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Biden’s 2024 campaign

If George Washington kept falling off his horse in front of his troops he never would have become the father of our country. You forget most of what you hear within minutes but what you have seen, you can’t unsee.

— Marcia Edwards, Riverside


It’s time Biden and Dems abandon presidential ship

If the GOP had not sold its soul and had fired Trump because of his obvious flaws and misbehavior, Biden would probably have declined to seek a second term. Joe’s debate performance plus other video evidence of his age-related decline physically and mentally, unequivocally declare him not the best candidate for POTUS. The craziness of politics driven by imperfect polls and analytic algorithms declare him to be the best guy to beat Trump, however. I pray that Biden and the Democrats do what’s best for our nation to abandon ship. Then put up a decent candidate and have faith that the voters will renounce Trump at the ballot box. There is still time, with debates and campaigning to do before November.

— George Chung, Redlands


Joe needs to step aside now for his country’s good

As soon as Joe Biden insisted during the debate that the U.S. Border Patrol union was endorsing him and that no U.S. soldiers had died during his administration the curtain was pulled back exposing what his puppeteers had fought so hard to keep hidden. Then came the now infamous 10-second brain freeze solidifying the fact that Joe Biden hasn’t been calling the shots.

It now appears that Mrs. Biden is the one pulling the strings. It’s sad to see her parading Old Joe around like a carnival monkey on a leash. If she can’t step back from the delusion of power and fame that is Washington, D.C. then offer her the nomination and stop the elder abuse and humiliation.

— Lawrence Rookhuyzen, Corona


Biden should not drop out

Thus far, since the debate, “everyone” is saying that Biden should drop out. Yet I have not heard anyone say who the replacement should be.

I think that if we don’t stick with Biden we’re going to for sure end up with Trump. The idea is beyond terrifying.

— Susan Stann, Temecula


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