Enabling financial resilience from natural disasters.

We are a passionate team of engineers, scientists, and insurance experts enabling the next generation of climate insurance at scale.

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As seen on:

The operating system bridging insurance — channels — and end users.

We help interconnect insurance, reinsurers, distributors, and end-users, with the purpose of delivering climate protection and resilience for everyone.

Science and models

We develop sophisticated models that interpret complex environmental data, facilitating the deployment of robust and comprehensive insurance solutions for all.

Real time data

Harnessing the power of real-time data, we possess the ability to swiftly and transparently activate coverage.

Advanced reporting

Equipped with cutting-edge reporting capabilities and seamless integrations, we ensure effortless management and oversight.

Embedded distribution

Through our embedded distribution capabilities, we streamline the delivery of climate resilience where it matters most.

IT & Infrastructure

Built on a foundation of robust and automated IT infrastructure, we seamlessly bridge the gap between insurance providers, reinsurers, and end-users.

Delivering to beneficiaries

We ensure direct connection with beneficiaries, providing a safety net that mitigates financial disruption from climate events.

Global reach, local impact

With a global reach, we possess the capabilities to provide personalized, data-driven solutions that effectively address the risks faced by individuals and businesses across the world. Whether it's supporting farmers in Mexico or small business owners in Japan, we are committed to help in any way we can.

Technology-driven, people-powered

With a diverse team comprising scientific innovators, technology specialists, and insurance experts, we possess the agility to execute and excel in just about any scenario.

Together we can build a better future

We strive to work with the best of the best. Whether it’s an interest in collaboration, brainstorming, or just to say hello, reach out!

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