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Department of Chemistry University of Kentucky


Complexometric Titration of Zn(II) with EDTA


Submit a clean, labeled 250-mL volumetric flask to the instructor so that your unknown
zinc solution may be issued. Your name, section number, and your locker number should
be written legibly on this flask. The flask does not need to be dry on the inside, but needs
to have been rinsed with deionized water after it has been washed. Note that the flask
must be turned in at least 1 lab period before you plan to do the experiment so that the
Teaching Assistants will have time to prepare the unknown.



This experiment is an example of a classic titrimetric analysis. Classical methods of analysis
such as titrimetric and gravimetric analyses are usually capable of very high precision and
accuracy - typically on the order of0.1% or even better if done properly. However, there is
always a tradeoff. Usually classical methods are slower and much less sensitive than modern
instrumental methods of analysis such as atomic absorption spectroscopy, gas and liquid
chromatography, and mass spectrometry.

In a titration, an accurately known mass of sample is dissolved in an aqueous solution, often with
some sort of chemical treatment such as acid-digestion of solid samples, and diluted with high
purity water to an accurately known volume. Then, an accurately known volume of the sample
solution, called an aliquot, is pipetted into a titration vessel and the analyte of interest is carefully
titrated with a standardized solution of an appropriatetitrant to theendpoint or equivalence point
of the titration. To do this, you need to know when you reach the endpoint. This is often
accomplished by means of an indicator that undergoes a color change at the endpoint.

From the volume and molarity of the titrant, one can then calculate the number of mols of titrant
used. From the known stoichiometry of the reaction between the titrant and the analyte, one can
calculate the mols of the analyte and therefore the mass and/or molarity of the analyte. With
appropriate calculations, one can then determine the concentration and/or total mass of the
analyte in the original sample to complete the analysis.

CHE 226 - Analytical Chemistry Laboratory 17 Zn EDTA
Department of Chemistry University of Kentucky

This titration is known as acomplexometric or chelometric titration because the titrant, aligand,
reacts with the analyte, a metal ion, to form acomplex, more specifically a chelate in this case. A
chelate is a ligand that has two or more sites that bind to the central ion.

EDTA [ethylenediaminetetraacteic acid, C
MM =292.24 g/mol, often symbolized by H
Y] is an excellent chelating agent. It forms very
strong 1:1 complexes with almost every divalent and trivalent metal ion depending on solution
conditions. Ignoring charges for the moment,


Although it is an equilibrium, the reaction lies very far to the right. The equilibrium formational
constants, K
, are on the order of 10
- 10
depending on the metal and other conditions.

EDTA itself is a tetraprotic4-acid; it has 4 ionizable protons with pK
's =1.99, 2.67, 6.16, 10.26.
In its fully ionized form, Y , the four acetate groups and the lone pairs on the two nitrogens
make it ahexidentate ligand that wraps itself very tightly around a metal ion. Usually, titrations
are performed in basic solution, roughly pH 8-11.

The fully protonated form, H
Y, is only sparingly soluble in water, so the standard form of
EDTA used analytically is usually the disodium salt Na
Y 2H
O (372.24 g/mol), which is
much more soluble and available in primary standard purity, except for a small (about 0.3%)
amount of adsorbed water.


Preparation of Solutions

EDTA, 0.01 M.
This solution must be prepared at least one day ahead of time, a week is preferable, to
ensure that the solute is completely dissolved. EDTA solutions are prepared at an approximate
molarity, and then standardized against a solution of a primary standard such as CaCO

1. Dissolve about 3.8 g of the dihydrate of the disodium salt (Na
Y 2H
O) and 0.1 g MgCl

in approximately 1 L of deionized water in a large beaker or a 1-L plastic bottle using a
magnetic stirrer. A small amount of sodium hydroxide can be added if there is any difficulty
in dissolving the EDTA. Try not to exceed 3.8 g of the disodium salt because much more
than this dissolves only with difficulty.

2. Before use, the EDTA solution should be filtered using a Buchner funnel and suction
filtration. See a teaching assistant for the apparatus. [NOTE: Break the suction before you
turn off the water flow on the vacuum aspirator.]

3. Store the solution in a clean, labeled 1-L plastic bottle that has been rinsed with deionized
water. Never store reagent solutions in volumetric flasks.

CHE 226 - Analytical Chemistry Laboratory 18 Zn EDTA
Department of Chemistry University of Kentucky

Ammonia/Ammonium Chloride Buffer Stock Solution, pH 10.
Each titration will require the addition of pH 10 ammonia buffer. The stock buffer
solution has been prepared for you, and you should not have to prepare it. The
appropriate quantity (7-8 mL) is dispensed directly into your titration flask from the
plastic Repipetrepetitive dispenser located in Hood #7. The buffer should only be
added immediately before you titrate an individual sample. Recipe:

1. Dissolve 64.0 g of ammonium chloride in 600 mL of concentrated ammonia (14.8 M,
28% NH

2. Slowly and carefully add 400 mL deionized water with stirring. This should be sufficient
for over 120 titrations.

Calcium Standard Solution.
solution is prepared as a primary standard for Ca and used to standardize the
0.01 M EDTA titrant you prepared.

