Index of Available Documents

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Title 47. Motor Vehicles�

Chapter 1- Definitions of Words and Phrases

� 1-101. Definition of Words and Phrases

� 1-101.1. Ancient Vehicle

� 1-102. Arterial Street

� 1-103. Emergency Vehicles

� 1-103.1. Automobile

� 1-103.2. Autocycle

� 1-104. Bicycle, Electric-Assisted Bicycle, and Motorized Bicycle

� 1-105. Bus

� 1-105.1. Church Bus

� 1-106. Business District

� 1-107. Cancellation of Driver License

� 1-107.1. Class A Commercial Motor Vehicle

� 1-107.2. Class B Commercial Motor Vehicle

� 1-107.3. Class C Commercial Motor Vehicle

� 1-107.4. Class D Motor Vehicle

� 1-108. Commercial Operator or Driver

� 1-108.1. Tillerman

� 1-108.2. Steerman

� 1-109. Commissioner

� 1-110. Controlled-Access Highway

� 1-111. Cross Walk

� 1-112. Dealer

� 1-113. Department

� 1-114. Driver and Driver License

� 1-114A. Electric Personal Assistive Mobility Device

� 1-115. Repealed

� 1-116. Established Place of Business

� 1-117. Explosives

� 1-118. Farm Tractor

� 1-119. Flammable Substance

� 1-120. Repealed

� 1-120.1. Determination of Gross Combination Weight Rating (GCWR)

� 1-121. Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR)

� 1-122. Highway

� 1-123. Manufactured Home

� 1-124. Identifying Number

� 1-125. Implement of Husbandry

� 1-126. Intersection

� 1-127. Repealed

� 1-128. License to Operate a Motor Vehicle

� 1-129. Lienholder

� 1-130. Local Authorities

� 1-131. Mail

� 1-132. Manufacturer

� 1-133. Metal Tire

� 1-133.1. Repealed

� 1-133.1a. Military Surplus Vehicle

� 1-133.1b. Military Surplus Vehicle Collector

� 1-133.2. Moped

� 1-133.3. Motorized Scooter

� 1-134. Motor Vehicle

� 1-134.1. Low-Speed Electrical Vehicle

� 1-135. Motorcycle

� 1-136. Motor-Driven Cycle

� 1-136.1. Repealed

� 1-136.2. Repealed

� 1-136.3. Motorized Wheelchair

� 1-137. Nonresident

� 1-138. Nonresident's Operating Privilege

� 1-139. Official Traffic - Control Devices

� 1-140. Operator or Driver

� 1-140.1. Other Intoxicating Substance

� 1-141. Owner

� 1-142. Park, Parking, and Public Parking Lot

� 1-143. Pedestrian

� 1-144. Person

� 1-145. Pneumatic Tire

� 1-146. Pole Trailer

� 1-147. Police Officer

� 1-148. Private Road or Driveway

� 1-149. Railroad

� 1-150. Railroad Sign or Signal

� 1-151. Railroad Train

� 1-152. Repealed

� 1-152.1. Recreational Vehicle

� 1-153. Registration

� 1-154. Residence District

� 1-155. Revocation of Driving Privilege

� 1-156. Right-of-Way

� 1-157. Repealed

� 1-158. Roadway and Shoulder

� 1-159. Safety Zone

� 1-159. Safety Zone

� 1-160. School Bus

� 1-161. Security

� 1-162. Semitrailer

� 1-163. Sidewalk

� 1-164. Solid Tire

� 1-165. Special Mobilized Machinery

� 1-166. Repealed

� 1-167. Stand or Standing

� 1-168. State

� 1-169. Stop

� 1-170. Stop or Stopping

� 1-171. Street

� 1-171.1. Street-legal Utility Vehicle

� 1-172. Repealed

� 1-173. Suspension of Driving Privilege

� 1-173.1. Tank Vehicle

� 1-174. Taxicab

� 1-175. Through Highway

� 1-176. Repealed

� 1-177. Traffic

� 1-178. Traffic Control Signal

� 1-179. Traffic Lane

� 1-180. Trailer

� 1-181. Transporter

� 1-181.1. Travel Trailer

� 1-182. Truck

� 1-183. Truck Tractor

� 1-184. Turnpike and Turnpike Authority

� 1-185. Urban District

� 1-186. Vehicle

Chapter 2 - The Department of Public Safety

Article 1 - Creation, Organization, and Responsibilities of Department

� 2-101. Creation of Department of Public Safety and Office of Commissioner of Public Safety - Powers and Authority - Chief Officer - Services for Governor and Lieutenant Governor

� 2-102. Commissioner of Public Safety - Qualifications - Appointment - Vacancy - Expenses - Bond - Oath

� 2-103. Organization of Department

� 2-104. Commissioner to Appoint Subordinates - Salaries - Additional Employees to Enforce Financial Responsibility

� 2-105. Highway Patrol Personnel - Qualifications - Political Activities - Probationary Period - Suspension - Removal - Transfer - Grievances - Uniforms - Chief - Training Schools - Age

� 2-105A. Repealed

� 2-105B. Chaplain - Counseling Services

� 2-105.1. Repealed

� 2-105.2. Highway Patrol Academies

� 2-105.3. Repealed

� 2-105.3a. Criminal Threats to Officials - Executive Security

� 2-105.4. Salaries

� 2-105.4A. Size and Weight Enforcement Section of Oklahoma Highway Patrol Division created - Additional members of Highway Patrol - Purchase, Maintenance of Vehicles and Equipment - Training

� 2-105.4B. Bomb Squad Section

� 2-105.4C. Part-Time Employment Allowed in the Event of Furloughs

� 2-105.5. Controlled Substance Screening as Prerequisite

� 2-105.6. Marine Enforcement Section - Officers - Salaries

� 2-105.6A. Repealed

� 2-105.7. Capitol Patrol Section - Authority - Reclassification - Salaries - Application

� 2-105.8. Communications Section - Salaries

� 2-106. Repealed

� 2-106.1. Permit Clerks and Supervisor

� 2-106.2A. Transfer of Powers and Duties to Department of Transportation

� 2-106.2B. Transfer of Powers and Duties to Oklahoma Department of Public Safety

� 2-106.2C. Incentives - Traffic Safety Related Projects

� 2-106.3. Fraudulent Documents Identification (FDI) Unit

� 2-107. Traveling Expenses of Assistants and Other Employees - Equipment

� 2-108. Powers and Duties of Commissioner

� 2-108.1. Interlocal Agreements

� 2-108.2. Gun Range Rights

� 2-108.3. Motor Vehicle Ownership and Registration Information - Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement

� 2-108.4. Oklahoma Incident Management Team Advisory Committee

� 2-108.5. Oklahoma State Award Program Committee

� 2-109. Commissioner to Prescribe Forms

� 2-109.1. Department of Public Safety Fees

� 2-110. Authority to Certify Copies of Records - Release of Records - Personal Information

� 2-111. Records of Department

� 2-112. Authority to Grant or Refuse Applications

� 2-113. Seizure of Documents and Plates

� 2-114. Distribution of Synopsis of Laws

� 2-115. Department May Summon Witnesses and Take Testimony

� 2-116. Giving of Notice

� 2-117. Police Authority of Department - Traffic-related Enforcement Authority on National System of Interstate and Defense Highways - Special Traffic-related Enforcement in Municipalities

� 2-117.1. Duty to Investigate and Report to Corporation Commission, Oklahoma Tax Commission and Department of Public Safety

� 2-118. Administration of Division of Highway Patrol

� 2-119. Badge of Authority - Penalties

� 2-120. Transportation for Attorney General

� 2-121. Legal Division

� 2-122. Funds from Training Facilities and Other Sources - Petty Cash Fund

� 2-122.1. Federal Grants and Aid Assistance

� 2-122.2. Employee Performance Recognition Program

� 2-122.3. Canines - Housing - Training

� 2-123. Sale of Surplus Vehicles

� 2-124. Law Enforcement Telecommunications Systems Division - Creation

� 2-124.1. Current Computerized Arrest Warrant Identification Information Provided to Department of Public Safety - Authority to Audit State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies - Liability of Personnel within Office of Administrative Director of Courts

� 2-125. Deposit of Funds

� 2-126. Rule-Making Authority

� 2-127. Repealed

� 2-128. Transfer of Personnel and Assets

� 2-129. Custody and Dissemination of Confidential and Privileged Information

� 2-130. Expense Allowance for Certain Employees

� 2-130.1. Authority to Pay Additional Compensation for Irregular Shifts or Employees Subject to 24 Hour Call

� 2-131. Repealed

� 2-132. Repealed

� 2-133. Establishment of Psychological Services Division - Director - Plan for Program

� 2-134. Repealed

� 2-135. Repealed

� 2-136. Repealed

� 2-140. Repealed

� 2-140a. Pilot Program to Increase the Availability of Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement Training

Oklahoma Police Corps Act

� 2-140.1. Repealed

� 2-140.2. Repealed

� 2-140.3. Repealed

� 2-140.4. Repealed

� 2-140.5. Repealed

� 2-140.6. Repealed

� 2-140.7. Repealed

� 2-140.8. Repealed

� 2-140.9. Repealed

� 2-140.10. Repealed

� 2-140.11. Repealed

� 2-141. Repealed

� 2-142. Creation of the Computer Imaging System Revolving Fund

� 2-143. Department of Public Safety Patrol Vehicle Revolving Fund

� 2-144.1. Department of Public Safety Revolving Fund

� 2-145. Department of Public Safety Restricted Revolving Fund

� 2-146. Department of Public Safety Patrol Academy Revolving Fund - Annual Report

� 2-147. State Public Safety Fund

� 2-150. Weapons, Badges, and Official License Plates - Retention After Retirement

Article 2 - Personnel Insurance Policies

� 2-201. Repealed

Article 3 - Law Enforcement Retirement System

� 2-300. Definitions

� 2-301. Establishment - Law Enforcement Retirement Fund - Retirement Medical Benefit Fund - Right To Benefits

� 2-301.1. Termination or Partial Termination of System

� 2-302. Application for Membership - Assistant Commissioner as Member of System - Make-Up Contributions by Certain Employees

� 2-303. Law Enforcement Retirement Board

� 2-303.1. Discharge of Board's Duties - Procurement of Insurance - Establishment of Investment Committee - Investment Manager - Reports - Procurement of Attorney

� 2-303.2. Responsibilities of Fiduciaries

� 2-303.3. Exemptions from Execution, Garnishment or Attachment and Unassignability - Qualified Domestic Order as Exception

� 2-303.4. Deposits of Contributions and Dedicated Revenues - Management of Oklahoma Law Enforcement Retirement Fund

� 2-303.5. Acceptance of Gifts or Gratuities by Members of Oklahoma Law Enforcement Retirement Board Prohibited

� 2-304. Contributions to Fund - Amount - Deduction by Employer - Vouchers Against Fund

� 2-304.1. Employer Contribution - No Reduction During Mobilization for State or National Emergency

� 2-305. Retirement and Retirement Pay - Disability Benefits - Mandatory Return to Duty

� 2-305.1. Retirement Benefits - Computation of Final Average Salary - Increase in Benefits

� 2-305.1A. Eligible Rollover Distributions

� 2-305.1B. Beneficiary Who is Not Spouse - Transfer of Portion of Distribution to Individual Retirement Account or Annuity

� 2-305.1C. Direct Payments for Qualified Health Insurance Premiums - Rules

� 2-305.2. Participation in Oklahoma Law Enforcement Deferred Option Plan

� 2-305.3. Increase of Oklahoma Law Enforcement Retirement System Benefits

� 2-305.4. Limitations on Benefits and Contributions Under Qualified Plans

� 2-305.5. Oklahoma Law Enforcement Retirement System - Payment to Retirees

� 2-305.6. Benefits Increase - 1997 - Restoration of Initial COLA Benefit

� 2-305.7. Benefits Increase - 2000

� 2-305.8. Benefits Increase - 2002

� 2-305.9. Benefits Increase - 2004

� 2-305.10. Benefits Increase - 2006

� 2-305.11. Benefits Increase - 2008

� 2-305.12. Benefits Increase - 2020

� 2-306. Payments in Case of Death

� 2-306.1. Repealed

� 2-306.2. Unpaid Accumulated Contributions - Payment to Beneficiary or Next of Kin

� 2-306.3. Death Benefits for Active or Retired Member

� 2-307. Leaves of Absence - Termination of Employment - Reinstatement - Service in Armed Forces - Involuntary Furloughs

� 2-307.1. Receipt of Service Credit

� 2-307.2. Calculation of Total Service Credit

� 2-307.3. Payment of Employee Contribution to Oklahoma Law Enforcement Retirement System - Receipt of Service Credit

� 2-307.4. Credit for Military Service

� 2-307.5. Adoption of Rules for Computation of Purchase Price for Transferred Credited Service

� 2-307.6. Repealed

� 2-307.7. Termination Credit

� 2-308. Payments on Termination of Membership - Reemployment

� 2-308.1. Election to Defer Commencement of Retirement Benefits

� 2-308.2. Actuarial Investigation - Establishment of Tables and Rates - Actuarial Valuation of Assets and Liabilities - Determination of Employer Contributions

� 2-309. Proceedings on Claims - Appeal to District Court

� 2-309.1. Officers of State Bureau of Investigation and Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control - Transfer to System

� 2-309.2. Employees of Communications Division and Waterways Patrol Division of Department of Public Safety - Transfer to System

� 2-309.3. Law Enforcement Officers of the Oklahoma Alcoholic Beverage Control Board - Transfer to System

� 2-309.4. Park Rangers' Benefits

� 2-309.5. Inspectors of Oklahoma State Board of Pharmacy - Benefits

� 2-309.6. Capitol Patrol Members

� 2-309.7. Repealed

� 2-309.8. Service Credit

� 2-309.9. Participation and Contribution to System by Agents of the Office of the Attorney General

