Telekinesis Techniques

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United Psionics Club Telekinesis Techniques ....................................................2 Telekinesis .......................................................................4 Introduction to Micro Psychokinesis ................................9 Light Dimming ..............................................................11 Passive Psychokinetic Force...........................................14 Affecting Radiowaves ....................................................16 Affecting Fire for Beginners ..........................................18 Telekinesis Experiment ..................................................20

Telekinesis Techniques
by JoeT

Telekinesis Techniques Telekinesis is a skill that requires both practice and patience. I know, two words that most new guys hate, suck it up its well worth it. Ive been practicing telekinesis for several years now and Ive improved dramatically. One thing that made me better and more advance in telekinesis is that I made some neat new techniques that work really well. Most people I have chatted with have a lot of problems because they dont know what techniques they should use, hopefully this will help. Getting Started: Well before you start you shouldnt have any doubt in your mind whatsoever. You need to know this is real and can be done. Dont even try to attempt telekinesis if you have the attitude like This probably won't work but hey Ill try because that will not work. You need to convince your subconscious that this will work, having a negative attitude won't help at all. So take some time before you start your practice and convince yourself that this will work. Relax: Now that you know this will work, youll need to relax. You need a fresh clear mind for telekinesis. Do whatever you need to relax. Some people like to meditate others like lay down for a little bit before they start. If you want to have any success with telekinesis youll need to learn how to relax your mind. Here are a couple of techniques to help you relax. Counting: Counting is a very useful technique to relax and clear your mind. First get into an comfortable position and close your eyes. Now pick a high number (Example 100 or 50) and start to count down. Now, while your counting down imagine that every time you go down a number your body is becoming more and more relax. Stairs: This technique is my personal favorite and used daily. First get in an comfortable position and start to relax. Now close your eyes and visualize yourself standing over a flight of stairs. Now take a deep breath and visualize yourself starting to walk down the flight of stairs. Now, while your visualizing yourself walking down the flight of stairs start to count the stairs. You can either count down or count up it really does not matter, just as long as you know that walking down the stairs signifies that you are becoming relaxed. Those are only a couple of techniques to clear your mind and become relaxed. Theyre many more relaxation techniques so please do not believe that those are only two ways to clear your mind in order to practice telekinesis. Clearing the mind is essential in the practice of telekinesis so make sure you clear your mind and relax before and while you are practicing telekinesis. Connection: The connection is the most important thing in telekinesis. The connection is what makes this all work. Now here is where people fail and have problems. Dont worry, I have some techniques that have helped a lot of people and Im sure these will work for you. Connection Tech 1: Set the object that you want to connect with down in front of you. For this example we'll use the infamous psi-wheel. Now once you have it set down in front of you, close your eyes and relax. Visualize yourself in the same room you are in now but only all white. Everything is pure white the walls, television, desk, pictures, computer everything. Now look at yourself and the wheel, and imagine that only yourself and the wheel are the color blue. You can use any color you want I personally use blue. Everything in the room is white except you and the wheel. Know this validates the connection between you and the wheel. Know that

everything is different except you and the wheel. This will help you become one with the wheel. Connection Tech 2: One again, set the object you have chosen to connect with down in front of you. We will again use the psi-wheel for our example. Now look at it and concentrate. Know that the object is connected to you and you are connected to the object. There is no difference between yourself and the wheel whatsoever. I like to state that message in my head around 3-5 times to help convince myself. Do not the connection, let the connection come to you. Now while saying this in your head, start to look for details in the wheel. What color is it? How big is it? Is it paper or tinfoil? etc. Looking at all those details makes the connection stronger. Objective Tech 1: Now that you have the connection with the object, youll want the object to accomplish something. In this example we will use the psi-wheel also. The objective is what makes the object accomplish a certain task. Since we are using the psi-wheel as our example our objective will for it to spin. Look at the psiwheel and ask it to spin in your head. Key word ask, dont try to force it. In my experience with telekinesis, Ive learned that trying to force an object to move tends to weaken the connection. Think of the object as your friend and youre just trying to move it in a friendly way. I like to say in my head Come on buddy please spin for me *laughter in the background* It may seem a little weird but believe me, it works. Objective Tech 2: Another great way to move an object is to use visualization skills. Close your eyes and see yourself and the psi-wheel in a room. Visualize yourself standing up and looking at the psi-wheel. Now, again your objective will be it to Spin. Now while visualizing yourself standing up and looking at the psi-wheel say Spin then visualize yourself spinning. While you are spinning see that because you are spinning the psi-wheel is spinning to join you. See that when you stop it will stop, and when you spin the psi-wheel will spin. This technique works very well for people that visualize a lot while practicing psionics. This is where patience comes to play, when people do not receive results quickly they tend to overdue the objective. Do not at all try to yell in your head or out loud spin because that will not help or work at all. People tend to get frustrated when they dont receive results as quickly as wanted. Telekinesis takes time to learn and most people dont understand that. So please practice intelligently and do not rush results. Practice: You should practice daily to obtain the skill of telekinesis. Set a time everyday to practice. When I first started, I practiced every night at 11:30 pm for a half hour. I suggest you pick a time that you are comfortable with to practice and decide how long you want to practice for. If practiced daily you should get results in time. Warnings: If at anytime you start to feel sick or receive a headache, stop at once. Do not force results let them come by there own. Practice at your own pace, some people may be able to practice for an hour, some people maybe able to practice for a half hour, it doesnt matter as long as your giving it your best. You should get the same results as the next guy practicing if youre practicing intelligently. Conclusion: Well I hope this article helps you accomplish the skill of telekinesis. I cant stress enough that telekinesis requires both patience and practice. Dont get discouraged if results come slow. Just keep your practice going and you will receive results. Thank you for reading and I hope you have great success with telekinesis. - JoeT

