OSCN Found Document:Conflicting Provisions
Title 75. Statutes and Reports

Oklahoma Statutes Citationized
  Title 75. Statutes and Reports
    Chapter 2 - Statutes and Session Laws
        Section 22 - Conflicting Provisions
Cite as: O.S. �, __ __

If the provisions of any code, title, chapter or article conflict with or contravene the provisions of any former code, title, chapter or article, the provisions of the latter code, title, chapter or article must prevail as to all matter and questions arising thereunder out of the same subject matter.

Historical Data

Laws 1985, SB 164, c. 40, � 1, emerg. eff. April 19, 1985.

Citationizer Summary of Documents Citing This Document
Cite Name Ebene
Oklahoma Attorney General's Opinions
 1983 OK AG 136, Question Submitted by: Leslie Fisher, Superintendent, Department of EducationCited
 1986 OK AG 110, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Lee Cate, Oklahoma State SenateCited
 1986 OK AG 36, Question Submitted by: Robert H. Mitchell, Chairman, Pardon and Parole BoardCited
 1987 OK AG 2, Question Submitted by: Ron L. Willis, Director, Oklahoma Alcoholic Beverage Laws Enforcement CommissionCited
 1987 OK AG 7, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Bernice Shedrick, Oklahoma State SenateCited
 1996 OK AG 50, Question Submitted by: Commissioner Terry Tyree, State Insurance FundCited
Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals Cases
 2012 OK CR 14, 288 P.3d 247, STATE v. STICECited
 2015 OK CR 6, 349 P.3d 554, STATE ex rel. PRUITT v. STEIDLEYCited
Oklahoma Court of Civil Appeals Cases
 2008 OK CIV APP 59, 190 P.3d 1170, MAMOODJANLOO v. WOLFCited
Oklahoma Court on the Judiciary
 1968 OK JUD 1, 448 P.2d 301, SHARPE v. STATE EX REL. OKLAHOMA BAR ASS'NCited
Oklahoma Supreme Court Cases
 1988 OK 38, 753 P.2d 1356, 59 OBJ 1081, State ex rel. Turpen v. A 1977 Chevrolet Pickup TruckCited
 1964 OK 162, 394 P.2d 515, POAFPYBITTY v. SKELLY OIL COMPANYCited
 2010 OK 3, 230 P.3d 853, ROGERS v. QUIKTRIP CORP.Cited
 1976 OK 97, 552 P.2d 705, SESOW v. SWEARINGENDiscussed
 1980 OK 36, 608 P.2d 1139, City of Sand Springs v. Department of Public WelfareCited
 2018 OK 55, 421 P.3d 867, OKLAHOMA'S CHILDREN, OUR FUTURE, INC. v. COBURNCited
 2020 OK 6, 457 P.3d 1073, DUKE v. DUKECited
Citationizer: Table of Authority
Cite Name Ebene
None Found.