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My Two Stepbrothers Both Love Me, and Want to Share MeWith Each Other.

Written By: Samantha Bryson

10 months ago, Summer Yarison died leaving her husband and daughter behind. Her
husband, Henr Yarison, has been seeing a !oman named Hannah "or a !hile and
de#ided to marr the beauti"ul, middle aged !oman. Hannah alread had t!o "atherless
bos o" her o!n. $aimen, and $ustin. %hile the t!o !ere on their honemoon, a "e!
!ee&s later, $ustin and $aimen !ere sent to sta !ith their ne! ste'sister at her
(ha'ter One
)*Sa''hire+s PO,*)
-. thin& she+s hot.- i heard a hus& voi#e sa.
-SHH/ Shut u'/ She+ll !a&e u'.- a se#ond one said. 0he "irst voi#e laughed.
-So ou dont thin& she+s #ute1-
-2o, i do/ said to &ee' her aslee' until she !ants to !a&e u'.- i
4um'ed a!a&e u'on hearing -mom and dad-. . turned to see t!o o" the se5iest gus ive
ever seen. 0he 4er&ed, startled !hen i 4um'ed, but rela5ed. . #ame to m senses and
reli6ed...he/ 0here are t!o strange bos in m house/ 7 mini8a'artment, but still/
-%ho the hell are ou/1- i s#reamed. 0he "irst bo, !ho !as ver !ell built !ith dar&
bro!n hair and ha6el ees smiled at me.
-Um...Sa''hire...our "ather told ou to #all them as soon as ou !o&e u'.- he said
handing me a house 'hone. -9nd b the !a, im $aimen. 0his is m brother $ustin.-
$aimen said 'ointing to the other bo. He seemed older but 4ust as sme5. He had bla#&
tuggable hair that !as slightl mess, gorgeous ha6el ees !ith gre "la&es, and a small
diamond stud in his le"t ear.
. grabbed the 'hone and #alled m barel8there dad. 7 dad !as never home and i" the
!ere, the never tal&ed to me. 0he "ill m ban& a##ount, bu me gi"ts and leave me
-Hello, Henr Yarison s'ea&ing.- m dad ans!ered
-He dad...its me.- i mumbled.
-Oh/ He Sa''h, ho! are ou1-
-(on"used. 0here are t!o gus in m house !ithout an invite and the told me YOU said
to #all ou...-
-Oh, so ou met $aimen and $ustin/-
-Yeah- i ans!ered. -!ho are the1- i heard m dad ta&e a dee' breath.
-Umm...Sa''h hone1 ....i got married.- i almost dro''ed the 'hone.
-%hat/ 9lread/ 7om onl died88-
-0en months ago/ . need to move on, and i did. . married a !oman named Hannah
,emble. $aimen and $ustin are her sons. 0he !ill be living !ith ou and !ill be our
ste'8brothers/- i #ouldnt s'ea&. 7 dad got married behind m ba#&1/ 9nd sent t!o bos
to me1
-9re ou o&1- $ustin as&ed !ith #on#ern. . nodded m head and #ontinued to tal& to m
-O& "ine. . #ant believe ou didnt tell me/ 9nthing/ .+ll host the t!o bos, but im not
"orgiving ou.- i said !hile hanging u'. %hen i had set the 'hone do!n, i turned ba#& to
the bos.
-So our m bros...- i said.
-S0EP bros.- $aimen smiled. $ustin nudged him and #oughed. $aimen loo&ed at $ustin
&no!ingl and smiled.
-So ho! old are ou babe1- $aimen as&ed
-3abe1 .+m 1: and ;<=ths...ou both1- i said.0he laughed at m -;<=ths- 'art.
-.>m turning 1? in ; !ee&s and $ustin is 1? and ?<@ths.- $aimen sni#&ered. Oh god, he
had the hottest smile/ Yet $ustin had those se5 dim'les/ . #ould see $aimen and $ustin
both had "it bodies, but $ustin+s !as the se5iest. Lightl tan, =8'a#&, huge bi#e's, and
solid #hest. $aimen had more o" a health tan, lean se5 legs, toned arms and a mus#ular
si58'a#&. . !as drooling over these t!o hotties that !ere m ne! brothers.
-He babe, i &no! !e+re hot...but i "eel &inda violated- $ustin !in&ed. . sna''ed out o" it
and rolled m ees.
-Ha/ You !ish i !as staring a ou. 9nd !h do ou &ee' #alling me babe1 %e+re
siblings.- i said !ith a hint o" sadness. $aimen and $ustin noti#ed this. $aimen rea#hed
to me and stro&ed m "a#e. His tou#h sent tingles all through m bod.
-%e #all ou babe...#ause ur our babe.- he !his'ered hus&il into m ear. . melted and
almost leaned onto him, but #ontrolled msel". $amien+s hand trailed "rom m #hee&,
do!n m ne#&, to the side o" m breast. . shivered and held in a moan.
)*$ustin>s PO,*)
. !at#hed as $aimen began to test our ne! little sister. She !as beauti"ul. 7id8length
bro!n hair, bro!n ees, #ute small "a#e, large round breasts, and long se5 legs that !ere
sho!n b the bootie shorts she !as !earing.
$aimen>s hand trailed to her breast, rubbing the side so"tl. . gro!led in!ardl !ith lust.
. needed her in me/ $aimen moved to her !aist, then legs. He moved his hand to the
inside o" her legs and trailed u'!ards. Aust as he !as about to rea#h her 'robabl !et
#enter, he #re't ba#& do!n her leg. Sa''hire !as breathing shar'l and heavil. . smiled
as i &ne! !hat she !as thin&ing.
. too& $aimen>s shoulder and 'ulled him ba#& "or a se#ond. $aimen smiled and loo&ed at
his !at#h.
-.ts almost noon...lets go eat.- he said turning around and heading out o" the room. .
o""ered m hand "or Sa''hire to ta&e. She slo!l too& it and got out o" her bed. On#e she
!as on her "eet, i smiled at her.
-O&, ou should get dressed. %hen ou+re done, !e !ill go out and ou #an give us a
tour.- i said sternl et "riendl. Sa''hire nodded and let m hand go to "ind #lothes. 9s i
!as leaving the room she #alled to me.
-.snt it !rong1 . mean...i "elt something i shouldnt have !hen $aimen tou#hed me... Or
!hen ou loo& at me.- i #hu#&led and !al&ed u' to her, sna&ing m arm around her
!aist, i leaned her ba#& and set t!o o" m "ingers on one o" her ni''les, rubbing it lightl
and teasingl. Sa''hire started breathing heavil again, and a small moan es#a'ed her
-$o ou li&e this1- i as&ed. -$o ou !ant more1 Brom me1 $aimen1....both1-
Sa''hire seemed to distra#ted to ans!er. Se &e't moaning so"tl and gas'ing. 7 guess
is that she+s a virgin and hasnt had e5'erien#e !ith males. . leant in and &issed her #hee&
-." ou li&e it, its not !rong. 2o! babe, g!t dressed and meet us do!nstairs.- i smir&ed
leaving Sa''hire sitting on the "loor, dumb"ouned and gas'ing so"tl.
(ha'ter D
)* $aimen+s PO,*)
. sat in the small living room, !aiting "or Sa''hire and $ustin. %e tottal hit the 4a#&'ot.
Sa''hire is beauti"ul, and inno#ent. . al!as thought that !hen 'eo'le said -love at "irst
sight-, the !ere being stu'id. 0hat ou #ant love someone at "irst sight. 3ut i ta&e all
that ba#&/ Sa''hire is m love at "irst sight. 9nd im sure she+s $ustins too. S'ea& o" the
-He $.- $ustin said #oming "rom Sa''hires room. . smiled
-Haha. So !hat#ha thin&1- i as&ed #asuall. $ustin raised an eebro!.
-9bout Sa''h1-
-2o idiot, about m ass/-
-Aust !ondering, gee6. She+s 'er"e#t. . thin&...i might love her...alread... 9nd i barel
&no! her.-$ustin mused. . shoo& m head.
-%e &no! a bit about her. Her8 i mean...OUR dad told us all he &ne!.-
-%hi#h !asnt mu#h. She+s alone here. 9lmost all the time.- i nodded at $ustin.
-Yeah. 3ut no!, !e+re here to so#iali6e and be big bros.- i smiled. 3ig bros1 . dont !ant
to be her brother/ . !ant to be her bo"riend/ 9''arentl $ustin thought the same thing.
-. !ish !e !erent her brothers. 0hen i !ouldnt "eel so guilt about tou#hing her.- he
-%ell, im not guilt/- i #hu#&led, !ondering !h i "elt so -o'en and ha''- about this.
0he Sa''hire #ame out o" her room, in a not too "itted t8shirt, s&inn 4eans, and o'en toe
heels. Her sil& bro!n hair !as in a loose 'ontail, !ith a long 'ei#e o" bangs on the
right side o" her "a#e, "raming it. She !as even 'rettier than !hen she !o&e u'/
$ustin !as #he#&ing her out as !ell.
-Um...should !e go1 %e #an ta&e m #ar..- Sa''hire started, but . #ut her o"".
-2o, !e+ll ta&e m #ar. 9 D010 .n"initi gE? (onvertable.- i boasted. $ustin rolled his
ees, and Sa''hire smiled.
-O&, !e #an go to Rubies Pan#a&e House. .+ll tell ou ho! to get there.- she said as !e
le"t the house. %hen !e got into m hot #ar, Sa''hire began ba#&seat driving.
-Le"t. LEB0. YOUR O0HER LEB0/ 2o! turn at this light...OH GRE90/ You missed it/
2o! ma&e a legal u8turn...LEG9L/ LEG9L/ Ugh/- she s#reamed the !hole time.
)*Sa''hire+s PO,*)
%h !ont he 4ust listen1/ 9 sa le"t, he goes right. . sa sto', he s'eeds/
%hen !e got to Rubie+s and !ere settled in our seats, !e all stared at ea#h other.
-D0 Cuestions1- $ustin as&ed. $aimen and i nodded.
-O&, so Sa''hire...have ou ever been &issed1- $ustin as&ed. . loo&ed u' at them and
-Yes. %hen i !as a 'la. Romeo and Auliet.- i blushed. $aimen raised an
-You mean..,ouve never been &issed outside o" a 'la1- i shoo& m head.
-2o. .ts m turn. 9re ou both virgins1- i as&ed stu'idl. $ustin and $aimen laughed.
-2o !e arent. not..- $aimen smir&ed. $ustin rolled
his ees.
-. lost it !hen i !as 1E. 9nd $aimen !hen he !as 1F.- he said. -2o!...ou are gorgeous,
!h havent ou been &issed1- i too& a dee' breath. a"raid o" !hat it leads to.-
-%hen i !as 1D, i !itnessed a girl being ra'ed. . !as !al&ing in a theatre, and i 'assed
b a ba#&room that had a E0ish old man, ra'ing a girl m age. So at s#hool, i !ear ugl
#lothes and a#t boring and nerd, so no one !ill !ant to &iss me. . even !ear these ugl
glasses and ri' m #lothes.- $aimen gas'ed and grabbed m hand.
-.+m sorr ou sa! that. 3ut "rom no! on ou dont need to dress li&e that.- he said.
-Yeah. %e+ll &ee' gus a!a "rom ou.- $ustin agreed. . smiled at them and sat
-O&, so ne5t Cuestion. Ho! did our mom meet m dad1-
-%ell, she said that the met at !or&. She is a #o8!or&er !ith our dad.
9''arentl...the even had se5 a good number o" times. She loves him, and tal&ed about
him "or
months/ .ts nausiating.- $aimen laughed. . smiled, but then reli6ed something..
-%ait...months1 Ho! long e5a#tl has our mom been seeing m dad1-
-Uh...i dont &no!- $ustin said, thin&ing. -a earish...!h1- i dro''ed m "or& and
started sha&ing, m ees !elling !ith tears.
-Oh m god Sa''hire, !hats !rong1/- $ustin as&ed. . !as still sha&ing !hen $aimen
held both m hands and tried &ee'ing me stead. . didnt ans!er.
-0ell us/ 9re ou mad our dad never told ou1- $aimen as&ed. . shoo& m head. .
#ouldnt believe it.
-0hen %H901/- both bos as&ed. . started #ring.
-78 m m8m8mom. Sh8she...died 10months ago..- i sobbed. $ustin+s ees !idened.
-0hat means...- He started.
-0hat her dad !as #heating on her mom.- $aimen "inished.
G9<2H i !as going to sto' here..but i de#ided not to.I
)*$ustins PO,*)
Oh God/ Ho! mu#h should this girl endure/ She sa! a ra'e, her mom died, and her dad
!as #heating, then got married !ithout telling her1/
. got u' "rom m seat, and too& Sa''hire+s hand. She #ried "or 10 more
-$o ou !ant to go1- i as&ed. She nodded, tears "alling "rom her beauti"ul "a#e. . nodded,
then $aimen and i hel'ed her get to the #ar. 9s !e drove, Sa''hire suddenl sat straight.
-Ho! #ould he1/ 7 mom loved him more than she loved me/ %hi#h is a LO0/ She
died, thin&ing that she !as m dad+s onl
beloved/- She #ried. -9nd no! m ste'mom !ill be the -other !oman-1/- $aimen
rubbed her shoulder, #alming her do!n.
-He,listen. . &no! "or a "a#t that m mom didnt &no! our dad !as married. She &e't
telling me and $ustin that +she "ound the most !onderul single man at !or&+. She didnt
&no! he !as #heating. .t+d brea& her heart i" she &ne! no!...- Sa''hire smile sadl.
-.m sorr. .m sure our mom !ill be an e5#ellent ste'mom. 3ut mabe !e shouldnt tell
her about this...- she said. . nodded.
-Good idea.- i said. On#e !e !ere ba#& at her a'artment, Sa''hire sat on the #ou#h and
turned on the tv. . sat ne5t to her and stared at her. She noti#ed and loo&ed at me.
-%h do ou &ee' loo&ing at me1- she as&ed. . smir&ed.
-Bor the same reason ou loo& at m brother and i.-
-%hats that1-
-You &ee' remembering !hen !e tou#hed ou earlier. You en4oed it, didnt ou1-
-.8i....i dont &no!.-
-You did. .ts !ritten all over our "a#e.- she blushed and shi"ted in her s'ot.
-3ut...i shouldnt have en4oed it. %e are "amil.-
-2ot reall. %e arent blood related. .ts nothing to be ashamed o" i" ou lust me. Or
$aimen.- she blushed again.
-You...!ouldnt li&e to do anthing !ith me.-
-9nd !h !ouldnt !e1- $aimen as&ed, as i remembered he !as there. a virgin. . !ould su#&.- she mumbled. $aimen laughed.
-. bet ou ! i hit the ba#& o" his head, as Sa''hire smiled slightl amused.
She stood u' as i did.
-3ut virgins are more "un. 9nd ou are hotter than an girl ever. You &no! !hat se5 .S
-O" #ourse i do/ .m not a #om'lete bab/ 3ut !hat ma&es ou thin& i !ant to do anthing
!ith ou1- Sa''hire as&ed. $aimen !al&ed u' to her and sto''ed in#hes "rom her "a#e.
He leant in and &issed her ne#& slo!l. She gas'ed and sto''ed breathing. $aimen
starred su#&ing her ne#&, rubbing her ba#&. She gas'<moaned and began to melt into him.
He then ba#&ed a!a and smir&ed.
-%e &no! babe. %e &no!.- he smiled
-!e1- she as&ed, re#overing.
-Yes. .m sure ou+d li&e $ustin too.- $aimen said smiling at me. . smir&ed and rolled m
ees. Sa''hire stared at us both.
-too1 3oth o" ou1 9nd ou+re not mad at the other1- She as&ed. . shoo& m head.
-2o. . love ou, and m brother. . !ant him ha'' as !ell.- i said.
-$ont !orr !e+re not ga or bi.- $aimen smir&ed.
-9nd !e !ill ma&e ou beg "or us both, b the end o" the !ee&.- i smir&ed as !ell.
Sa''hire blin&ed a #ou'le times, but i #ould tell she !as ha'' and e5#ited "or me...and
(ha'ter E
)*Sa''hire+s PO,*)
. stared u' at $ustin. .s he serious1 He doesnt mind that his brother li&es the same girl he
li&es1 .n "a#t, he en#ourages it1/
0he ne5t morning i !o&e at ?am to get read "or s#hool. $aimen and $ustin had to slee'
in the s'are room. $aimen on the bed, and $ustin in a slee'ing bag. Last night the
brought there suit#ases and luggage into their room.
9"ter i sho!ered, i #re't ba#& into m room and ran to m #loset to #hange. . 'ut on a red
s'orts bra that sCuee6ed m breasts in, a large s!eatshirt and bagg 4eans. 9s i le"t m
room, $aimen !as 4ust getting out o" the bathroom. He loo&ed at me and raised an
-%h are ou hiding our se5 bod under 0H901- he as&ed. . blushed but "ro!ned.
-. told ou !h. . dont !ant to be noti#ed.-
- 3ut i told ou to not !orr about them, be#ause ou have $ustin and me.- $aimen
smiled. . didnt ans!er, so i 4ust stared. $aimen laughed and grabbes m hand and led me
ba#& to
m room. He !ent to m #loset and started 'i#&ing me an out"it.
-0his.- he said handing me a bla#& la# bra i bought ; months ago "or a "omal event. He
didnt seem even the slightest bit embarassed.
-Uh...oh/ 0hese.- he gave me a red "itted, lo! di' v8ne#& to', and a 'air o" bla#& almost8
bootie shorts. . ga'ed at him.
-9re ou &idding1/- i as&ed.
-2o'e. 2o dress u'. 0hen ta&e o"" those horrible glasses. $o ou need glasses1-
-2o. . have 'er"e#t eesight.-
-0hen e!!/ 0a&e those #aveman eesee8ers o""/- i laughed at his rea#tion to m thi#&,
sCuare bi"e#als. . too& m "a&e glasses o"", and 'ushed $aimen out o" the room.
-.+ll #hange and tr an ma&e msel" loo& 'rett. You sho!er and !a&eu' $ustin.- i
smiled. $aimen nodded and #hu#&led.
-(aveman glasses..- he muttered to himsel" as he !al&ed out. . rolled m ees and
#hanged. . thin& i might AUS0 ma&e the dress #ode. 9"ter dressing, i too& m hair do!n
and stled it the !a i !ould "or a 'art. 9 little tugging here and 'ullin there. 0hen i 'ut
on some light ma&eu' and grabbed red heels. 9ll m shoes are heels. .ve al!as li&ed
them, and the ma&e me "eel good about msel".
0en minutes later i le"t m room and !ent to the mainroom. 0here i sa! t!o sme5 bos
in sme5 out"its sme5il staring at me.
)*$aimens PO,*)
Hol Bu#&ing Sha6aam/ Sa''hire loo&ed smo&in se5/ $amn, i never &ne! i !as su#h a
good out"it 'i#&er/ . loo&ed at $ustin !ho !as drooling as !ell. . "elt m 4eans tighten a
bit. . loo&ed do!n and..shit. She too& me to m ha'' 'la#e.
-Good morning/ %e should eat.- Sa''hire smiled !al&ing to the small &it#hen. $ustin
glared at me, on#e she had le"t.
-$amn/ She loo&s...-
-H9%0/- i "inished.
-%ell...eah/ Haha.- $ustin smiled.
-3e a!are, that !e have to 'rote#t her at s#hool.- i !arned. $ustin nodded, then began to
-9!!/ You !ill have #lass !ith her, and i !ont/- i smiled and nodded at this.
-Oh eah/ 3ut dont !orr. . !ont tr anthing...!ithout ou.- i said. $ustin smiled at
-0han&s bro. 3ut ou !ill see her more, and should there"ore be #onstantl on the
loo&out.- he said. . nodded "or the 100th time. 0hen !e !ent to the &it#hen and ate the
Brosted sugar #ereal that Sa''hire had.
On#e !e "inished, !e 'iled in the #ar, and listened to Sa''hire give me dire#tions to the
s#hool. Haha, that too& "orever. %hen !e got there, all ees turned to us. Sa''hire
seemed to shrin& at all these 'eo'le. . grabbd her hand and &issed her hair.
-9ntime ou "eel too un#om"ortable, !e #an leave.- i !his'eres to her. She shoo& her
-.+m good.- she smiled. . nodded as !e !ent inside. 0hen the gossi' started.
-$amn/ .s that Sa''hire1/-
-Yeah/ She+s se5 as hell/-
-!ho are those gus !ith her1-
-. dont #are, im sooo ta''ing that/-
-0he taller one is (U0E/-
-2o, the one !ith the ha6el ees is/-
-Uh, Lauren1 0he 3O0H have ha6el ees/- and the tal&ing #ontinued.
Sa''h led us to the 'rin#i'les o""i#e to get our #lass s#hedules.
-O&, i have to go no!. 3e $aimen.- $ustin said.
-3e $.- i said. $ustin leaned and Cui#&l and 'e#&ed Sa''h on the #hee&.
-3e babe.- he smiled. She blushed and !his'ered -3e $ustin-.
On#e he had le"t, i #he#&ed the s#hedule. . have ? #lasses and ; !ith Sa''h. Oh darn/ 9t
least !e have the "irst t!o together. %e !al&ed to English.
%hen !e got there, a blond #hi#& ran to me !ith a "lirt smile.
-He. .+m Leanne.- she smiled. . blin&ed #ausuall.
-2i#e to meet ou, i guess.-
-%hats our name1- she "lirted.
-$aimen (arter.- i said, no emotion in m voi#e. Leanne smiled and rea#hed out to tou#h
m #hest.
-. li&e that name...- she said, tring to sound se5. . nodded.
-. li&e it too. 2o! e5#use me. (ome on Sa''h.- i said 'ulling Sa''hire a!a !ith me.
9s !e loo&ed "or a seat, a tall gu !ith dirt blond hair, sla''ed Sa''h+s ass.
-He se5, !hereve ou been all m li"e1- he as&ed. . sat Sa''hire do!n and !al&ed u'
to the gu. . !as an almost an in#h taller than him, but i bet i !as stronger.
-Leave Sa''hire alone. 0ou#h her, i+ll brea& ou. Hurt her, $ustin and i !ill &ill ou.-
-%ho+s $ustin1-
-7 brother !ho+s a senior.- i ans!ered. 0he gu smir&ed but, ba#&ed u'. . sat do!n b
Sa''h and smiled. She mouthed a -than& ou- and grinned.
)*$ustins PO,*)
Oh god/ Ho! man sluts are in this s#hool/ So "ar i metH Selene, $emetris, (arl,
(hemile, Aade, 0ana, 7ia, and ,alerie. 0he #heersCuad. Some !here 'rett, but Sa''h+s
got them beat. . sure ho'e $aimens ta&ing #are o" her/
3e Fth 'eriod, i !as "riends !ith the "ootball 4o#&s. 7i&e, Sha!n, 9aron, and Aoe.
$uring lun#h, i s'otted Sa''hire and $aimen, one girl and three gus sitting at a table. .
!al&ed over "or a moment.
-He $, he Sa''h.- i said. Sa''hire smiled and !aved.
-Hi $ustin/- she said.-0his is Emma, 0ristan, $aniel and 3enn.- she said 'ointing to the
other 'eo'le. . nodded to them greetingl. Emma seemed ni#e, and i thin& she !ould
ma&e a great "riend "or Sa''h. 9''arentl Emma !as the onl girl that tal&ed to Sa''hire
be"ore and the !ere good "riends. 0he three bos !ere the 4unior 4o#& leaders. $aimens
"riends. 9"ter meeting them and i as&ed Sa''hire to sit !ith me at the senior tables. She
a##e'ted and $aimen nodded saing.
-Oh "ine, ou #an ta&e her "or no!.- to me. Emma staed to tal& to the 4o#&s. On#e !e
got to the table, all the dudes stared at Sa''hire. . sna''ed m "ingers in "ront o" their
-He/ Sna' out o" it. . &no!, she+s hot.- i rolled m ees. Sa''h blushed and sat do!n b
me. 9aron !as the "irst to s'ea&. she our girl"riend1- he as&ed. . glared at him.
-She+s m ste' sister.- i said, not dening her as m girl"riend. 0he gus all e5haled.
-So ou !ouldnt mind i" !e88-Sha!n started.
-You tou#h her, itll be the last thing ou ever do.- i !arned. Sa''hire shi"ted in het seat
and held m arm tighter.
-%ait, ou never ans!ered m she our girl1- 9aron as&ed.
-. 4ust ans!ered ou/ She+s m ste'8sister.- i said annoed. Aoe laughed.
-0hat doesnt mean anthing. You #ould still be. So are ou1- he as&ed. Sa''hire s'o&e
u' no!.
-2o #omment, 'lease.- she said. . smiled and set m hand on her bare leg. She sti""ened.
-%haaatever.- 7i&e smiled. -3ut id li&e to see !hat goes on in our house.- Sha!n
-%h 7i&e1 You into 'orn1-
-. didnt mean it li&e 0H90/- 7i&e said. . noti#ed 9aron randoml staring at Sa''h.
-!hat+re ou loo&ing at1- i as&ed him. He loo&ed at me smir&ing.
-9t Sa''h+s tits.- he grinned, Sa''h gas'ed and glared at 9aron.
-Ees are u' here/- she said. Aoe #hu#&led.
-He &no!s that, but thats not !hat he+s interested in...- 9aron rolled his ees and
#ontinued to eat. . de#ided that no! !as a good time to have some "un.
. set m hand on Sa''hire+s thigh and sCuee6ed it gentl. . #ould "eel her sti""en to m
tou#h. . traled m hand to the inside o" her thighs, rubbing the s&in so"tl. She gas'ed
Cuietl as to not arrouse sus'i#ion. One i rea#hed the line o" her shorts, i slid m hand
underneath them, ti#&ling her gentl. . too& m hand out and lightl tou#hed her #enter
over her shorts. She !as alread begining to orgasm on her #lothes. . #hu#&led and too&
m hand out, and !ent ba#& to eating li&e nothing ha''ened.
0heres a di""eren#e bet!een $aimen and i. . have more o" an old "ashioned mind. . sa
breasts, he sas tits. . sa #enter, $aimen sas 'uss. . sa orgasm, he sas -#um-. . sa
'enis, he sas di#&. 3ut a''arentl girls "ind m old stle o" tal&ing attra#tive and
9"ter lun#h i returned Sa''hire to $aimen !ho !as tal&ing to his "riends. $aimen too&
her hand and smiled. 0hen he leant over to me and said,
-$id ou have a "un 'etting session ba#& there1- he smiled.
(ha'ter F.
)*$aimen+s PO,*)
i laughed at $ustins "a#e. He seeme annoed, et embarrasd. . #aught him 'etting our
little babe+s 'uss, and legs, and her gas'ing and moaning the entire time. . got hard 4ust
thin&ing about being in his 'la#e/ 3ut no!...$ustin and i both !ant Sa''h...but !e have
to ma&e sure Sa''hire !ants us.
-Shuttu'. . #ant have m "un1- $ustin grinned. . smiled and !aved m hand dissmisivl.
-Yes, es, ou #an. 2o! !e need Sa''hire to beg "or us. . mean !e love het alread, but
i thin& she #raves se5 in general. 2ot us.- i !his'ered to him. $ustin nodded and said.
-2o 'roblem. %e all sta in the same house. %e+ll "ind a !a.- he said. . smiled and held
tighter to Sa''hire, !ho !as tal&ing to 0ristan, 3enn and Emma.
-Lets go to ne5t #lass babe.- i said. -See a $ust.-
-3e $ustin/ See ou a"ter s#hool/- Sa''hire smiled. . !as glad to see her so ha''. She
had "riends, noti#e, and not gus !ere bothering her se5uall.
-3e $aimen. 3e babe.- $ustin smiled. 9s !e !al&ed to our #lass, Sa'' turned to "a#e
-He $aimen1-
-Yeah, babe1-
-0han& ou. . never #ould !al& through s#hool li&e this and have all the &ids !aving and
smiling at me. 9nd not have gus bothering me.- she grinned. . nodded and &issed her
-2o 'roblem, Sa''hire. 0hats !hat !ere here "or.- i said. She #hu#&led Cuietl then !ent
to her ne5t #lass. . !asnt in this #lass !ith her. . s'otted 3enn and $aniel going in the
#lass, i sto''ed them.
-$an, 3enn/- i #alled. 0he sa! me and smiled.
-He $, !hats u'1 You+re doing 9lgebraD1- 3enn as&ed. . shoo& m head.
-2o, i did 9lgebraD. .m in Geometr. Umm.. .m not gonna be here to !at#h out "or
Sa''h, so i !as !ondering88-
-." !e #ould 'la big brother "or this #lass1- $aniel #ut me o"", smiling. . nodded.
-Sure !e !ill/ %ho !ould mind !at#hing over a se5 little88- 3enn started. .
inturru'ted him.
-9nd #an i trust ou 2O0 to tr anthing on her1- i as&ed. $an laughed at 3enn, but
-$ont !orr. You #an trust us "or toda..but one da, im gnna get her/- he said. . rolled
m ees.
-2ot i" im still breathing.- i muttered Cuietl. Sa''h !as alread in the #lass, !hen !e
heard a sCueal voi#e...sCueal. . turned and sa! Leanne !ith three other girls, in "lims
to's and E8in#h s&irts. Sa''hire had short shorts on...but the !ere still :8?in#hes long/
-%ell/ 0his is li&e a hottie gathering/ Ho! are ou bos doing1- she as&ed, batting her
-He Leanne, and....$arlene1- 3enn as&ed.
-2o, (harlene/ Ho! did ou "orget1 You !ere moaning it three das ago.- 9 red headed,
bust #hi#& said. 3enn shrugged, and $an laughed.
-So $aimen, ou did great at Geomter/- another girl said !ith blond hair and long legs.
. grinned and nodded.
-Oh o&. 0han&s ,anessa.- Leanne nudged ,anessa and !his'ered something to her.
,anessa "ro!ned but staed s#ilent.
-You have 3iolog or (hemistr ne5t1- Leanne as&ed.
-3iolog.- i ans!ered.
-Great/ 7e too/ %o!, !e have almost all the #lasses together/- she sCuealed. . managed
to smile. She disgusts me.
-(ool. . gotta go no!. 0e5t me 3enn and $an about her o&1- i as&ed. 3enn and $an
nodded, but !ent ba#& to staring at (harlene+s tits. . rolled m ees and !ent to #lass,
!ith Leanne and ,anessa "ollo!ing me. %hen !e !ere in the room, Leanne ran to the
tea#hers des& and "lirted !ith him. 0he tea#her !as about D; or so, but still...have our
limits slut/ 0hen suddenl Leanne sCuealed
ha''il and than&ed 7r...Jenob1 Li&e...O3. %92 JE2O3./ . smiled to msel".
-2o! ta&e our seet Leanne.- 7r. Jenob smiled. 9s #lass !ent on, i got m te5ts "rom
3enn and $anH
3ennH So "ar so good.
$anH 0hat !ierd &id "rom the $rama #lub 4ust !in&ed at her/
3ennH $an 4ust thre! a 'en#ilbag at a $rama #lub gee&...but she+s o&.
$anH She+s "ine...%9.0/
3ennH LOL/ %hen 7rs. 3oring turned around, $an 'un#hed Samuel 0o!erson "or
!his'ering that Sa''hire+s got good boobs/
$anH its all good no!. Sa''h does loo& 'rett hot though. %oah...
3ennH E%%/ 9 lesbo girl 4ust 'in#hed Sa''hs ass/ Grossssss
$anH Ro"l/ 3enn randoml elled out -Bele#it/ Jee' ur ga hands o"" the hottie
3ennH oh great. . have dont matter, i had detention "or a !ee& alread "or
&issing in the halls.
. rolled m ees. 0hose gus !ere stu'id. %e had a 'o' Cui6 on Heredit..,and i a#ed it1
%o! better than i thought. 0hen Obi8!an !al&ed u' to me.
-%h 7r.(arter, ou did e5#eedingl !ell/ 2o!...7s. %elsh, ou did horribl.- he said
loo&ing at Leanne. 0hen he turned ba#& to me.
-7r. (arter, im giving ou the assignment o" tutoring 7s. Leanne in 3iolog.- he smiled.
. glared at him.
-2o/ . have things to do/- i !hined. 7r. Obi!an raised an eebro!.
-2o!, no!. $ont 'retend ou dont !ant to s'end time !ith this goddess, and get e5tra
#redit "or it. %e+re studing re'rodu#tion, imagine !hat +tutoring+ ou #ould do.- he
!in&ed. . ga'ed at him. .s he serious telling me to go to Leannes house...and "u#& her/1
. loo&ed over at Leanne, !ho !in&ed at me. . gagged.
-$o i have to1- i as&ed.
-.+m a"raid so. . e5'e#t to see some results "rom her. 9nd ou !ill get e5tra #redit "or
ever assignment ou do.- Obi!an smiled. . gro!led and !ent ba#& to reading m boo&.
9"ter #lass, i ran to So#ial studies to meet Sa''hire. . sa! her tal&ing to Emma, $an,
3enn, and 0ristan. . !aved to them.
-Ho! !as #lass1- . as&ed Sa''h. She smiled.
-Great. .n#luding ou sending me bod gaurds.- she laughed. . s#o""ed and smiled. 0hen
i too& her hand and led her do!n the hall and Cui#&l into an em't room.
-%hats !rong, $aimen1- Sa''hire as&ed. . shoo& m head.
-2othing is. 3ut i have something i !ant ou to &no!.- i !his'ered se5il into her ear.
She shivered.
-!8!8! i8it1- she said. . set her against a !all and li#&ed her earlobe. She
immedietl melted in m arms. . nibbled it as i rubbed her !aist.
-Later on babe, !e+re gonna tea#h ou all about se5. Real se5. 2ot the t'e ou read in
health #lass.- i said, not bothering to !his'er. Sa''hire gas'ed, but i &ne! she !as
e5#ited. Her stead heart had started u' "aster, and she !as 'ressing her legs together. .
smiled and ba#&ed a!a, ta&ing her ba#& to #lass.
)*Sa''hire+s PO,*)
God i !as !et/ . thin& i orgasmed right through m shorts/ 0han& god the shorts !ere
bla#&. 9"ter !e "inished s#hool, $ustin !as !aiting b the #ar.
-He $ustin/- i smiled. Something about him made me ha''. He #ame over and &issed
m "orehead.
-Hi babe. . missed ou, ho! !as s#hool1-
-Good, mu#h better than usual.- i honestl stated. $aimen #hu#&led lightl, as !e 'iled
in the #ar. $ustin sat in the ba#& ne5t to me.
9s !e drove on, $aimen &e't blabbing about having to tutor Leanne, 3enn and $ans
te5ts, and...i#e #ream. Random bo. . laughed. . loo&ed over at $ustin !ho !as smiling
at $aimen and i. %hen he #aught me staring he smir&ed.
-So Sa''hire. $aimen told ou about later1 0he se5 lessons1- he as&ed. . blushed and
nodded. He smiled and leant ne5t to me.
-Good. 0his !ill give us a #han#e to see !hat turns ou on, and sho! ou all the !as
one #ould have "un in bed.- he !in&ed. . blushed even dee'er.
-0ell me no!...!hat do YOU thin& turns ou on1 %hat do ou !ant a gu to do to ou1-
$aimen as&ed. . blin&ed blan&l. . dont &no!...everthing thatthe bos have done so "ar,
got me !et and horn.
-i dont &no!...- i said. $ustin leaned so #lose, i #ould smell his breath, #ologne and hair
sham'oo. 9ll smelled !onder"ul. . loo&ed "rom $ustins ees, to his li's. 0he !ere "ull,
moist and 'lum' as ever. . a#hed to &iss them/ 3ut i held ba#&, as $ustin &issed m ne#&.
Over and over he 'la#ed hot &isses that !e still burning !hen he le"t them. . gas'ed
so"tl and held in m moans. $aimen #ontinued driving, but laughing at m struggle to
not moan.
-3abe, give u'. $ustin !ont sto', untill ou moan.- $aimen smiled. . glared a him, but
&e't m mouth shut. $ustin moves lo!er to n #hest, and &issed me there as !ell. . bit
m li' and #losed m ees. .m not giving them the satis"a#tion. $ustin #hu#&led against
m #hest, and moved m shirt out o" his !a, as he li#&ed the ti' o" m breasts.
-$ustin...- i started, but #ouldnt "inish. He had rea#hed m ni''les and !as li#&ing them,
over m s&im' bra. . #ouldnt hel' it. . o'ened m mouth and moaned.
Loudl and des'eratl. $aimen #heered, and $ustin smiled against m ni''le. 0hen...he
su#&ed it/ .ve heard o" ni''le su#&ing, but i never &ne! it !ould "eel this good/ $ustin
teased and 'ulled, and lightl bit on them, ma&ing me moan and gas' louder than i ever
had. $aimen 4ust smiled and seemed 'roud o" me "or moaning.
. #ouldnt thin& straight anmore as $ustin su#&ed and bit, a"ter removing m bra as !ell.
. moaned, groaned and all i #ould "eel !as 'leasure. 0hen i heard $ustin moan. %h !as
he moaning1 $aimen loo&ed at us both Cui#&l and laughed. $ustin moaned even louder,
but i didnt &no! !h. 9''arentl $aimen noti#ed m #on"usion.
-Loo& at our hand babe.- he smir&ed. . loo&ed do!n and ga'ed. 7 hand !as on
$ustins no! ere#t di#&, over his 'ants, rubbing and 'ulling it. . suddenl sto''ed as
$ustin breathed heavil.
-$amn, ou+ll be good in bed.- he smiled. . blushed and 'ut m #lothes ba#& on. 0hen i
-.+m sorr about that. . didnt &no! i !as88-
-!h the hell are ou sorr1 0hat !as great/- $ustin #ut me o"". -You gave in and
moaned, and even started 'etting on our o!n. You managed to ma&e m 'enis get an
ere#tion, and ou onl tou#hed it.- he smiled. . blushed and smiled ba#&. 0hen a Cuestion
hit me.
-Um..$ustin1 ." i as& ou a !eird Cuestion, do ou 'romise ou !ont laugh1- i as&ed. He
nodded and smiled.
-O" #ourse babe/ %hat is it1-
-um...!hen i tou#hed our...uh...di#& or 'enis...i..i 4ust !ant to &no! i started.
-Let it out babe/ You #an tell us anthing.- $aimen smir&ed. . gul'ed.
-Um...i 4ust !anted to &no! ho! big our di#& is.- i said Cui#&l. $ustin smir&es but
didnt laugh.
-0hats a good girl/ Let it out, haha. Lets see...last time i #he#&ed, id sa mine is = in#hes
long.- $ustin said. . shar'l dre! in breath. GO$/ . didnt &no! the got that big.
-%o!...i never &ne! the #ould be more than :in#hes.- i said. $aimen laughed.
-%ell than #u'#a&e, ou+ll be 'leased to &no!, that i have a @ in#her.- $aimen smiled. .
ga'ed and loo&ed over at $ustin. He sni#&ered nodded.
-He+s not ling. 7 litle bro+s got the bigger 'enis. .ve 4ust got more mus#le.- He said. .
laughed as $aimen s#o""ed. 0hen !e !ere home. 9"ter !e !ere settled, i !ent to the
&it#hen "or a sna#&. . grabbed a banana, and sat at the table. Aust as i !as about to eat it,
$aimen laughed.
-9re ou RE9LLY gonna be able to eat that1 Even a"ter our di#& dis#ussion1- he as&ed.
. loo&ed at the banana...and grima#ed. .t suddenl loo&ed goss and some!hat li&e a
. handed $aimen the banana, and got an a''le. He laughed and thre! it a!a. 0hen !e
heard $ustin "rom the living room.
-Oh $aimen/ Sa''h/ .ts time "or the se5 lesson.- he #alled. . gul'ed and bit m li', as
$aimen dragged me to the living room.
(ha'ter ;
)*$ustins PO,*)
-O& &ids. 0ime "or the se5 lesson.- i said !ith a smile. Sa''hire and $aimen sat do!n on
the #ou#h and smiled. %ell..$aimen smiled. Sa''h turned !hite and nervous.
-O&eedo&e #hei"/- $aimen smiled. . #hu#&led and loo&ed at Sa''h.
-O&, babe, tell us !hat ou &no! alread about se5.- i told Sa''hire. She blin&ed a
#ou'le times, and on#e she "ound out i !as dead serious, she started tal&ing.
-Umm..!ell i &no! that se5 is !hen a gus...'enis goes into a girls vagina. 0hen in and
out.- $aimen sni#&erd and 'o&ed Sa''h.
-.s that all1-
-2o...i &no! theres &issing..and.....rubbing.- she mumbled. $aimen #ra#&ed u' and rolled
on the "loor. . sma#&ed his head.
-%hats our 'roblem1-
-She+s soooo embarrased/ Loo& at her !hen she said +rubbing+/ Hahaha/- he laughed. .
loo&ed at her and sa! a red, s!eating, hottie. . rubbed her arm.
-.gnore $aimen. 2o! #ontinue.- i said. $aimen #om'osed himsel" and sat do!n. Sa''h
too& a dee' breath.
-Li&e !hat ou gus &ee' doing to me. 9nd...!hat i did to $ustin in the #ar b a##ident.-
she muttered. . smiled as i remembered it. .ve al!as been a +hard to get+. . use to be a
'laer, and onl #ertain girls #ould su##eed in ma&ing me ere#t. She did it in 10 se#onds.
-Yeah, i &no!/ You o!e me one no!, babe.- $aimen !in&ed. Sa''h blushed and
-Uh..besides tou#hing and &issing...thats it. Right1- she as&ed.
$aimen smiled and 'ushed her do!n onto the "loor and laed on her, su''orting his o!n
!eight on his arms Gas to not #rush herI.
-." ou thin& +thats it+, then !e are going to have a LO0 o" "un !ith ou, babe.- he
smir&ed, !hile leaning "or!ard. He li#&ed her ear. She shivered and gul'ed loudl. 0hen
$ 4um'ed o"" and sat do!n li&e nothing had ha''ened. . rolled m ees and told $aimen
to get a banana. %hen he returned, i gave it to Sa''h. She laughed and loo&ed at me.
-%hat do ou !ant me to do !ith this1- she as&ed. . smiled and through her the #ontents
o" m 'o#&et. 9 #ondom.
-$o ou &no! !hat #ondoms are1- i as&ed. She nodded.
-You !ant...7E to 'ut it on..the 3929291/- she gas'ed. . nodded. She o'ened the
'a#&et and loo&ed at the #ondom eeingl. 0hen she rolled it onto the banana 'e"re#tl.
-.s this good1- she as&ed. $aimen and i smiled and nodded. She 4um'ed u' and glared at
-Your not gonna ma&e me88-
-2O/ 2o, no, no/ You !ill not lose our virginit to a banana/- i laughed. She rela5ed
and sat do!n again.
-O&. 0oda im sho!ing ou Oral Se5. 0ommoro!...9nal se5. 2e5t da, riding. 9nd
more a"ter that.- i said. 9nd $aimen+s ees !idened.
-Oh eah/ %e+re doing oral 2O%/ %hoo/- he said ha''il. . rolled m ees at m se5
hungr brother and turned to Sa''hire.
-2o! the banana.- she glared at me.
-%ith...m tongue1-
-0he onl devi#e used "or li#&ing, babe.- i said smiling. She loo&e dat the banana. 0hen
slo!l brought it to her li's, she li#&ed the to' and !or&ed do!n the sides.
-9#t li&e its a 'enis.- i said. -$o !hatever ou !ould !ant to do.- she nodded and li#&ed
harder, s!irling her tongue around it. . loo&ed at $aimen, !ho !as staring at the banana
!ith...4ealous1 %hat a !eirdo/
-(an something else to it1- she as&ed. . raised and eebro! and smir&ed.
-Li&e !hat1-
-Su#& it1-
-Hell eah/- $aimen shouted. She laughed and !ent ba#& to the banana. She began
su#&ing the ti' o" the banana, !hile rubbing the rest. Her hands !ere 4ust beauti"ul doing
their 4ob. She su#&ed more o" it in and soon almost all o" the ? in#h banana !as gone in
her mouth.

