2024 Elections

DNC will move forward with virtual roll call to nominate Biden

But the co-chairs of the DNC’s rules committee said they would delay adopting a start date until next week.

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris stand on stage with DNC Chair Jaime Harrison.

The Democratic National Committee plans to move forward with its virtual roll call to nominate Joe Biden — but will delay setting the date and rules for the vote until next week.

In a letter signed by the Democratic National Convention Rules Committee co-chairs Leah Daughtry and Tim Walz, the Minnesota governor, the committee says it will “propose a framework for how best to proceed” at a meeting on Friday, but members will not be adopting any rules until next week.

The letter, obtained first by POLITICO, was sent to other members of the rules committee on Wednesday morning. It also says that any voting on the nomination wouldn’t begin until at least Aug. 1, a few days later than published reports had suggested voting could begin.

“No matter what may be reported, our goal is not to fast-track,” the letter continues. “Our goals are to uphold our tradition of transparency, our commitment to an effective nominating process that delivers a nominee on all state ballots, and ultimately to set our nominees on a path to victory in November.”

The letter is an implicit acknowledgment of the turmoil stirred up in the last week over the virtual roll call vote. Some Democrats, including members of Congress, have argued that nominating Biden ahead of the convention is an “unprecedented action which would effectively accelerate the nomination process by nearly a month,” according to a draft of a letter that’s circulating among members.