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Republic Act 9418

Volunteer Act of 2007

and its

Implementing Rules and Regulations

An Act Institutionalizing a Strategy

for Rural Development, Strengthening
Volunteerism and for Other Purposes

Republic of the Philippines

Philippine National Volunteer Service

Coordinating Agency

Begun and held in Metro Manila,

on Monday, the twenty-fourth day of July, two thousand six.


Section 1. Title. This Act shall be known and cited as the Volunteer Act
of 2007.
Section 2. Declaration of Policy. It shall be the policy of the State to
promote the participation of the various sectors of the Filipino society, and
as necessary, international and foreign volunteer organizations in public
and civic affairs and adopt and strengthen the practice of volunteerism
as a strategy in order to attain national development and international
understanding. The inculcation of volunteerism as a way of life shall
rekindle in every Filipino the time-honored tradition of Bayanihan to
foster social justice, solidarity and sustainable development.
Section 3. Statement of Goals and Objectives. To carry out the foregoing
policy, the government shall pursue the attainment of the following goals
and objectives:

To provide a policy framework on volunteerism that shall

underscore the fundamental principles necessary to harness and
harmonize the broad and diverse efforts of the voluntary sector in the
country into an integrative and effective partnership for local and
national development as well as international cooperation and
To provide a conducive and enabling environment for
volunteers and volunteer service organizations by setting
mechanisms to protect volunteers rights and privileges, and give
due recognition to highlight their roles and contributions to society;
To provide an effective institutional mechanism to strengthen
the role of the Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating
Agency (PNVSCA) to perform its mandates and to oversee the
implementation of this Act.

Section 4. Definition of Terms. For purposes of this Act, the following

shall mean:
a) Volunteerism refers to an act involving a wide range of activities,
including traditional forms of mutual aid and developmental
interventions that provides an enabling and empowering environment
both on the part of the beneficiary receiving, and the volunteer
rendering the act, undertaken for reasons arising from sociodevelopmental, business or corporate orientation, commitment or
conviction for the attainment of the public good and where monetary
and other incentives or reward are not the primary motivating factors.
b) Volunteer refers to an individual or group who for reasons arising
from their socio-developmental, business and corporate orientation,
commitment or conviction, contribute time, service and resources
whether on full-time or part time basis to a just and essential social
development cause, mission or endeavor in the belief that their activity
is mutually meaningful and beneficial to public interest as well as to
c) Volunteer Service Organization refers to a local or foreign group
that recruits, trains, deploys and supports volunteer workers to
programs and projects implemented by them or by other organizations
or any group that provides services and resources, including but not
limited to, information, capability building, advocacy and networking
for the attainment of common good.
d) Voluntary Sector refers to those sectors of Philippine society that
organizes themselves into volunteers to take advocacy and action
primarily for local and national development as well as international
cooperation and understanding.
Section 5. Role and Modalities of Volunteerism in the Private Sector
a) Volunteerism in the Academe includes, but is not limited to,
provision of technical assistance and sharing of technology within the
academic circle, target communities and other clienteles and the
upgrading of the quality of education and curriculum methodologies
while providing career enhancement and exposure to the volunteers.

b) Volunteerism in the Corporate Sector as an expression of

corporate social responsibility and citizenship refers to activities
recognized by the company, where employees give their time, skills
and resources in the service of the companys internal and/or external
communities. These volunteering activities include, but are not limited
to, employee giving of material resources to specific causes; employeeled fund-raising; one-time outreach activities; environmental campaign;
medical and health-related advocacies; knowledge and change
scholarship programs; and sharing of expertise,
particularly of business and developmental skills through mentoring,
tutoring, training, business consulting/advising, and rendering of pro
bono services on a case-to-case basis.
c) Volunteerism by Not-for-Profit Organizations includes, but is not
limited to, provision of complementary service delivery and human
resource development in underserved communities as well as advocacy
and articulation of the cause of the disadvantaged and vulnerable
Section 6. Role and Modalities of Volunteerism by Foreign Volunteer
Volunteerism by Foreign Volunteer Organizations includes, but is
not limited to, provision of technical assistance not locally accessible in
priority development areas within the framework of technical cooperation
and socio-cultural exchange.
Section 7. Role of Government. Government shall coordinate, facilitate
and encourage the participation of the voluntary sector in the promotion,
utilization, and recognition of volunteerism in national development and
international cooperation. This shall be achieved through the provision of
enabling and conducive environment for volunteer work.
Section 8. The Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating
Agency. The Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating Agency,

created by Executive Order No. 134 as amended, shall undertake the

implementation and execution of the provisions of this Act.
Section 9. Mandates of the Philippine National Volunteer Service
Coordinating Agency (PNVSCA). The PNVSCA shall have the following