� 2-309.10. Participation and Contribution to System by Agents of the Military Department

� 2-310. Repealed

� 2-310.1. Injury of Law Enforcement Officer - Determination of Injury by Injury Review Board - Agency Rules

� 2-310.2. Administrative Leave for Members of Oklahoma Law Enforcement Retirement System

� 2-311. Repealed

� 2-312. Fraud - Penalties

� 2-313. Renumbered as 47 O.S. § 2-150 by Laws 2000, SB 1026, c. 378, § 5, eff. January 1, 2001

� 2-314. Election for Limited Participation by Certain Universities

� 2-315. Lake Patrolmen or Dispatchers - Election of Participation in Oklahoma Law Enforcement Retirement System

Oklahoma Blue Alert Act

� 2-316. Development of Statewide Blue Alert System - Statewide Coordinator - Rules - Annual Review

Chapter 3 - Service Oklahoma

� 3-101. Creation - Driver License Services Division, Motor Services Division, Transferred

� 3-102. Definitions

� 3-103. Director - Powers and Duties - Salary, Expenese - Authority

� 3-104. Operator Board - Membership - Power and Duty - Meetings

� 3-105. Licensed Operator Advisory Committee - Appointment of Members

� 3-106. Service Oklahoma Revolving Fund - Service Oklahoma Reimbursement Fund - Service Oklahoma Computer Imaging System Revolving Fund - Licensed Operator Performance Fund - Petty Cash Fund

� 3-107. Records

� 3-108. Interagency Agreements

� 3-109. Administrative Rules Transferred

� 3-110. Adminster Oaths - Acknowledge Signatures - Certified Copies - Records

Chapter 4 - Antitheft Laws

� 4-101. Exceptions From Provisions of This Chapter

� 4-102. Unauthorized Use of Vehicle or Implement of Husbandry

� 4-103. Receiving or Disposing of a Vehicle or Implement of Husbandry

� 4-104. Damaging or Tampering With Vehicle or Implement of Husbandry

� 4-105. Stolen, Converted, Recovered, and Unclaimed Vehicles

� 4-106. False Report of Theft or Conversion

Highway Safety Code

� 4-107. Removed, Falsified, or Unauthorized Identification

� 4-107a. Trim Tag Plates - Intentionally Destroying, Removing, Altering, Covering - Counterfeits

� 4-108. False Statements of Material Facts - Punishment

� 4-109. Altering or Forging Certificate of Title - Punishment

� 4-110. Offenses in Connection With Certificates of Title

� 4-111. Inspection of Vehicles by Peace Officers of State

Chapter 5 - Dealers, Wreckers, and Rebuilders

� 5-101. Repealed

Chapter 6 - Driver Licenses

Article 1 - Issuance, Expiration, and Renewal of Licenses

� 6-101. Class Requirements for Driver Licenses

� 6-101.1. Licenses for Persons Under Age 21

� 6-101.2. Repealed

� 6-101.3. Repealed

� 6-101.4. Repealed

� 6-101.5. Repealed

� 6-102. Persons Exempt From License Requirement

� 6-102. Persons Exempt From License Requirement

� 6-102.1. Agricultural Exemption From License Requirement

� 6-103. Persons to Whom the Department May Not Issue a License - Appeal Rights

� 6-103.1. Legal Parent or Guardian May Prohibit Licensing or Cause Cancellation of License Issued to Unemancipated Child

� 6-104. Repealed

� 6-105. Graduated Class D Licenses - Motorcycle-Only Licenses - Farm Vehicle Special Permits - Learner Permit

� 6-105. Graduated Class D Licenses - Motorcycle-Only Licenses - Farm Vehicle Special Permits - Learner Permit

� 6-105.1. Repealed

� 6-105.2. Instructor Permits

� 6-105.2. Instructor Permits

� 6-105.3. Identification Cards for Oklahoma Residents

� 6-105.3. Identification Cards for Oklahoma Residents

� 6-106. Application for License or Identification Card - Valid, Unexpired Driver License as Proof of Identity

� 6-106.1. Renumbered

� 6-106.2. Renumbered

� 6-106.3. Renumbered

� 6-106.4. Renumbered

� 6-107. Permits or Licenses for Persons Under 18 - Liability - Financial Responsibility - Cancellation or Suspension

� 6-107.1. Cancellation or Denial of Driving Privileges for Certain Alcohol or Substance Abuse Offenses - Notification

� 6-107.2. Preparation and Distribution of Notification - Cancellation or Denial of Driving Privileges - Petition for Relief.

� 6-107.3. Repealed

� 6-107.4. Repealed

� 6-107.5. Repealed

� 6-107.6. Punishment for False Information Relating to Attendance or Enrollment in School

� 6-107.7. Renumbered as 37 O.S. § 608 by Laws 2007, HB 1616, c. 62, § 23, emerg. eff. April 30, 2007

� 6-108. Repealed

� 6-109. Repealed

� 6-110. Examination of Applicants - Designated Examiner - Third-Party Examiner

� 6-110. Examination of Applicants - Designated Examiner - Third-Party Examiner

� 6-110.1. Endorsement Authorizations for Qualified Driver License Holders

� 6-110.2. Computerized Finger Imaging

� 6-110.3. Legislative Findings - Oklahoma Nonparticipation in Implementation of Real ID Act of 2005

� 6-110.4. Pilot Program - Certified Commercial Truck Driver Training Instructors as Third-Party Examiners for DPS

� 6-110.5. Training and Education for Licensed Operators and Licensed Operator Employees - Time and Costs

� 6-111. Issuance of License or Card - Temporary Permit - Restricted Commercial Driver's License - Non-Domiciled Commercial Learner Permit

� 6-112. License to be Carried and Displayed on Demand of Peace Officer

� 6-113. Restricted Licenses

� 6-114. Replacement License - Removal of Endorsements or Restrictions

� 6-115. Expiration of License

� 6-115.1. Repealed

� 6-115.2. Repealed

� 6-116. Change of Name or Address - Apply for Replacement Driver License

� 6-117. Records to be Kept by the Department - Department of Public Safety Revolving Fund

� 6-118. Driver License Medical Advisory Committee

� 6-119. Physical or Mental Conditions Hazardous to Public Safety - Physical and/or Psychological Examination - Renewal - Retesting

� 6-119A. Restricted Driver License for Bioptic Driving - Commissioner of Public Safety Shall Promulgate Rules - Definition

� 6-120. Cancellation or Denial - Imposition of Restrictions - Appeal

� 6-121. Extension of Driver's License During Service in Armed Forces - Person Employed as Civilian Contractor With Armed Forces

� 6-122. Renewal or Replacement Online or by Mail

� 6-123. Repealed

� 6-124. Issuance of Driver License or Identification Card - Veteran Designation

� 6-125. Voluntary Designation as Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder - Automated Statewide Registry

� 6-125.1. Law Enforcement Training for Communicating with Persons Having Autism Spectrum Disorder

Article 2 - Cancellation, Suspension, or Revocation of Licenses

� 6-201. Authority of Department to Cancel License - Appeal

� 6-201.1. Repealed

� 6-201.2. Recognition of Indian Tribal Court Conviction

� 6-202. Suspending Privileges of Nonresidents and Reporting Convictions

� 6-202.1. Privileges and Immunities

� 6-203. Suspension of Resident's License or Driving Privilege Upon Conviction in Another State

� 6-204. Order by Court to Surrender License to Department

� 6-205. Mandatory Revocation of License - Petition for Relief

� 6-205.1. Duration of Revocation of Driver License or Driving Privilege

� 6-205.1. Duration of Revocation of Driver License or Driving Privilege

� 6-205.2. Disqualification of Persons from Operating Commercial Motor Vehicles - Punishment for Driving While Disqualified

� 6-206. Authority of Department to Suspend License

� 6-206.1. Driver Improvement or Defensive Driving Course Defined - Enrollment - Class Procedure

� 6-206.1. Driver Improvement or Defensive Driving Course Defined - Enrollment - Class Procedure

� 6-207. Authority of Department to Deny Application for or Cancel License for Certain Ailments - Appeal

� 6-208. Period of Suspensions - Renewal or Restoration of License

� 6-208.1. Authority of Service Oklahoma to Decline to Process Certain Requests for Suspension or Revocation of License

� 6-208.3. Repealed

� 6-209. Surrender and Return of License - Seizure of License

� 6-210. No Operation Under Foreign License During Suspension or Revocation in This State

� 6-211. Right of Appeal to Court

� 6-212. Conditions for Reinstatement

� 6-212.1. Repealed

� 6-212.2. Alcohol and Drug Substance Abuse Evaluation Programs - Medication-Assisted Treatment - Reinstatement of Driver License

� 6-212.3. Repeat Offenders and Excessive Users of Alcohol - Restricted License Fees - Ignition Interlock Device

� 6-212.3. Repeat Offenders and Excessive Users of Alcohol - Restricted License Fees - Ignition Interlock Device

� 6-212.4. Revocation, Suspension, Cancellation and/or Denial Periods of Time of Driving Privileges - Waiver - Graduation from Oklahoma Drug Court Program

� 6-212.5. Impaired Driver Accountability Program (IDAP)

� 6-212.5. Impaired Driver Accountability Program (IDAP)

� 6-212.6. Repealed

� 6-212.7. Impaired Driving Prevention Advisory Committee

Article 3 - Violation of License Provisions

� 6-301. Unlawful Use of License or Identification Card

� 6-302. Making False Affidavit Perjury

� 6-303. Driving While License Under Suspension or Revocation - Penalties - Motorcycles

� 6-304. Permitting Unauthorized Minor to Drive

� 6-305. Permitting Unauthorized Person to Drive

� 6-306. Employer Permitting Unlicensed or Improperly Licensed Person to Drive

� 6-307. Liability for Knowingly Permitting the Operation by a Person Not Qualified

� 6-308. Penalty for Misdemeanor

� 6-309. Entitlement to Operate Class D Motor Vehicle, Motorcycle, or Motor-Drive Cycle

Chapter 7 - Financial Responsibility

Article 1 - Administration

� 7-101. Commissioner of Public Safety to Administer Chapter

� 7-102. Court Review

� 7-103. Definitions

Article 1A - Limitation on Damages

� 7-116. Limitation on Recovery if Not in Compliance with Compulsory Insurance Law - Exceptions to Limit - Who May Assert Limit

Article 2 - Security Following Accident

� 7-201. Applicability

� 7-202. Department to Determine Amount of Security Required - Notices

� 7-203. Exceptions to Requirement of Security

� 7-204. Requirements as to Motor Vehicle Liability Policy

� 7-205. Form and Amount of Security

� 7-206. Failure to Deposit Security and File Proof of Financial Responsibility - Suspension of Driving Privilege

� 7-207. Release from Liability

� 7-208. Adjudication of Nonliability

� 7-209. Agreements for Payment of Damages

� 7-210. Payment upon Judgment

� 7-211. Termination of Security Requirement

� 7-212. Duration of Suspension

� 7-213. Application to Nonresidents, Unlicensed Drivers, Unregistered Vehicles and Accidents in Other States

� 7-214. Authority of Department to Decrease Amount of Security

� 7-215. Correction of Action of Department

� 7-216. Custody of Security

� 7-217. Disposition of Security

� 7-218. Return of Deposit

� 7-219. Matters Not to be Evidence in Civil Suits

Article 3 - Proof of Financial Responsibility

� 7-301. Repealed

� 7-302. Repealed

� 7-303. Repealed

� 7-304. Repealed

� 7-305. Repealed

� 7-306. Repealed

� 7-307. Repealed

� 7-308. When Courts to Report Nonpayment of Judgments

� 7-309. Further Action With Respect to Nonresidents

� 7-310. Suspension for Nonpayment of Judgments

� 7-311. Exception in Relation to Government Vehicles

� 7-312. Exception When Consent Granted by Judgment Creditor

� 7-313. Exception When Insurer Liable

� 7-314. Suspension to Continue Until Judgments Paid and Proof Given

� 7-315. Discharge in Bankruptcy

� 7-316. When Judgments Deemed Satisfied

� 7-317. Installment Payment of Judgments - Default

� 7-318. Failure of Judgment Debtor to Pay Installment Specified by Order

� 7-319. Repealed

� 7-320. Alternate Methods of Giving Proof

� 7-321. Repealed

� 7-322. Repealed

� 7-323. Repealed

� 7-324. Motor Vehicle Liability Policies - Contents and Coverages

� 7-325. Repealed

� 7-326. Repealed

� 7-327. Repealed

� 7-328. Repealed

� 7-329. Repealed

� 7-330. Money or Securities as Proof

� 7-331. Application of Deposit

� 7-332. Repealed

� 7-333. Substitution of Proof

� 7-334. Repealed

� 7-335. Duration of Proof - When Proof May be Canceled or Returned

Article 4 - Violation of Provisions of Chapter 7

� 7-401. Repealed

� 7-402. Surrender of License and Registration

� 7-403. Forged Proof

� 7-404. Reciprocity

Article 5 - Miscellaneous Provisions Relating to Financial Responsibility

� 7-501. Renumbered as 36 O.S. § 996.1 by Laws 2009, SB 1161, c. 62, § 40, eff. November 1, 2009

� 7-502. Exception in Relation to Vehicles Insured Under Other Laws

� 7-503. Self-Insurers

� 7-504. Chapter Not to Prevent Other Process

� 7-505. Relief by Court in Cases of Hardship

� 7-506. Driving Privilege Reinstatement Fee

� 7-507. BLANK

� 7-508. Renumbered as 36 O.S. § 941 by Laws 1988, HB 1620, c. 27, § 4, eff. November 1, 1988

Article 6 - Compulsory Liability Insurance

� 7-600. Definitions

� 7-600.1. Statement or Endorsement to be Included in Policies - Excess or Additional Coverage - Binders

� 7-600.2. Online Verification System for Motor Vehicle Insurance

� 7-601. Liability Requirements - Proof of Compliance - Nonresidents

� 7-601.1. Owner's and Operator's Security Verification Forms - Contents

� 7-601.2. Cancellation, Termination, or Increase in Insurance Premiums

� 7-602. Certification of Existence of Security - Exemptions

� 7-602.1. Possession of Security Verification Form While Operating or Using Certain Vehicles

� 7-603. Verification of Security

� 7-603.1. Repealed

� 7-604. Repealed

� 7-605. Suspension of Driving Privilege - Duty to Relinquish Driver License - Penalty

� 7-606. Failure to Maintain Insurance or Security - Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance or Security - Penalties

� 7-606.1. Uninsured Vehicle Enforcement Program - Implementation - Automatic License Plate Reader System

� 7-606.2. Uninsured Vehicle Enforcement Diversion Program

� 7-607. Exemptions

� 7-608. Repealed

� 7-609. Repealed

� 7-610. Repealed

� 7-612. Altered, Fictitious, or Counterfeit Security Verification Form - Penalties

Article 7 - Oklahoma Temporary Motorist Liability Plan

� 7-621. Short Title - Purpose - Coverage Amount

� 7-622. Coverage Provided, When

� 7-623. Temporary Insurance Premium Pool

� 7-624. Secondary Coverage

� 7-625. Policy - Form - Bidding - Selection of Insurer through Competitive Bidding Process

� 7-626. Plan Administrator - Payment of Daily Cost of Coverage - Duties of Sheriffs and Tag Agents

� 7-627. Insurance Carrier - Right to Recovery

� 7-628. Rules

Article 8 - Reinstatement of Suspended License

� 7-700. Suspension Arising from Same Incident - Not Required to Pay Certain Fees

Chapter 8 - For-Rent Vehicles

� 8-101. Owner of For-Rent Vehicle to Give Proof of Financial Responsibility

� 8-102. Owner of For-Rent Vehicle Liable When No Policy Obtained

� 8-103. Renting Motor Vehicle to Another

� 8-104. Financial Responsibility of Taxicab Operators

� 8-105. Additional Mandatory Charges

Chapter 9 - Reserved

� ch9. Reserved

Chapter 10 - Accidents and Reports Relating to Accidents

� 10-101. Provisions of Chapter Apply Throughout State

� 10-102. Accidents Resulting in Nonfatal Injury - Failure to Stop

� 10-102.1. Accidents Resulting in Death - Failure to Stop

� 10-103. Accidents Involving Damage to Vehicle

� 10-104. Duty to Give Information and Render Aid - Drug and Alcohol Testing

� 10-105. Duty Upon Striking Unattended Vehicle

� 10-106. Duty Upon Striking Fixtures Upon a Highway

� 10-107. Immediate Notice of Accident

� 10-108. Written Report of Accident - Notice to Other Parties - Ancillary Proceedings

� 10-109. Form of Report

� 10-110. Additional Information

� 10-111. When Driver Unable To Report

� 10-112. False Reports

� 10-113. Accident Report Forms

� 10-114. Penalty for Failure to Report

� 10-115. Public Inspection of Reports Relating to Accidents

� 10-116. Department to Tabulate and Analyze Accident Reports

� 10-117. Any Incorporated City May Require Accident Reports

� 10-118. Accident Response Fee

Chapter 11 - Rules of the Road

Article 1 - Obedience to and Effect of Traffic Laws

� 11-101. Provisions of Chapter Refer to Vehicles Upon the Highways - Exceptions

� 11-102. Required Obedience to Traffic Laws

� 11-103. Obedience to Police Officers

� 11-104. Persons Riding Animals or Driving Animal-Drawn Vehicles

� 11-105. Persons Working on Highways - Exceptions

� 11-106. Authorized Emergency Vehicles

� 11-107. Military Convoys Exempt From Municipal Traffic Regulation - Right of Way - Exceptions

Article 2 - Traffic Signs, Signals, and Markings

� 11-201. Obedience to and Required Traffic-Control Devices

� 11-202. Traffic-Control Signal Legend - Motorcycle and Bicycle

� 11-202.1. Operating a Bicycle

� 11-203. Pedestrian-Control Signals

� 11-203. Pedestrian-Control Signals

� 11-204. Flashing Signals

� 11-204.1. Lane Use Control Signals

� 11-205. Pedestrian-Actuated School Crossing Signals

� 11-206. Display of Unauthorized Signs, Signals, or Markings

� 11-207. Altering, Defacing, Injuring, etc. Official Traffic-Control Device - Punishment for Violations Causing Death or Personal Injury

� 11-208. Possessing, Using, or Interfering With a Traffic Signal Preemption Device

� 11-225. Renumbered as 47 O.S. § 12-225 by Laws 2000, HB 1960, c. 189, § 13, emerg. eff. July 1, 2000

Article 3 - Miscellaneous Rules of Driving on Roadway

� 11-301. Drive on Right Side of Roadway - Exceptions

� 11-302. Passing Vehicles Proceeding in Opposite Directions

� 11-303. Overtaking a Vehicle on the Left - Signal

� 11-304. When Overtaking on the Right is Permitted

� 11-305. Limitations on Overtaking on the Left

� 11-306. Further Limitations on Driving to Left of Center of Roadway

� 11-307. No-Passing Zones

� 11-308. One-Way Roadways and Rotary Traffic Island

� 11-308. One-Way Roadways and Rotary Traffic Island

� 11-308a. Renumbered as 47 O.S. § 15-131 by Laws 2007, HB 1616, c. 62, § 24, emerg. eff. April 30, 2007

� 11-308b. Renumbered as 47 O.S. § 15-132 by Laws 2007, HB 1616, c. 62, § 25, emerg. eff. April 30, 2007

� 11-309. Additional Rules for Driving on Roadways Laned for Traffic

� 11-309. Additional Rules for Driving on Roadways Laned for Traffic

� 11-310. Following Too Closely

� 11-311. Driving on Divided Highways

� 11-312. Restricted Access

� 11-313. Restrictions on Use of Controlled-Access Roadway

� 11-314. Bernardo-Mills Law

� 11-315. Funeral or Other Authorized Procession - No Driving Between Vehicles - Penalties for Conviction

� 11-315.1. Duty When Approaching Vehicle Used in Collection of Refuse, Waste or Recyclables

Article 4 - Right Of Way

� 11-401. Vehicle Approaching or Entering Intersection

� 11-402. Vehicle Turning Left

� 11-403. Vehicle Entering Stop or Yield Intersection

� 11-403.1. Additional Fee for Failure to Yield Causing Fatality or Serious Bodily Injury

� 11-403.2. Repealed

� 11-403.2A. Unencumbered and Unexpended Balances in the Motorcycle Safety and Drunk Driving Awareness Fund

� 11-404. Vehicle Entering Highway from Private Road or Driveway

� 11-405. Operation of Vehicles on Approach of Authorized Emergency Vehicles

� 11-405.1. Renumbered as 47 O.S. § 11-314 by Laws 2002, HB 2302, c. 397, § 35, eff. November 1, 2002

� 11-406. Operation of Farm Tractors or Any Implement of Husbandry on Roadways - Duty to Yield to Tractor - Duty of Operator.

Article 5 - Pedestrians

� 11-501. Pedestrians Subject to Traffic Regulations

� 11-501.1. Wheelchair Operator Has Rights Applicable to Pedestrian

� 11-502. Pedestrians' Right-of-Way in Crosswalks

� 11-503. Crossing Roadway at Point Other Than Cross Walk

� 11-504. Drivers to Exercise Due Care

� 11-505. Pedestrians to Use Right Half of Crosswalks

� 11-506. Pedestrian's Use of Sidewalks and Bridges

� 11-507. Pedestrians Soliciting Rides or Business

Article 6 - Turning, Starting, and Signals on Turning and Stopping

� 11-601. Required Position and Method of Turning at Intersections

� 11-602. Turning in Opposite Direction - Turning on Curve - Turning on Crest of Grade

� 11-603. Starting Parked Vehicle

� 11-604. Turning Movements and Required Signals

� 11-605. Signals by Hand and Arm or Signal Lamps

� 11-606. Method of Giving Hand-and-Arm Signals - Variation for Bicycle

Article 7 - Special Stops Required

� 11-701. Obedience to Signal Indicating Approach of Train

� 11-702. Bus or Commercial Motor Vehicle - Railroad Crossing

� 11-703. Stop Signs and Yield Signs

� 11-704. Emerging from Alley, Driveway, or Building

� 11-705. Meeting or Overtaking Stopped School Bus

� 11-705.1. Duty of Driver Meeting or Overtaking Stopped Church Bus - Signs and Signals

Article 8 - Speed Restrictions

� 11-801. Basic Rule - Maximum Limits - Fines and Penalties

� 11-801a. Repealed

� 11-801b. Renumbered as 36 O.S. § 944 by Laws 2002, HB 2302, c. 397, § 35, eff. November 1, 2002

� 11-801c. Repealed

� 11-801d. Repealed

� 11-801e. Speeding Violations - Division of Fines, Costs, and Fees Collected

� 11-802. Establishment of State Speed Zones

� 11-803. When Local Authorities May and Shall Alter Maximum Limits

� 11-803. When Local Authorities May and Shall Alter Maximum Limits

� 11-804. Minimum Speed Regulation

� 11-805. Special Speed Limitation - Motorcycles, Motor-Driven Cycles, and Motorized Scooters

� 11-805.1. Speed Limitations - Low-Speed Electrical Vehicle

� 11-805.2. Repealed

� 11-805.3. Exclusion from Registation - Prohibitions on Certain Operations of Device

� 11-805.4. Operation of Electric Goped

� 11-806. Special Speed Limitations

� 11-806.1. School Zone - Reduced Speed Limit

� 11-806.2. Exceeding Speed Limit in Properly Marked Toll Booth Zone

� 11-807. Charging Violations and Rule in Civil Actions

� 11-808. Radar Interference Devices - Advertising, Sale, Manufacture, or Distribution Prohibited - Exemption - Penalties

� 11-808.1. Unlawful - Possess, Operate or Use a Radar Detector While Operating or as a Passenger in a Commercial Motor Vehicle

� 11-809. Exemptions

� 11-810. Recording of Points for Convictions

Article 9 - Reckless Driving, Driving While Intoxicated, and Negligent Homicide

� 11-901. Reckless Driving

� 11-901a. Renumbered as 47 O.S. § 15-102.1 by Laws 2002, HB 2302, c. 397, § 35, eff. November 1, 2002

� 11-901b. Full Time and Attention to Driving

� 11-901c. Use of Cellular Telephone or Electronic Communication Device by a Person Operating a Commercial Motor Vehicle - Penalty - Exemption for Railroad

� 11-901d. Composing, Sending, Reading Text Message While Vehicle in Motion - Penalties - Exceptions

� 11-902. Persons Under the Influence of Alcohol or Other Intoxicating Substance or Combination Thereof

� 11-902a. Allowing Use of Motor Vehicle Without Ignition Interlock Device - Penalty

� 11-902b. Motion for Forfeiture

� 11-902c. Preemption

� 11-902d. Statewide Impaired Driver Database - Oklahoma Impaired Driver Database Revolving Fund

� 11-902.1. Renumbered as 43A O.S. § 3-451 by Laws 1990, SB 788, c. 265, § 77, emerg. eff. July 1, 1990

� 11-902.2. Renumbered as 43A O.S. § 3-452 by Laws 1990, SB 788, c. 265, § 77, emerg. eff. July 1, 1990

� 11-902.3. Renumbered as 43A O.S. § 3-453 by Laws 1990, SB 788, c. 265, § 77, emerg. eff. July 1, 1990

� 11-903. Negligent Homicide

� 11-904. Personal Injury Accidents - Charging with Violation of Provisions

� 11-905. Causing Accident Without Valid Driver's License - Penalties

Drunk Driving Prevention Act

� 11-906.1. Short Title

� 11-906.2. Purpose

� 11-906.3. Driver Education Programs to Increase Awareness of Dangers of Drinking and Driving.

