OSCN Found Document:Duties of Attorney General - Counsel of Corporation Commission as Representative on Appeal From Commission
Title 74. State Government

Oklahoma Statutes Citationized
  Title 74. State Government
    Chapter 2 - Attorney General
      In General
        Section 18b - Duties of Attorney General - Counsel of Corporation Commission as Representative on Appeal From Commission
Cite as: 74 O.S. � 18b (OSCN 2024), In General

A. The duties of the Attorney General as the chief law officer of the state shall be:

1. To appear for the state and prosecute and defend all actions and proceedings, civil or criminal, in the Supreme Court and Court of Criminal Appeals in which the state is interested as a party;

2. To appear for the state and prosecute and defend all actions and proceedings in any of the federal courts in which the state is interested as a party;

3. To initiate or appear in any action in which the interests of the state or the people of the state are at issue, or to appear at the request of the Governor, the Legislature, or either branch thereof, and prosecute and defend in any court or before any commission, board or officers any cause or proceeding, civil or criminal, in which the state may be a party or interested; and when so appearing in any such cause or proceeding, the Attorney General may, if the Attorney General deems it advisable and to the best interest of the state, take and assume control of the prosecution or defense of the state�s interest therein;

4. To consult with and advise district attorneys, when requested by them, in all matters pertaining to the duties of their offices, when the district attorneys shall furnish the Attorney General with a written opinion supported by citation of authorities upon the matter submitted;

5. To give an opinion in writing upon all questions of law submitted to the Attorney General by the Legislature or either branch thereof, or by any state officer, board, commission or department, provided, that the Attorney General shall not furnish opinions to any but district attorneys, the Legislature or either branch thereof, or any other state official, board, commission or department, and to them only upon matters in which they are officially interested;

6. At the request of the Governor, State Auditor and Inspector, State Treasurer, or either branch of the Legislature, to prosecute any official bond or any contract in which the state is interested, upon a breach thereof, and to prosecute or defend for the state all actions, civil or criminal, relating to any matter connected with either of their Departments;

7. Whenever requested by any state officer, board or commission, to prepare proper drafts for contracts, forms and other writing which may be wanted for the use of the state;

8. To prepare drafts of bills and resolutions for individual members of the Legislature upon their written request stating the gist of the bill or resolution desired;

9. To enforce the proper application of monies appropriated by the Legislature and to prosecute breaches of trust in the administration of such funds;

10. To institute actions to recover state monies illegally expended, to recover state property and to prevent the illegal use of any state property, upon the request of the Governor or the Legislature;

11. To pay into the State Treasury, immediately upon its receipt, all monies received by the Attorney General belonging to the state;

12. To settle, compromise and dispose of an action in which the Attorney General represents the interests of the state, so long as the consideration negotiated for such settlement, compromise or disposition is payable to the state or one of its agencies which is a named party of the action and any monies, any property or other item of value is paid first to the State Treasury;

13. To keep and file copies of all opinions, contracts, forms and letters of the office, and to keep an index of all opinions, contracts and forms according to subject and section of the law construed or applied;

14. To keep a register or docket of all actions, demands and investigations prosecuted, defended or conducted by the Attorney General in behalf of the state. The register or docket shall give the style of the case or investigation, where pending, court number, office number, the gist of the matter, result and the names of the assistants who handled the matter;

15. To keep a complete office file of all cases and investigations handled by the Attorney General on behalf of the state;

16. To report to the Legislature or either branch thereof whenever requested upon any business relating to the duties of the Attorney General�s office;

17. To institute civil actions against members of any state board or commission for failure of such members to perform their duties as prescribed by the statutes and the Constitution and to prosecute members of any state board or commission for violation of the criminal laws of this state where such violations have occurred in connection with the performance of such members� official duties;

18. To respond to any request for an opinion of the Attorney General�s office, submitted by a member of the Legislature, regardless of subject matter, by written opinion determinative of the law regarding such subject matter;

19. To convene multicounty grand juries in such manner and for such purposes as provided by law; provided, such grand juries are composed of citizens from each of the counties on a pro rata basis by county;

