OSCN Found Document:Toxic Waste Impact Group, Inc. v. Leavitt

Toxic Waste Impact Group, Inc. v. Leavitt
1988 OK 20

755 P.2d 626
59 OBJ 599
Case Number: 65334
Decided: 03/01/1988
Modified: 05/23/1988
Supreme Court of Oklahoma

Cite as: 1988 OK 20, 755 P.2d 626


Appeal from the District Court of Washington County; Janice P. Dreiling, Associate District Judge.

�0 In a hearing on whether a permanent injunction should be issued to stay a construction permit to drill a waste injection well, the district court found the construction permit to be void ab initio because of failure to notify affected property owners and because the Department of Health failed to hold a public hearing as requested by the League of Women Voters.


Jesse L. Sumner, James H. Laughlin, Bartlesville, for appellee.

Robert D. Kellogg, Oklahoma State Dept. of Health, Oklahoma City, for appellant Dept. of Health.

Holliman, Langholz, Runnels & Dorwart, Frederic Dorwart, J. Michael Medina, William Lane Pennington, Dale J. Gilsinger, Tulsa, for appellant Environmental Solutions, Inc.

DOOLIN, Chief Justice.

[755 P.2d 627]

�1 The questions we address today are: 1) whether the district court made an error of law by including the sub-surface storage area of an industrial waste injection well in computing the outer perimeter of the disposal site, and 2) whether Toxic Waste Impact Group, Inc. [TWIG] had standing to raise the issue of failure of notice and an opportunity to be heard. We answer the first question affirmatively, the second question negatively, and reverse.


�2 Environmental Solutions, Inc. [ESI] leased a forty acre tract of land located within the 16,000 acre Little Ranch in Washington County for fifty years on February 21, 1984. Additionally, ESI leased all sub-surface storage rights in the Arbuckle formation underlying the Little Ranch in a radius of one mile centered at the location of the first industrial waste injection well to be drilled by ESI. To protect the integrity of the Arbuckle formation, the lease provided that the Littles could not drill, nor permit anyone else to drill, any type of well into this sub-surface area.

�3 ESI applied to the Department of Health for a construction permit to drill the industrial waste injection well. As required by statute, 63 O.S. 1981 � 1-2006 (A)(1) and (B), personal notice was given to all owners of real property located within one mile of the injection well site, in this case the Littles. Public notification was also given by newspaper and radio broadcasts. Several informal public meetings were held prior to the issuance of the construction permit. No public hearings were held because no affected property owners as defined by the Controlled Industrial Waste Management Act requested a public hearing. One qualified public interest group, the League of Women Voters, requested a public hearing, but their request was not timely filed under Department of Health rules. Neither TWIG nor its members requested a public hearing.

�4 The construction permit was issued on September 1, 1985, and on September 12, TWIG filed a "Petition for Review" in the district court, seeking to prevent construction. The trial court granted ex parte a temporary stay of the Department of Health's permit, which stay was to remain in force until the court ruled on the prayer for a permanent injunction. On October 15, 1985, the district court found the construction permit to be void ab initio because the Department of Health failed to give personal notice to all affected property owners and failed to hold a public hearing at the request of the League of Women Voters; and held therefore, that the Department of Health never acquired jurisdiction to issue the construction permit.

�5 The following diagram illustrates the pertinent details contained in various maps introduced into evidence in the trial court. The diagram is drawn to approximate scale only.

[755 P.2d 628]



�6 The Controlled Industrial Waste Management Act

1 [Act] confers responsibility for enforcement of the Act on the Oklahoma State Department of Health2 [Department of Health] and requires the Department to [755 P.2d 629] prepare rules, regulations and minimum standards for the disposal of controlled industrial waste,3 cumulative to the minimum requirements of the Administrative Procedures Act.4 It is the responsibility of the Department of Health to issue construction permits and operation permits for disposal sites, including injection well sites.5

�7 The Act requires the applicant for a construction permit to notify all affected property owners.

6 Affected property owners are defined as all real property owners within one mile of the outer perimeter of the proposed site.7 Here ESI applied for a construction permit for a proposed site consisting of four of the forty acre leased within the 16,000 acre Little Ranch. The only affected property owner within one mile of either the four acre proposed site or the forty acre leased surface area is the owner of the Little Ranch, who was given personal notice as required by the statute. No other property owners were given personal notice.