Review and formulate policies and guidelines

concerning the national volunteer service program consistent with
national development priorities;


Coordinate, monitor and evaluate the national volunteer

service program in order that volunteer assistance may fit into the
total national development goals;


Act as clearinghouse for matters pertaining to

international volunteer services;


Develop and implement prototypes and models of

volunteering for adoption by institutions and communities;


Provide technical services and support for capability

building of volunteers and volunteer organizations;


Undertake advocacy for the promotion and recognition

of volunteerism as a tool for development;


Establish and maintain a national network of volunteer

organizations and serve as liaison between and among local and
foreign governmental private voluntary organizations, including the
United Nations Volunteers (UNV);


Administer all PNVSCA funds from all sources

including foreign aid in accordance with accounting and auditing

For this purpose, the Executive Director of PNVSCA shall submit

an organizational plan upon advice of the Multi-Sectoral Advisory Body
to the Department of Budget and Management.

Section 10. The Multi Sectoral Advisory Body (MSAB). To assist

PNVSCA, the Multi-Sectoral Advisory Body (MSAB) created under
Executive Order No. 635 shall be reconstituted with the following
National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA)
Department of Education (DepEd)
Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA)
Department of Justice (DOJ)
Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG)
Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)
Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
Presidential Management Staff (PMS), Office of the President
The Representative/s from the corporate sector
The Representative/s from the private academe sector
The Representatives/s from the non-profit sector
All member government agencies shall be represented by at least
an Assistant Secretary while the private sector agencies shall be
represented by their highest executive officers. The government agencies
shall be permanent members while the representatives from the private
sector shall serve for a two-year term. The Chair of the MSAB shall be
elected from among the members of the body. The PNVSCA Executive
Director, being an ex-officio member, shall serve as the permanent ViceChair.
The MSAB may call on representatives of other government
agencies and/or the private sector to serve as resource person/s on
volunteerism as the need arises.

Section 11. Functions of the Multi-Sectoral Advisory Body (MSAB). The

MSAB shall have the following functions:

Provide advice in the formulation of policies and

guidelines for the national volunteer service program;
Provide consultative and technical advisory services on
volunteer matters;

Serve as a forum to enhance and strengthen linkages

between and among volunteer groups and communities.

Section 12. Special Provisions.

a) Establishment of a National Volunteer Infrastructure and Forum.The PNVSCA shall develop and establish a system of national
registration and networking to improve coordination of volunteers
and volunteer service organizations to widen horizon for sharing and
complementing information, experiences and resources.
b) Integration of Volunteerism in the Basic and Higher Education
Curriculum. The Department of Education (DepEd) and the
Commission on Higher Education (CHED) shall integrate
volunteerism as part of the curriculum in basic and higher education
to raise the consciousness of the youth and develop the culture of
volunteerism among the citizenry.

Establishment of Volunteer Program in National Government

Agencies and Local Government Units (LGUs). - National
government agencies and local government units shall establish
volunteer programs in their respective offices to promote and
encourage volunteering
in government programs and projects
as well as enjoin government employees to render volunteer service
in social, economic and humanitarian development undertakings in
the community.

d) Recognition and Incentives to Volunteers. - Government agencies

and non-government organizations (NGO) implementing volunteer
programs are encouraged to develop and provide volunteers
recognition and incentive package which may include, but not limited
to allowance, insurance, training and the grant of privileges and status
to Filipino overseas volunteers at par with Filipino overseas workers.
e) Visa Privileges for Foreign Volunteers. - Foreign volunteers
approved for assignment by the PNVSCA as well as their legal
dependents may be entitled to 47(a)(2) visa with multiple entry
privileges and corresponding exemption from visa and immigration
fees and other related processing/ application fees or charges.
Foreign nationals already in the Philippines who have been approved
for volunteer assignment by the PNVSCA may avail of the above visa
category and privileges upon endorsement by the PNVSCA to the
Section 13. Institutional Mechanism for Research, Documentation,
Recognition and Modeling of Best Volunteer Practices. To carry out
the purposes of this Act, an institutional mechanism shall be established,
to be spearheaded and administered by PNVSCA, for continuing research,
documentation, recognition and modeling of best volunteer practices as an
important component of implementing development programs and
projects and undertaking humanitarian activities. For this purpose, the
PNVSCA in consultation with any and relevant government agencies,
NGOs, private institutions and persons shall effect the setting up of the
mechanism as well as determine all requirements and/or necessary acts to
ensure its effective implementation.
Section 14. Implementing Rules and Regulations . - The PNVSCA, with
advice from the MSAB, shall promulgate the rules and regulations to
effectively implement the provisions of this Act.

