OSCN Found Document:Requisitions - Determination Of Quantitative Need By Agencies - Forms - Information Required - Lease-Purchase Agreements - Change Order Or Addendum - Lease of Products.
Title 74. State Government

Oklahoma Statutes Citationized
  Title 74. State Government
    Chapter 4
      The Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act
        Section 85.4 - Requisitions - Determination Of Quantitative Need By Agencies - Forms - Information Required - Lease-Purchase Agreements - Change Order Or Addendum - Lease of Products.

Superceded On: 08/29/2003

Cite as: O.S. �, __ __

A. Except as otherwise provided by the Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act, every state agency shall make all acquisitions used, consumed or spent by the state agency in the performance of its official functions by the presentation of requisitions to the Purchasing Division .

B. The provisions of the Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act shall not preclude a state agency from:

1. Accepting gifts or donations in any manner authorized by law; or

2. Making an acquisition for itself without presentation of a requisition when an acquisition without requisition is authorized in writing by the State Purchasing Director.

C. Subject to the provisions of this section, every state agency shall determine its own quantitative needs for acquisitions and the general class or nature of the acquisitions.

D. The Director of the Department of Central Services shall prescribe standardized contract forms and all other forms requisite or deemed necessary by the Director of the Department of Central Services to effectuate the provisions of this section and the Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act.

E. 1. Each requisition required by this section for the acquisition of any product shall be accompanied by a statement signed by the chief administrative officer of the state agency or the chief administrative officer of the requisitioning unit of the state agency justifying the acquisition and, where applicable, the quantity or volume to be acquired.

2. Each requisition required by this section for nonprofessional services or professional services whether or not such services are exempt from the competitive bidding requirements of this section or pursuant to Section 85.7 of this title shall be accompanied by a statement signed by the chief administrative officer of the state agency or the chief administrative officer of the requisitioning unit of the state agency certifying that:

a. no employee of the state agency is able and available to perform the services to be provided pursuant to the contract,

b. the state agency shall receive, review and accept a detailed work plan from the supplier for performance pursuant to the contract if requested by the State Purchasing Director,

c. the state agency has developed, and fully intends to implement, a written plan providing for the assignment of specific state agency personnel to:

(1) monitoring and auditing supplier performance,

(2) the periodic review of interim reports, or other indications of past performance, and

(3) if requested by the State Purchasing Director, the ultimate utilization of the final product of the nonprofessional or professional services ,

d. the work to be performed under the contract is necessary to the state agency's responsibilities, and there is statutory authority to enter into the contract,

e. the contract will not establish an employment relationship between the state or the state agency and any persons performing under the contract,

f. no current state employee will engage in the performance of the contract, unless specifically approved by the State Purchasing Director,

g. the purchase of the nonprofessional or professional services is justified, and

h. the contract contains provisions that are required by Section 85.41 of this title.

3. a. When a state agency requisitions acquisitions that a supplier will provide in components or phases, the requisition shall list each component or phase, and the State Purchasing Director shall include the list in the Invitation to Bid.

b. The determination of the lowest and best bid or best value bid, as required by the Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act, shall include all component or phase deliveries and shall not be based solely on the first component or phase delivery.

c. For a purchase order or contract that includes separate component deliveries, the Purchasing Director or a state agency may issue change orders to increase a purchase order or contract for the acquisition that do not exceed an increase of ten percent (10%) of the original purchase order or contract total price.

F. Any person certifying the information required by subsection E of this section who knows such information to be false, shall upon conviction be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by fine or imprisonment or both fine and imprisonment pursuant to the provisions of Section 85.15 of this title and shall be civilly liable for the amount of the contract.

G. The State Purchasing Director may request additional information necessary to adequately review the requisitions and the statements required pursuant to subsection E of this section to ensure compliance with the Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act.

H. If the Purchasing Director determines that an acquisition is not necessary, is excessive or is not justified, the State Purchasing Director shall deny the requisition.

I. 1. No state agency shall enter into a lease-purchase agreement if title is acquired to tangible property of any class or nature by making lease, rental, or any other type payments, except as specifically authorized by law and except insofar as data processing equipment or other equipment is concerned; provided, however, the lease-purchase of data processing or other equipment by any state agency, whether or not the state agency is subject to the provisions of the Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act, shall be processed by competitive bids through the Purchasing Division of the Department of Central Services.

2. The Executive Bond Oversight Commission and the Legislative Bond Oversight Commission shall have the authority to determine the most cost-effective method for obtaining financing for lease-purchase agreements, which may be financed by either negotiated sale or competitive bid. If the Executive Bond Oversight Commission and the Legislative Bond Oversight Commission determine that the lease-purchase of personal or real property should be financed through negotiated sale, the financing shall be subject to the provisions of the Oklahoma Bond Oversight and Reform Act, 62 O.S. 1991, Section 695.1 et seq. Unless said Commissions determine that the sale should be executed on a negotiated basis, such financing shall be processed by competitive bids through the Purchasing Division of the Department of Central Services.