20. To investigate any report by the State Auditor and Inspector filed with the Attorney General pursuant to Section 223 of this title and prosecute all actions, civil or criminal, relating to such reports or any irregularities or derelictions in the management of public funds or property which are violations of the laws of this state;

21. To represent and protect the collective interests of all utility consumers of this state in rate-related proceedings before the Corporation Commission or in any other state or federal judicial or administrative proceeding;

22. To represent and protect the collective interests of insurance consumers of this state in rate-related proceedings before the Insurance Commissioner or in any other state or federal judicial or administrative proceeding;

23. To investigate and prosecute any criminal action relating to insurance fraud, if in the opinion of the Attorney General a criminal prosecution is warranted, or to refer such matters to the appropriate district attorney;

24. To monitor and evaluate any action by the federal government including, but not limited to, executive orders by the President of the United States, rules or regulations promulgated by an agency of the federal government or acts of Congress to determine if such actions are in violation of the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States;

25. To cross-deputize police officers of the police department of any municipality or any officer deputized by the county sheriff or a designee subject to an interlocal governmental agreement with the Attorney General�s Office in an effort to combine city, county, and state law enforcement efforts and to encourage cooperation between city, county, and state law enforcement officials. Liability for the conduct of any municipal police officer cross-deputized under the terms and conditions of an interlocal governmental agreement or any officer deputized by the county sheriff under the terms and conditions of an interlocal governmental agreement shall remain the responsibility of the respective employer for that officer; and

26. To maintain data related to human trafficking and to assist law enforcement, social service agencies, and victim services programs in identifying and supporting victims of human trafficking.

B. Nothing in this section shall be construed as requiring the Attorney General to appear and defend or prosecute in any court any cause or proceeding for or on behalf of the Oklahoma Tax Commission, the Board of Managers of the State Insurance Fund, or the Commissioners of the Land Office.

C. In all appeals from the Corporation Commission to the Supreme Court of Oklahoma in which the state is a party, the Attorney General shall have the right to designate counsel of the Corporation Commission as the Attorney General�s legally appointed representative in such appeals, and it shall be the duty of the Corporation Commission counsel to act when so designated and to consult and advise with the Attorney General regarding such appeals prior to taking action therein.

Historical Data

Laws 1939, SB 174, c. 20, � 3, emerg. eff. July 1, 1939; Amended by Laws 1976, HB 1717, c. 130, � 1, emerg. eff. May 24, 1976; Amended by Laws 1979, HB 1019, c. 30, � 53, emerg. eff. April 6, 1979; Amended by Laws 1979, HB 1504, c. 241, � 17, emerg. eff. July 1, 1979; Amended by Laws 1982, HB 1511, c. 26, � 1, eff. October 1, 1982; Amended by Laws 1987, HB 1179, c. 39, � 1, eff. November 1, 1987; Amended by Laws 1991, HB 1017, c. 17, � 3, eff. September 1, 1991; Amended by Laws 1992, HB 2132, c. 294, � 14, eff. September 1, 1992; Amended by Laws 1993, SB 335, c. 349, � 32, eff. September 1, 1993; Amended by Laws 1995, SB 233, c. 328, � 12, emerg. eff. July 1, 1995; Amended by Laws 1996, HB 2938, c. 295, � 1, emerg. eff. July 1, 1996; Amended by Laws 1999, HB 1502, c. 344. � 4, emerg. eff. June 8, 1999 (superseded document available); Amended by Laws 2010, HB 2837, c. 37, � 4, eff. November 1, 2010 (superseded document available); Amended by Laws 2017, SB 673, c. 18, � 1, eff. November 1, 2017 (superseded document available); Amended by Laws 2019, HB 2751, c. 444, � 1, emerg. eff. May 24, 2019 (superseded document available); Amended by Laws 2021, HB 1236, c. 530, � 1, emerg. eff. July 1, 2021 (superseded document available); Amended by Laws 2022, HB 4210, c. 296,  � 1, emerg. eff. July 1, 2022 (superseded document available); Amended by Laws 2022, SB 1565, c. 100, � 1, eff. November 1, 2022 (superseded document available); Amendment by Laws 2022, SB 1565, c. 100, � 1, amended by Laws 2024, SB 2038, c. 452, � 170, emerg. eff. June 14, 2024; Amendment by Laws 2022, HB 4210, c. 296,  � 1, repealed by Laws 2024, SB 2038, c. 452, � 171, emerg. eff. June 14, 2024 (superseded document available).