Section 15. Repealing Clause. - All laws, decrees, executive orders and
rules and regulations or parts thereof contrary to or inconsistent with the
provisions of this Act, including Section 12 of Executive Order No. 635
are hereby deemed repealed or modified accordingly.
Section 16. Effectivity. - This Act shall take effect after fifteen (15) days
following its publication in the Official Gazette or in at least two (2)
newspapers of general circulation.


ACT NO. 9418
Section 1. Purpose and General Coverage. - This Implementing Rules
and Regulations is promulgated pursuant to Section 14 of Republic Act
No. 9418, entitled An Act Institutionalizing A Strategy for Rural
Development, Strengthening Volunteerism and for Other Purposes
otherwise known as Volunteer Act of 2007.
Section 2. Declaration of Policy. - It shall be the policy of the State
promote the participation of the various sectors of the Filipino society, and
as necessary, international and foreign volunteer organizations in public
and civic affairs, and adopt and strengthen the practice of volunteerism as
a strategy in order to attain national development and international
understanding. The inculcation of volunteerism as a way of life shall
rekindle in every Filipino the time-honored tradition of bayanihan
to foster social justice, solidarity and sustainable development.
Section 3. Statement of Goals and Objectives. - To carry out the
foregoing policy, the government shall pursue the attainment of the
following goals and objectives:
3.1. To provide a policy framework on volunteerism that shall
underscore the fundamental principles necessary to harness and
harmonize the broad and diverse efforts of the voluntary sector in
the country into an integrative and effective partnership for local
and national development as well as international cooperation and
3.2. To provide a conducive and enabling environment for volunteers
and volunteer service organizations by setting mechanisms to

protect volunteers rights and privileges and give due recognition to

highlight their roles and contributions to society; and
3.3. To provide an effective institutional mechanism to strengthen the
role of the Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating
Agency (PNVSCA) to perform its mandates and to oversee the
implementation of this Act.
Section 4. Definition of Terms. - For purposes of this IRR, the following
shall mean:
4.1. Volunteerism refers to an act involving a wide range of activities,
including traditional forms of mutual aid and developmental
interventions that provides an enabling and empowering
environment both on the part of the beneficiary receiving and the
volunteer rendering the act, undertaken for reasons arising from
commitment or conviction for the attainment of the public good
and where monetary and other incentives or rewards are not the
primary motivating factors.
4.2. Volunteer refers to an individual or group who for reasons arising
from their socio-developmental, business and corporate orientation,
commitment or conviction, contribute time, service and resources
whether on full-time or part- time basis to a just and essential social
development cause, mission or endeavor in the belief that their
activity is mutually meaningful and beneficial to public interest as
well as to themselves.
4.3. Volunteer Service Organization refers to a local or foreign group
that recruits, trains, deploys and supports volunteer workers to
programs and projects implemented by them or by other
organizations or any group that provides services and resources,
including but not limited to, information, capability building,
advocacy and networking for the attainment of the common good.
4.4. Voluntary Sector refers to those sectors of Philippine society that
organizes themselves into volunteers to take advocacy and action
primarily for local and national development as well as international
cooperation and understanding.

4.5. Registration refers to the process by which volunteers and/or

volunteer organizations are recognized by PNVSCA for
purposes of coordination, networking, information sharing and
4.6. National Volunteer Service Program refers to the collaborative
undertaking of the various sectors in the Philippines to achieve
national development and international cooperation and
understanding through volunteerism.


Section 5. Role and Modalities of Volunteerism in the Private Sector.

5.1. Volunteerism in the Academe includes, but is not limited to,
provision of technical assistance and sharing of technology within
the academic circle, target communities and other clienteles and the
upgrading of the quality of education and curriculum methodologies
while providing career enhancement and exposure to the volunteers.
5.2. Volunteerism in the Corporate Sector as an expression
of corporate social responsibility and citizenship, refers to activities
recognized by the company, where employees give their time, skills
and resources in the service of the companys internal and/or
external communities. These volunteering activities include, but are
not limited to, employee giving of material resources
specific causes; employee-led fund-raising;one-time outreach
activities; environmental campaign; medical and health-related
advocacies; knowledge and change management; scholarship
programs; and sharing of expertise, particularly of business and
developmental skills through mentoring, tutoring, training, business

consulting/advising and rendering of pro bono services on a case-tocase basis.