by Float

Introduction What one has not experienced, one will never understand in print. ~Isadora Duncan Ive been doing telekinesis for four years now, its been a long and confusing venture. When I was just starting out I was like many of you today, confused and not knowing where to start. When you first venture into telekinesis you find your-self searching for methods on the Internet all day, you want to find the best one. When you go around and ask people for that one method, a lot of times they will say something like "The best method is the one that works for you." We have all heard this before, and that doesnt answer our question. But actually, that is the right answer, the more you practice telekinesis the more methods you will come across, like the just do it method from psipog written by NI, to the "blast an energy ball at it" methods over the net. Not every method you use will work. And there is no right or wrong method. For me, even to this day my methods change a lot. But I have found methods that work better than other ones. In this short paper ill try to list some of the methods that worked for me, there is no guarantee that they will work for all for you, or for any of you in that matter. But they worked for me and hopefully this paper will help some of you. Before I start listing and explaining the methods, lets go over the dangers of TK. Telekinesis as we all know is a physical skill, and is VERY dangerous if not practiced wisely. If at any point in time you feel sick, Stop! Believe it or not there have been deaths related to telekinesis, dont become another one of those people, if you have an accelerated heart beat or any other kind of sickness, stop, get something to eat and chill for a bit. Now, on to what your reading this for.... The way I'm going to do this, is I'm going to list some methods, not all of the methods Ive used but some that have worked better for me and explain em. Then later ill give you some tips to get you off on the right track. Please note that the first method in this article is the one I currently use, but I still experiment with it. (Just so there arent any questions about that) Get it? Got it? Good... Information needed to do Method 1 Beginner Tactical Visualization: Okay, lets get to the point, shall we? If you are new to telekinesis, or if you are just reading this for a better insight on how I do my method, its important that you know how big of a roll tactical visualization plays in this method. Or better yet, how do use/do it. Basically, without this, this method really wouldnt be this method. So, lets get started. What is tactical visualization? Tactical visualization is basically visualizing with feelings, or recreating feelings. As an example, if you were creating a construct by normal visualizations, you would for instance imagine a pool of psi in your sternum area, and slowly move it up your chest, down your arms and into your hands, you would then proceed to pushing the energy out of your hands and forming a ball. But, if you were using tactical visualization, you would 'feel' the energy in your sternum area, and you would bring it up threw your chest, down your arms, into your hands, and form it into a ball, all by feeling it moving, rather than visualizing it moving. An easy exercise to practice if you are a beginner in tactical visualization is to take your finer and lightly slide it across your arm, do this a few times until you can memorize the feeling. Then relax and recreate that same feeling on your arm without touching your arm with your finger. Try this a few times until you start to feel something, but dont try to hard, you will get it eventually, its no race. Notice something? When you succeed you will notice that the feeling is not as strong as it was when you did it with your finger, this is completely normal, your not doing anything wrong. Practice this exercise a few times a day, try it will different parts of your body, and try to create that feeling from your elbow to the tips of your fingers, and from the tips of your fingers to your elbow. Feel it all around your arm, and engulfing your hand. For a further in-depth guide

on tactical visualization check out An Introduction to Tactical Visualization: By Spawn968 Which can be found at Beginner Sensitivity: Sensitivity, what is it? Sensitivity according to the America Heritage Dictionary is 1. Capable of perceiving. 2. Responsive to external conditions or stimulation. In our case its basically just feeling your environment and getting more in touch with psychic energies. Rather than going really in-depth with sensitivity, I suggest you go read Gnomes sensitivity manual, make sure you read that manual before you continue on with this article, otherwise you will most likely be really lost later on, and that wont help you much. In Gnomes sensitivity Manual that you should have read (you DID read it right? J) he lists a lot of methods and ways to increase your sensitivity, and I would suggest practicing them a decent amount. One exercise was to project your awareness outside of your body in front of you as if you were making a psiball. Here is where it gets semi complicated, I want you to project your awareness outside of your body like the above exercise, but stick your awareness inside of an object, any object will do, for instance, lets do it with your monitor, Project your awareness in the shape of a ball right outside of your body and slowly guide it into your monitor, when its inside your monitor expand it so it fills the whole thing and matches its-shape. Do you feel each corner of the monitor? The shape and density? Do you feel the texture of the monitor? Practice this exercise a few times a day on a variety of different exercises, for it is a key part in this method, and will come in really handy later on. After you have a hang of this exercise its time to move on to the second part of it. I want you to get an object, I guess the psiwheel in this case, set up the psiwheel and project your awareness into the wheel its self, not the tack. When you feel that you have a good feeling for the wheel, take your finger and spin it to the left, remember all those feelings it gave you when you spun it to the left. Now spin it to the right, do this a few times until you actually know what the psiwheel feels like when its spinning to the left or right. Method 1. Moving the object (Sensitivity/Tactical visualization method) Moving The Object Okay, so we have learned about Tactical visualization and Sensitivity, your thinking, *what the F*** does this have to do with TK!?* Well, what does it have to do with TK? Hell if I know, probably nothing at all, but its a part of my method so, yeah.. On to HOW to move the object with this new found knowledge. Now hopefully you guys have done what I so nice fully asked of you, and you practiced projecting your awareness into the psiwheel and spun it a few times. So I'm expecting that you have some experience in this now, I also hope that you guys practiced your tactical visualization, if not, dont even bother trying this because you will just be completely lost. For this method to actually work, you basically combine both Tactical visualization AND sensitivity, along with some other stuff. What I want you to do is to set up your psiwheel, before you do anything, I want you to charge your hands by starting at the elbow and slowly slide down into your hands. Now place your hands near the wheel, not to close, about six inches away on each side, or less, whatever Floats your boat (no pun intended) Now project your awareness into the wheel and feel it, just as you did on the exercises before (told you that you would be lost). Here is where it starts to get confusing, you now have your awareness in the wheel, and your hands charged. What I want you to do is to remember the feeling of the wheel spinning, either direction works. With this feeling in your mind, I want you to go back to your hand/hands and focus on it for a second, with the charged hand I want you to use tactical visualization to project the energy from your hand toward the psiwheel, at the same time, change the feeling of the wheel being stationary, to how it felt when it was spinning. Ive thought about this many times over, and thats the best I can explain it right now. This method may seem kind-of confusing right now, but trust me, try it for your-self, its a lot easier to do than it is to explain. Try it for your-self, experiment, change it around if you like, the more you practice the easier it will become, the steps you followed will become almost automatic with little concentration needed to be applied. Before you go run off and try it, I MUST warn you about the dangers of Telekinesis. Telekinesis is a physical skill, like jogging, you can jog a mile a day, and each month add on lets say, a quarter mile to your jogging distance, for the body can only take so much.  You cant go from jogging a mile and a half a day, to jogging 10 miles a day, it just WONT work. Same applies for telekinesis, start with the wheel and work your way up, its no rush, take your time. Be very careful as well, listen to the signs to stop your body gives you, if

