Easley Readiness Center

The Type B Armory at the Easley Readiness Center was constructed sometime between 1969 and 1970. The armory is a Type D armory with a drill hall measuring 110 feet by 58 feet. The armory was first assessed for its eligibility for listing on the NRHP in 2017 by Ward-Brandt Consulting under contract through the SCIAA.

During the 2017 survey, it was observed that original asbestos shingle roof had been replaced by a batten-seamed metal roof in 1986. Ward-Brandt argued that this was a significant alteration to a character defining feature of the armory. Additional exterior alterations noted in the survey include the installation of two exhaust fans on the hipped roof. Over the years, several AC units have been cut and removed from the building and nearly all of the exterior light fixtures have been replaced. On the armory’s interior, Ward-Brandt recorded that a drop ceiling had been installed at an unknown time. The rifle range has also been converted into storage and metal cages installed within. Despite these changes the armory was recorded as maintaining a high degree of architectural integrity (Ward-Brandt 2017: 21-30).