. loo&ed do!n and m 'enis !as sti#&ing u' and 'o&ing m 4eans. . groaned and sa!
$aimen tring to hide his ere#tion.
-O&, !as that good1- she as&ed on#e she "inished. . nodded.
-Reall good. 2o! ou need to &no! the gus 'art in this.-
-%hats that1-
-You 4ust sho!ed a girls 'art in oral se5. 2o! !e+ll tell ou !hat a gu does.-
-Oh...o&.- she said nervousl. $aimen sat u' straight and beamed.
-. !ant to hear this/- he laughed. . smiled and turned to Sa''hire.
-9lright babe. So in oral se5, a gu !or&s on our vagina. Su#&, li#&, nibble, or anthing
'ossible !ith the mouth. 0heres also something #alled si58nine. 0hats !hen 9 girl las
on a gu so that she #an do his di#&, !hile he does her vagina. Understand1- i said.
Sa''hire blin&s a #ou'le times but nodded slo!l. $aimen laughed.
-O&/ . thin& !e+ve had enough lesson "or toda/ 2o !e test !hat uve learned.- he smiled.
. shoo& m head.
-2ot no!. Later $aimen.- i said sternl. $aimen 'outed but agreed.
-So !hat should !e do no!1- Sa''h as&ed.
)*$aimens PO,*)
HELL/ She !as su#&ing that banana li&e it !as the last da on earth/ . never got hard b
!at#hing a girl li#& a banana/ Oh lord, im getting !ea&/ 7 !at#h bee'ed.
Oh no. 0ime to visit Leanne to tutor.
-He $ustin, i have to go tutor. .+ll be ba#&.- i said. -3e babe/-
-3e- both Sa''h and $ustin said together. . smiled and le"t the house. . got into m #ar
and drove to the address Leanne gave me earlier.
%hen i got to the house, Leanne !as sitting on the "ront 'or#h !aiting. She had a
bellsho!ing red to', 4ean minis&irt and leather heels. $es'erate mu#h1 %hen she sa!
me she sCuealed.
-He $aimen/ (+mon in/- she said. %hen !e !ere in her room, i too& out m boo&s.
-O&, so ho! do ou !ant to do this1 . #an Cui6 ou, then #orre#t ou..or !e #an 4um'
right in and read all !e+ve learned, or88-
-Or !e #an ma&e out...- she "lirted. . 'ut on a bored e5'ression.
-2o. %e have to stud.- i said seriousl. Leanne !hined
-(+mon $aimen/ Aust a little88-
-2o Leanne/ %e have to !or&. 7r. &enob said that he needs to see results "rom ou.- i
-P""t/ . told him to sa that so !e #ould get alone time/-
-%hat1 You mean i dont need to be here1/ Ugh/ You 'robabl banged him in the 4anitors
#loset a"ter!ards right1- i #hu#&led to msel". She smiled.
-Oh god, ou did/- i gas'ed. She laughed and leaned over to me.
-. did, so no! ou &no! !e #an be alone. You and .. 9lone.- she !his'ered se5il in m
ear. 3ut "or some reason, i !asnt turned on. . turned a!a "rom her.
-2o Leanne. .m not going to do anthing !ith ou.-
-%h not1/ (ause o" our little "u#& budd1- she said. . glared at her.
-You &no! !ho/ Sa''hire/ You !ant her dont ou/-
-0hats not our business/- i elled. Leanne #ra!led over to me and sat on m la'.
-Aust one go $aimen. You &no! ou !ant me. .m se5. Here.- she said 'la#ing m and
on her tit. -.m all ours. Bu#& me/-
i ba#&ed her o"" o" me.
-2o Leanne/ 3a#& o"", im leaving/- i said. Leanne 4um'ed u' and ran to her door. She
too& a &e and Cui#&l lo#&ed us in. She 'ut the &e in her bra.
-(ome and get it, babe.- she smir&ed. . rolled m ees.
-Give it Leanne/ 2o!/-
-2ot unless i get some a#tion/ . need ou $aimen/- she said sCuishing her boobs against
m #hest. . su#&ed in m breath. Leanne &issdd m ne#& so"tl and rubbed m #hest.
-Leanne, get a!a.- i said. Leanne shoo& her head and moved to m #rot#h. . groaned as
she got hold o" m di#& and rubbed it.
-$amn babe/ Your di#& is...huge/ 2o! "ill me u' !ith it/ Bu#& me/ Se5 me/ %re#& me/
.m all ou+ll ever need $aimen/ .+ll do anthing/ . love ou and ou #an love me too/-
she said. 0he last 'art made me sna' out o" it. . 'ushed Leanne o"" and glared at her.
-2o/ Sta a!a or else/ Give me the damn &e or ill brea& do!n the door/- i said !ith
venom dri''ing "rom m mouth. Leanne stared blan&l and handed me the &e. . o'ened
the door and as i !ent out i turned to Leanne.
-9nd ou+re !rong. You dont love me. You lust me. 3ut i dont even lust ou. 0heres
onl one girl i love and lust. Sa''hire.- i said as i shut the door.
)*Sa''hire+s PO,*)
. !as &inda !orried !ith $aimen being at Leanne+s house. She+s a sedu#er. . &no! he+s
not m b" or anthing...but i love $aimen....and...i love $ustin as !ell. . love and #are "or
them both more than i do m "ather. . ho'e $aimens not se5ing Leanne... . ho'e she
doesnt even tou#h him/ $aimens mine/ $ustins mine/ 0here both "or me. Leanna doesnt
deserve them/ ." $aimen did "u#& Leane... that..!ould be horrible/ . #ant let him get
se5ed b other !omen/ He+ll lose interest in me.
(ha'ter :
)*$ustins PO,*)
%hen $aimen #ame home, he loo&ed nervous and guilt. . glared at him.
-%hat+d ou do1/- i elled. Sa''hire ran in "rom te &it#hen and smiled at $aimen. 0hen
-%ait...!hat did he do1- she as&ed so"tl. $aimen shoo& his head.
-. didnt do anthing.- he said, turning a!a. . grabbed his shoulder and turned him ba#&.
-0hen !h are ou so guilt1 $id ou...- i trailed o" reli6ing !hat i !as about to sa. 3ut
Sa''hire "inished it.
-$id ou have se5 !ith Leanne1- she as&ed !ith her ees !atering. $aimen Cui#&l ran
to her and hugged her.
-2o babe, i didnt. . "ound out she onl !anted me as her tutor "or se5, so i le"t.- he said. .
e5haled and smiled.
-0hen !h did ou loo& so nervouse bro1- i as&ed. $aimen raised an eebro!.
-%ell to begin !ith, i !as almost ra'ed b a girl/- he said sternl. Sa''h and i gas'ed,
but then #ra#&ed u'.
-Hahaha, Leanne almost ra'ed ou1/ $e'serate eh1- Sa''h laughed.
-You #ouldnt 4ust run a!a $1- i giggled. $aimen glared at us both.
-She lo#&ed the door and 'ut the &e bet!een her tits.- he said. Sa''h and i bro&e into
laughter again.
-Oh m god/ She+s su#h, a slut/- Sa''hire smiled, then hugged $aimen. -3ut im glad ou
didnt give in.- she said. $aimen #hu#&led.
-Oh1 %h are ou ha''1- he as&ed smir&ing. Sa''hire blushed and loo&ed at her hands.
-Uh...#ause Leanne has S0$+s...and shes a slut..and...eah.- she said. . smiled. 9!!!,
she !as being 'rote#tive and !anted $aimen "or hersel"/ Haha.
-9re ou sure thats all1- $aimen smir&ed. Sa''h nodded.
-Yeah im sure/ 2o!, $ustin and i said that !e are going to the mall. %ant to go1- she
as&ed. . never said an su#h thing. .+d rather die than go to the mall.
-9s long as !e sto' b a lingerie store...- he smoled. Sa''hire hit his arm 'la"ull and
led us both to the #ar. She seemed unusuall ha'' and high s'irited.
%hen !e got to the ginormi# mall, $aimen got a 'hone #all.
-You gus go on ahead, !hile i ta&e this.- he said, ans!ering the 'hone. Sa''hire and i
!ent inside. God, this mall !as HUGE/
-So !here do ou !ant to go "irst, babe1- i said turning to her. She !as staring at me, in
thought. She didnt ans!er.
-Sa''h1- i as&ed. 2o ans!er.
-Sa''hire/- i said louder. She sna''ed out o" it and loo&ed at me.
-%h are ou shouting1- she as&ed. . smoled and 'ut m arm around her shoulders.
-(ause ive been #alling ou "or the 'ast #ou'le minutes but ou #ouldnt hear me. 0oo
bus ta&ing in m gorgeous loo&s eh1- i smiled. She blushed and said.
-9n!a, !hat did ou sa1-
-!here do ou !ant to go "irst1-
-0o a dar& #loset.- i heard her mumble Cuietl.
-E5#use me1- i as&ed smir&ing. She loo&ed at me and hoo& her head.
-i said to (assie+s "oot!ear.- she said. . nodded but loo&ed at her sternl and instantl she
&ne! that i had heard her. She bluhed hard and too& m hand and led me to a shoe store.
%e !al&ed around, !ith ever D min Sa''h saing -%hat about these1- or -Hot, or too
"an#1-. . al!as res'onded !ith -2i#e- or -Loo&s good on ou.-
0hen $aimen got ba#& and smiled li&e an idiot.
-%hat are ou smiling about1- i as&ed him. He loo&ed at Sa'h and i and smir&ed.
-3etter #hoose out a sme5 dreas babe, !ere going to a 'art tommoro!.- Sa''h smiled
and !ent ba#& to shoes. . grabbed $aimen and glared at him.
-9re ou "u#&ing nuts1/- i as&ed. $aimen smiled
-. li&e to thin& so...- i sma#&ed his head.
-. !as 4o&ing/ 2o, !h1- he said.
-You !ant to ta&e Sa''h to a 'art1 .n a se5 dress1 %ith tons o" drun& 'erverts1-
-.t+ll be o&/ You dont drin&/ . do a little but i !ont go #ra6/ %e+ll !at#h her $ustin. 9nd
loo& at her/ She+s ha''/ Let her live a little.- he smir&ed. . nodded.
-O& "ine. 3ut !hat ha''ened earlier !ith Leanne1 You did "u#& her didnt ou.- i said
sternl. $aimen groaned.
-2O/ . didnt/-
-0hen !h !ere ou so distant and loo& thought1- i as&ed. $aimen blushed. He
a#tuall blushed. $aimen doesnt ever blush/ 3ut then again, sin#e !hen do i get ere#tions
in 10se#onds.
-...told Leanne i loved Sa''hire.- he mumbled. . rela5ed and smiled.
-0hats all1-
-Yeah. .t "elt !ierd saing it to her...but its true.- he sighed. . smiled at $aimen and
'atted his ba#&.
-3ut it "eels better to sa it right1-
-Yeah. $o ou thin& she loves me1-
-Yes i do. She !as !orried about ou "u#&ing Leanne, and !as ha'' !hen she "ound
out ou didnt.-
-Haha, than&s. 3ut she !ants ou. . thin& ou should give her, her "irst real &iss.- m
heart lea't as $aimen said this.
-9re ou sure1- i as&ed Cui#&l and eagerl. $aimen laughed,
-Yes, im sure. 2o! !here .S she1- he as&ed. . loo&ed around and didnt see her.
-He/ %here+d she go1/- !e s#attered around and loo&ed all over the shoe sho'. 2o sign
o" her.
-Oh great/ %e lost her/- $aimen s#o""ed. 0hen an idea hit me.
-Uh $aimen...!e 4ust lost the love o" our li" a mall...and she+s dressed li&e...oh god/-
i said. $aimens ees !idened, as !e e5ited te sho' hurried to the mall+s main hall!a.
0hen m #ell 'hone bu66ed. . loo&ed at the #aller .$ and sa! -Sa''hire-. . shoo& m
head. %h hadnt !e thought o" #alling be"ore1
. ans!ered the 'hone.
-He Sa''h/ %here are ou1-
-7e1 %here are ou1 You both dit#hed me/-
-2o, i too& $aimen to the other side o" the store to tal& to him.-
-%hd ou have to ta&e him to the other side o" the store $ustin/-
-So i #ould s'ea& to him 'rivatl/-
-%hats so se#ret that ou #ouldnt tell me1 . thought i #ould tell m se#rets to ou, and
vise versa/-
-%e do/ . 4ust had to s'ea& to $aimen about something/-
-9bout !hat1-
-. &ne! it/ $aimen lied to me/ He $.$ have se5 !ith Leanne/- she #ried. Litterall, i
heard a brea& in her voi#e.
-2o he didnt/ 0hats !h i tal&ed to him/-
-3e#ause ou+re !ondering !h he !ouldnt have se5 !ith a girl so 'er"e#t as Leanne/
You en#ouraged him/-
-2o/ . as&ed be#ause i didnt believe he didnt have se5 !ith her/-
-Ho! #an ou 'rove it/ . thought ou both #ared "or me/ 3ut im dressed li&e...0H.S/ 9nd
ou ta&e me to a 79LL and leave me alone1/ %hat the E""/-
-You le"t the Shoe store Sa''hire, not us/ You basi#all ran a!a/-
-3e#ause i thought ou le"t me/ . !as loo&ing "or ou/-
-O" #ourse ou !ere Sa''hire.-
-$ont believe me1 %ell i dont #are $ustin (arter/ You and $aiment 4ust used me and
!hen ou "ound out that i &no! nothing about se5, ou ta&e me to a mall and get rid o"
-Sto' tal&ing li&e that/ .ts not that !a/ %e !ere onl tal&ing about ou/-
-So ou !ere gossi'ing1 %ell i "eel soo mu#h better no!/-
-Shut u' Sa''hire/ Youre not even tring to understand/-
-Yes i am, but our tring to hide !hat ou RE9LLY said88-
-$amn/ . !ish ou !ere Cuiet and sh li&e !hen !e "irst met ou/ God/-
-Oh eah1/ %ell i !ish ou never #ame into m li"e/ . !as 'er"e#tl "ine/-
-Bine1 You !ere a "rea&/ Briendless/ You had no "riends, ou lived alone, our mom
died and our o!n "u#&ing dad !as #heating and de#iving m and our mom at the same
time/ 7 li"e !as better than ours !ill ever be/ You are and al!as !ill be in a messed
u' !orld/ 2o "amil and "riends/ . !ish m mother didnt meet our !hore o" a "ather/- i
elled. . heard #ring on the other line. 2o tal&ing, but #ring.
0hen on her line i heard some voi#es. +He #hi#a. 9!!, ou #ring1 One round at m
'la#e !ill ma&e it all better. 3ut mabe m 'la#e is too "ar...ho! about !e goes to the
bathrooms babe.+ the voi#e said. . tensed.
)*$aimens PO,*)
. stared in sho#& at $ustin. %h the hell !as he dissing Sa''hire1/ 0elling her all her
lo!'oints1 9nd troubles1 0hen i sa! $ustin tense u'. 0hen gro!l.
-Sa''h1 Sa''h1/ S9PPH/- he elled into the 'hone. 0hen he shut the #ell and loo&ed at
-%e gotta "ind her/-
-%h !hat ha''ened1-
-9 gu !as tal&ing dirt to her and then she suddenl !as #ut o""/-
-Shit no/ Lets go/- . snarled. -%ait..!here1-
-Lets tr the nearest bathrooms.- $ustin ordered. . obeed and !e both ran to the #losest
restroom sign. 2o one !as near it and it seemed 'rett run do!n.
0hen !e heard her beauti"ul voi#e, #oming "rom a room that said +Em'loees Onl+.
-Please/ Leave me alone/ Please/- she #ried.
-2o !as babe. You too hot to be le"t alone. 2o! shut u'/- a male voi#e said.

-Please/ .+ll 'a ou/-
-2ah, i li&e this better. ." ou dare s#ream, i s!ear ill beat ou u'/- that did it. Stri&e one,
ta&e Sa''h a!a. Stri&e t!o, #all her -babe-. Stri&e three, threaten to hurt her1 0hats it.
$ustin and i o'ened the door Cui#&l to "ind a gu in his mid8late teens grabbing onto a
1<D na&ed Sa''hire+s arm.

(ha'ter ?

)*$aimens PO,*)

-Get the "u#& o"" o" her/- $ustin elled at the gu. Sa''hire 4um'ed out o" sur'rise but
sighed in relie" !hen she sa! us. 0he gu smiled and loo&ed at us.

-9nd !hat i" i dont1- he smir&ed.

-0hen !e+ll beat the shit out o" ou.- . stated harshl. Sa''h tried to get out o" his gri',
but he held her arm tighter, and 'ulled her do!n. 0he gu seemed a bit older than
me...mabe $ustin+s age, !ith dirt blond hair, ver 'ale s&in, and a smo& smell.

-Let go/ She doesnt !ant ou near her/- $ustin gro!led.

-Oh eah1 i "ound her in a #orner, #ring, and hel'less. Se5 bod, se5 #lothes....i 4ust
!anted to ma&e her "eel better.- he smir&ed again.

-%ell ou arent/ So let go o" me/- Sa''h #ried, !iggling out o" the gus gri'. He
grabbed both her hands in one o" his and 'ulled her against him.

- 2o !a babe.-

-$on+t #all her that/- . elled. -2o! seriousl. Let her go, or else !e !ill both &ill ou.-

0he gu smiled and began to let go o" Sa''h. Aust as !e thought she !as "ree, he rea#hed
out and grabbed one o" her mid8large breasts and sCuee6ed it roughl. Sa''h s#reamed
and $ustin too& o"". He 'un#hed the gu right in his 4a! and the gu "ell to the "loor in
se#onds. Sa''h ran to me and i hugged her tightl.

-Get dressed Sa''h, then $aimen, ta&e her out to the main hall/- $ustin elled !hile
getting 'un#hed b the gu. Sa''h Cui#&l got dressed, and i ran her out o" the room and
to the #enter o" the mall.

-9re ou o&a1-. as&ed on#e !e !ere there. She loo&ed u' at me and nodded. 0hen burst
into tears. . hugged her and she soa&ed m shirt !ith her tears.

-Shh, its o& babe. $ustin !ill be done !ith that gu in a moment.- . #almed her. 9nd as
i" on #ue, $ustin #ame to us. He had a big bruise on his arm and his #lothes and hair !ere
mess. Sa''h sa! him and lunged hersel" at him, hugging "or dear li"e.
-.+m soo sorr $ustin/ . didnt mean !hat i said on the 'hone, i s!ear/ .+m sorr/- She
#ried. $ustin hugged her ba#& and said,

- 2o Sa''hire, im sorr. . reminded ou o" things i shouldnt have and $aimen and i
shouldve been more o'en !ith ou.- he re'lied. . 4ust sat there smiling at them both, not
&no!ing !hat the hell ha''ened.

-9m i #ho''ed liver1- . as&ed 4o&ingl. Sa''h laughed and grabbed m hand and

-%e sould go, its late.- she said. . shoo& m head.

-3ut !e didnt get our se5 dress et/- i !hined. Sa''hire rolled her ees.

-. thin& i have SO7E0H.2G at home. 7 mom loved 'arties.- she said.

)*Sa''hire+s PO,*)

0he ne5t morning, i !o&e u' "eeling !at#hed. . sat straight in m bed and sa! $ustin on
m bedroom #hair, staring at me. . smiled and motioned him over.

-Good morning.- . said. He smiled !al&ed over to me and sat at the "oot o" m bed.

- Good morning to ou too, babe. Ho! did ou slee'1-

-,er good, than& ou. You1-

-Good. Listen, im reall sorr about esterda.- he said sin#erl. i got u' and hugged

-. told ou it !as m "ault. 9nd ou !ere right an!a. 0han&s "or beating u' the gu
"or me.- i told him. He smiled and loo&ed into m ees intensl. . loo&ed "rom his
beauti"ul ha6el<gre ees, to his li's. His "ull, 'in&, lush, moist, 4ui# li's.
Out o" re"le5, i li#&ed m o!n li's !hile staring at his. . heard $ustin #hu#&le lightl. .
sna''ed out o" it and stared at him. He smiled.
-Yes. . sa! that.- he smir&ed. . blushed.
-$o ou !ant to &iss me1- he as&ed. . loo&ed at him uneasil. O" #ours i did/ %ill he
&iss me alread1
-%ell1- he as&ed again. . nodded lightl. He smir&ed.
-Yes !hat1-
-. !ant to &iss ou.- i mumbled. He smiled
-i #ant hear ou...-
-. !ant to &iss ou $ustin/- i said. $ustin #hu#&led again. 0hen laed ba#& on m bed.
-0hen go on ahead/ .m not sto''ing ou.- he smiled, #losing his ees. . gul'ed loudl
and leaned in. . leant in until i #ould "eel his breath on me. . didnt hesitate.
. brought m li's onto his and 'ressed !ith all i had in me. $ustins arms sna&ed around
m !aist and 'ulled me #loser. . li#&ed his bottom li' and he o'ened his mouth, sti#&ing
his tongue in m mouth Cui#&l. . 'ut m arms around his ne#& and 'laed !ith his hair.
He moaned in m mouth and rubbed m ass. . moaned in his mouth as our tongues
dan#ed. He !as a slo!, gentle &isser and the one !a to des#ribe his &issing
%hen !e had "innal 'ulled ba#&, !e heard #la''ing. %e turned and sae $aimen
smiling. . 4um'ed o"" $ustin and blushed. $aimen sat b us.
-So ou+ve had our "irst real &iss, babe1- he as&ed. . blushe harder and nodded. $ustin
-9nd she+s damn good at it/- he said. $aimen loo&ed at $ustin smir&ing.
-7a i &iss her no!1- he as&ed. $ustin laughed and nodded.
-Yes. ." she !ants ou to. . dont mind.- i stared at them again. 0he !ere totall "ine
sharing me/ $aimen loo&ed at me.
-7a i &iss ou Sa''hire1- he as&ed s!eetl. . nodded slo!l. $aimen smiled and
eagerl 'ressed his li's to mine. He laed me on the bed and 'ut alot o" "or#e into the
&iss. He su#&ed m li', but i didnt o'en m mouth. . "elt li&e teasing him, sin#e he !as so
eager. He gro!led and su#&ed m li' harder, nibbling it. . o'ened to moan, but he too&
advantage o" it and "or#ed his tongue in. He tasted ever 'art o" m mouth and su#&ed
m saliva.
Evertime i tried 'utting m tongue in his mouth, he shoved it out "or#e"ull, gro!ling at
me. ." i !ere to sum u' $aimens &iss into one !ord, id sa -se5-. He su#&ed, nibbled
and massaged m mouth and i !as melting li&e butter into the bed. . !anted to li#& his
mouth though.
. de#ided to tr !hat i a##identl did to $ustin. . rea#hed m hand out "rom under
$aimen and set it on his #rot#h. $aimen "ro6e over me, his mouth still. . rubbed his di#&
gentl, and in se#onds it !as hard. 9nd it !as 3.G. @in#hes all right/ . grabbed it and
'ulled and stro&ed. . too& m #han#e and snea&ed m tongue into $aimens mouth. He
moaned loudl as i gro'ed him. 0hen i 'ulled ba#&.
$aimen !as out o" breath, as !as i. So $ustin is slo!, gentle and beauti"ul. $aimen is
"ast, rough and se5.
-God, that !as ama6ing/- $aimen gas'ed. $uatin laughed.
-So i sa!. Sa''h !as reall into it eh, babe1- he smir&ed.
-He !ouldnt let me 'ut m tongue in, so i had to distra#t him.- . !hined. 0he bos
loo&ed at ea#hother and rolled their ees.
-Suuurrreee...- the said together. . groaned and got u'.
-2o!, i gotta #hange. So out !ith bos/- i said. $aimen and $ustin "ro!ned, but
relu#tantl le"t.
. smiled. . reall love them. 3oth. 3ut the onl lust me. . "eel li&e...i have to tell them
though. 0hat..i love them
)*$ustins PO,*)
God, that !as a!esome/ She+s a great &isser/ . !as hard !hen !e 'ulled a'art/ Jissing
never did that to me. . s!ear i have to tell her the truth. . love her.
)* $aimens PO,*)
0hat girl is not a virgin/ 2o virgin &isses li&e that/ 0hen sedu#es me into letting her have
her !a1/ Hell, no/ $amn i had 're8#um a"ter that/ . dont #are !hat she thin&s, but im
gonna tell her. . love her.

(ha'ter =

)*$aimens PO,*)

Later !hen !e got to s#hool, Leanne !as a bit#h. She &e't shooting me and Sa''hire
dirt loo&s and smir&ing. . got out o" tutoring her !hen i threatend to tell the 'rin#i'al
about 7r. Jenob and her se5 session. . have bla#&mail against her alread/

%hen !e !ere at S'anish (lass, Sa''h seemed in dreamland. She &e't staring into s'a#e
and smiling. 3en loo&ed at me and motioned to m #ell'hone. i too& it out and #he#&ed
m te5ts.

3ennH He man, !assu' !ith ur GB1
meH 7 GB1
3ennH You #ant "ool me. . &no! our #loser than ste'8sblings.
meH $ont tell anone/
3ennH O" #ourse not. So do u love her1
meH Yes.
3ennH Shi6/ Ho! are ou gunna tell $ustin1
meH $ustin &no!s
3ennH 9nd he+s o& !ith it1
meH more than ou &no!.
3ennH !ell, our lu#& to get !ith her. Sa''h+s se5.
meH . &no! that.
3ennH and #ute and inno#ent. esterda !hen she !as in those hot shorts, i got horn
loo&ing at her.
meH He/ ees o"" bud/
3ennH Yeah, eah. (an i have her !hen our done1
7eH !hen im done1 Hell no/ .+ll never be done/ She+s m onl.
3ennH seriousl1 Youll be !ith her "orever1
7eH es. . !ouldnt leave her.
3ennH !hat i" she got 'regnant...
7eH then i most de"inetl !ouldnt leave her/
3ennH our a good gu. .d "or#e the girl to get an abortion.
7eH !ell, ou should use 'rote#tion.
3ennH haha, #ondoms are al!as brea&ing...
7eH su#&s "or ou.
3ennH shuttu'.
7eH !hatev.
-$aimen (arter, are ou listening1 Or te5ting Leanne1- 7rs. Ho!ards as&ed in her
sCuea& voi#e. Leanne s#o""ed.
-2o 7iss. He+s not te5ting me. He onl has ees "or one girl. %hi#h is stu'id, but i
res'e#t it.- Leanne said in a non8bit#h !a. Leanne smiled at me and !in&ed at Sa''h.
Hmm, mabe Leanne+s not so bad. Sa''h loo&ed at me and smiled. . !in&ed at her and
9"ter #lass !e !ent to our lo#&ers to get our boo&s. Leanne and (harleneGi thin& thats her
nameI, #ame over to us.
-He $aimen, im sorr about the other da. . didnt &no! ou !ere...!ell...eah. . though
ou !ere a 'laer.- she said. . nodded.
-.ts o&, i guess. 0han&s "or ba#&ing o"".- i said. Leanne smiled and turned to Sa''h.
-(ongrats on !inning him. He !ill be good "or ou.- she said. Sa''hire smiled and said,
-0han&s Leanne/ . &no! he !ill be.-
-Ye'. . &no! be#ause he told me.-
-He told ou !hat1- i su#&ed in m breath. Here it #omes.
-He told me that he loved ou.- Leanne smiled as (harlene and her !al&ed a!a. Sa''h
turned to me. . blushed...god/ %hats !rong !ith me1/
-.s that true1- Sa''hire as&ed. . ga6ed in her bro!n ees and nodded.
-Yes. . love ou Sa''hire.- i said #alml et seriousl. Sa''hire+s ees !elled !ith tears
as she said,
-. love ou too, $aimen/- i #ouldnt #ontrol msel" as i grabbed her !aist and &issed her
hard. She smiled on m
li's and 'ressed into it.
-2o a""e#tionate gestures in the s#hool grounds/- a s#hool sta"" member elled at us. %e
bro&e a'art, and stared at ea#hother. . loved her !ith all m heart. She+s beauti"ul,
inno#ent, s!eet, "unn, and 100 other things, i #ant des#ribe.
-%e should get to #lass.- i said to a dadreaming Sa''hire. She nodded la6il and
"ollo!ed me.
)*$ustins PO,*)
$amn. .m horn. . 4ust "inished a #lass !ith 10 girls in E in#h s&irts, rubbing their breasts
on me. Selene and Aade !ere the best. Si6e $ #u's, small #urv !aists, se5
hi's.....BO(US/ You love Sa''hire/ (ute, inno#ent, virgin Sa''hire. ,irgin. ,irgin. 0hat
means that it might be a long time be"ore !e have se5. God/ . used to be a 'laer/ .
"u#&ed ever night/ . !as never longing "or satis"a#tion
-So $ustin babe...u going to 7i&e+s 'art tonight1- Selene as&ed. . smiled and nodded.
-%ouldnt miss it.- i said sedu#tivl. Selenen'ut on a "lirt smile.
-%ill ou dan#e a bit !ith me1- she as&ed. . groaned. 7 'laer sel" !as #oming. . love
Sa''h...but until she &no!s that, i #an have m "un.
-O" #ourse i !ill.- i !in&ed. Selene smiled and tou#hed m #hest.
-(an i tal& to ou a"ter #lass1- she as&ed. . nodded.
9"ter 0rig, i met Selene b a ba#& hall in the s#hool.
-%hat is it1- i as&ed her. Selene smiled.
-%ell...!hens the last time ou "u#&ed1-
-0hree !ee&s ago.- i mumbled. Selene #hu#&led.
-%o!, that !as a long time ago, huh1-
-Ho! about a round !ith me in the S#ien#e lab room1- i groaned thin&ng about it. 3ut
Sa'' not #heating/ . #an "u#& Selene and still love Sa''hire. She !ouldnt mind.
7 needs arent being "illed et, and until the are, i+ll "u#& Selene.
-Ho! about a round right here.- i !in&ed. Selene giggled and shoo& her head.
-2o, !e have to be some!here 'rivate/ 0heres a #loset, lets go.- she said, leading me to
the nearest Aanitors (loset.
On#e !e !ere both in there, she #rashed her li's on mine. Binnal/ 9 girl !ith
e5'erien#e/ .n no time, !e !ere both na&ed and i !as su#&ing her breasts. She !as
moaning li&e mad.
-Oh $ustin/ Go $ustin/ $amn, that "eels good/- i smiled ond rubbed her 'uss slo!l.
0hen she began gas'ing m name. Aust as i !as about to enter her, the door s!ung o'en.
Selene and i 4um'ed in sur'rise and turned to see !ho it !as. $aimen. He didnt loo&
sur'rised or sho#&ed. Aust disa''ointed.
-$ustin. Get dressed an get out. Selene1-
-Get dressed as !ell. 9nd none o" ou let Sa''hire &no! anthing about this/- $aimen
elled the last 'art. . usuall !ouldnt listen to him, but i obedientl got m #lothes on and
so did Selene. She seemed #on"used.
-$ustin1 $aimen1 %hats !rong, i dont get it1- she said. $aimen loo&ed at her shar'l.
-%hat do ou thin& is the relationshi' bet!een Sa''hire and $ustin1-
-. thought the !ere sblings, right1 He never said other!ise... Oh m god/ %as she his
GB1/- she s#ree#hed. $aimen shoo& his head.
-2o, the are 4ust sblings. 2othing is !rong...but $ustin !as su''osed to do something
else right no!, and !e+re in a hurr.- he said. Selene nodded.
-Oh o&. So i havent done an #rime. $ustin. 3e $aimen.- she said as she
ho''ed a!a. . groaned and loo&ed at $aimen. %aiting "or !hats #oming ne5t.
(ha'ter @
)*$aimens PO,*)
. s!ear im gonna &ill him/ He ta&es Sa''hire+s "irst &iss then "u#&s another girl1 9nd i
#ant blame Selene. She didnt &no!. She thought $ustin !as 4ust another !omani6ing
!hore. %hen Selene had le"t, i turned to $ustin, !ho !as !in#ing read "or me.
-%h !ould ou do that1- i as&ed #alml.
-$o !hat1- $ustin as&ed stu'idl. . #rossed m arms and glared at him
-You &no! !hat i mean. %h !ould ou "u#& Selene1 . thought ou loved Sa''hire1-
-. do love her. 3ut i !ant some se5, and Sa''hire isnt read et. So...-
-So our going to "u#& sluts until she+s read, then "u#& her1- i as&e angril. $ustin
-Prett mu#h, eah.- he said. . gro!led angril and said,
-. &no! that ou !ont listen to !hat i sa...but im telling ou this. $o 2O0 hurt
Sa''hire. Phsi#all or emotionall. Understand1- i said sternl. $ustin raised an
eebro! and turned a!a.
-She !ont get hurt $aimen. So leave me alone.- he said !al&ing a!a. . shoo& m head
and !al&ed ba#& to the main hall. 0here i sa! m se5 babe. %hen she sa! me she
!aved and #ame to me.
-He $aimen/- she smiled. . smiled ba#&.
-He babe, ho! are ou1-
-Good/ %heres $ustin1-
-Oh, he+s bus. Senior ear is hard.- i lied. Sa''hire smiled and said,
-Oh !ell, ill see him a"ter s#hool then/-
9"ter !e "inished s#hool, $ustin !as !aiting "or us b the #ar. Sa''h ran and hugged
-He $ustin/- she said. He smiled and &issed her #hee&.
-He babe, ho!s it going1-
-Good, ou1-
-Good. Havent seen ou toda, mu#h.-
-. &no! babe, but no! !e should get read "ot the 'art. Or...ou should. . 4ust need to
sho!er.- he said. . rolled m ees and got into the #ar.

%hen !e !ere home, Sa''h and i !ent to her #loset.
-Sho! me our dresses babe.- i smiled. Sa''h giggles and rea#hed in her large #loset.
She 'ulled out ; dresses. 9ll loo&ed ni#e, but i #ouldnt be sure
-7odel em "or me1- i as&ed. Sa''hire laughed and 'retended to thin&.
-Hm...i" i do...!ill ou do something i tell ou to1- she as&ed. . nodded eagerl. She
grabbed the dresses and !ent into the bathroom. She "irst #ame out !ith a shin blue
dress that !ent to her &nees and had one stra'. She loo&ed ni#e...but too "ormal.
-2e5t.- i said. 0he se#ond dress !as bla#&. Enough said.
-2e5t.- the ne5t dress made it hard "or me to sta in m seat/ .t !as blood red, #ame a
"e! in#hes belo! her ass, no stra's, tight !aist and bust, and #urv lines.
-.m guessing ou li&e this one...ou are drooling.- Sa''hire said. . !asnt, but the sad
thing is that i had to #he#&.
-0hat one+s a !inner babe.- i smiled. She smiled as !ell.
-Good. .+ll "ind mat#hing heels, Ae!elr and ma&eu'. 2o! as "or our 'art...- she started.
. nodded.
-Yes babe, !hat !ould ou li&e me to do1- i as&ed. She smir&ed.
-. !ant to see ou shirtless.- she said, blushing. . smir&ed.
-Reall1- i as&ed. She nodded. . #hu#&led and said,
-. dont mind. 3ut i" ou !ant to see it, ou unbutton m shirt.- i ordered. She gul'ed and
smiled shl. 0hen slo!l !al&ed over to me until !e !ere in#hes a'art. She rea#hed
out to me and undid m to' buttons. She slo!l unbottoned !hile su#&ing in her breath
!ith ever move. On#e m shirt !as o"", Sa''hire e5amined me. She !as !ide eed and
her ees !ere dan#ing.
-.m guessing ou li&e this one...ou are drooling.- i said, re'eating her !ords. She
blushed and also #he#&ed to see i" she !as drooling. Her hand !ent out to m #hest and
she lightl brushed m #hest. . instantl ere#ted b her tou#h and su#&ed in m breath.
Her hand trailed do!n to m :8'a#& and she rubbed it as !ell.
0hen her "a#e leaned do!n "rom loo&ing at m ees and she &issed m #hest. . !as
breathing ras'il no!. Sa''hire moved to m le"t ni''le and li#&ed it. . moaned loudl
and rubbed her ba#& and !aist. She li#&ed the other ni''le and her hot, !et tongue made
me #um. She then &issed m #hest, do!n to m abs. 3 noe she !as on her &nees, and
&issing hard and roughl on m abs.
-God babe.- i moaned. She smiled, and li#&ed m 'elvis. 7 #o#& !as 'o&ing out visibl
and 're8#um !as !etting m 4eans. . gro!led and 'i#&ed Sa''hire u' and loo&ed her in
the ee.
-Unless ou !ant to lose our virginit right no!, i suggest ou #ut it out.- i said sternl
and 'la"ull. Sa''hire giggled and 'e#&ed m li's. . lost #ontrol and &issed her !ith
everthing i had in me. .n no time !e !ere &issing, !ith our tongues, s!allo!ing
ea#hothers saliva, and grinding intensl.
%hen !e bro&e a'art, i 'e#&ed her #hee&.
-. love ou Sa''hire.- i !his'ered. She turned and &issed m ne#&.
-. love ou too $aimen.- she said ba#&.
)*Sa''hires PO,*)
9nd i meant it/ . loved $aimen/ 9nd $ustin/ S'ea&ing o" $ustin...i hould s'end some
time !ith him. 9t the 'art ill dan#e !ith him, and stu"".
9"ter another ma&eout session, i started to get read "or the 'art. . 'ut on red shin
heels, red li'sti#&, blush, light mas#ara and i ironed and stled m boring bro!n hair.
. !al&ed to the main room as i heard $ustin !ol"8!histle.
-Your loo&ing se5, babe/- he smiled. . laughed and t!irled around.
-. told ou i had a dress. 0his is m "irst real 'art. . !ent to a #ou'le !hen i !as a
"reshman, but those !ere stu'id.- i said. $ustin seemed annoed1
-Your "irst 'art1-
-Yeah. .s that bad1- i as&ed. He shoo& his head. He !as in a bro!n 'olo shirt and light
4eans. He loo&ed #uuuttteee/
-2o babe, its great. (+mon lets go. $aimen/ Hurr u'/- he elled. $aimen groaned loudl
and #ame out o" his room. He !as in a bla#& leather 4a#&et, !hite t8shirt, dar& 4eans ans
his dar& hair !as lightl gelGedI. +Se5 bo+ i thought.
-Oh Sa''h, Cuit drooling and lets go/- $aimen smir&ed. . rolled m ees and !al&ed to
the #ar.
-(an i drive1- i as&ed s!eetl. $aimen glared at me.
-Please, 'lease, 'lease1-
-2o, no, no. 2o! sit do!n.- he said, smir&ing. . rolled m ees and sat in the ba#& seat.
$ustin sat in the 'assenger. Something seemed o"" about $ustin. He usuall smiles at
everthing and ma&es me laugh and ha''. . mean, he stole m "irst &iss this morning,
and !e never mentioned it.
%hen !e got to the 'art, there !ere 100+s o" 'eo'le, drin&s, a#ohol, smo&ing, 'eo'le
griding and ma&ing out. 9s i entered the house, i s'otted Emma, 3enn, and 0ristan.
Emma+s ees !idened as she sa! me and smiled !idel.
-O7G6ies// Sa''hire ou loo& ama6ing/ 2e5t to me o" #ourse/- she laughed. She did
loo& ni#e. 3la#& #url hair, blue ees, slender "igure. . #hu#&led and hugged her.
-O" #ourse/-
0hen Leanne #ame to us.
-Hello $aimen and $ustin/ 9nd Sa''hire/- she sCuealed
-He Leanne.- $aimen said, no emotion in his "a#e. $ustin smir&ed and s#anned Leanne.
She had a 'in& dress that barel #overed her butt, ; in#h heels, and her huge breasts !ere
'o''ing out.
-Heeee.- $ustin !in&ed. . raised and eebro!. . guess he+s a bo and bos are
attra#ted to boobs. So i !ont #harge that against him. . noti#ed a lot o" gus loo&ing at
me li&e i !as meat. Even 3enn and 0ristan. $aimen noti#ed and glared at the gus.
-Her ees are on her "a#e.- he said. 3enn smiled.
-%e &no!, !e &no!/ Sorr "or #he#&ing ou out Sa''hire.- he said. . laughed and
-.ts o& 3enn.- i said. Soon, $aimen and i !ere dan#ing. . !as going to as& $ustin but i
#ouldnt "ind him an!here.
-%hats !rong babe1- $aimen as&ed. . shoo& m head.
-2othing, i 4st havent seen $ustin in a !hile.- i said. $aimens gri' on m hi's tightened
as !e dan#ed.
-He+s 'robabl tal&ing to his "riends. You+ll see him later.- he said. . noddes and 'ushed
m sel" #loser to $aimen. %e dan#ed "or E songs, then i !ent to "ind $ustin. . "ound him
drin&ing a beer and tal&ing to 9aron, Sha!n and Aoe and some #heerleaders.
-$amn, Sa''hire/- 9aron !hoo'ed, eeeing me u' and do!n. $ustin rolled his ees.
-Kuit it 9aron/- he said. 9aron smiled and averted his ga6e to a brunnete girls breasts.
-$ustin, ive been loo&ing ever!here "or ou/- i smiled. 9 blind girl Gi thin& here name
is Selena or (harleneI loo&ed at me and smiled.
-Oh he !as bus the last #ou'le songs. .+m Selene. You are Sa''hire right1- she as&ed. .
smiled and nodded.
-Ye'. Sorr $ustin, i didnt &no! ou !ere bus. %hat !ere ou doing1-
-$is#ussing a s#hool 'ro4e#t !ith us all.- 9 girl named Aade innterru'ted. . smiled and
grabbed $ustins arm.
-You still bus1-
-2ot too bus "or ou, babe.- he !in&ed. . giggled and led him a!a "rom the #ro!ds.
%hen !e !ere in a Cuiet room, $ustin grabbed m !aist and &issed me. . &issed ba#&
and !ra''ed m ams aroud his ne#&.
%e &issed "or ; min, then $ustin 'ut his hand on m thigh, and sCuee6ed it. . smiled in
his mouth, and rubbed his #hest. He smiled and 'ut his hand higher. He rubbed m 'uss
and su#&ed on m ne#&, ma&ing me gas' !ith sho#&. 0hen !hat ha''ened ne5t s#ared
$ustin undid his 4eans and brought his large #o#& out. 0hen he s'read m legs. . !as not
read to have m virginit ta&en b a 1<D drun& $ustin/
-$ustin1- i said. 2o ans!er.
-$ustin.- i said again. 3ut he onl began ta&ing m 'anties o"".
-$ustin/- i elled. He loo&ed u'.
-%hat no!1-
-. dont !ant to88-
-. dont #are/-
-%hat1- i as&ed sho#&ed.
-. dont #are. Your gunna shut u' and let me "u#& our hot bod/- he elled. . gas'ed in
"ear. $ustin loo&ed...s#ar. His ees !ere a horrible gre and his "a#e !as shar'.
-2o $ustin/ Get o""/- i elled. He sla''ed m "a#e.
-Shut u' Sa''hire/- he elled at me. . began to #r. 7 number one "ear !as being
ra'ed...and no! its going to ha''en/ Aust as $ustin !as going to tr and "it himsel" in me,
the door o'ened.
7 &night in shining armor !as here/
(ha'ter 10
)*$ustins PO,*)
Oh gee6. 2O% !ho !ants to inturru't. . turned and sa!...Leanne1 9nd 9aron. 0he
both !ere staring at me and their mouths !ere hung o'en.
-Sa''hire/ 9re ou o&a/- Leanne elled running to Sa''hire. Sa''hire go out o" m
gri' and hugged Leanne. 9aron raised an eebro!.
-. thin&...$ustins drun&.- he said. . s#o""ed, but !hen i sa! 9aron glare, i understood.
Sa''hire loo&ed at me #losel.
-9re ou drun& $ustin1- she as&ed. 0ime to a#t.
-2nnoooo- i 'retended to slur. She rela5ed and smiled.
-0han& God/ . thought he !as sober.- she said. 9aron #hu#&led.
-2o. ." $ustin !as sober, he !ouldnt have done that to ou. He loves ou.- . glared at
9aron. . !anted to tell her that/ . do love her/ +0hen !h !ere ou about to ra'e her1+ a
voi#e in m head said. (ause...i 4ust needed se5. .ts been too long/
Sa''h smiled as i got dressed and de#ent.
-He does1- she as&ed.
-Yeah. He told me be"ore at s#hool.- 9aron assured her. Leanne raised her eebro!s and
!his'ered to 9aron. He gas'ed and !his'ered ba#&. 0hen the both loo&ed at Sa''hire
and ..
-O&, lovers...!e need to tal&. %heres $aimen1- Leanne as&ed. Sa''hire shrugged.
-$o!nstairs someh!ere...ill te5t him.- she said. Leanne and 9aron also too& out there
'hones and te5ted 'eo'le. .n 10 minutes, !e had a room "illed !ith 'eo'le. $aimen,
3enn, 0ristan, Emma, Leanne, Selene, 9aron, Aoe, Sa''hire and 7e.
-O&. So !hats the 'roblem1- $aimen as&ed. 9aron too& #harge.
-3e"ore !e go an!here...Sa''hire1-
-$ustin !asnt drun&.- he said. Sa''hire gas'ed loudl and loo&ed at me tearing u'.
9aron #ontinued.
-$aimen1 $o ou love Sa''hire1-
-Yeah, o" #ourse.- He said. Aoe shi"ted in his s'ot.
-O& then. %ell, i &no! "or a "a#t that $ustin also loves Sa''hire.- 9aron said. Selene,
Leanne, 3enn, 0ristan and Emma gas'ed.
-$o ou $ustin1- Sa''hire as&ed. . nodded, blushing.
-0hen this is im'ortant. Sa''hire1 $o ou love them1- 9aron as&ed. Sa''hire nodded.
-Yeah. . do. 3oth o" them.- she said. Everone e5#e't 9aron gas'ed again.
-$aimen1 9re ou o&a !ith her loving ou both1-
-Yeah. . alread &ne! he loved us both.- he said.
-$ustin1 9re ou o&a !ith it1-
-Yes.- i ans!ered.
-0hen ans!er this. %ere ou gus 'lanning a trio1 9 three!a se5ual relationshi'1-
9arom as&ed. . too& #harge then.
-Yes !e !ere.- i said. Selena gas'ed and stood u'.
-0hen !h did ou tell me that ou both !ere onl ste'8sblings1- she as&ed.
-. didnt sa that/ $aimen did/- i said.
-%h did ou tell them that $aimen1- 9aron as&ed. $aimen shi"ted un#om"ortabl.
-....i thought that $ustin didnt li&e Sa''hire anmore. 9nd i" he did, i didnt !ant 'eo'le
to sa he !as a #heater or i lied to Selene.- he said. . smiled. 7 bro reall
loo&s out "or me.
-0han&s $aimen.- i !his'ered to him. He nodded but didnt smile.
-2o! $ustin...i" ou love Sa''hire...then !h did ou almost ra'e her1-
-%H90/1- $aimen elled. Selene and the others !ere !ide eed.
-ans!er the Cuestion $ustin.- 9aron said. He seemed #om'letl #alm about this.
-3e"ore !e moved here, i used to be a 'laer. $aimen sle't !ith a di""erent girl ever
other night...bu i sle't !ith t!o di""erent girls ea#h night. .ts been a !hile..and i guess i
"elt se5 hungr. . love Sa''hire, but she !as too oung and inno#ent to have heav se5.
So...i le"t her alone. 3ut !hen i sa! her in the dress and she &issed me, i #ouldnt #ontrol
Everone seemed in thought. $aimen !as glaring at me, but so"ter then be"ore.
-So ou love her1- Selena "ro!ned. . nodded.
-Yes, and im sorr Sa''hire "or !hat ha''ened.- i said.
-$ustin, i love her too, but !hen Leanne !as on me, i 'ushed her o"".- $aimen said.
Leanne gro!led.
-Yeah/ . &no!/- everone giggled a bit.
-." ou reall love her, then ou+ll !ait 'atientl until she+s read to have se5, then she+s
all ours...!ell ours.- $aimen said. . nodded but didnt s'ea&. 9aron loo&ed at us.
-Sa''hire, !hat do ou thin& about all o" this.- he said. . turned to Sa''hire.
-Sa''h im sorr/ Please "orgive me/ . !asnt thin&ing straight/- i begged. Sa''h thought
then hugged me.
-. "orgive ou $ustin/ 9nd i love ou, and $aimen/- she smiled. Everone smiled and<or
e5haled in relie". 9aron smiled.
-O&. 2o! that its settled...2O O2E .2 0H.S ROO7 0ELL 92YO2E 93OU0 0H.S,
understand1- he said. Everone nodded.
-Oh and ill ma&e sure no sluts bother ou gus.- Selene said, smir&ing. She turned to
-9aron babe...i !as !ondering...- she started. 9aron smir&ed and grabbed her !aist,
leading her out o" the room.
-See all later. .m gunna be bus "or a !hile...- he said. Everone rolled their ees.
Leanne laughed and stood u'.
-(an ou all leave1 0ristan and i !ere bus as !ell.- she said. . rolled m ees and too&
Sa''h+s hand, and !e all le"t.
.ts all good no!. Sa''h &no!s !e love her and i &no! she loves us. 3ut !e still have a
(ha'ter 11
)*Sa''hire+s PO,*)
%o!... 0hat !as !eird. 9ll the 'o'ular grou's "rom s#hool &no! me and the gus,
'roblem...or #ondition. ha''. $ustin and $aimen both love me/ 9nd i love
them/ $ustin !as 4ust se5 hungr and he regrets it.
%e le"t the 'art at 1am and !ent home. On#e !e !ere settled in, $aimen sat do!n and
glared at $ustin.
-%hat1- $ustin as&ed him.
-You almost ra'ed her1- he as&ed sadl.
-Yes. 9lmost. ...i didnt mean to...-
-3ut thats ho! "ar being a 'laer too& ou1- $aimen as&ed.
-$ustin1 $o ou !ant to have se5 !ith Sa''hire1-
-Yeah, o" #ourse i do.-
-$o ou reall love her1-
-$uh eah/-
-0hen ou should be able to !ait "or her. Until she+s read. (ause itll be !orth it. You+ll
have the se5iest girl on the 'lanet, all da, everda and ou #an do !hat ever ou !ant.-
$aimen said. . raised an eebro!. %hatever he !ants1 Li&e se5 all da1
-. &no!. .m so sorr Sa''h/ Honestl, i am/ .+ll !ait until ou are read, and i !ont loo&
at another girl/ . s!ear.- he said. . smiled and &issed his #hee&.
-. "orgive ou $ustin, i do. . love ou and $aimen, and...ill tr and ma&e msel" read
"or se5...soon. Real soon.- i said. $aimen #hu#&led.
-0heres so mu#h more besides se5, babe.- he said.
-Li&e !hat1- i as&ed, #urious. $ustin smiled and set me on his la'.
-Li#&ing...- $ustin said, &issing m ne#&.
-Su#&ing.- $aimen added.
-Se5 suits.-
-2i''le 'in#hers.-
-Puss su#&ers.-
-9ss lubers.-
-9nd so mu#h more.-
3e no!, i !as alread !et and m heart !as beating ra'idl. $aimen and $ustin smiled
and #he#&ed the time.
-3ed time &iddies/- $ustin smiled. . got u' and !ent to m la'to'.
-You gus go, i have to do something.- i said. $aimen #rossed his arms over his #hest.
-Li&e !hat1-
-Something...'rivate.- i tried. $ustin s#o""ed.
-. thought !e said no se#rets.-
-.+ll tell ou tommoro!, no go slee'/- i elled 'la"ull. 0he nodded and !ent to their
0hen i got to !or&. $ustin is #on#erned, that im inno#ent and ine5'erien#ed. %ell, im
going to 'rove him !rong. .ve got ; things to loo& u' and 'er"e#t.
1. La' dan#ing
D. Su#&ing a di#&
E. Grinding
F. Ho! to ma&e a gu horn
;. 3eing Jin&
0hen ill be read. Birst i tried Youtube, then %i&i'edia, Bree #hat<Cuestion sear#h
engines and then...'orn sites. 3 Fam, i had learned all i needed to &no!. 9nd i !as
hornier than hell/
0he ne5t da, the gus !o&e me u' at =am. Onl F hours o" slee'/
-%hat !ere ou doing last night, that made ou slee' at Fam1/- $aimen as&ed.
-Stu"".- i shrugged.
-You 'romised ou !ould tell.- $ustin #om'lained. . laughed.
-So !hat1 . bro&e m 'romise.- i smiled. $ustin smir&ed.
-Oh eah1- he 'inned me to the !all. -Start tal&ing.-
-2o.- i said. $aimen smiled and !his'ered something to $ustin. $ustin laughed and
smir&ed again.
-%hat i" something in return1- he as&ed.
-Li&e !hat1- i as&ed.
-Hmm...ill ta&e m shirt o"" and let ou do as ou li&e.- he said. Oh god/ 0hat !ould be
ama6ing/ $ustin is SELY/ . !anna tou#h those se5 abs and #hest/ 9nd tr !hat i
learned earlier...
-You 'romise1- i as&ed him. He #hu#&led and nodded. . blushed and said,
-Earlier i !as on the internet sear#hing u' !as to se5uall 'leasure a gu.- i said
Cui#&l. $aimen and $ustin smiled.
-Reall1- $aimen as&ed.
-Yes.- i re'lied emmbarassed. $ustin smiled lovingl and too& his shirt o"". . gas'ed as i
too& in his ama6ingl s#ul'ted #hest, =8'a#&, and lean !aist. His le"t ni''le had a
'ier#ing on it, !hi#h onl made him loo& ummier. He smir&ed,
-%hen our done drooling, i !ant to &iss ou.- he said. . blushed and rea#hed u' to &iss
his 'lum' li's. He immediatl res'onded and li#&ed m li's. . o'ened m mouth and let
his tounge enter. %e &issed "or !hat seemed li&e hours, but !asnt that long, #ause
$aimen bro&e it u' and told us to get read "or s#hool.
On#e !e !ere at s#hool, i "elt a !ave o" 'rote#tion. %hen a girl even said hi to $ustin,
Selene or Aade !ould glare at the girl and sa +He+s ta&en/+ or +7ove along !annabe, he+s
outta our leauge.+ or +$ustins not interested in ou, so shove o""/+.
.n S'anish #lass, a girl named (assid !as hitting on $aimen. Leanne and Emma
'ra#ti#all sla''ed that girl and said the same things Selene did. 3enn, $aniel, 0ristan,
Aoe and 9aron !ere li&e bodgaurds. 9ll gus !ho loo&ed at me, !ere dealt !ith
a##ording to their #rime.
9t lun#h !e all sat together.
-So ho! man o" ou have bo"riends o" girl"riends1- i as&ed them all. got a GB.- Aoe smiled. . smiled eagerl.
-Aade.- he said. %e all turned to Aade !ho !as blushing red.
-Your girl as o" !hen1- $ustin as&ed.
-Uh...esterda.- Aade smiled. %e all #hu#&led a little.
-!ell, starting this morning, 0ristans mine.- Leanne smiled. %e all !hoo'ed. . loo&ed
over at $aniel !ho seemed troubled. . leaned over to him and as&ed,
-He $an, !hats !rong1- he loo&ed at me then shoo& his head.
-2othing, im o&.-
-2o ou are! tell me.- i ordered. $an seemed almost s#ared. 2ot o" me, but
s#ared o" !hat he !as hiding.
-. #ant tell ou.- he said Cuietl. . nodded.
-(an ou te5t it to me1-i as&ed. He nodded slo!l. %e e5#hamged numbers and began
Sa''hH So $an, !assu'1-
$anH i hav a #on"ession.
SH %hat1
$H uh...ive never had a g"
SH thats it1 Seriousl1 7e neither, until no!/
$H but its di""rtrnt.
SH but ur #ute/ . mean, i see !h girls li&e ou. %h no GB1
$H 'romise ou !ont laugh, or un"riend me1
SH i 'romise// 2o! tell/
$H i...never had a GB #u6 i onl !ant to date one 'erson.
SH !hoo// %ho11
$H uh...3enn.
SH !ait/ $aniel/1 9re ou !hat i thin& ou are1
$H es, im...Ga.
)*$ustins PO,*)