1. Tap out approximately 1 g of predried analytical-reagent-grade CaCO
in a weighboat.
Accurately weigh (to within0.1 mg) approximately a 0.25-g sampleby difference into a
150- or 250-mL beaker. NOTE: NEVER transfer chemicals inside an analytical

2. Add about 25 mL deionized water and then slowly add concentrated HCl dropwise with
periodic stirring until the sample dissolves completely. Then add 2 drops more. Keep the
beaker covered during the entire dissolution process. Mild heating will speed the
dissolution. Do NOT boil; this will spatter the calcium solution and lead to losses.

3. Transfer the solution quantitatively into a 250-mL volumetric flask. Rinse the beaker
thoroughly with deionized water, and carefully dilute to the mark with an eye dropper or
with careful use of your wash bottle. Mix thoroughly.

Because this Ca
standard solution is used to standardize the EDTA titrant, it must be
prepared very carefully so that you know its exact molarity. Therefore, an exactly known (to
0.1 mg) mass of CaCO
must be weighed out, dissolved completely, and transferred
quantitatively into the 250-mL volumetric flask. This is critical.

Standardization of the EDTA Solution

1. Attach your 50-mL burette to a ringstand, preferably using one with a white ceramic
base, and a burette clamp. If the only ringstands available have black bases, cover the
base with a completely white sheet of paper before you titrate a sample.

2. Open the burette valve and drain it completely into a "waste" beaker. Squirt down the
insides with deionized water a couple of times. If any water droplets remain attached
to the inside of the burette, you must thoroughly wash the burette with soap and a
burette brush to remove them. If you leave "reagent spots" in the burette while titrating,

CHE 226 - Analytical Chemistry Laboratory 19 Zn EDTA
Department of Chemistry University of Kentucky

the titration volume will be in error. Squirt down the insides of the burette a couple of
times with a mL or two of the EDTA solution with a medicine dropper to rinse any
remaining deionized water out of the burette.

3. Now close the burette valve and over-fill the burette with your standard EDTA solution.
Check to see if any air bubbles are trapped in the tip of the burette. If so, open and close
the valve quickly as though you were "squirting" reagent from the burette into the waste
beaker until the bubbles have cleared from the tip. Carefully bring the reagent level to
somewhere between the 0- and 1-mL marks. Do not try to bring the level exactly to the
0.00-mL mark. This is a waste of time. Rinse the burette tip off with a squirt of
deionized water, let it drain, and then touch the tip to the side of the waste beaker to
remove excess water.

4. Pipet 25.00-mL aliquots of your standard Ca
solution into each of three or four 250-mL
Erlenmeyer flasks. Each aliquot will thus contain one-tenth of the total CaCO
that was
weighed out to prepare the standard solution.

5. Take each sample to completion before starting the next sample. Read the initial volume
on the burette at least twice. Add 7-8 mL of pH 10 buffer from the Repipetdispenser,
15 mL of deionized water, and 3 drops of Eriochrome Black T indicator, immediately
prior to titrating a sample. The solution should be a pale pink. Do not add more
indicator to make the solution darker as this can cause problems with the endpoint.
Titrate the solution immediately with EDTA against a white background until the LIGHT
PINK solution turns a LIGHT SKY BLUE. Read the final volume at least twice.

Titrations must be performed swiftly (but carefully) because the NH
will evaporate to some
degree and thus the pH of the solution will change. In general, the faster the titrations are
performed the better the results will be, as long as the endpoint is not overshot due to excessive

It is advantageous to perform a trial titration to locate the approximate endpoint and to observe
the color change. In succeeding titrations, titrate very rapidly to within about 1 or 2 mL of the
endpoint, and then titrate very carefully, a drop or half-drop at a time, to the endpoint. Near the
endpoint, periodically squirt the sides of the flask and the burette tip and swirl the flask to ensure
all the titrant has gotten into the solution in the flask.

The endpoint color change is rather subtle, and sometimes it is slow, so you need to be careful at
the end. If you are having trouble with the endpoint color change, see Note 1 at the end of the
report for the preparation of "before" and "after" flasks.

Calculate the molarity of the EDTA solution from the volume of EDTA used in the titration of
each aliquot. The values (M
and titration volumes) should all agree very closely, to within
about0.2% relative standard deviation. If not, titrate additional aliquots until better agreement
is reached.