� 11-906.4. Driving Under Influence of Alcohol or Other Intoxicating Substance Prohibited

Article 10 - Stopping, Standing, and Parking

� 11-1001. Stopping, Standing, or Parking Outside of Business or Residence Districts

� 11-1002. Officers Authorized to Remove Illegally Stopped Vehicle

� 11-1003. Stopping, Standing or Parking Prohibited in Specified Places

� 11-1004. Additional Parking Regulations

� 11-1005. Authorized Emergency Vehicles - Vehicles Used in Construction or Maintenance of Highways - Excepted From Certain Provisions

� 11-1006. Parking of Vehicles on Posted Private Property - Penalty - Liability of Land Owner

� 11-1007. Placing or Parking Vehicle in Parking Space Designated and Posted for Physically Disabled Persons - Penalties - Offender Database

� 11-1007.1. Renumbered as 47 O.S. § 15-115 by Laws 2008, SB 1384, c. 302, § 14, emerg. eff. June 2, 2008

� 11-1008. Renumbered as 47 O.S. § 15-116 by Laws 2008, SB 1384, c. 302, § 14, emerg. eff. June 2, 2008

� 11-1009. Parking on Certain State Property Prohibited - Procedure for Enforcement and Appeal

� 11-1010. Erection and Maintenance of Certain Parking Signs - Window Stickers and Other Parking Identification

� 11-1011. Renumbered as 73 O.S. § 15.3 by Laws 1995, SB 437, c. 288, § 3, emerg. eff. July 1, 1995

� 11-1012. Law Enforcement Vehicles Used in Official Capacity Exempt from Paying Parking Meter

Article 11 - Other Rules

� 11-1101. Unattended Motor Vehicle

� 11-1102. Limitations on Backing

� 11-1103. Riding on Motorcycle, Motor-Driven Cycle, Motorized Scooter, or Motorized Bicycle

� 11-1104. Obstruction to Driver's View or Control - Overloading School Bus

� 11-1105. Opening and Closing Vehicle Doors

� 11-1106. Driving on Mountain Highways

� 11-1107. Coasting Prohibited

� 11-1108. Following Fire Apparatus and Other Emergency Vehicles Prohibited

� 11-1109. Crossing Fire Hose

� 11-1110. Putting Glass, etc., on Highway Prohibited - Throwing Substance at Standing Vehicle or Person

� 11-1111. Throwing or Dropping Object On or At Moving Vehicles

� 11-1112. Child Passenger Restraint System

� 11-1113. Public Education - Child Passenger Restraint Systems

� 11-1114. Allowing Passenger to Ride Outside Passenger Compartment

� 11-1115. Negotiating Railroad Crossings by Certain Licensed Drivers

� 11-1116. Self-Propelled or Motor-Driven Cycles - Minibikes, Golf Carts, All-Terrain and Utility Vehicles - Prohibitions and Restrictions

� 11-1117. All-Terrain Vehicles - Helmets - Passengers - Fines

Forget-Me-Not Vehicle Safety Act

� 11-1118. Short Title

� 11-1119. Unattended Children or Vulnerable Adults Left in Vehicles - Punishment

� 11-1120. Civil Immunity - Forcible Entry of Motor Vehicle to Remove Child from Imminent Harm

Article 12 - Operation of Bicycles and Play Vehicles

� 11-1201. Violations of Article - Penalties - Parent's Duty

� 11-1202. Traffic Laws Apply to Persons Riding Bicycles or Motorized Scooters

� 11-1203. Riding on Bicycle or Motorized Scooter

� 11-1204. Clinging to Vehicles

� 11-1205. Riding on Roadways and Bicycle Paths

� 11-1206. Carrying Articles

� 11-1207. Repealed

� 11-1208. Overtaking Bicycles - Penalties

� 11-1209. Electric-assisted Bicycle - Rights and Privileges - Manufacturers and Distributors Label - Operating Provisions

� 11-1210. Throwing Objects - Penalties

Article 13 - Maintenance, Construction, and Safety Zones

� 11-1301. Driving Through Safety Zones Prohibited

� 11-1302. Temporary Highway Closings - Flooded Highways or Maintenance and Construction Zones

� 11-1303. Endangerment of a Highway Worker

� 11-1304. Operation Work Zone Awareness - Motorists with Citation May Participate - Fee for Participation

Article 14 - Turnpikes

� 11-1401. Misdemeanor Turnpike Offenses

Oklahoma Electronic Toll Collection Act

� 11-1401.1. Short Title

� 11-1401.2. Definitions - Monetary Liability for Failure to Comply - Procedure

� 11-1402. Enforcement of Laws - Cost

� 11-1403. Authority to Enter into Contracts for Law Enforcement on Turnpikes - Equipment - Payments

� 11-1404. Flashing and Signal Lights

� 11-1405. Repealed

Chapter 12 - Equipment of Vehicles

Article 1 - Scope and Effect of Regulations

� 12-101. Scope and Effect of Regulations

� 12-101.1. Vehicle for Sale to be Equipped as Required

� 12-101.2. Severability

� 12-102. Renumbered as 47 O.S. § 12-428 by Laws 2003, SB 633, c. 411, § 85, eff. November 1, 2003

Article 2 - Lamps and Lighting Devices

� 12-201. When Lighted Lamps are Required

� 12-202. Visibility Distance and Mounted Height of Lamps

� 12-203. Head Lamps on Motor Vehicles

� 12-203.1. Number of Driving Lamps Required or Permitted

� 12-203.2. Use of Multiple-Beam Road-Lighting Equipment

� 12-203.3. Single-Beam Road-Lighting Equipment

� 12-203.4. Alternate Road-Lighting Equipment

� 12-204. Tail Lamps

� 12-204.1. Rear License Plate Lamps

� 12-205. Motor Vehicles, Trailers, Semitrailers, and Pole Vehicles To Be Equipped With Reflectors.

� 12-206. Stop Lamps and Turn Signals Required on Motor Vehicles

� 12-206.1. Turn Signal Lamps

� 12-207. Repealed

� 12-208. Additional Equipment Required on Certain Vehicles

� 12-209. Repealed

� 12-210. Repealed

� 12-211. Visibility of Reflectors - Clearance Lamps and Marker Lamps

� 12-212. Repealed

� 12-213. Lamp or Flag on Projecting Load

� 12-214. Lamps on Parked Vehicles

� 12-215. Lamps on Farm Tractors - Farm Equipment and Implements of Husbandry

� 12-216. Lamps on Other Vehicles and Equipment

� 12-217. Spot Lamps, Fog Lamps, and Auxiliary Lamps

� 12-218. Audible and Visual Signals on Law Enforcement and Authorized Emergency Vehicles

� 12-218.1. Lights on Wreckers and Tow Vehicles

� 12-218.2. Privately Owned Or Highway Contract Route Vehicle Operated By Rural Letter Carrier - Lights and Sign

� 12-219. Repealed

� 12-220. Additional Lighting Equipment

� 12-221. Repealed

� 12-222. Renumbered as 47 O.S. § 12-203.2 by Laws 2003, SB 633, c. 411, § 85, eff. November 1, 2003

� 12-223. Renumbered as 47 O.S. § 12-203.3 by Laws 2003, SB 633, c. 411, § 85, eff. November 1, 2003

� 12-224. Renumbered as 47 O.S. § 12-602.1 by Laws 2003, SB 633, c. 411, § 85, eff. November 1, 2003

� 12-225. Renumbered as 47 O.S. § 12-203.4 by Laws 2003, SB 633, c. 411, § 85, eff. November 1, 2003

� 12-226. Renumbered as 47 O.S. § 12-203.1 by Laws 2003, SB 633, c. 411, § 85, eff. November 1, 2003

� 12-227. Special Restriction on Lamps

� 12-228. Special Lighting Equipment and Warning Devices on School Buses and Church Buses

� 12-229. Standards for Lights on Snow-Removal Equipment

� 12-230. Repealed

� 12-231. Repealed

� 12-232. Multiple-Passenger Vans Transporting Children

� 12-233. Flashing Lights on Commercially Registered Road-Service Vehicles

Article 3 - Brakes

� 12-301. Brake Equipment Required

� 12-302. Performance Ability of Brakes

� 12-303. Repealed

� 12-304. Renumbered as 47 O.S. § 12-608 by Laws 2003, SB 633, c. 411, § 85, eff. November 1, 2003

� 12-305. Repealed

� 12-306. Repealed

� 12-307. Repealed

� 12-308. Repealed

� 12-309. Repealed

� 12-310. Repealed

� 12-311. Repealed

� 12-312. Repealed

� 12-313. Repealed

� 12-314. Repealed

� 12-315. Repealed

Article 4 - Other Equipment

� 12-401. Horns and Warning Devices

� 12-402. Mufflers, Prevention of Noise

� 12-403. Mirrors

� 12-404. Windshields Must be Unobstructed and Equipped With Wipers

� 12-405. Tires

� 12-405.1. Coupling Device For Trailer, Semitrailer, Manufactured Home, or Towed Motor Vehicle

� 12-405.2. Fuel Tank or Intake Pipe

� 12-405.3. Vehicles Without Fenders over Rearmost Wheels - Rubber or Fabric Apron Required

� 12-406. Safety Glazing Material in Motor Vehicles

� 12-407. Certain Vehicles to Carry Flares or Other Warning Devices - Exceptions

� 12-408. Display of Warning Devices When Vehicle Disabled

� 12-409. Vehicles Transporting Explosives and Flammable Substances

� 12-410. Air-Conditioning Equipment

� 12-411. Television Sets Visible from Operator's Seat Prohibited

� 12-412. Renumbered as 47 O.S. § 595 by Laws 2003, SB 633, c. 411, § 85, eff. November 1, 2003

� 12-413. Seat Belts or Shoulder Harnesses

� 12-414. Specifications

� 12-415. Penalties

Oklahoma Mandatory Seat Belt Use Act

� 12-416. Short Title

� 12-417. Requirements of Act - Applicability of Act - Routine Stops Prohibited

� 12-418. Repealed

� 12-419. Educational Programs to Encourage Seat Belt Use - Evaluation of Effectiveness - Report

� 12-420. Nonuse or Use of Seat Belts in Civil Proceedings

� 12-421. Repealed

� 12-422. Obstructed View, Glass Coating, Lamination of Vehicle Windshields and Windows - Violations

� 12-423. Emission Control System - Prohibitions

� 12-424. Definitions - Jamming and Play - Restrictions

� 12-425. Shock Absorber, Spring or Strut - Prohibitions

� 12-426. Properly Operating Speedometer

� 12-427. Official Slow Moving Vehicle Emblem - Exemptions - Penalty

� 12-428. Converted School Buses - Color - Disconnection of Loading Lights

Article 5 - Odometer Setting Act

� 12-501. Short Title

� 12-502. Definitions

� 12-503. Prohibited Acts

� 12-504. Service, Repair or Replacement of Odometer

� 12-505. Transfer of Ownership of Motor Vehicle - Information Required

� 12-506. Violation - Penalty - Civil Liability

� 12-507. Actions - Jurisdiction - Venue - Duty to Prosecute

Article 6 - Motorcycles

� 12-601. Motorcyle - Model Year 1978 or Later - Requirements

� 12-602. Motorcycle Headlamps -- Definitions, Color and Height Requirements

� 12-602.1. Motorcycle Headlamps

� 12-603. Tail Lamp

� 12-604. Reflector - Requirements

� 12-605. Stop Lamp

� 12-606. Motorcycles of Model Year 2005 Or Later Shall Be Equipped With Electric Flashing Turn Signal Lamps

� 12-608. Brakes on Motor-Driven Cycles

� 12-609. Required Equipment

Article 7 - Bicycles

� 12-701. Not Applicable to Bicycles Unless Made Specifically Applicable

� 12-702. Bicycle Lamp - Requirements

� 12-703. Bicycle Rear Lamp - Requirements

� 12-704. Bicycle - Rear Reflector - Requirements

� 12-705. Repealed

� 12-706. Reflective Material - Requirements

� 12-707. Additional Lights and Reflectors - Requirements

� 12-708. Bicycle - Brakes Requirements

� 12-709. Bicycle - Siren Not Permitted

Chapter 13 - Vehicle Inspection

� 13-101. Vehicles Without Required Equipment or in Unsafe Condition

� 13-102. Officers May Inspect a Vehicle and Its Equipment

� 13-103. Owner and Drivers to Submit Vehicles for Inspection

Chapter 14 - Size, Weight, and Load

� 14-101. Scope and Effect of Chapter - Prohibition Against Movement of Certain Vehicles on Specified Holidays

� 14-102. Repealed

� 14-103. Width, Height, and Length of Vehicle and Load

� 14-103A. Manufactured Home Or Industrialized Housing Combination - Overall Length And Width - Limitations On Movement

� 14-103B. Automobile Transporters - Extension of Load - Height - Length

� 14-103C. Special Permits - Movement of Houses or Buildings

� 14-103D. Movement of Manufactured Homes on Public Roads or Highways - Permits

� 14-103E. Issuance of Permit - Notification

� 14-103F. Application and Issuance for Special Decal

� 14-103G. Annual Vehicle Permit for Oversize or Overweight Loads

� 14-104. Repealed

� 14-105. Loads on Vehicles

� 14-106. Trailers and Towed Vehicles

� 14-107. Definitions

� 14-108. Reserved

� 14-109. Single-Axle Load Limit - Gross Weight of Vehicle and Load - Exception - Annual Special Overload Permit - Exceptions - Specialized Transportation, Utility, or Refuse Collection Vehicles

� 14-109.1. Load Overweight Violations Not to be Recorded as Traffic Offenses Under Certain Conditions

� 14-109.2. Weighing as Single Draft

� 14-109.3. Weight Exemption for Natural Gas Vehicles

� 14-109.4. Weight Exemption for Electric Battery or Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Fueling Vehicles

� 14-110. Carrying Registration Certificate - Inspection

� 14-111. Weighing Vehicles - Compelling Unloading - Certificates - Bills of Sale - Proof of Ownership - Impounding - Does Not Apply to Transport of Livestock

� 14-112. Repealed

� 14-113. When the Department of Highways or Local Authorities May Restrict Right to Use Highways

� 14-114. Liability for Damage to Highway or Structure

� 14-115. Repealed

� 14-116. Permit Fees - Escrow Account System - Applications - Emergencies - Provisional Permits - Violations - Disposition and Allocation of Proceeds

� 14-116a. Movement of Load or Manufactured Home Without Permit - Penalties

� 14-117. Repealed

� 14-118. Motor Carriers - Scope of Activities - Movement of Oversize and Overweight Vehicles - Permits - Saddle Mounts - Exemptions

� 14-118.1. Agreements with Governmental Entities Outside State for Issuance of Regional and National Oversize and Overweight Permits for Single-trip Nondivisible Loads

� 14-119. Willful or Knowing Transportation of Load Having Greater Capacity than Axle or Gross Weights Authorized by Statute

� 14-120. Movement of Certain Manufactured Items - Limitations - Permits - Fees - Escorts

� 14-120.1. Escort Vehicle Requirement

� 14-120.2. Cost of Escort

� 14-121. Operation of Special Combination Vehicles - Permits - Rules - Fees

� 14-122. Apportionment of Fees

� 14-123. Motor Vehicles Authorized to Operate on State Roads or Highways

� 14-124. Hazardous Material Endorsement Not Required Under Certain Circumstances.