Citationizer Summary of Documents Citing This Document
Cite Name Ebene
Oklahoma Attorney General's Opinions
 2000 OK AG 54, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Angela Z. Monson, State Senator, District 48Discussed at Length
 2000 OK AG 2, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Terry J. MatlockDiscussed
 2000 OK AG 56, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Loyd Benson, Speaker of the House, District 63Cited
 2001 OK AG 1, Question Submitted by: Jim Bradford, Oklahoma Scenic Rivers CommissionDiscussed
 2001 OK AG 7, Question Submitted by: Jerry Regier, Acting Director, Dept of Health and Secretary of Health and Human ServicesDiscussed
 2001 OK AG 9, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Susan Winchester, State Representative, District 47Cited
 2001 OK AG 11, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Russ Roach, State Representative, District 66Cited
 2001 OK AG 14, Question Submitted by: Richard Engle, Chair, Oklahoma Archives and Records CommissionDiscussed
 2001 OK AG 15, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Opio Toure, State Representative, District 99Discussed
 2001 OK AG 17, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Kenneth Corn, State Representative, District 20Discussed
 2001 OK AG 30, Question Submitted by: Clifton H. Scott, State Auditor and InspectorDiscussed
 2001 OK AG 32, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Kevin Calvey, State Representative, District 94Discussed
 2001 OK AG 33, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Johnnie C. Crutchfield, The Honorable Rick M. Littlefield, State Senator, District 14, State Senator, District 1Discussed
 2001 OK AG 46, Question Submitted by: Director Susan C. McVey, Oklahoma Department of LibrariesDiscussed at Length
 2001 OK AG 44, Question Submitted by: Commissioner Dennis V. Howard, Secretary of the Department of AgricultureDiscussed at Length
 2001 OK AG 37, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Penny Williams , State Senator, District 33Discussed
 2001 OK AG 43, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Tim Harris , Tulsa County District AttorneyDiscussed at Length
 2001 OK AG 41, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Robert L. Hudson, District Attorney, District 9Discussed
 2001 OK AG 40, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Wayne Pettigrew , State Representative, District 39Cited
 2001 OK AG 55, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Sam Helton, State Senate Majority Whip, District 31Cited
 2002 OK AG 5, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Frank Keating, Governor of the State of OklahomaDiscussed
 2002 OK AG 10, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Kenneth Corn , State Representative, District 3Discussed
 2002 OK AG 13, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Keith Leftwich, Majority Whip, State Senator, District 44Discussed
 2002 OK AG 15, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Bob Plunk , State Representative, District 25Cited
 2002 OK AG 22, Question Submitted by: Gary R. Clark, Executive Director , Board of Osteopathic ExaminersDiscussed
 2002 OK AG 29, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Kenneth Corn, State Representative, District 3Discussed at Length
 2002 OK AG 32, Question Submitted by: Executive Director Anne M. Woody, Oklahoma Real Estate CommissionDiscussed
 2002 OK AG 33, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Clay Pope, State Representative, District No. 59Discussed
 2002 OK AG 34, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Dave Herbert, Al Lindley, and John Nance, State Senators, District No. 42, 93, and 90Cited
 2002 OK AG 36, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Jeff Rabon, State Senator, District 5Discussed at Length
 2002 OK AG 37, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Danny Hilliard, Majority Floor Leader, State Representative, District 22Discussed
 2003 OK AG 24, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Virginia D. Sanders, McCurtain County District AttorneyDiscussed
 2003 OK AG 35, Question Submitted by: Mr. Jeff A. McMahan, State Auditor and InspectorDiscussed at Length
 2003 OK AG 42, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Debbie Blackburn, State Representative, District 88Discussed
 2003 OK AG 46, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Bill Paulk, State Representative, District 42Cited
 2004 OK AG 17, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Charlie Laster, State Senator, District No. 17Discussed at Length
 2004 OK AG 20, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Danny Morgan, State Representative, District 32Discussed
 2004 OK AG 22, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Nancy Riley, State Senator, District 37Discussed