5.3. Volunteerism by Not-for-Profit Organizations includes, but is

not limited to, provision of complementary service delivery and
human resource development in underserved communities as well
as advocacy and articulation of the cause of the disadvantaged and
vulnerable groups.
Section 6. Role and Modalities of Volunteerism by Foreign Volunteer
Organizations. - Volunteerism by foreign volunteer
organizations includes, but is not limited to, provision of
technical assistance not locally accessible in priority development
areas within the framework of technical cooperation and sociocultural exchange.
Foreign volunteer organizations shall implement their programs
in the Philippines in accordance with the guidelines and
procedures issued by PNVSCA for the purpose.

Section 7. Role of the Government. - The government shall coordinate,

facilitate and encourage the participation of the voluntary sector in the
promotion, utilization, and recognition of volunteerism in national
development and international cooperation. This shall be achieved through
the provision of enabling and conducive environment for volunteer work.



Section 8. The Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating

Agency (PNVSCA). - The PNVSCA created by Executive Order No. 134,
series of 1964, as amended by Executive Order No. 635 series of 1980,
shall undertake the implementation and execution of Republic Act No.
9418 and this IRR.
Section 9. Mandates of PNVSCA. The PNVSCA shall perform the
following functions:
9.1. Review and formulate policies and guidelines concerning the
national volunteer service program consistent with national
development priorities;
9.2. Coordinate, monitor and evaluate the national volunteer service
program in order that volunteer assistance may fit into the total
national development goals;
9.3. Act as clearinghouse for matters pertaining to international
volunteer services.
9.4. Develop and implement prototypes and models of volunteering for
adoption by institutions and communities;
9.5. Provide technical services and support for capability-building of
volunteers and volunteer organizations;
9.6. Undertake advocacy for the promotion and recognition of
volunteerism as a tool for development;
9.7. Establish and maintain a national network of volunteer
organizations and serve as liaison between and among local and
foreign governmental and private voluntary organizations including
the United Nations Volunteers (UNV);
9.8. Administer all PNVSCA funds from all sources including foreign
aid in accordance with accounting and auditing requirements.
Section 10. Upon advice of the Multi-Sectoral Advisory Body, PNVSCA
shall submit to the Department of Budget and Management (DBM)

an organizational plan based on the requirements of the new mandate

within ninety (90) days upon publication of the IRR in the Official


Section 11. The Multi-Sectoral Advisory Body (MSAB). The MSAB
shall have the following members:
National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA)
Department of Education (DepEd)
Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA)
Department of Justice (DOJ)
Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG)
Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)
Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
Presidential Management Staff (PMS)/Office of the President
Representative/s from the corporate sector
Representative/s from the private academe sector
Representative/s from the not-for-profit sector
11.1. All member government agencies shall be represented by at least
an Assistant Secretary while the private sector agencies shall be
represented by their highest executive officers. The government
agencies shall be permanent members while the representatives
from the private sector shall serve for a two-year term.
11.2. The permanent members of the MSAB shall be convened within
thirty (30) working days upon the effectivity of this IRR.

The PNVSCA Executive Director shall serve as the presiding

officer of the MSAB until the selection of the Chair.
11.3. The permanent members of the MSAB shall select representatives
from the private sector based on the following qualifications:
a) A bona fide Filipino organization;
b) Registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
and preferably accredited by a government agency;
c) With nationwide geographic coverage and network; and
d) Other qualifications as may be determined by the permanent
members of the MSAB.
The Presiding Officer shall formally invite the selected
organization. In case the organization declines the invitation, the
next with the highest number of votes received shall be invited.
11.4. The Chair of the MSAB shall be elected from among the members
of the Body. The Chair shall serve for two (2) years.
11.5. The PNVSCA Executive Director, being an ex-officio member,
shall serve as the permanent Vice-Chair. PNVSCA shall serve as
Secretariat of the MSAB.
11.6. The MSAB shall promulgate guidelines and procedures for the
effective and efficient implementation of its functions.
11.7. The MSAB may call on representatives of other government
agencies and/or private sector to serve as resource person/s on
volunteerism as the need arises.
Section 12. Functions of the Multi-Sectoral Advisory Body (MSAB). The MSAB shall have the following functions:

Provide advice in the formulation of policies and guidelines for

the national volunteer service program;


Provide consultative and technical advisory services on

volunteer matters;


Serve as a forum to enhance and strengthen linkages between

and among volunteer groups and communities.