� 14-125. Agricultural Motor Vehicles - Exemption from the Requirement for Electronic Logging Devices and Hours of Services

� 14-126. High-Wide Routes - Restrictions - Design Standards - Agreements

Chapter 15 - Respective Powers of State and Local Authorities

� 15-101. Provisions Uniform Throughout State

� 15-101.1. Promulgation, Adoption, and Enforcement of Ordinances by City or Town

� 15-102. Powers of Local Authorities

� 15-102.1. Inattentive Driving and Cellular Phone Usage in Automobiles

� 15-103. Rights of Owners of Real Property

� 15-104. State Highway Commission to Adopt Sign Manual

� 15-105. Department of Highways to Sign All State and Federal Highways

� 15-106. Local Traffic-Control Devices

� 15-107. Authority to Require Pedestrian Obedience to Traffic-Control Signs

� 15-108. Authority to Designate Through Highways and "Stop" and "Yield" Intersections

� 15-109. Regulations Relative to School Buses

� 15-110. Model Traffic Ordinance - Authorization to Adopt

� 15-111. Special Parking Privileges for Physically Disabled Persons

� 15-112. Physical Disability Temporary Placard

� 15-112.1. Repealed

� 15-113. Penalties

� 15-114. Local Ordinances or Regulations Governing Operation of Motorized Scooters Upon the Roads

� 15-115. Establishing a Civilian Volunteer Disabled Parking Violation Unit

� 15-116. Power of Municipality or Political Subdivision to Enforce Act

� 15-131. Speed Limits - Traffic Control Regulations - Violations

� 15-132. Public Trusts - Contracts and Agreements - Enforcement of Speed Limits and Regulations

Chapter 16 - Parties and Procedure Upon Arrest

� 16-101. Parties to a Crime

� 16-102. Offenses by Persons Owning or Controlling Vehicles

� 16-103. Public Officers and Employees - Exceptions

� 16-104. Procedure Upon Arrest for Felony

� 16-105. Repealed

� 16-106. Repealed

� 16-107. Repealed

� 16-108. Procedure for Officers Stopping Persons for Violations Punishable as Misdemeanor - Minors

� 16-109. Repealed

� 16-109.1. Written Notice to Appear Issued at Scene of Traffic Accident

� 16-110. Repealed

� 16-111. Repealed

� 16-112. Failure to Obey Notice to Appear

� 16-113. Procedure Prescribed Herein Not Exclusive

� 16-114. Arrest of Traffic Violators Without Warrant

Chapter 17 - Penalties

� 17-101. Misdemeanors

� 17-102. Felonies

Chapter 18 - Records and Reports

� 18-101. Record of Traffic Cases - Report of Convictions to Department

Chapter 19 - Miscellaneous

� 19-101. Repealed

� 19-201. Renumbered as 47 O.S. § 11-805.2 by Laws 2002, HB 2302, c. 397, § 35, eff. November 1, 2002

� 19-211. Renumbered as 47 O.S. § 11-805.3 by Laws 2003, SB 425, c. 279, § 16, emerg. eff. May 26, 2003

Chapter 20 - General Provisions

� 20-101. Uniformity of Interpretation

� 20-102. Effect of Headings

� 20-103. Short Title

� 20-104. Repealed

� 20-105. Constitutionality

� 20-106. Repealed

� 20-107. Time of Taking Effect

Chapter 21 - Oklahoma Vehicle Excise Tax Code

� 21-101. Renumbered as 68 O.S. § 2101 by Laws 1965, HB 1033, c. 215, § 3

� 21-102. Renumbered as 68 O.S. § 2102 by Laws 1965, HB 1033, c. 215, § 3

� 21-103. Renumbered as 68 O.S. § 2103 by Laws 1965, HB 1033, c. 215, § 3

� 21-104. Renumbered as 68 O.S. § 2104 by Laws 1965, HB 1033, c. 215, § 3

� 21-105. Renumbered as 68 O.S. § 2105 by Laws 1965, HB 1033, c. 215, § 3

� 21-106. Renumbered as 68 O.S. § 2106 by Laws 1965, HB 1033, c. 215, § 3

� 21-107. Renumbered as 68 O.S. § 2107 by Laws 1965, HB 1033, c. 215, § 3

� 21-108. Renumbered as 68 O.S. § 2108 by Laws 1965, HB 1033, c. 215, § 3

� 21-109. Renumbered as 68 O.S. § 2109 by Laws 1965, HB 1033, c. 215, § 3

Chapter 22 - Reserved

� ch22. Reserved

Chapter 23 - Reserved

� ch23. Reserved

Chapter 24 - Reserved

� ch24. Reserved

Chapter 25 - Reserved

� ch25. Reserved

Chapter 26 - Reserved

� ch26. Reserved

Chapter 27 - Reserved

� ch27. Reserved

Chapter 28 - Reserved

� ch28. Reserved

Chapter 29 - Reserved

� ch29. Reserved

Chapter 30 - Reserved

� ch30. Reserved

Chapter 31 - Reserved

� ch31. Reserved

Chapter 32 - Reserved

� ch32. Reserved

Chapter 33 - Reserved

� ch33. Reserved

Chapter 34 - Reserved

� ch34. Reserved

Chapter 35 - Reserved

� ch35. Reserved

Chapter 36 - Reserved

� ch36. Reserved

Chapter 37 - Reserved

� ch37. Reserved

Chapter 38 - Reserved

� ch38. Reserved

Chapter 39 - Reserved

� ch39. Reserved

Chapter 40 - Highway Safety Code Ancilliaries

� 40-101. Accident Report Forms

� 40-102. Traffic Accidents Resulting in Injury, Death, or Property Damage of Five Hundred Dollars - Reports

� 40-103. Repealed

� 40-104. Repealed

� 40-105. Renumbered as 47 O.S. § 12-609 by Laws 2003, SB 633, c. 411, § 85, eff. November 1, 2003

� 40-106. Repealed

� 40-107. Federal Highway Safety Act of 1966 - Securing of Benefits Under

� 40-108. Repealed

� 40-109. Repealed

� 40-110. Repealed

� 40-111. Repealed

� 40-112. Repealed

� 40-113. Repealed

� 40-121. Motorcycle Safety and Education Program

� 40-122. Advisory Committee for Motorcycle Safety and Education

� 40-123. Motorcycle Safety and Education Program Revolving Fund

Chapter 51 - Registration and Licensing

In General

� 1 to 21. Repealed

Licenses and Registration

� 22. Repealed

� 22.1. Repealed

� 22.2. Repealed

� 22.2A to 22.3a. Repealed

� 22.4. Repealed

� 22.4-1. Repealed

� 22.4-2. Repealed

� 22.4-3. Repealed

� 22.4a. Repealed

� 22.4b to 22.5c. Repealed

� 22.5d. Repealed

� 22.5d-1. Repealed

� 22.5d-2. Repealed

� 22.5d-3. Repealed

� 22.5d-4. Repealed

� 22.5e. Renumbered as 68 O.S. § 2104.2 by Laws 1977, SB 265, c. 103, § 67, emerg. eff. May 30, 1977

� 22.5f. Repealed

� 22.5g. Repealed

� 22.5h. Repealed

� 22.5i to 22.5m. Repealed

� 22.5n. Repealed

� 22.5o. Repealed

� 22.5p. Repealed

� 22.5q to 22.5r. Repealed

� 22.5s. Renumbered as 47 O.S. § 1133.2 by Laws 2001, HB 1086, c. 309, § 8, eff. November 1, 2001

� 22.6. Repealed

� 22.6a. Repealed

� 22.6b to 22.12c. Repealed

� 22.13. Repealed

� 22.13a. Repealed

� 22.14. Repealed

� 22.15. Repealed

� 22.15a. Repealed

� 22.16. Repealed

� 22.17. Repealed

� 22.17a. Repealed

� 22.18. Repealed

� 22.19 to 22.21. Repealed

� 22.22. Repealed

� 22.22-1. Repealed

� 22.22a. Repealed

� 22.23. Repealed

� 22.23-1 to 22.24. Repealed

� 22.25 to 22.27. Repealed

� 22.28. Repealed

� 22.29. Repealed

� 22.30a. Repealed

� 22.30b. Repealed

� 22.30c. Repealed

� 22.30d. Repealed

� 22.30e. Repealed

� 22.30f. Repealed

� 22.30g. Repealed

� 22.30h. Repealed

� 22.30i. Repealed

� 22.30j to 22.30l. Repealed

� 22.30l-1. Repealed

� 22.30l-2. Repealed

� 22.30l-2a. Repealed

� 22.30l-3. Repealed

� 22.30l-4 to 22.30n. Repealed

� 22.30n. Repealed

� 22.30o. Repealed

� 22.30p. Repealed

� 22.30q. Repealed

� 22.30q-1 to 22.30v. Repealed

Reciprocal Licensing

� 22.31 to 22.35. Repealed

� 22.36 to 22.40. BLANK

� 22.41 to 22.44. Repealed

Certificate of Title

� 23 to 23.2c. Repealed

� 23.3. Repealed

� 23.4 to 23.6. Repealed

� 23.7 to 23.9. Repealed

� 23.10. Repealed

� 23.11. Repealed

� 23.12. Repealed

� 23.13. Repealed

� 23.14. Repealed

Driver Education Fee

� 24.1 to 24.4. Repealed

Farm Tractors

� 31 to 37. Repealed

Disabled Veterans

� 38.1. Renumbered as 47 O.S. § 22.30s by Laws 1977, SB 265, c. 103, § 67, emerg. eff. May 30, 1977

� 38.2 to 38.4. Repealed

Ancient Vehicles

� 39.1 to 39.6. Repealed

Automobile Rental Trailers

� 40.1 to 40.6. Repealed

Chapter 52- Vehicle Excise Tax

� 41 to 51h. Repealed

� 52 to 52i. Repealed

� 61 to 77j. Repealed

Chapter 53 - Operation

� 94. Repealed

� 95. Repealed

� 96. Repealed

� 97. Repealed

� 98. Repealed

� 99. Repealed

� 100 to 103. Repealed

� 104. Repealed

� 105. Repealed

� 106 to 108. Repealed

� 108.1. Renumbered as 47 O.S. § 15-101.1 by Laws 2002, HB 2302, c. 397, § 35, eff. November 1, 2002

� 111 to 115. Repealed

� 116.1. §§ 116.1 to 116.1c, 116.2. Repealed

� 116.2a. Closing Particular Highways

� 116.3 to 116.10. Repealed

� 116.11. Renumbered as 47 O.S. § 2-105.4A by Laws 2001, SB 539, c. 131, § 17, emerg. eff. July 1, 2001

� 116.12. Renumbered as 47 O.S. § 2-106.1 by Laws 2001, SB 539, c. 131, § 17, emerg. eff. July 1, 2001

� 116.13. Enforcement Officers - Uniforms and Badges - Impersonating an Enforcement Officer

� 116.14. Seizure and Sale of Unregistered or Improperly Registered Vehicles

� 116.15. Repealed

� 116.16. Repealed

� 116.17. Renumbered as 47 O.S. § 22.27

� 116.18. Renumbered as 47 O.S. § 22.28

� 116.19. Repealed

� 116.20. Repealed

� 116.21. Renumbered as 47 O.S. § 14-119 by Laws 1984, SB 540, c. 160, § 3, eff. November 1, 1984

� 121.1 to 121.10. Repealed

� 121.11. Commercial Vehicles to Have Copy of Reports as to Defects

� 121.12. Repealed

� 121.13. Repealed

� 121.14. Repealed

� 125.1 to 125.18. Repealed

� 126.1 to 126.3. Repealed

� 127.1. Renumbered as 47 O.S. § 14-109.2 by Laws 1995, HB 1960, c. 27, § 8, emerg. eff. July 1, 1995

� 127.2. Repealed

Chapter 54 - Equipment

� 131 to 133. Repealed

� 134. Repealed

� 141 to 145. Repealed

� 147.1. Repealed

� 147.2. Repealed

� 148. Repealed

� 149.1. Renumbered as 47 O.S. § 12-427 by Laws 2003, SB 633, c. 411, § 85, eff. November 1, 2003

� 149.2. Repealed

Chapter 55 - Automobiles Owned by the State

� 151. State-Owned Automobiles - Words Painted on Vehicles

� 152. Repealed

� 153. Driving of Unmarked Automobiles Prohibited - Exception

� 153.1. Authority to Set Aside Automobiles for Use of Department without Identifying Marks

� 154. Repealed

� 155. Misdemeanor - Violations of Act - Penalty

� 156. Prohibition Against Purchase of Automobiles or Buses with Public Funds - Certain Departments Excepted

� 156.1. Private Use of State-Owned Motor Vehicles - Penalty - Exceptions - Temporary Authorization - Employee Status Report

� 156.2. Repealed

� 156.3. Purchase of Motor Vehicles Necessary for Performance of Official Duties Permitted - Color - Marking - Size of Lettering

� 156.4. Renumbered as 74 O.S. § 78b by Laws 2001, HB 1326, c. 169, § 10, eff. November 1, 2001

� 157.1. Insurance on Department of Transportation, Board of Agriculture and Department of Human Services Vehicles - Kinds and Amounts

� 157.2. Bids on Insurance

� 157.3. Actions to be Brought Against Insurer

� 157.4. Venue of Actions

� 157.5. Definition

� 158.1. Repealed

� 158.2. Maintenance of Actions

� 159.1. Repealed

� 159.2. Repealed

� 159.3. Repealed

� 159.4. Repealed

� 159.5. Repealed

� 159.6. Repealed

� 159.7. Repealed

� 159.8. Repealed

� 159.9. Renumbered as 74 O.S. § 78c by Laws 2001, HB 1326, c. 169, § 10, eff. November 1, 2001

� 159.10. Renumbered as 74 O.S. § 78d by Laws 2001, HB 1326, c. 169, § 10, eff. November 1, 2001

� 159.11. Renumbered as 63 O.S. § 485.12 by Laws 2002, HB 2302, c. 397, § 35, eff. November 1, 2002

Chapter 56 - Motor Carriers

Regulation of Motor Carriers

� 161. Repealed

Household Goods Act of 2009

� 161A. Short Title - Scope - Definitions

� 161.1. Repealed

� 161.2. Repealed

� 162. Authority of Corporation Commission

� 162.1. Authority to Promulgate Rules to Enable State Participation in Unified Carrier Registration System

� 163. Transporting Household Goods for Compensation - Certificate, Receipt, and Record-Keeping Requirements - Penalties for Violations

� 163.1. Repealed

� 163.2. Repealed

� 164. Repealed

� 165. Filing Fees

� 166. Certificates

� 166.1. Repealed

� 166.1a. Repealed

� 166.1b. Repealed

� 166.2. Repealed

� 166.3. Repealed

� 166.4. Repealed

� 166.5. Conflicting Constitutional Provisions - Amendment and Alteration

� 166a. Transportation of Equipment - Written Lease

� 167. Repealed

� 167.1. Repealed

� 167.2. Repealed

� 168. Repealed

� 169. Filing of Certificates of Insurance Coverage as Condition Precedent to Certificate - Actions by Injured Party - Failure to Maintain Coverage

� 169.1. Motor Carriers - Liability for Loss, Damage or Injury to Goods or Property

� 169.2. Claims - Procedure

� 169.3. Nonliability - Burden of Proof

� 169.4. Concealed Loss or Damage - Claim - Inspection - Evidence

� 169.5. Failure to Process Claim or Express Declination of Claim in Writing - Penalty

� 169.6. Other Remedies and Rights of Action - Attorney Fees - Costs

� 169.7. Motor Carrier - Statement of Liability

� 170. Weight and Size of Vehicles - Advertising - Suspension or Cancellation - Personal Character of Certificates

� 170.1. Complaints - Notice And Hearing - Orders - Revocation - Liability Of Complaining Party - Appeal.