 2004 OK AG 24, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Mike Morgan, State Senator, District No. 21Cited
 2004 OK AG 29, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Lance Cargill, State Representative, District 96Discussed
 2004 OK AG 30, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Forrest Claunch, State Representative, Dist. 101Discussed
 2004 OK AG 32, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Richard L. Gray, Sequoyah County District AttorneyDiscussed at Length
 2004 OK AG 35, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Ron Peters, State Representative, District 70Cited
 2004 OK AG 38, Question Submitted by: Director Ron J. Ward, Oklahoma Department of CorrectionsDiscussed at Length
 2004 OK AG 40, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Earl Garrison, State Senator, District 9Discussed
 2005 OK AG 2, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Terry M. Hyman, State Representative, District 49Cited
 1998 OK AG 44, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Brad Henry, State Senator, District 17, The Honorable Mike Ervin, State Representative, District 28Cited
 2005 OK AG 13, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Mike Reynolds, State Representative, District No. 91Discussed
 2005 OK AG 21, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Mike Johnson, State Senator, District 22Cited
 2005 OK AG 25, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Harry E. Coates, Jr., State Senator, District No. 28; The Honorable Jeff Hickman, State Representative, District No. 58Discussed
 2005 OK AG 28, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Gus Blackwell, State Representative, District 61Discussed
 2005 OK AG 29, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Shane D. Jett, State Representative, District 27Discussed at Length
 2005 OK AG 31, Question Submitted by: James A. Sparks, D.D.S., President, Oklahoma Board of DentistryDiscussed at Length
 2005 OK AG 32, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Al Lindley, State Representative, District 93Discussed
 2005 OK AG 35, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Dale Turner, State Representative, District 24Discussed at Length
 2005 OK AG 36, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Nancy Riley, State Senator, District 37; the Honorable Fred Perry, State Representative, District 69Cited
 2005 OK AG 37, Question Submitted by: Dr. Bob Blackburn, Executive Director, Oklahoma State Historical SocietyDiscussed
 2005 OK AG 40, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Mike Reynolds, State Representative, District 91Discussed at Length
 2005 OK AG 44, Question Submitted by: Richard DeLaughter, Executive Director, Office of Juvenile AffairsDiscussed
 2005 OK AG 47, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Jeff W. Rabon, State Senator, District 5Cited
 2005 OK AG 49, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Don Barrington, State Senator, District No. 31Discussed
 2006 OK AG 6, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Ben Sherrer, State Representative, District 8Discussed
 2006 OK AG 5, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Mike Morgan, President Pro Tempore, District 21Cited
 2006 OK AG 4, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Jim Reynolds, State Senator, District 43Discussed
 2006 OK AG 7, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Bernest Cain, Jr., State Senator, District 46Discussed at Length
 2006 OK AG 11, Question Submitted by: Director John S. Richard, Department of Central ServicesDiscussed at Length
 2006 OK AG 20, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Paul Roan, State Representative, District 20Discussed at Length
 2006 OK AG 23, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Kenneth Corn, State Senator, District 4Discussed at Length
 2006 OK AG 24, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Fred S. Morgan, State Representative, District 83Cited
 2006 OK AG 25, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Kenneth Corn, State Senator, District 4Cited
 2006 OK AG 27, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Bill Nations, State Representative, District 44Discussed
 2006 OK AG 29, Question Submitted by: Terry L. Cline, Ph.D., Commissioner , Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse ServicesDiscussed
 2006 OK AG 31, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Jim Wilson, State Senator, District 3Discussed at Length
 2006 OK AG 35, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Mike Reynolds, State Representative, District 91Discussed at Length
 2006 OK AG 37, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Ray Don Jackson, District Attorney, District 26Discussed