. absolutl love that girl/ She !as u' all night tring to "ind !as to se5uall 'lease
$aimen and .1 %o!. 9nd her &issing is so...e5'erien#ed/ Li&e she &isses
everda...!hi#h im sure she doesnt unless its $aimen or me.
9aron !as smiling at me li&e an idiot.
-%hat 9aron1- i as&ed. He smiled !ider and leant in.
-You are in loovveee/- he said. . rolled m ees.
-9nd so !hat i" i am1- i as&ed. 9aron sni#&ered and loo&ed at the #eiling.
-Plaers dont "all in love/- he said !ith no emotion in his "a#e.
-.m not a 'laer anmore. 9ll 'laers eventuall "all in love, 9aron.- i said. 9aron raised
an eebro!.
-2ot me. .ve sle't !ith ever senior and almost ever 4unior in this s#hool...but i hav et
to love an o" them.- he said. . smir&ed.
-7abe she+s not a senior or 4unior. 7abe she+s a So'homore or even a "reshie.- i
smiled. 9aron glared at me but didnt ans!er.
-9m i right1- i as&ed again. He glared at me again and shrugged.
-i dont &no!. . dont tal& to the so'homores and "reshmen.- he said #asuall. . nodded
and sla''ed his ba#&.
-Liar.- i #oughed<laughed. 9aron glared at me "or the Erd time and rolled his ees.
-Your hormones are out o" #ontrol, $ustin. You are thin&ing u' !ierd assum'tions.- he
said. . smiled.
-So thin&ing about her ma&ed ou s'ea& intelligentl and use big !ords1- i as&ed. 9aron
-0here is no +her+/- he said. . s#o""ed.
-.ts so obvious/ You smile evertime the so'homores and "reshmen are around, ou loo&
over to their tables during lun#h and assembl, ou &ee' thin&ing about her so"t, bro!n
hair...- i started.
-.diot/ Her hair is bla#&/- 9aron sna''ed. 0hen reli6ing his mista&e,
-Shit/- he #ursed. . laughed and sat straighter in m seat.
-So !ho is it1- i as&ed. 9aron glared again be"ore turning to loo& at the..."reshmen1/ He
'ointed to a ver attra#tive, #urv bla#& haired girl. . still thin& Sa''h is the best, but i
#an see !h 9aron li&es her.
-%hats her name1- i as&ed.
-Harmon....%al&er.- he added. 7 ees !idened. %al&er1/ 0hats...
-You are in love !ith one o" our best "riends sister1- i as&ed. He nodded.
-Yes and Sha!n !ould never let it !or&. He+s too 'rote#tive o" her. . reall li&e her. 9nd
i dont !ant an other gu in this s#hool to be !ith her, but im too #hi#&en to as& Sha!n.-
-3e#ause Sha!n thin&s ou+ll hurt her.- a voi#e said. %e loo&ed and sa!...Sha!n.
9arons ees !idened.
-Oh shi6, ho! long !ere ou there1- he as&ed. Sha!n smir&ed.
-Bor a !hile. Long enough to &no! ou li&e m sister.- he said.
-%ould ou let me get !ith her1- 9aron as&ed. Sha!n sat do!n and bit his li'.
-9aron, Harmon is 1F. She is too oung to have her heart bro&en and i" i #an 'revent
that ever ha''ening i !ill.-
-3ut i !ont brea& her heart.-
-She alread li&es ou 9aron/ . heard her mumble our name be"ore in her slee'...and
esterda...she !as in her room !ith the door lo#&ed. . 'ressed m ear to the door
and...she !as moaning and gas'ing our name. She alread has a #rush on ou and
!ould love "or ou to as& her. 3ut i" ou le"t her or #heated on her, she might not
re#over.- Sha!n said, "ro!ning. 9aron seems Cuite ha'' that Harmon alread li&ed
-. s!ear i" i !as !ith her, i !ouldnt hurt her/ .d sti#& !ith her until !henever she
!anted, i s!ear it/- 9aron 'leaded. . !as sorta en4oing this. .ts li&e a teen drama or soa'
-Bine 9aron. You #an as& her. 3ut i s!ear/ ." ou leave her, anger her or tou#h another
#hi#&, im gunna beat our ass/- Sha!n said. . smiled and said,
-9nd Aoe, 7i&e and i !ill hel'.- 9aron smiled !ider than ever and ho''ed u' to
Harmon+s table.
)* Small 9aron POv*)
9s i a''roa#hed the "reshmen tables, i "elt all ees on me. Harmon !as some!hat
'o'ular. 2ot the to' girl or the bottom. She !as in !hite "itted #a'ris, blue no sleeve to',
and a mat#hing headband on her long, sil& bla#& hair. . gul'ed and loo&ed at her.
-Uh..Harmon1- i as&ed. She loo&ed at me and smiled.
-Oh he/ Yeah1- she said, smiling. God she+s beauti"ul/
-Um..i !as !ondering i" ou !ant to go out !ith me tommoro! night.- i as&ed. 9ll the
"reshmen girls gas'ed, and began !his'ering. One slutt "reshie stood u' and !al&es u'
to me.
-%h do ou !ant...HER1 You #an do SO mu#h better.- she said, tou#hing m arm. .
shoo& her o"" and loo&ed ba#& at Harmon.
-. !ant her #ause she+s beauti"ul, smart, and has sel" res'e#t. So !hat do ou sa
Harmon1- . as&ed nervousl. Harmon smiled
and nodded.
-Yeah i !ill. %hen1-
-. #an 'i#& ou u' at ?, is that o&1- i as&ed relieves she said es. She nodded again.
-Yeah, thats good. $o ou have m number1-
-Yeah, Sha!n has it.- i smiled. She mirrored m "a#e and too& out her #ell 'hone.
-(an i have ours1- she as&ed. . nodded and gave her m digits. On#e !e made
arrangements, i !ent ba#& to m table !here i heard a most disturbing #onversation.
)*$aimens PO,*)
-. lost m number #an i have ours1- Leanne tried. Selene s#o""ed.
-Heres a better oneH . lost m tedd bear, #an i sle'' !ith ou1- i rolled m ees and
shoo& m head disa''rovingl.
-2o 0H.S is the best. You have D0: bones in our bod...!ant one more1- i smir&ed.
Everone at our table +e!!8ed- and laughed. Yes !e !ere having a 'i#&u' line #ontest.
-." ou !ere a booger id 'i#& ou "irst/- Aoe said.
-You are !eird Aoe/- Sa''hire said. Aoe smiled and 'u""ed his #hest 'roudl.
-. got a ni#e riddle/- 0ristan said. -9 #at "alls into a 'uddle, and a rooster laughs. %hats
moral o" the stor1- !e all loo&ed at ea#hother, then ba#& at 0ristan.
-%hat1- i as&ed.
-9 !et 'uss ma&es a ha'' #o#&.- he smir&ed.
-E%%/- Sa''hire, Selene, Aade, Emma and Leanne said. $aniel, 3enn, Aoe, $ustin and
i hi8"ived him.
-Heres one.- Sha!n said. -%hat has ;0 teeth and holds ba#& the .n#redible Hul&1-
-%hat does1- the girls as&ed. Sha!n smiled.
-7 'ants 6i''er.- 9ll the girls laughed but the gus loo&ed at Sha!n !ith disgust.
-Ho! about the s!eetest lines1- Emma suggested. 0his is !here $ustin shines. $ustin
#leared his throat and began.
-." gave ou 11 roses and told u to hold them and loo& in the mirror, ou+d be seeing the
1D most beauti"ul things in the !orld.- he said. 9ll the girls -a!!!8ed- and smiled. .
groaned loudl and gagged.
-$o ou have a band8aid1 (ause i 4ust s#ra'ed m &nee "alling "or ou.- he said. Sha!n
laughed and the girls s!ooned again.
-Shut u' be"ore i bar" $ustin/- 0ristan elled. %e laughed and $ustin smir&ed.
-!hatevs, dude.- he smiled. %hen a ne! #onversation started u', i turne to 0ristan.
-So ou and Leanne1- i as&ed. He nodded.
-Sin#e last night reall. %e "u#&ed a #ou'le times.- he said. . raised an eebro!,
-3ut ou !ere &issing (harlene earlier toda...- i said. 0ristan shrugged.
-(harlene+s got a good ass.-
-Yeah i &no!. 3ut Leanne 'robabl "u#&ed 10 gus last night an!a.-
-Seriousl1 0hen !h are ou together1-
-(ause...i dont &no!/ So i #an sa i have a girl. 9 hot one.- he smiled. 0hen his #ell
bee'ed. He loo&ed at it then smiled !idel.
-%hat1- i as&ed.
-Part time !ith 2ora in $rama #lub room.- he said, getting u'. . glared at him.
-9re ou serious 0ristan1- he laughed and shrugged.
-2ora gives good la' dan#es..and her tits are huge.- he smiled and !al&ed o"". . rolled
m ees and loo&ed ba#& to the grou'.
-%e should do something/- Leanne said.
-Li&e1- Selene as&ed.
-9 tri'/ 9 road tri'/ 9ll o" us/ %e #an go to...(ali"ornia/ Or Las ,egas/-
-. li&e (ali/- Sha!n said.
-7e too- 9aron smiled,
-me three.- Aade said. Aoe smiled.
-0hen i guess i have to go.-
-. li&e (aliornia...but !hat t'e o" vehi#le1- Sa''hire as&ed.
-. have a 1; 'assenger van at home...- 9aron said. . smiled.
-0hen its settled. 0ommoro!, a"ter s#hool, !e hed out to (ali, and be ba#& b 7onda.
0hat gives us Brida, Saturda ad Sunda ro hang out there. 9greed1- $ustin as&ed.
-9greed.- !e all said.
-%here !ill !e sta1- 3enn as&ed.
-9 hotel stu'id/- Emma s#o""ed. 3enn smiled.
-2ot too mu#h luggage girls.- . said. Leanne laughed.
-Sill bo, !hen do girls E,ER bring to mu#h luggage1- she said. . rolled m ees.
So thats 7e, $ustin, Sa''hire, 9aron, 0ristan, Leanne, Selene, Aoe, Aade, $aniel, 3enn,
Sha!n, and Harmon. 1E o" us. 0his is gunna be a!esome/ S'end time alone !ith Sa''h
and $ustin in a hotel, no #leaning, 9aron driving Ghaha, i sure aintI and the girls #oo&ing/
%hen !e !ere home, Sa''h seemed in dee' thought.
-%hats u' babe1- i as&e her. She loo&ed at me #losel then !ent ba#& to thin&ing.
-Sa''hire1/ %hats !rong1- $ustin as&ed. Sa''h loo&e at us both then #leared her throat. been thin&ing.- she started.
-2o "u#&ing &idding.- i mumbled.
-9n!as/ . !as thin&ing and...i !ant to lose m ,irginit !hile !e are in (ali.- she
said. . dro''ed m sand!i#h and $ustin glared.
(ha'ter 1E
)*Sa''hires PO,*)
0here. . said it. . told them m !ish and ill have to deal !ith their rea#tions. $aimen
dro''ed his "ood, and $ustin glared at me.
-E5#use me babe1 Re'eat that again.-
-. said, that i !ant to lose m virginit !hile !e are in ( that o& !ith ou both1- i
as&ed nervousl. $aimen smiled and hugged me.
-2o, its great/- he said. . e5haled and loo&ed at $ustin. He seemed guilt.
-Sa''hire, are ou onl doing this so $aimen or . !ont give u' on ou1 (ause !e !ont.
$ont "eel 'ressured to do something ou dont !ant to.- he said. . smiled and hugged him
as !ell.
)*$ustins PO,*)
-.m not bein 'ressured. . !ant this. %hen !e get to (ali.- she said. . smiled and &issed
her lightl. 0hen $aimen leant in to m ear and said,
-%hat about the stu"" !e mentioned earlier.- he as&ed, and i nodded.
-Oh Sa''h babe, !e !ill ta&e ur virginit in (ali...but $aimen and i !ill have our "un
"irst. %e are bringing su''lies.-
-Li&e !hat1- she as&ed.
-Li&e su''lies that ou !ill see !hen the time #omes.- $aimen smiled. She nodded
nervousl. 0ime to get the stu"".
-. have to go to the store.- Sa''hire said.
-Bor1- . as&ed. She smiled.
-%e+ll #ome too.-
-2O/ Aust me. 2o sit and sta/- she ordered as she grabbed her &es.
. #ant believe she+s a#tuall read/ . #ant !ait until (ali"ornia/ 0his is gonna be ama6ing/
God $aimen and i need to get that stu""..,2O%.
-He $aimen1- as&ed on#e she had le"t.
-Yeah bro1-
-$o ou &no! a 'la#e in to!n !here !e #an get this stu""1-
-$uh/ %e are tal&ing about 7E/ . #he#&ed the "irst night !e !ere here.- he laughed. .
-%ell !e should go no! then.- i said, #he#&ing the time.
)* $aimens PO,*)
. s!ear im dan#in on the inside. %e are "inall gunna "u#& Sa''hire/ $ammit, im getting
hard thin&in about it/ 2o! !e have to get the stu"" needed. %e drove to a 'la#e #alled
-Pal Pleasures- that i "ound online. Oh eah, i &no! that sounds !rong.
%e sho''ed through the e5'ensive store, but #ouldnt seem to "ind !here things !ere. 9
E; old loo&ing !oman #ame to us.
-Hi, !el#ome to Pal Pleasures, ma i hel' ou1- she as&ed. She didnt loo& li&e the "lirt
t'e, more li&e the motherl t'e. . shoo& m head.
-2o than& ou, !e &no! !hat !e need. 3ut !e might have trouble "inding it...-
-Oh o&, !hat is it that ou need1 You dont have to be embarrased, i understand ou
oung 'eo'le.- she said !ith a smile. . nodded and $ustin sni#&ered slightl. . handed
her the list. She loo&ed at it, then ba#& at us and smiled.
-O& then, "ollo! me.- she said. %e "ollo!ed her to varius 'arts o" the store, 'i#&ing u'
all the needed things. $ustin groaned. . loo&ed at him.
-%hats !rong1-
-. thin& i ere#ted b imagining Sa''hire in that.- he said 'ointing to a !omens se5 suit. .
laughed and rolled m ees.
-Youre !eird $ustin. 2o! go "ind ro'e.- i smiled. Yes, !e are getting all out !ith this.
%e have several nights in (ali and ea#h one is going to be s'ent !isel.
%hen !e "inall le"t the store, !e s'ent around MEF0. God/ ,ibrators, lubri#ants and
stu"" shouldnt #ost that mu#h.
)* Sa''hires PO,*)

. smiled. .m going to ma&e this "un. .+ll bu the se5iest lingerie available, loo& all 'rett
and do !hat i learned the other night. %e leave tommoro! id better get going.
. "irst !ent to a Lingerie sho' that !as said to be reall high Cualit. . !ent through
everthing. . even had Emma and Leanne #ome along to hel'.
-Get this/- Emma said, giving me a red la# bra and mat#hing 'anties. Leanne rolled her
-E! no/ Get something se5/ (he#& our "eatures. You have a ni#e ass, so get a la#
thong. $ustin li&es breasts, so bu a 'ush8u' bra. Red is a horrible #olor/ Get a s&in tone
#olor, or bla#&. 3la#& is se5. Understand1- she said. Emma and i stared at her, but
-Plus !e !ill be in (ali"ornia "or a #ou'le nights and ou #ant !ear the same thing t!i#e.
Plus &no!ing them both, the might ri' the "irst one o"" ou and it !ill be un8reusable.
So get three or "our di""erent sets.- Emma smiled. . blushed at them both. God, this is
gonna be ama6ing/
%e got a bla#& la# 'ushu' bra and mat#hing thong, tan #orset to' and 'anties, s&im'
maroon bi&ini set, and a sil& se5 go!n. Leanne and Emma seemed 'roud o" their !or&.
-2o! !e need to give ou a ma&eover.- Leanne said.
-!h1- i as&ed.
-3e#ause ou !ant them to beg "or ou, Sa''hire/ You have to loo& se5 as hell/ So
#+mon/- Emma elled. %e !ent to a salon and beaut 'arlour do!nto!n.
-Hi/ %el#ome, !hat #an !e do "or ou toda1- a man as&ed us on#e !e #ame. Leanne
ste''ed in.
-%e need this girl to be !a5ed, eebro!s done, hair stled se5, mani8'edi and light
ma&eu'. (an ou do that1- she as&ed. 0he man smiled and nodded.
-Yes !e #an ma+am.- he re'lied.
0!o hourse later, i !as beauti"ied. 3ut the girls !ouldnt let me see msel" in the mirror. .
!as !a5ed and m eebro!s 'in#hed. 7 "a#e !as it#h and m head "elt light.
-2o! "or our #lothes/- Emma smiled. %e then !ent to Johls, A('enn, and 3oston. .
had the (U0ES0 #lothes no!/ 0he hottest s&irts, and shorts. Se5iest shirts and ama6ing
3 the time !e got home i "elt li&e a diva/ 0he girls told me not to 'ea& in the mirror
until i !as dressed in one o" the se5 out"its. . 'ut on a ver "itted 'ur'le to' that 'ushed
m breasts out, dar& 4ean minis&irt and 'ur'le high heeled se5 boots. 0his is !hat i !ill
!ear tommoro!.
0hen i loo&ed in the mirror. . almost "ainted. . !as...beauti"ul/ 7 hair !as stled and
had dar& blond highlights in m bro!n hair. 7 "a#e !as lightl 'ut !ith ma&eu', and
m eebro!s !ere 'er"e#t ar#hes. . heard the door slam and i &ne! the bos !ere ba#&.
-Sa''hire1- $ustin #alled. . !al&ed to the main room and sho!ed msel" to the bos.
$aimen G"or the se#ond timeI dro''ed !hat !as in his hands and $ustin almost #ho&ed
on the 'e'si he had.
-%hat do ou thin&1- i as&ed, t!irling. $ustin+s ees !ere glued to m breasts and
$aimen !as at m legs.
-God do !e have to !ait till (ali1- $ustin !hined. . giggled and nodded. $aimen
groaned and started !al&ing a!a.
-%herr are ou going1- i as&ed.
-0o ta&e a #old sho!er.- he mumbled. . laughed and !ent to m room to #hange, and
(ha'ter 1F
)*Sa''hire+s PO,*)
0he ne5t morning, !e !ere on our !a to 9aron+s house. %e all de#ided to s&i' s#hool
and get to (ali earl. . brought m hot #lothes, ma&eu' and lingerie that Leanne and
Emma said i should bring. $aimen and $ustin &e't staring at me. m boobs and
%hen !e got to his house, Sha!n, Harmon and $aniel !ere there. %hen the sa! me
the all ga'ed. Sha!n !ol" !histled.
-$amn Sa''hie/ Your seeee555/- he said. Harmon hit te ba#& o" his head. 9aron
tried to &ee' his ees on Harmon and o"" me. %hen i sat b $an, he smiled.
-You loo& hot.- he said. . gas'ed.
-You said ou !ere ga/-
-. am. 3ut i still &no! a hot girl !hen i see one.- he laughed. . rela5ed and loo&e at him.
-$id ou tell 3enn1- i as&ed. $an 4um'ed startled.
-Hell no/-
-%h not1-
-He is a 'laer/ He loves girls/ He+s not ga, Sa''hire/- $an said. . rolled m ees.
-He #ould be hiding it/ Li&e ou did. Have ou ever &issed a girl1-
-Ever sle't !ith one !hile ou &ne! ou !ere ga1-
-. sle't !ith 10 girls be"ore. . didnt !ant anone "inding out.-
-0hen mabe 3enn+s doing that too/-
-7abe...but i &no! he li&es boobs.- $an sighed. . groaned and loo&ed u'. Selene, Aade,
Leanne, 0ristan, and Aoe #ame in a #ar. Sha!n made an announ#ement,
-O& 'eo'le, i boo&ed us all rooms at Holida .nn. $aimen, $ustin and Sa''h !ill share a
room !ith an EL0R9 large bed, Leanna and 0ristan share, Aade and Aoe, Selene,
Harmon and Emma, 3enn and $aniel, 9aron and i. Got it1 : rooms.-
-He/ Ho! #ome i dont get to share !ith m girl1- 9aron !hined. Sha!n glared.
-(ause ou t!o !ill not be in the same room unsu'ervised.- he gro!led. %e all laughed.
0hen Emma and 3enn #ame. $an sti""ened. Haha, ho! ironi# that he is sharing a room
!ith 3enn/
On#e all the bags !ere 'ut a!a, !e 'iled in the #ar. Heres the seat #hartH
$rivingH 9aron
PassangerH $ustin
Dnd ro!H Selene, Aoe, Aade, Sha!n
Erd ro!H 7e, Emma, Leanne, Harmon
Fth ro!H $aniel, $amien, 3enn, 0ristan
Bull #ar. 9s soon as !e hit the road, Emma and Harmon sang road songs. %ell...not
road songs, but the sang a lot o" !eird songs. Birst it !as Ha&una 7atata. 0hen +Under
the sea+. 0hen 3enn sang -0he bear nesse#ities-. Sha!n tried to sing -Jung "u "ighting-,
but "ailed miserbl. Selene even got goo" and sang +Honor to us all+ "rom 7ulan. 0hen i
got h'er and sang +Had a bad da+ "rom 9lvin and the (hi'mun&s.
9"ter Dhours !e got tired o" that.
)*$aimens PO,*)
Ugh/ . hate $isne no!/ %h the hell !ould the ma&e songs li&e that1/
0hen !e all 'laed 0ruth or $are.
-$aniel, 0 or $1- Selene as&ed. $aniel smiled.
-. dare ou to...sing +You 3elong !ith 7e+ in a girl voi#e.- she said. $aniel gro!led but
#leared his throat.
-Your on the 'hone !ith our Girl"riend, she+s u'set..- and he sang it all. .t !as hilarious/
He sounds so ga/ 2e5t !as m turn.
-$aimen, 0 or $1- $an as&ed me.
-Ho! man girls have ou sle't !ith be"ore1-
-Uh...over E0..- i mumbled. Everone -oooed- but Sa''h staed Cuiet. . turned to
-Leanne 0 or $1-
-. dare ou to ma&e out !ith Emma "or a minute.- i smiled. Emma and Leanne gagged.
Leanne slo!l brought her li's to Emma+s and the &issed. Everone either laughed or
-. said 7a&e out/ Use our tongues girls.- i sni#&ered. Leanne groaned then stu#& her
tongue in Emmas mouth. Emma almost thre! u'. %hen the minute !as u', the s'at on
the #ar "loor and gagged. Leanne loo&ed at 9aron,
-0 or $, 9aron1- she as&ed. 9aron smiled.
-$are. .m driving, i #ant do a bad dare.-
-. dare ou to roll ur !indo! do!n and ell at the ne5t 'asing driver +(all me/+.- Leanne
said. 9aron seemed amused. He rolled the !indo! do!n. 0he ne5t 'assing 'erson
!as...a ?0 ear old !oman. 9aron motioned to her to roll do!n the !indo! and !hen
she did, he !in&ed and elled.
-(all me, Se5/- he elled. 0he !oman blin&ed a #ou'le times then "ro!ned.
-9 game o" truth or dare1- she elled. He nodded and the !oman laughed and drove
a!a. %e lauged our guts out/
-0ristan, 0 or $1- 9aron as&ed. 0ristan said $are.
-. dare ou to....#all our mom snd sa going to be a "ather/+- 9aron smiled.
%e all ooed again, as 0ristan too& out his #ell. He 'ut it on s'ea&er.
-He mom1-
-Oh, hi 0ristan, !hat is it1-
-.+m...going to be a "ather.-
-%H901/ 9hhh/ Brom !ho1 %hen1 %here1 %h1/- she s#reamed, as he 'ressed end.
-Sa''h, t or d1-
-uh...0ruth.- she said.
-%hen do ou intend to lose our virginit1- he as&ed.
-0onight.- Sa''h smiled. Everone gas'ed and #heered. Sa''hire blushed and smiled
and $ustin and ..
-3enn, 0 or $1- she as&ed.
- . dare ou to &iss $aniel on the #hee&.- she smiled at $aniel !ho loo&ed horri"ied.
3enn didnt #om'lain though. He slo!l leaned over and lightl &issed $ans #hee&.
-Aade, 0 or $1-
-%hats ur "avoritr se5 'osition1- 3enn as&ed. Aade blushed.
-uh...dogg stle.- she mumbled. Aoe smiled and the rest o" us tried &ee'ing straight
-Shutu'/ $ustin, 0 or $1-
-. dare ou to remove to arti#les o" #lothing o"" ou.- she smir&ed. $ustin groaned and
too& o"" his s!eat4a#&et and tshirt, revealing his #hest. Selene, Leanne, Sa''hire, Emma
and Aade s!ooned ha''il. 9ll the gus rolled their ees.
%e 'laed "or a !hile and another hour 'assed b.
)*$ustins PO,*)
-9re !e there et1- 3enn #om'lained.
-2o 3enn/ %hen ou see a hotel named Holida .nn, !e are there.- Selene said
annoed. %e !ere almost there. .t !as almost :HF;'m, so the da !as still not gone. %e
had sto''ed t!i#e so "ar to stret#h our legs, eat and use the bathroom. 0hen m #ell rang.
.t !as...m mom.
-Hello1- i ans!red.
-He $ustin/ .ts mom, ho! are ou/ 9nd $aimen1 9nd Sa''hre1-
-He mom, !e are all good, ou1-
-.m great/ 0he honemoon in the 3ahamas !as ama6ing/-
-#ool/ Uh mom1-
-(an !e #all later, something #ame u'.- i said as !e a''rou#hed our destination.
-Oh, no 'roblem, be//- she sCuealed.
%e !ere here/ Binall/ %e all got out o" the #ar and stre#t#hed again.
-O&, everone, grab our roomates and !ait !hile i g!t our room &es.- Sha!n
ordered. %e obeed. . !ent b $aimen and Sa''hire !ho !ere both ha'' and e5#ited.
9ll our rooms !ere near ea#hother. %e had room D0:. Leanne and 0ristan got D0=,
Selena, Harmon and Emma got D0@, Sha!n and 9aron had D0E, Aoe and Aade had D0F,
and 3enn and $an had D1D.
%e dro''ed our luggage in our rooms then automati#all, Sa''hire and $aimen start
4um'ing on the bed li&e idiots. . laughed at them, and sat do!n on a #ou#h.
-Have ou both not gro!n u' sin#e 10ears old1- i as&ed. $aimen laughed and 4um'ed
-$ustin// ." i #all room servi#e !ill the bring me #oo&ies1- he as&ed. Sa''hire giggled
and &e't ho''ing.
-7aaabbeee. Go ahead and tr.- she said. $aimen got o"" the giganti# bed and !ent
to the 'hone.
-Room servi#e, ho! ma i hel' ou1- i heard that annoing, sCuea& voi#e sa.
-Hi, #an !e have a 'late o" #oo&ies delivered to room D0:1- $aimen as&ed. He listened
"or a bit, then too& out his !allet. He read his #redit #ard numbers to her.
-0han& ou.- he smiled, #losing the 'hone.
-%eeeellll1- Sa''hire as&ed.
-0he are bringing #oo&ies/ %ith 7N7 #ho#olate
inside/ Rainbo! #olors/- he laughed. 0hen something #aught m ee.
Sa''hire !as 4um'ing on the bed...her breasts !ere boun#ing together, and her s&irt "le!
u' ever other 4um'. 2ot enough to see it all...but i got a good loo& at those legs. $aimen
"ollo!ed m ga6e and smiled.
-So are ou sure our read "or tonight1- he as&ed. %h the hell does he &ee' as&ing1/
%hat i" she #hanges her mind1 Gee6.
-Yes, i am. 9nd im 're'ared.- she !in&ed. . got hard again. $amn/
-. should "reshen u'. %e are all going out to dinner in a bit.- i said. $aimen laughed and
!his'ered to me.
-Great e5#use "or ta&ing a #old sho!er $ustin. .m im'ressed/- he laughed. . rolled m
ees and !ent to the bathroom. %hen i got there, i gas'ed.
-Gus, #ome here and loo& at this/- i #alled.
-%hat1 (hest hair1- $aimen as&ed. He+s so stu'id/ (hest hair1 Honestl1 %hen the
both #ame their ees !idened.
-Hol Shi6/- $aimen said.
-%o!/ 0hat tub is huge/- Sa''h gas'ed.
-Per"e#t "or an a"ter8se5 sho!er...- $aimen smir&ed. 0hen Sa''h groaned.
-!hat1- i as&ed.
-Sha!n 'lanned all this.- she smiled. . laughed as it o##ured to me that he 'robabl did.
)*Sa''hires PO,*)
%e all got read "or dinner. $ustin and $aimen had 4eans and tshirts that made their
mus#les 'o' out. . 'ut on the se5 la#e thong and 'ushu' bra, a sil& red lo!di' to', and
bla#& s&inn4eans, !ith m red se5 heeled boots over them. 9gain the bos ga'ed at me.
-.ts gunna be "un, getting ou out o" that...- $ustin smir&ed. . smiled and grabbed their
-Lets go.- i said. %e met the others in the lobb.
-Ooo, loo& at the se5 trio/- Leanne smiled. . blushed that she said it out loud. Emma hit
her arm and smiled at m out"it.
3enn, 0ristan and Sha!n had lust in their ees, but &e't it bottled u'. Selene too& out a
ni#e digital #amera.
-He 7iss/- she #alled to a !oman !or&ing behind the lobb des&.
-Yes ma+am1-
-7a oh ta&e a 'i#ture o" us all1- she as&ed. 0he !oman G7araamI smiled.
-Sure.- !e all huddled together on the lobb #ou#h. . dont &no! !hat everone else !as
doing !hen the 'i# !as ta&en, but i !as blushing and giggling. $aimen and $ustin both
de#ided to &iss m #hee& and i had a gu on ea#h #hee& !hen the 'i# !as ta&en. %hen
!e too& a #ou'le more stu'id 'hotos, 7araam gave us the #amera ba#& and le"t.
%e 'iled in the #ar and !ent to a italian restaurant #alled +Rotallini+s House+. . didnt eat
mu#h and neither did m bos...7Y bos1 %o!...i mean 0HE bos. $aniel turned to me
and glared.
-Staing in a room !ith 3enn is toture/- he said. . smiled,
-(ause..he thin&s i li&e girls. He !al&s around the room 'ra#ti#all na&ed/ he tal&s about
all the !hores he has "u#&ed and...i almost "ainted !hen he &issed m #hee&/- $an
-. thin& ou should let 3enn &no!, other!ise he might do something reall stu'id. Li&e
!al& around star& na&ed...- i said. $aniel seemed to be imagining it, but sna''ed out o"
-. dont &no!. .m gunna dro' the sub4e#t/ You lose our virginit tonight1- he as&ed. .
nodded eagerl.
-0o !ho1- he as&ed, smiling. . o'ened m mouth, but nothing #ame out. %e never
mentioned !ho !ould ta&e it "irst... $ustin is slo!er and gentler..,but $aimen !aited the
longest !ithout #heating. but $aimen is rough and "ast, !hi#h might hurt...but $ustin
almost bro&e m heart on#e.
-. dont &no!...- i said. $aniel nodded.
-2o biggie, one #an be ta&e the virginit "rom our vagina and the other "rom our ass.-
$an smiled. . hit his arm 'la"ull. 0hroughout the dinner, Selene and Leanne tal&ed u' a
storm, Aade an Aoe &e't ma&ing out, 9aron and his lil+ girl !ere tal&ing and "lirting,
$aimen, $ustin and Sha!n !ere tal&ing and loo&ing at me ever no! and then, Emma
!as telling me stories "rom !hen she !ent to (anada, $aniel 3enn and 0ristan tal&ed
about s#hool and "ootball, and i !at#hed everone.
9t =HD;'m !e le"t, and !ent ba#& to the hotel. 9aron !as tired "rom driving and needed
slee'. %hen !e got to our room, . ho''ed onto the #ou#h and turned on the tv. $ustin
turned it right o"" and glared at me 'la"ull.
-Hells no. You said tonight. 2o 0,.- he smiled. . laughed.
-. !ill, i 4ust !anna88-
-2o !a/ Get o"" o" our se5 butt Sa''hire/- $aimen ordered. . shoo& m head
-. !ant to #he#& something/- i said smiling. 0he groaned but let me turn on the 0,. . sat
and loo&ed at the s#reen. 3ut i !asnt 'aing attention.
. li#&ed m "inger and brought it bet!een m breasts, then ba#& u'. . !ent to m 4ean
bu#&le, and started to undo them. $aimen and $ustin both stared at m hands, read"or
m 4eans to #ome o"". 3ut i re8bu#&led them and trailed m hand u' and do!n m thigh.
$aimen gro!led and turned o" the tv. 0hen both bos loo&ed at me !ith lust, love and
e5#itement in their ees. 0his is it, i smiled.
(ha'ter 1;
)*Sa''hires PO,*)
$ustin !al&ed over to me and led me to the ginormous bed. 0hen 'i#&ed me u' and set
me sitting on it.
-Birst ou have to get used to both o" us !ith ou at the same time.- $aimen smir&ed.
-So la do!n.- i obeed and laed on the bed. $aimen #ame in and 'ressed his li's
against mine. He li#&ed m li's until i o'ened m
mouth, and then su#&es m tongue.
. !as barel breathing, !hen i "elt something on m ne#&. . glan#ed to m right and sa!
$ustin &issing m ne#&, and rubbing m !aist. . barel &ne! !hat i should do/ . mover
m hand to $ustins #hest but he sla''ed it a!a.
-2o tou#hing. .ts our turn tonight.- he said. . nodded and smiled. $aimen sto''ed &issing
me and loo&ed at $ustin.
-She #an still thin& 'ro'erl. 0hat means !e arent tring hard enough.- he !in&ed. .
glared at him blan&l. . !ont be able tot hin& 'ro'erl1 $amn
0hen $ustin #hu#&led and nibbled m ear. . gas'ed and sti""ened at his tou#h. His !arm
tongue !as ma&ing me horn and a moan !as building u'. $aimen 'la#ed &isses "rom
m ear, do!n m ne#& and to m #hest. Ea#h s'ot he tou#hed, burned and made me have
a "unn sensation in m stoma#h. $ustin and $aimen both retra#ted, so the #ould ta&e
m to' o"".
$ustin and $aimen immedietl !ent to m breasts. Rubbing and massaging them. . held
another moan. $aimen #aught that, and smir&ed.
-.ts o&, ou #an moan, babe.- he said. . #losed m ees, but didnt moan. $aimen gro!led
so"tl and 'ut his mouth to
m ear,
-7oan.- he !his'ered se5il. %e 4ust started and im alread !etting m thong. . still
resisted. He gro!led louder and 'ressed harder on m breasts.
-7oan/- he ordered, sedu#tivl. . still didnt give in. $aimen began
to su#& on m ne#& and lightl 'in#h m ni''les.
-7oan Sa''hire/- he said again, !ith a "inal hard 'in#h. 0he 'in#h tiggered it
and i moaned so"tl.
-0heres a good girl,- he smiled, then !ent ba#& to su#&ing m ne#& and 'in#hing m
ni''le. $ustin !as gro'ing and gentl tugging m breasts, and nibbling m earlobe. . "elt
as i" it #ouldnt get an better. . #ould do this "orever/
0hen $ustin removed his hand and set his mouth on m ni''le s'ot over m la# bra. His
saliva !et m bra and tou#ed m s&in. . moaned louder at the hot liCuid tou#hing m
ni''le. He smiled and moved m bra out o" the !a !ith his teeth then #oninued li#&ing
m ni''le.
$aimen b no! had also gotten to !or& on m breasts and !as "li#&ing the ti' o" m
ni''le !hile &issing the rest. 0he both seemedto ta&e turns. Hen one !as at m breast,
the other !ent to m ne#& and ear. . #ouldnt hel' msel" and i 'ut m hands on $ustins
tshirt and too& it o"" o" him. 0hen i did the same to $aimen. . got !oo6 as i glimsed at
their mus#ular #hests.
$ustin #om'letl removed m bra and began to su#& m ni''le. 0hat !as the best "eeling
i have ever "elt/ .t "elt 'er"e#t, et i !anted more/ . 'ressed $ustins "a#e harder onto m
breasts and moaned again. $ustin made no #om'laint and su#&ed harder on them. . 'ut
one o" m arms around $ustin ne#& and thr other around $aimens, !ho !as &issing m
ni''les and su#&ing.
0hen suddenl i "elt something even better than the su#&ing. . loo&ed and thr t!o bos
!ere no di""erent then be"ore. . ignored it and !ent ba#& to 'laing !ith m bos hair.
0hen it #ame again.
-%ho did that1- i as&ed. $aimen smiled,
-$id ou li&e it1- he as&ed. . nodded, and he !ent ba#& to m ni''le. 0hen i sa! him
biting and nibbling m ni''le. . moaned !hem he didnt sto'. 0H90 !as ama6ing/ 0he
biting hurt, but i !anted more !ith ever bite. . ar#hed m ba#& into them both,
. "elt a tugging at m 'ants. . loo&ed and sa! $ustin !or&ing on m s&inn4eans. He
undid them and slo!l 'eeled them o"". $aimen !ent to m bell button and li#&ed it
!hile t!istin m ni''le.
On#e m 'ants !ere o"", $ustin #hu#&led.
-2i#e thong babe.- he smiled, as i moaned again. $aimen used his "ree hand to rub m
ass. . gas'ed and raised m hi's higher. $ustin rubbed m legs and &issed m thighs.
-(an ou still thin& Sa''hire1- $aimen as&ed me. . nodded. $aimen smiled.
-2ot "or long.- he said then set his hand on m thong and rubbed m mound over it. .
!in#ed and moaned loudl enough or 'eo'le in other rooms to hear. 0hen $ustin rea#hed
u' and too& o"" m thong !ith his teeth. 0hen he &issed m li's again, mu""ling m
moans "rom $aimen. $aimen !as rubbing m 'uss and li#&ing m stoma#h. 0hen he
stu#& one o" his "ingers inside o" me and made me ell. .t "elt !eird at "irst..but then it
"elt ama6ing/ . !as alread ver !et and this !as ma&ing it !orse...or better.
Soon i !anted more in m 'uss than $aimens "inger. . brought m hand to his and
'ushed his "inger dee'er into me. $aimen #hu#&led and stu#& another "inger in me. .
elled again, and &issed $ustin harder. $aimen "ingered me hard and dee', ma&ing me
#um multi'le times.
. !as beginning to s'a#e out. 9ll i !anted !as more/ Li&e it !as a drug. $aimen then
leaned over and li#&ed m #lit. . shivered and moaned !ith e5#itement. 0hat !as even
better than the "ingering/ He moved his tongue to m 'uss o'enig and su#&ed and li#&ed
m 'uss. . raised m hi's to his mouth and !ra''ed m arms around $ustins shoulders
as !e made out. $aimen 'i#&ed u' the 'a#e and started eating me out. 2ibbling, biting
and su#&ing me. . #ouldnt thin& anmore. . 4ust moaned and gas'ed !anting him to go
0hen $aimen laed do!n and $ustin set me on to' o" $aimens #hest and sat behind me.
-Sti#& our ass out 3abe.- $ustin said. . loo&ed at him #on"used.
-Li&e ho!1- i as&ed. $ustin smir&ed and grabbed m hi's. He li"ted them until m &nees
!ere su''orting me and m ass !as u'. $ustin rubbed m ass and &issed the #hee&s.
0hen he grabbed some o" m #um dri''ing "rom m 'uss and and set it on m asshole.
Aust as i !as about to as& !hat he !as doing, he "ingered it/ . didnt even &no! 'eo'le did
that/ 7 ees rolled ba#& into m head and i &issed $aimen as $ustin "ingered. 0hen i
"elt a !arm liCuid on m hole. $ustin !as li#&ing it/
$ustin #ontinued "or !hat seemed hours, and then sto''ed. . loo&ed at m bos.
-%ait, !ho is going to ta&e m virginit1- i as&ed. $aimen smiled.
-3oth o" us.- he said. . raised an eebro!.
-%hat1 Ho!1- . as&ed 'u66led, et horn and e5#ited. $ustin "ingered m 'uss "rom
behind and smiled.
-$aimen !ill ta&e ou "rom our #enter, and i !ill ta&e ou "rom our ass. 9t the same
time.- i gas'ed and #ummed as i thought about it.
-.s that o&a !ith ou1- $aimen as&ed. . smiled and nodded eagerl.
-(an !e do it soon1 .m read/- i said a bit too eagerl. $aimen laughed and sat u'
-Sure !e #an.- he said. . got u' as !ell. 0hen i "ro!ned.
-He/ 3oth o" ou are still dressed/- i said. -!ell..hal" dressed.- $ustin smiled and laed
-%ell then undress us, babe.- he said. . !asted no time in undoing $ustins 4eans and
'ulling them o"". Same !ith $aimen. 0hen i did their bo5ers. God $amn/ $ustin and
$aimen are huge/ $aimens "ingers "illed
me be"ore, ho! are these = and @ in#hers going to "it1/
. grabbed $aimens #o#& and began li#&ing it. $aimen moaned loudl and instantl got
ere#ted. . used m other hand to rub $ustins #o#&. On $aimens i su#&ed and s!irled m
tongue around it. On $ustin i "li#&ed and 'laed !ith the ti' and rubbed it do!n. 0hen i
s!it#hed. .n no time both bos !ere #umming onto me and the bed.
)*$ustins PO,*)
God this girl had s&ill/ 0hat resear#hing mustve reall hel'ed her. . loved everthing
about her. Her legs, her breasts, her mound, her ass, everthing.
On#e !e #ummed and made a huge mess, it !as time to ta&e her. . too& out some
Lubri#ant !e got "rom the store !e !ent to, and slathered it on Sa''hires asshole. She
moaned evertime !e tou#hed her and her noises turned me on, 3.G time.
%e got into 'osition. Sa''hire had her 3a#& to me, !ith her arms !ra''ed around m
ne#& "or su''ort. She had her legs !ra''ed around $aimens !aist, but she !as leaning
on me. Per"e#t "or $aimen to get her #enter, and me to get her ass.
$aimen and i set our 'enis+s into their #orre#t s'ots, 4ust outside her o'enings.
-9re ou read babe1- i as&ed. She nodded Cui#&l and !as breathing ras'il. Hr s&in
!as so so"t against mine and all i !anted !as to be inside her.
-0hen on the #ount o" three.- $aimen said. -One...t!o...three/-. %e both thrust into
Sa''hire and she s#reamed li&e never be"ore. . !as on E in#hes in and $aimen !as as
!ell. Sa''hires gri' on me tightened as she s#reamed and #ried. . &issed her #hee&, not
moving m hands on her hi's that !ere su''orting her u'.
She let out a strangled moan that made me #um again inside her. She !as still #ring but
not s#reaming anmore. $aimen began to slo!l go in and out o" her, going dee'er !ith
ea#h thrust. Sa''h groaned, moaned, #ried and gas'ed all at the same time. . also !ent in
and out slo!l, being #are"ul not to hurt her.
9"ter ten minutes Sa''hire !as done #ring and !as moaning and sighing ha''il.
-Go $ustin/ $ee'e./ Harder, $aimen. Baster.- she moaned at us. . had no ob4e#tions and
did as she 'leased. She !as so tight and m 'enis "elt li&e it !as in heavan/
)*$aimens PO,*)
0hat !as the better than an girl ive ever done/ Sa''hire !as beaiti"ul/ .nside and out. .
"u#&ed her slo!l and !ith a stead rthum.
-Go $ustin/ $ee'er. Harder, $aimen.Baster.- she !him'ered so"tl a"ter a "e! minutes. .
smir&ed an loo&ed at m bab.
-%hat is it #alled !hen ou go "aster, harder and dee'er1- i as&ed, smir&ing. Sa''h
moaned again.
-Having se5.-
-2o. %e are having se5 no!. Slo!l. You &no! !hat its #alled.-
-O&, then do it/- she ordered. . shoo& m head.
-You have to tell me !hat ou !ant.-
-i !ant ou to "u#& me.- she !him'ered. . smiled.
-. #ant hear ou, and neither #an $ustin. S#ream it/- i said. She shoo& her head in re"usal,
but moaned again !hen i thrust dee'er.
-0hen no. S#ream it or none at all.- $ustin said. Sa''hire groaned in 'ain and 'leasure
then said,
-Bu#& me.-
-S#ream it/- i said thrusting harder, #ausing her to gas'.
-Bu#& me/- she said louder. $ustin began to thrust harder and dee'er as !ell.
-S#ream it Sa''hire/- i elled.
-BU(J 7E/- she s#reamed as $ustin and . thrust a the same time. . smile and &issed her.
-Yes babe, !e+ll "u#& ou. 0ill ou #an breathe, or thin&.- i said. . 'i#&ed u' the 'a#e and
-$amn/ Baster $aimen/ Harder $ustin/ Go/- she !as s#reaming. %e "u#&ed her "or
almost an hour,#lima5ing an orgasming multi'le times, then !e all got out o" ea#h other
and and laed do!n.
. #he#&ed the #lo#&. .t !as 1DH;Dam and Sa''h !as do6ing o"". $ustin and i tu#&ed her in
and &issed her head. 0hen !e got in !ith her, and laed do!n ha''il.
-0hat !as ama6ing. 3est night ever.- Sa''hire mumbled as she "ell aslee'. -. love ou
$aimen and $ustin.-
-. love ou t!o.- $ustin and i both said. 9nd i reall did love her. Aust as i !as about to
"all aslee' too, i 'roblem hit me.
OH SH.0/
(ha'ter 1:
)* $ustins PO,*)
0he ne5t morning, !e !o&e b the sound o" m #ell'hone. Yeah, i have $o!n b Aa
Sean as m tone. . sa! the #aller .$ !as Sha!n and i ans!ered.
-He dude, ou a!a&e1-
-. am no!.-
-%ell, im sur'rised. .0S O2LY 2OO2/- he elled. . loo&ed at the #lo#& and he !as
-Oo's. %ell !e sle't late.-
-. &no!. %e heard ou.-
-Seriousl1/ You did1/-
-%ell 0ristan and Leanne did. 9nd Selene #laims there !as elling...a lot o" it, so eah.-
-%o!, sorr about that.-
-2ah, Leanne and 0ristan said the heard ou but the !ere 'robabl too bus banging
ea#h other u'.-
-9h. So ho! !as it !ith 9aron1-
-He+s su#h a #om'lainer/ +i !anna go !ith Harmon/ You are so mean/ She+s m
girl"riend/+ i mean, shes 1F/-
-Haha, !hatever. He, i should !a&e u' the other t!o.- i said loo&ig at $aimen and
Sa''hire !ho ha "allen ba#& aslee'.
-O&. So ou !ant to give me an details1-
-Uh...not reall.-
-Ha. O&, !hatever. 3ut our grou' has it all dont !e1-
-%hat do ou mean1-
-9mong our grou' !e have all t'es o" relationshi's and 'eo'le. 9 senior and "reshman
relationshi', a threesome, a su'er slut, a #heating #ou'le, a ga gu88-
-%hat1/ %ho+s ga1/- i elled.
-.ts so obvious. $aniel. He blushed !hen 3enn !as dared to &iss him, and doesnt "lirt.
He never had a girl"riend and loo&s at everone "unn in the lo#&er and sho!er rooms.-
-%o!...he seemed so...-
-i &no!. 3ut !e do have all &inds. 0ristan, 3enn and i are the onl 'laers no!. Aoe,
ou, $aimen, 9aron and $an arent anmore.-
-%ell...get a girl then/ Selene
-Haha, ni#e and loose.-
-Yeah. She+s "u#&ed so man times her 'uss is 'robabl "labb and loose.-
-Youre so !eird Sha!n.-
-.m a 'laer !ho &no!s his ladies, o&1-
-o&. . reall have to go no!. See ou !hen 9aron !a&es u'.-
-Ho! did ou &no! he !as still aslee'1-
-. hear him snoring.-
-9h/ O&, be.-
%hen i got o"" the 'hone, i laed ba#& do!n, ne5t to Sa''h. . #losed m ees an instantl
"elt a small so"t hand on m #hest. . loo&ed and sa! Sa''hire smiling u' at me.
-Good morning.- she smiled.
-Good a"ternoon.- i #hu#&led. She loo&ed at the #lo#& and laughed.
-%o!, o&.- she sat u' straight. Her bro!n hair "lo!ed to her 'er"e#t round breasts, that
!ere 'er& and sti"". 0he blan&et 4ust #overed her mound and she !as smiling.
$aimen !o&e u' as !ell. He seemed troubled.
-He !hats u' $1- i as&ed. $aimen gul'e loudl then loo&ed at me and Sa''h.
-Uh...gus...!e didnt use a #ondom.- he said. . "ro6e. Shit/ She might get 'regnant/ 9nd
$aimen the "ather/ Sa''hire 4ust smiled and stret#hed.
-Oh !ell.- she said. -.t !ouldnt have been so good i" ou !ore one an!a.- i ga'ed at
-You !ant a bab1 2o!1-
-2ot no!.-
-0hen !e have a 'roblem/-
-2o !e dont.-
-%h not1-
-(ause "or about a !ee& or t!o...ive been on the 'ill.- she smiled. $aimen and i gas'ed
and smiled.
-Seriousl1/- $aimen elled. She smiled and nodded. %e both rela5ed. . love her even
more/ 2ot be#ause i dont !ant a bab, but be#ause she though ahead and !as
Sa''h #ra!led o"" the bed, still na&ed, and stret#hed. God she !as beauti"ul/ Her mound
!as shaven #lean, her ass !as as $aimen !ould #all it -a bubble butt-, and her legs !ere
long and slender.
-. should ta&e a sho!er and get read "or brea&"ast...or lun#h- she said. . shoo& m head.
-Hells no. . didnt get a tr at our #enter et.-
-2o!1 . smell se5.- she said. . smiled.
-Or !e #an...all ta&e a sho!er.-
-9ll three o" us1-
-Ye'.- $aimen ans!ered. . sa! a small shiver go through her bod and she smiled.
-(ool, lets do it.- $aimen ho''ed out o" bed, 'ut his 4eans on Cui#&l and ran to the
sho!er room. $aimens not the 'erson !ho !al&s around na&ed.
On#e !e !ere all in the bathroom, i turned on the !arm !ater and !at#hed as it hit all o"
the large 4a#u66i8li&e tub.
%e all got in it and i immediatl &issed Sa''hires li's. She res'onded Cui#&l and li#&ed
m li', rubbing m #hest. %hen i o'ened m ees, i "ound $aimen massaging one o" her
breasts and li#&ing her ne#&.
-7mmm, dont !e have to a#tuall get #lean1- she as&ed, smiling. $aimen groaned and
-. guess so.- i said and set her do!n on the tub "loor, on to' o" $aimens #hest. . grabbed
a mini !ash#loth Gthose things the give at hotelsI and soa' and bod !ash.
. 'oured some o" the !ash along her bod as the stream o" !ater s'raed us. She shivered
as the #ool liCuid hit her bod and melted into $aimen. . used the !ash#loth and began
lightl s#rubbing<!i'ing her arms and #hest. 0hen i #ontinued to her breasts and made
#ir#ular movements on them, ma&ing her ni''les sti""en and 'er& u'.
$aimen rubbed and massaged !herever i had 4ust !ashed, s'reading the soa' suds
around. Sa''hire !as gas'ing and moaning li&e !hen !e "irst tou#hed her not too long
)*Sa''hires PO,*)
$aaaaaaaammmmnnn/ . !as loving everthing/ 0heres something about being under
running !ater damn se5/ $ustin !as !ashing me ever!here and $aimen !as
rubbing a"ter him. . #ould "eel $aimens ere#tion on m ba#& thigh and it#hed to tou#h it.
3ut then again, i !as staring at $ustins ama6ing #hest and arm mus#les, that made me go
9s $ustin !ent lo!er to m 'uss, he sto''ed and stared at it. 0hen li#&ed his li's and
leant "or!ard to it. 3e"ore i #ould bra#e msel", he !as li#&ing m 'uss li's and rubbing
m #lit. . gas'ed and smiled as 'leasure too& over me and i rea#hed under me to rub
$aimens di#&. .t !as long and hard and read "or anthing.
0hen . "elt an even better "eeling. . !as being su#&ed and nibbled do!n there and i !as
orgasming li&e a ma#hine gun. 0hen he got u' and 'ut his =8in#h di#& ne5t to m
o'ening. He slo!l 'ushed it in and began "u#&ing me slo!l and hard. . !ould be
!in#ing as he !ent but orgasm ever time he hit the end o" me.
$aimen moaned as i rubbed him to mat#h the rthem o" $ustins blo!s. 7 mind !as
blan& and all i #ould thin& o" !as 'leasure, se5 and more. Soon i "elt $aimen "ingering
m asshole as $ustin 'ulled out. He !ent ba#& to !ashing me and !i'es and #leaned m
'uss s'otless. $aimen began "ingering m 'uss as !ell and i !as "illed u' b his
s&ill"ul "ingers.
9"ter 1;min o" that, !e rinsed o"" and got out. 9nother ama6ing segment o" m li"e done
!ith m t!o bos. . dried o"" or...the bos dried me o"" and !e got out o" the bathroom. .
!as still na&ed as i rela5ed on the #ou#h and turned on the tv. $aimen had ne! 4eans on
and !as in the small &it#hen ma&ing #o""ee. $ustin !as getting read to order "ood.
0hen i heard m #ell 'hone ring. Haha, m tone isH 3ad Roman#e b Lad gaga. .
ans!ered smiling !hen i reli6ed !ho it !as.
-He Sa''h/- $aniel e5#laimed
-You sound ha'', !hats u'1- i as&ed.
-....he..3enns 3.SELU9L/- he elled. . sCuealed loudl and ho''ed u' and do!n.
-Reall1 Ho! do ou &no!1/-
-!e ea#h 'laed a game an !e had to tell the other our biggest se#ret. He said that his
!as that he !as 3i. . told him i !as ga. 9nd...he &issed me/- i s#reame ha''il again.
-O7G/// You+ll be so #ute/ 9s& him out $an/ 9s& him//- i elled. $an !as ha'' and
-7abe i !ill.-
-$o it/- i s#reamed.
-. !ill/ . !ill/ . got to go, i 4ust !anted ou to &no!.-
-O& $ann, have "un !ith our almost bo"riend/-
-Haha, have "un !ith 3O0H o" ours. 3e Sa''hie.-
-3e $an-
3enns bi1 Reall1 $amn, this is good "or them both/ $an has never been this e5#ited
be"ore/ Ever/
$aimen and $ustin ran in the room.
-%ho the hell !as that1- $aimen as&ed.
-%h !ere ou s#reaming and 4um'ing1-
-(ause he told me some ne!s.-
-0hat he+s ga1- $ustin as&ed. $aimen 4um'ed.
-Yeah, $aniels ga, $aimen.- $ustin said. . shoo& m head.
-i alread &ne! that/ 3ut no! i &no! that 3enn+s 3ise5ual/-
-%hat1/- both bos elled. . nodded and smiled.
-9nd $an and 3enn &issed.-
-%hat1/- the elled again. . sCuealed and ho''ed again #la''ig m hands. 0hen i
remembered i !as na&ed.
. grabbed a blan&et and !ra''ed it around me as i tried leaving the room to #hange.
-2o!, no!, !e+ve seen ou na&ed be"ore.- $aimen said. . smiled ad ran to m luggage
an!a to #hange. . #hose the #orset lingerie and a 'in& to' and !hite shorts along !ith
'in& heels and a !hite headband.
. 'ut m #lothes on and a''lied m ma&eu'. . 'ut m hair in a mess 'ontail and
!al&ed over to the no! "ull dressed bos.
-O&, !e have to go to the Lobb.- $ustin said.
-. thought !e !ere gunna eat1-
-2o, i #an#led our order. %e !ill meet evertone do!nstairs and eat out. .s that o&, or
should !e get ou something no!1- he as&ed. . smiled.
-2ah, i #an !ait. Lets go m hotties.- i smir&ed. 0he obedientl
"ollo!ed me to the elevator.
On#e !e !ere at the lobb i s'otted 3enn, and $aniel sitting at the #ou#hs.
-He gus/- i said. 0he both !aved and $aniel hugged me.
-Ho! !as the loss o" virginit !e heard last night1- he as&ed. . blushed and smiled
-Good.- i said Cuietl. $aniel smiled and nodded &no!ingl. 0hen m #ell rang.
-Sa''hire !here are ou1/-
-%ait/ %ho is this1-
-Your "ather/-
(ha'ter 1?
)*Sa''hires PO,*)
-Oh. Hi dad.-
-Hi Sa''hire. %here the hell are ou/-
-7e and the bos !ent on a road tri' !ith some "riends.-
-9 road tri'1 %here1-
-You are !ith our brothers1-
-Yes i am.-
-Give the 'hone to one o" them.-
-%hi#h one1-
-You mean $ustin.-
-%hat ever.- he gro!led. . gave the 'hone to $ustin saing,
-$ad !ants to s'ea& !ith ou.- $ustin too& the 'hone 'u66led and 'ressed it to his ear. she+s "ine...o" #ourse "ine.- he handed
me the 'hone.
-He needs to as& ou something. . dont &no! !hat it is.- i too& the 'hone.
-Yeah dad1-
-Hone...s!eetie...!hen !ill ou be ba#&1-
-Sunda night or 7onda morning...!h1-
-7 dear little girl, i have something i need ou to do "or dadd.- he said s!eetl. .
sti""ened. He #alled me hone, s!eetie and little girl1 %hat the hell does he !ant/1