� 170.2. Notification to Oklahoma Corporation Commission of Tickets Issued for Load Capacity Violations - Contempt Complaints

� 171. Assistance from Corporation Commission Revolving Fund

� 171.1. Expenditure of Corporation Commission Revolving Funds - Uses

� 171.2. Authority and Powers of Motor Carrier Enforcement Officers

� 172. Violations - Penalties - Reports of Violations - Enforcement Officers

� 172.1. Qualifications for Enforcement Officers

� 173. Venue of Actions Against Motor Carriers - Issuance of Summons

� 173.1. State Task Force on Motor Carrier Regulation and Enforcement

� 174. Repealed

� 175. Repealed

� 176. Repealed

Failure to Provide Service Due to Labor Dispute

� 176.1. Repealed

� 176.2. Repealed

� 176.3. Repealed

� 176.4. Repealed

Deleterious Substances

� 177.1. Repealed

� 177.2. License and Permit for Transporting Deleterious Substances - Proof of Access to Approved Disposal Well - List of Permits - Fees - Provisions Supplemental to Other Applicable Motor Carrier Laws

� 177.3. Violations - Penalties

Identification Devices

� 180. Definitions

� 180a. Display of Identification Device on Motor Carriers

� 180b. Device Subject to Seizure

� 180c. Seizure and Confiscation of Devices - Grounds

� 180d. Rules and Regulations

� 180e. Commission to Provide for Suitable Methods of Identification

� 180f. Purchase of Devices and Other Equipment

� 180g. Issuance of Identification Devices

� 180h. Fee for Registration

� 180h.1. Blank

� 180h.2. Repealed

� 180i. Repealed

� 180j. Repealed

� 180k. Records

� 180l. Reciprocal Compacts and Agreements With Other States

� 180m. Enforcement of Act

� 180n. Repealed

Interstate Operation

� 191 to 195. Repealed

Separation of Races

� 201 to 210. Repealed

Operation of Automobiles for Hire

� 221 to 223. Repealed

� 224. Auto Buses Not Operating Under Certificate Or Permit or License of Corporation Commission - Authority of City to Regulate

� 225. Auto Buses Operating Under Certificate or Permit or License - Prohibiting Stopping, Loading, Unloading and Parking

� 226.1. Power of City or Town to Grant Franchise

� 226.2. Operation Without Franchise Unlawful When Franchise Granted to Another

� 226.3. Violations

� 226.4. Definition of Franchise

� 226.5. Validation of Existing Franchises

Cities of 150,000 Population

� 227.1 to 227.5. Repealed

Carriers of Road Building Materials and Unprocessed Agricultural Commodities

� 228.1. Repealed

� 228.2. Repealed

� 228.3. Intrastate Motor Transportation Fuel Surcharge

� 228.4. Application of Sections 161 Through 180m

Oklahoma Motor Carrier Safety and Hazardous Materials Transportation Act

� 230.1. Short Title

� 230.2. Legislative Findings

� 230.3. Definitions

� 230.4. Duties of Commissioner.

� 230.5. Availability of Accounts, Books, Records, Memoranda, Correspondence, and Other Documents of Motor Carriers - Examination and Inspection of Lands, Buildings, and Equipment

� 230.6. Unlawful Operation of Commercial Vehicles and Vehicles Marked Out of Service - Removal of Out-of-Service Marking - Penalties

� 230.7. Discharge of Hazardous Material in Any Transport Vehicle

� 230.8. Report of Accident During Transportation, Loading, Unloading, or Storage of Hazardous Material

� 230.9. Transportation of Property in Commerce - Compliance with Oklahoma Motor Carrier Safety and Hazardous Materials Transportation Act - Violations

� 230.10. Exempt Vehicles

� 230.11. Cooperation with Oklahoma Department of Public Safety to Regulate Motor Carrier Safety and Transportation of Hazardous Materials

� 230.12. Immunity from Civil Liability or Administrative Penalty

� 230.13. Enforcement of Act

� 230.14. In Case of Conflicts of Laws

� 230.15. Violations by Motor Carrier - Liability and Property Damage Insurance - Limitations on Driving Hours

� 230.16. Repealed

� 230.17. Hazardous Material Endorsement Not Required Under Certain Circumstances

� 230.18. Motor Carrier Safety Improvement - Definitions

Motor Carrier Act of 1995

� 230.21. Short Title

� 230.22. Necessity to Regulate Transportation by Motor Carriers and Private Carriers - Revocation of Existing Intrastate Certificates and Permits - Applicability of Provisions - Construction of Act

� 230.23. Definitions

� 230.24. Powers and Duties of Corporation Commission

� 230.25. Bill of Lading - Violations

� 230.26. Filing of Contempt Proceeding

� 230.27. Filing Fee - Duration of Valid License - Annual Renewal Fee - Deposit of Fee

� 230.28. Issuance of Licenses

� 230.29. Terms Defined - Transportation of Equipment - Leases

� 230.30. Issuance of License - Requirement of Insurance - Cargo Insurance Policy or Bond.

� 230.31. Nothing in Act to Authorize Operation of Vehicle in Excess of Gross Weight, Width, Length or Height - Fraudulent Advertising - Provision Included on License Reserving Authority to Suspend or Cancel License - Licenses Personal in Nature

� 230.32. Authority of Commission to Promulgate Rules and Regulations for Administration and Enforcement of Act

� 230.33. Exemptions for Operators of Motor Vehicles in Excess of 26,000 Pounds Contracting with Federal, State or Local Entity

Motor Carrier Harvest Permit Act of 2006

� 230.34. Short Title

� 230.34a. Harvest Permits

� 230.34b. Prohibition of Vehicle Scales Within Two Miles of Grain Elevators - Exceptions

Chapter 57 - Amateur Radio Operators

� 231 to 242. Repealed

� 251. Right to Special Identification

� 252. Special Personal Identification Card

� 253. Repealed

� 254. Purpose

� 255. List of Licensed Operators to be Secured and Maintained

� 256. Expiration of Amateur License - Notice and Delivery of Identification - Violations

� 271 to 275.1. Repealed

� 309.8. Renumbered as 47 O.S. § 2-309.8 by Laws 2001, SB 539, c. 131, § 18, emerg. eff. July 1, 2001

Chapter 58 - Department of Public Safety

� 351 to 375. Repealed

� 376. Repealed

� 377.1. Repealed

� 377.2. Repealed

� 377.3. Repealed

� 377.4. Repealed

� 381.1 to 381.12. Repealed

� 382.1 to 382.5. Repealed

� 383.1. Repealed

� 383.2. Repealed

Chapter 59 - Actions Against Nonresidents

� 391 to 395. Repealed

� 396. Repealed

� 397 to 403. Repealed

Chapter 60 - Itinerant Merchants

� 421. Definitions - Persons Not Included - Sworn Statement Showing Exemption

� 422. Compliance With Act Required - License Necessary

� 423. Application for License - Separate Application and License for Each Motor Vehicle

� 424. License Fees - Period Covered by License

� 425. Insurance Policies and Bonds - Parties to Actions

� 426. Appointment of Secretary of Commission as Agent to Accept Service of Summons

� 427. Summons or Notice of Suit - Form - Service

� 428. License - Issuance - Contents - Carried in Vehicle - License Plate

� 429. Transfer of License or License Plate

� 430. Revocation of License

� 431. Rules for Administration of Act

� 432. Custody and Operation of Motor Vehicle Used in Violation of Act

� 433. Disposition of Fees

� 434. Authority of County or Municipal Corporation Not Affected

� 435. Violation a Misdemeanor - Punishment

� 436. Actions for Injunctions

� 437. Highway Patrol and Peace Officers to Enforce Act

� 438. Partial Invalidity

Chapter 61 - Antifreeze

� 461. Repealed

� 462. Repealed

� 463. Repealed

� 464. Repealed

� 465. Repealed

� 466. Repealed

� 467. Repealed

� 468. Repealed

� 469. Repealed

� 470. Repealed

� 501 to 542. Repealed

Chapter 62 - Dealers, Salespersons, Distributors, Manufacturers, etc.

� 561. Necessity For Regulation - Legislative Finding

� 561. Necessity For Regulation - Legislative Finding

� 562. Definitions

� 562. Definitions

� 563. Oklahoma New Motor Vehicle Commission

� 563. Oklahoma New Motor Vehicle Commission

� 564. Licenses

� 564. Licenses

� 564.1. Off-Premises Displays

� 564.1. Off-Premises Displays

� 564.2. Failure to Obtain Certificate of Registration - Fine

� 564.2. Failure to Obtain Certificate of Registration - Fine

� 564.3. Dealer Management System Provider - Authorized Integrator

� 565. Application for License - Denial, Revocation, Suspension, and Penalties

� 565. Application for License - Denial, Revocation, Suspension, and Penalties

� 565.1. Procedure for Prevention or Refusal to Honor Succession to Dealership to Designated Successor

� 565.1. Procedure for Prevention or Refusal to Honor Succession to Dealership to Designated Successor

� 565.2. Terminating, Canceling, or Failing to Renew Franchise

� 565.2. Terminating, Canceling, or Failing to Renew Franchise

� 565.2. Terminating, Canceling, or Failing to Renew Franchise

� 565.3. Sales, Transfers, or Assignments of Franchise - Notice to Manufacturers or Distributors

� 565.3. Sales, Transfers, or Assignments of Franchise - Notice to Manufacturers or Distributors

� 565.4. Remote Software Upgrade - Change to Vehicle Functions and Features to a New Motor Vehicle or New Powersports Vehicle

� 565.4. Remote Software Upgrade - Change to Vehicle Functions and Features to a New Motor Vehicle

� 566. Denial, Suspension, or Revocation of License - Procedures and Fines

� 566. Denial, Suspension, or Revocation of License - Procedures and Fines

Chapter 62 - Motor Vehicle Dealers, Salespersons, Distributors, Manufacturers, etc.