 2006 OK AG 39, Question Submitted by: Joe Miller, Administrator, Oklahoma Professional Boxing CommissionDiscussed
 2006 OK AG 41, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Rex Duncan, State Representative, District 35Discussed
 2006 OK AG 42, Question Submitted by: A. Keith Burt, Director, Alcoholic Beverage Laws Enforcement CommissionDiscussed
 2007 OK AG 6, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Mark L. Gibson, District Attorney, District 8Cited
 2007 OK AG 7, Question Submitted by: Chairman Andre Moore, Ardmore Higher Education Center Board of TrusteesCited
 2007 OK AG 15, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Mary Easley, State Senator, District 18Discussed
 2007 OK AG 21, Question Submitted by: Harry M. Wyatt III, Major General, OKANG, Adjutant General; Oklahoma National GuardCited
 2007 OK AG 12, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Lucky Lamons, State Representative, District 66Discussed at Length
 2007 OK AG 23, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Al McAffrey, State Representative, District 88Discussed at Length
 2007 OK AG 25, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Jim Wilson, State Senator, District 3Discussed
 2007 OK AG 32, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Brian Renegar, DVM, State Representative, District 17Cited
 2007 OK AG 33, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Lloyd L. Fields, Commissioner of LaborDiscussed
 2007 OK AG 41, Question Submitted by: Kevin A. Easley, Chief Executive Officer, Grand River Dam AuthorityCited
 2007 OK AG 42, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Jeff A. McMahan, State Auditor and InspectorCited
 2008 OK AG 6, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Mike Reynolds, State Representative, District 91Discussed
 2008 OK AG 8, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Roger Ballenger, State Senate, District 8Discussed at Length
 2008 OK AG 9, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Sean Burrage, State Senator, District 2Discussed
 2008 OK AG 10, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Wallace Collins, State Representative, District 45Discussed at Length
 2008 OK AG 13, Question Submitted by: President Bruce D. Horn, D.D.S., Oklahoma Board of DentistryDiscussed at Length
 2008 OK AG 14, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Shane D. Jett, State Representative, District 27Discussed at Length
 2008 OK AG 15, Question Submitted by: Robert E. Jones, Jr., Executive Director, Firefighters Pension and Retirement SystemDiscussed at Length
 2008 OK AG 16, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Patrick Anderson, State Senator, District 19, The Honorable Mike Brown, State Representative, District 4Cited
 2008 OK AG 18, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Kenneth Corn, State Senator, District 4Cited
 2008 OK AG 19, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Mike Reynolds, State Representative, District 91Discussed at Length
 2008 OK AG 20, Question Submitted by: Director Justin Jones, Oklahoma Department of CorrectionsDiscussed
 2008 OK AG 21, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Steve Martin, State Representative, District 10Cited
 2008 OK AG 22, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Jeff W. Rabon, State Senator, District 5Cited
 2008 OK AG 23, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Don Barrington, State Senator District 31Discussed
 2008 OK AG 34, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Rex Duncan, State Representative, District 35Cited
 2009 OK AG 2, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Debbe Leftwich, State Senator, District 44Cited
 2009 OK AG 7, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Todd G. Lamb, Majority Floor Leader, State Senator, District 47Discussed at Length
 2009 OK AG 13, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Mike Reynolds, State Representative, District 91; The Honorable Al McAffrey, State Representative, District 88Discussed
 2009 OK AG 14, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Paul D. Roan, State Representative, District 20Discussed
 2009 OK AG 19, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Daniel S. Sullivan, State Representative, District 71Cited
 2009 OK AG 20, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Bill Brown, State Senator, District 36; The Honorable Mary Easley, State Senator, District 18Discussed
 2009 OK AG 21, Question Submitted by: Chairman Robert C. Margo, Judicial Nominating CommissionCited
 2009 OK AG 27, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Patrick Anderson, State Senator, District 19Discussed
 2009 OK AG 29, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Patrick Anderson, State Senator, District 19Discussed at Length
