Our organization is staffed with various individuals who are able to attend events as guest speakers. Everything from career days at schools, to Veterans Day events. We do not have a specific list of individuals designated as guest speakers. If there is someone in particular you would like, please include that in the request form. If you do not request a specific guest speaker, we will look through the schedules of our leadership to see who is available and they will decide who will be able to attend your event.

All requests are subject to the availability of our leadership and their current schedules. Even if we have identified a speaker for your event, there is a chance they will have to back out, with little notice, due to events that may arise and call for their attention. If a substitute can attend in their place, we will notify the requestor of the change. 

Please fill out this Community Relations Event Worksheet (CREW) Form (fillable PDF) and email to [email protected] in order to begin the request process.

Downloadable CREW Form

We request a minimum of 30 days notice to request a guest speaker.

*If requesting with less than 30 days until the event, please fill out and submit this exception to policy form with your CREW Form.

Downloadable ETP Form

Some things to keep in mind:

  • A request to our office for a guest speaker will initiate a look through the schedules of our organizations higher leadership such as our Adjutant General, State Command Sergeant Major, Staff Directors, etc…
  • This means that an individual that we identify to speak at an event will be able to better focus on speaking about the SC National Guard’s readiness, emergency response, organizational mission, and other over arching concepts associated with our organization.
  • If you are looking for someone to speak in regards to career options or educational opportunities in our organization, we recommend reaching out to our local recruiters in your area. More information on our recruiters can be found at https://www.scguard.ng.mil/Join-the-Guard/