Section 13. Establishment of a National Volunteer Infrastructure and
Forum. - The PNVSCA shall develop and establish a system of national
registration and networking to improve coordination of volunteers and
volunteer service organizations and to widen horizon for sharing and
complementing volunteer information, experiences and resources.
13.1. National Registration of Volunteer Service Organizations
All local and foreign volunteer service organizations, as defined in
Section 4.3 of this IRR shall register with PNVSCA in accordance
with the guidelines and procedures issued by PNVSCA for the
13.2. National government agencies (NGAs), local government units
(LGUs) and private sector shall provide PNVSCA with
information of volunteer programs and activities implemented in
their agencies/ organizations.
In the case of individual foreign volunteers, the following
arrangement shall be adhered to:
a) NGAs shall coordinate with PNVSCA on the assignment of
foreign volunteers in their respective agencies. For this
purpose, PNVSCA shall formulate additional guidelines and
procedures for the registration, reporting and documentation
of foreign volunteer assignments, or may request a presidential
executive issuance;

b) At the local government unit, PNVSCA shall enter into a

Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Department of
the Interior and Local Government, the Local Government
Units (LGUs), and the Leagues of Provinces, Cities and
Municipalities and the Liga ng Barangay for the registration,
monitoring and documentation of foreign volunteer
assignments in LGUs for this purpose; and
c) In the case of the private sector, PNVSCA shall enter into a
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the concerned local
partner organizations for the registration, monitoring and
documentation of foreign volunteer assignment.
In the interim, and until such time the abovementioned
arrangements have been put in place, all foreign volunteer
assignments shall be reviewed and approved by PNVSCA.
13.3. PNVSCA shall publish on an annual basis a directory of local and
foreign volunteer service organizations in the Philippines
registered herewith.
13.4. PNVSCA shall convene forums for discussions on issues and
concerns on volunteering and sharing of information and resources
to strengthen networking among the volunteer community.
Section 14. Integration of Volunteerism in the Education Curriculum.
14.1. Volunteerism as a concept and practice shall be integrated at all
levels of education across grades and across subjects.
14.2. The Department of Education (DepEd), the Commission on Higher
Education (CHED) and the Technical Education and Skills
Development Authority (TESDA) shall identify entry points for
the integration of volunteerism at all levels of education.
14.3. DepEd, CHED and TESDA, in collaboration with PNVSCA, shall
develop instructional materials on volunteerism.

14.4. DepEd, CHED and TESDA shall issue guidelines for the adoption
and utilization of the instructional materials on volunteerism for all
levels of formal and informal education in public and private
schools, colleges and universities, including vocational and
technical learning centers and institutions.
14.5 PNVSCA, in consultation and collaboration with DepEd, CHED
and TESDA shall conduct periodic review and update of
instructional materials on volunteerism.
Section 15. Establishment of Volunteer Program in National Government Agencies and Local Government Units (LGUs).
15.1. The Volunteer Program for Government Service or the Bayanihang
Bayan Program shall serve as platform for private sector
volunteering in government agencies and local government units,
in accordance with Memorandum Order 45 dated 7 December
15.2. PNVSCA, in collaboration with the Civil Service Commission
(CSC), shall identify and develop modalities and schemes for
government agencies and/or employee volunteering and issue
corresponding guidelines for their implementation. Furthermore,
PNVSCA in cooperation with the CSC, shall document
volunteering efforts of government agencies and/or employees to
identify and document best practices in public sector volunteering.
Section 16. Recognition and Incentives to Volunteers. - Government
agencies and non-government organizations implementing volunteer
programs are encouraged to develop and provide volunteers recognition
and incentive package which may include, but not limited to allowance,
insurance, training and the grant of privileges and status to Filipino
overseas volunteers at par with Filipino overseas workers.
16.1. All volunteers shall be accorded recognition of volunteer status
through the registration process as provided under this IRR or as
maybe subsequently established by PNVSCA.

