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Holly Craven ELED-3221-001 Mondays 8-10:45 March 17, 2014 edTPA Indirect Instruction Lesson Plan Day and

Night _____________________________________________________________________________ Central Focus/Big Idea: The central focus of this lesson is the cause of day and night. This lesson would build to teach the phases of the moon. Subject of this lesson: Science Grade Level: 4th NC Essential Standard(s): 4.E.1.1 Explain the cause of day and night based on the rotation of Earth on its axis. Next Generation Science Standard(s): 5. Space Systems: Stars and the Solar System 5-ESS1-2. Represent data in graphical displays to reveal patterns of daily changes in length and direction of shadows, day and night, and the seasonal appearance of some stars in the night sky. Disciplinary Core Idea: ESS1.B: Earth and the Solar System: The orbits of the Earth around the sun and the moon around the Earth, together with the rotation of Earth about an axis between its North and South poles, cause observable patterns. (5-ESS1-2) 21st Century Skills: Creativity and Innovation: The students will be using models to learn the concept of day and night. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: They will be exploring the materials on their own to try and figure out how day and night occurs. Communication: The students are working with models and they will know that models are simplified representations of real objects that serve as a mean to communicate ideas and knowledge about how day and night occurs. Collaboration: Students will be working in groups to explore. Flexibility and Adaptability: The students will be using the models as an ongoing process of learning about day and night. We will be revisiting it after they have explored with the models. Leadership and Responsibility: The students will be responsible for recording what they find during exploration; this will provide examples of what they were doing during the process.

Academic Language Demand Analyze Argue Categorize Compare/contrast Describe Explain Interpret Predict Question Retell Summarize Predict: I want the students to predict what they think will happen as the model representing Earth rotates on its axis. Describe: I expect the students to describe what is happening when the Earth is rotating (day and night). One side of the Earth is receiving light while the other is not. Summarize: The students should be able to quickly summarize what happened as the Earth rotated. Scientific Vocabulary: axis, light rays, rotating, revolving Instructional Objective: After exploring how Earth rotates on its axis to cause night and day using a model of Earth and a flashlight, students will discover and learn that day and night occurs because of the rotation of Earth on its axis; students will demonstrate their understanding by writing a brief paragraph explaining why there is day and night. For students: I will be able to demonstrate the causes of day and night by creating a model. Prior Knowledge (student): Students should already know that the planets of the solar system revolve around the sun. They should also know what rotating means and that Earth is sphere shaped and it rotates on an axis. Content Knowledge (teacher): The teacher should know that Earth rotates on its axis. As the sun rotates in a 24-hour period, day and night occurs. This is because direct sunlight is on the Earth causing day and the opposite side of Earth is experiencing night at that time. As Earth rotates different parts of Earth are exposed to daylight. This also causes sunrise and sunset as that part of Earth is directly facing the sun. Accommodations for special needs (individual and/or small group): I will pair ELLs with another native speaker of their language that is good with English if such student is available. I will also go over the vocabulary before the lesson with this student and provide them with a sheet containing the translated vocabulary as well. Other special needs students will be accommodated as needed or specified in their IEP. Materials and Technology requirements: 1 Ball 1 Flashlight 30 Large Paper Circles (Representing the Sun) 60 Smaller Circles (Representing the Moon and the Earth) 60 Slips of paper (To connect Moon and Earth to each other and the Sun; 30 short & 30 longer) 60 Brass Fasteners (To connect) Index Cards Pencils

Total Estimated Time: 45mins Source of lesson: I remember learning about day and night with a ball and a flashlight in school. I found a version of this to guide me on: Sun/Earth/Moon Model: Safety considerations: The students will be safe during this lesson. There are no potential hazardous materials involved. I will make sure I pay attention to each group as they are exploring to ensure no one is in danger. Content and Strategies (Procedure) In your procedure, be sure to include all of the following 5 Es. Your procedure should be detailed enough for a colleague to follow. If you will be relying on technology (e.g., a YouTube video), describe your back up plan thoroughly. Imagine your most novice colleague needing to teach from your plan. Dont just answer the questions. Additionally, I expect you to include possible questions you could ask for each section. This needs to include higher-order questions. Engage: I will capture the students attention by posing the question: Why do we have day and night? I will ask the students to share their initial thoughts on the index card in front of them. After they have recorded their thoughts about why we have day and night, I will ask some of them to share their thoughts with the class. I will record them on the board so we can return to them later in the lesson. Ask them why they have these thoughts? What led them to believe this is what causes day and night? I will then play the following video beginning at 2:44 until 3:25: (Backup plan in case of technology problems: I will be modeling how the Earth rotating causes day and night.) Explore: I will begin by asking the students how we can model day and night. I will ask them to turn and talk with a partner about their plans on how to demonstrate what causes day and night with a ball and a flashlight. I want them to problem solve and use their prior knowledge. They should record what they are discussing and the ideas they have. The students will share some of their ideas with the class. I will then ask for some assistant from students. We will work together using the ball and flashlight to model their suggestions. I expect they will begin to see that as the Earth rotates, on its axis, part of it is receiving light (where the light is shining on it) while the other is not. I will be actively engaged in the lesson and their thought process. How are you guys working with the materials? What have you discovered? Are there any other ways of doing the model? What methods are you using? What would happen if? Explanation: After students have explored with the given materials, I will gather their attention again. I will ask the students what they now know. I will help students with their explanations of what they

saw. For example, they may say when you turn the ball only some of the ball is in the light. I would then explain that they are correct in their understanding. I will ask them to think of a way to explain that using the vocabulary (Earth, sun, rotation, axis). I will begin to pass out the model pieces (each student should receive 1 large circle, 2 smaller circles, 1 short strip of paper, 1 longer strip of paper, and 2 brass fasteners. I will ask the students to write the names of each circle on the correct circle with my direction. (Large-Sun, Small-Earth, Small-Moon). Before putting the piece together I will ask the students how they think we should put the pieces together, to model how the pieces should look. I will then give them the steps to putting the model together. After the model is put together, I will ask students to work with their partner to figure out how they can demonstrate the cause of day and night using the model. We will then come together to explore the model and once again model the cause of day and night. Elaborate: I will now direct the students attention back to the answers we wrote on the board before the activity. We will go through some of them before I ask them to write what they have learned about the cause of day and night on the back of their index card. They should write a brief paragraph of the cause of day and night. I will walk around the room as they write to briefly conference with each student about what they are writing. Evaluate: I will collect their index cards with their initial thought about the cause of day and night and their final response about the cause. This assessment will informal. I will be able to see which students learned the concept and which ones did not. The students should write a brief paragraph explaining why there is day and night. To be complete after the lesson is taught as appropriate Assessment Results of all objectives/skills:

Reflection on lesson:

CT signature/confirmation: _________________________________ Date: ________________

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