It’s Time to Say It With Science

When we all understand the facts of climate change, we can work together to find the best solutions. People everywhere are joining the fight for urgent climate action — and we’re stronger when we unite around the best climate science. That’s why the UN Foundation is working with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) — the gold standard for independent climate science. Talking about climate change has never been more important, and it’s time to #SayItWithScience.

Climate Facts

Get the most advanced science in ways you can use. This cheat sheet from global scientists will help you explain climate change — and the solutions — easily.

Get Involved

Get creative and submit art to help the IPCC showcase climate change as one of the most urgent challenges of our lifetime.

Find Events

Meet IPCC scientists, dive deeper into the facts, and expand your global network of climate activists and champions in our virtual event series.

When we all understand the facts of climate change, we can work together to find the best solutions.