie Evidence of Violation

� 1955. Penalties - Civil Action for Compensatory Damages

� 1956. Repealed

� 1957. Accessing a Computer in One Jurisdiction from Another

� 1958. Using Access to Computers to Violate Oklahoma Statues - Penalty

� 1959. Oklahoma Attorney General or District Attorney May Conduct Investigation

Sound Recordings and Audiovisual Works

� 1975. Definitions

� 1976. Reproduction of Sound Recordings without Consent - Penalties

� 1977. Unlawful to Sell Sound Recording Reproduced without Consent - Penalties

� 1978. Unlawful to Sell Sound Recording or Performance without Consent - Penalties

� 1979. Unlawful to Advertise, Rent, Sale, Distribute, etc. Any Article Not Clearly Displaying True Name of Manufacturer-Penalties

� 1980. Unlawful Counterfeit Labels on Phonorecord, Motion Picture, etc. - Penalties

� 1981. Forfeiture and Disposition of Sound Recording, Articles and Equipment upon Conviction

Trademark Anti-Counterfeiting Act

� 1990. Short Title

� 1990.1. Definitions

� 1990.2. Violation of Trademark Anti-Counterfeiting Act

Laser Safety Act

� 1992. Laser Safety Act - Penalties and Definitions

� 1993. Tampering with Security Equipment

Proceeds, Seizures, and Forfeitures

� 2001. Unlawful Proceeds - Transaction with Counsel - Banking Transaction - Penalties

� 2002. Seizure and Forfeiture Procedures - Claims - Liens - Proceeds

Registered Sex Offender Ice Cream Truck Vending

� 2100. Definitions

� 2100.1. Sex Offender Engaging in Ice Cream Truck Vending - Penalty

� 2100.2. Duty of Those Engaged in Ice Cream Vending to Search Name Against Oklahoma Sex Offender Registry - Penalties for Violations

Organized Retail Crime

� 2200. Oklahoma Organized Retail Crime Task Force