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JJ512 Pneumatic and Hydraulic

Prepared by Hanizam bin Ibrahim

The student will be able to: State ISO standard symbols of hydraulic components. Sketch the construction and describe the application of gear, vane, piston and screw pump. Describes a method to moving the valve. Sketch and describes the application of control valves. Sketch and stated the purpose of hydraulic actuators.

The hydraulic system is widely used in the

construction of heavy machinery such as bulldozers, tractors, drill machines, trucks and others.
Hydraulic system is better and efficient than

Pneumatic systems in the construction of heavy machinery and use fluid as the medium.

Working principal of hydraulic system

The pump is used to suck hydraulic fluid that has

driven by an electric motor to produces the flow of fluid. Direction and flow rate of fluid is controlled by valves. Actuators are used to convert fluid pressure into mechanical movement (Power).

Standard symbols of hydraulic components

No 1 Component Symbol

Fixed displacement hydraulic pump

Variable displacement hydraulic pump Fixed displacement hydraulic motor Variable displacement hydraulic motor Fixed displacement hydraulic pump motor

Pneumatic motor

Variable displacement hydraulic pump

Standard symbols of hydraulic components (continue..)

No 8 Component Symbol

Oscillating hydraulic actuators

Oscillating pneumatic actuators


Single acting cylinder without springs Single acting cylinder with springs return



Ram cylinder Double acting cylinder with single rod Double rod cylinders Cylinder with a single type of cushion Cylinder with twin-cushion type





Standard symbols of hydraulic components (continue..)

No 17 18


Single acting telescopic cylinder Pressure relief valve Flow control valve Adjustable flow control valve 2/2 directional control valve

19 20 21


4/3 directional control valve with mid position close

3/2 directional control valve



3/3 directional control valve with single solenoid and spring return
5/2 directional control valve Check valve



Standard symbols of hydraulic components (continue..)

No 27 Component Symbol

Shuttle valve Adjustable flow control valve and check valve Pressure switch Filter





Diaphragm-type cylinder


Direct pilot
Indirect pilot Spring Adjustable spring




Hydraulic circuit


Directional Control Valve

Relief valve

Pump Filter Tank


Function of hydraulic components


Tank (Basic)
Hold the hydraulic fluid. Act as a cooling system. Filter the dirt and contaminant in the system.


Filter (Accessory)
filter the dirt in the hydraulic fluid before entering the suction of pump.


Pump (Basic)
Distribute the hydraulic fluid to the entire system.


Motor (Basic)
Produce the power to drive the pump change the electrical energy to mechanical energy.

Function of hydraulic components


Accumulator (Accessory)

Keep/ store the system pressure. Absorbing the vibration. stabilize the system pressure.


Valve (Basic)

To regulate pressure in the circuit. To control the direction of hydraulic To control the flow rate of the hydraulic fluid.

Function of hydraulic components


Pressure relief valve (Accessory)

To limit the maximum pressure of hydraulic fluid. To prevent pump from damage cause by over pressure.


Cylinder (Basic)

To produce the power to work for linear motion.

Hydraulic Pump

All pump and motor used in hydrostatic is a positive displacement type where leakage is minimal and can be ignored.
Pumps and motors can be divided into two main types
Fixed displacement 2. Variable displacement.

Pumps can be divided into several types as follows: PUMP


Ram / Vane / Blade



Gear pump
Using two or more pairs of gears and it is installed in a

steel box with input (inlet) and output (outlet) channels. The two gears in a pair are the same size. The compression occur between the gear and housing wall. The rotation of gear will be increase the value of pressure and temperature.

Construction of gear pump

Housing Driven




Ram / vane / blade pump

Consisting of pairs of rotors with some free sliding

vane rotor with radial slit. Liquid will flow into the inlet when the space between the casing and the rotor vane rotor becomes large and the liquid is removed from the room next door when space becomes smaller as the rotor rotates.

Construction of vane compressor

Vane Slotted rotor

Direction of rotation



Screw pump
It is durable because of the fluid used to act as a

safeguard against leakage. It can be used if the load applied to it does not change. This type of pump requires oil filters mounted in series at the outlet.

Construction of screw pump




Piston pump
Piston pumps are mostly used on systems with

operating pressures above or equal to 140 bar. The main feature of the piston pump is high efficiency at high pressure. This is very important when a constant flow without pressure changes. There are two types of multi-piston hydraulic pump:
1. Axial type. 2. Radial type.