 2009 OK AG 33, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Debbe Leftwich, State Senator, District 44Cited
 2009 OK AG 37, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Joe Sweeden, State Senator, District 10Cited
 2009 OK AG 40, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Jason Nelson, State Representative, District 87; Executive Director, Linda Campbell, Oklahoma Board of DentistryDiscussed at Length
 2010 OK AG 5, WITHDRAWNDiscussed
 2010 OK AG 7, Question Submitted by: Scott Lesher, Administrator, Oklahoma Department of Consumer CreditDiscussed
 2010 OK AG 9, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Gary W. Banz, State Representative, District 101Discussed at Length
 2010 OK AG 12, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Kenneth Corn, State Senator, District 4Cited
 2010 OK AG 16, Question Submitted by: The Honorable David Dank, State Representative, District 85Discussed at Length
 2011 OK AG 8, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Josh Brecheen, State Senator, District 6Discussed
 2011 OK AG 7, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Ron Peters, State Representative, District 70Discussed
 2011 OK AG 9, Question Submitted by: Robert E. "Gene" Christian, Executive Director, Office of Juvenile AffairsCited
 2011 OK AG 18, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Jabar Shumate, State Representative, District 73Cited
 2011 OK AG 19, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Jeff Hickman, Speaker Pro Tempore, State Representative, District 58Discussed at Length
 2012 OK AG 8, Question Submitted by: Tom Spencer, Executive Director, Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement SystemDiscussed
 2012 OK AG 10, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Jason Murphey, State Representative, District 31Discussed
 2012 OK AG 22, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Ron Justice, State Senator, District 23; The Honorable Jim Halligan, State Senator, District 21Discussed at Length
 2012 OK AG 24, Question Submitted by: Commissioner Dana L. Murphy, Oklahoma Corporation CommissionDiscussed at Length
 2012 OK AG 23, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Patrick Anderson, State Senator, District 19Cited
 2013 OK AG 17, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Mark Matloff, McCurtain County District Attorney, District 17Discussed
 2013 OK AG 22, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Patrick Anderson, State Senator, District 19Cited
 2013 OK AG 25, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Mark Allen, State Senator, District 4Cited
 2015 OK AG 3, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Mike Ritze, State Representative, District 80Discussed
 2018 OK AG 10, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Lewis Moore, State Representative, District 96Cited
 1981 OK AG 139, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Maxine Kincheloe, Oklahoma House of RepresentativesCited
 2023 OK AG 3, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Mark McBride, Oklahoma House of Representatives, District 53Cited
 2023 OK AG 8, Question Submitted by: Mike Jackson, Executive Director, Legislative Office of Fiscal TransparencyCited
 2023 OK AG 15, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Chris Kannady, Oklahoma House of Representatives, District 91, The Honorable Stan May, Oklahoma House of Representatives, District 80Discussed
 2023 OK AG 16, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Brad Boles, Oklahoma House of Representatives, District 51Cited
 2024 OK AG 2, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Brent Howard, Oklahoma State Senate, District 38Cited
 2024 OK AG 7, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Chris Kannady, Oklahoma House of Representatives, District 91Cited
 2024 OK AG 8, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Brenda Stanley, Oklahoma State Senate, District 42Discussed
 1981 OK AG 283, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Nelson "Freckles" Little, Oklahoma House of RepresentativesCited
 1982 OK AG 60, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Finis Smith, Oklahoma State SenateDiscussed at Length
 1991 OK AG 10, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Bill Graves, Oklahoma House of RepresentativesDiscussed
 1991 OK AG 29, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Rob Johnson, Oklahoma House of RepresentativesCited
 1992 OK AG 22, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Mary E. Haning, Executive Director, Oklahoma Law Enforcement Retirement SystemCited
 1992 OK AG 26, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Jack Crowley, Director, Oklahoma Department of TransportationCited
 1994 OK AG 8, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Rick M. Littlefield, Oklahoma State Senate, District 16Cited