�8 In an effort to define the outer perimeter of the proposed injection well site as something other than the boundary of the four acres in the construction permit application, TWIG alternatively sought to have the entire 16,000 acre Little Ranch designated as a buffer zone, or to define the one mile radius sub-surface lease as the outer perimeter of the injection well site. Relying on our opinion in Walkingstick v. Board of Adjustment of the City of Tulsa, 706 P.2d 899 (Okl. 1985), the district court found the one mile radius of the sub-surface boundary lease to be the outer boundary of the injection well site from which the one-mile notification zone should be measured. One member of TWIG owned real property two miles from the injection well but within one mile of the outer limit of the sub-surface storage area. The court found that failure to give notice to this TWIG member and comply with the requirements of statutory notice deprived the Department of Health of jurisdiction to issue the construction permit and rendered the permit void ab initio.

�9 In Walkingstick, Amoco proposed to drill a hole to test a new type of drilling equipment on their Research Center property. The statute required that notice be given to all property owners within 300 feet of the proposed site. Amoco wanted to measure the 300 foot notification zone from the test hole, rather than from the boundary of the entire 60 acre Research Center property. The statute in question specified that written notice be given "to all owners of property within a three hundred (300) foot radius of the exterior boundary of the subject property."

8 We found that the 300 foot radius notification zone described in the statute should have been measured from the exterior boundary of the property, not from the test hole. Failure to meet the statutory requirements of notice deprives a zoning board of jurisdiction and invalidates its decision to grant a variance.9

�10 Walkingstick dealt with surface property boundaries, not sub-surface boundaries. In this case, whether the boundary is measured from either the four acre proposed disposal well site or from the perimeter of the entire forty acre surface lease, the only affected property within one mile of the site is the Little Ranch. The Act defines a disposal site as the location where any final disposition of controlled industrial waste occurs and includes, but is not limited to, injection wells and surface disposal sites.

10 Waste disposed by injection well is stored in the sub-surface strata and will eventually percolate to fill the entire formation. Although the legislature [755 P.2d 630] was aware of the characteristics of injection well disposal, nowhere in the Act did the legislature include the sub-surface storage area as part of the boundary of the disposal site. Had the legislature intended to include the sub-surface storage area, they could have done so in clear language. It is the duty of a court to give effect to legislative acts, not to amend, repeal or circumvent them, and a court is not justified in ignoring the plain words of a statute.11 Neither the Supreme Court nor a district court may expand the plain wording of a statute by construction where the legislature has expressed its intention in the statute as enacted.12 This Court does not sit as a council of revision, empowered to rewrite legislation in accord with its own conception of prudent public policy.13

�11 In furtherance of its mandate under the Act, the Department of Health, in compliance with the Administrative Procedures Act, published Rule 8.7.3, which provides:

For the purpose of these rules, the area considered to be within one mile of the facility, for determination of affected property owners, shall be determined from the perimeter of the property of the site or facility as applied for in the construction permit application, including any buffer zones. (emphasis added).

ESI's application for this construction permit included only the four acre surface site. The Director of the Controlled Industrial Waste Management Division testified in district court that his longstanding interpretation of the Act and of Rule 8.7.3 was the one mile notification zone would be determined by the surface boundary of the four acre site and no buffer zone is required for an injection well disposal site.

�12 Rules and regulations enacted by administrative agencies pursuant to the powers delegated to them have the force and effect of law

14 and are presumed to be reasonable and valid.15 The burden of establishing that an administrative rule is not reasonable or valid is on the party complaining of the rule.16 Great weight is to be accorded the expertise of an administrative agency, and a presumption of validity attaches to the exercise of expertise when the administrative agency is reviewed by a court. A court should not substitute its own judgment for that of an agency, particularly in the area of expertise which the agency supervises.17 Furthermore, the Department of Health, over a period of eight years and in the issuance of several construction permits, has construed the statute and the rule to include only the surface boundary as the perimeter of the disposal site. Long continued construction of a statute by a department charged with its execution is entitled to great weight and should not be overturned without cogent reasons.18 The district court failed to consider the Department of Health rules, the Department's expertise, or the Department's longstanding interpretation of the Act in defining the perimeter of the site. We, therefore, find the district court made an error of law by defining the perimeter of an injection well site to include the subsurface storage area and we reverse. The one mile notification zone should have been measured from the surface boundary of the four acre site in the construction permit application.