you have an elevated heart rate, blur of sight, dizziness, nausea or any other symptoms STOP IMMEDIATLY! Go get something to drink and eat, and relax, fruits are wonders, as well as orange juice. There have been deaths related to telekinesis practice, so long as you practice smartly, and dont go like 3 hours non stop, and listen for the signals your body gives you, you will be fine. I'm not trying to scare ya, telekinesis is really fun, you just have to be smart. Remember, its no rush. Overview of Method 1: 1. Direct your awareness into the psiwheel. 2. spin the psiwheel to the left and right. 3. remember the feelings/sensations it gives you. 4. using tactical visualization direct energy into your hand. 5. gently focus threw your hand toward the object. 6. change the feeling of the object from stationary, to how it felt when it was moving toward the right or left. Method 2. Charging/Light pressure To begin with, what is charging? Charging is when you signal your nerves to fire and generate more psi in a selected area. This can be done by sending the action to your hand to create a fist, then canceling that action right after, you do this over and over again and it will feel a little funny at first. Charging can be very useful if you need to generate a certain amount of psi fast and I'd suggest that you work on charging awhile before you move on, not that you are going to listen to me You can also charge just about any part of your body, but avoid the head and spinal areas. You should work on charging your hands on a daily basis to get use to it, after awhile you wont have to do the signal cancellation technique anymore, and all you'll have to do is basically just think about charging a certain part of your body, and it will do it. Before we get onto the actual method, I have to stress it again, if at any point in time you feel sick, STOP, please please PLEASE do not take this lightly, its very serious, you can seriously hurt your nervous system or die if you practice too hard, your body knows whats best for you, listen to it. Now, you all know what charging is, and have a general idea of how to move it, so lets get onto the movement of the object, once again go grab your psiwheel and set it in front of you. Place your hands near or around it and charge them, but make sure they arent to close to it, for those of you that do not want to use your hands, charge right slightly above the eyebrows, in the middle of your forehead, the third eye area for those of you that believe in chakras. For the time being, I want you to only focus on charging your hands or third eye, when you feel you have charged enough, very gently, think at a corner of the wheel, gently nudge it. But while you do this dont lose focus on your charging, this is a very important part, remember it. This is so that you are focused on moving the wheel but all of your attention is not on it, telekinesis seems to work a lot better for people when less attention is on the object, or movement of the object. Overview of Method 2 1. Learn/Practice charging. 2. Charge your hands or Third eye area's. 3. Gently nudge the wheel into movement. 4. Continue to focus on both charging, and moving the object. Method 3. Energy Projection For this method, we are going to refer to the Psionic Social Club web site, which can be found at In one of RainTurtles/Songs seminars she discusses holding both hands out in front of your face, and on your dominant hand hold/point at your non-dominant hand with your index finger. Tense your index finger to almost the point of it shaking,  while doing this you imagine the finger being a laser beam and you draw a shape on your other hand. This is a very good exercise and was very helpful to me when I was using this method, for more info on the seminar, go read it on the site. I suggest practicing that whenever you get a chance for its an important part in this method. Now, I want you to get your psiwheel once again or any other object of

