Newsworthy Reasons to Write a Press Release: Part 3: Product or Service News



In our new blog post series, we’re uncovering all the newsworthy reasons to send a press release – and how to go about it – so you don’t miss an opportunity to promote your organization and get your brand in front of a new audience of potential customers.

In part one and part two of this series we talked about the reasons to send a press release as they related to company news and employees, respectively. For part three, we’re addressing something you’re likely working on right now: Product and service offerings. 

What Constitutes a Press Release Around Service or Product News?

Companies toil for months or years to create and update their products and services, and not only does it make sense to keep customers and prospects in the loop about it all, but all that hard work deserves to be celebrated. Needless to say, this is a popular subject of many press releases PR Newswire distributes.

Launching a new product or service. This is a no-brainer. While you’re likely to notify current customers and investors about a new product or service via your internal database and your customer service teams, a press release can bring awareness to a whole new audience of potential customers and investors.

Unveiling a product name change. As the saying goes, the only constant is change. Sometimes change is necessary to better reflect the current time or indicate where a company is headed. Using a press release to fully outline why you are making the change will help your customers understand the transition.
Need an example? Check out CDNetworks Announces the Change of Product Name CDN360 to CDN Pro

Introducing a product/service update or feature enhancement. What better way to show your customers you have heard their feedback than to announce updates or upgrades to your existing product or service line? Again, while you are likely to do this anyway via customer-focused newsletters, putting out a press release demonstrates to a wider audience that your company is committed to providing the best experience for your customers.
Need an example? Check out Rand McNally Rolls Out Massive Upgrade to its Navigation Devices

Announcing a new partnership or collaboration. Some of our most buzzed-about press releases involve two brands revealing a surprising mashup. Distributing this type of news through the wire not only generates buzz, it often leads to heavy press pickup.
Need an example? Check out McDonald's® and Mariah Carey Unwrap More Surprises Ahead of the Mariah Menu Debut

3 Must-Have Elements for Your Product- or Service-Related Press Release

A press release related to company services or products can and should follow the format of a typical press release; however, there are a few elements you’ll want to include in most of these types of press releases.

1. Multimedia elements: In the words of your eighth grade English writing teacher, “Show, don’t tell.” Multimedia elements bring your press release to life and are particularly critical to a product- or service-related press release. Consider include a photo of the product or someone using the service, or even better, a video or infographic that demonstrates how the product or service works. 

2Testimonials: Consumers trust peer reviews over any other source, so including a customer or client testimonial can help convince potential customers to try your brand and reassure current customers that they’ve made the right choice in giving your organization their business.

3. WIIFM: When companies announce any sort of change to their product or service offerings, customers always want to know, first and foremost, “What’s in it for me?” Be sure to highlight how this news benefits customers (or will make readers want to BE customers). Use bullet points to set the benefits apart from the rest of the text, so that anyone scanning the release won’t miss it.

A note on pitching your product or service press release: When reaching out to journalists with your product- or service-related press release, it’s always a good idea to offer a “test drive.” Few journalists will agree to report on a product or service they haven’t experienced first-hand, so whenever possible, offer to provide a free product sample, service or demonstration. 

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About the Author

Erin-Payton-headshotErin Payton is the Integrated Customer Marketing Manager for PR Newswire. In her role, she develops multichannel marketing campaigns, drives demand generation, fosters brand awareness and creates thought leadership. Away from the keyboard, she is an unabashedly enthusiastic cat mom to Mia.