� 566.1. Subjection to Provisions of Administrative Procedures Act

� 567. Injunctions

� 568 to 571. Repealed

� 572. Venue in Damage Actions

� 572. Venue in Damage Actions

� 573. Liberal Construction

� 573. Liberal Construction

� 574. Repealed

� 575. Repealed

� 576. Petty Cash Fund - Creation

� 577. Administration

� 578. Repealed

� 578.1. Sixty Day Notice of New Motor Vehicle or Powersports Vehicle Dealership Franchise - Exceptions

� 578.1. Sixty Day Notice of New Motor Vehicle Dealership Franchise - Exceptions

� 579. Circumstances to be Considered in Determining Good Cause for Not Entering Into or Relocating Additional Franchise

� 579. Circumstances to be Considered in Determining Good Cause for Not Entering Into or Relocating Additional Franchise

� 579.1. Brokers Unlawful - Definitions

� 579.1. Brokers Unlawful

� 580. Licenses - Cause for Denial, Revocation, or Suspension

� 580.1. Repealed

� 580.2. Insurance Coverage - Vehicles on Loan from Authorized Motor Vehicle or Powersports Vehicle Dealer

� 580.2. Insurance Coverage - Vehicles on Loan from Authorized Motor Vehicle Dealer

Chapter 62A - Used Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers

� 581. Definitions

� 582. Establishment of the Oklahoma Used Motor Vehicle, Dismantler, and Manufactured Housing Commission

� 582.1. Establishment of the Manufactured Homes Advisory Comittee

� 583. License Required - Application - Fees - Specifications and Display - Bond - Liability

� 583.1. Serving as a Motor Vehicle or Manufactured Home Salesperson Without Certification - Fines

� 584. Basis for Denial, Revocation, or Suspension of License

� 585. Procedures and Fines Where License is Denied, Suspended, or Revoked

� 586. Injunctions

� 587. Petty Cash Fund

� 588. Owner-Installed Manufactured Homes

Automotive Dismantlers and Parts Recycler Act

� 591.1. Short Title

� 591.2. Definitions

� 591.3. License Required - Power and Authority of Commission

� 591.4. Application for License - Form - Grounds for Refusal to Issue License or B.I.D. Card

� 591.5. Fees - Amendment of Application - Term of License

� 591.6. Register of Purchases and Sales - Inspection of Parts

� 591.7. Certain Licenses Not Required

� 591.8. Transfer of Certificate of Title

� 591.9. Refusal of License

� 591.10. Refusal, Cancellation, or Revocation of License - Hearing - Appeal - Fines for Violations

� 591.11. Salvage Pool or Salvage Disposal Sales

� 591.12. Repealed

� 591.13. Violations - Penalties

� 591.14. Automotive Dismantlers and Parts Recyclers - Engaging in Business without License- Injuction- Venue

Oklahoma Crusher Act

� 592.1. Short Title

� 592.2. Definitions

� 592.3. License Required for Engaging in Business as a Crusher - Exemption

� 592.4. Eligibility for Crusher License

� 592.5. Application for Crusher License

� 592.6. Prerequisites for Issuance of License - Fees

� 592.7. Contents and Display of License - Expiration - Annual License Fees - Late Fees

� 592.8. Duties of Crusher - Proof of Ownership Prior to Purchase - Report - Vehicle Hold Time

� 592.9. Rulemaking Power - Criminal Penalties - Injunctive Action

� 592.10. Grounds for Denial, Revocation, or Suspension of License or Imposition of Fine

� 595. Rebuilt Batteries - Container Markings

Recreational Vehicle Franchise Act

� 596. Short Title

� 596.1. Definitions

� 596.2. New Recreational Vehicle Dealer, Manufacturer, Factory Representative, Salesperson - License Requirements and Fees - Manufacturer Agreement

� 596.3. Sales Responsibility of Dealer - Dealer Agreement - Limitations on Location and Method of Sale

� 596.4. Renewal of Dealer Agreement

� 596.5. Manufacturer's Termination or Failure to Renew Dealer Agreement - Good Cause Required - Burden of Proof - Notice Requirements - Repurchase of Goods

� 596.6. Dealer's Termination or Failure to Renew Dealer Agreement - Good Cause - Burden of Proof - Notice - Repurchase of Goods

� 596.7. Sale of Remaining Stock After Dealer Agreement Terminated or Not Renewed

� 596.8. Change of Ownership of Dealer - Notice to Manufacturer - Objection by Manufacturer - Death, Incapactiy, or Retirement of Designated Principal of Dealer

� 596.9. Obligations of Warrantor

� 596.10. Warrantor - Prohibited Activities - Obligation to Indemnify Dealer

� 596.11. Dealer - Prohibited Activities - Obligation to Indemnify Warrantor

� 596.12. Receipt of Damaged New Recreational Vehicle - Notice to Manufacturer - Rejection - Treatment in Dealer Agreement - Unreasonable Mileage

� 596.13. Manufacturer - Prohibited Activities - Coercion

� 596.14. Penalties for Violation of the Recreational Vehicle Franchise Act

� 596.15. Civil Cause of Action and Remedies - Venue - Mediation

� 596.16. Injunctions and Other Equitable Remedies

Chapter 63 - Brake Fluid

� 601. Repealed

� 602. Repealed

� 603. Repealed

� 604. Repealed

� 605. Repealed

� 606. Repealed

� 607. Repealed

� 608. Repealed

� 609. Repealed

� 610. Repealed

� 611. Repealed

Chapter 64 - Motor Service Clubs

� 651 to 663. Repealed

Chapter 65 - Traffic Arrest Bond

� 701. Guaranteed Arrest Bond Certificates - Automobile Clubs or Associations

� 702. Guaranteed Arrest Bond Certificates - Trucking Associations

Chapter 66 - Vehicle Equipment Safety Compact

� 721. Repealed

Chapter 67 - Chemical Tests

� 751. Implied Consent to Breath, Blood, or Other Test for Determining Concentration of Alcohol or Other Intoxicating Substance

� 752. Procedure for Blood Tests - Authorization - Liability for Withdrawal - Reports

� 753. Refusal to Submit to Test - Revocation of License - Reinstatement of License

� 754. Filed Report - Revocation or Denial of Driving Privilege - Appeal Hearing

� 754.1. Repealed

� 754.2. Repealed

� 755. Repealed

� 756. Admission of Evidence Shown by Tests

� 757. Other Competent Evidence - Admissibility

� 758. Repealed

� 759. Board of Tests for Alcohol and Drug Influence - Members - Authority - Rules - Revolving Fund

� 759.1. Alcohol Drug Countermeasures Unit Abolished - Employees Transferred

� 760. Repealed

� 761. Operation of Motor Vehicle While Impaired - Penalties - Suspensions - Violations Not Bondable

� 762. Repealed

Chapter 68 - Driver License Compact

� 781. Enactment - Text

� 782. Licensing Authority

� 783. Compensation and Expenses of Administrator

� 784. Executive Head

� 785. Reports to Department of Public Safety

� 786. Enforcement of Article IV

� 787. Review of Act or Omission

� 788. Repealed

Chapter 68A - Nonresident Violator Compact

� 789. Short Title

� 790. Form of Nonresident Violator Compact

Chapter 69 - Commercial Driver Training

� 801. Definitions

� 801. Definitions

� 802. Administration and Enforcement - Training on the Recognition, Prevention, and Reporting of Human Trafficking

� 803. School License

� 803. School License

� 804. Instructor's License - Qualifications

� 805. License Fees

� 805. License Fees

� 806. Suspension or Revocation of License

� 807. Persons and Schools Exempt

� 808. Penalties

Chapter 70 - Mechanical Inspections

� 851. Repealed

� 852. Repealed

� 853. Repealed

� 854. Repealed

� 854.1. Renumbered as 47 O.S. § 2-143 by Laws 2001, HB 1692, c. 435, § 15, emerg. eff. July 1, 2001

� 855. Repealed

� 855.1. Repealed

� 856. Repealed

� 856.1. Repealed

� 856.1A. Repealed

� 856.2. Repealed

� 856.3. Repealed

� 856.4. Repealed

� 856.5. Repealed

� 857. Repealed

� 858. Repealed

� 858.1. Repealed

� 859. Repealed

� 860. Repealed

� 861. Repealed

Chapter 71 - Abandonment of Vehicles

� 901. Abandonment Unlawful - Determination

� 902. Authorization to Remove Abandoned Vehicle

� 903. Notice of Removal - Civil Liability

� 903A. Contesting Validity of Removal or Storage - Request for Hearing

� 904. Payment of Cost of Removal and Storage

� 904.1. Lienholders Meaning Lienholders as Shown on Vehicle Title

� 905. Repealed

� 906. Repealed

� 907. Special Liens

� 908. Foreclosure of Lien - Notice

� 909. Time to Commence Proceedings

� 910. Return of Sale

� 911. Disbursement of Proceeds from Sale of Abandoned Vehicle

Chapter 72 - Wreckers and Towing Services

� 951. Definitions

� 952. Rulemaking Authority - Requests for Service by Political Subdivisions - Official Rotation Logs

� 953. Licenses to Solicit Business or Make Service Calls - Fee - Expiration and Renewal - Disciplinary Actions - Enforcement Procedures

� 953.1. Maximum Fees and Charges for Wrecker or Towing Services

� 953.2. Determination of Fees and Charges for Storage and After-Hours Release by Wrecker, Towing Service, or Repair Facility

� 954. Enforcement

� 954A. Abandoned Motor Vehicle - Removal

� 955. Towing of Vehicle from Roadway - Grounds

� 956. Gifts Prohibited - Financial Interest of Officers

� 957. Independent Employment of Wrecker or Towing Services

� 958. Violations and Penalties

� 959. Repealed

� 960. Repealed

� 961. Referral Fees - Misdemeanor

� 962. Foreclosure of Lien

� 963. Renumbered as 47 O.S. § 903A by Laws 1987, SB 321, c. 233, § 6, eff. November 1, 1987

� 964. Vehicles Subject to Registration to be Reported if Stored, Parked or Left in Storage or Parking Lot for More than 30 Days

� 965. Duty of Wrecker or Towing Service to Notify Law Enforcement of Repossession of Vehicle

Nonconsensual Towing Act of 2011

� 966. Short Title - Applicability of Act - Authority of Corporation Commission

� 967. Assessment of Annual Fees to be Paid by Licensed Wrecker or Towing Services

� 968. Appointment of Unclassified Employees by the Corporation Commission

Chapter 73 - Oklahoma Ridesharing Act

� 1001. Short Title

� 1002. Ridesharing Arrangement Defined

� 1003. Non-Liability of Employer

� 1004. Money or Other Benefits Received by Driver Not to Constitute Income for Tax Purposes

� 1005. Certain Ridesharing Vehicles Not to be Construed as Motor Bus or Taxicab for Registration Purposes

� 1006. Driver in Ridesharing Agreement not Commercial Operator or Driver

Chapter 73A - Oklahoma Transportation Network Company Services Act

� 1010. Short Title

� 1011. Definitions

� 1012. Transportation Network Companies and Drivers Not Considered Motor Carriers of Persons, Taxicabs, etc.

� 1013. Permit Requirement - Fees - Rules - Regulatory Authority - Penalties for Noncompliance with Act

� 1014. Agent for Service of Process

� 1015. Fares

� 1016. Display of Picture of Driver and License Plate for Prearranged Rides

� 1017. Electronic Receipt

� 1018. Zero-Tolerance Policy Against TNC Drivers Operating Under the Influence - Complaints and Suspension - Records of Complaints

� 1019. Employee Screening - Periodic Updates

� 1020. Motor Vehicle Equipment Standards

� 1021. Prohibition Against Soliciting or Accepting Street Hails - Methods of Payment

� 1022. Number of Passengers Not to Exceed Vehicle Manufacturer's Seating Capacity

� 1023. Nondiscrimination

� 1024. Retention of Records

� 1025. Insurance Requirements - Proof of Coverage

� 1026. Required Insurance Disclosures to Drivers

� 1027. Insurer's Rights and Duties

� 1028. Payment of Claim by Insurer

� 1029. Disclosure of Passenger's Personally Identifiable Information

� 1030. Preemption - Independent Contractor Requirements

Chapter 73B - Peer-to-Peer Car Sharing Program Act

� 1050. Short Title

� 1051. Definitions

� 1052. Assumption of Liability

� 1053. Insurance Requirement and Liability

� 1054. Shared Vehicle With Lien

� 1055. Effects on Liability Insurance Policies

� 1056. Collection, Verification, and Retention of Records

� 1057. Exemption from Vicarious Liability

� 1058. Insurers - Right to Seek Contribution Against Motor Vehicle Insurer of the Peer-to-Peer Car Sharing Program

� 1059. Insurable Interest in a Shared Vehicle - Liability to Maintain Coverage - Liability Insurance Options

� 1060. Disclosures to Shared Vehicle Owners and Shared Vehicle Drivers

� 1061. Driver Requirements - Record Keeping

� 1062. Responsibilites and Right to Seek Indemnity

� 1063. Safety Recalls

Chapter 73C - Oklahoma Courier Application Services Act

� 1070. Short Title

� 1071. Definitions

� 1072. Courier Application Service Companies and Drivers

� 1073. Zero-Tolerance Policy for Drugs and Alcohol, Suspension, Investigation

� 1074. Driver Background Information - Requirements - Information Updates

� 1075. Equipment Standards

� 1076. Courier Application Sevice - Agreement

Chapter 74 - Oklahoma Vehicle License And Registration Act

General Provisions

� 1101. Short Title

� 1102. Definitions

� 1103. Certificate of Title - Vehicle Registration - Fees


� 1104. Apportionment

� 1104.1. Apportionment of Fee for University or College Supporter License Plates - Adaptive Grant Program for Oklahomans with Intellectual Disabilities Revolving Fund - Report

� 1104.2. Apportionment of Fees to Environmental Education Revolving Fund - Creation of Environmental Education Revolving Fund

� 1104.3. Ag in the Classroom Education Revolving Fund

� 1104.4. OSU Extension Service License Plate Revolving Fund

� 1104.5. Creation of the Urban Forestry and Beautification Revolving Fund

� 1104.6. Choose Life Assistance Program Fund

� 1104.7. Apportionment of Fees - Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education Agriculture Revolving Fund

� 1104.8. Apportionment of Fees - Color Oklahoma Revolving Fund

� 1104.9. Apportionment of Fees - Oklahoma Central Cancer Registry Revolving Fund

� 1104.10. Apportionment of Fees - Animal Friendly Revolving Fund

� 1104.11. Apportionment of Fees - Patriot License Plate Revolving Fund

� 1104.12. Apportionment of Fees - Oklahoma Quarter Horse Revolving Fund

� 1104.13. Apportionment of Fees - Oklahoma Zoological Society Revolving Fund

� 1104.14. Apportionment of Fees - Oklahoma Prevent Birth Defects, Premature Birth and Infant Mortality Fund

� 1104.15. Apportionment of Fees - Oklahoma Association for the Deaf License Plate Revolving Fund

� 1104.16. Apportionment of Fees - Buffalo Soldier License Plate Revolving Fund

� 1104.17. Apportionment of Fees - Prevent Blindness Oklahoma License Plate Revolving Fund

� 1104.18. Apportionment of Fees - Oklahoma Friends of the Capitol License Plate Revolving Fund

� 1104.19. Apportionment of Fees - Pancreatic Cancer Research License Plate Revolving Fund

� 1104.20. Apportionment of Fees - Alzheimer�s Research License Plate Revolving Fund

� 1104.21. Apportionment of Fees - Hospice and Palliative Care License Plate Revolving Fund

� 1104.22. Apportionment of Fees - Juvenile Diabetes Research License Plate Revolving Fund

