South Carolina Roadmap to Reentry: Record Cleaning

Root & Rebound in South Carolina is proud to share our South Carolina Roadmap to Reentry: Record Cleaning!

In the “Understanding & Cleaning Up Your Criminal Record Chapter”, you will first learn the importance of understanding your record. This includes where that information exists in the world and how to fix errors in your record early on in reentry.

In the second part of the Chapter, you will learn that you may be able to remove certain offenses from your South Carolina criminal record. This happens through a process South Carolina calls “expungement.” Expungements protect parts of your criminal background information from being accessed by the public. When an expungement is granted, it conceals certain offenses on your criminal history from individuals, employers, and most agencies. Expungements can increase access to housing, employment, education, and more. You will also learn about the pardon process in South Carolina. The pardon process in South Carolina does not conceal past offenses on your criminal history, but it can increase the likelihood of securing housing, jobs, and more.

We hope the information in this chapter helps you better understand your record, where to gather information and correct errors in your record, and what expungement and pardon options may be available to you in South Carolina.

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