 1995 OK AG 31, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Bill Graves, Oklahoma House of Representatives, District 84Discussed
 1995 OK AG 41, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Scott Adkins, Oklahoma House of Representatives, District 80Discussed
 1995 OK AG 44, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Stratton Taylor, President Pro Tempore, Oklahoma State SenateCited
 1995 OK AG 54, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Raymond L. Vaughn, Jr., Oklahoma House of Representatives, District 81Cited
 1995 OK AG 71, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Ted V. Fisher, Oklahoma State Senate, District 12Cited
 1995 OK AG 77, Question Submitted by: A. DeWade Langley, Director, Oklahoma State Bureau of InvestigationCited
 1995 OK AG 91, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Stratton Taylor, President Pro Tempore, Oklahoma State SenateDiscussed
 1995 OK AG 95, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Mike Mass, Oklahoma House of Representatives, District 17Discussed
 1995 OK AG 97, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Dan Webb, Oklahoma House of Representatives, District 91Discussed
 1996 OK AG 15, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Robert H. Macy, District Attorney, Seventh DistrictDiscussed
 1996 OK AG 21, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Wayne Pettigrew, State Representative, District 39Discussed
 1996 OK AG 26, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Robert Hudson, Payne County District AttorneyDiscussed
 1996 OK AG 43, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Sandy Garrett, State Superintendent of Public InstructionCited
 1996 OK AG 74, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Michael E. Tyler, Oklahoma House of Representatives, District 30Discussed
 1997 OK AG 100, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Billy A. Mickle, State Senator, District 6Cited
 1997 OK AG 101, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Ben Brown, State Senator, District 43Cited
 1997 OK AG 18, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Bill Mitchell, State Representative, District 42Cited
 1997 OK AG 47, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Jeff Rabon, State Senator, District 5Discussed at Length
 1997 OK AG 63, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Cal Hobson, State Senator, District 16Discussed
 1997 OK AG 83, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Gilmer E. Capps, State Senator, District 26Discussed
 1998 OK AG 16, Question Submitted by: James L. Saffle, Director, Oklahoma Department of CorrectionsDiscussed
 1999 OK AG 20, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Leonard E. Sullivan, State Representative, District 82, State Representative, District 82Discussed
 1998 OK AG 21, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Dwayne Steidley, State Representative, District 9Discussed
 1998 OK AG 25, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Sandy Garrett , State Superintendent of Public InstructionCited
 1998 OK AG 3, Question Submitted by: Suzanne Breedlove , Director of Victims Services, Crime Victims Compensation BoardDiscussed
 1998 OK AG 30, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Richard C. Phillips, State Representative, District 100Discussed
 1998 OK AG 31, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Ben Brown, State Senator, District 43Discussed
 1998 OK AG 35, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Ben Loring, District Attorney, 13th Judicial DistrictDiscussed
 1998 OK AG 37, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Ed Apple, Chairman, Oklahoma Corporation Commission, The Honorable Bob Anthony, Vice-Chairman, The Honorable Denise Bode, Commissioner Oklahoma Corporation CommissionDiscussed at Length
 1998 OK AG 38, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Odilia Dank, State Representative, District 85Cited
 1998 OK AG 46, Question Submitted by: James L. Saffle, Director , Oklahoma Department of CorrectionsCited
 1998 OK AG 8, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Gary Bastin, State Representative, District 94Cited
 1998 OK AG 9, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Billy A. Mickle, State Senator, District 6Cited
 1999 OK AG 18, Question Submitted by: The Honorable William Paulk, State Representative, District 92Discussed at Length
 1999 OK AG 19, Question Submitted by: The Honorable John A. Wright, State Representative, District 76Discussed at Length
 1999 OK AG 2, Question Submitted by: Gordon L. Hare, Executive Director, Oklahoma Horse Racing CommissionCited
 1999 OK AG 20, Question Submitted by: Honorable Randall Erwin, State Representative, District 19Discussed