� 1104.23. Apportionment of Fees - Deer Creek Schools Foundation License Plate Revolving Fund

� 1104.24. Apportionment of Fees - Oklahoma Lupus License Plate Revolving Fund

� 1104.25. Apportionment of Fees - Oklahoma Association of Chiefs of Police License Plate Revolving Fund

� 1104.26. Apportionment of Fees - Oklahoma Nurses License Plate Revolving Fund

� 1104.27. Apportionment of Fees - Oklahoma Concerns of Police Survivors License Plate Revolving Fund

� 1104.28. Apportionment of Fees - Piedmont Public Schools Education Foundation License Plate Revolving Fund

� 1104.29. Apportionment of Fees - Prisoner of War and Missing in Action License Plate Revolving Fund

� 1104.30. Apportionment of Fees - Down Syndrome Association of Central Oklahoma License Plate Revolving Fund

� 1104.31. Apportionment of Fees - Elk City Education Foundation License Plate Revolving Fund

� 1104.32. Apportionment of Fees - Extraordinary Educators License Plate Revolving Fund

� 1104.33. Apportionment of Fees - Diabetes Awareness License Plate Revolving Fund

Certificates of Title

� 1105. Definitions

� 1105.1. Additional Definitions

� 1105.2. VIN - Transfer of Ownership

� 1105.3. Vehicle Identification Number

� 1105.4. Repealed

� 1105.5. Criminal History Search for Employees of Tax Commission

� 1105A. Electronic Filing, Storage and Delivery of Motor Vehicle Certificates of Title - Procedures

� 1106. Refusal to Issue or Revocation of Certificate of Title or Vehicle Registration

� 1107. Holder of Certificates in Event of Sale or Transfer of Ownership - Violations

� 1107.1. Verification of Mileage - Disclosure Statement

� 1107.2. Transferors of Vehicles Exempt from Odometer Disclosure Statement

� 1107.3. Certificate of Title - Terms to Stamp in Accordance with Odometer Disclosure Statement

� 1107.4. Written Notice of Transfer - Filing Fee

� 1107.5. Transfer of Title of Motor Vehicle by a Transfer-On-Death Form

� 1108. Replacing Lost Certificate of Title

� 1109. Confidential Nature of Information Contained in Certificates of Title, Applications, or Registration - Fees - Penalty

� 1110. Perfection of Security Interest

� 1110. Perfection of Security Interest

� 1111. Payment of Total Loss Claim - Certificate of Title

Registration, Fees, and License Plates

� 1112. Application for Registration - Contents

� 1112.1. Disclosure to Purchaser of Material or Any Damage to Motor Vehicle

� 1112.1A. Vintage Vehicle - Registration - Fee - Title

� 1112.2. Registration and Pre-Registration - Transfer of License Plates - Contracts and Agreements for Electronic System

� 1112.3. Documents Required During Operation of Motor Vehicle

� 1113. Certificate of Registration, License Plates and Decals - Permanent Plates - Requirements

� 1113A. Definitions

� 1113.2. Reissue of Official Vehicle License Plates

� 1113.3. Oklahoma License Plate Design Task Force

� 1114. Replacement of Lost, Mutilated or Destroyed License Plates or Decals

� 1114.1. Rounding of Computations of Annual Registration and Licensing Fees

� 1114.2. Repealed

� 1115. Certain Vehicles to be Annually Registered - Schedule - Fees - Penalties - Rules and Procedures

� 1115.1. Duty to Seize Vehicles not Bearing or Displaying Proper License Plate

� 1115.2. Preemption - Registration and Licensing of Automobiles

� 1115.3. Registration of All-Terrain Vehicles, Motorcycles, and Utility Vehicles Used Exclusively Off Road, and Street-legal Utility Vehicle

� 1116. Periods of Registration

� 1116.1. Dealer License Plate

� 1116.2. Operation of Golf Carts by Persons With Physical Disabilities

� 1117. Registration and Certificate of Title for Manufactured Homes

� 1118. Issuing of Certificate of Title for Manufactured Homes - Manufactured Home License Registration Decal.

� 1119. Information Furnished to County Assessor where Manufactured Home is Located

� 1120. Proportional Registration

� 1120.1. International Registration Plan or Other Compacts or Agreements with Other States - Rental Motor Vehicle Fees

� 1120.2. Transfer of Revenue Collected Under the International Registration Plan

� 1121. Collection and Exception for Dishonored Checks

� 1122. Nonresidents using Vehicles for Hire or Other Commercial Purposes - Temporary License.

� 1123. Authority to Service Oklahoma to Make Reciprocal Compacts and Agreements

� 1124. Issuance and Fee for Temporary Permit

� 1124.1. Temporary Permits or Authorization for Vehicle to be Proportionally Registered

� 1124.2. Hunters Permits for Registered Vehicles

� 1125. Owner of Vehicle Employed in State Subject to Tax - Exemptions - Penalty for Failure to Register - Students - Vehicles Other than Commercial Truck Owned by Visiting Nonresident

� 1126. Registration and Fee for Repossessed Vehicles

� 1127. Vehicles Owned by Members of Armed Forces or Spouses - Registration

� 1128. Manufacturer of New Vehicles - Fees - In-transit License Plates

� 1129. Exemptions and Requirements for Special Mobilized Machinery

� 1130. Fee for Mailing Registration Credited to Service Oklahoma Revolving Fund

� 1131. Renewal Notification

� 1132. Assessment of Vehicle Registration Fees

� 1132.1. Fee Levied Upon Every Registered or Licensed Vehicle

� 1132.2. Creation of Motor Vehicle Driver Education Revolving Fund

� 1132.3. Credit for Fee for Registration of Replacement for Vehicle Destroyed in Tornado

� 1132.4. Added Vehicle Registration Fee

� 1132.5. Repealed

� 1132.6. Additional Registration Fee - Motorcycles

� 1132.7. Additional Registration Fees - Electric-Drive and Hybrid-Drive Motor Vehicles

� 1132A. Online System - Select Licensed Operators - Fees

� 1132B. Online System - Option to Select Between Licensed Operator and Agency for Processing - Fees

� 1133. Rates for Commercial Vehicles Over Eight Thousand Pounds

� 1133. Rates for Commercial Vehicles Over Eight Thousand Pounds

� 1133.1. Commercial Vehicle Registration

� 1133.2. Name of Vehicle Registrant Displayed on Commercial Vehicles - Fines for Violations

� 1133.3. Optional Registration of Non-Commercial Boat Trailer and Utility-Type Trailer

� 1133.4. Single or Combination Farm Use Vehicle Not Required to Register - Definitions

� 1134. Fees for Farm Vehicles - Exemptions

� 1134.1. License Fees for Taxicabs - School Buses Privately Owned - Intercity and Intracity Motor Busses

� 1134.2. Fee and License Plates for Motor Vehicles Used Primarily for Purpose of Transporting Unfinished and Unprocessed Forest Products, Logs, Ties, Stave Bolts and Posts

� 1134.3. Requirements of Wrecker or Towing Service Operations

� 1134.4. Registered Motor Vehicles Used for the Purpose of Transporting Cotton Modules

� 1135. License Fees for Manufactured Home

� 1135.1. Official Special License Plates - Types, Designs, Issuance, Fees

� 1135.2. Additional Official Special License Plates - Recognition of Service or Awards

� 1135.3. Additional Official Special License Plates - Support, Interest, or Membership in Organizations, Occupations, etc.

� 1135.3. Additional Official Special License Plates - Support, Interest, or Membership in Organizations, Occupations, etc.

� 1135.4. Personalized License Plates

� 1135.5. Additional Official Special License Plates - Support and Financial Assistance for Organizations

� 1135.5. Additional Official Special License Plates - Support and Financial Assistance for Organizations

� 1135.6. National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing Driver (NASCAR) Theme License Plates

� 1135.7. Design and Issuance of Special License Plates

� 1135.8. License Plate Special Program Assistance Revolving Fund - Service Oklahoma License Plate Special Program Assistance Revolving Fund

� 1135.9. Private Vendors - Marketing and Sale of Personalized License Plates and Special License Plates

� 1136. Repealed

� 1136.1. Repealed

� 1136.2. Exemption from Oklahoma Vehicle License and Registration Act for Former Military Vehicle

� 1137. Repealed

� 1137.1. Used Dealer License, Registration, Certificate of Title - Placement of Tax Stamp - Procedure for Dealers - Nonprofit Charitable Organization

� 1137.2. Authority to Grant the Power to Issue the Dealer License Plates to Authorized Vendors

� 1137.3. Registration or Licensing after Purchase

� 1137.4. Temporary License Plate Vendors - Fee - Equipment and Supplies - Requirements

� 1138. Repealed

� 1139. Repealed

� 1139.1. Fee Exemption for Leasing

Licensed Operators

� 1140. Service Oklahoma Locations - Qualifications and Requirements - Appointment - Vacancies - Removal - Fees

� 1140.1. Repealed

� 1140.2. License and ID Apportionment Reimbursement Revolving Fund - Service Oklahoma License and ID Apportionment Reimbursement Revolving Fund

� 1140.3. Monthly Report of the Apportionment Reimbursed

� 1141. Unlawful to Advertise as Official or Authorized Licensed Operator of State Unless Duly Appointed and Qualified - Violation

� 1141.1. Entitlement of Licensed Operator to Retain Certain Taxes and Fees

� 1142. Special Agency Accounts

� 1142.1. Messenger Service, Courier Service or Pick up and Delivery Service for Recording of Security Interest Unlawful - Compensation of Messenger Service Unlawful - Violation and Fine

� 1143. Licensed Operator - Compensation

� 1143.1. Creation of Oklahoma Motor License Agent Indemnity Fund - Oklahoma Licensed Operator Indemnity Fund

� 1143.2. Additional Duties of Licensed Operators

� 1144. Payments Procedures for Registration Fees, License Plates, Decals or Excise Taxes - Hours of Licensed Operator's Offices

� 1145. Repealed

� 1146. Review and Audit of Licensed Operator - Records, Books, and Files

� 1146.1. Repealed

� 1146.2. Accounting and Budget Procedure Advice - Duty to Follow Instructions or Advice of State Auditor and Inspector

� 1147. Designation of Office of County Treasurer as Licensed Operator

Administration of Laws

� 1148. Powers of Local Authorities

� 1149. Duty and Authority of Oklahoma Tax Commission to Administer Act - Necessary Rules and Regulations

� 1150. Employees of Service Oklahoma - Power and Authority to Administer Oaths to Taxpayers

� 1151. Unlawful Acts - Penalties

Offense and Penalties

� 1151.1. Repealed

� 1151.2. Renumbered as 47 O.S. § 1116.2 by Laws 2008, SB 1384, c. 302, § 14, emerg. eff. June 2, 2008

� 1151.3. Registration and Titling of Mini-Trucks

� 1151.4. Medium-Speed Electric Vehicles

� 1152. Repealed

� 1153. Repealed

� 1154. Repealed

� 1155. Repealed

Chapter 75 - Trucking Industry Self-Funded Research and Development Act of 1987

� 1161. Repealed

� 1162. Repealed

� 1163. Repealed

� 1164. Repealed

� 1165. Repealed

Trucking One-Stop Shop Act

� 1166. Transfer of Duties from Oklahoma Tax Commission to Corporation Commission

� 1167. Fees, Fines, and Penalties - Rules - Trucking One-Stop Shop Fund

� 1168. Transfer of Funds, Facilities, and Equipment

� 1169. Revocation of Corporation Commission Issued License - Fraudulent Credentials

Tour Buses

� 1170. Confidentiality of Reports - No Liability for Authorized Disclosures

� 1171. Repealed

� 1172. Repealed

Oklahoma Weigh Station Act of 2012

� 1200. Short Title

� 1201. Definitions

� 1202. Interagency Agreements Concerning the Equipment, Maintenance and Operations of Oklahoma Weigh Stations

� 1203. Commercial Motor Vehicle - Limitations on Citations - On Same Date

Chapter 76 - Reserved

� ch76. Reserved

Chapter 77 - Reserved

� ch77. Reserved

Chapter 78 - Reserved

� ch78. Reserved

Chapter 79 - Motor Vehicle Chop Shop, Stolen and Altered Property Act

� 1501. Short Title

� 1502. Definitions

� 1503. Chop Shops - Penalties

� 1504. Seizure of Tool, Implement or Instrumentality Without Process

� 1505. Property Subject to Forfeiture - Disposition - New Certificate of Title

� 1506. Institution of Civil Proceedings

� 1507. Repealed

� 1508. Power to Institute Criminal Prosecution for Violations

Chapter 80 - Oklahoma Mobility-Impaired Driver Refueling Service Act

� 1601. Short Title

� 1602. Definitions

� 1603. Voluntary Participation in Refueling Service Program

� 1604. Repealed

Chapter 81 - Oklahoma Driving Automation System Uniformity Act

� 1700. Short Title

� 1701. Definitions

� 1702. State of Oklahoma - Preemption and Superseding

� 1703. Fully Autonomous Vehicle without a Human Driver - Conditions - Law Enforcement Interaction Plan - Rules

� 1704. Proof of Financial Responsibility

� 1705. In the Event of an Accident

� 1706. On-Demand Autonomous Vehicle Network - Exception

� 1707. Registered - Titled

� 1708. Operate a Motor Vehicle with an Automated Driving System - Conditions

� 1709. Operation of Fully Autonomous Commercial Motor Vehicles - Exception

� 1710. Fully Autonomous Vehicles - Certain Equipment Exemptions

� 1711. Promulgation of Rules

Chapter 82 - Personal Delivery Devices

� 1800. Definitions

� 1801. Areas of Operability - Identification - Limitations and Equipment

� 1802. Motor Vehicle Licensing Exemption - Insurance

� 1803. Political Subdivisions