Manual of Diagnosis and Treatment Su Jok

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Institute of Medical Sciences "Carlos J.

Finlay" CAMAGEY DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT MANUAL "SU JOK" IN CONDITIONS OF LOCOMOTOR (THERAPY hologram) DR. ULYSSES SOSA SALINAS ESP. II LEVEL MASTER in orthopedics and traumatology BIOENERGETICS AND NATURAL M EDICINE BRANCH PRESIDENT PROV. PROFESSOR OF ORTHOPAEDICS ORTHOPEDICS AND BIOENER GETICS ISCM, Camaguey 2002 "Year of the Heroic Prisoners of the Empire" LAW OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY : O9323-9323 IN MEMORY DR. EZEQUIEL BARRIERS GOOD DR. MARTINEZ LUIS MARTINEZ DR. RAMON PEREZ GOMEZ SUMMARY: We present a simple and inexpensive technique of Korean origin, which had not be en previously applied in Cuba. For application was produced in the workshops of Camagey Jesus Menendez, a brass rod with two rounded ends, a thicker more diagn ostic and therapeutic thin. It has been used in over 600 patients with excellent results. It is well tolerated by the patient and allowed to continue treatment at home with checkups every 3 to 4 days. May be associated with any medical trea tment Bioenergetics and Naturalist. INTRODUCTION In Korean, Su means hand and Jok means foot, is a method developed primarily in Korea. This method is so simple and logical, not to memorize anything, with the basic system can understand everything in a logical manner. In this paper, we wi ll only describe the therapy Hologram hand as being more simple and effective. O ur hand has a strong resemblance to our entire body and this is not coincidence, but something created by nature as to help predict, diagnose and even cure dise ases by applying pressure only in the affected area which corresponds invariably , the body or body part ill. The fundamental basis of this method is to find the right spot: 90% of the effort should be dedicated to find the right spot and th e remaining 10% to act on that point to get relief of symptoms of the patient. W e must be aware that the fact that the symptoms disappear does not mean necessar ily cure the patient, the point should continue encouraging for several days unt il the pain goes away when pressed. That's when we think of healing disease affe cting the patient. As incredible as this may seem simple technique, achieves its objectives with the sole participation of the direct stimulus to the patient, t hrough its own defense mechanisms, without exceptions, other types of external t reatment. These introductory lines would be incomplete if it does not highlight the undeni able involvement in the acquisition of prior knowledge, Dr. Rafael Garca Chacn , President of the Latin American Society of Natural and Traditional Medicine, w ho kindly introduced us to this wonderful world of the hologram. We also wish to express our appreciation for the support and encouragement they have always giv en us, to Professor Dr. Ezekiel Well Barriers, recently deceased friend and coll eague, Professor Dr. Sc Rodrigo Alvarez Cambras, Drs. Romulo Rodriguez and Artur o Menndez and, of course, the Tec Luis del Pino Fernandez who cleverly concocte d around diagnostic and therapeutic rod and my co-workers of the Clinic for Natu ral and Traditional Medicine of the ISCM in Camaguey, with emphasis on those day s to day support my concerns and support my efforts: Dr. Jacqueline Fernandez Lo pez and technicians Consuelo V. Ramos Marn Gonzlez and Pedro Pablo Tellez. To all of them and I have not mentioned but supported us since the first time, go o ur heartfelt thanks. We believe, to paraphrase the eminent scientist Prigorne Il

ia, that the future is unpredictable but design. Today, our people, with determi nation, energy and dedication, are designing your future NATURAL HEALING FORCE TO BE WITHIN EACH OF U.S. IS THE GREATEST THERE TO CLEAR. Hippocrates. Hippocrates. GENERAL There are areas in the human body in which, holographically, is represented thro ughout the body. Acupuncture are called microsystems and so these areas have the ear, tongue, iris, hand and foot. Holographic photography allowed for the first time, three-dimensional view of the object photographed. To this end, the negat ive was the characteristic that each piece of it contained all of the photograph ed object. This was a model to explain the function of many aspects of reality i n which everything is represented in each of its parts. The hologram technique, called Su Jok which means "foot hand, we use essentiallyregions of the hands an d feet as they are the ones most likely to represent the human body. For example , the body has five appendices: four limbs and head, the hand has five appendice s, fingers. If you are standing, four limbs pointing to the ground and the head, pointing in a different sense, in the hand, when opened, four fingers pointing downward and the thumb, in another sense. The four limbs have three segments, fo r example, thigh, leg and foot, toes representing those tips have three segments phalanges and the thumb, which represents the head and neck, also has two segme nts or phalanges. The interesting thing about this is that we have been shown to positively influence the body and its functions through the stimulation of anal og representation, as in the ear with Auriculotherapy is considered a technique akin to acupuncture, although not really follow the same principles of treatment . When properly stimulated these holosistemas will turn, powerfully, the effecti ve self-healing mechanism of the body, resulting in amazing and immediate result s. The stimuli used in analog points can be pressure, puncture, massage, heat or cold. It is vital to properly locate the points on which they work and do not s top looking until you locate the specific point. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY The explanation of why and how these holosistemas, is not sufficiently developed and it is unlikely that the same can be done through the meridians described by Acupuncture or Auriculotherapy, although the latter seems more due to its analo g projection. Dr. Rafael Garca Chacn, President of the Latin American Associat ion of Natural and Traditional Medicine, suggests that we may have to resort to new functional concepts related to the energy of the form and the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. What is clear to all is the enormous therapeutic effectiveness of the hologram of the hands and feet, especially the first. So fa r, what we do know is that the hologram contains a number of analog points, repr esenting the diseased organ and that stimulation can produce relief and even cur e of the condition afflicting the patient. And it does so in a short time after the first session of treatment. The important thing is to make a proper diagnosi s and knowing holographic convince the patient that the pain will feel Pressing the precise point will be for a short time and has the great advantage of almost completely removing the symptoms from the first session. The pathophys iology probably would act on the holographic points stimulates the autonomic ner vous system and the defense system of organic. There is great similarity between the hand and the human body. Here are some of these similarities: ANALOGY BETWEEN THE HAND AND BODY HEAD AND NECK SENIOR MEMBER MEMBER HIGHEST POSITION = BOTTOM HEAD DOWN ARMS AND

LEGS PARTY MEMBER 3 2 HEAD AND NECK COMAND BRAIN BODY PARTS REAR COLUMN Thumb fo refinger and pinky ring and middle inches above the little finger INDEX DOWN THU MB FINGER PHALANX 2 3 COMAND PHALANX HAND THUMB BACK HAND COLUMN YIN YANG BODY PART POST PREVIOUS BODY PART YIN YANG PALMA BACK HAND HAND TECHNIQUE USED: In all these patients using the ambulatory technique. The tender point is locate d in the area of the hand for the organ, with the thicker end of the rod for the diagnosis and pressed for one minute with the fine tip of the rod as therapeuti cs. After checking that occurred relief of symptoms affecting the patient, put a little tape on the area with a holy thistle seed or used in ear acupuncture poi nt is marked with a pen and press it follows every three hours with a blunt obje ct not sharp, like the handle of a brush, a lace crochet knitting or a key that Blunt has cited the patient two days later to check on your progress. If stimula ting the point the patient begins to sweat profusely, is a sure sign that we fin d the right spot. This is not pathognomonic because it is possible that the pati ent does not sweat and yet, we are in the analog section, but the fact that swea ting is an indication that we did it. This simple technique, diagnostic and ther apeutic, can be used as monotherapy or in combination with other techniques of t raditional medicine as ear acupuncture, acupuncture, magnet therapy, pyramid pow er, etc.. BRASS ROD FOR DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT This rod was fabricated in the workshop Jesus Menendez in the city of Camagey, under the theoretical orientation of D.Ulises Salinas Sosa and made by the Tec Luis Fernando del Pino Miranda. According to the hand that is, analogously, is t he upper or lower right or left. For example: right hand = Index: right upper li mb; half: the right leg; override: left lower limb, pinky: left upper limb. The abdominal organs to represent the length and width of the palmar region as shown in the following sheet: LOCATION OF OTHER BODIES GLANDS: Numbers in parentheses in the text correspond to the diagram. The body's major glands are the pituitary, thyroid and thymus. These three glands are repr esented in the thumb, which is the most important finger of the hand The pituita ry (1a) is located in the center of the thumb pads in the right hand to the woma n and the man left. The thyroid gland (1b) is represented in the center of the a nterior aspect of the proximal phalanx of thumb at the right hand to the woman a nd the man left. Thymus (1c) is represented in the center of the front of the fi rst metacarpal in the middle of thenar eminence, in the right hand to the woman and the man left. These points can be stimulated when required to activate the m echanism to be three glands. Pancreas Pancreas (2) is represented in the center and slightly above the crease proximal palm, palmistry known as the "lifeline." There is the pain in patients with diabetes or other pancreatic symptoms. KIDNEY S: The kidneys (3) are represented in the most proximal part of the spaces betwe en the second and third metacarpal bones and between the fourth and fifth metaca rpal on the dorsal right hand and left for women to men . Stimulated, not only w hen there is any renal disease, but when energy is required to support other pat hology, especially of the spine. PROSTATE: The prostate (4) is located in the dorsal aspect of the left hand in t he fold located between the middle and ring fingers. Is pressed so deeply modula ted towards the center of the hand. It is usually quite painful in the prostate disease in men over 50 years. The biggest pain occurs the first time, after the trouble, which lasted about a minute, it is more bearable. Very effective in pro