3. Regardless of the method of financing, the acquisition price of personal property subject to a lease-purchase agreement shall be processed by competitive bids through the Purchasing Division of the Department of Central Services.

4. The State Purchasing Director may permit lease-purchasing of equipment by the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Commission if such leasing is determined by the State Purchasing Director to be in the best interest of the state; provided, that such leasing must be processed by competitive bids through the State Purchasing Director except as to those acquisitions exempt under Section 85.12 of this title.

J. No state agency shall enter into a lease-purchase contract between the state agency as lessee and a private party as lessor if the contract is not capable of complete performance within the current fiscal year in which the contract was entered into unless a valid nonappropriation clause is included in the contract. Such contracts shall contain the following or substantially similar language:

Lessee shall have the right to terminate the lease, in whole but not in part, at the end of any fiscal year of lessee, if the Legislature fails to allocate sufficient funds to lessee for the rental payments required under the lease.

K. 1. No change order or addendum shall be made to a lease-purchase agreement which extends the term or life of the original bid contract. Any lease-purchase agreement requiring such extensions or refinancing shall be readvertised and processed in accordance with the provisions of the Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act.

2. Every state agency, whether or not subject to the provisions of the Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act, shall maintain a list of all tangible personal property which it is acquiring by a lease-purchase method and, prior to the renewal of a lease-purchase agreement, shall evaluate the rate being paid under the current lease-purchase agreement against rates currently being received by the Purchasing Division of the Department of Central Services on a competitive bid basis to determine whether or not refinancing of the property will benefit the state. Any state agency which elects not to submit a requisition for a possible refinancing when the existing rates are at least one percent (1%) above rates being currently bid, and when the total sum to be paid for the property including principal and interest will be reduced, shall submit a written justification to the State Purchasing Director stating the reasons for not attempting to refinance the property. The State Purchasing Director shall forward all such justifications to the Chair of the Appropriations Committee of the Senate and the Chair of the Committee on Appropriations and Budget of the House of Representatives no later than February 1 of each year.

3. Unless otherwise provided by law, no state agency shall enter into a lease-purchase agreement for real or personal property costing less than Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00).

4. a. Unless otherwise provided by law, the maximum term of a state agency lease-purchase agreement shall be the lesser of the useful life of real or personal property subject to a lease-purchase agreement as determined by the State Purchasing Director, or three (3) years for personal property and ten (10) years for real property, respectively.

b. The Executive Bond Oversight Commission and the Legislative Bond Oversight Commission shall have the authority to extend the term of a lease-purchase agreement beyond three (3) years for personal property and ten (10) years for real property if the State Purchasing Director determines that the useful life of the property exceeds the terms and the Oklahoma State Bond Advisor recommends the extension as being in the best interests of this state.

5. Unless otherwise provided by law, state agency real property acquisitions subject to lease-purchase agreements shall be explicitly authorized by the Legislature. Acquisitions of real property authorized by the Legislature, unless otherwise exempted by the Legislature, shall be subject to the competitive bid provisions of the Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act. If a state agency is authorized to enter into a lease-purchase agreement for real property, the financing of the acquisition, including acquisitions deemed desirable for executing a lease-purchase, certificate of participation, or similar agreement or obligation, shall be obtained in accordance with the provisions of the Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act. The State Purchasing Director shall consult with the Oklahoma State Bond Advisor on the preparation, evaluation, and negotiation of such financing. Legislative authorization shall constitute legal authorization for this state or state agencies to enter into such lease-purchase agreements.

L. The State Purchasing Director may permit leasing of products by state agencies if such leasing is determined by the State Purchasing Director to be in the best interest of the state, provided that such leasing must be processed by competitive bids through the State Purchasing Director except as to those acquisitions exempt pursuant to Section 85.12 of this title.

M. 1. Before reoffering or remarketing an obligation, a state agency shall obtain written approval from the Oklahoma State Bond Advisor. Should a remarketing of a lease-purchase agreement be proposed that includes the remarketing of securities or obligations to more than a single investor, any disclosure language prepared in connection with such remarketing that describes the state's liability under the lease-purchase agreement shall be approved in advance, in writing, by the Oklahoma State Bond Advisor.

2. In no event shall a state agency enter into a lease-purchase agreement unless that agreement states that the State of Oklahoma reserves the right to approve any reoffering of this obligation to another investor either through private placement, issuance of certificates of participation, or any other mechanism.

N. 1. Whenever it appears advantageous to the state or to any state agency to purchase or otherwise acquire any acquisition which may be offered for sale by the government of the United States of America or any agency thereof, the State Purchasing Director may execute a contract for the acquisition with the federal government or federal agency .

2. If the State Purchasing Director approves an acquisition from the federal government or agency and determines that the regulations of the federal government, or agency handling the disposition and sale require that partial or full payment be made at the time sale is effected and before the acquisition will be delivered, the State Purchasing Director, upon requisition by the requesting party, shall have a state warrant drawn against the funds of the acquiring state agency payable to the United States of America or its proper agency. The warrant shall be in such amount as may be necessary to meet the terms and conditions of sale without requiring a certificate showing that the acquisition has actually been delivered to the state agency in whose behalf the purchase is being negotiated.

