Performance InCheck

Build a sustainable, future-focussed chemical procurement strategy


Comprehensive insights

Visibility on the chemical inventory for suppliers and brands

What's in a Performance
InCheck report?

ZDHC Performance InCheck is an easy-to-read chemical inventory report. It provides an overall score of ZDHC MRSL conformance for all products in the inventory and shows where improvements can be made. Comprehensive overviews, understandable results and helpful guidance support facilities to increase their use of more sustainable chemistry. This helps people's well-being and the environment across the entire chemical inventory.


How it is structured

The Gateway comprises two modules: the Chemical Module and Wastewater Module.
The Gateway CheckTools support the uptake and verification of our chemical and wastewater reports. 

Chemical Module

Chemical Module is the world’s first verified database of safer chemistry for the apparel and footwear industry. It helps facilities to evaluate the ZDHC MRSL conformance level of chemical formulations used in production processes and find safer alternatives.

Wastewater Module

Wastewater Module is a global online platform for facilities to register and share their wastewater test data. The platform helps facilities to benchmark their conformance towards ZDHC's Wastewater Guidelines and share data with their customers.


ZDHC Performance InCheck is an easy-to-read performance report that demonstrates the ZDHC MRSL conformance of a facility’s chemical inventory. It can be shared with all customers and is accepted by leading brands.

ZDHC ChemCheck is a product passport of chemical formulations that verifies ZDHC MRSL conformance. Chemical formulators should share this report with their customers.

ZDHC ClearStream is an easy-to-read facility performance report of ZDHC wastewater conformance that is accepted by leading brands. It can be shared with all customers to avoid duplicative testing.

Implementation partner

Implementation HUB drives the global implementation of ZDHC’s Roadmap to Zero Programme. ZDHC Approved Solution Providers support facilities in generating their monthly Performance InCheck report. A list of Approved Solution Providers is available on this website.


What's in it for you?

  1. Demonstrate leadership and sustainable chemistry
  2. Share your ZDHC MRSL performance with your customers
  3. Drive continuous improvement of your inventory towards better chemistry
  4. Easy-to-read report that is accepted by leading brands
  5. Take ownership of your Roadmap to Zero implementation efforts

The benefits

How Performance InCheck makes a difference
for your organisation

InCheck helps suppliers to assess and improve their chemical inventory. Comprehensive overviews of their chemical inventory are provided, alongside its overall conformance to the ZDHC MRSL. It's all provided in one concise, easy-to-read report. Suppliers can actively track and improve their performance. They can distinguish their organisation from others and build customer loyalty by showing brands their proactive efforts. An InCheck report is also the first step to becoming a 'Supplier to Zero', where it possible to join a select group of future-focussed industry leaders.


Performance InCheck helps brands to evaluate supplier performance in implementing ZDHC's Roadmap to Zero Programme. The easy-to-read report reflects the performance of a facility's chemical inventory towards the ZDHC MRSL. By accepting Performance InCheck reports as a globally harmonised performance tool, brands reduce supply chain complexity, duplicative efforts and increase transparency on the usage of sustainable chemistry.


Performance InCheck helps brands to evaluate supplier performance in implementing ZDHC's Roadmap to Zero Programme. The easy-to-read report reflects the performance of a facility's chemical inventory towards the ZDHC MRSL. By accepting Performance InCheck reports as a globally harmonised performance tool, brands reduce supply chain complexity, duplicative efforts and increase transparency on the usage of sustainable chemistry.


InCheck helps suppliers to assess and improve their chemical inventory. Comprehensive overviews of their chemical inventory are provided, alongside its overall conformance to the ZDHC MRSL. It's all provided in one concise, easy-to-read report. Suppliers can actively track and improve their performance. They can distinguish their organisation from others and build customer loyalty by showing brands their proactive efforts. An InCheck report is also the first step to becoming a 'Supplier to Zero', where it possible to join a select group of future-focussed industry leaders.


The added value

When a supplier uploads their chemical inventory to the ZDHC Gateway, it is cross referenced regarding its ZDHC MRSL conformance of all chemical formulations listed in the inventory. The report shows what percentage of products in the inventory comply to the ZDHC MRSL, and at what level.

A supplier can now benchmark performance of chemical formulations towards the ZDHC MRSL and identify potential improvements. This empowers them to take full ownership of their Roadmap to Zero implementation efforts and drive the usage of safer chemistry. Performance InCheck reports can be shared with customers and build the foundation for continuous improvement.


Future advantage

Performance InCheck builds a clear picture of what lies in a chemical inventory. Each facility is a piece of the puzzle to measure ZDHC's Roadmap to Zero Programme impact on a global level. Monitoring status quo and advancement in the use of sustainable chemistry helps our team to improve services and solutions to support the industry to deepen ZDHC's Programme impact and provide transparency on our achievements.


Report highlights

Features of a ZDHC Performance InCheck report
Supplier details

Showing Supplier Details and Report Details at a Glance.

Chemical inventory

Showing the overall chemical inventory performance of the supplier, by count and weight

Level description

Description of all ZDHC MRSL Conformance levels

Join us

Your Performance InCheck report

Contact one of our Solution Providers about getting a Performance InCheck report for your organisation.


Step one

Select one of our Solution Providers to create your InCheck report


Step two

Create and upload your chemical inventory report via a Solution Provider platform of your choice


Step three

Download your report and share your good work with relevant stakeholders

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Mauris a dolor. Maecenas ut pede. Cras faucibus venenatis massa. Morbi euismod nisi et risus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae

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