static hyperplasia. Ovaries: The ovaries (5) are located in two small depression s that are in the palm of the hand above the metacarpophalangeal joints of middl e and ring fingers. Between these two depressions are observed, mainly in the ri ght hand, an elongated prominence through his fingers ends just above and corres ponds to the uterus. The female genitalia are represented in the palmar region b etween the middle and ring fingers. Testicles Like women, male genitalia are loc ated between the middle and ring fingers, preferably in the left hand (6) ANALOG OF INSECT Mini system Is named by an insect mimic with members huddled at the side. It is located in t he four index fingers to little finger, but seen with the distal phalanges up. T he entire body is also represented in these fingers on the palm side head (pad), thorax (middle phalanx) and abdomen (proximal phalanx), and on the back, the sp ine. You can use any finger but the most effective are the index and middle fing er. This system is useful in abdominal and thoracic disorders easily located by the point of pain. It has the difficulty that the space is smaller and shorter d istances. It is very effective in locating the vertebrae individually, but can b e used in more general conditions of the spine. REVERSE ANALOG THUMB Mini system We know from the representative image of the organs in the palm of the hand (see picture), the face and head are located in the heel of both thumbs. However, th ere is an interesting and effective method to locate these areas on the back of the thumb, viewed upside down: In the center of the distal bend located in the d orsal aspect of the thumb at the interphalangeal joint of the thumb (1) represen ts the front, where we find the conditions affecting the head and brain. There e xists a small depression very painful when pressed. It is a relaxing point par e xcellence. Can be used for headaches, migraines, stress, hypertension, epilepsy and other general conditions involving the central nervous system. On each side, below the fold are the eyes (2).All find relief and eye diseases will be diagn osed by the exquisite pain in the area explored. In the center, between the eyes, is, of course, the nose (3). At the sides of the nose, the sinuses are located (4). Sinusitis is a rapid favo rable response when stimulated these points. The dental procedures can be locate d in the nails (5). Pressing on them, at the edges, are the teeth and molars. At the edges of the nail out of it, are located gums. The temporomandibular joint may be located near the proximal edge of the nail, between it and the ear. Ears (6) are located on either side of the thumb. The senile otalgia and hearing loss improved rapidly by stimulating these points. ADVANTAGES OF THE TECHNIQUE OF hologram (SU JOK) Can be used as means of diagnosis and treatment. It is easy to learn on their an alog form to apply. No need to learn the points of memory as in acupuncture. It can be applied by the patient at home. It is a very economical and effective the rapy. Its effectiveness is demonstrated in a few seconds or minutes, from the first treatment session. Seeing the world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wildflower; traps to infinit y in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour. William Blake DISORDERS OF THE SHOULDER JOINT One of the most favored joint therapy hologram is the shoulder, bearing in mind that the shoulder pain does not always refer to a characteristic of this joint d isease but a condition of the cervical spine. In the following table we can obse rve how often referred to as shoulder pain: etiologic FREQUENCY OF SHOULDER PAIN 3 frozen shoulder syndromes cervical rheumatoid arthritis and internal tumors N

eurological injuries 52.6% 28.3% 10.4% 5.8 %, 9% However, we will discuss the most common disorders of the shoulder observed in t he daily office of Orthopedics and Rheumatology. Scapular-humeral periarthritis SHOULDER PAIN In general, it is considered as a simple shoulder condyloid joint, the scapularhumeral. It appears, however, four separate joints, the shoulder, the sterno-cla vicular, the acromion-clavicular and scapular-thoracic 1. The shoulder pain is u sually a symptom of sprain or strain of flexible tissue surrounding the shoulder joint, which can cause periarticular inflammation: supraspinatus tendinitis, bursitis, bicipital tenosy novitis, frozen shoulder, etc. Usually called periarthritis of shoulder symptom complex of pain, swelling and loss of function, more or less marked, causing any joint condition. 1-INFLAMMATION perifocal: It is due to chronic degeneration or inflammation of the bursa and flexible tissue surrounding the shoulder joints. It may have started with a slight sprain or local cramp, or can occur spontaneou sly. The pain may be localized or cover a large area with radiation to the neck and arm. One characteristic of this condition is that at first the main problem is pain, while in the last stage, the main difficulty lies in the functional dis order. 2-supraspinatus tendinitis: This condition is a chronic inflammation or d egenerative changes of the tendon, which is often in people working in excess of 50 years. Pain usually covers the lateral shoulder and no loss of function to t he abduction of the arm. 3-Bursitis: This condition was described by Duplay in 1 872, and is one of the entities that form part of the syndrome of shoulder peria rthritis 1 . The pain is characteristic and is manifested as a sensitivity refers to the upper shoulder, which radiates to the insertion of the deltoid muscle and sharpens considerably at night. Also, the pain increases with abduction and internal rotation of the h umerus. Usually, the pain increases with the heat and relieved by cold. 4-bicipi tal tenosynovitis: The main symptoms are swelling and pressure sensitivity in the region of the anterior branch of the biceps. Elbow f lexion contraction of the biceps produces great pain. Moreover, abduction or pos terior extension of the arm causes intense pain. 5-FROZEN SHOULDER: It is a well -defined clinical entity that has an evolution characteristic. It is common in p atients over 40 years and is more common in women. There is pain and stiffness i n the shoulder with great loss of function in all movements, although the less p ainful it is in the anteroposterior plane. There is evidence of fibrous ankylosi s of the shoulder joint 2. 6 - ESCAPULALGIA: Inflammation of the scapula, cervical and dorsal search. Holographic DIAGNOSIS OF DISORDERS OF SHOULDER Locate areas where the shoulder joint are latero-external portion of the knuckle or metacarpophalangeal joint of the index finger and pinkie, according to the a ffected hand. For example, if the lesion is in the right arm and try to look on the left hand, use the knuckle of the pinky and if we look in the right hand, th e knuckle of the index. The diagnosis, looking for the most painful, is performed at the end of the vari ous creases from the folds located in the middle third of the proximal phalanx t o the crease at the level of the metacarpophalangeal joint, and explores the end of all creases in the area. This is done so in the index and the pinky. The the

rapy is carried out, as modulated by pressing the most painful point located in that anatomical region. We must insist that no point of not being painful, shoul d be explored, the proximal phalanx of thumb, where is located the cervical spin e, it could be a cervicobraquialgia Elbow pain There are three main types of causes of elbow pain, in addition to those caused by arthritis: Epicondylitis: Inflammation at the lateral epicondyle of the hum erus, also called "tennis elbow." The main symptoms are pain and tenderness at t he epicondyle and humeral-radial joint, which intensifies the prono-supination m ovements and sudden extension. EPITROCLITIS: Pain and swelling at the medial con dyle of the humerus or medial epicondyle. The symptoms are similar to tennis elb ow but placed on the inside of the elbow. ACUTE INJURY OF THE SOFT PARTS OF THE ELBOW: There is a history of trauma acute local inflammation. As the location of the lesion varies, the sensitivity of functional impairment may be different. C linically, fracture or dislocation must be ruled out and, when in doubt, state r adiological study. Holographic DIAGNOSIS OF DISORDERS OF ELBOW The location of the conditions of the elbow is performed at the level of the mid dle phalanx of the index and little fingers under the arm you want to explore. T he trigger is, usually, at the end of the fold, on both sides of the finger, or an inch above or below the end of the fold. The therapy is accomplished by press ing on a point modulated mind pain for about half a minute (while maintaining th e exquisite pain) WRIST PAIN: The wrist joint includes the inferior radioulnar and carpal joints and periartic ular soft tissue susceptible to traumatic conditions, inflammatory and degenerat ive diseases. The most common diseases are discussed in these joints: Estiloidit is radial and ulnar wrist sprain, tendonitis or tenosynovitis of extensors and f lexors at the wrist or forearm, de Quervain's disease, carpal tunnel syndrome an d Sudeck's disease. In these conditions, most treated with Su Jok are Quervain's disease and carpal tunnel syndrome. However, all these pathologies are amenable to treatment with magnetic fields, energy pyramid or combination therapies. Due to the characteristics of some of these conditions, described separately: de Quervain's disease: The occupation is often a determining factor in stenosing t enosynovitis of the abductor pollicis Quervain's disease or due to friction of t he tendon against the sheath, causing a traumatic inflammation. This same princi ple also works in carpal tunnel syndrome and trigger finger. Quervain's disease is a non-bacterial inflammation that affects mainly the abductor pollicis tendon at the level of the radial styloid. The symptoms are pain, tenderness in the ra dial area of the wrist and thumb weakness. Generally patients refer intense pain when holding a weight between your thumb and index finger (digital caliper) tha t compels him to drop the object. Finkelstein's maneuver (hyperflexion of the th umb and bend of the wrist in ulnar direction) is very painful one, CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME: In this syndrome, the median nerve is compressed in the carpal canal. Its onset is insidious at about half life and its development is gradual. Pares thesia or numbness, invariably present and are the predominant symptoms. Atrophy of the external side of the thenar eminence with or without loss of sensation o n the skin area innervated by the median nerve, it becomes evident to the clinic al examination.The percussion of the wrist in palmar (Tinckle sign) produces a sensation of pain and cramps in his hand. The discomfort that accompanies the nu mbness, it can spread to the forearm 1. Sudeck's bone atrophy: In 1900, Sudeck d escribed a syndrome characterized by acute bone atrophy, reflex sympathetic dyst

rophy and post-traumatic painful osteoporosis, with a characteristic speckled so ftening occurs after trauma and is associated with pain, swelling, tenderness, c yanosis , coldness, sweating and stiffness of the region concerned. Included in the conditions of the wrist for being more frequently as a complication of fract ures of the lower third of the ulna and radius (Colles fracture) 8. DIAGNOSIS HOLOGRAM DE THE CONDITIONS DE LA WRIST AND HAND: Analog points are located in the index and pinky fingers at the distal end of th e crease on both sides of the finger according to the area where the disease is located. The points of the hand are represented at the pad, leaving the location of the fingers on both sides of the distal phalanx. DISEASES OF THE HAND DISEASES OF THE HAND AND FINGERS: The use of the hand and the digital caliper is one of the main features of the human being that sets us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom. Hence the importance of achieving good results in treating their medical conditions. We have obtained favorable results in osteoarthritis, periarthritis, trauma, tendonitis, arthritis and trigger finger, using Hologram therapy. The trigger finger, a condition for being considered eminently surgical , analyze it separately. Trigger finger: The phenomenon of latch spring or sudde n movement of a finger, an injury is very upset at the finger, whose treatment i s traditionally surgical. May be due to different causes, although the most comm on is the formation of a lump or thickening in the flexor tendon that runs agrou nd on the pulley ring at the level of the metacarpal head. Some attempts have be en described conservative treatment such as physiotherapy, infiltration with hyd rocortisone or immobilization, with very poor results. Therefore, currently, it is recommended surgical treatment for this condition 1.8. Since 1994 we have discussed this top ic with electromagnetotherapy, with excellent results. This innovation in the tr eatment of trigger finger was presented at the XI Forum of Science and Technolog y (1996), earning major awards Provincial and subsequently major awards at the N ational Forum of Applied Magnetics held that year in Santiago de Cuba . Today we add the technique of the Hologram as additional treatment, although we achieved excellent results in many cases, only with the Su Jok as the only therapy. PAIN IN THE HIP: The hip joint is spherical type. The head settles into a deep cavity, cup-shaped , located in the ilium and acetabulum is called 5. It is held in place thanks to strong ligaments that allow large movements. The clinical diagnosis of many of its conditions, it is sometimes difficult because of the close relationship betw een hip, knee and spine. Remember that old advice of our teachers: "When it hurt s knee, hip scans, when a sore hip, spine scans." The most frequent disorders tr eated by us are: Coxarthrosis, trochanters psoitis and piriformis syndrome. More over, this chapter will include an entity that, because of its proximity, is eas

ily confused with hip problems: the sacroiliitis. Coxarthrosis: Osteoarthritis of the hip is very common and may be primary or sec ondary to congenital hip malformation or acquired during childhood 33. In the fi rst case is often bilateral, in the second usually is monoarticular. Conservativ e treatment of coxarthrosis is possible only in its early evolutionary stages, w hen pain and loss of function are evident. After that there are major joint deformities, it is very difficult to a chieve a cure by conservative means. However, the Su Jok to relieve the associat ed symptoms, but no effect on arthritic malformations themselves. Trochanters: T his inflammation of the greater trochanter is extremely painful., Both spontaneo usly and under pressure. It is observed, usually in patients over 40 years and i s considered a type of bursitis of the greater trochanter. Before the magnet eme rge as an elective treatment is treatment using local methods including ultrasou nd, deep therapy and anesthetic block. Today we find excellent results with the therapy of hologramlocating the trigger point at the level of the proximal phal anx of middle or ring finger, according to the member who want to explore. HOLOGRAM OF THE DIAGNOSIS OF THE HIP JOINT The knee is the most voluminous of human joints, with respect to the area of art icular cartilage and synovial membrane. It is the most complicated in terms of i nternal components. It is also the most complex in terms of joint mechanics: suc cessively bending is a combination of rotating movements, rolling and sliding, w hich dramatically departs from the concept of a simple hinge joint. On the other hand, is also the joint most vulnerable to trauma, incidental or repetitive, as wear and tear, 6, 7. Sprains and bruises often cause, injury to the periarticular soft tissue structu res. The conditions most frequently treated by traditional medicine are: Osteoar thritis (knee osteoarthritis), periarthritis, chondromalacia, synovitis, synovia l plica, postsurgical fibrosis and trauma. Knee osteoarthritis: Knee Osteoarthri tis may be primary or secondary. The predominant primary heavily female, in plac e after 40 or 50 years. It is usually bilateral and manifests clinically by sore knee gait and a discreet or moderate fibrous ankylosis of the joint. Quite ofte n, the course of evolution is injured by outbreaks of synovial inflammation. The usual conservative therapy including intra-articular injections with hydrocorti sone acetate, which mentioned only to condemn it, as has been amply proven that greater joint damage that causes the rare but may cause temporary. The points ar e located at the edges of the fold found in the middle phalanx of the middle and ring fingers, either at the end of the crease or a millimeter above or below. ( See picture): Chondromalacia of the patella: This condition is defined as the softening of the articular cartilage of the patella, of mixed origin 8. They have described thre e categories of syndromes: primary idiopathic type that appears in adolescents a nd young adults, producing persistent pain and subsides with little sequel, a te enager type secondary to trauma and consecutive adult type, which has its origin in time As early as the second decade and to present their associated symptoms, the average age of life. The characteristic manifestation is a diffuse tenderne ss over the anterior or anteromedial to the knee that increases when going up an d down stairs. The sitting position (sitting position) Prolonged with the knee i n flexion causes pain that is relieved by extension of the knee (the cinema sign ). The physical examination may be felt some crackling on the movement of the jo int. The points are located as in coxarthrosis. (See image) synovial plica: Stem s are synovial folds that are waste from the embryonic divisions of the joint ca vity, and in its involution in the development process, the remains are not bein g completely removed in September. The escrow mediopatelar is the most often is abnormal and causes pain in the anteromedial part of the knee that worsens walki

ng down stairs and flexion. On physical examination, the sign is more constant p ain when touching the front of the medial femoral condyle to displace the patell a laterally (Axhausen sign). Other manifestations may be patellar crepitation ei ther objective or subjective claudication articular manifestations typical of ch ronic synovitis and finally, the crack and the limitation of active and passive mobility. The points are located as in knee osteoarthritis. (See picture). DISORDERS OF THE ANKLE: Inflammatory disease of the ankle, whether traumatic or otherwise, are relativel y common. Symptoms include swelling and pain on movement. From an orthopedic sta ndpoint, the most frequent injury tenosynovitis or tendinopathy, and trauma, spr ain. Tendinopathy: It has been established that the tendons of the human body ca n not withstand more than 1500-2000 manipulations per hour 1. When accelerating the speed of physical labor or perform a special activity (sedentary person a Su nday go running, or performs unusual farming, to name a few), there may be a tra uma that engenders this condition, whose symptoms are neuritic pain, local warmt h, redness and tenderness when the tendon is mobilized specific. It can also cau se injury sustained by the use of inappropriate footwear.The points are located at the level of the crease edge is the distal interphalangeal joint of the midd le or ring finger or an inch above or below. Sprain: This common ankle injury can be caused by hiperinversin or extroversion . It is characterized by pain and swelling at the level of external or internal malleolus, according to the injury. It is quite distressing and is usually immob ilized in a cast or "strapping" of adhesive tape. The advantage of bioenergy is that treatment does not require any immobilization and relief of symptoms is muc h faster. Hologram therapy may be associated with the therapeutic pyramid energy to be even more effective. The points are located as in the previous condition. (View image) Heel pain: Under this name we include all causes of pain in his heel: bursitis, irritation of the calcaneal spur, posterior exostosis, Sever-Haglund disease, et c., All are characterized by pain in the heel to prolonged standing or walking , which is compounded in women using low shoe or tennis. " It is essential before starting treatment by traditional medicine, check if it is necessary to use ort hotics or if there is a discrepancy of members who require treatment. Holographi c points are located slightly behind the center of the pad of the middle or ring fingers. Lumbar spine disease and Sciatica: The braces are used to study the independent and characterized by low back pain varied etiology that ranges from a sprain to a herniated disk, without ruling ou t congenital and acquired malformations symptom pictures that will give various and varying degrees of severity. Now, however, I would expose the Asian vision o f lumbago, according to the book Fundamentals of Acupuncture and Moxibustion of China, published in Beijing in November. They pose as a cause three types of pat hogens: 1 - Cold-dampness: Pain in the lumbar region occurs, usually after catch ing wind, cold and damp pathogens. With clinical manifestations of pain, heavine ss in the dorso-lumbar region, limitation of lumbar flexion and extension due to muscle contraction. The pain may radiate to the buttocks and lower limbs, the a ffected area is cold. The pain is aggravated by the rainy weather and overcast a nd not relieved by bed rest. 2 - deficiency of energy (Qi) of the kidney: Pain i s slow-onset, mild but persistent, with lassitude and weakness of the lower back and knees. The symptoms are worse after exertion or fatigue and relieved by bed rest. 3 - Trauma: The patient has a history of lumbar sprain, with clinical man ifestations of stiffness and pain in the lumbar region, which is aggravated fixe d pressure and body movement. The points are located in the distal third metacar pal on the dorsum of the hand. Sciatica or sciatica: It is a symptom that occurs when the sciatic nerve is affe

cted by different etiological factors. According to them, sciatica can be primar y or secondary type. The common symptom is a broadcast, burning or stabbing pain along the sciatic nerve route. The pain pathway may follow two paths according to the affected meridian: posterior or lateral meridian or meridian bladder or g allbladder. The pain, usually worse at night and walking. The SLR test (straight leg raising) is positive. The most comfortable position is the relaxation of th e sciatic: knees bent position (Williams). It is quite difficult to deal with ho logram therapy because it requires a correct etiological diagnosis, or at least know if the lesion is narrow due to injury of the lumbar vertebrae or otherwise. However, the response to Su Jok, when properly managed to find the point is imm ediate and favorable. The points are located: in the lumbar region, or in the di stal third metacarpal and the outer edges of the proximal phalanx of the middle and ring fingers. DISORDERS OF THE SPINAL DORSAL Pain in the thoracic spine is less common than in the lumbar and cervical cancer . It is important to eliminate the causes inflammatory, neoplastic, metabolic an d referred. The dorsal disc herniation is extremely rare. The adolescent back pa in, with its consequent kyphosis is due to multiple causes Postural osteocodrti cas. The back pain of the elderly, with their frequent radiation to the anterior chest, is relatively common in our environment. It is characterized by a nonspe cific pain level of the dorsal vertebrae frequently accusing irradiation to the anterior chest and it is sometimes the only manifestation.Holographic examinati on is performed on the dorsal aspect of the proximal phalanx of thumb, an area t hat houses the first nine thoracic vertebrae and the proximal third of the third metacarpal which houses the last three thoracic vertebrae. If there is a point of exquisite pain in that area to be explored cervical and lumbar spine. DISORDERS OF THE CERVICAL SPINE CERVICAL SYNDROME: The clinical picture of cervical syndrome is known since anci ent times, and that its appearance is related not only with age but also with ce rtain traumatic accidents or violence of concern to the cervical region 12 Among the more cervical syndromes treated by medicine are traditional: cervical spond ylosis, back or neck syndrome Barr-Lieou, stiff neck and cervicobraquialgia. Ce rvical Spondylosis: In its strict sense, wants to express the concept of partial or total degeneration of the bone structure of one or more cervical vertebrae, but in reality, this term indicates the actual cervical osteoarthritis. Its most prominent symptoms are neck pain and limitation of certain head movements. The patient complains of fatigue annoying, sometimes a burning sensation or burning the patient fails to define. He weighs the head and hold them upright fatigue. A nother symptom almost constant and not a lot of attention is a rubbing or snappi ng sensation occurs when the patient runs jerky movements of head rotation. The evolution in time of degeneration of cervical interbody joints involves injury t o the joints and intervertebral uncovertebral. As the duct or channel combinatio n for its front is formed in part by the joint uncovertebral and the back of the intervertebral any hypertrophy or hyperostosis of the bony components, can beco me irritating thorn in the cervical spinal roots which sharpens 13 symptoms sign ificantly. LIEOU-BARRE SYNDROME: The neck pain associated with dizziness or Lieo u-Barr syndrome, also called posterior cervical sympathetic syndrome and the an gle of the scapula, is a little known entity, and yet very common in orthopedic medical practice. It is characterized by pain in the superomedial angle of the s capula, radiating to the dorsal surface of the neck and may be accompanied by di zziness, occipital headache, vasomotor arm or face, ringing in the ears, retrost ernal pain, nausea, vomiting and eye disorders. It is common in women anxious ov er 30 years engaged in tasks that require keeping his head bowed while working w ith his hands: secretaries, computer specialists, clerks, tailors, artisans, etc . When observed in humans, is characterized by a series of symptoms is not as va ried, where pain becomes more evident

shoulder radiating to shoulder and arm numbness in his hands. The most common oc cupations in man are the driver, grocer and stevedore 12. These diseases, generi cally called cervicobraquialgias cervical pain and have a therapeutic choice in the Su Jok, for pain relief is immediate and the result usually is excellent. On ly the herniated cervical disc long time of evolution do not respond to this tre atment or if they do, it's just relieving the pain for a short time. The points are located, as stated in the dorsal aspect of the proximal phalanx of the thumb . You should begin by the middle (C3) and slightly up or down to find the point of more pain. SOME PRELIMINARY RESULTS The results obtained by us using this simple technique are spectacular. We have served over 600 patients and in almost all of them have found good results from the first session. In most patients has been the only treatment employed, in oth ers it has been an adjunct to other techniques of natural and traditional medici ne. Sex treaty has more female, being younger than 6 years and the highest 98. T he most orthopedic conditions treated were: heel pain (heel spur), metatarsalgia , neck and cervicobraquialgias, low back pain and sciatic pain, frozen shoulder, disorders of the elbow, de Quervain's disease, trigger fingers, synovitis, and other conditions of the knee and ankle. Other non-orthopedic conditions treated: headaches, sinusitis, prostatitis, pelvic inflammation, menstrual pain, sexual dysfunction, kidney disorders, epilepsy, hoarseness, etc. Start: 9 SEPTEMBER 2001 FIRST OF 1000 PATIENTS: YOUNGER AGE: 6 YR OS 1000-11 2 = 888 (88.8%) were asymptomatic 698 (78,6%) GOOD RESULTS: 190 (21.4%) SA ME RESULTS: 00 results are worse: 00 MORE AGE: 98 YEAR OS OTHER CASES associ ated treaties TEC: 112 All patients noted RELIEF FROM THE FIRST MEETING CONCLUSIONS: Therapy hologram or technical Su Jok is a simple and convenient diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic musculoskeletal and other systems. The basis of therapy is to prope rly locate the point of similarity between the diseased area, in the area of the hand, and correctly stimulate the analog point. It's available to any physician and feasible for use in primary health care. No need to memorize the points, ju st knowing locate the analog area and locate the point of more pain. It has the advantage that it is the body through the defense system that solves the problem without recourse, most of the time, other additional treatment. It is a diagnostic and therapeutic inexpensive since it avoids the use of compli cated additional resources and can be done with a blunt rod of any material. The success of therapy depends mainly on two factors: proper location and effective stimulation BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES 1lvarez Cambras, R: Treaty of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Volume II, Editorial Pueblo and Education, La Habana, 1986. 2 - Alvarez Cambras, R: Course taught at the Frank Pas Hospital on Extracorpore al Litotripcia in SOMA affections, La Habana, 2002. 3 - DePalma, A> F: Shoulder Surgery, Editorial Suescun-Barrenechea, Buenos Aires, 1953. 4 - Shiliapak, E. A, et al: Low Frequency Alternating Magnetic Fields and Its combination with radon baths in juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, Steam Kurortol Fizioter Lechj Kult 4: 1 3, 1992. 5 - Clifford Kimber, D: Manual for Anatomy and Physiology, Editorial In stituto del Libro, La Habana, 1968. 6 - Smillie, S: Diseases of the Knee Joint, Editorial Jims, Barcelona, 1981. 7 - Insall, J. M: Knee Surgery, Editorial Panam ericana, Buenos Aires, 1986. Deutsch, A. L, et al: Synovial plicae of the Knee, Radiology 141: 627, 1981. 8 - Turek, S. L: Orthopaedics, Principles and Applicat ions, Editorial R, La Habana, Volume II, 1982. 9 - Gonzalez, J: Knee Arthroscopy , Editorial IMTS, Havana, 1991 10-Lam, S. J. S: Tarsal-tunnel syndrome, J. Bone Joint Surg, 49B: 87, 1967. 11 - Zhang Jun: Fundamentals of Chinese Acupuncture a nd Moxibustion, Foreign Languages Publishing House, Beijing, China, 1984. 12 Sal inas-Sosa, U: angular syndrome of the scapula or Barr-Lieou, Rev. Cubana Orthop

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