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UNIT 1: The Scientific Method

DAYSHEET 9: Experimental Practice and Quiz Name: _______________________________

Biology I
Date: _______________

Directions: Write the following steps of the scientific method in order Draw conclusions Perform a controlled experiment Make a hypothesis State a problem Analyze data

Gather background information

1. _____________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________ 4. _____________________________________________ 5. _____________________________________________ 6. _____________________________________________

Directions: Match the following scientific method vocabulary on the left with the correct definition on the right 1. Independent variable 2. Hypothesis 3. Dependent variable 4. Constants 5. Controlled experiment A. The effect the scientist measures in an experiment B. An educated guess C. The process scientists use to solve problems D. An explanation supported by lots of evidence E. Things that stay the same throughout an experiment F. A fair test of a scientific question G. what the scientists manipulates (changes) on purpose in an experiment

6. Theory 7. Scientific Method

Todays Objective: I can review the important parts of an experiment Homework: Homework 9 is due next class

STATION 1: EXCELLENT EXPERIMENTS Directions: Work together with your group to pick out the important parts of the experiments below. Remember to use the following strategies we learned in class: 1. The IV and DV are almost always in the first sentence 2. Cross off the name of the person running the experiment and write your name 3. Draw a picture!
Lisa is working on a science project. Her task is to answer the question: "Does Rogooti (which is a new hair product) affect the speed of hair growth? She divides her friends into two groups of five females each. Group A puts Rogooti on their hair twice a day for a week. Group B puts water on their hair twice a day for a week. At the end of the week, she measures how much each participants hair grew.

Who is running the experiment? ________________________


The Important Part Is Independent Variable In The Experiment This Is

Dependent Variable

Experimental Group(s)

Control Group


A student conducts an experiment at home to test the effect of different covers on the melting rate of ice. The student places identical ice cubes on separate trays as shown below. The trays are placed on the same table. After ten minutes, the student removes the covers, throws away the excess water, and measures the leftover mass of each ice cube.

Who is running the experiment? ________________________


The Important Part Is Independent Variable

In The Experiment This Is

Dependent Variable

Experimental Group(s)

Control Group


CARCINOGENS are substances that can cause cancer PESETICIDES are chemicals that are used to kill insects or pests

Dr. Frank Ampy from Howard University studies environmental carcinogens. He observes that three pesticides cause an increased risk of cancerous tumors, and wants to know which one which one is the worst (increases the risk of cancerous tumors the most). He plans an experiment using mice and the three pesticides: DDT, Quintox, and Tanos. He divides the mice into four groups, with 5 mice in each group. Group 1 is exposed to DDT, Group 2 is exposed to Quintox, Group 3 is exposed to Tanos, and Group 4 is not exposed to any pesticides. After 1 month, Dr. Ampy counts how many tumors form in the mice in each group.

Who is running the experiment? ________________________


The Important Part Is Independent Variable

In The Experiment This Is

Dependent Variable

Experimental Group(s)

Control Group


STATION 2: FUN WITH FLASHCARDS Directions: Use the materials provided at your station to make flashcards of the following vocabulary terms. When you are finished, you use your flashcards to quiz yourself or a partner Independent Variable Dependent Variable Control Group Experimental Group Constants Scientific Method Theory

STATION 3: APPLE A DAY Directions: Choose one of the questions below and design an experiment to determine the answer. You must make a hypothesis, determine an independent variable, dependent variable, control group, experimental group(s), and at least 3 constants. 1. Circle the question you will design an experiment to answer: Does eating an apple everyday keep the doctor away? Does eating chocolate cause zits? Does going outside with wet hair make you catch a cold? Does swimming right after eating cause cramps? 2. Make a hypothesis: If ___________________________________________________ then___________________________________________________________________

3. The independent variable is ______________________________________________

4. The dependent variable is _______________________________________________

5. The control group is ____________________________________________________

6. The experimental group is _______________________________________________

7. Three constants in this experiment are _____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

ONE-PAGER Directions: Fill the space below with important words, phrases, or images that you think you should study for your quiz. You must fill the entire page and use at least three colors.

HW9: Evaluating Experiments Name: ________________________

Biology I Date:______________

Name ______________________ Quiz 2: Experimental Design

Period _____________

Directions: Write the following steps of the scientific method in order Draw conclusions Perform a controlled experiment Make a hypothesis State a problem Analyze data

Gather background information

1. _____________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________ 4. _____________________________________________ 5. _____________________________________________ 6. _____________________________________________

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct important part of an experiment. At the bottom of the page draw a picture of your teacher eating ants.

7. A(n) _________________________ variable is the part of the experiment the scientist changes on purpose. It is the cause. 8. A(n) _________________________ group is the set-up where the scientists changes something / adds the experimental treatment. 9. A(n)__________________________ variable is the part of the experiment that the scientist measures. It is the effect that depends on the independent variable. 10. _____________________ are the things in an experiment that stay the same in all groups or set-ups in order to make sure the experiment is a fair test. 11. A(n) ___________________ group is a group that does not receive the experimental treatment. It is used for comparison, and represents the normal situation.

Directions: Pick out the important parts of the experiment below! A student designed an experiment to see if plants grow better when watered with a sugar solution. He divided the plants into three groups. Once a week for two months, he watered the plants in each group using a different sugar solution for each plant group. Group A got watered with water only, Group B got watered with a 25% sugar solution, and Group C got watered with a 50% sugar solution. All groups received the same amount of sunlight, soil, and were kept at the same temperature. At the end of two months, he measured the final height of each plant.

Who is running the experiment? ________________________


The Important Part Is 12. Independent Variable

In The Experiment This Is

13. Dependent Variable

14. Experimental Group(s)

15. Control Group 1. 16. Constants List 3! 2. 3. CONGRATULATIONS! You have finished your biology quiz. Remember, there is absolutely no talking until everyone has finished. Talking means cheating, and cheating will result in a horrific grade of ZERO! Draw a picture of your teacher breakdancing in the space below.

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