 1999 OK AG 30, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Ben Brown , State Senator, District 43Discussed
 1999 OK AG 35, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Dave Herbert, State Senator, District 42Discussed
 1999 OK AG 43, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Jim Newport, State Representative, District 37Cited
 1999 OK AG 47, Question Submitted by: Dr. Betty Leone, Executive Director, Board of Regents of Oklahoma CollegesCited
 1999 OK AG 51, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Dan Webb , State Representative, District 91Discussed
 1999 OK AG 55, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Mike Ervin , State Representative, District 28Cited
 1999 OK AG 58, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Stratton Taylor , President Pro Tempore, Oklahoma State SenateCited
 1999 OK AG 65, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Paul Muegge, State Senator, District 20Discussed
 1999 OK AG 68, Question Submitted by: Mitchell D. Sperry , District Attorney, 20th DistrictCited
 1999 OK AG 7, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Bill Paulk, State Representative, District 92Cited
 1999 OK AG 9, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Richard C. Phillips, State Representative, District 100Cited
 2000 OK AG 18, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Bob Plunk, Oklahoma House of Representatives, District 25Cited
 2000 OK AG 26, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Penny Williams, Oklahoma State Senate, District 33, The Honorable Russ Roach, State Representative, District 66Cited
 2000 OK AG 27, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Al Lindley, State Representative, District 93Discussed
Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals Cases
 2015 OK CR 6, 349 P.3d 554, STATE ex rel. PRUITT v. STEIDLEYDiscussed at Length
Oklahoma Supreme Court Cases
 1986 OK 54, 731 P.2d 394, 57 OBJ 1929, State ex rel. Turpen v. Oklahoma State Bd. For Property and Cas. RatesCited
 1993 OK 37, 850 P.2d 1069, 64 OBJ 978, Ethics Com'n of State of Okl. v. CullisonDiscussed at Length
 1993 OK 162, 865 P.2d 1232, 65 OBJ 33, Hendrick v. WaltersCited
 2001 OK 110, 37 P.3d 882, 72 OBJ 3672, KEATING v. EDMONDSONCited
 1960 OK 141, 353 P.2d 130, STATE v. EMPIRE OIL CORPORATIONCited
 1971 OK 114, 488 P.2d 1217, 42 OBJ 2414, STATE EX REL. TRIMBLE v. BROWNCited
 1977 OK 144, 569 P.2d 434, STATE EX REL. NESBITT v. APCO OIL CORP.Cited
 1980 OK 74, 610 P.2d 794, Oklahoma Tax Commission v. SmithCited
 1978 OK 59, 577 P.2d 1310, OKLAHOMA ASS'N OF MUN. ATTYS. v. STATEDiscussed
 1980 OK 96, 614 P.2d 45, State ex rel. Howard v. Oklahoma Corp. CommissionDiscussed
 1980 OK 117, 621 P.2d 1142, Draper v. StateDiscussed
 1979 OK 164, 603 P.2d 1132, RUSSELL v. HENDERSONDiscussed at Length
 1981 OK 18, 630 P.2d 310, State ex rel. Dept. of Human Services v. MalibieDiscussed
 1981 OK 153, 637 P.2d 1251, Aetna Cas. and Sur. Co. v. State Bd. for Property and Cas. RatesCited
 1982 OK 60, 645 P.2d 1011, Grand River Dam Authority v. StateDiscussed at Length
 1982 OK 93, 649 P.2d 772, Teleco, Inc. v. Corporation Com'n of State of Okl.Discussed
Title 17. Corporation Commission
 17 O.S. 139.104, Attorney General CompensationCited
Title 21. Crimes and Punishments
 21 O.S. 1328, ProsecutionsCited
Title 70. Schools
 70 O.S. 18-109.1, Procedure for Greater Equalization of State Aid to School DistrictsCited
Title 74. State Government
 74 O.S. 20i, Legal Representation of Agency or Official of Executive Branch - Contracts - Fee Limitations - ReportCited
 74 O.S. 18q-1, Federal Overreach and Extraordinary Litigation Revolving Fund - Addressing Federal OverreachCited
Citationizer: Table of Authority
Cite Name Ebene
Title 74. State Government
 74 O.S. 223, Report of Irregularities and Derelictions - Prosecution by Attorney GeneralCited
 74 O.S. 18b, Duties of Attorney General - Counsel of Corporation Commission as Representative on Appeal From CommissionCited
 74 O.S. 18b, Duties of Attorney General - Counsel of Corporation Commission as Representative on Appeal From CommissionCited
 74 O.S. 18b, Duties of Attorney General - Counsel of Corporation Commission as Representative on Appeal From CommissionCited
 74 O.S. 18b, Duties of Attorney General - Counsel of Corporation Commission as Representative on Appeal From CommissionCited
 74 O.S. 18b, Duties of Attorney General - Counsel of Corporation Commission as Representative on Appeal From CommissionCited
 74 O.S. 18b, Duties of Attorney General - Counsel of Corporation Commission as Representative on Appeal From CommissionCited
 74 O.S. 18b, Duties of Attorney General - Counsel of Corporation Commission as Representative on Appeal From CommissionCited
 74 O.S. 18b, Duties of Attorney General - Counsel of Corporation Commission as Representative on Appeal From CommissionDiscussed