Construction of piston pump

Axial Plate Shaking

Bent Axis

Types of Axial Piston pump

Construction of piston pump

Types of Radial Piston pump


Method of Moving a Valve

There are three (3) method of moving a valve:


Mechanical roller and manual Pneumatic pilot Electrical solenoid

Method of Moving a Valve

Service Unit (FRL)

Air filter Pressure regulator


Air filter

Pressure regulator


Types of control valve

There are three (3) types of control valve:

3. 4.

Pressure control valve Directional control valve Flow control valve is used to limit or control the system pressure. It reduces the burden of a pump pressure or the temperature of the oil before the oil flow to the hydraulic circuit. Kawalann valve pressure can be divided into five types, namely: relief valve and check

Pressure control valve

To limit or control the system pressure. Reduces the burden of a pump pressure or the temperature of the fluid before the fluid flow to the hydraulic circuit. Can be divided into five types, namely: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Pressure relief valve Pressure reducing valve Pressure sequencing valve Pressure unloading valve Counter balance valve

Pressure control valve


Pressure relief valve


Pressure reducing valve


Pressure sequencing valve

5. Pressure unloading valve


Counter balance valve

Directional control valve

Directional control valve is used as a path or piloting the hydraulic fluid in the system. It has various types such as:

Rotor valve

2. Spool valve

Open center and closed center valve 4. Combination / multi spool valve

1. Rotor valve
It is commonly used as a pilot valve to continue the flow to

other valves. Rotary-type directional control valve using a valve rotors with 4-way oil output and input. These rotors have holes that can be connected to the hole in the valve body when the rotor is rotated. This rotor is driven by a lever (lever) on hydraulic or electrically.


Spool valve
It was used to start or stop the direction of fluid in the system. These valves could be control by manual, electrical or

hydraulic pilot and acting on the end of the spool. Tool setter is always used to determine the position of the valve in each operation.
Neutral position

3. Open center and closed center valve

Open center system - the pump will move continuously even directional control valve is in the neutral position. Hydraulic fluid will continue to flow from the pump through the control valve then return back into the tank. Closed center system - the pump will stop when the control valve is in neutral. Directional control valve will stop the flow of fluid from the pump and cause the pump to stop running. Pump will be switched off by disconnecting the supply current to turn the motor pump. The switch is controlled by fluid pressure.

4. Combination / multi spool valve

Two or more spool valve can be used in a group of multi-

function valve for operation. Construction of the spool valve depends on the number of grafts in the operating valve.

Flow control valve

Flow control valve can be adjusted in the following

Limiting flow in or out of the component which speed

is easily adjusted. This type of valve is no compensation. Change the flow direction to or from the component which speed is easily adjusted. This type of valve is usually compensated.

Can be divide into two (2) types: 1. non-compensated valves 2. compensated valves


Non-compensated valves

Non-compensated valves will not be affected on the pressure change. Commonly used when precise/accurate flow control is not required. Examples of this valve is

Needle valve It was a simple limiter.

When the needles were turned down, the flow will stop. When the needles moved up to open the screw, the orifice hole will open slightly and allow flow through it. When the screw is fully extended, the full flow can be created.


Globe valve.

This valve is not sensitive to pressure changes. It is very simple and can be adjusted to obtain the desired flow rate.

1. Compensated valves


Compensated valve will try to maintain the flow rate even flow into the valve changed. Examples of this valve is
Compensated flow-control valve
This type of valve operates on the idea that the existing orifice size on components controlling the pressure drop at the orifice, causing the flow rate to be fixed. Orifice hole size at the end is connected to the spring. If the flow through the orifice is increases, pressure will also increase. The addition of flow will cause the spool moves to the right and hit the spring.

Bypass Flow regulator

Commonly used in open center system. By using this type of valve oil removed by pumps will be used to perform work on the main function.


The construction and function is same as pneumatic actuator except the medium is hydraulic fluid.
The actuator change the hydraulic power to mechanical power. Can de divided into two types:
Cylinder for linear motion 2. Motor for rotation

1. Single acting cylinder 2. Double acting cylinder

Motor 1. Screw 2. Piston

a. b.

Axial Radial

3. Vane/ram/blade 4. Gear
a. b.

External Gear Internal gear

** All construction and application of motor is same as pump except gear motor.

Gear Motor
Widely used because it is

easy and economical. Normally it is used to move a small component. Motor gear rotates in clockwise or vice versa. It has a permanent shift. There are two (2) types gear motor
1. 2.

external gear motor internal motor gear.

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