-%hat do ou !ant me to do1-
-%ell dear, dadd !ants to ma&e a big business deal !ith a man named 7r. Petri#&. 3ut
7r. Petri#& made me a deal and he !ill go through !ith the business 'lan...i"...-
-." !hat1-
-You have se5 !ith him "or a night.-
-Please Sa''hire, i need this deal/-
-2o "u#&ing !a/ .m not a 'rostitute/ You #ant do this/-
-0oo bad its alread settled. On 7onda night, ou !ill be slee'ing !ith him/-
-2o dad/ You #ant do this to me/-
-Yes i #an and !ill/- he said and hung u'. . gro!led an #losed m 'hone. He #an not
"or#e me to be a 'rostitute/ $aimen, $aniel and $ustin stared at me.
-%hatd he sa1-$ustin as&ed. . sighed.
-He !ants me to hel' his business deal b having se5 !ith a #lient.- i mumbled. $aimen
and $uatin gro!led.
-0oo bad. 2o one even gets to see ou na&ed e5#e't me and $ustin.- $aimen said.
$aniel shoo& his head.
-. #ant believe our o!n dad...- he mused. . nodded.
-He said on 7onda night. %hen !e get ba#&.-
-2o Sa''hire. You !ont be doing it. Even i" !e have to "ight "or it.- $ustin said.
-7 mom !ouldnt allo! it.- $aimen #om"orted me.
)*$aimens PO,*)
0hat idiot/ Son o" a bit#h/ He #ant "or#e Sa''hire to have se5 so he #an ma&e a business
deal/ 0hats #riminal/ 7 mom !ould hate this and !hen !e tell her, she+ll do something
about it. ." not, then !e+ll leave. $ustin !ill be 1= soon and then !e #an leave legal.
-Lets dro' the sub4e#t "or no!.- Sa''h said. . nodded as the rest o" the grou' #ame in.
-3ea#h time//- Aade sCuealed.
-Oh eah/- 9aron !hoo'ed.
-Yes/- Emma smiled.
-S'end a "e! hours in a hot, sunn 'la#e, !ith se5 babes in bi&inis1 .m in.- Sha!n
smiled. 0ristan high "ived him and Selene loo&ed at Sa''h.
-$ear, did ou bring a bathing suit1- Sa''hire said.
-Bigures ou !ere too bus thin&ing about our virginit. . brought ou one.- Selene
smiled, handing Sa''hire a bea#h bag. Sa''h smiled and than&ed her.
- no 'roblem. 2o! ho! !as it1 %e heard ou s#reaming and moaning li&e #ra6 so it
mustve been good. Right1- sa''h didnt ans!er so i did.
-Hell eah. 0he best se5 ever.- i smiled. Selene smiled and loo&ed at Sa''hire.
-Youve got it good, &id.- she said. Sa''h smiled and hugged m !aist.
%hen !e !ere at the bea#h, all the girls ran into the bathrooms to #hange. 0he gus and i
got "ood and to!els and laed them on the sand. 0hen !e heard the girls s#reaming.
-Shut u' and !ear it/-
-2o/ . loo& li&e a88-
-You loo& hot/-
-Li&e a slut/-
-2o ou are not Sa''hire/ 2o! !ear the damn bi&ini/-
0hen the #ame out. Leanne in a red bi&ini, Selene in a bla#&, Emma and Harmon in
blue "ull bathing suits, Aade in green and Sa'' the se5iest 'in& bi&ini ever/ Her
breasts 'o''ed out and her se5 ass !as s!aing ba#& and "orth.
0he gus all stared at the girls. Even $an and 3enn !ho !ere ga or bi. Sha!n and
0ristan !histled and !hoo'ed. $ustin !as drooling !ith 9aron and Aoe !as li#&ing his
. sa! Sa''hire and the girls staring at us. Yeah. %e !ere shirtless. 9ll o" us gus either
had a si5'a#& or an eight'a#&. %ell !e !ere the hottest gus at s#hool. Aade too& a seat
ne5t to Aoe and Leanne ne5t to 0ristan. $ustin !as sitting at m right. Sa''h !al&ed u'
to us and sat on $ustins la', laing her legs on m la'. Her long, se5, "la!less legs, that
led u' to her beauti"ul little 'uss that !as 4ust hidden b her 'in& bi&ini bottoms.

-So are !e 4ust gunna tan, or 'la in the !ater1- 3enn as&ed. .nstantl the gus dro''ed
their girls and ran to the !ater. 9s did $ustin and i. 0he girls sCuealed and "ollo!ed us
%e s'lashed, s!am and a#ted li&e idiots. .t !as "un and it !as ni#e to 4ust to goo" o"" and
be #hildish. Sa''h !as 4um'ed b Harmon !ho !as being s'lashed b 9aron. 0ristan
had a bea#h ball and him, Sha!n, $ustin and i !ere tossing it around. Suddenl !e heard
Selene sCueal.
-3enn1/ $aniel1/- s
he elled. Everone turned and gas'ed or shrie&ed.
(ha'ter 1=
)*$ustins PO,*)
%e all turned and sa! 3enn and $aniel &issing in broad dalight. 0han& god no
tounges, but intense li' movemets. 9"ter a "e! more se#onds o" us staring, the bro&e it
-%hat the he#& !as that1/- Emma shrie&ed. $ainel blushed !hile 3enn smir&ed.
-.ts #alled &issing Emma. 3ut a un&issed virgin li&e ou !ouldnt &no! that.- he said.
Emma turned red as 9aron raised an eebro!.
-. guessed that $an !as ga...but 3enn1- He as&ed.
-.m bise5ual.- 3enn said. -9nd at the moment, i ha''en to have a #rush on $an.- he
said smiling. Leanne s#o""ed.
-%o!/ Good thing i !ent "or 0ristan. . !as #onsidering 3enn...but no! im glad i
didnt.- she said. Selene laughed.
-9!!!/ . never reli6ed ho! #ute $an and 3enn !ould be together/-
-0rue...a!!!/- Aade smiled. Emma glared though.
)*Emma+s PO,H0*)
2o/ . #ant believe it/ 3enn and $an1 %h1/ ?months ago i sle't !ith 3enn at a 'art.
.t !as ama6ing/ Ever sin#e then, ive loved him. 3ut no!...i learn he+s bi and loves $an1/
9nd $ans ga1/ %hat the hell/ 3enn is mine/ He+s #ute, "unn, ma&es everthing
e5#itig and...he+s 4ust 3enn/ 9ma6ing, "un, hot 3enn/ $amn/ . hate $aniel/ ." he !as
ga !h did he slee' !ith so man girls1/ 9nd 3enn as !ell/ 0he 4ust led me and
others on/ Ugh/
)*Harmon+s PO,*)
%oah/ . &no! "or a "a#t that Emma loves 3enn and no!...she+s gunna "rea&. . ma be
1F, but ive gotten 'rett #lose !ith Emma and she told me a #ou'le o" her se#rets. 7
man !asnt sur'rised. 9aron never is sur'rised. He is a strong, smart, #om"orting, hottie.
9nd i am the lu#&iest girl in the !hole damn !orld to have him/ .m 1F, and he+s almost
1=/ He #an drive/ 3ut im going o"" to'i#. Emma is going to &ill $an i" 3enn loves him...
)*9arons PO,*)
. &ne! $aniel !as ga/ . &ne! it/ .ts so obvious/ He stares at everone un#om"ortabl in
the sho!er rooms, doesnt have a girl, and heats u' !hen a gu tou#hes him/ 3ut 3enn1
Our 3enn is ga1/ %ell 3ise5ual...but still/ %o!. Emma+s gunna be mad...
)*0ristans PO,*)
E!. %e have a ga #ou'le in our grou'1 $ont get me !rong, $an and 3enn are m best
"riends...but its still !eird. . s'otted t!o #hi#&s in tin bi&inis sitting on the sand smiling
at me. . !in&ed and the giggled. 0'i#al. . havent had se5 in a "e! !h not/ .
!al&ed over to them and smiled.
-He, im 0ristan.-
-.+m .sabelle, and this is 7elanie...she !as 4uat leaving.- .sabelle said. 7elanie nodded
and !al&ed a!a. .sabelle !as long legged, big titted, and hot assed...good enough "or
-You have a bo"riend1- i as&ed. She nodded
-Yeah...but he+s not here right no!. You have a girl1-
-Ye'. 3ut she doesnt satis" m needs. 0its are too small, #ra'' in bed...-
-You 'oor thing/- she said. 0hen she tou#hed her tits.
-9re mine ni#e1-
-,er. . guess ou satis" our bo"riend.-
-. do. 3ut he doesnt satis" me. Small di#&. Ho! big is ours1-
-i dont &no!...i never measured it...-
-%ell thats a 'roblem...-
-Yeah it is....- she smiled and grabbed m hand. She led me to a bathroom and lo#&ed the
door. Eager mu#h1
-Lets measure it.- she !his'ered in m ear. . smiled and stood straight as she got on her
&nees. She undid m shorts and 'ulled them o"". She gas'ed as she sa! m 'a#&age. =
in#hes o" 'ure man meat.
-%o!/- she said. . #hu#&led. She grabbed m di#& and su#&ed it hard and intensl. .
groaned and gre! hard. .sabelle su#&ed harder and "eir#er until i grabbed her amd 'inned
her to the "loor.
-Bu#& me/- she smiled. . smiled evil and ri''ed her bi&ini o"". . grabbed one o" her huge
tits and su#&ed it. She moaned loudl and 'ushed m head dee'er. Soon i su#&ing her tits
and rubbing her #lit Cui#&l and she !as orgasming li&e a virgin.
-$aammmn/ 0ristan Bu#& me/- she elled. . !asted no time. . grabbed her hi's and
thrust into her in one movement. She elled and moaned m name.
-Harder/ Bu#& me/ Baster 0ristan/ 7a&e me #ome/- she s#reamed. .n 1;min !e !ere
done and i 'ut m shorts ba#& on. 3e"ore i le"t, i loo&ed ba#& at .sabelle.
-Oh and i" there is a bab, abort it. .t aint mine.- i said.
)*Sa''hires PO,*)
9hhh/ 0he made it 'ubli#/ 3enn and $an are in loooovvveee/ Ooo/ 0he are so #ute
together/ Emma &e't glaring a $an li&e she !as gunna eat him. Harmon &e't #alming
her do!n and telling her to breath.
%hen everone got over the sho#&, !e !ent ba#& to 'laing and s!imming. 0hen !e
huddles "or another grou' 'i#. 0his time, i sat on one o" $aimens shoulders and one o"
$ustins, Leanne !as on 0ristans, Harmon on 9aron, Aade on Aoe, Selene on Sha!n,
3enn and $an had arms slung around ea#hother, and Emma !as in the middle alone.
0hen !e sat and ate. . !as S09R,.2G/ %e had hotdogs, #hi's, !atermelon and i#e
#ream. 9s !e ate $ustin nudged me.
-%assu'1- i as&ed.
-Sa''hire1 Um..!e are going to tr something di""erent.-
-$i""erent ho!1-
-%ell. %e tried me and $aimen ta&ing ou at the same time, so no! !e !ant to tr
se'eratl. %e !ill do something di""erent !ith ou ea#h night but are ou o& !ith that1-
-.m o&a !ith !hatever ou gus sa.- i smiled. 2o! i+ll have one at a time and #an give
m "ull attention. One tonight and one tommoro!.
-So !hos tonight1- i as&ed.
-7e.- $ustin smiled. . nodded eagerl and grinned. %e+ll have so mu#h "un/ %ith both
o" them/ %e #ould se5 all night long, i #an !or& on their di#&s, la' dan#e, tease them,
tou#h their abs, the 'ossibilities are endless/
)*$ustins PO,*)
0onight she+s mine. 9ll mine. . #an ta&e m time, ma&e her beg, tease her, tie her u', eat
her out...the 'ossibilities are endless/
)*$aimen PO,*)
0ommoro! i get Sa''hire/ God this !ill be "un/ Bu#&ing "or hours, su#&ing, banging her,
tit8"u#&ing, ass8"u#&ing, "a#e8"u#&ing/ Everthing/ God im gunna ma&e her s#ream and
ell m name li&e her li"e de'ended on it. 0he 'ossibilities are endless/
(hara#ter P.(sH

$aimenH Gno beard<musta#heI
$ustinH Ge5#e't !ith bla#& hairI
HarmonH Gbla#& hairI
#overOD@[email protected]'g
(ha'ter 1@
)*$ustins PO,*)
Later on a"ter the bea#h, !e !ent sho''ing. %e made a deal that !e all sti& together and
ta&e turns #hoosing the store. Birst, Selene #hose a shoe sho'. 9ll the girls bought
"li'"lo's or heels. Or "li'"lo''ed heels. 0hen Sha!n #hose a #ell'hone store to bu
a##esoried "or his i'hone.
9s !e sho''ed, i !al&ed over to Sa''hire.
-3abe, ou &no! ou !ont be a 'rostitute. %e !ont allo! it.- i said. She loo&es u' at me
and smiled, but said nothing.
-7 mom !ouldnt allo! it.- i said. Sa''hire 4ust nodded. She didnt believe me. . sighed
but let it go "or the meantime. %e !al&ed around a bit more, then !ent on a boat. 9 ni#e
big boat.
0he girls thought the inside o" the boat !as #ool, !hile the gus en4oed the s'ra in
their "a#es and the !ind. . laed on a bea#h #hair the had on the boat !ith $aimen,
Sha!n, 9aron, 3enn and $aniel.
-%heres 0ristan1- 3enn as&ed. Sha!n smiled.
-0elling Leanne that mabe the should both sto' #heating.-he said.
-%ait/ Leanne didnt #heat on 0ristan. She a#tuall !as "aith"ul.- 9aron said. %e all
raised an eebro!.
-3enn, "ind 0ristan/ Sha!n, go get Leanne.- $aimen ordered. 0he gus le"t immedietl.
0hen suddenl a !oman in a s&im' bla#&
bi&ini !al&ed u' to us. She loo&ed at us all, !ell not us...4ust $aimen.
-(an i hel' ou1- $aimen as&ed. 0he !oman smiled sedu#tivl and nodded.
-m name is 0ess. Yours1-
-$aimen (arter.- he said #asuall.
-You seem bu""...ou !or& out1-
-Yes, i do.-
-You also loo& li&e ou &no! our !a !ith a !oman.- 0ess said. .s she serious1

-9s a matter o" "a#t, i do.- $aimen re'lied, not loo&ing at 0ess.
-(are to sho! me1-
- 2o.-
-%h not1-
-Bor t!o reasons, "irst o" all, i !ould never stoo' do!n that lo!. Se#ond, that !ould be
#heating on m girl"riend.- $aimen said. 0ess groaned and tou#hed $aimens arm.
-(+mon $aimen/ Please1 Loo& at me/ .m se5 as hell/-
-2o 0ess. . have a girl"riends !hom i love and SHE is as se5 as hell. 9nd 4ust as a "a#t,
i" the tits get bigger
than a si6e $ on a s&inn !oman, the are +as "a&e as hell-/-
0ess gro!led and stood u'.
-%hat about an o" ou1- she as&ed.
-. have a girl.- i re'lied.
-7e too.- 9aron said.
-. have a gu.- $aniel smir&ed. 0ess rolled her ees and sat ba#& do!n near us an!a.
She didnt tal& to us, but sat in our grou'. 0hen 3enn and Sha!n #ame ba#&. Sha!n had
Leanne and Sa''hire. 3enn !as blin&ing blan&l and seemed u'set.
-%hat do ou gus need1- she as&ed us. 9aron #leared his throat u' and said,
-%h is it that at s#hool ou are usuall a !oman 'laer and slut, but !hen ou have
0ristan, ou suddenl are "aith"ul1-
Leanne smiled and sat do!n.
-%ell, i a#tuall li&e 0ristan. 9ll the other gus i sle't !ith...i never li&ed them li&e that.-
-Geeee than&s.- Sha!n and 9aron said. Leanne laughed.
-3ut i li&e him, and !ouldnt #heat on him. 9nd 4ust to ma&e sure he !ont #heat, i have
se5 !ith him !henever he hints it. 0!i#e a da sometimes.-
-%o!...bus bees.- $an said. 3enn !as still !in#ing and loo&ing in 'ain. Sa''h #ame,
&issed me, &issed $aimen, then sat ne5t to us.
-3ut i thin& that i" our relationshi' lasts "or mu#h longer, !e !ill love ea#hother.- she
sCuealed. 0hen 3enn -ughed- and stood u'.
-Leanne, i need to s'ea& !ith them about something, !ill ou e5#use us1-
-Sure/ 2o 'roblem, ill go "ind Selene.- she said as she le"t. 0hen !e loo&ed at 3enn.
-%hats the deal1-
-. 4ust "ound 0ristan..."u#&ing a hot #hi#& !ho !or&s on the boat/- !e all gre! !ide8
-So heres Leanne dreaming about their 'er"e#t relationshi', and 0ristans banging another
!oman at the same time1- i as&ed. 3enn nodded. Sa''hire gro!led.
-. s!ear, i #ould &ill that 4er&/ He+s #heating on her/ 9nd she thin&s he loves her/ %here
is he1 .m gunna88- she started.
-(alm do!n Sa''h. Let them !or& it out. .ts best that !a.- 9aron said. %e all nodded.
0hen 9aron turned to 3enn and $an.
-So lets tal& about ou t!o. 9re ou a #ou'le1- he as&ed. 3enn smiled.
-Yeah. %e+re bo"riend and bo"riend.- he said, 'utting an arm around $an. $an smiled
and sat #loser to 3enn. . #hu#&led, and loo&ed at m babe. Still ma&es me hard to thin&
about her bod. She #aught me staring and #ame to sit on m la', "a#ing me.
-So an other detail i should &no! about tonight1- she as&ed. . nodded, smir&ing.
-0onight, $aimen !ill get ou read "or me and tommoro! i !ill get ou read "or him.-
. said. She shivered and smiled.
-O&.- then Sa''hire leaned in and &issed m ne#& longingl. . melted and 'ut m arms
around her !aist.
-%hoo/ Live Porn/- Sha!n !hoo'ed. Sa''h rolled her ees and got o"" me. 0hen stu'id
0ess loo&ed at me.
-0hats our girl1- she as&ed. . nodded smiling.
-P""t. You #an do better than that. %heres ours $aimen1- she as&ed. $aimen smiled and
grabbed Sa''hire, &issing her nose.
-Right here.-
-%ait/ Youre both her bo"riends1-
-Ye'.- Sa''h ans!ered. 0ess loo&ed 'u66led.
-.ts #alled a threesome, 0ess.- 9aron said. 0ess loo&ed sur'rised then gro!led at Sa''h.
-Ho! did a girl li&e ou end u' !ith these gus1-
-Aust lu#&.- Sa''h smiled. 0hen Aade and Aoe #ame and sat do!n.
-He gus/ 0his boat is ama6ing/- 4ade gushed. Aoe nodded.
-Plent o" dar& rooms to ma&e out in, Sha!n- Aoe smiled. Sha!n laughed and shoo& his
-You need a hot girl "irst.-
-.7 9 HO0 G.RL/- 0ess e5#laimed.
-9 hot girl. 2ot a des'erate one/- 3enn laughed. 0ristan #ame u' as !ell.
-He dudes, !ho+s this #hi#&1-
-.m 0ess/-
-2i#e tits ou have.-
-Haha, than&s/- she e5#laimed. 0ristan smir&ed.
-%ell..Leannes not around and its still earl...0ess, ou !anna "u#&1-
-Oh sure/- she giggled. 0ristan grabbed her arm and led her a!a. %e all glared a"ter
him. He hoo&ed u' in 10se#onds "lat/ .diot/
)*9arons PO,*)
Later on !hen !e !ent ba#& to the hotel, i grabbed 0ristan and 'ulled him aside.
-0ristan are ou "u#&in nuts1/-
-2o. %h1-
-%h the hell are ou "u#&ing other girls i" ou are !ith Leanne1-
-Oh #+mon, Leanne "u#&s other gus too-
-2o she doesnt/- i elled. -She+s a#tuall being "aith"ul/-
-So !hat1 . dont li&e her. Onl her ni#e ass.-
-dont be an idiot 0ristan/ She loves ou/ Love her ba#& or dont date her/-
-Hell no/ . dont -love- 'eo'le. .m 0ristan Po!ers/ . get !hat i !ant !hen i !ant it/ .
!ant se5. Good se5. . get !hat ever girls i !ant. Single, married, #ou'led or sluts.-
-You an ass/ You #ant do that/- i roared. 0ristan laughed.
-Oh es i #an/ . get !hat i !ant. 2o i" oull e5#use me, i have something i !ant and i
have to 'lan "or it.-
-%hat is it that ou !ant1-
-Promise ou !ont tell1-
-Yeah.- i shrugged
-. !ant Sa''hire.-
-%H90/1 Shes ta&en/-
-. &no! that... 3ut i get !hat i !ant.-
-2o !a/ Give u'/-
-Hells no. She+s se5 as hell/-
-2o 0ristan/ 2O/- i argued.
-0oo late 9aron. .m set on it. She !ill have se5 !ith me b the end o" the month.- he
said and !al&ed a!a. Oh shit/ . 'romised i !ouldnt tell so no! i #ant !arn $aimen and
$ustin/ 0his is bad.
)*$aimens PO,*)
Later that night, around =ish, i !as in our hotel room hel'ing Sa''hire get read "'r
$ustin. . !as staing in Sha!n and 9arons room to not disturb the lovers at !or&.
-So !hat should i do1- Sa''hire as&ed. . smiled.
-Birst, get a se5 out"it. You have to give him a good teasing. 7a&e him beg "or ou/ He
has a lot in store "or ou as !ell.-
-Li&e !hat1-
-,ibrators, 'in#hers, su#&ers...other stu"" li&e that.- i grinned. She smiled nervousl and
sat straighter.
-%hat do i !ear1-
-. bought ou something ba#& home.-
-Reall1 %hat1- she as&ed e5#ited. . rea#hed into the bag !e got "rom the se5 store and
'ulled out a se5 suit. .t !as a bla#& rubber suit that !as some!hat o" a bi&ini !ith stra's
do!n the !aist, s&in tight, slee&, se5, and sho!s ever #urve and di' in the s&in. Sr5iest
thing invented.
%hen Sa''hire sa! it she laughed.
-0H901 Seriousl1-
-Ye'.- i said 'lainl. She gul'ed and too& the suit. 0hen i !ent to her bag and 'ulled out
some bla#& high heeled se5 boots., that !ent 4ust belo! the &nee.
-2o! get dressed, doll.- i smir&ed. %hen Sa''h dresse and #ame out o" the bathroom, i
got hard instantl. 0he suit hugged her tighte than ever, and made her ass and tits 'o' out
li&e a 'orn stars/ He 'er"e#t legs, !ere #lean and stood out then !ere #overed b the
9s i loo&ed at m babe, i smiled. She+s a#tuall mine. . #an have this se5 girl !henever i
!ant and itll be o&a. . love her, and she loves me. . dont mind sharing her !ith $ustin.
He !ont hurt her.
-Ho! do i loo& $aimen1-
-Hotter than hell/- i e5#laimed. She giggled and &issed m #hee&.
-3etter go get $ustin, im horn.-
-haha, o& babe. 3e/- i smiled leaving the room.
-3e $aimen/-she re'lied.
)*Sa''hires PO,*)
2ot long a"ter $aimen le"t, $ustin #ame in. He gas'ed !hen he sa! me and i sa! the
bulge in his 'ants.
-Read1- i as&ed. He smir&ed and nodded. 0hen he !ent to the &it#hen and returned
!ith...#herries and !hi''ed #ream1
-2o! im read...and starving.- $ustin gro!led.
(ha'ter D0
)*$ustins PO,*)
9s i grabbed the !hi''ed #ream, i smiled to msel". Sa''hire loo&ed as se5 as hell/
0hat se5 suit ahe !as in !as s&in tight and
made her loo& li&e a 'orn star/ %hen she sae me !al& ba#& in she smiled.
-2o! im read...and starving.- i said, sho!ing the !hi''ed #ream. Sa''h shivered and
!al&ed u' to me, 'utting
her arms around m ne#&. . led her to the bed and laed on her, &issing her li's gentl.
She &issed ba#& !ith more "or#e and rubbed mu #hest. . li#&ed her bottom li', but she
didnt o'en. . groaned and tried again, no res'onse. . nibbled her li' gentl and b then, i
!as sure it !as s!ollen. Yet she didnt o'en, but &e't &issing and rubbing.
-O'en our mouth.- i murmered on her li's. She giggled and shoo& her head. . groaned
and began &issing her #hee& and ear, #ausig her to moan. . used it to m advantage and
stu#& m tongue in her mouth. She smiled and soon !e !err both having a steam
ma&out session. 0hen she began to unbutton m shirt as i &issed and su#&ed her ne#&.
0hen Sa''hire li#&ed m ne#& and trailed do!n to m ni''les.
. groaned loudl as she su#&ed them and rubbed m eight'a#& !ith her thin "ingers. .
de#ided to ta&e over and began 'eeling o"" her tight suit !ith m teeth. Birst her beauti"ul
breasts 'o''ed out and i massaged them slo!l and dee'l. She moaned loudl and
thre! her head ba#&.
-mmm, $ustin...- she moaned. . smiled and 'eeled the rest o" the suit o"" !hile
massaging. On#e !e !ere both na&ed, she 'ushed me o"" her and s!it#hed our 'ositions.
She sat hersel" on m abs !ith her !et, #enter sCuishing m abs. . too& a Cui#& loo& at
her. Round ( #u' 'er& breasts, small smooth !aist, #urv hi's, shaved mound, long
legs, 'er"e#t.
She leant "or!ard and su#&ed on m ne#& and 4a!. . moaned and 'ut m hands on her ass
#hee&s. . "elt her orgasm on m eight'a#& and i shivered !ith e5#itement. . grabbed her
ass and 'ulled her #loser to m "a#e, until her #enter !as on m #hin. . li"ted her higher
and set m mouth on her #enter. . li#&ed her #lit and rubed her ba#&.
-$ustin/ Oh god/- she gas'ed as i li#&ed her. . began to su#& and nibble her #enter li's
and shoved m tongue in her. She sCuealed and begam moving her hi's on m "a#e. .
moaned on her and su#&ed harder, moving m tongue "aster. She orgasmed on m mouth
and i eagerl s!allo!ed it. . too& her se5 boots o"" and thre! them in a #orner.
9"ter a hal" hour o" that, Sa''h got o"" m "a#e and !ent lo!er to m 'enis. She &issed
m 'elvis a #ou'le times, driving me mad/
-Please Sa''h/- i groaned, !anting her to Cuit her teasing. She smiled and su#&ed the
s&in above m 'enis !hile rubbing m abs. . groaned louder and #alled her name again.
-Sa''h/- i elled. 0hen she gave in and grabbed m 'enis and su#&ed it. . gas'ed and
groaned at the relie" it gave and i "elt #um building u'. Sa''hire su#&ed the li"e out o" me
and began rubbing m testi#lesGballsI as i moaned, onl ma&ing me moan more.
0hen i "elt her sto' su#&ing and #limb on me again. She set her #enter AUS0 above m
ere#t 'enis and teased it b lightl brushing them together. . gave Sa''h a stern loo&.
-Sa''hire/ ." ou dont #ut that out, ill "u#& ou msel"/- i !arned. She laughed and leant
into m ear.
-. !ant ou to beg me.- she !his'ered. . shoo& m head.
-. never beg.-
-0hen i !ill tease until ou do.- she smiled. . groaned as she rose and "ell on m 'enis
not letting me get in her 'ut 4ust letting me tou#h her. She did that multi'le times, !ith
me !hining li&e a little bab. 0hen she rubbed m testi#les as she teased, ma&ing me #um
over msel" and her.
-Oh "or $amn+s sa&e/ Please Sa''hire/ Please/- i elled. She smir&ed and landed on me
!ith one big "all. She s#reamed as i moaned !ith relie". She moved u' and do!n slo!l,
ea#h time her #enter #losing in on m 'enis.
-Baster babe/- i told her. She nodded and boun#ed "aster on me, #umming over me. 3ut i
needed more.
-Baster Sa''hire/- i elled. Sa''h groaned, and !hined.
-.m going as i #an/- she elled ba#&. . gro!led.
-.ts not "ast enough.- i said and grabbed her hi's. . held them in 'la#e and 'i#&ed them
u' and do!n thrusting msel" into her at high s'eed. $aimen #an go "aster than anone,
but im 'rett Cui#&. Sa''h s#reamed and be#ame a ragdoll as i "u#&ed her.
Soon, !e #lima5ed together and laed to rest. . grabbed the !hi''ed #ream dis'enser and
held it over Sa''h. Using one hand, i sCuirted some out on ea#h o" her breasts and her
stoma#h. 0hen some on her mound and #enter. Sa''hire shivered at the #oolness o" the
. slo!l li#&ed her breasts, su#&ing the #ream o"" and getting a "e! moans out o" her.
0hen her se5 stoma#h !as #leaned and as i got to her mound she orgasmed. . smiled and
Cui#&l ate u' the mi5 o" #um and #ream.
9"ter round D, !e rela5ed and "ell aslee' !hile &issing.
)*Sa''hires PO,*)
%hen i !o&e u', i "elt $ustins li's on m ne#& and his breath heavil on me. . turned and
sae him slee'ing 'ressed against me. . smiled and &issed his li's, !a&ing him u'.
-Good morning babe.- he smiled.
-Good morning- i a!ned.
-Sho!er1- $ustin as&ed. . laughed and nodded. He 'i#&ed me u' bridal stle and too&
me to the bathroom.
9"ter our sho!er, !e sat in the #ou#h and !at#hed tv. . !as in a bla#& minis&irt, 'in& to'
and bla#& heels. $ustin !as in "aded 4eans and red "itted t8shirt. 0hen i #alled $aimen.
-He babe.- he ans!ered. -Ho! !as our night1-
-Great/ Yours1-
-0!o snoring gus !ho slee' tal& and tal& about girls all night1 7 night !as "antasti#/-
he laughed. . giggled.
-So !hats the 'lan "or toda1-
-%e+re all going to a movie, then to Selene+s room to 'la games and goo" o"".- $aimen
-(ool/ So !hen+s the movie1-
-9n hour and a hal".-
-O&, i !ant to visit Emma and Harmon. 3e/-
-3e babe.- he #hu#&led. . #losed the 'hone and turned to $ustin.
-.m going to visit Emma.- i said. He a!ned and nodded.
-Have "un/- he #alled to me as i le"t. . !ent to Emma, Selene and Harmon+s room. %hen
i &no#&ed on the door, Harmon ans!eres and sighed in relie".
-0han& God/ Emma needs ou Sa''h/ 2o!/- she told me. . gas'ed and "ollo!ed her in.
.n a #orner, i sa! Emma #ring her ees out.
-Emma !hat ha''ened/-
-She !ont tell us. She 4ust &ee's saing +no/+- Selene said. . turned to them t!o.
-(ould ou gus give us a momen1- i as&ed 'olitl. 0he nodded and le"t the room. .
turned ba#& to Emma.
-%hats !rong Emma1 .s it 3enn1- i as&ed. Emma shoo& her head.
-2o/ .ts him/- she #ried.
-%hat ha''ened1/-
-%e88 !e had se5-
-You did !hat1/ %ith 0ristan1 Leannes gu1/ 9 'laer1-
-Yes/ . !as u'set and he #ame and it 4ust ha''ened/-
-%ait/ %h are ou #ring then1 $id he hurt ou1-
-0hen !hat1-
-%e didnt use 'rote#tion and im not on the 'ill. .m gunna get 'regnant Sa''hire/ 9nd he
said as he le"t +ou+ll 'robabl have a abort it. .m not gunna be an &ids
dad.+-she sobbed. . hugged her and let her #r on me. Stu'id 0ristan/ .m gunns &ill
-Get read Emma, !e+re going to the do#tors.- i said. She nodded and got u' "rom her
#orner to #hange. 9s i sat on the #ou#h, Selene and Harmon #ame in.
-%e heard.- Selene said biting her li'.
-eah, !ell 0ristans a di#&/-
-9 hot di#&.- Selene thought. . rolled m ees. 0hen Emma #ame out and i grabbed her
-Lets go.- i said.
%hen !e !ere in the lobb, !e sa! 3enn b the #oo&ie #ounter. %hen he sa! us he
smiled and !al&ed over.
-He gus/ %assu'1-
-2othing, ou1- Emma as&ed.
-%ell, i had "un last night...-3enn smiled. . gas'ed and smildd.
-You mean $an and ou88-
-YES/ %e did/ .t !as ama6ing/- he lea't. Emma sun& lo!er and 'ulled me a!a.
-Sorr 3en, but !e need to go. 3e/-
-3e Emma/ 3e Sa''h/- he #alled. . !aved and !e !ent to the outside o" the hotel and
#alled a #ab. %e ho''ed in and drove to the nearest do#tors o""i#e.
%hen !e !ere in the 'atients room, a thin nimble !oman named $r. 9rlene #ame to us.
-so !hats the 'roblem ladies1-
-Um m "riend here !ants to &no! i" she+s 'regnant or not.- i said
-O&, ho! long ago !as the inter#ourse1-
-Last night.-
-Oh !o!. O&, #ome !ith me 7iss...-
-Emma.- Emma said as she "ollo!ed the do#tor out. . !aited in te !aiting room "or
almost F;min, !hen the #ame out.
-So1- i as&ed.
-i+m 'leased to tell ou that Emma .S 'regnant/- the do#tor smiled. Emma !as #ring
-$o ou !ant to abort1- the do#tor as&ed. Emma shoo& her head.
-2o. .m not a murderer. .+ll &ee' the bab.- she said.
9s !e le"t the o""i#e m 'hone rang.
-Hello1- i ans!ered.
-Sa''hire dear1 .ts Hannah.- a #heer voi#ed !oman said.
-Hannah ,emble/ Your ste'8mother/-
(ha'ter D1

)*Sa''hire+s PO,*)
-Oh hi Hannah...ho! are ou1-
-.m "ine dear ho! about ou1-
-im good i guess..!hats u'1-
-$ear, our brother $aimen told me our "ather+s ' ma&e ou slee' !ith that
horrid man.-
-Oh eah...that.-
-%ell dont !orr/ . !ill not allo! it/ .+d rather i be in our 'la#e then let ou go through
!ith it/ Your a virgin a"ter all.-
-.m not a virgin.-
-Reall1 Your "ather said ou !ere...-
-. lost m virginit t!o das ago.- i dont &no! !h but i "elt #om"ortable around
Hannah. She sCuealed and laughed.
-Reall1/ %o!/ $o ou love the gu1-
-Yes.- i smiled.
-%hats his name1 You !ant to invite him over1 .s he a good bo1 9re ou a #ou'le1-
-Um...i...its not one gu. .ts t!o.-
-0!o1/ 9t the same time1-
-Oh...!ell ou #an still invite them over/ %hat are their names1- i too& a dee' breath,
-$aimen and $ustin.- i said. Hannah s#reamed in sho#&.
-%hat1/ 7Y sons1/-
-Yes. 0he too& m virginit.-
-%o!/ 3ut dear, the are 'laers/ 0he !ont sta !ith ou/-
-0he #hanged "or me. $aimen and $ustin havent tou#hed a girl sin#e the #ame.-
-Reall1 9ma6ing...m sons and ste' a
-Your not mad1-
-Oh no. ." the love ou and ou love them !h should i be mad1 0he arent 'laers
anmore/ You seem ha''/ 9nd its li&e a "airtale//- she sCuealed.
-%ell then...than& ou.- i giggled.
-Oh this is ama6ing/ You all are so beauti"ul/ Your &ids !ill be angels/ %o!/ %ait/
%hen should i e5'e#t grand&ids1-
-2ot no!/- i laughed. Hannah groaned and giggled.
-O&, ou should get ba#& to our 7E2. . have to meet our "ather. 9nd dont !orr. You
!ill not be slee'ing !ith 7r. Aason Po!ers.-
-0han& ou Hannah.- i smiled.
-Your !el#ome dear. 3e no!/-
. alread love her/ She+s so "unn and a!&!ard. She+ll hel' me not be a 'rotitute to 7r.
Po!ers...'o!ers..."amiliar name... %hen !e arrived ba#& at the hotel, it !as DHF;'m. 9ll
the gus !ere in the lobb !aiting.
-%here the hell have ou been1/- $aimen as&ed me, !ith !orr in his voi#e.
-. had to ta&e Emma some!here. Private.- i smiled !hile hugging $aimen. He hugged
ba#& and &issed m head.
-(ouldnt ou have told me1- he as&ed #alming do!n. . smiled shee'ishl
-Sorr about that. %e !ere in a hurr.- i said. He nodded and smiled.
-%ell the movie in "i"teen minutes so letsa go/- Selene elled. . laughed as
!e !ent to the van.

