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Pile Design

PROJECT: ITEM: 920 Westchester Ave, BX, NY Pile design PAGE JOB # DATE: 1 OF6 1531



Foundation Wall Data: f 'c, grout strength f'c_f, footing concrete strength f 'y c steel strength casing f 'y b steel strength bar
, strength reduction factor for shear Area grout= Area bar= Area casing= Plunge length= Dia casing= Dia bond=

= = = = = = = = = =

5 4 60 75 0.75 52 2.25 11.9 5 8.625 10

ksi ksi ksi ksi in2 in2 in2 ft in in

(no 14. threaded bar) (HSS 8.625x0.500)

920 Westchester Ave

Pile Design

1. Pile Cased Length (Service Load Design)

For strain compatibility between casing and bar, use the following for steel yield stress: F y-steel = the minimum of Fy bar & Fy casing= 60 ksi Tension - Allowable load Pt -allowable = 0.55 Fy steel x ( Area bar + Area casing)= (Note: 0.55 is per AASHTO Table 10.32.1A) Tension Allowable load : Fa = Fy-steel/FS . . . . . FS = 2.12 P c -allowable = 0.40fc-grout Area gout + 0.47Fy-steel [Area bar + Area casing]

424.5 kips

(Note: 0.40 is per AASHTO; 0.47 is per AASHTO, i.e. 1/2.12 = 0.47)

503.03 kips

2.Pile Uncased Length (Service Load Design)

Cased bond length (plunge length) allowable load = P transfer allowable

257,717 lbs

bond nominal strength = geotechnical unit grout-to-ground bond strength=

2000 kpa 290 psi

920 Westchester Ave

Pile Design

Tension - Allowable load P t-allowable = 0.55 Fy bar x Area bar + P transfer allowable= (Note: 0.55 is per AASHTO Table 10.32.1A)

350.5 kips

Compression - Allowable load P c-allowable = 0.4fc-grout x Area grout + 0.47 Fy bar x Area bar + P transfer allowable=

(Note: 0.40 is per AASHTO; 0.47 per AASHTO, i.e 1 /2.12 = 0.47)

441.0295 kips

>> 300 kips ok

920 Westchester Ave

Pile Design

3. Pile to Footing Connection

a. bond between the pile casing and the footing concrete: bond btwn casing & footing= casing embedment= 1.75 Mpa= 6 in 253.8 psi

P casing bond= (bond btwn casing & footing/FS)x3.14xD casing x Casing embedment = 20,617 lbs

920 Westchester Ave

Pile Design

b. Check if compression load can be transferred through bearing on pile top(figure 5-8) without optional bearing plate:

Pn, max Pn, max + Pcasing bond Detail in Figure 5-8 cannot work.

= =

323,159 lbs 343,776 lbs < 300 kips

c.Design for bearing plate without stiffeners Pu=300kips- P casing bond= 279.38 kips 920 Westchester Ave

Pile Design

109.56 in2

Use 11"x11" plate

2.05 in
fp=Pu/ 3.14*Dia casing

10.316 ksi

tp= Use 11x11x1" bearing plate

0.803 in

920 Westchester Ave

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