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  • Oversee 4 million commercial & institutional buildings from K-12 - Higher Ed.
  • Represents $400 billion market
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  • 72% of Building Operating Management readers will act based on the ad they saw in the magazine.

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  • Circulates to a 100% qualified list of 32,550 maintenance and engineering managers
  • Manage 1.2 million of the largest institutional and commercial buildings in the country
  • Maintain 13.3 million hardscaped acres and 4 million landscaped acres
  • Spend $132 billion on capital equipment/ renovation/ new construction
  • Supervise staffs of more than 1.2 million maintenance personnel.

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  • Represents $420 billion market
  • 152,228 average monthly page views

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  • Represents $45 billion market
  • Circulates 21,000 print supplements
  • 50,000 monthly page views

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