)*$ustins PO,*)
9"ter the movie, !e !ent to 7#donalds to eat. Yeah, !e+re "ast "ood 'eo'le. 3ite me. .
noti#ed Emma being ver Cuiet and nervous. . leant in to Sa''h and said,
-%hat ha''ened to Emma1-
-um...ill tell ou later.- she !his'ered nervousl. . nodded and dor''ed the sub4e#t.
Emma began eating li&e a'ig. She had t!o big ma#s, large "ries, #o&e and i#e #ream. 0he
rest o" us had a sand!i#h or salad..but onl one.
-So Leanne, ho! are things !ith ou and 0ristan1- Aade as&ed smiling. Leanne giggled
and held 0ristans hand.
-9ma6ing. Se5 evernight.- she boasted. -%e satis" ea#h other ver !ell- she smiled.
9aron #ho&ed on his "ood as she said
this and Sha!n #hu#&led. Sa''h s#o""ed and Emma snorted. Yet Leanne didnt noti#e
these signs.
-Reall huh1- Emma "ro!ned. %h did Emma #are1 She li&es 3enn...right1 Or mabe
shes lesbian and li&es Leanne/ . shuddered at the thought o" her hugging m Sa''hire
and tou#hing her.
Later that night, a"ter Selenes hotel room gathering, 'i#s and dinner, i !as in our room
getting things read "or Sa''h and $aimen. 9t the moment she !as #hanging into "an#
la#e under!ear. %hen she #ame out i smiled at her bod, remembering !hat !e did last
night. She sat on the bed loo&ing in thought.
- !hats u'1- i as&ed. Sa''h bit her li'.
-0he name o" the gu m dad !ants me to "u#& is "amiliar...-
-%hat is it1-
-Aason or Aa#ob Po!ers.- she said and i stood u' and gro!led.
-Po!ers1/- i roared. Sa''hire !as horri"ied and ba#&ed u' a bit.
-es.- she said Cuietl.
-Ugh/ Li&e "ather, li&e son/- i said angril. Sa''h raised her eebro! #on"used.
-%ait, !hat1 %ho1- she as&ed. . leant near her and hugged her.
-.ts o&, 4ust "orget about it.- i smiled. Sa''hire shoo& her head and stared at me.
-2o. . !ant to &no!.-
-0o &no! !hat1-
-%h is the name "amiliar1-
-3e#ause ouve heard it be"ore.-
-. &no! that/ 3ut !here have i heard it1-
-9t s#hool. .ts someones last name.-
-. remember seeing that name on the ba#& o" a gus "ootball uni"orm...!ho is it $ustin1/-
-Aason or Aa#ob Po! the "ather o" 0ristan Po!ers.- i said. Sa''h 4um'ed
-%H901/ 0ristan1 0he entire "amil are se5 addi#ts1/ Ugh/ Birst 0ristan #heats on
Leanne, then his dad !ants to have se5 !ith me, then 0ristan gets Emma 'reg88- she
sto''ed as i glared at her.
-%hat1 Emma+s 'rego1 3 0ristan1 2o abortion1- i as&ed. Sa''h nodded.
-Yes. She is 'regnant b him. 9nd he too& her virginit. 9nd doest !ant her or the
bab.- she said !ith tears "orming. . hugged her tightl and &issed the tears a!a.
-0his is so messed u'/- she #ried. -Emma loves 3enn, but 3enn loves $an/ 0ristan
doesnt love anone but his di#&, but Leanne thin&a the are both in love/ Emma !ont
have a #han#e !ith other 'eo'le be#ause she+s 'regnant/ Selene loves Sha!n, but Sha!n
doesnt !ant a slut as a girl"riend/ 9t least Aoe, Aade, 9aron and Harmon are o&a/- she
sobbed. . li"ten her #hin u' and &issed her.
-2o. %e are o&a too. 9ll three o" us.- i said. Sa''h smiled and &issed m #hee&.
-Yeah i guess so. 3ut its all still messed u'.- i smiled and grabbed her !aist.
-!ell/ . still have to get ou read/- i said, grabbing the ro'e.
-Ro'e1- Sa''hire as&ed. . nodded.
-Yeah, $aimens al!as been #reative and rough li&e that. .m gnna tie ou to the bed, and
'ut ta'e around our mouth.- i said #asuall. Sa''hire s#o""ed, but be"ore she #ould
'rotest, !e heard banging on the door.
-O'en u'/ Sa''h/ $ustin/ 2o!/- !e heard $aimen ell. Sa''h 'ut a robe on and o'ened
the door.
-%hats !rong1- she as&ed. $aimen gro!led and loo&ed s#ar. $ar& ees, sinister loo&
and !as "uming. He glared at Sa''hire angril and grabbed her.
-He/ Put me do!n/- she s#reamed. $aimen thre! her on the bed and glared at her.
-You #alled m mom1/ 9nd told her %E too& our virginit1/- he elled. . gas'ed and
loo&ed at Sa''h. She loo&ed guilt an nodded.
-%h1/- $aimen !hined. Sa''hire sat straight.
-. dont get it, !hats the big deal1/- she as&ed.
-2o! that our mom &no!s, !e+ll get no 'ea#e/ she+ll &ee' smiling li&e an idiot an
!aving. She+ll go -a!!!- !hen !e hug or &iss, never give us alone time, and &ee'
saing +did ou all do anthing tonight1+ or +!hen am i getting grand&ids1/+ and stu"" li&e
that/- he elled. %e all bust out laughing. .t sounde !eird hearing it in a !hining voi#e.
-%ell im sorr/- Sa''h smiled. $aimen rolled his ees.
-Sure ou are. .+ll s'an& our ass "or it tonight.- he smir&ed. Sa''hire shivered at the
)*$aimens PO,*)
. le"t the room, and a"ter about 1;min, $ustin te5ted me to #ome in. . grabbed m
su''lies. Leather gloves, lubri#ant, (ho#olate sru', and vibrators.
%hen i o'ened the door to our room, i "elt m ere#tion. . sa! literall -0he 3est $amn
0hing-. 9 se5 brunette #hi#&, in la# s&im' under!ear, tied !ith Cualit ro'e to a
bed'ost, ta'e over her mouth, and a terri"ied et e5#ited loo& on her "a#e.
-You read babe1- i as&ed smir&ing. She mumbled something into the ta'e.
-%ell i ho'e ou said +es+...#ause im not sto''ing.- i said, ta&ing a ste' to!ards her.
(ha'ter DD

