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Jay Nixon plays Paul McCartney as the band Britain’s Finest performs a Beatles tribute at Yucaipa Community Park Amphitheater on Sunday, July 14, 2024. (Photo by Milka Soko, Contributing Photographer)
Jay Nixon plays Paul McCartney as the band Britain’s Finest performs a Beatles tribute at Yucaipa Community Park Amphitheater on Sunday, July 14, 2024. (Photo by Milka Soko, Contributing Photographer)
Eric Vilchis


Coming soon to your city park are The Beatles, Selena, The Eagles, Queen, Bruno Mars, Adele, Pat Benatar and No Doubt! Well, not the real performers, but tribute bands.

Many Inland Empire cities are hosting concerts in their parks as a way for the community to come together, spend the evening cooling off, and listening and dancing to live music.

In addition to tribute bands, the concerts also feature groups playing country, jazz, salsa and other music genres. Check your city’s website for schedules.

One band, playing in multiple Inland Empire cities this summer is Britain’s Finest, a Beatles tribute band, made up of Armando Amaya as John Lennon, Jay Nixon as Paul McCartney, Brendan Peleo-Lazar as Ringo Starr and Robert Bielma as George Harrison. For information, see their website.


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