Newsworthy Reasons to Write a Press Release: Part 10: Philanthropy



You can uncover opportunities to promote your organization and get your brand in front of a new audience of potential customers by discovering newsworthy reasons to send a press release.

In this series, we have outlined press releases related to company growth, employee newsproduct and service offeringsevents, financial disclosures, recognition, ESG and more.

For our final entry in the series, we are highlighting philanthropy-related press releases.

Philanthropic efforts generate meaningful change and strengthen communities. For non-profit organizations, receiving money for your cause is a consequential event. When for-profit companies announce support for a charitable organization's mission, it can generate a snowball effect by drawing more attention to the cause. A side benefit of sharing news of your contribution to important causes can also produce feel-good stories for your brand.

3 Occasions to Send a Philanthropy-Focused Press Release

If your brand participates in any of the following activities, sharing your participation and support can amplify that message, driving awareness and further support for a cause that has meaning for your brand.

Supporting a non-profit or cause. Stakeholders are increasingly insisting that companies operate with purpose and take a stand on important issues. By declaring monetary and philosophical support for a cause, your organization can prove its commitment to remain a good corporate citizen.

Some examples:

Employee volunteering: If your employees have given their time to help an important cause, sharing this news can serve as an opportunity to thank them for their generosity and draw attention to the mission they worked to progress.

Some examples:

Receiving a donation. Charitable contributions are the lifeblood of non-profits, so it is a newsworthy event when a company or individual steps up to provide financial support for an organization. A press release can serve as both a thank-you to your benefactors and a way to spotlight your cause.

Some examples:

3 Tips for Creating a Strong Philanthropy-Related Release

  1. Make the connection between your brand and the cause you're supporting. Audiences who demand authenticity from brands will be curious to know the “why” behind the philanthropic efforts. Explain to your stakeholders why you chose to support this particular endeavor. When you can put meaning behind your efforts, it humanizes your brand for audiences, and it tells stakeholders there’s genuine intent to make a difference (thus dispelling any preconceived notions that this is simply a play to drum up goodwill for your brand). .
  2. Use quotes or testimonials to show how the contribution enables the mission. Again, authenticity is key when it comes to philanthropy messaging. Whether it’s a quote from the charity’s leader or someone who is directly affected from the service your organization is providing, sharing their perspective can help convey that element of authenticity. Giving others a voice to describe – in their own words – how the work your organization is doing helps to humanize the message for audiences.
  3. Include a clear call to action. Maximize the power of your press release’s message – and the impact on the cause you’re supporting – by encouraging and empowering audiences to support the cause as well. Make it easy for audiences to learn more about volunteer or donation efforts by including clearly laid out and visible links to their website, donation center or other relevant landing pages.

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About the Author

Erin-Payton-headshotErin Payton is the Integrated Customer Marketing Manager for PR Newswire. In her role, she develops multichannel marketing campaigns, drives demand generation, fosters brand awareness and creates thought leadership. Away from the keyboard, she is an unabashedly enthusiastic cat mom to Mia.