)*Sa''hires PO,*)
Ugh/ Stu'id $ustin/ He tied me u' and no! i #ouldnt do anthing but let $aimen he his
!a. $aimen had a hungr loo& in his ees and it s#ared me.
-9re ou read babe1- he as&ed. . tried saing -mabe- but it #ame out mu""led. $aimen
-%ell i ho'e ou said es, #ause im not sto''ing.- he smir&ed and leant into me. He
sli''ed on some #ool leather gloves, and tou#hed m #hee& !ith them. .t "elt #ool and
#om"orting and ama6ingl se5. He trailed his hand lo!er to m ne#& and the to' o" m
#hest. His #ool leather "ingers tra#ed the outline o" m bra, #ausing m ni''les to sti""in.
$aimen 4ust smir&ed and stared in m ees as he tou#hed. .t "elt !eird !ith him staring,
but...a good !eird. . sa! so man things in those ees that made me !ant to melt. . sa!
#on#ern, 'assion, lust, !orr, #om"ort, #o#&iness, and most o" all, love.
. didnt even reli6e i !as moaning li&e a ding #at, until he undid the ta'e on m mouth. .
moaned loud and "reel no!, as $aimens hand !ent to m !aist. 0he sli#&ness o" his
glove !as turning me on and ma&ing me orgasm multi'le times. 7 hands !ere tied u',
so i #ouldnt do mu#h.
His hand !as about to rea#h m mound, !hen he brought it ba#& to m breasts. . groaned
and !iggled in m s'ot.
-.m not moving lo!er, until im done !ith our tits.- he beamed. . shuddered and ar#hed
m ba#&, ma&ing m boobs loo& larger and almost out o" the bra. $aimen seemed
amused, but i #ould see the bulge in his 'ants. Ugh/ 0hat beauti"ul bulge/ 0hat @in#h
#o#& that didnt "it in m 'uss and made me go #ra6. . &no! i sound li&e a se5 addi#t,
but i love that di#&/ . should name it...nah.
$aimen too& one o" his hands and set it on m boob. He lightl sCuee6ed it, ma&ing me
moan so"tl. He sCuee6ed a bit harder ever no! and then and soon, he !as massaging,
sCuee6ing and 'ulling li&e m boobs !ere 'la8dough.
-$amn $aimen....- i moaned. He brought his "a#e to mine.
-$o ou !ant more Sa''hire1- he as&ed. . nodded des'eratl. He too& out a little
ma#hine "rom his 'o#&et and set it on m breast. He "li#&ed on a button and then the
thing started vibrating and m ni''les !ere going #ra6. 0he little vibes made me orgasm
over and over again, and im sure m moans #ould have been heard b the entire hotel.
-Oh $aimen/ $aimen/- i gas'ed, !ith him smiling over me.
-$o ou !ant m mouth on ou, babe1- he as&ed. . gave him an embarrased loo&.
-.m not saing that, 4ust do it.- i moaned.
-2ot until ou tell me !hat ou !ant.- he smiled, li#&ing m ne#&.
-Please $aimen/ Please/-
-2o'e. You have to tell me !hat ou !ant.- i gas'ed as he stu#& the vibrator on m
ni''le and made me shiver all over.
-ugh/ Bor damns sa&e/ Put our se5 mouth on m ni''le and su#& it $aimen/- i
s#reamed, then #las'ed m hand over m mouth. . #ant believe i 4ust said that/ $aimen
-0hat !asnt too hard eh1- he said, bending lo!er to m boobs and ta&ing m bra o"". He
li#&ed the ni''le o" m right breast and s!irled his hot, !et saliva all over it. 7 ni''les
stood u' around an in#h high, and !ere a#hing li&e mad/
-Sing the !ords to a song Sa''h.- he said.
-!h1- i as&ed.
-.m going too see i" ou #an "inish the song.-
-!ait !hat1-
-4ust sing.- he smir&ed. . nodded and #hose a .a6 song. Re'la.
-Sha!ts li&e a melod in m head that i #ant &ee' out, got me singing li&e...- i slo!led
as $aimen set his !hole mouth on m ni''le.
-Jee' going.- he mumbled. . gul'ed.
-2ananana, everda, its li&e m i'od+s...stu#& on....... re'la....- i slo!ed again, be#ause
$aimen !as su#&ing m ni''le and !aves o" 'leasure !ill rolling in me. His beauti"ul
teeth !ere light gra6ing me and i began to slo! do!n m bod sstems.
-Go Sa''h.- he moaned on me.
-Remeber..the "irst time...!e met ou !ere.. oh god $aimen, i dont !ant to sing/-
-0oo bad babe. 2o! &ee' going, or "a#e #onseCuen#es.- i groaned and $aimen bit do!n
on m ni''le ma&ing me s#ream in sho#& and 'leasure.
-Ugh, 'lease $aimen/ Pleaaaassseeee/-
-2o. 2o! sing.- he said sternl. . de#ided to 'ls the vi#tim #ard.
-You dont love me.- i stated. $aimen sto''ed his 'leasuring and stared at me.
-You dont love me.-
-%h !ould ou sa that1-
-You+re not letting me moan and unting me.- i "ro!ned. $aimen seemed ,ERY u'set
b this. He got o"" and sat on the bed.
-Sa''hire1 (ome stand here.- he ordered, unting me. . obeed and stood b him.
-Lean oursel" over m &nee.- he ordered again. . gave him a !eird loo&.
-%hat1- i as&ed. -!h1- $aimen gro!led and grabbed me, setting m stoma#h on his
la', !ith m ass in the air, and m head near the "loor. . turned to loo& at him, and he !as
-$ont loo&. .m mad at ou Sa''hire.- he said.
-%h1- i as&ed sadl.
-"or man things. 2o! ou #an have our 'unishment.- he smir&ed. He grabbed m
!aist and held me in 'la#e. 0hen he raised his hand and sla''ed m ass. . gas'ed and
shrie&ed. He sla''ed over and over again. Rememer he still has those leather gloves on.
-O!/ $aimen/ O!/- i gas'ed. He gro!led and sto''ed sla''ing "or a moment.
-0his is "or not singing.- he sla''ed me again.
-0his is "or not obeing me.- he sla''esd a se#ond time.
-9nd this is "or saing i didnt love ou.- amd he sla''ed three more times. . !as #ring
b no!, and !hen he "inished, he didnt let me o"" his la'. . almost told him to &ee'
sla''ing. 9lthough it !as a good hurt, and i !anted more.
-.m sorr/- i said. $aimen #hu#&led.
-.m sure ou are, babe.- he said, ta&ing m under!ear o"". Using his glove still, he ran
his hand do!n m ass and to
m 'uss. He lightl rubbed me, and i started u' !ith the moaning and groaning.
-$aimen/- i gas'ed. He smir&ed and rubbed harder.
-So m dear, !hat have ou learned1- he as&ed. . tried to thin& u' an ans!er, bu i
#ouldnt thin& straight.
-....i8uh...ohhhhhmmm- i tried.
-0hats not an ans!er Sa''hie. %hat have ou learned1 Or should u s'an& ou again to
ma&e ou &no!1- he smiled, rubbing m red ass.
-0hat...i should listen to ou.- i moaned.
-%hat else1-
-0hat i...sh8sh8shouldve....sang.- i tied saing.
-0hats not it. %hat else1-
-0o not sa ou dont love me.- i stated. $aimen smiled and rubbed m #lit.
-0hats the right ans!er, babe. (ause i love ou and !ill never sto' loving ou. You !ill
never be !ithout me. .m going to al!as hel' and !ill al!as 'rote#t ou. 2o matter
!hat, Sa''hire. . love ou.- he said, and i melted on the inside.
-. love ou too, $aimen.- i moaned. He smiled.
-Yell it loud.-
-%h do ou al!as !ant me to ell things1-
-(ause !hen ou ell it, ou mean it.- he said. 0o get me h'ed, he rubbed m #lit "aster
and massaged on o" m breasts. 0he #old leather on m ni''les and #lit !as
over!helming, and i began s#reaming out o" 'leasure.
-God/ Oh god/ $amn/- i s#reamed. $aimen leant in m ear.
-S#ream !hat i told ou to.- he !his'ered, and !ith a "inal sCuee6e on m boobs, i burst.
-. LO,E YOU $9.7E2/- i elled. He groaned and 'lunged t!o "ingers in me. .
s#reamed some more as he moved his gloves in and out. 0he #ool leather "elt good and
orgasming on m 'uss.
7ore than ever, i !anted to be "u#&ed. 9nd..i !asnt a"raid or embarassed at all.
-Yes babe1-
-Bu#& me/- i said. He raised his eebro!s.
-Yes/ 2o!/- i moaned !ith need. $aimen nodded smir&ing.
-.m glad ou "eel o& saing that.- he smiled as he "li''ed me over and grabbed m hi's. .
began orgasming again. $aimen bent do!n and instead o" "u#&ing me, li#&ed m #lit. .
shivered and held onto his shoulders as he li#&ed, nibbled and su&ed m 'uss.
-7mm, ou li&e this babe1- he as&ed, !ith m #um on his #hin. . nodded eagerl. He
#hu#&led and got u' "or a moment. He grabbed a dar& bottle o"....#ho#olate sru'1 Oh
He o'ened the bottle and 'oured the sru' on m stoma#h, letting it dri' to m 'uss.
0hat "elt better than the leather glove. .t !as even better !hen $aimen li#&ed it u'. He
started at m bell button and s!irled his tongue around m abs.
-Oh $aimen/- i gas'ed.
-. love !hen ou sa m name li&e that.- he murmered on m stoma#h. . groaned as he
!ent lo!er and li#&ed the #ho#o o"" m mound and 'uss.
-God $aimen/ $amn/- i s#ream<moaned. He smiled on m #lit and su#&ed it #lean. Soon,
i !as #leaner than !hen !e began. 7 turn. . "li''ed us over, too& his shirt o"" then
&issed $aimens #hest. He groaned and 'ushed me o"".
-Hell no. .m not gunna let ou ma&e me all moan and begging. 0odas our turn babe.-
he smir&ed, ta&ing his 'ants and bo5ers o"" and, straddling me again.
-You read babe1- he as&ed. . nodded eagerl again. He slo!l got his di#& in me and
started thrusting slo!l. . !in#ed as he got in but 'leasure too& over.
-Baster $aimen/ Please/- i gas'ed. He nodded and 'i#&ed u' the 'a#e. . !as moaning,
gas'ing and grunting li&e #ra6. Ever #ou'le minutes, $aimen !ould go a little "aster,
and b "i"teen minutes, !e !ere at it highs'eed and he !as going to "ast "or me to thin&
or tal&.
-You o&, Sa''h1- he as&ed. . nodded.
-Sa something.- he said. . shoo& m head and #ho&ed out an +i #ant+.
-%h not1- he smir&ed.
-...mmmm,..dont..oh/ Oh/ Oh/ Jno! !hat to...9h/ Oh/ Sa.- i tried. He smir&ed and
&issed m li's roughl.
0%O HOURS later !e la beside ea#h other. . snuggled u' to his #hest and smiled.
$aimen rubbed m ba#& and &issed m "orehead gentl. . "ell aslee' minutes later.
)*$aimens PO,*)
. staed u' "or hours 'laing !ith Sa''hires hair. . love her. 7ore than i love m brother.
7abe more than m dear e5#ited mother. . !ill never leave her. 2ot "or an se5 #hi#&
in the !orld. Shes 'er"e#t. 0heres onl one 'roblem !ith our relationshi'. 9nd i !ill
have to go and tal& to that 'roblem later.
-7mm.- Sa''h !o&e u'. . smiled at her and &issed her "orehead.
-7orning.- i said.
-He- she smiled. %e &issed "or a #ou'le minutes then sho!ered...together. 0hen Sa''h
!ent to visit Emma and Harmon. . !al&ed over to Sha!ns and 9arons room.
%hen i &no#&ed on the door, a blond #hi#& ans!ered the door.
-Oo lala, he- she said to me, !in&ing. . rolled m ees and loo&ed to the "loor.
-You sle't !ith Sha!n eh1- i said. She nodded and smiled.
-You !ant a go1-
-Uh. 2o. . have a girl"riend.-
-%hatever. .m on m !a out.- she !in&ed, as she le"t. . rela5ed and !al&ed in. $ustin
!as sitting on the #ou#h on the 'hone. 3ut !hat he said disturbed me.
-Yes i &no! it !as. 7e too. 2ever ever mention that/ duh/ Yeah. Yeah he is. O&.
3ebe.- he said.
(ha'ter DE
)*9arons PO,*)
. !o&e u' in 3enn and $ans room. Stu'id Sha!n de#ided to have a slutt bimbo over so
$ustin and i "ound other 'la#es to slee'. . !o&e to "ind 3enn and $aniel slee'ing, their
arms and legs all over ea#hother. . 'ut on a disgusted "a#e and got dressed.
Sha!n #alled me !hen the bimbo le"t, and said !e should all meet in the hotel lobb to
go eat brea&"ast. Onl one last da in (ali. 9nd i !ant some alone time !ith m girl. .
'i#&ed u' m #ell and #alled Harmon
-Hello1- she ans!ered.
-He Harmom.- i said.
-9aron/ He/ %assu'1 Ho! did ou slee'1 - she said ha''il.
-Good ou1-
-Yeah/ 0han&s to ou.- she said. . raised an eebro! but shut u'.
-. ho'e this !ont be a!&!ard no!...- she mumbled.
-%hat !ill1- i as&ed. She sighed.
-So it !ont be, than& god/ So !hats u'1-
-Uh...ou !anna do something1-
-Sure/ 9nthing ou !ant.-
-O& then...bea#h, movie, sho''ing, brea&"ast, !hi#h one1-
-Umm..brea&"ast. .m hungr, and Emma !ill tr and get me to eat something !eird.-
-O& then, ill 'i#& ou u'.- i said leaving m room. %hat the hell is she tal&ing about1
She sle't !ell..than&s to me1 She ho'es things !ont be a!&!ard bet!een us1 %hat1
Borget it, its 'robabl #ause i &issed her goodnight.
%hen i got to her room, she lunged and &issed me. 7e, being read at all times "or girls
thro!ing themselves at me, &issed her ba#&.
-Oh get a room/- Selene #alled. Harmon rolled her ees. She !as beauti"ul. 7id8ne#&,
thin arms and legs, #urv hi's, not huge but mid si6e tits, and she !as in an adorable
out"it. $id i 4ust sa adorable1 Oh god, im going nuts.
. !ent to get a glass o" !ater, "rom their room &it#hen. 0hen Emma !al&ed in.
-$ustin1- she as&ed. . turned around and she smiled.
-Oh/ 9aron/ Haha, ou and $ustin loo& the same "rom the ba#&. Same bod t'es.- she
smiled. . nodded and smiled ba#&.
-He Emma.- i said. - im 4ust 'i#&ing u' Harmon to go eat.-
-oh o&. 7e and Selene !ill eat the hotel brea&"asts, then start 'a#&ing. $o !e leave
-Yeah. 9t ?'m.-
-o&eedo&e.- Harmon said smiling. . grabbed her !aist and le" her out to the lobb.
)*Sha!ns PO,*)
i !o&e u' to "ind this big titted, blond slut ne5t to me. She o'ened her ees and began
rubbing m di#&. .t got hard instantl and !e !ent "or round t!o. $amn/ . love seeing
tits 'ound against ea#h other/ %hen !e !ere done, she got her se5 ass dressed, then
!ent to the bathroom.
On#e she #ame ba#& out, she stret#hed se5il and !e had round three. She had a small
round "a#e, blue ees, blond hair, medium li's, "la!less s&in, and the best damn legs in
the !orld. 0he !eird thing is...i remember her name/ Le5i.
Everthing she did turned me on. She stre#hed, round three. She gets o"" the bed, round
"our. She starts dressing, round "ive. She "alls do!n, round si5....ou get the idea.
-So i guess this is it.- she smiled sadl. -0ime to go home...- she teared u' !hen she said
it. 7 ees gre! !ide.
-%hats !rong !ith that1-
-Home is...s#ar/-
-(ause...m mom is dead and m dad &illed her. He drin&s and beats m brother and i.
Last month m bro !as sent to a boarding s#hool. So i" i#ome home no!...he+ll
beat me...bad.-
-im so sorr, Le5i/ Um...#an ou leave1-
-2ot until im 1=. .m still 1?.-
-0hen...!hat i" our dad made mone o"" ou1-
-Aust give me our adress, and number.- i said. Le5i smiled.
-0hats a !eird !a to as& "or m number. 9 sim'le 'i#&u' line !as o&.- she laughed. .
smir&ed and too& the adress and number. 0hen she le"t.
. got sho!ered, dressed and to the main room. 0here i sa! $aimen glaring at $ustin.
-%ho !as that1- $aimen as&ed.
-Someone. $ont !orr, $. . didnt have se5 !ith her.-
-Oh her1 %ho is she1-
-Selene. She !as telling me about ou gus last night.-
-%hatd she sa1-
-0hat ou !ere ver loud. 9nd &in&.- he smiled. $aimen rolled his ees. 0hen Sa''h
#ame in.
-He gus/-
-He Sa''hie.- i said. She loo&ed at me and smiled. 0hen she sat do!n loo&ing sad.
-Gus...i have to slee' !ith 7r. Po!ers tommoro!.- she said. . raised an eebro!.
$aimen "illed me in.
-0hats not hard to "i5/- i smiled. 0he all loo&ed at me.
-(all 0ristan and Emma to get their butts over here.- i smir&ed. 0ime "or me to ta&e over
"or 9aron/
%hen the !ere 'resent, i loo&ed at 0ristan.
-0ristan, do ou &no! that our dad is going to bed Sa''h tommoro!1- i as&ed.
-7abe. So !hat1- he ans!ered. $aimen gro!led, but staed ba#&.
-0ell our dad to #all it o"".- i stated. 0ristan laughed.
-%h !ould i do that1 7abe he+s getting her "or me. . !ouldnt mind "u#&ing her.- he
!in&ed at Sa''h, !ho gagged and held on to her bos.
-(ause i" ou dont...!e+ll announ#e to everone that ou are the "ather o" Emma+s bab.-
i said. $aimen and 0ristan gas'ed. Emma blushed.
-Emma/ 9bort it/- 0ristan elled.
-2o/ .m not a &iller/- Emma shouted.
-. dont #are/ .m too oung to be a "ather/-
-0hen !hd ou bang me u' !ithout a #ondom1/-
-(ause i !asnt thin&ing straight/-
-. dont #are. .m &ee'ing the bab.-
-So !hat do ou sa 0ristan1- i as&ed. -(all the one8night stand o"", and !e+ll &ee' this
-Bine. You !ont have to do anthing !ith m dad.- he said #oldl loo&ing at Emma. 9s
he !as leaving, 0ristan turned to Emma.
-$ont thin& that 4ust #ause ou+ll be having m &id, that im going to run to ou and love
ou. You+ll regret not aborting it.- he said, leaving. Emma began #ring and hugging
)*$ustins PO,*)
%o!. 0hat !as settled ni#el. 2o blood. Everone !ent to their rooms to 'a#& u'. . "elt
4ealous o" $aimen. Even i heard them s#reaming and moaning last night. 3ut #ome to
thin& o" it...i deserve it.
-Lets get the bags to the #ar/- 9aron elled, on#e he an Harmon got ba#& "rom
brea&"ast. -0hen !e #an go do something, !ithout having to !orr. Li&e...hotel 'ool/-
!e all #heered.
.n an hour !e !ere all "ooling in the 'ool. .t had a ni#e !aterslide and s'rin&lers. Selene
o" #ourse too& 100'i#s, and Aoe and Aade !ere ma&ing out. Everone, even 0ristan,
Emma and Sha!n !ere having "un.
0hen suddenl Sha!n 4um'ed u'.
-Oh god, i almost "orgot/ %e have a sto' to ma&e be"ore !e go.-
-%here1- 9aron as&ed. Sha!n told us the situation !ith a girl he sle't !ith named Le5i.
-So ou !ant US to 'a mone, to ta&e HER !ith US ba#& home1/- Leannd as&ed.
Sha!n nodded.
-. 'it her...lets do it/- Aade smiled. Everoe slo!l agree to hel'.
9"ter s!imming a bit longer, !e dried o"", got dressed, and got in the van. .t !as F'm.
%e hve to grab Le5i, get sna#&s, and "ind the high!a.
-Road 0ri' Songs/- Emma #heered. 9ll the girls !hoo'ed, and the gus groaned. 0he
sang -Sall 0he (amel-, -38.828G8O-, and other annoing songs.
0hen !e got to !here Le5i lived. Sha!n, 9aron and i !ent to get her. %e &no#&ed on the
old, bro&en do!n house+s door. 9 dirt man !ith beer in his hand o'ened the door.
-%hat the hell do ou !ant1- he slurred.
-Um..$oes Le5i live here1- Sha!n as&ed
-Yeah the slut does/ She 'regnant1 LEL./- he roared. 9 smo&in hot blond girl #ame
to us.
-Sha!n1- she smiled. He nodded, grinning.
-0he !ant ou.- her dad slurred. Sha!n loo&ed at the man.
-Sir, i !as !ondering i" ou !ere interested in lettin" Le5i go on a long va#ation. 9
reeaalll long one. Li&e boarding s#hool.-
-3oarding s#hool1 Li&e little 7i&e/ Ho! mu#h does it #ost1-
-.ts "ree/ 3ut she has to leave immedietl.- Sha!n smiled. 0he man nodded and 'ushed
Le5i out the door.
-0a&e her/ She does nothing to me. 0a&e her to "ree boarding s#hool/- he groaned. Le5i
!as smiling !ider than ever and tearing u'. She !ent to grab some #lothes and
nesse#ities, then #ame ba#& to us in the van.
-Oh Sha!n/ 0han& ou/- she #ried. -. hated that murderer/ 0han& ou, 0han& ou/- she
said. . shoo& m head at them.
-So all this, 4ust #ause ou sle't !ith ea#h other on#e1- i as&ed.
-0hree times.- the both said. . rolled m ees. 0he had se5 ever night !e !ere here1/
%e 'iled in the van. 9ll the girls !el#omed Le5i amd made her not "eel so a!&!ard.
0he e5#hanged email, numbers and added ea#hother on Ba#e3oo&. %e bought the
sna#&s and set out on the "ree!a to get home.
(ha'ter DF
)*Sa''hires PO,*)
0he drive home !as long and Cuiet. $aimen sat ne5t to me and ever so o"ten he !ould
tou#h, rub or &iss me. $ustin seemed in dee' thought. 0ristan !as angr. Sha!n and Le5i
!ere "lirting Cuietl and &issing. Aade and Aoe !ere slee'ing in ea#hothers arms, Leanne
and Emma !ere listening to musi# on Leannes i'od. Selene !as te5ting, 9aron !as
driving, Harmon !as eating the sna#&s !e brought, and 3enn and $an !ere !at#hing
a movie on a 'ortable dvd 'laer. .t !as 'ea#e"ul...but high tension.
%hen !e got home it !as reaalll late. %e didnt go to m a'artment. 0hats mine. .
navigated the bos to m dads house. . have #lothes in both o" them. 0he gus brought
their suit#ases and stu"". 7 dads house !as big and had Elevels, F bedrooms, and a large
basement. . &no! its !eird that !e live in di""erent houses, but m dad !anted it that
!a. %e !al&ed in and "ound m dad and Hannah !at#hing tv. Hannah turned and
-Sa''hire/ $aimen/ $ustin/- she shrie&ed ha''il. She hugged me amd the bos. 7
dad nodded at the bos and grinned at me.
-Ho! !as our tri'1- Hannah as&ed.
-Good 7om.- $ustin said. Hannah noddes and turned to me.
-Good ne!s/ 7r. Po!ers #alled. 0he deal is o""/ 2o 'rostitution...i" thats a !ord..-
0he bos and i smiled. 0ristan a#tuall did it/ He stu#& to his !ord/ 7 dad #ame and
hugged me.
-.m sorr "or 'utting ou in that situation Sa''hie.- he #ooed. . rolled m ees and
-.ts o& dad.- i smiled. 7 dad smiled and loo&ed at the bos.
-Ho! are ou bos1 0a&e #are o" m daughter1- he as&ed.
-.m sure the too& ,ERY good #are o" her.- Hannah smiled &no!ingl. $aimen groaned
and i laughed.
-Yeah, !e did.- $ustin said. 7 dad a!ned.
-%ell, !e should get to bed.- He said. $ustin nodded and !ent u'stairs !ith m dad.
Hannah loo&es at $aimen and i.
-So ouve had se51- she as&ed us. $aimen nodded.
-Ye'.- he smiled at me.
-$aimen dear, do ou love her1- Hannah as&ed. $aimen too& m hand and sCuee6ed it.
-Yes mom. . do. . havent sle't !ith anone sin#e !e met her. . love her more than
anthing.- $aimen said, ma&ing me tear u' again. Hannah smiled and &isses her sons
-%ell, ou heard the boss. U' to bed babe.- $aimen smir&ed, sma#&ing m ass. Hannah
-$aimen/- she shrie&ed and !e both laughed at her. . got $aimen to his ne! room, and i
got to mine. .t !as 1am and i !as tired. . lied in bed a!a&e, but dro!s. 0hen i heard m
door o'en. . loo&ed and sa! a 1<D na&ed $aimen. $amn that #hest !as se5/ 9nd his
mus#ular legs..and his bo5ers 4ust #overed his ,...P9Y 900E20.O2/
-$aimen1- i as&ed. He nodded.
-. lost m i slee' !ith ou1- he smir&ed. . laughed and nodded.
-Haha, sure $aimen. Stu'id 'i#&u' lines.- i smiled. $aimen 4um'ed onto m bed and
snuggled u' to me.
-night $aimen.- i said. $aimen a!ned and &issed me so"tl.
-Good night Sa''hire.- he smiled.
)*$aimens PO,*)
0he ne5t morning, !e got u' earl "or stu'id s#hool. %hen !e got there, everone !as
ba#& to normal. Selen and Aade !ith the slutt #heerleaders. Leanne and the #liCue.
Emma, 3enn, 0ristan and $an hanging out. 9aron, Aoe and Sha!n tal&ing. 9nd Le5i
!ith the #heerleaders as !ell.
0he da !ent b normall, until lun#h time. %e sat do!n and began eating, !hen
suddenl a girl s#reamed. %e turned and sa! Harmon had 'assed out. 9aron and Sha!n
immedietl !ent to get her.
-Harmon/- Sha!n elled. Harmon didnt res'ond. She !as 'ale and her ees !ere
-(all @11/- 9aron elled to me. . got m #ell out and dialed. .n minutes an ambulan#e
!as here and Harmon, Sha!n, 9aron, Sa''h, Emma, 0ristan, Le5i, 3enn and i !ent to
the hos'ital. %e didnt all nee to go..but !e !anted to.
%hen !e got to the hos'ital, Harmon !as ta&en to a room and !e !ere "or#ed to sit in
the !aiting room. Sha!n !as restless. So !as 9aron. %e !aited "or F; minutes then a
do#tor #ame to us.
-She+s "ine. Aust a "ainting s'ell. %ould ou li&e us to do a "ull e5amination to ma&e sure
she+s o&1- Sha!n nodded.
-Yes 'lease.- he said. %e !aited another 1<D hour then !e !ere #alled to her room. %e
"ound her sitting in a bed smiling at us.
9aron and Sha!n ran to hug her. She hugged them ba#& eagerl and smiled at the rest o"
us. 0he do#tor entered and loo&ed at Sha!n.
-Um sir..the reason she 'assed out !as 4ust a sm'tom.-
-O" !hat1- i as&ed. 0he do#tor loo&ed at us all.
-She+s 'regnant.- he stated. %e all gas'ed and loo&ed at 9aron. Sha!n gro!led.
-%hat1/ Harmon1- he as&ed. She blushed.
-Yes. 7e and 9aron had se5 t!o nights ago.- she said. 9aron gro!led as !ell.
-%hats !rong 9aron1 . thought ou li&ed it.- Harmon said sha&il. 9aron loo&ed at her
#losl then shoo& his head.
-2o! !e have a 'roblem. You lost our virginit and ou are 'regnant. %ith a man
!hom ou sa is me. .s that !hat ou sa, Harmon1-
-Yes/ You #alled me and told me to meet ou, and !e had se5/ . thought...ou !ouldnt
mind admitting it.- she teared u'. 9aron &issed her "orehead.
-. !ouldnt mind/ . !ould love to tell 'eo'le that !e had se5/- he ans!ered.
-0hen !hats the 'roblem1- Harmon as&ed. 9aron too& a dee' breath.
-. never #alled ou that night. . never did an o" that. .t !asnt me. Harmon...thats not
m bab.-
(ha'ter D;
)*Sa''hires PO,*)
Harmon 92$ Emma1/ $amn/ %hen 9aron s'o&e those last !ords, !e all turned to
loo& at 0ristan. He s#o""ed ad shoo& his head.
-.ts so marvelous, ho! everone automati#al loo&s at 7E.- he said. Harmon shoo& her
-2o/ .t !asnt 0ristan/ .t !as ou, 9aron/ . #alled our name and ou ans!ered to
9aron/- she shrie&ed. 9aron groaned.
-.t !asnt me. .m sure o" it. 2o! someone !as 'osing as me. .t has to be someone "rom
our grou'. Sha!n is out o" the 'i#. So+s $an. Aoe loves Aade too mu#h. $aimen is out. 3ut
not $ustin.- 9aron said. . glared.
-%h not $ustin1- i as&ed.
-2o o""ense to anone, but !e all &no! $aimen !ouldnt do that...but $ustin might.
Sorr. .t #ould have been 3enn...hes bi. So 0ristan, 3enn, or $ustin.- he said. %e
turned to 0ristan amd 3enn.
-.t !as 2O0 me.- 3enn said. -9t the moment, i li&e gus. 9nd even so, i li&e $an.-
-.t #ouldve been someone !ho !or&s or staed at the hotel...- 0ristan said. Harmon
-0hen ho! did the te5t me "rom 9arons #ell1 .t !as someone !ho had a##ess to our
rooms, and &ne! i !as 9arons girl"riend.- she said. $aimen !as Cuiet. 0hin&ing.
9aron gro!led and grabbed 0ristan b his 4a!.
-%as it ou, Po!ers1 .ts not enough to "u#& Leanne, Emma and ever girl ou see, so
ou "u#& 7Y 1F ear old, virgin girl"riend1- he !as the most s#ar thing ive ever seen/
0ristan !in#ed and 'ushed him a!a.
-.0 he said the last 'art Cuietl. $aimen suddenl loo&ed u' and raised and
eebro!. 9aron and Sha!n glared at him. Sha!n lunged at him !hile Le5i gas'ed. He
bagan 'un#hing his stoma#h, !hile 9aron !as holding him do!n. 0hen suddenl
$aimen got u' and grabbed Sha!n and 'ulles him a!a.
-9aron/ Sha!n/- he elled. 9aron loo&ed at $aimen and gro!led.
-Let him go.-
-%h should i1/ He got m girl 'regnant/-
-.+ll tell ou !h. (ome here.- $aimen said in a #old, demanding voi#e. 9aron let go o"
0ristan and !al&ed over to $aimen and Sha!n. $aimen !his'ered some stu"" to them.
Sha!n as 9aron seemed #on"used, and angr. 0hen the sto''ed !his'ering and turned
ba#& to 0ristan.
-Go.- Sha!n said. 0ristan and his bruised bod, got u' an le"t. . stared at $aimen. %hat
did he sa1/ it !asnt 0ristan1- Emma as&ed.
-.t !as. 3ut !e+ll get him later.- 9aron mumbled angril.
-%hat1 %h1- Le5i as&ed.
-(ause thats !hat !e agreed on, OJ/- $aimen said. Le5i and Emma nodded, s#ared.
Harmon sighed.
-9s mu#h as i hate going to abort it.- she said. Everone loo&ed at her !ith
loving ees.
-You dont have to do that Harm...its "ine.- 9aron said. She shoo& her head.
-2o. . hate abortion. .t li&e murdering. 9nd inside me their is a bab that #an live and
have a li"e. 3ut...i" its not 9arons...i dont !ant it.- she said, !ith tears in her ees. . ran to
her and hugged her tightl. She #ried on m shoulder and hugged ba#&.
0he do#tor !as still standing there.
-%ould ou li&e an abortion, ma+am1- he as&ed Harmon. She nodded slo!l. 9aron had
tears in his ees as !ell, but he smiled sadl.
-0hen everone #lear out o" the room.- the do# said. %e obeed and le"t the room.
9aron and Sha!n sat do!n !orried and u'set. Le5i !ent to #om"ort Sha!n. 9aron 4ust
&e't sobbing Cuietl. $aimen sat b me and held m hand.
-%hat babe1-
-%hat did ou tell them1 %h did ou let 0ristan go1- i as&ed. $aimen shi"ted
un#om"ortabl an loo&ed at me.
-Um..0ristan Po!ers is 'o!er"ul. Ri#h dad...good #onne#tions.."riends in high 'la#es.
%e #an let him live !ith the guilt instead o" hurting him.- he said. . nodded &no!ingl.
)*$aimens PO,*)
i hated ling to Sa''hire. . never lied to her be"ore. 3ut this is the onl thing i #an do to
&ee' everone together. 0ristans not as bad as everone sas. 9nd no! Sha!n and 9aron
&no! that. 3ut...!h !ould 0ristan do that1 He should !ant to &ee' his honor. . dont
&no! ho! this is going to end...but someone !ill be hurt. 9nd i !ont be able to sto' it
...this time.
)*$ustins PO,*)
9t FHE0'm, i !as at home and Sa''h and $aimen 4ust #ame.
-So !hat !as !rong !ith Harmon1- i as&ed.
-She 'assed out. 9nd she !as 'regnant.- Sa''hire said. . 4um'ed u' sho#&ed.
-Pregnant1/ %hat1-
-%9S 'regnant. She got an abortion.-
-3 !hom !as she 'regnant1-
-0ristan.- Sa''hire s'at. . nodded. 0ristan.
-%hat ha''ened to him1-
-0he gus let him go.-
-%hat1/ %h1-
-(ause 0ristan is 'o!er"ul. 9nd !e dont !ant to get him !hile he has the u''erhand.-
$aimen said, loo&ing at me..or through me. He gve me a stare that made m insides
-Oh !ell. . have to go running. . need to 4og a bit ever no! and then.- i smiled. Sa''h
smiled and nodded.
-Oh o&. 3e/- she said, ho''ing u' to her room.
)*$aimens PO,*)
%hen he le"t, i !ent u' to $ustins room. . sat on his bed and loo&ed around. %hat
0ristan did...or is no sense. Even "or a man!hore li&e he is. ." $ustin
&no!s something...he+d &ee' it se#ret. ., being his brother &no! his se#ret hiding 'la#es.
One is usuall under his 'illo!, another in under!ear dra!er, one in the #urtains and the
one "or RE9LLY se#ret stu""..,is under the mattress. . loo&ed under his "ullsi6e matress
an sa! a thin bo5.
Aa#&'ot/ 0he bo5 !as a small sa"e, that had a Fnumber lo#&. . smir&ed. . &ne! this
.t o'ened and i "ound a ($. .t had the !ords -0ristan- !ritten on it. . too& the dis& and
!ent to m room and 'ut it in m $,$ 'laer. 0he "irst ;min o" the ($+s #ontents
e5'lained it to me.
.t all ma&es sense no!.
)*Sa''hires PO,*)
i #annot believe im doing this...but...
-$aimen/- i #alled. .n se#onds $aimen !as in m room smiling at me.
-Yeah, !assu'1-
-Um...!hen $ustin gets ba#&...#an !e have se5 again1 9ll three o" us1- i as&ed blushing.
$aimen #hu#&led and nodded.
-Yes babe. %e #an.- he smiled. . e5haled in relie".
. laed on m bed and #alled 0ristan.
-Hello1- i as&ed.
-Sa''hire1/- he as&ed.
-Hi...!hats u'1-
-2o matter ho! 'issed i am that ou got Harmon and Emma 'regnant...i !ant to sa
than& ou "or #an#eling the thing !ith our dad.- i said. $aimen, !ho !as right ne5t to
me, smiled.
-oh...its o&.-
-O&...but !h !ont ou sta !ith Emma1 She needs ou/ You #an be a ha'' #ou'le/- i
sCuealed. 0ristan #hu#&led.
-.ts too late "or that, Sa''h. Sin#e i !as 1E, ive been having se5. Over 100 !omen and
girls. .m a 'laer. 9nd...i #ouldnt be "aith"ul to Emma...on#e a '!as a 'laer.-
he said and hung u'.
. loo&ed at $aimen. He used to be a 'laer...but he loves me. 9nd so does $ustin. 9nd
the are "aith"ul to me. 0riatan needa to get his head on straight/
)*0ristans PO,*)
Ugh/ . hate this/ %h !ould i do that1/ Some 'eo'le dont thin&/ .n#luding me/ 7
"riends hate me. ." i had never done that stu'id
thing/ 0hen this !ould all be o&a/
Sudden m 'hone rang. . loo&ed at the .$..
Uh Oh...
(ha'ter D:
)*$ustins PO,*)
-Hello, $ust.- 0ristan ans!ered.
-He 0. You+re lu#& $aimen too& 'it on ou, haha.-
-Shut u'/ . still got beat/ . s!ear i hate ou/-
-.ts not 7Y "ault....-
-%ell, ou built on it. %h are ou doing this an!a1- he as&ed.
-3e#ause i also have our situation and HE !ill ta&e drasti# measures.-
-%hatever. 3ut ho! mu#h longer1-
-Until...HE gives mine ba#&. 0hen ill give ou ours.-
-%h #ouldnt ou 4ust do it1-
-3e#ause it !ould brea& Sa''hire+s heart. . love her/ $aimen !ould never loo& u' to me
again. 9aron and Sha!n !ould never "orgive me/ 0he ELPE(0 it "rom ou/-
-Gee than&s. . hate H.7 too. He betraed E,ERYO2E/-
-Yah i &no!. 3ut !hat #an !e do1-
-Get the gus to hel'/ %e #an trust them, $ustin/-
-0he thin& it might be me or ou...the !ont believe me.-
-2o. $aimens our brother, Sa''hire loves ou, the !ill listen at least. Leanne and
Selene !ill listen to me. So !ill 3enn and $an.-
-. guess...but i dont &no!. .ts a bit embarassing.-
-%ell get over it $ustin/ . dont &no! ho! mu#h more i #an ta&e.-
-Bine. %e+ll see. . gotta go. 3e.-
. hung u' and !ent ba#& home. . "ound $aimen and Sa''hire sitting on her bed staring at
me. $aimen immedietl grabbed m arm and led me to his room.
-He to ou too 3ro.- i mumbled. $aimen gro!led and sho!ed me m dis&. 0hat snea&/
-%hats this/- he said.
-Obviousl, not ours.-
-.ts not ours either/-
-." i dont &ee' it !e+ll be in trouble.- i said, ta&ing it "rom him.
-$ustin/ 0hats bla#&mail isnt it.- he said. . nodded.
-. &ne! it/ 0ristan didnt "u#& Harmon/-
-9nd neither did i.-
-%ait...!hat1 . thought it !as ou...-
-2o. .d never #heat on Sa''h/ .m doing this "or her/-
-$oing !hat1/-
-. #ant sa/-
-%h not1-
-(ause that might endanger us all/-
-%hat are ou tal&ing about/-
-Ugh/ .ts not m "ault these things are ha''ening/ .ts 4ust m "ault that 0ristan is being
-dammit/ Aust tell me/-
-. #ant/-
-%e al!as told our se#rets to ea#h other, $ustin/ %hen !e moved here it !as the same.
3ut re#entl something ha''ened to ou and 0ristan/-
-Please $aimen. . &no! !hat im doing. ." im not #are"ul...!e #ould all be hurt.
Phsi#all and emotionall. So 'lease let me !or& it out.-
-Bine. 3ut !e #an hel' ou. Sha!n, 9aron, Harmon and Sa''h !ould !ant to hel'.-
-. dont !ant to 'ut ou all in this. .ts not ou "ault.-
-3ut ou are our "riend $ustin. %e !ant to hel'.-
-i dont &no!. .+ll thin& about it.- i said. $aimen sighed.
-Bine. O
h and our girl"riend has reCuested !e "u#& her.- he smir&ed. . smiled and led the !a
ba#& to Sa''hire. She !as sitting do!n, smiling.
-So ou !ant a se5 session1- i smir&ed. She nodded, emmbarased. . sat b her and &issed
her ne#&.
-$ont be embarassed. %e+re our bo"riends.- i murmered. She shivered and small
sounds #ame out o" her mouth. $aimen tore her s&irt o"" and &issed her thighs. She
sti""ened a bit, but began rubbing m #hest.
-%hat do !ant no!1- i as&ed smiling.
-. !ant ou and $aimen to be shirtless.- she moaned, !hile &issing m ne#&. . too& o""
m shirt and loo&ed at $aimen !ho !as alread in 4ust bo5ers. Sa''hire trailed her hands
do!n m and $aimens abs. $aimen !as rubbing her s!eet little #enter, !hile i undid her
shirt and bra. 7 heart s&i''ed a beat as i sa! those beauti"ul, round, su##ulent breasts. .
leant m head do!n and li#&ed her ni''le. $aimen did the same.
%ith a hot mouth on ea#h ni''le, Sa''hire !as moaning our names and orgasming a
-Ohh $aimen/ $ustin/ Omm- she #ried. . smiled at the sight o" m babe moaning m
name and orgasming. . su#&ed her sti"" ni''les until the !ere s!ollen, and moved lo!er
to her mound. She and $aimen !ere moaning. She, be#ause i !as li#&ing her #lit...but
$aimen be#ause Sa''hire !as rubbing his 'enis intensl.
. smir&ed and devoured her #enter eagerl. She s#reamed, !hined and moaned into the
air. 0hen !e got into 'osition. Sa''h had her arms around $aimens ne#& and her legs on
m !aist. %e both entered her at on#e, ma&ing her s#ream an #r.
She "elt ama6ing on me/ 0ight, !et, and gri''ing. She #ried "or a bit but as usual it soon
-Baster/ $amn, Harder/ Oh/ Yes/-. 9nd !e obeed our little babe. 9nd mira#ulousl, ten
minutes later, !e all #lima5ed together.
-Yes/- !e all moaned. Aust then, the door o'ened.
-%H90 0HE HELL/- i voi#e said. %e turned and sa! no other than...Sa''hires dad.
(ha'ter D?
)*$aimens PO,*)
9s soon as !e sa! Sa''hires dad G%e #all him HenrI, she hid under her #overs and
$ustin and i sli''ed our bo5ers on in se#onds. Henr !as still in sho#&, staring at us.
-Hi dad..- Sa''h said nervousl. Henr bro&e out o" it and glared.
-Hi1 H.1/ $ont tr and butter me u', !hat the HELL/-
-Listen dadd88-
-2o/ Ho! long has this been going on, Austin1 $aimen1-
-7 names $US0.2. 2ot Austin.- $ustin mumbled.
-9ns!er the Cuestion/ Ho! long1/-
-Sin#e !e #ame here.- he mumbled again.
-%hat1/ 9nd ou never told me1 9nd here i am !ith a list o" men !ho !ould 'a 3.G
mone to slee' !ith Sa''hire1/-
-%ait, !hat1- i as&ed shar'l. Henr had a loo& on his "a#e as i" he regretted !hat he
-Aust a #ou'le men "rom big #om'anies !ho !ere going to 'a lots o" mone to88- $ustin
got u' and 'ushed Henr into the !all.
-%hat/ You+re selling her/ 2ot even...ou+re renting her out to the highesr bidder1/-
-.ts not li&e that, be#ause she !ill get mone as !ell and do 2O0 'in this at me/ You
three have a threesome1/-
-Yes dad.- Sa''hire murmered.
-$o ou &no! ho! rare that is1 You+ll be teased at s#hool/-
-2o, in "a#t !e+re the most res'e#ted #ou'les in s#hool.- . said. Henr gro!led.
-$aimen/ Au..$ustin/ YOU had se5 !ith 7Y daughter1/-
-%h the hell are ou as&ing1 You S9%.- i gro!led.
-You are ste' sblings/ You #ant do that/- Henr said.
-." !e love her, then es !e #an/ %e arent blood related and !e are in a relationshi'
no!.- $ustin said. Henr began sha&ing his head in disa''roval, !hen $ustin banged
him against the !all again, and 'inned him.
-2o/ .ve endured too mu#h to let her go no!/ . love Sa''hire, and so does $aimen/ She
loves us too/ 9nd i" ou dont allo! it, mom !ill do something about it. .m almost 1=. .
#an leave and ta&e them !ith me/ 2o o""ense but ou havent been the best dad in the
!orld/ You rent our daughter out, ou leave her alone "or months, and get mad at her
bo"riend #hoi#es1 Hell no/ Leave her be/- $ustin elled.
Henr seemed sho#&ed. He 'ushed $ustin o"", and !al&ed to the door.
-Aust dont ma&e too mu#h noise. . dont #are !hat ou do.- he mumbled as he le"t. .
e5haled and Sa''h almost 'assed out.
-0han&s $ustin/- she smiled !hile hugging him.
-2o 'roblem babe. 3ut i thin& !e should lo#& the door more o"ten.- he smir&ed. .
4um'ed u' and Cui#&l ran to the door. 9tthe same time, Henr 'o&ed his head in
-Sin#e ou gus are at it an!a...!ould ou be against ma&ing an e5'ensive 'orno1- he
-$9$/- Sa''hire elled, !hile m mouth 4ust hung o'en. He !ants to ma&e a 'orn video
out o" his ste'sons and daughter1 Si#& man/
-O&, o&, 4ust !ondering...- he mumbled, as he le"t again. . #losed and lo#&ed the door,
then turned ba#& to Sa''h and $ustin. Sa''h removed her blan&et and !e removed our
bo5ers. %e !ent in to another heav ma&eout session, and -'etting-.
-$ustin la do!n and $aimen sit ne5t to him.- Sa''h said. . raised an eebro! abut did
as she said. Slo!l and #are"ull, Sa''hire sat her 'uss on $ustins di#&. He groaned
slightl, his bod tensing. She slo!l raised and lo!ered hersel" on him, ma&ing $ustin
moan louder. 0hen she rea#hed over to me and grabbed m di#&, holding it in her slender
She rubbed it and "li#&ed the ti' !ith her nails, ma&ing me 're8#um on her. She !as still
boun#ing on $ustin, as she brought he li's do!n to m #o#& head. Sa''hire &issed it
longingl and trailed her tounge do!n the side. . moaned her name so"tl, as $ustin !as
rea#hing his #lima5.
-$amn/ $amn/ $amn/- he !as moaning. 0hen i gas'ed in 'leasure as Sa''h su#&ed m
di#& head, the "irst #ou'le in#hes at least. Her 'rett little mouth #ould barel ta&e in m
di#&, and a"ter F in#hes, she su#&ed !ith all she had in her.
-God Sa''h/- i elled.
-You &ids &ee' it do!n/- Henr elled.
)*Sa''hires PO,*)
-Shuttu'/- !e all elled in unison. 0hen $ustin li"ted me o"" and laed m ba#& on his
#hest. $aimen got bet!een m legs and li#&ed m 'uss. . gas'ed loudl and
#ontinuesl, as $ustin rubbed m breasts "rom behind !hile li#&ing m ne#&.
Soon, $aimen got u' and 'lunged himsel" into me as $ustins ere#tion hit m lo!er ba#&.
$aimen thrust harder and "aster ma&ing me #um and ell over and over. His ginormi#
#o#& !as hal"!a in me and i !as still s#reaming li&e a virgin. $ustin 'in#hed m
ni''les hard and i s#reamed at all the things ha''ening to m bod at the moment.
$ustin mu""led m s#reams !ith his mouth and !e "re#h&issed the !hole time $aimen
"u#&ed me. Even though it !as a bit earl, !e "ell aslee'. 7 bos !ere snuggled u' on
either side o" me and i had an arm on ea#h o" their #hests.
0he ne5t morning, !e !ere at s#hool. %hat sur'rised me the most is that 9aron and
Sha!n didnt seem angr at 0ristan. 0he seemed...o&a !ith the "a#t he too& Harmons
virginit a!a.
0ristan &e't staring at $ustin !ho !as staring at $aimen, !ho !as staring at everone
else. 0he da !as ver Cuiet. 2o one s'o&e, laughed or 4o&ed. Selene smiled ever no!
an then, but besides that no ha''iness.
9t lun#h !e sat together. Harmon !asnt at s#hool. 9''arentl she had been #ring all
night and is still not emotionall #ured. Sha!n seemed angr but 9aron !as 4ust sad.
-%ould someone 'lease 4ust do something about this1/- i elled. Everone seemed
-She+s right/ 0his is sad gus/ Per& u'/- Leanne said.
-%h is 0ristan still sitting !ith us1- 3enn as&ed.
-He got both 'regnent and Sha!n and 9aron dont seem to #are/- $an elled. 9aron
stood u'.
-. $O #are/ 3ut i !ill hurt the gu !ho RE9LLY did it/-
-%hat1/- 7e, Selene, Emma, Le5i, 3enn, $an, Leanne, and Aade as&ed.
-2o use hiding the truth.- Sha!n said. -.t !asnt 0ristan.-
-Ho! do YOU &no! that1/- $ustin as&ed. . loo&ed at $ustin. He &ne! that1
-$aimen told us.- 9aron said. . turned to $aimen.
-You lied to me1- i as&ed. -3oth o" ou1- tears "ormed in m ees. (an i not trust
anone anmore1/ $aimen shoo& his head.
-2o Sa''h/ ." i told ou the truth, ou !ouldve been devistated/ Your heart might have
been bro&en. . !as 'rote#ting ou/- $aimen said. . raised an eebro!.
-%hat1 O&. $ustin, 0ristan and $aimen...e5'lain/- i ordered. $ustin stood u'.
-O& gus, !e have something to tell ou.- $ustin sighed.
(ha'ter D=
)*Sa''hires PO,*)
-%hat $ustin1- i as&ed, still u'set the lied to me. $ustin too& a dee' breath.
-0ristan and i didnt "u#& Harmon. Someone else did. 0hat 'erson made us ta&e the
blame "or all he did, other!ise...he+d do stu"" !e didnt !ant him to. 9t "irst it !as onl
me. 3ut i reli6ed that i" i too& the blame, id brea& Sa''hires i bla#&mailed
0ristan. Peo'le e5'e#t him to do that stu"" so it !as o& "or him.-
-%hat bla#&mail1- Selene as&ed.
-Bor me...!hen !e "irst #ame to live here, i made out !ith Selene in the drama #lass.
0hat 'erson too& a video o" it and in the end 'hotosho''ed me into loo&ing li&e i !as
"u#&ing her and other !omen all over to!n. Even a"ter Sa''hire. So i" i didnt listen, he+d
give the "a&e videos to Sa''hire and $aimen. 9nd...i loved Sa''h too mu#h to do that.
So i !ent along !ith it. 3ut ididnt !ant to ta&e all the blame "or "u#&ing 'eo'le i &ne!. .
too& the blame "or random 'eo'le !e dont #are or &no! about. . bla#&mailed 0ristan to
ta&e the blame "or "u#&nig the 'eo'le !e $O &no!.- $ustin sighed. 7 ees "illed !ith
tears. He !ent through all he loved me1
-%hat bla#&mail did ou have on m bo"riend1/- Leanne as&ed. $ustin loo&ed at
0ristan and 0ristan sighed.
-. !as being a bit#h and i too& 'i#s o" m dad #heating on m mom !ith man di""erent
!omen. ." the 'ubli# got #ould ruin his li"e. $ustin ot hold o" the 'i#s and 'ut
them into a $,$ slidesho!. 0hen bla#&mailed me. .n the end, !e !ere both #ontrolled
b the gu. -
-%ho .S the gu1- Sha!n as&ed. $ustin loo&ed at us all.
-Someone !ho !ent !ith us to (ali. Someone !ho betraed ou all. Someone !ho has
the same bod t'e as 9aron. Someone...!ho isnt at this table.- $ustin sighed. %e
loo&ed around and thought about !ho !ent. 0hen !e "ound out....
-7 AOE/- Aade shrie&ed. $ustin and 0ristan nodded. Aoe1/ He al!as seemed
so...harmless and &ind/ HE "u#&ed Harmon and man others and made 0ristan and
$ustin ta&e thr blame b bla#&mail1/ .diot/
Sha!n gro!led and stood u'.
-%here is he/- he elled.
-Probabl "u#&ing a girl.- $aimen gro!led. 9aron, Aade, Sha!n, $ustin, 0ristan, Selene,
Aade, $aimen and i got u' to "ind him. 9s !e !al&ed, or ran, $aimen grabbed m arm.
-Sa''hire. 0he reason i didnt tell ou, !as be#ause i thought it !as $ustin. You love him
and i thought ou !ould be unha'' i" ou &ne!. You alread had so man things
ha''en to ou in our li"e. .m sorr.- he said. . smiled and &issed his #hee&.
-. "orgive ou/ 3ut $ustins gunna have to !or& "or "orgiveness....lets see...i !ont have
se5 !ith him "or t!o !ee&s.- i smiled. %e heard $ustin gas'.
-He/ 2ot "air/- he elled.
-0oo bad $/- i !in&ed. He groaned and shoo& his head. %e "ound Aoe !al&ing out o" the
bathroom. %hen he sa! us all he tensed u'.
-%hats !rong1- he as&ed. 9aron gro!led and 'un#hed Aoe straight in the "a#e. Aoe "ell
ba#&!ards and #lu#hed his 4a!.
-%hat the hell/- Aoe elled.
-You "u#&ed m sister/- Sha!n elled. Aoe turned to loo& at $ustin.
-.diot/ You told1/ Sa''hire/ (he#& m ba#&'a#& "or a 'a#&et o" 'hotos/ Loo& at
them/-He elled. . grabbed his bag. Sha!n and 0ristan !ent ba#& to beating him u'. .
o'ened the bag as $ustin stared at it regret"ull. . "ound a 'a#&et o" 'i#s. . too& them and
!ithout loo&ing, ri''ed them in hal".
-%hat1- Aoe as&ed.
-. &no! !hat ou did. . hate everthing about ou and i !ould never believe !hat ou
sa or sho! me/ $ustin loves me/ He ma have done things in the 'ast, but no!...he+s
better. You lied to all o" us and got Harmon 'regnant/ You made 0ristan and $ustin get
in trouble.
You are a stu'id, sel"ish, sel" absorbed "u#&in idiot.- i said, thro!ing his big bag at him.
$aimen and $ustin smiled slightl at me, and i grinned ba#&. Emma !as still sho#&ed
and 9aron !as as mad as hell. 0he Aade s'o&e u'.
-%o! Aoe...- Aade #ried. -You #heated and lied to me1 7ade me thin& bad about 0ristan
and $ustin1 7ade me thin& ou loved me1- Aoe rolled his ees.
-Aade1 . dont #are. You are "un to &iss and stu"", but oure #ra'' in bed. . li&e variet.-
he snorted. -Harmon !as tight, eas and moaned li&e the virgin she !as. Leanne sle't
!ith me a "e! times thin&ing it !as 0ristan. 9 "e! girls in (ali, thought i !as $ustin. .m
living the 'laer L.BE/- he smir&ed. Aade started #ring as Selene #om"orted her.
-%hat the hell Aoe/ %e+re our "riends/ %h !ould ou do that1/- $an as&ed.
-(ause i #an. . li&e se5 bos. 9nd none o" ou stu#& to being 'laers !ith me. $ustin
too& Sa''hire, 9aron too& Harmon, Sha!n too& Le5i, 3enn and $an, and 0ristan...i
dont &no! about him.- Aoe said.
-%ait/ So ou "u#&ed Harmon...and ou told her our name !as 9aron1/ 0hats LO%/-
Emma said. -She !as 1F and ou too& her virginit1/ Got her 'regnant and no! she+s at
home #ring #ause o" the 'ain it #aused her1/ Aoe, ou "u#&ing bastard 'ie#e o" shit/- she
-Oh god, i &no! that ou !hore/- Aoe elled.
-%ait again/ You !ere 'lanning on doing Sa''h and Le5i too. 9nd Selene.- 0ristan said.
Sha!n gro!led and 'un#hed Aoe again. $ustin held m !aist 'rotr#tivl.
-You !hat1/- $aimen and Selene elled. Aoe smir&ed !hile "ighting o"" 9aron and
-%H90 0HE HE(J .S GO.2G O21/- a loud voi#e said. %e all turned to see Prin#i'al
-%hats going on, is that Aoe "u#&ed m 1Fear old virgin sister and got her 'regnant, b
telling her he !as someone else/- Sha!n elled. Prin#i'al Aameson loo&ed at us all.
-.s this true1-
-Yes.- !e all said. Aoe gro!led at us. Prin#i'al loo&ed at us all and said.
-2o violen#e in the s#hool. %ould ou all li&e to see a guidan#e #ounselor1- he as&ed.
-2O/- !e all s#reamed. He #hu#&led and loo&ed at Sha!n and 9aron.
-2o violen#e in the s#hool. . understand our 'lease #ontinue this 9B0ER
s#hool.- he said. 9aron thre! Aoe do!n and grabbed his o!n bag.
-Lets go.-he said. Sha!n nodded and too& Le5i+s hand. Slo!l !e all le"t !ith !hile
loo&ing at the bruised bastard. %ho !ouldve &no!n...that it !as AOE/ Kuiet, s!eet,
loving, Aoe/
-Oh and Aoe1- Aade said. He loo&ed u'.
-3eing a 'laer su#&s. Loo& at 0ristan and then at $aimen. %ho+s ha''ier1 $aimen is.
He has a girl"riend, doesnt #heat, and the love ea#hother. $ustin too. You !ill 'robabl
not "ind a girl !ho res'e#ts ou anmore. So have "un !ith our li"e...alone.- she said,
grabbing Selene and !al&ing a!a.
)*$ustins PO,*)
0H90 !as a !eight o"" m #hest/ 7 bla#&mail !as de"e#tive/ Sa''h didnt even loo& at
it. . LO,E her/ ." Aoe tried something on her, i !ouldve &i#&ed his !horish butt to (hina.
On#e s#hool !as over and !e !ere driving home, i loo&ed at Sa''hire.
-%ere ou serious about m 'unishment1-
-Ye'. 2o se5ual things "or t!o !ee&s.- she smir&ed. . smiled.
-You !ont be able to resist....- i said.
-es i !ill. .m mad.- she said. . nodded and smir&ed.
-3e mad...but b the end o" the da ou+ll beg me to "u#& ou.-i said. She smiled and
rolled her ees. %hen !e !ere home, i sat b Sa''hire on the #ou#h. She too& out her
home!or& and started mathemati#s. . &e't staring at her.
-You &no! i #ant #on#entrate !ith ou staring...- she said.
-.+ll sto' staring !hen ou sto' being beauti"ul.- i smiled. She smiled and !ent ba#& to
her !or&. 0ime to get tal& "u#&ing.
-3ut ou &no! !hat im thin&ing1- i as&ed.
-0hat our "a#e is beauti"ul. .ts small, round, and 'er"e#t. .t leads to our slender ne#&,
that i #ould &iss and su#& all
da long.- i said breathing ver #lose to her. She sti""ened.
-9nd as 'rett it is, belo! it is even better. 0hen ou have our ama6ing breasts. 0he
ones i #an su#& the ni''les o"" "rom, nibble them, taste them, li#& them, and best o" all,
breast "u#& ou.- i smiled. Sa''h shi"ted un#om"ortabl in her seat.
-0he small, #urv !aist and hi's, long #lean legs that love &isses, and m "avorite
'art...our #enter. (lean, "resh, s!ollen, tight, !et and read "or me. .t 'robabl is !et
right no!. . #an tell. . #an s'an& ou li&e $aimen did. . &no! ou li&ed it. 9 ni#e red
burning ass, ma&es ou #ome doesnt it1 .d li#&, su#&, and nibble our #lit and #enter until
ou s#reamed ho! mu#h ou loved me. 0hen imagine m =in#her #rushed inside ou.
Going out and in at in#redible s'eed.- i smir&ed at the sha&ing Sa''hire.
Haha, i have a "eeling im getting a mindblo!ing "u#& "rom m lover tonight....
(ha'ter D@
)*$ustins PO,*)
. #ontinued to smile at Sa''hire and get her nervous. She tried doing home!or& but
#ouldnt #on#entrate. . !as rubbing her arm, lightl and !his'ering !hat id do to her in
bed. She "innal stood u' and glared at me.
-$ustin (arter, i told ou no se5 "or t!o !ee&s/ 9nd no!, im all horn/
Soo...$9.7E2/- she #alled. $aimen #ame ho''ing do!n the stairs.
-Yeeeess1- he smiled. Sa''hire !al&ed over to him.
-.m not having se5 !ith $ustin "or t!o !ee&s, and im horn...sooo...- she smir&ed.
$aimen laughed and held her hand.
-Haha, sure/ .m going to en4o our 'unishment $ustin/ Lets go Sa''h.- he said, 'ulling
her u' to a room. . sood there o'en mouthed. $id she 4ust re4e#t me1 92$ m se51 She+s
got sel" #ontrol, ill give her that. Stu'id sel" #ontrol.
. sat do!n and turned on the 0,. .t !asnt long be"ore i heard them.
-$amn Sa''h/ $ont sto'/ Baster/- i heard $aimen ell. . gro!led and turned the volume
u'. 0hen ten minutes later.
-Oh $aimen/ Oh god, oohh/ God/ $aimen/- Sa''h s#reamed. 0he !ere doing this on
'ur'ose. . hate them.
)*$aimens PO,*)
Sa''h and i !ere sitting on her bed ma&ing se5 sounds !hile doing home!or&. Ever
"ive minutes one o" us !ould moan or ell something loudl to ma&e $ustin mad. 9nd
evertime, the 0, volume !ould go higher. %e laughed and !hen !e "inished our
hom!or&, !e messed u' m hair, and Sa''h+s #lothes.
%e !al&ed ba#& do!nstairs to "ind a ,ERY 'issed o"" $ustin, !at#hing tv. %hen he sa!
us he turned o"" the tv an glared.
-.m not stu'id.- he said. %e raised an eebro!.
-%hat1- i as&ed, !orried he &ne!.
-You gus moane e5tra loud, 4ust to ma&e me mad.- he "ro!ned. Sa''h smiled.
-$id it !or&1- she as&ed. $ustin shoo& his head.
-. #an survive a !ee& !ithout se5, Sa''h.- He said. . laughed.
-Sas 7r. . used to do t!o a night.- i smiled. Sa''h sma#&ed m arm.
-$ont remind him o" his 'ast. 9"ter the !ee& is through, !e+ll have lotsa "un.- she
!in&ed. $ustin smir&ed. . #hu#&ed and !ent to the &it#hen.
0he ne5t da, !e had boring s#hool. Harmon #ame toda. She !as red eed, but held
onto 9aron and Sha!n all the time. Aoe didnt sho! u'. . #alled 9aron.
-%hats u'1- he as&ed.
-%heres Aoe1- . as&ed.
-.n a hos'ital.- he smir&ed. 7 ees !idened.
-Ye'. Sha!n and i beat him good. . thin& !e bro&e a "e! things...-
-!o!...ou almost did that to 0ristan.-
-Yeah..than&s "or sto''ing us, $aimen.-
-2o 'rob. He almost tried to get Sa''h.-
-Haha, then ou and $ustin !ouldve &illed him.-
-Yeah, 'robabl.- i said.
)*Le5i+s PO,*)
Binall/ Sha!n is over his -must &ill the one !ho "u#&ed m sister- 6ombie mission. He
!as so stern and angr/ .t !as a#tuall 'rett se5 to !at#h. 3ut !hen the di#&head said
he !anted 7E, !e had a 'roblem. 2o! that this is over, Sha!n and i #an "u#&. . staed
at Selenes house. 7e and her are 'rett good "riends and she lives alone !ith her older
%hen i sa! Sha!n at s#hool, he smiled and ran to me. He too& m hand, as i giggled and
led me to an em't #lassroom. On#e !e !ere there he 'ut his "orehead on mine.
-Ho! has m girl been1- he as&ed. . smiled.
-Your girl1-
-Ye'. 9ll mine.-
-Hmm..i dont &no!...-
-$ont &no! !hat1-
-." im ours.- i smir&ed, and he "ro!ned.
-Listen lad, i "ound ou, gave ou the best se5 in the !orld, saved ou "rom our dad,
and "ound ou a home. Your 'rett mu#h mine.-
-Haha, and i than& ou "or all that.-
-Oh eah1 You than& me1-
-Yes.- i smiled. Sha!n smir&ed.
-0hen than& me. 0he right !a.-
-%hat !a1-
-0he onl !a, a "ormer ladies man &no!s.- a 'at on the ba#&1- i as&ed. He gro!led.
-Shut our mouth and let me &iss ou.- he sais, smashing his li's on mine. . smiled amd
!ra''ed m arms around his ne#&. He grabbed
m butt "rom the ba#& and 'ressed me #loser to him. He li#&ed m li' "or entran#e and i
let him in. %e grinded as our tongues dan#ed in ea#hothers mouths.
Sha!n too& one o" m breasts in his hand and sCuee6ed it. . moaned in his mouth and
started unbuttoning his shirt. He sli''ed m to' o"" and began &issing m ne#& and
shoulders. . thre! m head ba#&, and let his hands run all over me.
.n minutes !e !er! both na&ed and i !as su#&ing Sha!ns di#&. He !as moaning li&e a
ding #at and &e't #umming in m mouth. 0hen he 'ushed m "a#e o"", and li"ted me,
'utting me into $ogg stle 'osition.
-Bu#& me.- i smiled.
-Gladl.- Sha!n re'lied.
)*$ans PO,*)
im the ha''iest gu in the !orld/ So "ar, no 'roblems !ith me and 3enn. %e+ve made
out 100+s o" times but thats it. .n English he te5ted me.
3ennH He lover
$anH he
3ennH You !ant to #ome over a"ter s#hool1
$anH Sure6. .ts either that or hel' mom !ith dinner.
3ennH haha, o&. So i !as !onderin....
$anH eah1
3ennH i !anna see our #o#&.
$anH o&HI
3ennH reall1
$anH eah. 9s long as i #an see ours.
3ennH deal/ Haha
$anH o&a thenHI
3ennH i "eel bad "or Emma
$anH eah. 0ristans bab !ill be a mess.
3ennH i 7E920 #ause she+s alone.
$anH eah. 0ristan !ill eventuall get her ba#&.
3ennH i ho'e so....
%e #ontinued until #lass ended. . love 3enn. Bor = months ive loved him, but i !as too
s#ared to tell him. . mean, him and i !ere the biggest Aunior 'laers in s#hool. 2o! im
ga and he+s bi. 9nd he li&es me. 0han& god "or Sa''hire/ 0hat girl started this !hole
thing. She 'robabl told Sha!n to ma&e us share a room. She dared 3enn to &iss me. 9
small s'ar& did it.
S#hool is sooo unevent"ul/ . te5ted m mom, letting her &no! im going to 3enns house.
7 mom &no!s im ga...m dad doesnt. 0o him, im the 792 o" the "amil. 0he
mas#uline man !ho gets all the ladies and 'uts all men to shame. ." he &ne!...he might
3enn &e't !in&ing at me during #lasses, ma&ig me shiver and him #hu#&le.
Y+&no!...3enn never seemed li&e a 'laer name. 9ll the 'laers i hear about usuall
have big strong names. Li&e ou dont #all a 'laer -0ommie- or -Breddie-. 9nd ou dont
#all a nerd or gee& big and tough names, li&e -3la6e-, -Aagger-, and -Pier#e-. 0ristan is a
ni#e name "or his 'ersonalit. $an, is a sim'le name. Li&e 0om or 7a5. $ustin, $aimen,
9aron, Sha!n, and Aoe are 'laer names too. 3ut 3enn1 2ot reall.
9"ter s#hool, 3enn and i told the gus !e !ere leaving.
-Your going !ith 3enn1- Sa''h as&ed me.
-Yeah. He+s m bo"riend no!. 9nd !e !ere8-
-You !ere gunna do something...big !erent ou/- she gas'ed. . nodded. 0hen Sa''hire
'ut on a smug grin. . rolled m ees as she giggled and teased me.
-9!!!!/ Little $an+s gunna have "un !ith 3enn/- she sCuealed. . gro!led.
-Oh leave me alone !oman.-
-2o'e- she said 'o''ing the -'-. . smiled and gave her a Cui#& hug. 0hen i !ent to
3enns house.
2o one !as home and !e sat on the #ou#h together. . loo&ed at him a!&!ardl and he
-%hat1- i as&ed. He #hu#&led.
-Your ver nervous.-
-So1- i 'outed. 3enn leaned in and set his li's on mine. . tugged on his lo!er li' and he
'arted. . tasted his mouth and moaned as he massaged m tongue !ith his. . tugged on
his 4ean belt and he smir&ed.
He started unbuttoning m shirt and &issing m 4a!line and ne#&. . moaned so"tl
undoing his shirt and 'ants. Soon !e !er do!n to our bo5ers. 3enn &nelt do!n in "ront
o" me and 'ulled m bo5ers do!n. He smiled !idel !hen he sa! m 'a#&age.
-2i#e di#& $ann.- he smiled. . dont !ant to sound #on#ieted..but ive got a se5 di#&.
0hi#&, long and ni#e ti' thats slightl 'ur'leish.
3enn too& it in his hand and stro&ed it so"tl and loningl. . gas'ed and laed ba#&,
en4oing his tou#h. 0his has been m dream/ 3enn %al&er, a#tuall 4a#&ing me o"".
0hen i "elt a !arm moisture on m di#& ti'. . loo&ed u' and sa! 3enn su#&ing me. .
groaned, gri''ing onto the #ou#h #ushins. 0he su#ling got more intense and i !as #oming
in 3enn+s mouth #ontinuesl.
0hen !e s!it#hed 'ositions. . too& his dra!ers o"" and got a good loo& at his #o#&. .t !as
'er"e#t/ ?in#hes, mus#l !ith visible veins and glisming !ith 're#um. . eagerl too& him
in m mouth s!irling m tongue around him. 0his is gunna be a good da.
)*Harmons PO,*)
%hen !e got home i ran to m room, and sat on m bed. . H90E Aoe/ %h !ould he do
that1/ . lost m virginit to a man!hore !ho doesnt even li&e me/ . love 9aron/ %h
#ouldnt it have been him1
-Harmon1/- m mom #alled.
-Yeah1- i ans!ered.
-7a&e oursel" de#ent darling, 9aron+s #oming u'/- 7 mom #alled. .t too& me and
Sha!n begging "or m 'arents to be o&a !ith 9aron and i going out. 9aron !on m
mom b "i5ing her #om'uter...and dad #ause he arm !res#les.
9aron #ame into m room and sat b me.
-He Prin#ess, ho! are ou1-
-Good/ You1-
-Ha''.- he smiled. $ammit/ He loo&ed so se5 in his 4eans and tight tshirt. . got u' and
sat on his la', and &issed him. He gra#iousl res'onded, 'utting his arms around m
!aist and &issing ba#&.
His hands traveled to m shirt hem and he tugged. %e got m shirt o"" and 9aron began
&issing m 4a!, ne#&, (hest and "inall m breasts. He li#&ed them over m 'in& bra,
!etting the #loth.
9aron grabbed m hands and lo#&ed them in one o" his and held them above
m head as he set me on the matress. He s&ill"ull too& o"" m bra one8handed, and
li#&ed on o" m ni''les, !hile 'in#hing the other. . breathed heavil as orgasms began to
-9aron/- i groaned. He loo&ed ba#& u' at me, smiling.
-2o "ore'la no!..-
-3ut i love it/- he "a&e 'outed.
-3ut i #ant ta&e it/-
-Ho! about this...ride me, and !e have no "ore'la toda. $eal1-
-$eal/ La do!n.- i ordered. He smiled and obeed as he stri''ed and i too& m shorts
and 'anties o"". . slid to his ere#t di#&, sitting ne5t to his di#&.
-You sure ou !ant this1- he as&ed. . nodded.
-Yeah, i am.-
-%ell then..- he said grabbing both m hi's and 'ositioning m 'uss above his di#&.
-Ride +em (o!girl.-
(ha'ter E0
)*$ustins PO,*)
Ugh/ .ts been several das and Sa''hire is sti#&ig to her !ord/ 2o se5/ She+s gone u'
!ith $aimen man times and the both dont tr to hide their moans and s#reaming.
-Saaaaaa''''hhh/ Pleeeeaaasseee/- i begged. She smiled and shoo& her head.
-2o'e. Onl D das le"t/- she said. $aimen laughed and i gro!led.
-Shut u'/ Youve been getting se5 everda/- i said. $aimen smir&ed and grabbed
Sa''hires arm, 'ulling her to him. 0he &issed and grinded on ea#hother. . groaned and
turned around. 0hen $aimens #ell rang.
-Hello1 Yeah. He %assu'1 2othing...(OOL/ %hen1 9lright, be.- he smiled.
-%ho !as that1/- m mom #alled "rom the &it#hen. Ho! long !as she there1
-0ristan, mom.- $aimen said.
-%e+re going to a 'art tonight.- He said. Sa''h 'ut on a !orried loo&, and glan#ed at
me. She !as thin&in o" our "irst 'art together...
. got u' and hugged her.
-$ont !orr. . love ou Sa''hire.- i smiled. She nodded.
-. love ou too, $ustin. 2o! get o"" be"ore i &iss ou.- she said shoving me o"". .
laughed and sat ba#& do!n. .+ll get her to &iss me, be"ore the 'unishment is over.
)*Selenes PO,*)
Stu'id Le5i. Stu'id Harmon. Stu'id Sa''hire. Stu'id Aoe.
. dont get it. . thro! msel" at bos, i dress to 'lease them, but i S0.LL dont have a
bo"riend. 7i&e is still available but...i dont li&e him. . !as at home this Saturda on m
"a#eboo&, !hen m #ell rang.
.t !as 0ristan.
-He 0ristan. %assu'1-
-Ho! the hell did ou &no! it !as me1/- he elled. . rolled m ees.
-(aller .$, stu'id.- im one o" our #onta#ts eh1-
-Yeah...dont get an #ree' ideas &id. %eve all been hanging out together. . needed our
#ell number in #ase o" emergen#ies.-
-(ause i" ou !ere in trouble, im the "irst one ou+d #all.-
-2o, id #all 9aron. 0hen $ustin. 0hen Sha!n. 0hen $aimen. 0hen 3enn. 0hen the
G.RLS.- i smir&ed. 0ristan laughed.
-i li&e ou too, Selene. Haha.-
-Ugh, !h did ou #all t!er'1-
-(ause im having a 'art, and our #oming.-
-9m i1-
-Yeah ou+re #oming...ou !ill be !a or another...#oming...- he said, then
#hu#&led. . groaned.
-0hat !as disgusting 0ristan/-
-Hahaha, i &no!/ So get our Senior ass over here at ?, o&1-
-$e'ends on !ho+s going...-
-Everone is. .ts 0ristan Po!ers, remember1-
-%hatever &id, see a.-
-. love ou too senior/- he laughed. (ree' &id. . shut the 'hone and #alled Aade. 0hen
7eghan, then (hemile. 0he !ere 9LL going. . !as soooo bored/ 3ored enough to
a#tuall be doing m home!or&/ Have i reall sun&en that lo!1
. loo&ed the m #om'uter #lo#& and it !as ;'m. . #alled 0ristan. . #ant believe im doing
-He Love/- he ans!ered. . rolled m ees.
-Hi t!er'. . !as !ondering i" ou needed hel' setting u' or something1 (ause im not
doing anthing and...-
-Oh/ . get it/ You missed me/ 9!!!!!, sure ou #an #ome....over.-
-i didnt miss ou. . sa! ou esterda.-
-0hat !as a !hole $9Y ago/-
-Ugh, dro' our #ree' #rush/ So no! is good1-
-Sure babe. . need hel' !ith "ood and stu"".-
-O& ill be there in 1;minutes.-
-So ou &no! !here i live, eh1-
-Ugh/ 0ristan/ Sta on to'i#/-
-%hatever, see ou in 1;, lover.- he sa.d hanging u'. Little Aunior has a #rush on me/
E!!!. He+s so little/ O&, ounger. 0ristans as big as the Seniors and is 'rett hot. Sand
blond hair, shar' "!a///
. got in a "lash green minis&irt and mat#hing to' that sho!ed a lot o" #leavage. . 'ut on
some stilletos, ma&eu' and 'er"ume and i !as smo&in se5. Le5i !as over at Sha!ns so
i didn need to babsit her. O&, o&, Le5i+s ni#e and s!eet. 3ut im 4ealous he has Sha!n.
. got to 0ristans house at ;HE0'm. %hen i &no#&ed a !oman around E0 ears old
ans!ered in a maids out"it.
-Hello1-i smiled. 0he !oman smiled as !ell.
-Your Selene1-
-Yes/- i smiled. She nodded
-0ristan said that !hen ou #ame to tell ou that he+s u'stairs.- she grinned. . nodded and
ho''ed u' the !ide and long stairs, and u' to the to' "loor.
-0R.S092/- i #alled.
-.n the sho!er/ You #an #he#& all the rooms and ma&e sure the are #lean "or 'eo'le !ho
are getting laid/- he elled. . rolled m ees.
-Sure, !h not.- i said, #he#&ing the 10 rooms. 0ristans ri#h as hell. Ever girls dream.
Ri#h, hot, #harming, ri#h....oh and a ni#e 'ersonalit. %hen i !as done, i !ent to 0ristans
room and sat on the bed. He had a ni#e #om'uter and "lat s#reen 0,. . turned it on and
began !at#hing some #omed sho!. 7oments later in !al&ed a 0ristan !ith a to!el
hanging loosel o"" his hi's.
God $amn, he had good abs/ His hair !as dam' and loose, s&in !as dri''ing !et, and
his mus#ular arms and lo!er legs, glistened. He smir&ed !hen he sa! me staring.
-He Senior, li&e the vie!1-
-You !ish.- i s#o""ed.
-%ell, ou %ERE i assumed u li&ed !hat ou sa!....- he trailed smir&ing. .
rolled m ees. 0ristan !al&ed over to me and stood in#hes a!a. . tried "o#using on the
tv...but i #ouldnt. . stood u' as !ell and he had a good three in#hes on me, even !ith the
-So ou "ind me ugl1-He as&ed
-not ugl, 4ust88-
-0hen se51-
-Ugh, no/ Your 4ust 'lain.-
-Hmm...- he leaned over and i too& a ste' ba#& and "ell on the bed, !ith 0ristan on to' o"
-Aust 'lain am i1- he !his'ered on me.
-Ye'.- i said, smir&ing. 0ristan nodded, and set his hand on m thigh.
-So senior, !hat does a gu have to do to be above 'lain1- he as&ed, rubbing m legs. .
"elt his ere#tion on m stoma#h and m #lit
-Um....i...- i stuttered. 0ristan smir&ed and 'ut m shirt #loth in his mouth.
-%hd ou !ant to #ome here earl1- he as&ed.
-#8#ause...i !as bored.- i said. 0ristan smiled and nu66led m ne#&.
-9re ou sure1 Aust bored1- he said.
-9re ou sure ou didnt miss me1 Or mabe...ou "elt le"t out.- i s#o""es.
-le"t out o" !hat1-
-0he #ou'les. Harmon and 9aron, Sa''hire and the bos, Sha!n and Le5i, 3enn and
$an...ou never had a real
bo"riend have ou, Selene1 Aust "u#& buddies. Right1-
-Ye'. . &no! ouve never said +i love ou+ !hile having se5 be"ore.- he said as i
"ro!ned. He+s right.
-A84ust get o"" me, Aunior.- i said. 0ristan smiled.
-You li&e me on to' o" ou, Senior.-
-%h !ould ou sa that1-
-(ause i" ou didnt, ou !ouldve told me to get o"" earlier.- he smir&ed. . gro!led.
-. !ant ou o"". So !hat i" ive never loved be"ore1 You #ant hel'. You are a 4er&. You
got Emma 'regnant and sle't !ith everone be"ore.- i said. 0ristans ees turned angr.
-Li&e ou. $ont lie, Aames !ho !as a senior got ou 'regnant last ear. You have sle't
!ith ever gu !ith a di#&. Even the ga ones. You+re no better than me Selene/- he
elled. . started #ring. Aames did get me 'regnant an i aborted it. . sle't !ith ever gu
in s#hool. . am a slut. 0ristan #ontinued.
-1<D the 'eo'le ou thin& i sle't !ith !ere a#tuall AOE. 9nd as "or Emma1 .t !as an
a##ident/ . dont li&e her/ She !as 4ust at the !rong 'la#e at the !rong time. .ve #heated
on Leanne, but she also #heated on me/ She !ont admit it, but ive seen her. . dont li&e
her either/- he said. . nodded and #ried some more. 0ristan sat u' and hugged me as i
#ried in his #hest. 7ind ou, he !as still in the to!el. 9"ter i !as done #ring, he loo&e at
-.m sorr.- he said.
-Bor !hat1/-
-7a&ing ou #r.-
-its o&. 7a i use the bathroom to #lean u'1-
-Yeah, sure/ .+ll #hange.- he said.
-0han&s Aunior.-
-2o 'rob Senior.-
)*Sa''hires PO,*)
!hen !e got to the 'art it !as booming/ 0ristans house is HUGE/
-Ever gotten drun& be"ore1- $ustin as&ed me. . shoo& m head. $aimen laughed.
-0r it tonight. $ustin+ll sta sober "or us.- he smiled. . glared.
-Get drun&1 7e1-
-eah/ .ts "un/-
-2o no no/ .ve never done that be"ore/-
-(+mon babe, 4ust on#e. Pleeeeaassee/- $aimen 'outed, as !e entered the house. . sighed.
-O&, "ine. 3ut dont let me do anthing stu'id.-
-O" #ourse not. . !ont drin&, ill &ee' ou both in line.- $ustin smiled. %hen i loo&ed
around i sa! Emma, Leanne, (harlene, Harmon and some other #heerleaders tal&ing. .
ho''ed over and huggd them all.
-So is this house a!esome or !hat/- 9 girl named Jaitln as&ed. %e all nodded.
-. &no!/- Leanne smiled.
-Your bo"riend is rriii###h/- (harlene smiled. Leanne+s "a#e dro''ed.
-3o"riend1 Oh 0ristan and i...!e arent together.-
-%h not1/- i as&ed.
-%ell. You &no!, he did all that to Emma and Aoe and stu""... So i bro&e u' !ith him.-
she said Cuietl. Harmon raised an eebro!, then le"t to tal& to her "riends.
$aimen #ame b and gave me a bottle o" al#ohol. Emma sa! it and smiled.
-Getting drun& Sa''hie1-
-Aust tring it on#e.-
-Haha, have "un/- she said, as i #hugged do!n the drin&. 3enn and $an
!al&ed over to us !hile i !as on m se#ond drin&.
-He Girls/- 3enn smiled. . hugged him and $an "riendl and smiled.
-He gus, !assu'1-
-0he s&/- $an smir&ed. He !as drun&. . laughed and lin&ed arms !ith Emma !ho
!anted to sti#&
!ith me the entire 'art.
-$an/ Ho! man "ingers am i holding u'1- Emma as&ed holding u' three. $an sCuinted
and smiled.
-"our aaand t!oo thumbssss. .m not ssstu'id.- he said as Emma laughed.
-$id ou bos have "un the other da1- i !in&ed at $an and 3enn. 3enn blushed but
$an smiles
-Lotsa "un/ 3en4emennn and i, !ere best budddiessss.- he said. Emma smir&ed.
-$id ou &iss1- she as&ed.
-Hell6 eeeaa/ He &issed m "a####e, li's annnd m diiii88- he started but 3emm #ut
him o"".
-Kuit ta&ing advantage o" his drun&ness.- he smiled, leading $an a!a.
9s the 'art !ent on, i dan#es !ith $aimen E times and $ustin too. . dran& F more drin&s
and i !as as drun& as hell. So !as $aimen.
-Saaaaa'''h/ %heres $ust1-$aimen as&ed. . shrugged
-. donnt &noo!!!/ Letsa goe6 and gettem/- i slurred. $aimen and i lin&ed arms and
!al&ed through the #ro!d and "ound $ustin, smiling at us.
-$ust/ You !ere lossstt/- i said.
-Haha, no ive been here "or a !hile.- he smiled. $aimen laughed.
-Oooo6 o&. Ee!!/ $ust smells li&e "eet/- he said. 0hen !e both burst out laughing.
-He Austin1- i as&ed.
-es 3abe1-
-Lets &iisss//- i said, thro!ing msel" at him. He almost &issed me, but ba#&ed u'.
-3ut, i !aaaannntt it/ Your li's are 'reettt/ . !ant to &iisss/- i !hined. $ustin shoo& his
-%hhh nott/ You saaaaid ou lovve mee/- i said, !ith tears. $ustin smiled.
-. do love ou. So go have "un and !e #an &iss later.- he said. $aimen 'ut on a #o#&
-0his 'art is soooo """unn/ $a''hire1-
-%haat1- i as&ed.
-%h doesss oour name havve t!o P+s init1- $aimen as&ed.
-.t $OESS1 %ait/ Sa''hirrreee doesssnt haavve an P+s/- i argued.
-Your name is $a'hne/ 2ot Emmil/- $aimen said. %e both sto''ed tal&ing, then
#ra#&ed u' again. 0hen Sha!n sauntered over
-He &iddies/- he said, not as drun& as !e !ere.
-Heee Sha!n/- i smiled. He hugged me. Sha!n never hugged me. . onl hug $aniel
and 3enn #ause there ga/ Or bi... 3ut i dont hug straight bos besides m t!o.
-Shha!!n/ Getttto""a her6/- $aimen elled !obbil.
-3ut she+s sooo !arm/ 9nd so""tt/- Sha!n 'outed. . giggled and 'ushed him o"".
-$ust is so""tt too/ %here is he1- i as&ed. Sha!n and $aimen loo&ed around.
-Letssa ggo "ind him/- $aimen said. %e s'read out and drun& old me, de#ided to #he#&
the u'stairs bedrooms. . &no#&ed on one.
-Someones in here/- !hat sounded li&e (harlene said.
-%ith !hooo1- i as&ed.
-.s that Sa''hire1 %ell 2O0 $ustin or $aimen.- she said. . giggled and !ent to the ne5t
door. Em't. 0he third !as 9aron and Harmon. . &no! #ause i heard them moaning
ea#hothers names. 0hen i &no#&ed on door SF. 2o ans!er, so i o'ened the door and
-Selene1 0ristan/- i said, turning m "a#e. Even a drun& girl &no!s to turn her "a#e !hen
'eo'le are at it.
-(lose the door Sa''h, dear.- Selene said. . did and #he#&ed the rest o" the rooms. 2o
$ust.i ho''ed ba#& do!n and sa! him eating #hi's.
-$ussst/ . !as loo&inggg "oor oo/- i slurred. He "ro!ned.
-%h !ere ou loo&ing u'stairs1- he as&ed. . raised an eebro!.
-(ausssse ou mightttve beennn there- i smiled. He gro!led.
-%hat1/ 0o #heat on ou1 $ont ou trust me1- he as&ed, !ith hurt in his ees.
-., i...- and i 'assed out be"ore "inishing m ans!er.