your choice, then tense your index finger and charge it or bring psi into it, either one works, but I my-self prefer charging it. Now point at the object and project a dense beam of psi from it toward the object, while you do this, focus strictly on projecting the beam towards the object, and pushing, but dont actually focus on moving the object. Thats the confusing part about this method. Its quiet simple though, just takes some practice. Overview of Method 3 1. Practice drawing shapes on your hand. 2. Charge or bring energy into your index finger. 3. Project a dense beam of energy towards the object. 4. Focus on projecting the beam and on pushing, but not on moving the object. Method 4. Willing It Willing an object to move is basically just thinking at the object, or mentally pushing/pulling it. Ill bet about half of you reading this, that have practiced TK before, have all tried or done this method. Its one thats very simple because all you do basically is just look at something, and kind of force it to move by thought alone. Go grab your object and take a seat, just to go over some of the simple precautions again, make sure your room is free from drafts, and it will give you some time to your-self for a few minutes. Set up your object, I guess for most of you this will be the psi-wheel. Now glance over at one corner of the wheel, mentally push it, dont imagine it moving, just push it. Same goes for pulling it, just mentally pull it in the desired direction. There isnt much to this method, its mostly self explanatory. Overview of method 4 1. Set up your object in a quiet, draft free environment. 2. Relax and glance at a corner of the wheel. 2. Mentally push or pull on the corner. Tips/Final words While you practice telekinesis you will come across a lot of different methods created by people, My advice in that field is once you are having success with one method, dont go running off to change it. There is no such thing as the best method, there isnt one method that will give you ultimate success. Now a days I see a lot of beginners looking for the easiest object to move, whats the point? I see a lot of people get stuck on the wheel these days, mostly because people feel that they want to master the psiwheel before moving on, this is not true. You will gain more control over the psiwheel when you move onto other objects. After you can move the psiwheel decently, try an empty soda can, practice with it for awhile until you achieve success. An empty soda can is a hell of a lot easier than a pencil, and harder than a psiwheel, so its right in the middle, its a far better idea to move onto something like that, then it is to go around trying to spin this balanced, and that balanced. Once you can move a soda can, or a pencil, you will achieve far more control over the psiwheel. As far as practice time goes, I would suggest 30 - 40 minutes a day, every day, with breaks in-between, Like a break every 15 minutes. But thats just me, you can go on your own schedule, but DONT over do it, you dont want to hurt yourself. I hope you all continue to practice TK and get better, remember to take your time, you dont want to hurt your-self, its not a rush.   Well I think that just about covers it.. Until next time. ~Float Quotes There is nothing so easy to learn as experience and nothing so hard to apply. ~Josh Billings "What one has not experienced, one will never understand in print." ~Isadora Duncan

"Everything has been said before, but since nobody listens we have to keep going back and beginning all over again." ~Andre Gide "Do you know the difference between education and experience? Education is when you read the fine print; experience is what you get when you don't." ~Pete Seeger

Introduction to Micro Psychokinesis

by Anonymous

Introduction Psyhcokinesis, often called telekinesis, can be divided into two identical, yet different branches of practice micro psychokinesis and macro psyhcokinesis. Macro PK is psychokinesis on a large scale; moving and sliding actual objects. Micro PK is usually more subtle and goes unnoticed most of the time. It is the ability to affect the outcome of probability. Judging by the title, the scope of this article shall only cover Micro PK so please bear with me. Micro PK seems to be much easier than Macro PK. In my six (and counting) years of experience with this skill, I have found it to be much more beneficial than Macro PK. You cant really use Macro PK on a daily basis. I mean sure, it can be a neat skill to have and scare your friends half to death with causing their perception of reality to crumble. Just dont expect to be lifting car 50 feet in the air. So what are the applications of Micro PK you ask? It can do a multitude of trendy things. Take for example a dice roll, when playing some sort of chance game and someone rolls a dice I usually have the temptation to cheat. Do not get confused that predicting an outcome of an event is totally different than manipulating it (although some people disagree). Predicting an event (future) is called precognition. Do not get confused about the two for scientist generally categorize each other under grouping. No one knows how exactly Micro PK functions or operates. As for now Psionics still remains a parascience which means that it cannot be explained through mathematical or scientific means. This does not mean that it will not be proven in the future, it just means since there isnt a logical explanation, it is simply regarded as crap. I know your thinking crap is a harsh word to describe it as but on the contrary; most of the scientists that were actually correct about their theories that had outrageous ideas and hypotheses were labeled as imprudent. As for the whole "psi" thing, it also remains a theory. People think of psi as energy but truthfully no one can truly say what it is. Psi stands for that variable that is the unknown factor that causes telepathy, psychokinesis, psiballs, and etcetera. Alright it's time to get down to the grit. The first step is having confidence in yourself and your objective. Think not of uncertainty, just about your success that will soon come. When I fully believe that the outcome is going to happen, it does. Take for example a coin, how many outcomes are there when flipping a coin? There are actually three if you count it standing on its side which is somewhere near impossible to impractical to do unless youre lucky or truly that advanced. To make it less complicated lets stick with two outcomes heads and tails. Before you even start your experiment make a quick prediction how many times it will land on heads or tails out of six tosses. Done? Good. If you said heads and three tails then that would be the expected answer I would get. Well, you're wrong. The reason being is because of a factor known as probability. It doesnt have a pattern it follows. It is completely random. But what if you could manipulate probably? Then you could choose what could happen. How To First, pick your event or situation that you want to manipulate whether it be flipping a coin or affecting a number generator. After you have done that, picture the outcome of the situation exactly as you want it to happen. Do not cloud your mind with doubt because this will lead to your mind wondering off and leading to failure. How do you correct this? Get your subconscious mind to slow down its unnecessary thinking so that you can concentrate on telling it the outcome of your objective. Eventually, with enough effort and attention put forth, it will happen. Being passive or neutral has helped me in the past so hopefully it will work for you.