Historical Data

Laws 1959, SB 211, p. 351, � 4, emerg. eff. July 1, 1959; Amended by Laws 1972, SB 570, c. 163, � 1, emerg. eff. April 7, 1972; Amended by Laws 1980, SB 473, c. 339, � 5, emerg. eff. June 25, 1980; Amended by Laws 1983, SB 305, c. 304, � 106, emerg. eff. July 1, 1983; Amended by Laws 1984, SB 437, c. 148, � 1, emerg. eff. April 19, 1984; Amended by Laws 1986, HB 1950, c. 173, � 2, emerg. eff. May 12, 1986; Amended by Laws 1987, HB 1099, c. 203, � 97, emerg. eff. July 1, 1987; Amended by Laws 1989, HB 1065, c. 300, � 18, emerg. eff. July 1, 1989; Amended by Laws 1993, SB 391, c. 327, � 13, emerg. eff. July 1, 1993; Amended by Laws 1997, HB 1807, c. 294, � 28, emerg. eff. July 1, 1997 (superseded document available); Amended by Laws 1998, HB 1822, c. 371, � 3, eff. November 1, 1998 (superseded document available); Amended by Laws 1999, HB 1021, c. 321, � 1, emerg. eff. July 1, 1999 (superseded document available); Amended by Laws 2000, HB 2711, c. 6, � 21, emerg. eff. March 20, 2000 (superseded document available).

Citationizer Summary of Documents Citing This Document
Cite Name Ebene
Oklahoma Attorney General's Opinions
 2003 OK AG 3, Question Submitted by: James C. Joseph, State Bond Advisor, Bond Oversight CommissionCited
 1982 OK AG 158, Question Submitted by: The Honorable M. David Riggs, Oklahoma House of RepresentativesDiscussed at Length
 1983 OK AG 27, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Stratton Taylor, Oklahoma State Senate, District No. 2Cited
 1984 OK AG 135, Question Submitted by: The Honorable George Nigh, Governor of the State of OklahomaDiscussed at Length
 1984 OK AG 137, Question Submitted by: The Honorable George Nigh, Governor of the State of OklahomaDiscussed
 1984 OK AG 201, Question Submitted by: Fred L. Boettcher, Chairman, Oklahoma Turnpike AuthorityCited
 1984 OK AG 66, Question Submitted by: Rex Privett, Executive Director, Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement SystemDiscussed at Length
 1984 OK AG 76, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Don Koppel, Oklahoma House of RepresentativesCited
 1987 OK AG 7, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Bernice Shedrick, Oklahoma State SenateDiscussed at Length
 1987 OK AG 99, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Ellis Edwards , Oklahoma Treasurer , Oklahoma TreasurerDiscussed at Length
 1988 OK AG 61, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Gene Stipe, Oklahoma State Senate, Alexander B. Holmes, Director of State FinanceDiscussed at Length
 1988 OK AG 73, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Loyd Benson, Oklahoma House of RepresentativesDiscussed at Length
 1988 OK AG 89, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Helen Arnold, Director, Office of Public AffairsCited
 1989 OK AG 36, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Helen Arnold, Director, Office of Public AffairsDiscussed
 1996 OK AG 52, Question Submitted by: George A. Miller, Director, Department of Human ServicesDiscussed at Length
 1996 OK AG 80, Question Submitted by: Ray Hand, Ph.D., Chairperson, State Board of Examiners of PsychologistsCited
 1999 OK AG 6, Question Submitted by: Pamela Warren, Director, Department of Central ServicesDiscussed at Length
Oklahoma Court of Civil Appeals Cases
 1995 OK CIV APP 57, 896 P.2d 571, 66 OBJ 1869, Caddell v. State ex rel. Dept. of HealthDiscussed
Oklahoma Supreme Court Cases
 1987 OK 43, 737 P.2d 1191, 58 OBJ 1552, U.C. Leasing, Inc. v. State ex rel. State Bd. of Public AffairsCited
 1993 OK 101, 857 P.2d 53, 64 OBJ 2328, Indiana Nat. Bank v. State Dept. of Human ServicesDiscussed
Oklahoma Session Laws - 2000
 2000 O.S.L. 6, 2000 O.S.L. 6, [HB 2711] - An Act relating to duplicate sections; amending Section 72, Chapter 352, O.S.L. 1995, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 365, O.S.L. 1999 (10 O.S. Supp. 1999, Section 7301-1.3), 18 O.S. 1991, Sections 552.3, etc.Discussed at Length
Title 73. State Capital and Capitol Building
 73 O.S. 301, Authority to Acquire Real Property to Construct Buildings and Improvements and Provide for RepairsCited
Citationizer: Table of Authority
Cite Name Ebene
None Found.