[755 P.2d 631]


�13 The Act required that the Department of Health give notice by publication and radio broadcast to the general public in the locality of the proposed injection well disposal site. Any person residing or doing business in Oklahoma may, within 45 days of the required public notice, request an informal public meeting be held.

19 Here notice was given in compliance with the statute and several informal public meetings were held.

�14 If any affected property owner as defined by the Act or any qualified public interest group requests a public hearing, public hearings must be held before a construction permit may be issued. At such hearing only testimony and evidence concerning the physical and technical suitability of the proposed site may be heard.

20 This section of the Act does not carry a statutory time limit in which to request a public hearing, but by Department rule the request must be made within 45 days after public notice is given. A qualified public interest group is defined as any organization with twenty-five or more members who are legal residents of the State of Oklahoma that expresses an interest in the outcome of the construction permit application.21 TWIG is such a public interest group, but neither TWIG nor its members requested a public hearing prior to filing the action which is the subject matter of this appeal, despite evidence introduced at the district court that TWIG and its members had actual notice of the construction permit application.

�15 The district court found that the League of Women Voters had requested a public hearing; therefore, a public hearing should have been held. We fail to see how a request for a public hearing by the League of Women Voters confers standing on TWIG to seek redress of an injury to the League. The statute places the burden of requesting a public hearing on the affected property owner or on the qualified public interest group.

22 Had the League of Women Voter's request for a public hearing been timely filed under Department rule, and no public hearing held, the League would have sustained an injury in fact and would be the proper party to seek enforcement of the statute. In the alternative, the League would have been the proper party to seek a determination of whether the Department rule requiring requests for public hearings be filed within 45 days after public notice is given deprived them of their due process rights of notice and a hearing.23 But the League did not bring this action. TWIG brought the action. TWIG never filed a request for a public hearing, nor did TWIG argue or present evidence in the district court about the propriety of the 45 day cutoff rule. The only time the question arose was when the district court raised it sua sponte in its order. TWIG cannot rest on its right to request a public hearing and now ride the coattails of the League when the League did not seek adjudication of this issue. We find that TWIG is not the proper party to raise the issue of failure to provide a public hearing when requested by a qualified public interest group.

�16 The decision of the district court is REVERSED. The cause is Remanded to the district court for disposition of unresolved issues, if any, raised by Toxic Waste Impact Group, Inc.'s appeal to that court.

�17 HARGRAVE, V.C.J., and LAVENDER, SIMMS and OPALA, JJ., concur.

�18 SUMMERS, J., concurs in part; dissents in part.

�19 HODGES and KAUGER, JJ., dissent.


1 63 O.S. 1981, �� 1-2001-1-2014 .

2 63 O.S. 1981 � 1-2004 .

3 63 O.S. 1981 � 1-2005 .

4 63 O.S. 1981 � 1-2005 (D). See-also 75 O.S. 1981, �� 301-326 .

5 63 O.S. 1981 � 1-2004 (1).

6 63 O.S. 1981 � 1-2006 (B).

7 63 O.S. 1981 � 1-2006 (A)(1).

8 706 P.2d at 903.

9 Id.

10 63 O.S. 1981 � 1-2002 (4).

11 Allgood v. Allgood, 626 P.2d 1323, 1327 (Okl. 1981).

12 Sisney v. Smalley, 690 P.2d 1048, 1051 (Okl. 1984).

13 United States v. Rutherford, 442 U.S. 544, 555, 99 S.Ct. 2470, 2477, 61 L.Ed.2d 68 (1979).

14 Texas Oklahoma Express v. Sorenson, 652 P.2d 285, 287 (Okl. 1982). See also Ex Parte Woodruff, 90 Okl.Cr. 59, 210 P.2d 191, 195 (1949).