In conclusion, Micro PK is manipulating the outcome of an event. Micro PK could probably even affect stuff on a larger scale such as affecting someone thousands of miles away from you or changing the direction of a storm. I have never done something to this extent but I am sure it is possible. Heh, it should not be called Micro PK anymore if it can affect such large scale things. Okay, time for a brief overview of what we just discussed so allow me to spell it out for you: Find your objective Think of it happening and nothing more Remain passive or neutral and just will it to happen Finally, enjoy the end result This is indeed a nifty and great skill to learn. Just remember to practice on a daily basis and make sure you have fun with it and enjoy yourself while doing so. As the saying goes, If you find a job you enjoy, you won't work a day in your life. You haven't truly lived until you've seen it all,



Light Dimming
by Alegiojon

Introduction Maybe you have experienced it yourself already: While practicing Psychokinesis, the lights near you suddenly started to dim or flicker. Coincidence? Maybe, but this could have been an application of Psychokinesis! This is something you can learn to do consciously. This manual is based on my own experiences with this form of PK. First I'd like to say the one thing you probably have read/heard many times before: you don't have to believe it's possible, but it does help. For some people it will take more time and for others it'll take less, but I believe all depends in how much you want it and how much effort you put in it. How I discovered it When I was 11 years old I saw a movie called "Matilda". It was about a little girl who could do psychokinesis and turn off lights, and for some reason it caught my interest. I started trying to do these kinds of things with no success. Until one day I was sleeping in my bedroom and I just woke up. I noticed the lights were on, but I always sleep with only one light working. So I stared at the light and started to repeat "turn off" in my mind. Nothing happened, and I decided to say that phrase out loud. After a few minutes the light dimmed. It went pretty quickly though so that motivated me more, and I kept at it. After a couple minutes the light just turned off. I was very impressed but also scared, and I ran to my mom's bedroom to tell her what just happened. She didn't believe me at all and I insisted that she take a look at the light. When she came to my bedroom she saw with her own eyes the light was turned off, and for some reason it turned on again by itself right before her eyes. I remember she got mad at me and told me to stop doing these weird things. Luckily it's different now that I'm older and have more control over my own life. My theory about how it works Well as most of you know and as some people have also said in other manuals, we all have an "aura" or magnetic field surrounding our body. This field can be moved by our minds, and it can also be moved at distance, away from your body. I believe if people can move the psi-wheel at distance, they can dim a light. So for me it works like this: We can "send" energy to the light and of course those bulbs have magnetic fields too which I think when both energies are together (your energy and the bulb energy) it creates a "dim" effect. How to do it -The 'third eye-vision' method: These methods are based on my own experience. They don't necessarily have to work for you, so I suggest you try different things and experiment with it. 1. Relax, you have to be all calmed down not stressed, not mad, not sad, just being in a natural and relaxed state. (Though you could experiment with emotions involved) 2. Select a light. I recommend to try with different lights, different sizes, voltages etc. (It didn't work with neon lights for me but that doesn't mean it's impossible, investigate and experience with it) 3. Focus in what you want to do, clear your mind of any thoughts (really important step) 4. Stare at the light and "visualize" or try to actually see something that surrounds the light. I believe that is the

magnetic field I mentioned before. 5. Now try to do the same thing as when you spin a psi-wheel at distance. You can visualize energy flowing out of your third eye chakra directly to the light, (Please do a search on Google for "third eye charka" if you are not familiar with this term) but personally I don't visualize anything. What I do is move the magnetic field that is surrounding the bulb just like when I move the psi-wheel at distance. I think it's the same process as when you would have to move that thing inside of the bulb and after doing it for a while you might already see some dimming. For me it's not complicated to see that field surrounding the bulb. If I stare at a light for some seconds without much effort, I can see it. Note: the important thing is to mix both energies, the bulb energy with your energy, remember to imagine the magnetic field moving inside of the bulb, could be a bit confusing you have to learn how to differentiate the magnetic field and the after image thing, an after image is something that happens to the vision when you stare some minutes at something, so with the light happens a lot, you can notice when is an after image by looking at a wall after staring at the light for some minutes, if when you stare at the wall you see something like, green or violet that is probably the after image I mentioned. 6. After dimming lights for a while you will probably want to do something harder, like turning them off. Basically this works the same as dimming, but it requires practice, just like with TK. Have patience and practice it regularly. It works better for me at nights and if you have had something similar like dimming lights while you practice TK or anything that requires concentration, I believe you'll get it really fast. -the fingertips method: This one is a bit complicated for me, also harder, but try both methods and see what becomes easier for you. I'll explain what you have to do, first do the four last steps in the third eye method. 1. First keep this in mind, YOU can do it, can you spin a psi-wheel with your hand or with a finger? Then you can dim a light. 2. Pick the cable or put a hand in the switch of the light, concentrate energy in the hand-finger you are using. At this point you could feel some tingly or heat sensation which is good. When you feel this, try rubbing the cable/switch, to make the feeling stronger. Eventually you will feel an electricity-like sensation, don't get scared by the feeling, it is 'normal'. 3. When you are really sure about the feelings all you have to do is wait, and also I advise you to use distraction at this point. For example, you can start thinking about anything you want in your mind, try to remember things you have to do, or things you did the last day, but keep the light dimming in the back of your head. When you least expect it you'll see it did dim! That's basically all you have to do, while using the distraction keep touching and rubbing the cable-switch. Note: you can try this as exercise to concentrate energy at different parts of your body, get relaxed, could be lay down if you prefer, or just sited in a comfortable chair, now try to breath really deep at least for three times, try to feel your heartbeat, now try to concentrate the beats in any other part of your body. I believe many of you have done this before, this is not really complicated but I think it helps in learning how to concentrate the energy on different parts of your body.


Feelings while doing it When I'm focused on a light most of the time I feel some kind of pressure in my third eye chakra area, or a tingly sensation. Sometimes when the light dims I feel like my "brain" is also "dimming". This might sound a bit weird but it's like a little electrical shock. Sometimes when I go somewhere and there are some lights on, they suddenly start to dim or flicker even if I'm not trying to do it, so be aware that this could become annoying if you don't have it fully under control. Final thoughts Well all I have to say is good luck to you all! If you are still having some doubts which I understand, just send me a profile message. Though I believe it will start to happen to all of you who are practicing TK seriously, it's something that happens instantaneously... Greetings, ~Alegiojon


Passive Psychokinetic Force

by Shadowwarrior13

Introduction As I sat one day in school, fooling around with the foil, I noticed something weird. As I would concentrate, I got the idea to "hold back", so I did it, and used my PK in kind of a passive state. I could feel a kind of pressuring feeling at the spot I was concentrating. I then "let go", and the foil jumped forwards about three inches. I was so surprised, that I thought it was the wind. So, like any new skill, I did it several more times, thought about it, and developed techniques for newbies to use. Here is the result of my experimenting. The idea of this is for Psychokinetic force to build up next to the object in question. Force will be sufficiently stored in a relative point in space until released, forming a kind of concentrated burst of kinetic energy, resulting in the desired outcome. The only setback is the outcome, movement, will be short. Like a gamma ray burst, it will be powerful, yet short. What we want to do is trick the subconscious into applying Passive Psychokinetic Force, or PKF, to a point floating in space, close to the object in question. There are a few ways to do this, but I find the easiest with the Just-Do-It method. If you dont know what this is, its when you dont use any visualization to move whatever it is youre moving, but you "feel" PK, and direct it by sheer force of will. With Just-Do-It, you can direct the PK to "well up" in a point next to whatever youre trying to move. I was talking to one of my test subjects who uses visualization to move the psiwheel, and we started discussing visualization techniques for those who use it. A visualization would have to relate to PK, and to PK charging up at a point. Good ideas are visualizing a battery materializing at the location, a wall stopping the PK force, or anything designed to hold. One person even used those science fiction doors, the ones that slide open, and let it hold back PK until it opened. Another good one is a dam, holding PK force back like water, then letting it go when enough had built up. Now on to practical application of PKF. I will begin with using the Just-Do-It method. Get a small object, preferably the psiwheel or a piece of tissue to start with. Ill be walking through the psiwheel, so feel free to adapt it to anything you wish. I find it easy when starting out to use your dominant hand, placed open on its side, when starting out. Warming up helps get the feel for PK, so I suggest a couple minutes of psiwheel practice. Now, remember the feeling of PK, and look at a point about an inch away from one of the sides of the psiwheel. Dont focus on the surface of whatever the psiwheel is sitting on, but focus a bit above it, in the air. This can be accomplished by imagining something floating above the table, even just a dot. Focusing in the air is not necessary, as focusing on a nick or mark on the table works just fine. I find it helps the idea of a PK ball develop to the subconscious to focus in the middle of the air. Now, try and "move" that spot, stopping the PK about an inch away from the psiwheel. You may start to feel a build up of a kind of pressuring feeling there. Now, after a few minutes of build up of this feeling, "aim" towards the psiwheel, by focusing at a point on the psiwheel, usually a side. What we want to do is make it shoot off to the side, completely off of the thumbtack. To accomplish this, you have to let go of the big ball of PKF you just built up. There are two ways to do this. One, give the ball of pressure one last "push" and send it flying towards the psiwheel. Two, send the command to your subconscious, in this case, pulverize the psiwheel, and get distracted. This can be done simply by thinking "knock this damn thing away", and reading a book. If all goes well, you may get drastic results, from the psiwheel merely shaking a bit, from it flying off the thumbtack and across the room! Now, for visualization. Pick your favorite visualization from the section a few paragraphs up, or make your own. When making your own, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. One, it should symbolize PK, or just force, in your mind. An example could be a rod extending from your hand and pushing the psiwheel, or wind bursting from your palm. Two, it should also symbolize Storing something, or holding something back in your

mind. Good examples are walls, dams, or moats. Pick your visualization, set the psiwheel up, and get psyched up. Now, direct your visualization towards the psiwheel. Id explain this more in depth, but Id have to do it for every visualization. Just incorporate the psiwheel like if you were just spinning it, or anything else. So, how can we use this effect? Obviously, huge short-term effects can be produced. Those who cant roll pencils or the like could use this to roll pencils in one short burst. Those big effects we see in movies? Not AS big, but still, larger than normal scale things can be done. One could maybe give a burst to a wireless connection to help the range, or just screw with people. The only limit is your imagination. ~Shadowarrior13


Affecting Radiowaves
by JoeRoger

Affecting radiowaves Psychokinesis can be utilized in a variety of ways. Some applications are common, such as moving an object or affecting a dice. Others are less common, but are still being done all the time. In this article Im going to introduce you to a less common way of practicing PK, which can be done virtually everywhere and at about any time. I discovered this out of boredom, and the urge to accomplish something new. What Im talking about is affecting radiowaves. A convenient way of practicing this, is with a cell phone. The reason I use a cell phone when practicing this, is because a cell phone is something I carry with me everywhere I go, and because you can get constant feedback on the status of the signal by looking at the display. Another reason is that the antenna is short. Yet another reason is that once youre good at it, its an easy and effective way to show PK to someone, if ever that need would arise. Theory: As you may know, the electromagnetic spectrum consists of all possible electromagnetic radiation. This spectrum is arranged by wavelengths, with the shortest wavelenghts on the left, and the longest on the right. The specific frequency of a given radiation is in inverse ratio to the specific wavelength. From the far left you have gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet light, visible light, infrared radioation, microwaves, and finally the radio frequencies, which is of the greatest interest in this article. Radio waves are used for transmission of data via devices, such as television, mobile phones, wireless networks, and of course, the radio. Mobile phones use SHF (Super high frequency), which operate on the frequency of 3-30GHz. As the name suggests, its a pretty high frequency, but that doesnt mean much to us practically. Through the use of psi, frequencies can be changed. When you for example want to weaken your phones signal, you actually have to manipulate the incoming signal on-the-fly. This is not as hard as it sounds, and the good thing with psi is you dont need to be a nuclear physicist in order to, say, manipulate a candle flame. The same thing goes for this. So even if you dont know anything about radio waves, that doesnt mean its any harder for you to affect them. Method: Im now going to describe two methods Ive used. The first one uses visualization: First, sit down in a comfortable position, relax, and get in the state of mind youre in when youre doing PK. Hold the cell phone with both hands. Next, try to see the incoming signal around the phone in your mind. Make it as vivid as you want. While keeping the visualization in your mind, start focus on distorting the signal. See it becoming distorted in your mind. Then, while focusing on the distorting, put a finger next to the signal bars. I prefer to use my dominant thumb or pointing finger. Focus on the distorting, while forcing the bars to disappear as if pushing something with your finger. Once you see one of the bars disappearing, keep at it, eliminating one bar at the time until all are gone. This method may be good start out with. But once youre able to do it, the visualization starts coming a little obsolete. Then you can do it this way:

As in the first method, sit down, relax, and get in your usual PK state. Now, while holding the phone in your hands, put your finger against the signal bars as in the first method, but without visualizing anything. Focus intently on removing the signal bars. I find that a sense of a knowing confidence helps a lot when doing it. This is something you may be familiar with from previous PK experience. Otherwise, its something you can develop with some practice. Keep doing it until you can completely disable the signal. Once you can decrease the signal significantly, try increasing the signal when the signal is low. You may find this just as easy. I first talked to someone else who claimed to do that, and at first I didnt believe it, but after trying a bit I succeeded. I cant really explain how its done, but it still works. Conclusion: For those looking for new ways to practice, I believe doing this can be a useful addition. There are a number of things you can do with it once you get better. If you practicing with a friend located someplace else, try lowering his signal from distance. It can even be of use when talking to someone with a bad signal by increasing their signal while talking to them. (I have done this during conversations, and the signal has improved. I dont know exactly why connection gets better as well, but it does happen.) And why stop with cell phones? Once you get better, try messing with a radio or a TV or something else. Dont let anything but your imagination get in your way. Above all, have fun.



Affecting Fire for Beginners

by Xict

Introduction: When you hear the word fire, what do you first think of? Perhaps heat, burning, pain, or flames? Though some people, like most inexperienced psions, think of pyrokinesis as the psionic generation of heat. I myself, think of it more so as control, rather than generation. Using the power of ones mind to control fire may seem fictional to some and real to others. Im not here to form conjurations of skepticism, but to teach those who care and are willing to put time and dedication into an ability that it itself will bring shock and awe. Dont worry; this article wont be entirely boring. Ill make it entertaining, I promise. Information Affecting fire is a form of psychokinesis,(not pyrokinesis) the production or control of motion, especially in inanimate and remote objects, without the use of physical contact. To simplify this, affecting fire is manipulation at a molecular level. For example, if you speed up a molecule it creates heat. You want to speed up many at a time, get them excited. Like giving a child candy and watching them bounce off the walls. (Not literally). Warning: I am forewarning you that this form of psychokinesis can be dangerous, so practice at your own risk. If at any point you feel light headed, headache, nausea, any thing out of the ordinary, get something to eat/drink and take a break. If you catch on fire I would presume drop and roll is a good option.(kidding on that last one) But it is dangerous, after all, you're playing with fire. Basics: At the beginning roots of psychokinesis, I would stray away from trying to create fire. You want to be able to control it before trying to ignite a piece of paper, or something along those lines. A task that many find to be the easiest is making the flame dance. No, its not going to grow legs and start hoping around, more of a slow rotation from left to right and forward and backward, like ripples in a pond. I ask now that you find a candle lying around in your house or possibly go buy one. You will also need a match or lighter, and possibly a glass of water if you just so happen to knock over the candle or whatever could happen when messing with candles. Got them? Good. If not, stop reading! (Joking). If you practice meditation it is a good idea to meditate for about a half an hour before starting. It helps you feel relaxed and stops your mind from wondering as much. Make sure all the windows and doors are closed in your house. You dont want any disturbances. Why? Well if the flame was jumping around and going insane you might think it is you. But no, its not, just the wind. For your own benefit they should be closed. Set the candle at approximately one foot away from your body and keep breathing to a minimal. No, dont suffocate yourself so you pass out. Just try breathing lightly to help interference away from the flame. As you breath at your pace, watch the flame for awhile, notice any odd changed in direction of the flame, so you can know if an outside force is manipulating it.