(ha'ter E1

)*$aimens PO,*)

. !o&e u' !ith a ma4or heada#he. Last thing i remember !as $ustin holding Sa''hire,
telling me to get m butt in the #ar. . heard t!o 'eo'le !his'ering and got u'. i !as in a
tshirt and s!eat'ants, and loo&ed 'resentable.

Last night !as BU2/ . barel remember !hat ha''ened...but it !as #ool/ i &ne! Sa''h
had "un too. i !al&ed into the &it#hen and sa! m mom and Sa''hire tal&ing.

-He !omen.- i smiled, !al&ing in. 7 mom smiled and Sa''h gave me a Cui#& hug.

-He $aimen. 0ired1 Heada#he1 2ausious1- 7 mom said. i nodded.

-9ll o" the above/- i groaned. Sa''h giggled.

-Yeah, me too.- she said, handing me a !hite 'ill and a glass o" !ater. i smiled and
gul'ed them do!n.

-So...!hat time did !e get home1- i as&ed.

-2ear midnight. $ustin !as holding S''hire, !ho he said, 'assed out. 9nd ou !ere hal"
aslee', smiling and tal&ing nonsense.- m mom laughed. . smiled.

-%here is $ustin1-. as&ed.

-9slee'.- Sa''h said. 0hen the song -You 3elong !ith 7e- started 'laing and Sa''h
'i#&ed u' her 'hone.

-Hello1 Oh he Emma/ Yeah, sorr bout that...midnight...!hat1 go on...uh
huh....eah...o&...reall1 !o!...o&, than&s "or letting me &no!. O&, be.- she said,
hanging u'.

-%ho !as that1- m mom as&ed.


-%hatd she sa1-

-She told me !hat ha''ened last night...-

-%hat1- i as&ed.

-she said, i !as su'er drun& and begged $ustin to &iss me...but he said no. She said that
he !as honoring m rule o" no se5, even though i !as drun&.-

-9!!!!/ ho! s!eet o" him/- 7 mom said. . nodded. %o! $ustin. . !ouldve &issed
her and done more i" she !as !illing. $run& or sober.

-Ho! s!eet o" !ho1- Henr said, #oming do!n the stairs.

-Oh nothing.- Sa''hire smiled, hugging her dad. He hugged ba#& then raised an

-Guess !hat1-

-%hat1- %e all as&ed.

-%e+re going on a visiting tri'.-

-0o !ho1- . as&ed. 7 mom giggled.

-0o a "amil reunion/ %ell...Henr and Sa''hires "amil...but our ne! "amil/- She
sCuealed. Sa''hire smiled e5#itedl, then "ro!ned.

-$ad1 !h dont ou tell me anthing1-

-.t !as a sur'rise/ 2o! !e leave tommoro!, o&1 (ome Hannah, lets 'a#&.- he said,
&issing m mom, and rubbing her butt.

-E%/ get a room/- Sa''hire gagged. 7 'arents laughed and le"t to their rooms.

. sat !ith Sa''h at the table and smiled.

-So ou li&e or disli&e the 'eo'le at the reunion1- i as&ed.

-Oh i love them/ 7 un#les and aunts are #ool and "unn, m grandma is ni#e, and m
#ousins are 'rett good too. 7ost o" them, but i love em an!a.- she said.

-%hatre our #ousins names and ages1-

-Aames, Jaden, Emil, 0a!ni, Peter and %ill are oung. Under 1F. 7oniCue, 3uster,
(hase, Lila#, and 2oel are older.-

-(ool/- . smiled.

-Yeah, and !e al!as 'la games, barbeCue, have big slee'overs, and !at#h movies
together/ . havent been there in D ears, but i #ant !ait/-

-Great, ou #an introdu#e $ustin and ..-

-Oh es/ Lila# and 7oniCue !ill "rea&/- she sCuealed. i laughed as $ustin grumbled
do!n the stairs. . smiled as Sa''h lunged at him and &issed his #hee&.

-%oah/...good morning to ou too/- he laughed. She smiled and told him !hat Emma
said. He blushed and shrugged.


-So m 'unishment is o"".- she smiled &issing his li's and ne#&. $ustin gave her a hard

-9re ou drun& still1- he as&ed. she laughed and shoo& her head.


-O& then/- he e5#laimed, &issing her ba#&. . smiled, and !ent to sho!er and give them

)*$ustins PO,*)

Sa''hire and i &issed "or a good ;minutes, then i sli''ed m hands underneath her
oversi6ed tshirt, and rubbeed her !aist. She smiled and gra6ed m ne#& and to' o" m

-Guess !hat dad told me1- she murmered.

-mmm, !hat1-

-%e+re going to a "amil reunion tommoro!. 9 ver a!esome one.- she said, ta&ing m
shirt o"".

-(ool, got &ids our age1- i as&ed, sli''ing her 0 o"". She nodded.

-Ye', and our age.- i laed her on the #ou#h and 'ressed on her bod, un#li''ing her
bra. Sa''hire &issed m #hest, then li&ed m ni''les lightl. 7ost girls thin& that a gus
ni''les arent sensitive or #ause arrousal...but the do. %e en4o it almost as mu#h as ou,
girls do.
. moaned, and #u''ed her breasts lightl "ondling them. . "elt he moan on m ni''le and
start su#&ing them. . gro'ed her harder, and undid her shorts. Sa''hire sto''ed su#&ing to
hel' ta&e o"" m 'ants and her shorts.
-You read1- i as&ed heavil. She nodded eagerl. . grabbed her shoulders and li"ter her,
so !e !ere ee8ee.
-Sa''hire. . !ant to tal& about last night.-
-Yes. 3e"ore !e do anthing.-
-O&. %hat is it1- she as&ed so"tl.
-You 'assed out, a"ter i as&ed ou i" ou trusted me.-
-O" #ourse i trust ou.-
-3ut ou !ere loo&ing "or me in the +one night stand+ rooms. %h1- i as&ed. Sa''hire
loo&ed do!n.
-. !as drun&...i did stu'id stu"".-
-Sa''hire, be honest. $o ou trust me enough right no!, to &no! id never #heat on
ou1- she mumbled and i "ro!ned. She didnt trust me. %h should she. . #heated
be"ore. . let go o" her as he started #ring.
-. do $ustin/ . do/- she #ried. -$ont be mad/- i sighed as i got dressed.
-.m not ou. 3ut until ou trust me, !e arent having se5.- i said. Sa''hire
nodded gluml.
-O&. .m sorr.- she said. . smiled and hugged her, hot na&ed bod.
-2o babe, its m "ault. . made it so that ou #ouldnt trust me. . betraed our trust be"ore.
So ill do all i #an to get it ba#&.- i said, as she smiled.
-O&. %e+d bette get 'a#&ing. %e leave to (olorado tommoro! morning/- she sang. .
laughed amd !ent to m room. E'airs o" 4eans, Fshirts, bo5ers, s!imming shorts, 4a#&et, all 'a#&ed. $aimen !al&ed it m room.
-He big bro.- he said. -. heard !hat ha'' 'roud o" ou. You serm to #are about
-. do/ . love her/ . did all that !ith Aoe to 'rote#t her.- i said. $aimen nodded.
-%ell, she loves ou too. 9 lot. Even though, a"ter !hat ouve done to her, she has good
reason not to. So do !hat ou #an to gain her trust, $ustin.- he said.
)*Hannahs PO,*)
i s'ent the entire da getting read. 7a&e sure Henrs stu"" is 'a#&ed, &ids things are
'a#&ed, road sto's 'lanned, and sna#&s/ 0his !ill be so "un/ S'ending time !ith m ne!
and old "amil/ Oh $ustin and $aimen !ill have su#h "un/ Sa''hire !ill introdu#e them
and ma&e them "eel !el#ome.
0he ne5t morning, i !o&e everone u' at =HE0am, to get read. . too& a sho!er, then
Henr, $ustin, Sa''hire and then $aimen. Sa''h and i #oo&ed Eggs and toast "or the
men as the hauled our bags in the #ar.
-Perha's !e should go out "or a girls da/- i suggested to Sa''hire.
-Good idea/- she said, smiling. . smiled. Sa''hire is a good girl/ Jind, smart, 'rett,
agreeable/ . see !h m sons li&e her. Sons...its sounds so !ierd. .m not entirl ha''
about the threesome...but i" that+ll ma&e m bos non8'laer, and better 'eo'le...then im
o& !ith it.
9n hour later !e !ere on the road. . loo&ed at the &ids and the !ere all on their i'ods. .
-$ont ou &ids !ant to tal& or 'la a game1- i as&ed. $aimen loo&ed horri"ied.
-2o !a/ .ve 'laed all the road games i #an 'la "or the month/- he said. Sa''hire and
$ustin laughed. . raised an eebro!.
-2ever the less, !e are going to s'end Cualit time together. Soooo, !hat game1-
-.Pod shu""le game/ Sha&e the i'od and !hoever has the #ooler song 'la, !ins/-
$aimen said. Aust as i !as about to 'rotest,
-.m in/- Henr said, 'ulling out an iPod 2ano. . sighed but too& out m i'od #lassi#.
Yes, 'arents have i'ods too/ %e all shoo& em and !aited "r the results.
HenrH . !ant it 0hat !a8 3a#&street bos.
7eH Heavan8 $4 Samm
$ustinH Sma& that8 a&on
$aimenH 0i& to&8 JeMha
Sa''hireH Po&er Ba#e8 Lad gaga
!e agreed that $aimen !on. 2e5t, i !on !ith $o!n b Aa Sean. 0hen Henr !ith some
7i#heal Aa#&son song. .t !as "un, but not as interesting as i thought it !ould be.
0hen $aimen too& out his i'hone and 'laed a movie "or us all. He #hose Han#o#&. 0hen
Sa''hire #hose 7 sisters Jee'er. Sad movie, sad stor, sad situation, sad a#ting.
3 the time !e !ere tired and bored, !e arrived at $enver, (olorado/
)*Sa''hires PO,*)
%ere here/ Yaaa/ 2o! !e+ll see m #ousins, and "amil thats never seen m
bo"riends/ 7 dad drove to Un#le (arls house, !here over E0 'eo'le !ere sitting and<or
9s soon as he 'ar&ed the #ar, i ho''ed out, and ran to hug m Grand'arents.
-Sa''hie1/- 7 grandma gas'ed. . nodded an she hugged me ba#&. 7 grandma !as
small, and "ragile, but had Cuite a mouth on her. . !as 'ulled a!a, !hen m Grand'a
Greg hugged me.
-7 lil+ 4e!el is ni#e and tall no!/- he smiled. . laughed and &issed his #hee&. . said hi to
all m un#les, aunts and adults.
-Sa''h, got huge/-
-Shuttu' 9rt/ She+s thinner than a lam' 'ole/-
-0hin1 Psha!/ She+s #urv and hot/-
-Good thing our a third #ousin 7a5/-
-. &no!/ Haha/-
-Loo& at those B.2E bos behind her.-
-%hatre our names s!eeties1-
0hen i grabbed $aimen and $ustins arms and 'ulled them to the #enter o" the ard.
-Everone. 0his is $aimen and $ustin. 7 ne! ste'brothers.- i e5#laimed.

(ha'ter ED

)*Sa''hires PO,*)

9ll m "amil seemed sho#&ed. 7 #ousin 7a5 !as the "irst to s'ea&.

-%ell...!hatre their names1- he as&ed. . smiled.

-0his is $aimen, and this is $ustin.- . said.

-%ell arent the adorable little girls/- m great aunt Bele#it said. $aimen and $ustins
ees gre! !ide and the loo&ed at me. i laughed and shoo& m head.

-.gnore her. She+s not alright u' there.- i !his'ered. 0he bos smiled. Soon all m "amil
!as greeting the bos and admiring their hot bodies.

-oh, the 9RE adorable/-

-%ell dont get an ideas, there 'art o" the "amil no!.-

-Oh !ell, but loo& at that taller one/-

-He+s got more mus#le than Ae""/-

-9unt Bele#it...Ae"" is a hamster...-

-%here .S Henr1 He never told me he got married1/-

-%ho #ares/ 0hat lad+s got to be 'rett i" she+s got &ids that loo& li&e that/-

-$arla1 9re ou ga1-

-2O im 2O0/ . !ish ou all !ould sto' a#using me o" beign ga/-

. smiled. Good ol+ "amil.

-%here are the &ids1- i as&ed. 7a5 smiled.

-.n the living room. Plaing video games and ba&ing stu"".- He said.

-than&s/- . said, leading m bos to the house. 2O %9Y, am i telling everone that the
are m bo"riends. %hen !e entered the house, i !as 4um'ed b m #ousin Lila#.

-S9PPHH...EEE/- she sCuealed. Lila# dresses li&e an emo, but shes a ha'', 4oll girl.
Her hair is bla#& !ith violet, she has a diomand stub 'ier#ed on her nose, a slightl #urv
bod, and gre ees. 7oniCue !as right behind her. 7oniCue has 3ro!n hair, blue ees,
tall, RE9L si6e $ breasts, and she+s slightl 'lum', but in a adorable !a.

-Lila#/- i re'lied, hugging her. %e hugged "or a good long !hile until,

-Hubba Hubba/ %ho da hotties/- she sCuealed, loo&ing behind me. . raised an eebro!.

-0hese are m ste' brothers, $ustin and $aimen.- . smiled. 7oniCue #ame u' to me and
gave me a Cui#& hug. 0hen she turned to the bos.

-2o!....s it reeaalll in#est !ith a ste' #ousin1- she as&ed. i turned 'rote#tive.

-La o"" 7oniCue. 0he are...ta&en/- i said. Lila# "ro!ned.

-Oh1 Some girls ba#& in our to!n1 or their old to!n1- she as&ed.

-.n m to!n.- . said. Lila# and i are li&e best "riends. %e tell ea#h other everthing...but i
#ant tell her about me and the bos/

-Ohh...- 7oniCue said. -0oo bad...i #an give a gu a "un time- she said !in&ing at
$ustin. $ustins ees gre! !ide and he shoo& his head, as i" to #lear it. 0OO 39$. %e dont #heat on our girls.- $ustin said. $aimen nodded in
agreement. 0hen 2oel and (hase #ame in "rom the &it#hen.

-Sa''hire/- the said, !al&ing u' to me smiling. . gave em Cui#& hugs and intodu#ed
them to m bos.
-2i#e to meet ou gus.- 2oel said. 2oel is tall, not as mus#ular as m gus, but lean. He
has tanned s&in, bro!n hair, an ha6el ees. (hase is blond, lightl sur"er tanned, and blue
-2i#e to meet ou too.- $aimen smiled.

-Ho! old are ou gus1- (hase as&ed.

-.m almost 1=, and $aimens 1? in a "e! das.- $ustin said. 0he 3uster !al&ed in, !ith a

-%here the hell did ou get that/- Lila# as&ed.

-%hen our dad is barbeCuing, ou get "irst dibs.- He laughed. 3uster is a 3.G gu. 2ot
"at, or mus#ular...4ust big boned. He has bla#& !av hair, bro!n ees, and shar' "eatures.

-He 3uster/- . smiled. 3uster loo&ed at me and his ees !ent !ide.


-Yeah.- i said.

-$ang/ !hat ha''ened1/ You got hot. Unli&e Lila#...- he said. Lila# gro!led and hit his
head. Ye'...sblings.

-0han&s.- . said, still lin&ing arms !ith Lila#. 3uster !as introdu#ed to $aimen and
$ustin, and the got along !ell. Lila# giggled at us randoml
-Gus !anna ma&e #oo&ies1- she as&ed. 7oniCue laughed and shoo& her head, !hile the
bos 4ust !in#ed. . rolled m ees.
-.+ll hel'/- i said. 7oniCue groaned.
-Oh "ine, i !ill too.- she said. Lila# smiled and led us to the &it#hen !here %ill and Peter
!ere drin&ing soda. %ill is 11 and Peter is 1E.
-He bos/- i said, hugging m little #ousins.
-He #ousin.- %ill smiled.

-%hats m name1- i as&ed, raising an eebro!. %ill gul'ed and glared.
-Uh.... !as = last time i heard it/-

-So ou "orgot1-

-es.- he said Cuietl. Peter laughed.

-Hi Sa''hire/- he said. %ill smiled.

-$uh, i &no! our name/ %e all &ne! it !as Sa''hire.- he said. . nodded and
-Out out/ %e+re bus/- Lila# elled at her brothers. . smiled and hel'ed "ind the
ingredients. Emil and Jaden !al&ed in. Emil is 1D and ver beauti"ul. She has long
"lo!ing bro!n hair, and 'ier#ing blue ees. She+s 2oels sister. Jaden is : and an onl
#hild. He has blond hair, bro!n ees, and t!o missing teeth.

-He Sa''hire. Hi Lila#.- Emil smiled, holding Jadens hand.

-%assu' Em1- Lila# as&ed, 'ouring "lour and 'o!ders into a huge bo!l.

-(an !e hel'1 Jadens been as&ing to ba&e #oo&ies sin#e he got here.- she as&ed.

-Sure/- 7oniCue smiled, sitting Jaden on the #ounter.

-Yeah 7oniCue, set the : ear old on the #ounter ne5 tto the &nives and stove.- . rolled
m ees, grabbing Jaden. 7oniCue noti#ed and smiled shee'ishl.

-%hoo's...- she mumbled. %e got to !or& and in E0min, the #oo&ies !ere in the oven.

-0han&s gus, "or letting us hel'. 2o! Jaden, letsgo "ind our mommie.- Emil said. .

-.ts o& Em, ill ta&e him, ou hang !ith 0a!ni and Lila#...and i" our de'erate 7oniCue
too.- . !in&ed. 7oniCue s#o""ed.

-%hat E,ER/- she sCuealed. Lila# is m age, but 7oniCue is almost 1:. . laughed and
too& Jadens hand, leading him outside to the 'arents.

%hen i got out, m dad and Hannah !ere settled in, and tal&ing to "amil. . "ound
Jadens mom, $arla and gave him to her.

-Sa''hire/- 7a5 #alled to me. . smiled and !al&ed over.

-Ho! are ou Sa''h1-

-Good, ou1-

-Bairl !ell. (ollege is a drag. So, our brothers seem ni#e.-

-Ste' brothers.- i said Cui#&l.

-ah es, S0EPbrothers. not getting along !ith them1-

-Oh, i am. . 4ust li&e to ma&e sure 'eo'le &no! the di""eren#e.-

-O&- he said smiling.

-%hat is it ou gus are elling about1- Great 9unt Bele#it elled.

-%e !erent elling.- . smiled.

-$ont sass me, oung lad/ . &no! our name and !ho our 'arents are/- she !arned. i
laughed and a'ologi6ed. . !al&ed ba#& into the house through the ba#& door. 9s i 'assed
the halls, i heard 7oniCues voi#e.



-'lease, 'lease1-

-2o, no/- 9 voi#e res'onded !hi#h sounded li&e $ustin. . 'ee&ed into the laundr room
and sa! $ustin standing tall, !ith 7oniCue in "ront o" him.

-Aust a &iss $ustie, not se5.-

-2o, to both/-

-.ts no .n#est/ %e are ste' #ousins/ 0hats not even related/- she sCuealed. . !in#ed at
7oniCue. 0ring to hit on m bo"riend.

-Listen 7oniCue. . have a girl"riend/ . !ont #heat on her ever/ So leave me alone, or i
#an ta&e this #onversation to the 'arents.- he said sternl. 7oniCue "ro!ned, but le"t the
room almost bum'ing into me. . ran to $ustin a"ter she le"t and hugged him. He smiled
and hugged me ba#&.

-Ho! mu#h did ou hear1- He as&ed.

-Enough.- . smiled, &issing his #hee&. -(ant blame 7oniCue, she doesnt &no! our

-3ut she &ne! i had a girl"riend.-

-%ell, our so hot ou ma&e girls lose #ontrol.-

-Oh $o i1- he #hu#&led. -Yeah, i &no! i do.-

-#on#eited mu#h1-

-,er. $id ou hear Selene and 0ristan are 'rett #lose1-

-reall1 'oor Emma.-

-Yeah...'oor Emma+s bab.- $ustin sighed. . nodded and hugged him tighter.
-. love ou. 0han&s "or saing no to 7oniCue.-
-Haha, i love ou too. 9nd id never do a girl that !ears a tshirt that sas -rub here-
a#ross the breasts.- he laughed. . #hu#&led, as he &issed m li's.
-9nd id never ever #heat on ou.- he !his'ered. %e stood there hugging, until i heard
Lila# #all me.
-(oming/- i elled. $ustin smiled and gave me a Cui#& &iss and a sla' on the butt, be"ore
i ran out to Lila#. She !as in the hall, loo&ing nervous.
-!hats u'1- i as&ed. She loo&ed at me #losel.
-You+d tell me anthing right1- she as&ed. %e 'romised ea#hother that !e+d never &ee'
se#rets. . nodded.
-Yes.- i lied. She nodded and smiled.
-O&. Umm.. 0he "ood and #oo&ies are done, soo lets eat !ith the 'arents and 'la
volleball.- she smiled. . lin&ed arms !ith her and !e s&i''ed outside.
)*Lila#s PO,*)
She+s hiding something... Somethings not right about her and those bos. %e !ent to the
ard and ate. . had t!o hotdogs and 'atato salad that ddnt even have 'atatoes in it. 7a5 is
disgusting. He &ee's sending Sa''h, 7oniCue and . 'erverted loo&s, and tring to tal& to
-Greg/ 0hese hotdogs are ama6ing/- m mom smiled. Her name is Yasmin.
-%h than& ou dear. 2i#e salad 9unt Bele#it.-
-. &no!, i &no!/ %e 'i#& on the 'rett ones.- she grumbled. Everone gave her a !eird
loo&, but ignored her.
-O" #ourse Bele#it/- m grandma smiled.
-E%/ %ho brought 'ur'le &et#hu'1/-
-2oel did/-
-2oel/ Gross/-
-Haha, its #ool/ $ont be a 'art 'oo'er 0a!ni.-
-You are disgusting.-
-Shuttu', 'rin#ess.-
-Jids/ 3e Cuiet/-
-$ang 7a5/ You turn 1=, and suddenl !e are all &ids/-
-Yeah ou are.-
-Haha, and i thought adults !ere #ra6 #ause their minds !ere #urru'ted b bad =0+s
musi# and $is#o/- (hase laughed. 9ll the &ids high8"ived him.
-Hell eah/ . brought a dis#o ball/ %hos u' "or it1/- Un#le Henr elled. 0he adults
#heered. . smiled at m "amil.
-2ot me dear. 9unties got a tri#& &nee, and too mu#h dis#o ma&es me horn/- 9unt
Bele#it groaned.
-E%%//- both adults and #hildren elled. Sa''h gagge ne5t to me and i giggled.
-,olleball/- (hase smiled. %e got u' and #hose teams. 7e, $ustin, 2oel, Emil, %ill,
Aames, and Un#le Otto !ere on one team. Sa''h, $aimen, 7a5, 7oniCue, 0a!ni, (hase,
and 3uster !ere on the other.
.n the end, the other team !on. %e all rela5ed and ate !atermelon and #oo&ies in the
ard. Sa''h sat b $aimem, !ho &e't smiling at her, and !his'ering to her. $ustin sat
near them, tal&ing and laughing !ith (hase and 7a5.
-3ed time.- Un#le Otto said. -Girls on the to' "loor and living room here, and 3os
ne5tdoor at 9unt $arla+s house.- he ordered. Emil, 7oniCue, 0a!ni, Sa''hi and i !ent
u' into the house.
%e girls shared the living room, !hile the adult !omen got the to' "loor.
-2o! ou girls better be Cuiet/ .m a light slee'er/- 9unt Hannah smiled. %e nodded and
turned on the 0,.
-9nd be #are"ul/ . slee'!al&, and i dont !ear nothing !hen i slee'/- 9unt Bele#it
!arned seriosl. Emil gagged.
-9unt/- she s#olded. Emil is strong, stern and al!as in #harge. . admire that in her.
She+s onl 1D.
%e !at#hed all three Pirates o" the (arribean. Orlando 3loom ma&es me hotter than 4ul/
God he+s se5/ 7oniCue &e't saing Aohhn $e'' is #uter, but the girl has no taste/
Sa''h !as te5ting and laughing in her 'hone.
-%ho is it1- i as&ed.
-$aimen.- she smiled. . raise an eebro!.
-Sa''h, #an i tal& to ou1- i as&ed her. She nodded and !e !al&ed into the &it#hen.
-%hats u'1- she as&ed nervousl.
-2o, ou tell me. %hat are ou hiding. Something is u' !ith ou and our ste'brothers.
You all tou#h too mu#h. . sa! ou hugging $ustin. Sblings dont hug li&e that. Sblings
dont sit b ea#hother and !his'er all the time. You dont hold hands/ . sa! ou holding
$aimens hand earlier. You dont giggle !hen our brother te5ts ou/-
-Sometimes ou do,...- she !his'ered s!eating.
-2o Sa''hire. Your ling to me. 7E/ Your "avorite #ousin. %e tell ea#hother
everthing/ Please, tell me !hats going on1- i elled. Sa''h nodded so"tl.
-Promise ou !ont tell or be mad at me1- she as&ed. . noddded.
-O" #ourse.- i said assuringl. She too& a dee' breath.
-7 t!o ste'brothers both love me...and !ant to share me...!ith ea#hother.-
2oel, is 'ronoun#edH 2ole
7oniCue is 'ronoun#edH 7o!n8ee&
JadenH Ja8din
YasminH Yas8meen

(ha'ter EE

)*Sa''hires PO,*)

-%H901/- Lila# s#reamed. . nodded slo!l. . #annot believe i told her that. .#ould have
tols her !e !ere having issues/ Or..someone ba#& home got hurt or said something
stu'id/ Ugh/ 3ut, i trust Lila#...

-$aimen and $ustin love ou1/ Li&e a girl"riend1- She as&ed. . nodded.

-$o ou love them1-

-Yes/ more than ever/-

-$o our 'arents &no!1-

-Yes. Hannah is ha'', but m dad doesnt #are, sin#e !e !ont do a 'orno "or him.-

-0hats si#&, Sa''hire. 0he 'orno thing i mean.-

-Yeah, i &no!.-

-OH 7Y BU(J.2 GO$/- she sCuealed, hugging me.

-$id ou lose our , to them1- she !his'ered. . nodded, and she hugged me all over
again. -9ma6ing/ . told ou ou !ould li&e it/ %ait, ou $.$ li&e it right1-

-Yeah, i did/ .t !as ama6ing/-

-Yeah, i &no! i am.- 9 voi#e said. Lila# and i turned around to see $ustin, $aimen, and

-Ho! long !ere ou there1/- . s#reamed. $aimen 4um'ed a bit, then smiled.

-%e 4ust #ame in !hen ou said +.t !as ama6ing+.- he said. . nodded and e5haled. Lila#

-%hat the hell1/ You gus #ant 4ust barge in1/ 0his is the G.RLS house/-

-Yeah, !e &no!. 0rust me Lila#, !e !erent 4ust bored and de#ided to "u#& ou all.- 2oel
!in&ed. Lila# rolled her ees.

-Yeah thats 2O0 it. 0he gus de#ided to go out to...some!here. 9nd !e !ere home
alone.- $ustin said. . raised an eebro!.

-Some!here1 %here e5a#tl1-

-0he married men !ent to a bar "or men. 0he unmarried men...!ent to a stri' #lub.-
$ustin mumbled. Lila# and m 4a!s dro''ed.

-SER.OSLY1/ 7Y 3RO0HER .S 90 9 S0R.P (LU31/ %HERE 9RE 0HE

-3uster, (hase, 7a5, and Un#le (aleb !ent. Peter is 1E, and !ent !ith the gus
too...eah i dont &no! !hats u' !ith that. %ill, Jaden and Aames are u'stairs !ith the
mommies.- $aimen said.

-%h didnt ou go1- Lila# as&ed.

-(ause, the gus got girl"riends alread. 9nd .m not u' "or seeing hot hot
#lothes...dan#e...OH GO$, !h did i sa no1/- 2oel elled. 0hen the all laughed. Lila#
seemed ver...u'set b 2oel.

-So ou gus !ere a"raid to sta home alone1- . smir&ed. $aimen smiled.

-Oh #+mon Sa''hie/ You &no! ou !ant us here. . bet ou !ere even tal&ing about us
!hen !e #ame in.- he said, 'utting an arm around m shoulders. . Cui#&l shoved the
arm o"", and motioned to!ards 2oel. $ustin laughed.

-.ts o&, Sa''h. He &no!s.- $ustin smiled. . e5haled, and 'ut $aimens arm ba#& around
me. Lila# raised an eebro!.

-. &no! too.- she said.

-Yeah, !e guessed that. You+re besties.- 2oel smiled, then loo&ed at me.

-0oo bad Sa''h. %hen i "irst sa! ou, i !as tottal read to 'ush ou into the laundr
room and have some "un...but ou+re ta&en. Guess im gunna have to sti#& !ith 7oniCue.-

-You+re !ith 7O2.KUE1/- Lila# shrie&ed. 2oel 4um'ed a bit, then laughed.

-Aealous, Lila#1- he smir&ed. Lila# s#o""ed.

-Get over oursel", 'laer.- she said sha&il. . &ne! it. she li&es 2oel. 2oel shrugged.

-Ho! about ou get over me. Literall.- he !in&ed. Lila#+s ees !idened at "irst, but she
rolled them.

-2o than&s.- she smiled. 2oel nodded...almost sadl. . loo&ed over at $ustin, !ho !as
staring at me intensl. . smiled at him. He sna''ed out o" it, and grinned, sho!ing those
HO0 dim'les and beaui"ul li's.

-%eeelll, $aimen and i have an Lbo5 game to 'la...ou all have a good time.- 2oel
said, !al&ing to the living room. $aimen &issed me Cui#&l and "ollo!ed 2oel. Lila#
loo&ed at $ustin and me, then smiled.

-.m....gunna go "ollo! u' !ith them...- she said, leaving as !ell. $ustin smiled and
!al&ed u' to me.

-So ho! have ou been, gorgeous1- he as&ed.
-Prett good. You1-

-9!"ul. . havent had se5 "or @ das.- he said. . laughed, then thought about it. He
hasnt...but he hasnt #heated. He didnt &iss me !hen i !as drun& to honor m 'romise. He
didnt go to the stri' #lub !ith the gus....he+s been ama6ingl trust!orth. . do trust him.
(ome to thin& o" it...i" i had to, i+d trust him !ith m li"e.



-. trust ou. %ith m li"e.- . said honestl. $ustins ees !idened.

-Reall1- he as&ed smiling.

-Ye'.- . smiled. He smiled !ider and i #ould see those ama6ing teeth. . loo&ed in his
ees and i sa! his lust. . thre! m arms around his ne#& and &issed him. He 'ut his arms
around m !aist and 'ulled me #loser to him.

He li"ted me u' and i !ra''ed m legs around his !aist "or su''ort. He !al&ed out o" the
&it#hen and into the den. He #losed the door and lo#&ed it. 0hen $ustin laed me on the
#ou#h and began &issing m ne#& and "a#e. . smiled and rubbed his mus#ular arms,
tugging on his shirt.

He &issed do!n to m breast, and unbottoned m blouse. $ustin too& m hand and li#&ed
m "ingers, !ith his so"t, hot tongue. He trailed his tongue u' m arm, to m shoulder
and do!n to m breasts again.
-God Sa''h. . love everthing about ou.- $ustin !his'ered. . shivered and &issed him.
He removed m bra, and so"tl #u''ed one o" m breasts. He brought his mouth do!n on
the other and li#&ed the ni''le.
. gas'ed and moaned "or a "ull 10 minutes, as his hands and mouth, !or&ed their magi#. .
too& $ustins shirt o"", and tra#ed m hands over his beauti"ul #hest. . li#&ed his ni''les
and rubbed his di#& over his 'ants.
He groaned and i "elt his di#& ere#t in m hand. . smiled and su#&s his ni's, tugging and
'ulling his dream #o#&. $ustin grunted some more, then gro!led. He too& m hands o""
him, and 'ulled m 'ants and 'anties o"". He leaned in and li#&ed m #lit as one o" his
hands 'in#hed m ni''les.
-Oh $ustin/ $ustin/- i moaned. He 'in#hed me harder, and su#&ed m #lit in his mouth,
ma&ing me bu#& m hi's and sCuirm. $ustin held me in 'la#e, and moved his tongue to
m 'uss. . groaned as he li#&ed and su#&ed m #enter.

)*$ustins PO,*)

.t !as hard &ee'ing Sa''hire 'inned do!n. Ever time i tou#hed her #lit, she bu#&ed
around li&e an animal. 7 se5, horn animal. 0hen i "elt her hand rea#h "or m 'enis
and 'ull it. . gro!led and lost #ontrol. . too& m 4eans and bo5ers o"". . too& one o"
Sa''h+s legs and 'ut it over m shoulder.
r #enter and #lit glistened !ith orgasm, and her ees !ere beaming. . got into a side
'osition on Sa''h, !ith m #hest behin her ba#&, and her leg overm hi', !ith m hand
holding it.
-Please $ustin/- She moaned. -Bu#& me/- . smiled.
-O" #ourse.- . said, 'ositioning m di#& ne5t to her o'ening. %ith one stro&e, i 'lunged
inside her, thrusting dee' and hard inside her. She s#reamed so"tl and gas'ed, as i did
her. . li"ted her leg higher and Cui#&ened m 'a#e. . gro!led as !ell as Sa''hire, as !e
-Baster $ustin/- She elled. . nodded, going as "ast as i 'ossible "or me. She ar#hed her
ba#&, and m 'enis tou#hed other 'arts o" her inside. Her #enter #losed in around m
'enis, and the tightness, made m ees !iden. . #ame inside her as did she.
. stood u', still inside her, and grabbed her hi's. . li"ted and thrust her do!n on me going
dee' and "ast in her. %e #ontinued "or a good long time, until i #ame enough to ma&e u'
"or those nine das.
%e laed do!n on the #ou#h, Sa''hire on m #hest. She loo&ed at me and &issed me
-. love ou $ustin.- She said.
- . love ou more- . re'lied, rubbing her ass. She smiled and set her head on m #hest.
-2o ou Ga!nI dont.- She said slee'il. . &issed her bro!n hair, and smiled.
-Yes i do. 2o! go slee'.- . said. She nodded and instantl do6ed o"" on m #hest. . too,
!ith her so"t na&ed bod on me, be#ame slee', and "ell aslee'.


(ha'ter EF

)*Peters PO,*)

-Please1- i begged

-2o- Un#le (aleb said.

-Prett 'lease1-

-2o Peter/-


-Peter/ Stri' #lubs are 2O0 "or little bos/-

-Little1/ .m a teenager/- . argued.

-Your a 2E% teen. You still have ears to go. the !ouldnt let ou in.-

-. loo& 1: Un#le/ (+mon/- . begged. (hase laughed.

-(+mon dad. Let him #ome. 9 'laers gotta start some!here. 3 the time he+s 1: he+ll
have all the girls over him an!a. Let him have "un.- (hase said, 'atting m shoulder.

-Hell, !h not. .m not his dad.- Un#le (aleb said.

-YES/ .m going/- . elled. 3uster and 7a5 'o&ed their heads in the room.

-(ool/ $aimen, $ustin, and 2oel, !ent over to the girls house...soo...lets go/- 3uster
smiled. %e all 'iled in 7a5+s SU, and drove into the #it. %e drove u' to a 'la#e #alled
+Lions $en+.

%e got out o" the #ar, and a man at the gate as&ed "or our .$+s. . didnt have one...

-Here a go.- 7a5 said, giving his RE9L .$. Un#le gave his, (hase and 3uster gave
their "a&e ones.

-%hat about ou1- he as&ed me.

-He+s 1?. Give em a brea& dude/- (hase said. 0he man #hu#&led.

-2O.- he said. Un#le gro!led and gave the man a !ad o" #ash. %here the hell did he
&ee' his !ads o" #ash1/ 9nd !here the hell did he get it1/

-Go on in &id.- 0he gaurd said, letting us in. 9s !e entered, i gas'ed. 0he lights !ere
dim and it smelled li&e beer and s!eat. 0here !ere tons o" !aitresses and girls dressed in
thongs and loose bras. 7en !ere sitting at tables !ith se5 girls rubbing all over their
la's and #hests. 0his hot redhead !al&ed b and !in&ed at me, and i almost 'eed m

-$972/- i said. (hase laughed.

-Ye'. 0his is !hat 'eo'le over D1 do all da.- he !in&ed. %e "ound a table and sat do!n
near a stage. Un#le !as having a good time. Un#le (aleb is D=. Still 'rett oung. (hase
and 3uster !ere h'erventilating, at the sight o" so man girls. 7a5 seemed right at
home, !in&ing at ever !omen that 'assed him.

)*Random Girl*)
0he gus !ho 4ust #ame in !ere HO0. 0he one that seemed older, had dirtblond mid8
length hair, mus#ular arms and #hest, and bro!n ees. 0he ne5t one had 3la#& hair, dar&
bro!n ees, and had a dar& loo&. 0hen t!o ounger bos !al&ed in. One !as blond and
has side!e't hair, blue ees, and a ni#e tan. 0he other !as a big gu !ith 3la#& hair and
bro!n ees. 0he last gu seemed around 1: or 1?. He had beauti"ul ees that t!in&led,
bro!n straight hair, that &e't getting in his ees, and !as lean and "it.

-. #all the older one- m "riend Aassmine said. . laughed.

-. #all the oungest.-

-Yeah, he+s umm.- a !aitress Gianna, said. . grabbed m note'ad, and made sure i
loo&ed good. Hair in 'la#e. La# thong and bra on. 7a&eu' good. Sho!time.

. !al&ed u' to the se5 "ive and smiled.

-Hi, im Poe, ill be our !aitress. Ho! ma i hel' ou1- . said, !in&ing at the ounger
one. He blushed and smiled.

-0!o beers.- 0he angr< dar& one said.

-9 dr 7artini "or (hase, and a beer "or me.- 0he big gu said. 0he blond sur"er must be
-9nd !hat "or ou, se51- i as&ed the ounger one. He blushed again, and loo&ed at the
others. 0he older man smiled.
-%e dont !ant Peter drun&. Get him a #o&e, or something.- he said. . smiled, and
nodded. . turned to get the drin&s and let m ass s!ee'
b Peter as i !al&ed a!a.
)*Peters PO,*)
$aaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnng/ Poe is hot/
-Uh oh Peter....0he !aitress li&es ou/- 3uster smiled. 7a5 rolled his ees.
-%hat t'e o" stri' #lub has !aitresses in thongs1- he as&ed.
-0he good ones. 0he +!aitrsses+ also give la' dan#es...- (aleb said. . smiled.
-(an i get one1- i as&ed. (hase and 7a5 gas'ed.
-Seriousl Peter/ Your 1E/ ou shouldnt even be here/ $ont 'ush it/- 7a5 glared. .
-3ut a''arentl the ladies seem to li&e me a !hole lot...i thin& me 2O0 getting
one...!ould arrouse sus'ision...- . smiled. (hase smiled.
-0hat !as a stu'id #omeba#&, but..i" (aleb agrees...- #hase mused. (aleb rolled his ees.
-O& &id. You get one. 3ut onl one.- he said smiling.
-Yes/- i #heered, as Poe #ame ba#& !ith our drin&s.
-Eh Poe1- 3uster #alled.
-Yes1- she said, "lirtil.
-Ho! mu#h to give Peter a dan#e1- he as&ed. Poe+s ees !idened and she smiled,
loo&ing at me.
-%ell usuall it+d be around M1;0...but "or Peter, the "irst one is "ree.- she !in&ed at me.
(hase s#o""ed, and 7a5 glared at me. . smiled as Poe got in 'osition.
)*$aimens PO,*)
0he ne5t morning, i !o&e to "ind 2oel slee'ing ne5t to Lila#, !ith his arm around her
!aist. Lover bo doesnt !ant to tell Lila# he loves her. 9nd Lila# doesnt !ant to admit to
2oel, she loves him to. $ustin and Sa''h !ere at it "or a good looonnnggg !hile.
7oniCue &e't bothering me about !ho !as in the room. . &e't #hanging the sub4e#t or
saing, that the invited a "riend.
S'ea&ing o" 7oniCue..... loo&ed to m right and sure enough, 7oniCue !as hanging on
m arm and !earing nothing but a sil& go!n. . rolled m ees and shoo& her o"". She
!o&e u'.
-Oh he $aimen/- she smiled la6il. . nodded dismissivl. She smiled, and sat on m la'
"a#ing me. . #ould "eel her 'uss on m thigh, and her breasts !ere 'ushed against me.
-Ho! about a little "un be"ore everone !a&es u'1- she said sedu#tivl. . 'ushed her o"".
-Hell no. .+ve alread had to deal !ith a girl 'ushing hersel" on me, and almost ra'ing
me. Get o"".- . said, remembering Leanne. 7oniCue gro!led.
-%hat is it !ith ou t!o1/ You and $ustin seem li&e 'riests/ You dont even seem
tem'ted b me/ . &no! im hot/ ,er hot/ 7 breasts are natural, ive got good #urves and
a ni#e "a#e/ %h dont ou both !ant me1/- she !his'er<elled.
-(ause the are "aith"ul.- Lila# ans!ered, !a&ing u'. 7oniCue rolled her ees.
-O&, seriousl, 2O O2E is "aith"ul these das. %e all #heat. Our 'arents #heat. .m 100Q
sure m mom is going to hit on $aimen or $ustin or 2oel. $ont lie Lila#, has our dad
and mom been "aith"ul all theire marraige1- 7oniCue as&ed. Lila# loo&ed sho#&ed, but
then she started #ring.
2oel !o&e u' and sa! Lila#. He hugged her and gave me a Cuestioning loo&. . 'ointed at
-Have the Lila#1/- 7oniCue elled. Lila# gro!led.
-2O/ 0he havent/ Ha''1/ %hen dad is gone, mom brings a gu home. %hen mom is
gone, dad brings a slut home. O&/ . &no! our li"e is 'er"e#t and ha'' 7oniCue, but
dont rag on mine/ $o ou &no! ho! hard i have it1 Yet i still manage to smile all the
time and o""er #om"ort to 'eo'le, !hen in "a#t im the one !ho needs a hug ever no!
and then/ O&1/- she elled. 0he door o'ened and Sa''h and $ustin !al&ed in.
Sa''h ran to Lila# and hugged her tightl, #ausing 2oel to let go.
-.m sorr Lila#/ . didnt &no!/ You should+ve told me/- Sa''hire sCuealed. Lila# bro&e
do!n and #ried harder than ever. Emil and 0a!ni !o&e u' as !ell.
-Lila#1 %hats !rong1 You never #r/- 0a!ni as&ed, !orried. 0a!ni is 10. $ustin smiled
at her.
-2othing is !rong, 4ust a sad movie !e !at#hed. #ome on, lets go get brea&"ast.- he said,
ta&ing 0a!ni and Emil a!a. -7oniCue, ou too.- he #alled. 7oniCue gro!led and got
9"ter a "e! minutes, Lila# sto''ed #ring.
-.m soor about that,- she said, !i'ing a!a her tears. Sa''h smiled.
-2o Lila#, im sorr. . shoulde as&ed ou about our home li"e and #om"orted ou.- she
said. Lila# smiled.
-.ts o&. 9ll i need these das is someone to tal& to. . have Emil...but she+s tin. 2oel is a
gu, but the rest o" ou live too "ar a!a.- she sighed. 0hen 2oel #leared his throat.
-Yes1- she as&ed. 2oel gave me a stern loo&, and i smiled.
-(ome Sa''hie, lets go hel' $ustin.- i said. Sa''h nodded and !e le"t the room. $ustin
!as in the &it#hen eating #ereal !ith the &ids. Suddenl !e heard a s#ream.
-YES/- Lila# sCuealed. Sa''h laughed as !e all ran into the living room again. 0here
!as 2oel..&issing Lila#.
-2oel and Lila# sitting in a tree/ J8.8S8S8.828G/ Birst #omes love, then #omes marraige,
then #omes Lila# !ith a bab #arraige//- Emil and 0a!ni #heered. %ill #ame "rom
u'stairs !ith Jaden. Jaden +e!!ed+ !hen he sa! the t!o. 2oel and Lila# didnt seem to
noti#e us there, or i" the did, the didnt #are.
. smiled and !al&ed ba#& to the &it#hen. 0hen m 'hone rang. .t !as 0ristan.
-He dude.- . ans!ered.
-$aimen1 O&, um...!e gotta 'roblem. Get $ustin too.- he said. . #alled $ustin and he
#ame, as i 'ut the 'hone on s'ea&er.
-O&, he+s here, !hats u'1- i as&ed.
- O&...Aoe+s hurt reeeaaalll bad. His bones are messed u' and head is all in"lated, or
-O&, !h do !e #are1- $ustin s#o""ed. 0ristan groaned.
-(aaaussse...Ethan !ants revenge. He said he+s gunna &ill Sha!n and 9aron "or hurting
Aoe, and he+s gunna &ill me and $ustin "or telling.- he said. Huh1
-%ho+s Ethan1-
-Aoe+s older brother.- 0ristan ans!ered.
Here ou go/

(ha'ter E;

)*$ustins PO,*)

Ethan1 Aoe+s big brother1 %ants to &ill me1 9nd 0ristan, Sha!n and 9aron1 %ell, good
lu#& !ith getting F big "ootball 'laers/ Plus im sure $aimen, 7i&e, 3enn, and $an !ill

%e "inished brea&"ast, then !ent ba#& to the gus house. (hase !as sitting on the #ou#h
!at#hing 0,.
-He bos.- he smiled.

-He (hase. Ho! !as the #lub1-

-9ma6ing/ E5#e't "or the "a#t that 9LL the damn !aitresses and stri''ers had a #rush on
Peter/- he elled. Peter 'o&ed his head in, smiling.

-. #ant hel' it/ .m so damn gorgeous/-Peter smir&ed. 7a5 also #ame in.

-Honestl Peter. You didnt $O anthing, and !omen !anted to give ou BREE dan#es.
%hat do ou have that !e dont1- 7a5 gro!led.

-Haha, i dont &no! and i dont #are. . got that big titted Poe, Aenni"er, Sall, Rosa,
Gianna, Barah, Randa, Leslie, Emerald, and that #hi#& !ith the blue strea&s/ @ la' dan#es
"or BREEEE/- Peter boasted. . raised m eebro!s. 2ot bad "or a 1E ear old bo. 2o!
that i loo& harder, Peter #ould 'ass "or a 1: ear old eas.