16.2. Volunteer service organizations deploying foreign volunteers in

the Philippines and Filipino volunteers overseas shall submit to
PNVSCA their volunteer support and incentive program, including
post volunteering support scheme, for its review and approval prior
to the implementation of their volunteer effort in the Philippines.
16.3. PNVSCA shall establish a monitoring mechanism for this purpose.
Section 17. VISA Privileges of Foreign Volunteers - Foreign volunteers
approved for assignment by PNVSCA as well as their legal dependents
may be entitled to 47(a)(2) visa with multiple entry privileges and
corresponding exemption from visa and immigration fees and other related
processing/application fees or charges.
17.1. Foreign volunteers may be issued 47(a)(2) visa with multiple entry
privileges and corresponding exemption from visa and
immigration fees and other related expenses valid for one (1) year
upon date of issuance, subject to renewal, if all the following
conditions are met:
)a The foreign volunteer is a member of a foreign volunteer
organization registered with PNVSCA or as provided for in
sub-section 13.2;

The local partner organization is identified and approved by


c) The foreign volunteer and the Foreign Volunteer Service

Organization (FVSO) have complied with the deployment
requirements of PNVSCA.
1.7.2 The issuance of 47(a)(2) visa to foreign volunteers shall adhere to
the following procedures:

The foreign volunteer service organization submits to

PNVSCA the biodata and passport details of the volunteer


PNVSCA secures the volunteer candidates security

clearance and acceptance by local partner organization;


PNVSCA requests the Department of Foreign Affairs

(DFA) for the issuance of 47 (a)(2) visa to the volunteer;


DFA sends request for issuance of visa to concerned

Philippine Embassy or Consulate; and


The Philippine Embassy or Consulate issues 47(a)(2) visa

to the foreign volunteer.

17.3. Foreign volunteers recruited outside the Philippines shall get

his/her 47(a)(2) visa from the concerned Philippine Embassy or
Consulate upon endorsement of PNVSCA to DFA.
17.4. Foreign nationals already in the Philippines who have been
approved for volunteer assignment by PNVSCA may avail of the
above visa category and privileges upon endorsement by PNVSCA
to the Department of Justice (DOJ).
Section 18. Institutional Mechanism for Research, Documentation,
Recognition and Modeling of Best Practices. To carry out the purposes
of this Act, an institutional mechanism shall be established for continuing
research, documentation, recognition and modeling of best volunteer
practices as an important component of implementing development
programs and projects and undertaking humanitarian activities.
18.1. The PNVSCA shall spearhead the creation of a Volunteerism
Consortium that will engage the participation of the voluntary
sector in research, documentation, and modeling of best volunteer
practices where feasible. The Volunteerism Consortium shall be

organized at various levels to capture volunteer experiences and

best practices at the right place and at the right time.
18.2. The Volunteer Knowledge and Resource Center (VKRC) shall be
established by PNVSCA, in cooperation with the voluntary sector,
as a repository of information and resources, including those
generated by the Volunteerism Consortium for use by the
volunteers, volunteer managers, policy makers and the general
Specifically, the VKRC shall have the following functions:
a) Popularize volunteerism as a strategy in the implementation of
development programs and projects of government agencies,
local government units and the private sector;
b) Establish and manage a referral system that will promote
effective and efficient matching of volunteering opportunities,
access to technical assistance, capability building and other
resources on volunteerism;

Publish new initiatives and best practices in volunteering;



Institutionalize partnerships with local government units,

academe, non-government organizations and the media in
implementing knowledge and resource facility schemes in
different areas in the country.

18.3 The implementation of the National Volunteer Month (NVM) as a

platform for recognition of best practices on volunteerism,
including its implementing structure shall be reviewed by the
MSAB and corresponding guidelines shall be issued for the
Section 19. Amendment.- The PNVSCA reserves the right to make
amendments, modifications, revisions or supplements to this IRR

consistent with existing laws, rules and regulations, in consultation with

the MSAB.
Section 20. Repealing Clause. - All rules and regulations issued by
PNVSCA or parts thereof contrary to or inconsistent with the provisions
of this IRR and RA No. 9418, including Section 12 of Executive Order
No. 635 are hereby deemed repealed or modified accordingly.
Section 21. Separability Clause. If any provision in this IRR,
or application of such provision to any circumstance, is declared invalid or
unconstitutional, the other provisions not affected thereby shall remain
valid and subsisting.
Section 22. Effectivity. - These rules and regulations shall take effect
after fifteen (15) calendar days following its publication in the Official
Gazette or in at least two (2) newspapers of general circulation.



For more information, please contact:

Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating

NEDA sa Q.C., EDSA, Diliman, 1100 Quezon City, Philippines
Tel. Nos. +63(02) 4347139, +63(02) 9276847
Telefax No. (632) 4357999
E-mail: [email protected]

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