15 State v. Parham, 412 P.2d 142, 152 (Okl. 1966).

16 Id. at 152 See also State v. Warren, 331 P.2d 405, 408 (Okl. 1958).

17 Tulsa Area Hospital Council v. Oral Roberts University, 626 P.2d 316, 320 (Okl. 1981).

18 Bell v. Phillips Petroleum Co., 641 P.2d 1115, 1121 (Okl. 1982). See also Peterson v. Oklahoma Tax Comm., 395 P.2d 388, 391 (Okl. 1964); Atlantic Refining Co. v. Oklahoma Tax Comm., 360 P.2d 826, 831 (Okl. 1961).

19 63 O.S. 1981 � 1-2006 (C).

20 63 O.S. 1981 � 1-2006 (D).

21 63 O.S. 1981 � 1-2006 (A)(2).

22 63 O.S. 1981 � 1-2006 (D).

23 Independent School District No. 9 v. Glass, 639 P.2d 1233, 1237 (Okl. 1982).


Citationizer Summary of Documents Citing This Document
Cite Name Ebene
Oklahoma Attorney General's Opinions
 2004 OK AG 5, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Mike Morgan, State Senator, District 21Cited
 2004 OK AG 18, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Mike Tyler, State Representative, District 30Cited
 2004 OK AG 37, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Mark S. Snyder, State Senator, District 41Cited
 2013 OK AG 3, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Mark McBride, State Representative District 53Cited
Oklahoma Court of Civil Appeals Cases
 1993 OK CIV APP 116, 876 P.2d 719, 65 OBJ 2085, Phillips Petroleum Co. v. Oklahoma Tax Com'nCited
 1993 OK CIV APP 134, 859 P.2d 527, 64 OBJ 2705, Tipton v. Oklahoma Property and Cas. Guar. Ass'nCited
 2001 OK CIV APP 68, 24 P.3d 896, 72 OBJ 1886, MULTIPLE INJURY TRUST FUND v. MCGARYDiscussed
 2004 OK CIV APP 64, 97 P.3d 651, FULTZ v. SMITHDiscussed
 2005 OK CIV APP 47, 117 P.3d 266, TRIPP, JR. v. STATE ex rel. DEPT. OF PUBLIC SAFETYDiscussed
 2005 OK CIV APP 72, 122 P.3d 883, MEDLOCK v. ADMIRAL SAFE COMPANY, INC.Discussed
 2011 OK CIV APP 50, 256 P.3d 79, K.W. v. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 12Discussed
 1996 OK CIV APP 150, 935 P.2d 1189, 68 OBJ 1017, KEY v. OWENSCited
 1998 OK CIV APP 34, 956 P.2d 162, 69 OBJ 1327, KIFER v. OKLAHOMA TAX COMMISSIONDiscussed
Oklahoma Supreme Court Cases
 1989 OK 55, 771 P.2d 614, 60 OBJ 958, Cooper v. DixCited
 1989 OK 92, 776 P.2d 553, 60 OBJ 1556, Jet-Nash School Dist. No. I-4 of Alfalfa County v. Cherokee School Dist. No. I-46 of Alfalfa CountyCited
 1989 OK 103, 776 P.2d 1273, 60 OBJ 1730, Yoder v. State ex rel. CaseCited
 1990 OK 31, 807 P.2d 762, 61 OBJ 841, Walker v. Oak Cliff Volunteer Fire Protection Dist.Cited
 1990 OK 44, 855 P.2d 568, 61 OBJ 1114, Franco-American Charolaise, Ltd. v. Oklahoma Water Resources Bd.Cited
 1990 OK 58, 807 P.2d 774, 61 OBJ 1765, Forest Oil Corp. v. Corporation Com'n of OklahomaCited
 1990 OK 69, 796 P.2d 321, 61 OBJ 1914, Stewart v. RoodCited
 1991 OK 18, 809 P.2d 1291, 62 OBJ 681, Coppola v. FultonCited
 1991 OK 29, 808 P.2d 684, 62 OBJ 1073, Guardianship of Q.G.M., Matter ofCited
 1991 OK 41, 810 P.2d 1270, 62 OBJ 1299, Sharp v. 251st Street Landfill, Inc.Cited
 1992 OK 13, 825 P.2d 1334, 63 OBJ 356, Abstracts of Oklahoma, Inc. v. Payne County Title Co.Cited