Outlying values can always be rejected for cause or one outlying value by using theQ-test.

CHE 226 - Analytical Chemistry Laboratory 20 Zn EDTA
Department of Chemistry University of Kentucky

Analysis of the Zinc Unknown

1. Carefully dilute your unknown sample in the 250-mL volumetric flask to the mark with
deionized water. Mix thoroughly.

2. Pipet 25.00-mL aliquots into each of three or four 250-mL erlenmeyer flasks. Add 15
mL of deionized water, 9-10 mL of pH 10 buffer, and 3 drops of Eriochrome Black T
immediately prior to titrating a sample.

3. Titrate with standardized EDTA until the pink solution turns light blue.

Calculate the milligrams of zinc in thetotal sample. Remember that each aliquot represents one-
tenth of the total sample volume - a 25-mL aliquot titrated out of 250 mL total volume.


The molarity of the Ca
standard solution (M
) is calculated in normal fashion using the molar
mass of calcium carbonate (MM CaCO
) weighed out and the total volume in liters of the
standard solution prepared.

Holcs o Co
I solution
moss o Co
I solution

Calculate the molarity of the EDTA from the volume of EDTA used in the titration of each
aliquot of the Ca
standard solution and the known 1:1 stoichiometry between Ca and EDTA in
the reaction. If the reaction has 1:1 stoichiometry, then


The mmol of each constituent is obtained by multiplying the molarity of each of the two
solutions times the volume in mL of each solution used to reach the endpoint, ep:

x V
x V

The volume of the Ca standard solution originally taken was 25.00 mL and the volume of EDTA
used is the volume used to reach the endpoint, V
, in mL. Therefore,

=( M
x V
) / V
=25.00 x M
/ V

The mmol of zinc determined in an individual titration uses the same 1:1 reaction stoichiometry
as for calcium above. Substituting molarity times the volume of EDTA used in each titration of
the Zn unknown produces:

x V
x V

CHE 226 - Analytical Chemistry Laboratory 21 Zn EDTA
Department of Chemistry University of Kentucky

The mass of Zn obtained in a single titration, in mg, is equal to the number of mmol of Zn times
its molar mass (MM):

x MM
x 65.38 mg/mmol

And the total mass of Zn in the original 250-mL sample is therefore 10 times this amount.


Empty all the Ca and Zn solutions that were titrated into the proper Hazardous Waste Bottle
for this experiment. If you are unsure of the proper container, ASK.

When you are completely done with the experiment, including having received your grade, mix
any remaining EDTA titrant, Ca standard stock solution, and Zn unknown solution together in a
large beaker. Pour down the drain with copious amounts of cold tap water flowing. The first two
solutions are slightly basic and slightly acidic, respectively. When mixed, they will be near
neutral. In addition, EDTA, Ca, and Zn are not toxic and in very low concentrations, so disposal
directly down the drain is permitted and environmentally safe.


1. Eriochrome Black T Indicator. The color change of Eriochrome black T at the endpoint is
rather subtle. It is not an abrupt change from deep red to a dark blue; but rather it is from a
light red (or pink) to a pale blue. At least one trial titration is recommended. (You can always
discard a "bad" value when you know there is a definite reason for its being bad. Make sure
you indicate a possible problem in your notebook at the time you observe it.)

If you have trouble distinguishing the endpoint, a "before" and an "after" flask are
recommended. Prepare two 250-mL flasks in a similar manner as were the samples - except
do not add the 25 mL of Ca solution. Instead, add a total of about 80-90 mL of deionized
water to approximate the volume of the sample aliquot (25 mL), the volume of EDTA titrant
that would have been titrated into the flask, and the 15 mL of deionized water. Add the
indicator and the ammonia buffer. To one flask (the "before" the endpoint flask) add a few
drops of the Ca solution; to the other flask (the "after" flask) add a small amount of EDTA
solution to get just past the color change at the endpoint. Stopper the flasks and keep them
nearby for comparison of the colors. Titrate against a white background for better
discrimination of colors.

Sometimes the Eriochrome black T solution goes bad because of air oxidation. If the
endpoints seem very indistinct or slow to you, try a fresh bottle of indicator. Alternatively,
try adding a small amount of solid Eriochrome black T mixture (1 g indicator ground with
100 g NaCl). A small amount on the end of a spatula is sufficient.

CHE 226 - Analytical Chemistry Laboratory 22 Zn EDTA
Department of Chemistry University of Kentucky


D. A. Skoog, D. M. West, F. J. Holler, and S. R. Crouch, Analytical Chemistry: An Introduction,
7th ed., Chapter 15, pp. 345-381.

Revised September 5, 2004

Copyright by The Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, 2004

CHE 226 - Analytical Chemistry Laboratory 23 Zn EDTA

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