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Re “Homeless ranks up 9% in L.A. County” (June 30):

The homeless count shows a 9% increase over last year. In California, the “Get Well” plan is touted as “Housing First.” More than half of those counted suffer from substance abuse (30%) or severe mental illness (25%). Unfortunately, there’s no plan to require any individual being housed to undergo treatment. Without extensive treatment, there will be no cure, so those individuals may be in residence forever. The balance are those in severe financial shape and, with an improvement in the economy, these people may find their way out with future employment. This is attenuated by the high cost of living in California, especially in the housing sector. Adding to these difficulties is that the homeless population is increasing in California while the rest of the country is reporting a decline.There doesn’t appear to be a solution for this problem anytime soon.

— Jon Appleby, Rancho Palos Verdes


Slavery reparations

Re “Restitution task force delivers its findings” (June 30):

What a waste of taxpayer money. The Reparations Study Committee just wrapped up two years of meetings and have released their findings. The cost is colossal. By chance did they learn that California never had any slave owners nor slaves? Slavery was unknown in this state. Where does this stop? Funds to the Japanese who were interned during WWII? Survivors of the Holocaust? Surely we learn from history, but we cannot change history.

— W.L. Sutton, Corona del Mar


California’s ‘climate bond’ goes to vote of the people

Re “Lawmakers eye $15B ‘climate bond’” (June 28):

California Democrats are asking for a $15 billion climate bond. My answer is a resolute no. First, Democrats have demonstrated that they cannot manage our money: $32 billion was defrauded from the state treasury from COVID schemers; second, it was recently revealed that the federal government was defrauded of $200 billion from 1,210 programs that offered help to private persons and corporations for COVID disaster; only $30 billion of that has been recovered. Third, voters need to know that a bond is a debt, and those who will pay for it will be homeowners in tax bills. This bond would be one disaster based on another disaster. Stop Democrats while the iron is hot.

— Mark Range, Upland

Originally Published: