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An American flag stands still as fireworks light up the sky above Riverside’s Mount Rubidoux during Independence Day fireworks in 2007. (File photo by Terry Pierson, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG)
An American flag stands still as fireworks light up the sky above Riverside’s Mount Rubidoux during Independence Day fireworks in 2007. (File photo by Terry Pierson, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG)
Ryan Hagen

Riverside will host fireworks shows on the Fourth of July this year at La Sierra Park and Ryan Bonaminio Park — but not at Mount Rubidoux, the traditional spot for decades.

After years of fire officials warning that the usual spot was a fire danger, the Riverside City Council decided Tuesday, April 13, that the risks outweigh the benefits.

“As much as I hate to see that tradition end, I can see why there’s a need for it,” said Councilmember Ronaldo Fiero. “When my fire chief and firefighters say ‘please don’t do this,’ it’s hard to look them in the face and say, ‘but I’m used to it.’”

Free fireworks atop Mount Rubidoux have been a staple since 1996 and were a regular occurrence going back to the 1960s. The tradition ended in 2020, with the coronavirus pandemic and fire danger cited as reasons for canceling the fireworks show.

But they have also sometimes led to fires, and those could get out of control, said Fire Marshal Jennifer McDowell. Dry, thick brush can easily ignite, and narrow streets packed with people and parked cars could make it difficult to evacuate the area or bring in emergency vehicles, McDowell said.

Councilmember Chuck Conder, who cast the only dissenting vote, blasted the change.

“Fireworks on Mount Rubidoux have been a tradition in this city for generations,” Conder said. “Stop screwing around with Riverside’s traditions. The people want their fireworks from the mountain.”

Bringing in additional brush trucks and wetting down the vegetation could make fires less likely, he said.

“Life is about managing risk, not avoiding it,” he said.

Conder said people would have trouble seeing fireworks from Bonaminio Park, which is lower than surrounding land, unlike the traditional elevated showcase.

The park is next to Mount Rubidoux, which saves staff planning time because the same traffic control plans can be used, said Parks Director Adolfo Cruz.

The show at La Sierra Park will cost about $50,500 in fireworks and employee time, including parks department employees, police and firefighters, according to a city report. The show at Bonaminio Park will add about the same cost, for a total close to $100,000.

The show at Mount Rubidoux would be about $74,500, city officials said in the report.

Holding two separate events would reduce crowd size, which is important because of COVID-19, Cruz said. However, the state has said it will lift coronavirus-related restrictions on crowd size June 15, before the holiday, he said.

The pandemic still plays a part in the decision, though. Cal Fire and the California Conservation Corps — which usually help clear 22 acres of weeds on Mount Rubidoux — aren’t currently offering that service due to the pandemic, Cruz said.

For next year, city officials plan to evaluate other potential fireworks locations, including City Hall, the rooftop of the new library, or local colleges or universities.

Daylong festivities could be combined with vendor opportunities that could offset the cost, Councilmember Steve Hemenway said.

Officials also considered asking for donations to help pay for the show, as the budget is constrained, but the council decided not to do so this year. An attempt in 2017 took considerable staff time and raised less than $600, Cruz said.

Editor’s note: This story has been updated to correct the spelling of Ryan Bonaminio Park.

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