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Light travels in straight lines, but it can be refracted, or bent. Refraction is the bending of light
waves. Light waves are refracted when they pass from one clear substance into another. The light
waves are slowed down when they pass between the two different materials, causing objects to
appear broken or bent.

The Broken Pencil

A pencil is placed in a cup of water. The light waves are bent as they pas
from the air into the water and from the water into glass. This bending
causes the pencil to appear to be broken.


A lens is a curved piece of clear glass or plastic. Lenses bend or refract light waves in certain
ways. There are two different types of lenses.

Convex lenses curve outward. The lens is thicker in the middle than at its
edges. A convex lens bends light waves so they move closer together.

Concave lenses curve inward. The lens is thinner in the middle than at its
edges. A concave lens bends light waves so they spread apart.


You can see the colors of white light when it passes through a piece of
glass called a prism. White light enters one side of the prism and is
refracted or bent. When the light leaves the other side of the prism, we
see a band of colors. The band of colors looks like a small rainbow. The
colors include red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

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