Virtual Assistant

Hi! Welcome to my Virtual Assistant Board. Here you will find info on starting a virtual assistant business, virtual assistant services, virtual assistant jobs, virtual assistant logo ideas, virtual assistant training, virtual assistant courses, and creating a virtual assistant business plan. I'm Jasmin and I'm a Social Media Manager, Agency Owner and Mentor. To learn more about how I can help you in your business, please visit my instagram today @jasminclossonn.
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what i outsource to my virtual assistant as a copywriter content creation canvas
What I Outsource to My Virtual Assistant | Between The Lines Copywriting
the words how to have a successful discovery call are in white on a gray background
How To Have A Successful Discovery Call
Are you tired of going through the rollercoaster of discovery calls? I understand at the beginning things can be a bit frustrating, you try so hard to book your first clients and it seems like it never works out. Don’t worry most of us have been there at some point. The reality is that discovery calls are just that, DISCOVERY calls, where you and the prospective client are able to find out whether you are a match for each other. On the blog I go over a couple of ways to have a successful call.
a person writing on a piece of paper with the words how to ace your discovery calls my top tips for successful discovery calls
How To Ace Your Discovery Calls
Setting yourself up for success for an upcoming discovery call can make a huge difference in the outcome of your call. Doing some research before the call allows you to already know some of the more important details of the call. Allowing you to be a bit more comfortable to be yourself & have more of an understanding of what services this prospective client is looking for, cutting down on the possibility of the call not working out. On the blog I go over my 6 top tips for a successful call.
a woman sitting on a couch working on her laptop with the words how to price your services
How To Price Your Services: Hourly vs. Retainer
You more than likely have been asked whether you charge hourly or by retainer, but do you really know the pros and cons between the two? As good as it may sound to be on an hourly rate because you have the probability of making more money if the tasks take you longer, being on retainer gives you more stability in that you already know you will be getting paid & are booked for X amount of hours, which creates more consistency. Find out more pros and cons like these on the blog.
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Have Successful Discovery Calls With These 6 Tips
Have you been having trouble with your discovery calls? There is so much anxiety and pressure that goes into a discovery call and the outcome of it, and that might just be the reason as to why your discovery calls aren’t going well. It is the pressure and the feeling that you have to “close the deal” that isn’t allowing you to be yourself during the call and make that connection with your potential client. Head over to the blog for more of my top tips to a successful discovery call.
the words what you need to know before deciding your pricing on top of a desk
What You Need To Know Before Deciding Your Pricing
Being a Virtual Assistant or Social Media Manager, you get to choose how you would like to price your services. Most commonly online service providers choose either hourly or retainer. Both forms are great and have their own pros and cons so how do you choose which one is the best for you and your business? We have done the research on both so head on over to the blog where we’ll walk through a more detailed definition and the pros and cons of each option. Let’s dive in!
an open laptop computer sitting on top of a desk next to a cup of coffee
Everything You Need To Know About Figuring Out Who Your Ideal Client Is
It seems odd to have to filter your potential clients, to be a good fit to work with you. However, doing this is definitely worthwhile. When you work with your ideal clients you know that your work is being valued, that your personalities mesh well together, & that you are building a long-term relationship which is great for business. So what questions should you ask yourself when trying to identify your ideal client? How often should you reflect on your ideal client? Find out on the blog!
a girl with glasses holding a coffee cup in her hand and the words discovery call tips for online service providers
Discovery Call Tips For Online Service Providers
Are you tired of going through the rollercoaster of discovery calls? I understand at the beginning things can be a bit frustrating, you try so hard to book your first clients and it seems like it never works out. Don’t worry most of us have been there at some point. The reality is that discovery calls are just that, DISCOVERY calls, where you and the prospective client are able to find out whether you are a match for each other. On the blog I go over a couple of ways to have a successful call.
the top tips for successful discovery calls on the blog
6 Top Tips For Successful Discovery Calls
Whether you love or hate discovery calls, we as business owners know how essential they are to expand our business, & it is frustrating when those discovery calls don’t go as planned. There could be a couple of reasons as to why your calls aren’t being successful. It could be that you aren’t qualifying your leads, you aren’t being yourself, you aren’t prepared for the call, or you aren’t listening to your potential client’s needs. On the blog I have my top 6 tips for successful discovery calls.
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Follow These 6 Tips For Successful Discovery Calls
Starting out as a virtual assistant, there is so much emphasis put into discovery calls and “closing the deal”. There is already enough stress leading to and during the call that sometimes can sabotage the call before it even starts. Changing your mindset from it being a sales call to a DISCOVERY call can make a huge difference. Stop sabotaging yourself and start having better discovery calls, head on over to the blog where I go over my 6 top tips for successful discovery calls.
a woman standing on the beach with her hands on her hips and text that reads hourly vs retain pricing the pros & cons
Hourly vs. Retainer Pricing: The Pros & Cons
Being a Virtual Assistant or Social Media Manager, you get to choose how you would like to price your services. Most commonly online service providers choose either hourly or retainer. Both forms are great and have their own pros and cons so how do you choose which one is the best for you and your business? We have done the research on both so head on over to the blog where we’ll walk through a more detailed definition and the pros and cons of each option. Let’s dive in!
a woman sitting on a couch using a laptop computer with the words, 11 virtual assistant services that are in high demand
Popular Services To Offer As A Virtual Assistant
Have you decided that you want to become a virtual assistant, but do not know what services you want to offer yet? Don’t worry we have all been there! The great thing about being a virtual assistant is that you get to choose what services you want to offer based on your own passions and interests. In this post, I share with you 11 virtual assistant services that are in high demand right now. Head on over to the blog and find out which services you want to offer.
the words service to offer as a virtual assistant on top of a white desk with green leaves
Ready To Start Your VA Business?
Are you having a hard time deciding what services you want to offer as a virtual assistant? Or are you worried and wondering whether there is a demand for a certain type of service? Thankfully there is a need for various services and chances are you already have some experience in one or a few you just need to find out which one aligns the most with you. Head on over to the blog where I go over the 11 services that are in high demand this year!