Exercise 1 Brighter: Light the candle. And if you would like to, play music as well, it helps me. Try to pick a variety of music that doesnt involve lyrics. People may will tell you to create a tunnel between you and the flame but I dont seem to find good results with that method. In this method, keep your hands away from the candle. What I am asking you to do is think of heat. Think of fire burning throughout your entire body. Ignore everything around you; its just you and that flame. Focus on the wick, where you see the blue flame. Imagine it as thousands of small balls pulled together (molecules). And spinning around in circles very fast, simultaneously, getting hotter and hotter, creating light. Think of the heat. With enough concentration the flame will get brighter, then die down and brighter again. You might get excited, and it will disturb your concentration which may lead you to start all over again. But dont worry, you will soon get used to it and then you can continue further with more ease. Insight: Some might say this carrys onto slowing the molecules instead of speeding them up, but I feel this is something you need to learn if you care to pursue pyrokinesis. If the flame was out of control I dont think you would want to sit there and watch it burn down your house. I know everyone here would love to watch there house burn down. (Joking). If anything, you would need to put it out. Even though you have water, thats not the point. To be in control, you need all angles of control. Exercise 2 Extinguish: Light the candle. Place both of your hands three inchs away from the candle on both sides (Left hand, left side. Right hand, right side. Of course!) Ever created a psi ball? Lets hope so. If not, read an article on it. Start the first steps of making a psi ball and create energy flowing through ought your body and to your hands. But dont release it. Keep sending energy to your hands and storing it. Imagine those thousands of small balls pulling apart and slowing down (molecules). Have your palms facing inward and when ready release the energy like a current down a stream. Will the flame to die out. And if you need, image a dam of water pouring out of your hands onto the flame, or perhaps a wind current. Imagine the flame getting smaller. See the flame getting smaller. With practice it will dim and go out. Tip: Go out into the sun, when it is a hot day. You will feel your body getting hotter and start to sweat after time. Acknowledge the feeling of the heat upon your body and though it may seem difficult at first, try to re-create how you felt and how your perception was at that time when practicing the first exercise. This will help you concentrate on the flame because it feels as though the flame is heating you up and in general will help the experience with the entire first exercise. Conclusion: I hope this article will help you experience affecting fire with psychokinesis as I did when I first started. As in all psionic abilities, this takes patience and practice. Dont quit if you dont see result the first time you try. In time, you will see them. And remember, this can be dangerous so please practice safe. ~ Xict


Telekinesis Experiment
by JoeT

Over my years of studying and practicing psionics I have always been interested in performing and hosting experiments. As you all know, I practice and teach telekinesis on a daily basis. During that time I have heard the same question and complain I can't spin the psi-wheel under a glass. Joe, any suggestions? and I've always pondered does the glass effect the motion of the psi-wheel?, or is it just a distraction in which we prejudge it will be harder to move?". So I decided to host an experiment to figure this mystery out. The main problem of this experiment was figuring out how I was going to find a good candidate to help me with this experiment. Ill admit I was hopeless even with the people I teach, simply because they have already grown skill wise and have moved on to bigger objects. I needed a candidate who had no prior knowledge or experience with telekinesis to help me with this experiment. Luckily, I met the absolutely best person for this experiment. Her name was Amanda, I see her around school a lot and happened to be in one of my classes. We have always talked about the paranormal and other topics that we like to discuss about. One day, she mentioned that she was interested in telekinesis and how she was thinking about practicing it. I jumped with excitement and said Ill gladly teach you. Now you may be asking yourself Why is she the best person for this experiment? Well my curious friend, she is blind. This makes it perfect because not only will she not know if she is moving the psi-wheel, she wont be able to tell if there was a glass over it. Now, I did not tell her about the experiment simply because I didnt want her to make the same analogy that most do when they hear There will be a glass over the psi-wheel and believe it will be harder to move. So I started to teach her from the beginning. I went over the basics and she got results surprisingly fast. After around a week of spinning the wheel, I taught her how to control the psi-wheel. This was a little difficult because she could not see the wheel and all my techniques I have on control are made for visualization and seeing the object. So I decided the best way to help her know if she was moving the wheel was to teach her how to connect with the paper and feel the paper. This is widely known as becoming one with the object. Within a week or so, she learned to connect with the paper correctly and was starting to know if and when she was moving the object. After around three weeks she was beginning to ask what can I move next?, so I knew that I should perform the test soon. The next day I brought in a small drinking glass that would cover the psi-wheel while still giving it space to spin. So we sat down and started to practice. I said Okay, tomorrow will work on moving a marble so lets make this last day of practice on the psi-wheel good. She agreed and was excited about the next day. While she was spinning the psi-wheel she stopped and went to the bathroom. I knew this was the perfect opportunity to place the glass over the wheel, so I did. When she came back she was oblivious to the fact that there was a glass over the wheel and sat down. She talked for about a minute or two then went into spinning the psi-wheel. Just as I expected, the wheel moved the same way it was without the glass. There was no time difference either. It was exactly what I thought would happen. She continued to spin and control the wheel threw out the session until she put her hand by the glass and went "Hey there's a cup over it". I then explained the experiment and how she helped me with it. This small experiment helps show that the only thing stopping the psi-wheel to move under the glass is yourself and how you prejudice this new obstacle. Its all in your head. Think of it like this; your playing basketball with a few of your friends, you and your friends are winning easily and having fun. Then a couple of bigger guys come up to you and your friends asking want to play with us?. Whats going through your head? Your thinking these guys are bigger and taller than us, youll be sure to lose. You see, your doubting yourself straight off the bat and that is what makes you lose.

The glass is just a distraction, come into practice with your head held high and know that it does nothing except place the wheel in a secure location. So keep that in mind the next time your practicing. I would like to thank Amanda for helping me with this experiment. Thank you for reading and I hoped this helped. -JoeT


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