Urban rivals

Explore the world of Urban Rivals and sharpen your skills in this thrilling online card game. Build your deck, challenge opponents, and dominate the competition to become the ultimate champion.
Zombies, The Dark Prophecy, Urban Rivals, Captain Marvel Shazam, Avengers Alliance, Writing Fantasy, Marvel Characters Art, Monster Concept Art, Superhero Design

X-0DUS - Vortex

As the beta model of a new series of killer glass creatures, X-0DUS has just one mission programmed into his memory: to exterminate the human who goes by the name of Lena so as to prevent the dark Prophecy from coming true. Since his creation, he’s been tirelessly hunting her down and all the Pussycats in the world won’t stop him, even if he does have to sacrifice a few spare parts along the way.

jonathan real munguia
iClintz | Agent Spinal - La Junta Memes, Twins, Urban Rivals, Superhero Suits, Hero Games, Something Big, New Generation, What If, Wonder Woman

Agent Spinal - La Junta

She was the one who tried to save the twins with #Marshal cr, but failed. She was the one who did all she could to heal #Memento from the #Oculus and then died. #Dounia mt has waited... for this call from #La Junta. Something big could happen to her, related to her mental capacities. And what if she could control the Agent Spinal commands of the new generation of #La Junta weapons, those of the anti-#Oculus mecha, #ED-O? #Dounia mt has waited once more... and the call of #Isatis has finally…


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