
Oxfam is committed to providing a website that is accessible and easy to use for the widest range of visitors possible, regardless of disability or impairment. We believe that this is an ongoing process and are constantly seeking to improve in this area.

Accessibility compliance

This Accessibility Statement is for Oxfam GB website and is designed to inform users about our commitment to providing an inclusive online experience for all visitors, including those with disabilities. We are dedicated to making our website accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities or impairments.

The site has been designed to adhere to best practice by following W3C standards. We aim to be ‘AA compliant’ according to WCAG guidelines and comply to AAA standards where possible. We are committed to providing an accessible experience for all users and have implemented the following accessibility features:

  • Increase zoom without the text spilling off the screen.
  • Navigate most of the website using just a keyboard.
    • "Skip to Main Content" link at the beginning of every page to allow keyboard and screen reader users to bypass repetitive navigation elements and jump directly to the main content.
    • We maintain a clear and consistent layout to help users navigate our website more easily.
  • Interact with most of the website using a screen reader.
    • We use ARIA landmarks to provide a clear structure for the page content.
    • We provide descriptive alternative text for all non-text content such as images.

How accessible this website is

Certain sections of this website may not offer full accessibility. For instance:

  • Some pages have poor colour contrast.
  • Some PDFs and documents are not accessible to screen reader software.
  • Some images do not have image descriptions.
  • Some heading elements are not consistent.
  • Some pages and forms can’t be accessed or navigated with a keyboard.
  • "Skip to main content" link is missing on some page.
  • Web forms are not fully accessible.

Non-accessible content

Non-compliance with the accessibility regulations

Audio and video

  • Open Captions are embedded on most of our legacy video content.
  • We are gradually moving to Closed Captions to meet WCAG AA compliance.

PDFs and other documents

  • The content structure of the majority of our PDF documents is not accessible to assistive technology, posing challenges for users of screen readers in understanding and navigating the content.
  • Text alternatives are not consistently provided for images, resulting in certain content being inaccessible when using text-to-speech software.

This fails the WCAG criteria 1.1.1, 1.3.1.


  • Certain checkboxes within forms lack proper labelling, resulting in inaccurate announcements by screen readers.
  • Some forms lack explicit auto-complete attributes on their form fields.
  • Some form inputs do not have associated labels within the HTML.
  • iframes are used for some forms and are not consistently tagged for accessibility.

This fails the WCAG criteria 1.3.1, 1.3.5, 4.1.2.


  • Some images are missing alternative text. Some decorative images may include alternative text. This fails the WCAG criteria 1.1.1.
  • Some pages have poor colour contrast. This fails the WCAG criteria 1.4.1.
  • There are missing "skip to main content" links at the beginning of every page to allow keyboard and screen reader users to bypass repetitive navigation elements and jump directly to the main content. This fails the WCAG criteria 2.4.3.
  • Some interactive elements at 400% zoom, are not functionable via assisted technology. This fails the WCAG criteria 1.4.10.
  • On some page headings have not been marked-up or elements use headings inappropriately. This fails the WCAG criteria 1.3.1, 2.4.6.
  • In certain cases, the keyboard focus does not follow a logical sequence. This fails the WCAG criteria 1.3.2, 2.4.3, 2.4.3.

Third-party content

While we strive to maintain high accessibility standards for our website, there may be instances where third-party content or links to external websites do not meet the same accessibility standards. We are working to encourage accessible third-party content and will address any accessibility concerns that may arise.

We use Riddle.com for quizzes and polls. We have carried out provisional accessibility testing on this platform.

Feedback and contact information

We are continually seeking to make improvements to the site and welcome any comments, suggestions or feedback. If you have any questions or encounter any accessibility-related issues on our website, please contact us at:

Email [email protected]

What we’re doing to improve accessibility

Find out more on Oxfam's journey towards digital inclusion.

Read our accessibility blogs

Preparation of this accessibility statement

This statement was prepared in September 2023. It was last reviewed in November 2023.

This website was last tested in September 2023. The test was carried out by AbilityNet.