OSCN Found Document:Bombs and Explosives - Foul, Poisonous, Offensive or Injurious Substances - Telephone Threats
Title 21. Crimes and Punishments

Oklahoma Statutes Citationized
  Title 21. Crimes and Punishments
    Chapter 69
        Section 1767.1 - Bombs and Explosives - Foul, Poisonous, Offensive or Injurious Substances - Telephone Threats

Superceded On: 04/20/2004

Cite as: 21 O.S. � 1767.1 (OSCN 2024)

A. Any person who shall willfully or maliciously commit any of the following acts shall be deemed guilty of a felony:

1. Place in, upon, under, against or near to any building, car, truck, aircraft, motor or other vehicle, vessel, railroad, railway car, or locomotive or structure, any explosive with unlawful intent to destroy, throw down, or injure, in whole or in part, such property, or conspire, aid, counsel or procure the destruction of any building, public or private, or any car, truck, aircraft, motor or other vehicle, vessel, railroad, railway car, or locomotive or structure; or

2. Place in, upon, under, against or near to any building, car, truck, aircraft, motor or other vehicle, vessel, railroad, railway car, or locomotive or structure, any explosive with intent to destroy, throw down, or injure in whole or in part, under circumstances that, if such intent were accomplished, human life or safety would be endangered thereby; or

3. By the explosion of any explosive destroy, throw down, or injure any property of another person, or cause injury to another person; or

4. Manufacture, sell, transport, or possess any explosive or the component parts of an explosive with knowledge or intent that it or they will be used to unlawfully kill, injure or intimidate any person, or unlawfully damage any real or personal property; or

5. Place in, upon, under, against or near to any building, car, truck, aircraft, motor or other vehicle, vessel, railroad, railway car, or locomotive or structure, any foul, poisonous, offensive or injurious substance or compound or explosive, with intent to wrongfully injure, molest or coerce another person or to injure or damage the property of another person; or

6. Injure, damage or attempt to damage by an explosive any person, persons, or property, whether real or personal; or

7. Use the telephone or other communication device to make any threat or convey information known to be false, concerning an attempt or alleged attempt to kill, injure or intimidate any person or unlawfully damage any real or personal property by means of an explosive; or

8. Manufacture, sell, deliver, mail or send an explosive to another person; or

9. While committing or attempting to commit any felony, possess, display, or threaten to use any explosive.

B. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to apply to, or repeal any laws pertaining to, the acts of mischief of juveniles involving noninjurious firecrackers or devices commonly called "stink bombs".

Historical Data

Laws 1951, p. 61, � 1; Amended by Laws 1971, c. 121, � 1, emerg. eff. May 4, 1971; Amended by Laws 1991, c. 54, � 1, emerg. eff. April 10, 1991; Amended by Laws 1997, HB 1213, c. 133, � 415 (effective date� amended to July 1, 1999, by Laws 1998, 1st Extr. Sess., c. 2 , �� 23-26, effective June 19, 1998 (superseded document available); Amended by Laws 2003, HB 1313, c. 168, � 1, emerg. eff. July 1, 2003 (superseded document available).

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Title 21. Crimes and Punishments
 21 O.S. 1767.1, Bombs and Explosives-Foul, Poisonous, Offensive or Injurious Substances-Telephone ThreatsCited