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Longman ELT

Making Plans for a meeting

Look at this Outlook schedule for a meeting:

a] b] c] d]

What is the meeting going to be about? What time will the meeting start? What time will the meeting end? Where will the meeting take place?

1) Talking about dates: Write these months in the correct order: Start from January April August December February January July June March May November October September

__January_ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

2) Talking about days of the week. Write these days of the week in the correct order. Start from Monday. Friday Monday Saturday Sunday Thursday Tuesday Wednesday

__Monday__ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

This PHOTOCOPIABLE worksheet has been downloaded from Pearson Education Ltd 2007. Publishing as Pearson Paravia Bruno Mondadori spa. All rights reserved.

3) Match the times below the clocks.

Longman ELT
2] 3] 4] 5]






a) 10:10 g) 11.43

b) 12:45 h) 02:00

c) 11:40d) 10:25 i) 12:00

e) 02.23

f) 12:05

4) Read these phrases about meetings. Check that you understand the verbs in bold. a) Can we postpone our meeting from Thursday afternoon at 3 oclock to Friday morning at 11 oclock? b) Im afraid Ill have to miss the packaging meeting on Wednesday afternoon. I have an important customer coming to visit. c) Can we bring forward our meeting from Friday at 10 to tomorrow at 9? d) Well have to cancel the meeting. about the staff party. We havent got any money for a party. 5) Match the questions and responses: 1] Can we meet tomorrow afternoon? 2] Can we bring forward our meeting from Wednesday to Tuesday? 3] Vanessa says she is sorry but cant come to the meeting at 11.30. 4] Bill wants to postpone the meeting until he gets the mid-year results. 5] Im in traffic on the M25. I dont think Ill arrive in time for the meeting. a) No, Im busy all day on Tuesday. b) Thats okay. I want to hear those results. c) Dont worry. We have already cancelled the meeting. d) Yes, Im free after 4.30. e) Thats a pity. Vanessa usually has good ideas.

This PHOTOCOPIABLE worksheet has been downloaded from Pearson Education Ltd 2007. Publishing as Pearson Paravia Bruno Mondadori spa. All rights reserved.

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