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Warprize (Chronicles of the Warlands #1)

by Elizabeth Vaughan
4.02 of 5 stars 4.02 rating details 5,641 ratings 352 revies
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1ylara is the /aughter of the )arrior 2ing, 1yron. )ith her father dead and her
in3o45etent half6brother on the throne, the 7ingdo4 is in danger of falling to the arring
(efore she as old enough for a 4arriage6of6allian3e, 1ylara as trained as a healer. !he
3an8t usur5 her brother or negotiate a 5ea3e66but she 3an heal the brave ones in9ured in
(ut not only her 3ountry4en are ounded, and 1ylara8s 3ons3ien3e on8t let 0irelander
arriors die hen she 3an do so4ething to save the4. !he learns their language and their
3usto4s and tries to 4a7e the4 as 3o4fortable as 5ossible, des5ite their 5risoner6of6ar
!he never e:5e3ts that these deeds, done in good faith, ould lead to the handso4e and
4ysterious 0irelander )arlord de4anding her in e:3hange for a 3ease6fire. 1ylara 7nos
4ust trade the life she has alays 7non for the ell6being of her 5eo5le, and so she
The Warprize
Warsworn (Chronicles of the Warlands
by Elizabeth Vaughan
3.;< of 5 stars 3.;< rating details 2,362 ratings 12< revies
Lara is the Warprize
. 5oerful healer, she has sorn an oath of loyalty to 2eir the )arlord, and his 5eo5le.
*o the )arlord and his 3hosen 4ate fa3e ene4ies ithin the tribe and danger lur7s on
every hand as they 9ourney toard 2eir8s ho4eland.
)hen they rea3h a village 4ar7ed ith the arnings of the 5lague, 2eir forbids -ara to
heal the si37, 3o44anding that she not ris7 her on life. (ut both -ara and 2ier are
strong of ill and neither ill bend easily, even for love= and hen -ara disobeys, she
5ays the 5ri3e> both she and 2ier are 5lague6stru37... and so is their entire en3a454ent.
?n the 4idst of the dying, ?ften, a rival arrior, gathers his folloers and 3hallenges 2eir
for the right to rule their tribe. ?f 2eir, ea7ened by the si37ness, loses 66 he dies.
.nd so does -ara.
%o save her love, her life, and her ado5ted 5eo5le, -ara 4ust find a 3ure for the 5lague 66
and fully e4bra3e her sorn role as )ar5rize to her )arlord.
Warlord (Chronicles of the Warlands #3)
by Elizabeth Vaughan
4.1 of 5 stars 4.10 rating details 2,34@ ratings 116 revies
-ara of 1y and her )arlord, 2eir of the &at, have been through 4u3h together. -ara
abandoned her lands and 5eo5le for love of hi4. !he ado5ted his ays and learned of his
tribe. %ogether they have fa3ed 5lague and insurgen3y 66 and des5ite these struggles, they
have 7non ha55iness and 9oy.
*o they fa3e their 4ost arduous tas7> 2eir 4ust ta7e -ara into the "eart of the ,lains,
and introdu3e her as the )ar5rize to the arrior65riests. !he 4ust be tested66Auestioned,
e:a4ined, at3hed66and 4ust find favor ith the arrior65riests and the tribe8s elders
before they ill 3onfir4 her as a true )ar5rize.
(ut in -ara8s heart there are doubts66for hat if she is found antingB )ill 2eir give u5
everything he 7nos to be ith his )ar5rizeB
Warcry (Chronicles of the Warlands #4)
by Elizabeth Vaughan
3.;< of 5 stars 3.;< rating details @<4 ratings @0 revies
.ll is not ell in 1y. %here is a fa3tion of nobles ho are 5lotting against the Cueen and
her barbarian arlord, heath. .s 3ultures 3lash and te45ers flare, "eath and the fier3e
,lains arrior o4an .tira of the (ear 4ust 3o4e together to fight the 3ons5ira3y... and
to sear3h their hearts for so4ething dee5er than ra 5assion.

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