 1992 OK 134, 848 P.2d 1142, 63 OBJ 2793, Denney v. ScottCited
 1993 OK 101, 857 P.2d 53, 64 OBJ 2328, Indiana Nat. Bank v. State Dept. of Human ServicesCited
 1994 OK 134, 886 P.2d 485, 65 OBJ 4025, City of Hugo v. State ex rel. Public Employees Relations Bd.Cited
 1994 OK 130, 890 P.2d 855, 65 OBJ 3961, Brown v. Founders Bank and Trust Co.Cited
 1994 OK 148, 890 P.2d 906, 65 OBJ 4214, Toxic Waste Impact Group, Inc. v. LeavittDiscussed
 1994 OK 142, 897 P.2d 1116, 65 OBJ 4181, Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. v. Oklahoma Corp. Com'nDiscussed
 1999 OK 86, 991 P.2d 1006, 70 OBJ 3144, Comer v. Preferred Risk Mutual Ins. Co.Discussed
 1995 OK 12, 890 P.2d 1342, 66 OBJ 718, Trust Co. of Oklahoma v. State ex rel. Dept. of Human ServicesCited
 2003 OK 16, 70 P.3d 811, JOHNSON v. HILLCREST HEALTH CENTER, INC.Cited
 2004 OK 54, 98 P.3d 1080, DEANDA v. AIU INSURANCEDiscussed
 2005 OK 45, 115 P.3d 889, IN THE MATTER OF STRONGDiscussed
 1996 OK 11, 911 P.2d 272, 67 OBJ 542, Cox v. DawsonCited
 2006 OK 42, 142 P.3d 390, MCCLURE v. CONOCOPHILLIPS COMPANYDiscussed
 1996 OK 43, 918 P.2d 733, 67 OBJ 1021, Public Service Co. of Oklahoma v. Oklahoma Corp. Comm.Cited
 2007 OK 39, 176 P.3d 1194, OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY v. McCRADYDiscussed
 1997 OK 145, 948 P.2d 713, 68 OBJ 3885, PUBLIC SERVICE CO. v. STATE ex rel. CORPORATION COMM.Cited
 1998 OK 36, 958 P.2d 1250, 69 OBJ 1672, ETHICS COMMISSION v. KEATINGDiscussed
 1998 OK 92, 967 P.2d 1214, 69 OBJ 3242, City of Tulsa v. State ex rel. Public Employees Relations BoardDiscussed
Citationizer: Table of Authority
Cite Name Ebene
Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals Cases
 1949 OK CR 98, 210 P.2d 191, 90 Okl.Cr. 59, EX PARTE WOODRUFFCited
Oklahoma Supreme Court Cases
 1958 OK 245, 331 P.2d 405, STATE v. WARRENCited
 1964 OK 78, 395 P.2d 388, PETERSON v. OKLAHOMA TAX COMMISSIONCited
 1966 OK 9, 412 P.2d 142, STATE v. PARHAMCited
 1981 OK 21, 626 P.2d 1323, Allgood v. AllgoodCited
 1981 OK 29, 626 P.2d 316, Tulsa Area Hospital Council, Inc. v. Oral Roberts UniversityCited
 1982 OK 2, 639 P.2d 1233, Independent School Dist. No. 9 of Tulsa County v. GlassCited
 1982 OK 28, 641 P.2d 1115, Bell v. Phillips Petroleum Co.Cited
 1982 OK 113, 652 P.2d 285, Texas Oklahoma Express v. SorensonCited
 1984 OK 70, 690 P.2d 1048, Sisney v. SmalleyCited
 1985 OK 70, 706 P.2d 899, Walkingstick v. Board of Adjustment of City of TulsaCited
Title 63. Public Health and Safety
 63 O.S. 1-2002, Renumbered as 27A O.S. � 2-7-103 by Laws 1993, HB 1002, c. 145, � 359, emerg. eff. July 1, 1993Cited
 63 O.S. 1-2004, Renumbered as 27A O.S. � 2-7-105 by Laws 1993, HB 1002, c. 145, � 359, emerg. eff. July 1, 1993Cited
 63 O.S. 1-2005, RepealedDiscussed
 63 O.S. 1-2006, Renumbered as 27A O.S. � 2-7-113 by Laws 1993, HB 1002, c. 145, � 359, emerg. eff. July 1, 1993Discussed at Length
 63 O.S. 2004, Renumbered as 63 O.S. � 1-1804 by Laws 1978, HB 1589, c. 62, � 2Cited