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All about Miss Malinda

My name is Malinda Irwin. I currently work at Head Start as an assistant teacher for the last year and love every minute of it. I feel like I make a difference in a child's life and that is my ultimate goal in life. I want to make a difference. I want to be the teacher that a child remembers when they are older for the positive impact I make in their lives. I am also a mother of a wonderful 9 year old boy who is my world. It is because of him that I am the teacher that I am today. My son has ADHD and we struggled over the last couple of years with teachers having a certain expectations and him not meeting those expectations therefore being sent to the office several times. He struggles with sitting still and being disruptive by blurting out answers, tapping his pencil on his desk and talking to his neighbors. Teachers are not very tolerant of this and it has become a very tough road for us. I want to be the teacher that knows that hands on approach is the best practice and if children are engaged then there will be less behavior issues. This has become my passion. I always knew that working with children was my passion. I am the oldest of six children so I have always been around children from an early age. My ultimate goal is to finish my Bachelor Degree and to either teach preschool children or kindergarten age children. I want to be one of their first teachers that shows them a love of knowledge.

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