-O&, gus shuttu' about our stri' #lub and lets get read to go HO7E.- (aleb said. %e
nodded. . got sho!ered and 'ut m #lothes in m bag. Henr #ame b.

-He A88 $ustin/-

-Hi Henr.-

-Ho! !as the Stri' (lub1-

-. didnt go.-

-You didnt1 !h not1-

-(ause im !ith Sa''hire.-

-Oh "or real1 ou mean ou gus !erent 4ust having "un1-

-Yeah. "or real.-

-Oh...!ell im not sure i li&e that.-

-Your not ha'' !ith a relationshi', but ou dont mind us having se51-

-%ell, i dont reall #are about our se5...but m daughter is inno#ent, &ind and
smart...ou bos dont deserve her. . &no! our histor. %hen i !as dating our mother,
she said that ou gus !ere al!as bus at some girls house or stri' #lub.-

-0hat !as be"ore. 9nd Henr, ou are 2O better. (heating on Sa''hires mom !ith 7Y
mom, and not telling m mom ou !ere married1- i said. Henr+s ees !idened and he
gre! angr.

-Ho! did ou &no! that.- he!his'ered.

-You "ind these things out, Henr. So basi#all, ou dont deserve Sa''hire either.- i

-You+d better be ni#e $ustin. . am our "ather...i #an do stu"".-

-.+ll be 1= soon. 0hen i #an leave. 9nd ta&e $aimen and Sa''hire !ith me.-

-2o ou #annot. Sa''hire is 1:. So is $aimen.-

-0he !ill both be 1? soon. 9nd the #an live alone !ith the 'ermission o" a 'arent.-

-$ont e5'e#t me to give 'ermission.- Henr gro!led. . smiled.

-7 mom !ill.-

-9re ou &idding1 Your mother loves me. She+ll listen to everthing i sa. You &ids arent
going an!here.- he smiled. . gro!led no!.

-$o ou love m mother1- i as&ed sternl. Henr nodded.

-. do. She+s ni#e, hot, and #an #oo&.-

-You dont deserve m mother. 9t all. You have so mu#h ou dont deserve Henr/- .
said. Henr smiled.

-3ut i still manage to have a se5 !i"e, a se5 daughter to give o"" to #lients, and t!o
sons that #an inheret 'ro'ert and ma&e mone "or me.-

-Birst o" all, do not re"er to m mother as se5...its 4ust !rong. Se#ond, ou !ill 2O0 be
giving Sa''hire o"" to 'eo'le. 0hird, !e !ont give our mone to ou. Ever.-

-0oo bad &id. Get our stu"" in the #ar. %e have to leave.- i rolled m ees and got m
moms, Sa''h+s and m bags in the trun&. $aimen 'ut his and got in the #ar.

9"ter 100 sa'' goodbes, !e !ere on the road. 0he tri' ba#& !as 'rett s#ilent. . &e't
thin&ing about Henr, Aoe and Ethan. Ethan is Aoe+s OL$ER brother. He+s 'robabl big.
He !ants to J.LL me1

)*$aimens PO,*)

0he ne5t da !e got dressed "or s#hool. Ugh, a"ter listening to Sa''h and $ustin, i need
se5. Yeah, im a se5 addi#t so !hat1 %hen !e got to s#hool, 3enn and $aniel !ere
tal&ing to some &id i never sa! be"ore.

-He gus.- . said, rea#hing them. 3enn smiled and 'ointed at the ne! gu.

-He $aimen, meet (urtis. (urtis, $aimen.- he said. i smiled at (urtis and he nodded
ba#&. He had blond hair, but it !as bit bro!n at the ends, bro!n ees, and !as 'rett

-You ne!1- i as&ed. (urtis nodded

-Yeah, #ame "rom 2e! Yor& (it. He+s a 4unior.- he smiled. Ooo, arent !e "an#. Sa''h
!as tal&ing to Emma and Leanne. 0ristan !al&ed over to us.

-He $. 7et (urtis1 Good, !e need to tal&...all o" us.-

-9bout Ethan1-

-Yeah. Ethan is DD. Plus he told us he has a##ess to !ea'ons...- 0ristan !his'ered, as our
grou' huddled u'.

-.S he #oming li&e...toda1- $ustin as&ed. Sha!n shoo& his head.

-2o. He said he+ll #ome !hen he+s good and read. He emailed me and 9aron, and te5ted
0ristan. 3e #are"ul $ustin. He+ll be a"ter ou too.- he said. . loo&ed at Sa''hire !ho !as
sha&ing. . hugged her and &issed her hair.

-.ts o& babe.- . !his'ered. She nodded

-So !hat should !e do1- Selene as&ed, rubbing a!"ull #lose to 0ristan. Sha!n

-Aust #ontinue !ith our normal lives1 9nd be read !hen he #omes1- he suggested.
9aron rolled his ees.

-Ho! !ould be be read1- he as&ed. (urtis smiled.

-You gus o& !ith s&i''ing s#hool toda1 . have something that #ould hel'...- he smiled.
%e all turned to him and nodded. 0hen $ustin shoo& his head.

-9ll o" us #ant s&i'. (urtis, Sha!n, 9aron, 0ristan and . !ill go. 0he rest o" ou sta here
and #ontinue li&e nothing ha''ened.- $ustin said.

-%hat1 . #ant go1- . !hined. $ustin shoo& his head.

-Sorr bro. 3ut onl those !hos lives are in danger #an go.- $ustin smiled. . rolled m
ees, and grabbed Sa''hires hand and motioned to!ards everone else to get moving.
3enn sighed and he and $an !ent to the ne5t #lass.

. !ent to 3iolog #lass !ith Leanne. Obi !on Jenobi &e't tal&ing about 3iomes and
E#osstems. ." ou as& me, 3iome is a !eird !ord. ." someone as&ed me -%hat t'e o"
3iome do ou live in1-, id res'ond immediatl -.m not in Prison/-. You &no!1

. got a te5t "rom 3enn.

3ennH He dude, Sa''h+s sha& a lot. 0ea#her as&ed i" she !as o& li&e, D0 times,
but she &e't nodding that she+s "ine.
$aimenH O&, lemme te5t her.

$aimenH Sa''h, ou o&1
Sa''hireH Yeah.
$aimenH %h are ou sha&ing1
Sa''hireH O.O ho! did YOU &no! that1
$aimenH 3enn told me.
Sa''hireH Oh.. !ell im 4ust !orried about $ustin.
$aimenH $ont !orr he+ll be "ine. Ethan #ant harm all o" them. %e+re stronger.
Sa''hireH Yeah, our right...
$aimenH 9nd (urtis is hel'ing no!, right1
Sa''hireH Ye'. O&, i have to do a !or&sheet no!. bebe/$aimenH O&, beHI

)*Sha!ns PO,*)

%e all 'iled in t!o #ars. 7e, 9aron and (urtis in one #ar, and $ustin and 0ristan in the
other. (urtis dire#ted us do!nto!n to a rundo!n house in a Cuiet street. .d never live seems villainous. Kuiet, em't, rundo!n, an msterious.
-%h are !e here1- . as&ed. (utis smiled.
-(ause ou gus need hel' against Ethan. 7 #ousin #an hel'. His names Aa&ob. Aa&ob
o!ns a un&no!n !ea'ons organi6ation. Guns are his s'e#ialt.-
-So !e+re here to bu guns1- $ustin as&ed on#e !e all !ere at thr "ront door. (urtis
nodded and &no#&ed on the door. 9 !oman !earing a su'er short s&irt and a la# bra
o'ened the door. She !as a brunnete, and had big li's.
-(an i hel' ou1- she !in&ed.
-%e+re loo&in "or Aa&ob.- 0ristan said. 0he !oman nodded. %e all tried &ee'ing our ees
o"" her breasts that !ere barel #overed b her bra.
-A99JJEYYYY/ Peo'le here "or ou/- she elled. Aa&ob #ame to the door and smiled
at us. (urtis and him sla''ed hands and greeted ea#hother.

-Ho!s it been, lil+ (ousin1- Aa&ob smiled. (urtis smir&ed.

-O&. . see ou !ere +bus+...-

-%ith Rub1 2ah, !e !ere 4ust....eah..- he trailed o"". Rub giggled and held onto
Aa&obs arm. $ustin groaned and rolled his ees.

-So !hats u'1- Aa&ob as&ed, ta&ing us into his house. %e !ent to a small living room
that smelled must.

-%e need guns.- (urtis said 'lainl. Aa&ob glared at him.

-You told them i sell guns/1- he elled. (urtis rolled his ees.

-Yes, the are being threatned and might get atta#&ed at the need a !a to
de"end themselves. Got anthing1- (urtis as&ed. Rub sat do!n b $ustin and 0ristan,
smiling li&e an idiot.

-O" #ourse i do. Bollo! me.- Aa&ob smir&ed, leading us to a basement. .n the basement
there !ere man #ases !ith lo#&s on them. Aa&ob !ent to a s'e#i"i# bo5 and unlo#&ed it
!ith a &e he had in his 'o#&et. .nside !ere man small handguns huddled u' together.

-%oah...- 9aron said. Aa&ob smiled.

-Ye'. Small, se#ret, s#ilen#ed, and deadl !ea'ons. 0he have s#ilen#ers on them so
the dont ma&e a sound, but the &ill 4ust lie& an other gun. Here- he said handing ea#h
o" us a !ea'on. %e 'ut them in our 'o#&ets, and the !ere so small that the barel

-0han&s A.- (urtis smiled. Aa&ob narro!ed his ees.

-0hat+ll be M;0 ea#h.- he said. . glared at him.

-Seriousl1- $ustin as&ed.

-Yu'/ Usuall its be double that, but our "riends o" m #ousin so, i gave ou hal" o"".-
Aa&ob smiled. %e all nodded and 'aed him. 0he gu 4ust made MD00 o"" o" us. -Oh and
never, E,ER tell anone bout this, or ill use one o" these babies on ou.- he !in&ed.
0ristan and 9aron raised an eebro!, !hile $ustin and i nodded.

-%hatever dude. Lets go.- . said.

)*Selenes PO,*)

Poor 0ristan and $ustin/ 9nd Sha!n and 9aron/ . have no idea !here there going, but i
ho'e its to get bod gaurds/ . !as sitting in the (a"eteria !ith Le5i, Aade and the other
#heerleaders. Sa''hire, $aimen, Leanne and the others !ere ne5t to us as !ell.

-. ho'e Sha!n !ill be o&a. Your bo"riend !as messed u' Aade/- Le5i said. Aade

-. &no!. . didnt &no! he !as bad at the time. He seemed so into me.- she !his'ered.
One o" our "riends Jeslie, hugged Aade.

-.ts o& hun. 0r 7i&e/ He+s great in bed/- she smiled. Aade rolled her ees and #ontinured
eating her salad. Aust then the s'ea&er inter#om !ent on and our 'rin#i'als voi#e began
booming throught the !alls.

-900E20.O2 9LL S0U$E20S/ .+$ L.JE 0O 3R.2G 0O YOUR 900E20.O2 9
7900ER %E H9,E 922OU2(E$ 2O0 LO2G 9GO. 0HE SE2.OR PRO7 OB
D010/ 9LL SE2.ORS 9RE PER7.00E$ 0O GO, 92$ 3R.2G 0HE.R $90ES.
$90ES (92 3E YOU2GER OR OL$ER, 3U0 0HERE 79Y 3E 2O YOU2GER
SE2.ORS 92$ 0HE.R $90ES. 0HE PRO7 .S .2 O2E %EEJ, 90 0HE S(HOOL
79.2 H9LL 90 ?P7. %E+$ LO,E BOR YOU 0O AO.2 US 92$ H9,E BU2/
0H92J YOU/-

9ll the seniors in the room #heered.

-.m going !ith Rder/- Jeslie smiled. . smiled as !ell. %ho !ould . ta&e1

-Sha!ns ta&ing me.- Le5i said.

-.+ll 'robabl go !ith 9aron.- Harmon smir&ed.

-Sa''hire !ill go !ith $ustin.- $aimen smiled. Sa''h loo&ed at $aimen.

-(ant ou go1-

-2o ounger #ou'les, remember1-

-3ut...doesnt a threesome #ount as one #ou'le1-

-.m not $ustins bo"riend, Sa''hire. Sorr.- $aimen sighed. Aade smiled.

-Oh !ell. 0oo bad i dont have Aoe anmore. 7abe i !ill tr 7i&e.-

-%hat about ou Selene1- Emma as&ed. . shrugged.

-. dont &no!.-

-Yes ou do.- 3enn smir&ed.

-%hat1- i as&ed.

-0a&e our #urrent lover.- he !in&ed. . raised an eebro!.

-%ho !ould that be1-

-0ristan Po!ers.- $an, $aimen, Sa''hire, Aade, Jeslie, Harmon, Leanne, 3enn, and
Emma all said. . gas'ed at them and shoo& m head.

-. dont li&e 0ristan/- . lied. $aimen smir&ed.

-Uh...eah ou do. %ord gets around Selene. You and 0ristan have been getting 'rett
#lose.- he said. . rolled m ees.

-$ro' the sub4e#t.- . ordered.

-%hat sub4e#t1- a voi#e said. %e sa! $ustin, 9aron, 0ristan, Sha!n and (urtis #ome u'.

-9bout the senior 'rom ne5t !ee&.- Harmon smiled. 9aron !in&ed and too& Harmon
o"" her seat and set her on his la'.

-. &no! !ho im ta&ing.- he said, &issing Harmon. Sha!n gro!led.

-2ot in 'ubli# 9aron/- he ordered. . rolled m ees. Le5i smiled and &issed Sha!ns

-%ho are ou ta&ing, Sha!n1- she as&ed "lirtil. Sha!n shivered then smir&ed.

-Hmm...!ell 7eghan Bo5 is is 9vril i guess im going !ith
ou, Le5i. 9"ter all, i o!n ou.- he smiled, and the t!o began ma&ing out.

$ustin sat b Sa''h and $aimen.

-%ill ou go !ith me Sa''hire1- he as&ed. Sa''h smiled and nodded

-O" #ourse/- she smiled. $ustin smiled and held her hand. . loo&ed at 0ristan, !ho !as

-Um 0ristan1- . as&ed sha&il. . do !ant to invite him. . li&e him alot. Ever sin#e his
'art and !e sle't together...t!i#e.

-Yeah, Senior1- he as&ed smiling. He sat b me and loo&ed right at me. . gul'ed.

-$o ou...!anttogo!ithmetothe'rom1- i as&ed Cui#&l. He raised an eebro!.

-%hat1- he as&ed, #on"used.

-$o ou !anna go !ith me to the 'rom1- i as&ed slo!er, but still nervousl. 0ristan
smiled as Jeslie and Aade +oooh8ed+.

-O" #ourse i !ill Senior/- he nodded. . e5haled as Sha!n glared at me.

-You li&e 0ristan1- he as&ed. $aimen laughed.

-%here have ou been Sha!n1- he as&ed.

-3ut..he+s ounger than ou...-

-So !hat Sha!n1 9aron is almost F ears older than our sister.- 0ristan said, holding
m hand under the table. Sha!n raised an eebro! then nodded.

-%hatever. Have "un ou !eird #ou'le. . s!ear, !e+ve got ever t'e o" #ou'le e5#e't
lesbians.- he said. %e all smiled and nodded.

-So !hat+d ou gus do or get1- Sa''hire as&ed. 9ll the bos smiled and loo&ed at
Here u go gusHI

(ha'ter E:

)*Sa''hires PO,*)

-Uh...!ell...(urtis got us...guns.- 0ristan said. . gas'ed.

-%hat/1- . elled. -Guns/- 9 "e! 'eo'le "rom other tables loo&ed at us. $ustin 'ut his
hand over m mouth.

-O& babe, !e do 2O0 ell +Guns+ through a s#hool, o&1- he smir&ed. . nodded then
sla''ed his arm.

-Guns1- i !his'ered.

-Ye'/ 0in, deadl, s#ilent guns. 0he "it in our 'o#&ets so !e #an ta&e em an!here.-
9aron said. Le5i, Harmon, Selene and i ba#&ed a bit a!a "rom our men !ith guns. Le5i as&ed. Sha!n smiled and hugged her.

-Ye' it is.- he smir&ed. . turned to $ustin, and stared at him hard. Guns1 ." 0HEY have
guns, !hat does Ethan have1/ 9nd he !ants to hurt m bo"riend1 9nd he !ont even tell
us !hen he+s #oming1 .t #ould be 92Y time. Li&e !hen !e+re aslee'...OH GO$/

-Sa''h...dont !orr. Everthing !ill be o&.- $ustin assured me. $aimen smiled.

-He+s right. Even though i thin& i should have a gun..."or most o" our 'roblems, i end u'
be#oming an essential 'art...- $aimen !hined. 9aron smiled.

-2i#e 0r $, our not 1=.- he smir&ed. $aimen s#o""ed.

-.m more mature than most o" ou. %9.0/ $ustins not 1=/-

-3 the time the 'oli#e "ind him !ith a gun, he !ill be.- Sha!n laughed. $aimen rolled
his ees, as !e laughed at him.

-9nd 0R.S092S got a gun/-

-0ristan has a ri#h dad, and he #an get out o" murder.- $ustin said. $aimen groaned and
stood u'.

-%hatevvveeerr. .ve got to use the little bos+ room.- he smiled. Leanne laughed.

-Little bos room1 to go 'ott1 are ou F1- she as&ed. $aimen smiled.

-Yea...i am...and i ma need hel' in volunteers1- he as&ed. Leanne, Emma,
Aade, and a #ou'le other #heerleaders raised their hands.

-HEY/- i elled at them, and the 'ut their hands do!n. -$aimen (arter/- . s#olded.
$aimen laughed and smiled.

-Aust &idding Sa''h...although, i !ouldnt have been i" ou volunteered...- he smir&ed. .
smiled and !ent ba#& to eating.

-3ut seriousl $aimen1 Little bos room1- Leanne as&ed again. $aimen s#o""ed.

-OH/ im sorr/ . should s'ea& in a !a, ou+ll understand... . "u#&in got to go 'iss in the
gus shit8hole.- he smir&ed again. everone laughed, and sent him on his !a.

9s soon as he le"t, $ustin #alled "or our attention.

-O& gus...$aimens birthda is in t!o das.- he said. . smiled.

-Ya/ he+ll be 1?/ %hatre !e gunna do1- i as&ed. 9aron smir&ed.

-%e #an...gooo...on a tri' to (ali/- he said. Everone glared at 9aron and rolled their


-Si5 Blags1-



-Slee'over/- Selene smiled. $ustin smir&ed.

-slee'over1 li&e ho!1-

-Li&e all o" us meet u' at 0ristans house, or someone !ho has a big home, bring "ood and
movies, 'art and eat...and 4ust hang out.- Harmon suggested.

-2ot bad...- . said. $ustin nodded.

-Yeah...!e #ould do that. So !hos house1 Sa''hires house !ill have our 'arents in it.- he

-7ine is em't.- Selene said.

-2o, our sister !ill be there. and ou have an a'artment.- Le5i said.

-%ell, i guess mine !ill have to do.- 0ristan smir&ed.

)*Sha!ns PO,*)

.n the end, Harmon and i have to bring movies. 3enn, Leanne, (harlene, (urtis and
$aniel are bringing "ood and drin&s. 9nd everone brings a 'resent, and !e all go to
0ristans house at ?'m.

0his is going to RO(J/ %e have to ma&e this good "or $aimen...i mean he reall
deserves it. He+s hel'ed us all !ith so mu#h, and is al!as the "irst volunteer to hel'.

9"ter s#hool, Le5i, Harmon and i !ent to m house. . too& Le5i u' to m room and she
'lo''ed hersel" on m bed.

-So ho! are ou, babe1- i as&ed her.

-Good. 9 bit !orried though...-


-Ethan !ants to &ill dead s#ared.-she said. i smiled and hugged her.

-.ts o& Le5i. .+ll be o&. 2o dude #an &ill me. .+ll die o" old age-i smiled. Le5i smiled and
nodded. . li"ted her head u' in m 'alms and &issed her li's. %e &issed "or a !hile then i
'ulled a!a, and !ent to m #om'uter. Le5i shoo& her head.

-%hat1- i as&ed. She loo&ed at me mis#heivousl.

-You got m hormones all #ra6, YOU are gunna "inish !hat ou started.- she !in&ed. .

-29H/ im "ine.- i said, sitting in m #hair. Le5i #ame to me and 'outed.

-Please1-she as&ed. . shoo& m head.

-.m not horn at all, i !in&ed. She groaned.

-." i get ou horn...!ill ou1- she begged. . smiled and nodded. Le5i 'er&ed u' and sat
do!n on the "loor in "ront o" me. She unbottuned m shirt, and got a good loo& at m
torso. She smiled and &issed m #hest, going lo!er to m abs.

Le5i &issed and su#&ed m abs til she got to m...member. She undid m belt and 'ants,
and too& hold o" it. . !as alread hard, so it didnt ta&e her long to get right to 'leasing it.
. !as horn alright.

-Horn et1- she as&ed.

-2o'e.- i lied, !anting her to go on. Le5i raised an eebro! as i" she &ne! i !as ling.
She stood u', and !al&ed ba#& to m bed and sat on it.

-Oh !ell then...- she sighed. . glared at her, then at m +little Sha!n+. Oh no. She is 2O0.

-2o !a. You got m hormones all #ra6. YOU are gunna "inish !hat ou started.- .
smiled at her, re'eating her earlier !ords. Le5i laughed and laed do!n.

-O& then. i !ill.- she said, as i !al&ed u' to her and &issed her.
)*$ustins PO,*)
Everthing is set and read "or $aimens 'art. .t has to be 'er"e#t. (onsidering its his
1?th birthda....o& that !as a lie. 0heres nothin too s'ei#al about our 1?th...but i dont
#are. $aimen doesnt reall need a 'art this big...but he thre! me a ginormous 'art
!hen i turned 1?, so ill return the "avor.
%e invited all his "riends "rom s#hool, and some o" the seniors. Sa''hire has been all
bubbl about it and giggling li&e a drun&. She livens the 'la#e u'. She livens m li"e u'.
-So the 'rom huh1- she as&ed me the ne5t da.
-9re ou o&a !ith going !ith me1- i as&ed !orridl. Sa''hire laugghed.
-O" #ourse i am/ 3ut i "eel bad "or $aimen.-
-%h1 He+ll get his turn ne5t ear. Have "un babe/-
-. guess so.-
-Yeah. Even so, $aimen o!es it to me. .ve been loo&ing a"ter that &id sin#e !e !ere
born. .m the older brother and i al!as get in trouble. He o!es me lots.- i said.
-He o!es it to ou to do !hat1-
-Let me ta&e m girl"riend to the 'rom alone.- i smiled. Sa''h grinned.
-O&. 3ut im going to slee' !ith him tonight.-
-%h1- i as&ed.
-. havent in a !hile, but ou got our turn re#entl.- she !in&ed. . nodded smiling.
)*$aimens PO,*)
. o!e him1/ . o!e him1/ %hat1/ Sin#e !hen do i o!e anthing to $ustin1/ .m not going
to rag on m o!n brother....but !hat the hell1//
.m gunna dro' this and blame it on $ustins e5#itedness "or m 'art. .m not stu'id. .
&no! there is a 'art/ .+ll a#t sur'rised and all, but a #ertain someone told me !hat !as
going on. (ough #ough 0R.S092 #ough.
9"ter s#hool, !e all !ent bo!ling. . su#& at bo!ling....big time/ . s!ear/ 0he #ant 'ut
bum'er lanes or something1/
-%o! $aimen/ F gutterballs in a ro!/- Selene laughed. . rolled m ees and smiled.
-.t ta&es s&ill to do that Senior/- i #alled.
-Haha/ $ont 'ut that on our resume/- Sa''hire smiled.
-. 4ust might/- i laughed.
-He/ You #ant #all Selene senior/ Onl i #an/- 0ristan gro!led 'la"ull. . 'retended to
be mad.
-Uhhh 2O/ . #an #all her anthing i !ant, right s!eetie1- i laughed. 0ristan rolled his
-He $aimen...remember he has a gun/- (urtis smiled. Sa''hire laughed and too& m
-2eed hel' bo!ling1 .+ll sho! ou ho! to stri&e.- she as&ed. Sha!n laughed.
-O& Sa''hie...that one sentan#e is li&e a GOL$7.2E "or se5ual innuendos.- he said.
Leanne raised an eebro!.
-Ho! e5a#tl1- she as&ed. $umb blond Gno o""ense to blonds. You gus are ver 'rettI
-Bor e5am'le +u #an sho! me ho! to stri&e here, but i #ould sho! ou a real stri&e+ or
+!hat i" !e see i" i #an stri&e ou1+- i re'lied. 9ll the gus laughed. Sa''h smiled.
-Perha's i #ould sho! ou both.- she sai sedu#tivl. 7 mouth dro''ed as she 3egan to
unbutton her to'. 0hen she burst out laughing and buttoned it ba#& u'.
-Hahaha/ You thought i !as gunna stri'1/ $ang/- she laughed. Emma and Harmon hi8
"ived her.
-2O0 BU22Y/- $ustin gro!led.
-. !udve en4oed it/- (urtis laughed. 3enn rolled his ees and rolled his turn.
-You gus are !eird.- he said.
-Sas the bi dude.- Aade said. $aniel gro!led.
-He+s not !eird bit#h/- he shouted. Aade smir&ed and turned to Selene and began tal&ing.
$an almost elled again, but 3enn #ut him o"" and &issed
his #hee&.
-.ts o& $ann. 0han&s- he said. $an smiled slightl and too& his turn.
)*Sa''hires PO,*)
9"ter bo!ling, !e all !ent home. Hannah and dad !ere !aiting "or us.
-(+mon &ids, our mother is !aiting.- $ad said. %e nodded and !ent to the dining room
to eat.
-So ho! !as our da1- Hannah as&ed us as !e ate her #hi#&en ste!ish thing.
-Good/- $ustin re'lied.!ling.-
-Reall1 . didnt &no! $aimen #ould bo!l.- Hannah smiled. $uatin and i laughed.
-HE (920/- !e laughed. $aimen mo#&ed our laughing.
-Hahaha88SHU00UP. 0'i#al/ Pi&ing on the 'rett one/- he smir&ed.
-9n !ho !ould that be1- m dad as&ed.
-7E/- 9ll o" us ans!ered, in#luing Hannah.
-%ell i guess !e are 4ust a #on#ieted "amil eh1-
-,er/- i smiled.
Later that night, i #re't into $aimens room. $aimen heard me #ome in and loo&ed at me
-%hats !rong babe1-
-. lost m tedd bear...#an i slee' !ith ou1- i as&ed. $aimen smiled.
-O" #ourse.- he said. 0hat night !as un"orgetable.
)*E0H92s PO,///*)
Haha. Per"e#t. 9 'art. 0hell be o"" their gaurd. 2ot e5'e#tin me. . #an snea& in, do m
damage and leave. Sha!n or 9aron or $ustin is gunna die at that 'art. 9nd i" not them,
then someone the love. 0he hurt someone i love. Aoe %.LL be avenged. . !ill 2O0 let
them get a!at !ith almost &illing m onl little brother.
Goodlu#& &iddies...and goodbe to those o" ou !ho hurt Aoe.
Here gus/ Ho'e u li&e itHI
(ha'ter E?
)*0ristans PO,*)
0odas the da/ $aimens birthda/ Our old gu is 1?/ 0he 'art begins at :ish no!.0his
is going to be the best 'art ever/ Selene, Leanne, (harlene and some others #ame over
earl to set u'.
%e had soda, #hi's, salsa, ta#o di', #heese'u"" thingies Gluv thoseI, 'i66a, 'asta, beer,
#and G"or HarmonI an best o" all...a huge birthda #a&e !ith +Ha'' 38$a $aimen/+
!ritten on it. %e !ere gunna be "at tommoro!/
-0he 'resents go here, the #ou#hes over here, and the tables "or "ood b the #loset.-
Selene !as ordering.
-E5#use me !oman/ 0his is 7Y house/- i glared.
-%ell e5#use me bo/ 7 bo"riend lives here, so i have the authorit to ma&e some
#hanges/- she glared ba#&. . rolled m ees and !ent to the &it#hen, sla''ing Selenes ass
on the !a.
-0ristan Po!ers/- she gas'ed. -Jee' our 4unior hands o"" m senior bod/-
-Selene 0son/ Jee' our Senior ideas o"" m 4unior house/- i smiled. Selene smir&ed
and !ent ba#& to organi6ing. . laughed and entered the &it#hen.
-%ill/ (ut that out/- i elled seeing %ill Ga "riend o" $aimens "rom s#hoolI attem'ting to
s!i'e his "inger on the #a&e. %il gro!led and rolled his ees.
-%hatever 0. So !here are ou all gunna slee'1- he as&ed.
-.n the $en.- i said, but then Selene 'o''ed her head in.
-2o dear/ .n the "amil room. 7ore s'a#e and a bigger 0,.- she said.
-Leave us men to our !or& hone.- i sighed.
-%hatever 'um'&in/- she !in&ed. %ill glared at us.
-God/ You sound li&e a lovestru#& ne!l !ed #ou'le/- he said. . smiled and 'ulled
Selene over to me and &issed her.
-%e+re 4ust ne!l #ou'led teens.- i smir&ed. Selene smiled and &issed me ba#&.
-Please dont ma&eout in "ront o" me dude/- $an said entering the room. . rolled m ees.

-%hatever ga gu.- i said. $an gro!led and too& some o" the "ood to the tables.

-%E+RE HERE////- a voi#e said. Sa''hire. . !ent to the main room and sa! her
organi6ing the 'resents 'eo'le brought.

-He Sa''h.-i smiled. She smiled as !ell.

-He 0ristan/ $aimen !ill be here in 10 minutes, !e told him that u had this big 'resent
to give him and ou #ouldnt give it to him, he had to 'i#& it u'.-

-2i#e, o&. So tell everone to get read.- i said. She nodded and !ent o"". $ustin #ame
u' to me and smiled.

-0han&s "or lettin us use our house dude.- he said. i nodded.

-no 'rob, man.- i said.

-O&, so !ho+s here1- $ustin as&ed.

-Selene, (harlene, Aade, Leanne, 3enn, $aniel, (urtis, 9aron, Harmon, Sha!n, Le5i,
Jeslie, %ill and us.-

-Good, not too big o" a grou'.-

-Ye'. its a slee'over a"ter all.-

-E,ERYO2ES slee'ing over1-

-2o. (harlene, Aade, Jeslie and %ill arent.-

-GEE/ 3ig di""eren#e.-

-Haha, !hatever.- i smiled. 0hen !e heard the doorbell ring. Aade loo&ed throught the
ee8hole and gas'ed.

-.0S H.7/- she said. %e all got together in "ront o" the door as i o'ened it. %hen i did,
$aimen !al&ed in loo&ing right at me.

-He 0ristan, Sa''hire and $ustin told me that88-

-Ha'' 3rithda $aimen/- the all Ges'e#iall the girlsI #heered. $aimens mouth hung
o'en and he loo&ed dead sho#&ed. He smiled and beamed li&e a &id on (hristmas.

-%o!/ 0han&s gus/- he said. Everone #ongradulated him on turning 1?, and !ent to
'arting. %e ate, dan#ed and a#ted li&e there !as no tommoro!. .t !as "un to have a
RE9L 'art. 2ot a -get drun& and laid- 'art. i mean %E 9(0U9LLY G9,E
PRESE20S/ !e arent 10/

-Present time/- Harmon said. %e all !at#hed $aimen as he o'ened his "irst gi"t. .t !as
a 'ortable $,$ 'laer.

-0han&s....!ho gave me this1- $aimen smiled.

-7e/- (harlene smiled. $aimen than&ed her again and #ontinued. 7ost o" the gi"ts !ere
gi"t#ards, ele#troni#s and stu"" 92YO2E !ould li&e.T

Sa''hireH a la'to'

$ustinH i0unes #ards

7eH M;0 Gi"t#ard to musi# store

%illH Restaurant gi"t #ard Ghar harI
3ennH 9larm (lo#&<radio<i'od do#&

$anielH 3eanbag #hair

LeanneH 9t "irst it !as a bo5 o" #ondoms...but a"ter everone Ge5#e't $aimenIgot a good
laugh out o" it, she gave him a gi"t#ard to a s'orts #enter.

(urtisH 9vatar on $,$

EmmaH 9ll three 0!ilight $,$s Gshe got him !hat SHE !ould li&eI

AadeH a bas&etball 4erse that had -(arter- !ritten on the ba#& !ith the numbers 1?.
#lever Aade...#lever.

9aronH digital #amera

Sha!nH PSP Gseriousl1I
HarmonH PSP a##esories G#arring #ase, s#reen 'rote#tors, gamesI

Le5i, Jeslie and SeleneH a %ii G!o!...4ust !o!.I

LU(JY $9.7E2/ He+s got the best 'resents ever/ i mean, i alread have this stu"", but
im "ilth dirt ri#h. $aimen !as over!helmed and !as smiling li&e an idiot.

-0han& ou gus SOOOOO mu#h/- he said. Everone +our !el#omed+ and #ontinued

)*Sa''hires PO,*)

Everthing is going 'er"e#tl/ He li&es the gi"ts, the bos are eating all the "ood, and no
one is bi#&ering...e5#e't "or Selene and 0ristan but thats 4ust ho! the sho! their love.

-He Sa''h/- Emma hugged me. . smiled

-He, ho!s it going1-

-Good i guess. 7oms "urious !ith me.-


-P""t, guess. .m 1: and months 'regnant.- she sighed. . nodded.

-Oh...!ell some mothers abandon their daughters, so our lu#& i guess.-

-Yeah...but !hat am i going to tell the bab1 0ristan .S the "ather.- she said. . bit m li'.

-Hang on.- i said.-0R.S092/- i #alled. 0ristan 4ogged over.

-Yeeeeessss1- he smiled.

-Emma+s aborting the bab.- i said. Emma glared at me.

-%H901/- 0ristan elled. Emma loo&ed at him 'u66led.

-%hat1- i as&ed. 0ristan glared at us both.

-%h are ou aborting it/- he as&ed her.

-%h do ou #are1- she said. -You told me to abort it.-

-0hat !as be"ore/ 3e"ore ou !al&ed around !ith it. . learned to get used to seeing 7Y
bab there/-

-YOUR bab1/- she said.

-YES/ .ts 7Y s'erm #ell i believe/- he said.

-You dont !ant anthing to do !ith it/-

-Yes i do/ .+ll still be the "ather, Emma/-

-0hen !h dont ou1 %h did ou leave me right a"ter getting me 'regnant1 Even no!,
ou !ont get !ith me, and ou still e5'e#t me to let ou be a 'art o" the bab+s li"e1/-

-YES/ You dont get it/ . do !ant to be 'art o" the babs li"e/ . 4ust dont !ant to be a 'art
o" ours/- 0ristan shouted. . sma#&ed m "orehead. 2i#el said,

-%h not1- Emma as&ed. 0ristan sighed.

-(ause i li&e Selene. 2ot ou.- he said. Emma turned to me.

-Sa''hire,#ould ou e5#useus "or a moment 'lease1- she as&ed smiling "a&el. . nodded
and !ent to $aimen.

-He $aimen/- . smiled. $aimen hugged me and &issed m #hee&.

-He babe/-

-En4oing oursel"1-

-7ore than i ever did !ithout beer.- he #hu#&led. i rolled m ees. 0hen everone got
together "or a &arao&e #ontest. 0he rule !as that ou have to #hoose a "unn or stu'id
song that everone &no!s. Pre"erabl $isne.

-. li&e to move it, move it/ He li&e to move it, move it/ she li&e to move it, move it/ %e
li&e to...move it/- %ill !as singing at his turn. %e !ere laughing li&e lunati#s at his
"ailed attem't to immitate the a##ent.

9aron and Sha!n sand -Ha&una 7atata-. Leanne sang -3arbie girl- in this horribl high8
'it#hed voi#e. Emma and i sang -Under the sea-. $aimen sang a 'arod o" -$o!n- Gto
listen to it, go to outube and sear#hH $o!n b 7idnight beast 'arod.I Harmon sang
the 0heme song to -9rthur-.

.n the end, Aade !on b singing -(inderelli, #inderelli- song "rom (inderella in that #ute
mouse voi#e.

9t @'m, the others le"t, and the rest o" us got read "or a movie. %e huddled u' and
began de#iding on a move to !at#h.

-%e are not letting one o" ou bos #hoose/- Le5i said. Sha!n stu#& his tongue out.

-%ell !e+re not !at#hing a roman#e.-

-%h not1-

-(ause this is a birthda 'art, not ananniversar/-

-.ts the anniversaro" his birth/-




-2o i !ant to be s#ared/-
-2O/ 2ot toda/ our "a#e s#ares me enough alread/-
-Real ni#e/ You go to s#hool "or that1-
-S#hool1 She totall "lun&ed.-
-Sto' dissin me/ (hoose a movie/- and the rioting #ontinued. Aust as !e settled on
-Bather o" the 3ride-, $aimen suddenl 4um'ed.
-%hat1/- !e all as&ed.
-Someone 4ust #ame in the house.- he said !ide8eed. %e all got Cuiet. 9nd 4ust li&e it
!as a sunda stroll, a man !al&ed in the room. Ethan.
-Hello hello, &iddies.- he smir&ed. 9ll the bos !ith guns too& them out. 0he brought
them to a 'art1/
-Leave Ethan.- $ustin said. Ethan smiled.
-2o !a. You hurt m brother. 7 onl brother. You+re going to 'a.- he said.
-Aoe deserved it/ He ra'ed tons o" girls and got Harmon 'regnant/- Selene shouted.
0ristan loo&ed at her.
-Selene1 You and the girls get out o" here. Go to the $en. 2O%.- he said. Selene nodded
and too& Harmons hand.
-Lets go girls, hurr/- she said. . didnt move.
-Sa''hire/- Emma #alled. . shoo& m head. .m not leaving them. . dont &no! !hat i #an
do, but im not leaving.
-Sa''h babe, go.- $aimen said. . shoo& m head. $aimen glared at me, but loo&ed ba#&
at Ethan.
-%hi#h o" ou are 9aron and Sha!n1- Ethan as&ed. Sha!n smiled.
-that+d be me- he said.
-9nd me.- 9aron nodded.
-%ell ou t!o...ou+re the ones !ho beat u' m brother. %hi#h o" ou messed u' m
brothers 'lan1-
-7e and $ustin.- 0ristan said.
-2o. You !ere involved in the 'lan...but ou didnt mess it u'. Brom !hat i &no!, 0ristan
!as about to be beat u'. 0hat !as'art o" the 'lan. %ho messed it u'1-
-. did.- $aimen said #asuall. Ethan glared at him.
-You told them to s'are 0ristan1- he as&ed.
-Ye'.- $aimen said una"raid. He didnt even have a gun/
-$aimen/ Sto'/ You dont have a gun/- 3enn #alled. Ethan smiled.
-0han&s "or telling 7E that,&id.- he said, 'ointing his gun at $aimen. . gas'ed, but
$aimen #rossed his arms over his #hest and didnt move.
-You a#tuall going to &ill me1- he as&ed, disbelievingl. Ethan smiled.
-You 9RE the main #ause "or all this...-
-2o he+s not/ %e beat Aoe u'/- Sha!n #alled.
-3ut ou !ould have beaten 0ristan instead.- $aimen said. %h is he 0RY.2G to ta&e
the blame1/ . ran to $aimen and grabbed his arm.
-$aimen, #ome on/ .t has nothing to do !ith ou/-
-2o. $aimens staing here.- Ethan smir&ed.
-.+ll re'eat the Cuestion Ethan. 9re ou a#tuall thin&ing o" &illing me1- $aimen as&ed.
-.t is m "ault. ." ou+re goin gto hurt anone, im the one !ho deserves it.- he said. %e
all glared at $aimen. %hats he doing1/
0hen !e heard a s#iren in the distan#e...$aimen #alled the Poli#e/ He !as stalling/ Ethan
reli6ed this and gro!led.
-. !ont &ill YOU/ You &no! !hat hurts more than ding1 Someone ou love ding
be#ause o" ou/- He smiled and 'ointed his gun at...7E/
-7E1/- i as&ed. Ethan smiled.
-9sta8lavista bab.- he said and 'ulled the trigger. . s#reamed and "lin#hed, !aiting to be
shot...but it never ha''ened. . o'ened m ees and sa! Ethan on the "loor...dead. (urtis
!as 'ointing a smo&ing gun at him. !ait....." he+s dead...then !here did the bullet he shot
. gul'ed and loo&ed do!n at m "eet, to "ind a male bod ling in "ront o" me bleeding on
one side.

-$9.7E2/- . s#reamed.

O&, !o! a several hours i had ;0 #omments saing -2OOOOO/ 2O0 $9.7E2/
2OOOO- lol.

You gus seem to li&e him more then $ustin and Sa''hire. 9"ter this #ha'ter ou+ll love
him SOOOO mu#h more...even though he !ont sa or do anthing at all.

9nd to thin& it !as his birthda/ he might never see his "riends again/ or 'la !ith his
ne! gi"ts/ or *gas'*..."inish the 'ie#e o" #a&e he le"t on the table/ HO 0H90 !ould be

Read onHI

(ha'ter E=


Here !e all are. 7e, $ustin, Hannah, $ad, 0ristan, 3enn, (urtis, $aniel, Selene,
Sha!n, 9aron, Harmon, Leanne, and Emma. %aiting in the Rivervie! Hos'ital.

.ts all m "ault. . shouldve le"t !hen he told me to. He had a 'lan...but i ruined it. He
&ne! !hat to do. He too& the blame to advert Ethans !rath on an o" us. 9nd in return, i
didnt listen and allo!ed him to get shot.

0he bullet !as aimed at me/ %h+d he ste' in the !a1 0hat !as sui#idal/ Oh god
$aimen, 'lease live/ 0he ambulan#e #ame moments later. 0he too& both Ethan and
$aimen and le"t us stranded there. %e immediatl #alled Hannah and $ad and no!, !e
are !aiting in the !aitingroom, "or an ne!s.

. !as #ring li&e a bab !ith $ustin hugging me, telling me it+ll be alright. Emma,
Leanne and Harmon !ere #ring too. 3enn, 0ristan and $an !ere also tear eed.
Hannah !as hugging $ad and sobbing !ith all her heart.

Soon a do#tor !al&ed in. He !as tall, and in his F0+s.

-Um..!ho is here "or $aimen (arter1- he as&ed, and !e all stood u'. 0he do#tor blin&ed
a "e! times then smiled.

- %ell m name is $r. Breedmen and . have good ne!s and bad ne!s.- he said. -3ad
ne!s is, that the oung man Ethan Goldsburg, has 'assed a!a. .m sorr.-

-Li&e !e #are, thats the GOO$ ne!s/- Sha!n shouted. $ustin and i nodded in
agreement. 0he do#tor loo&ed a bit sho#&ed then #ontinued.

-0he good ne!s...or other good ne!s is that 7r. (arter isnt dead. 0he shot didnt hit him
"atall. .t s&immed the side o" his stoma#h, but not enough to #ause an ma4or damage.-
he smiled.

. smiled and rela5ed, hugging $ustin tightl. He smiled as !ell, as 3enn #heered and
the others !hoo'ed around ha''il. Hannah gas'ed and 4um'ed u' and do!n #la''ing
her hands.

-Ho!ever,- $r.Breedmen #ontinued, -He is un#on#ious and !as more in sho#& then most
'eo'le !e see. You #an goin to tal& to him, although he !ont res'ond. Onl ; 'eo'le at a
time ma see him.- he said. %e nodded.

$ad, Hannah, me and $ustin !ent in "irst. %e sa! m !onder"ul bo, laing do!n
un#on#ious, hot as ever, !ith a bandage around his na&ed stoma#h. . smiled adoringl. .
loo&ed at $ustin !ho seemed u'set and in thought.

-%ell $aimen dear. Your all better. 2o harm done...!ell no serious harm/ Henr and i
love ou, and get !ell soon bab.- Hannah smiled, then &issed $aimens head. $ad
smiled and le"t !ith Hannah.

. loo&ed at $aimen and smiled.

-He $aimen. . dont &no! i" ou #an hear me or not, but than& ou. You didnt have to
do that and ste' in the !a. . shouldve listened to ou and le"t !hen ou told me to. . !as
#om'letl useless and had no 'oint in being stuborn and staing there. You !ere right.
.m sorr. Get !ell, and #onsious soon babe. . love ou.- . said so"tl. .m so stu'id. ,er
stu'id. . shouldve listened. 0his #ould have all been 'revented, and Ethan #ould have
been in 4ail.

. shoo& m head, and sat in the ba#& o" the room. $ustin !as still thin&ing, and "ro!ning.

-!hats !rong $ustin1- i as&ed. been so !rong to him.- he said. . #o#&ed m head to the side and stared at him.
$ustin sighed and #ontinued.

-Ever sin#e !e !ere &ids, ive been !rong to $aimen. 9nd in return, he !as the best
brother i #ouldve ever ho'ed "or. %hen !e !ere in our earl teens, he !ould ta&e the
blame "or m mista&es so i #ould go to 'arties and dates and stu"". Li&e on#e, i mo''ed
u' a mess i made !ith m moms dress. 0urns out the 4ui#e stain !as 'ermenant. 0hat da
i had an im'ortant 'art to go to, so $aimen told m mom, that he did it. . didnt sa
than& ou.... 4ust said +3ad $aimen+, and le"t to have "un.

9nd !hen !e !ere a bit older, he had a girl"riend named Beli#ia. He li&ed her alot, and
the !ere 'er"e#t at the time. 7e, being a stu'id a**, a#tuall as&ed him i" i #ould slee'
!ith her. $aimen said no, #ause he li&ed her. . 'outed, and blamed m #ondition on
a##ount o" m dad leaving us. $aimen thought i !as reall bro&en do! he gave me
Beli#ia. . !as ver 'o'ular and all so Beli#ia !as eager to slee' !ith me, and !e did.
$aimen !as heartbro&en, but didnt #r or tell anone.

9nd 2o!/ %hen i &issed Selene !hen !e "irst #ame here, he sto''ed me be"ore !e !ent
too "ar, and told Selene o"" &indl. He didnt tell anone#ause he didnt !ant me to be
gossi'ed about. 9nd !hen Ethan #ame esterda...he too& the blame so that none o" us
!ould get hurt. . never than&ed him "or all he did and ive onl ta&en advantage o" him.

. &no! "or a B9(0 that $aimen !ants ou "or himsel". 3ut he !ants me to be ha'' as
!ell, so he let us share ou. 0ruth is, ou dont deserve me. You deserve $aimen,
Sa''hire. He honestl deserves ou, and ou deserve him. 2ot me. . deserve a #heating
slut.- $ustin "inished.

. !as #ring no!. $aimen loves $ustin !ith all his heart. $aimen did all that #ause he
#ared about our lives, and ha''iness. He saved 0ristan "romgetting 'ounded to death, he
too& the blame 92$ the bullet, and he hid all $ustins mista&es. $ustin stood u' and
!al&ed over to $aimens #ot.

-$aimen, im so sorr "or everthing ive ever done to ou. You reall li&ed Beli#ia, and i
too& her. You loved $ad, but !hen he le"t,
ou made sure me and mom !ere o&. You more the man o" the "amil than i !as. .m so,
so sorr "or treating ou li&e an annoing little brother. You are m brother, but our also
m best "riend. 9nd.... love ou $aimen. . reall do love ou.- $ustin said, #ring so"tl.
. ran to $ustin and hugged him. 0hen !e heard a groan.

-. love ou too $ustin.- a ras' voi#e said. $ustin and i loo&ed do!n and sa!, a slee',
ras' but still beauti"ul $aimen smiling slightl at us.
Li"e "or most o" these teenagers got better. 0risan and Selene !ere a #ou'le and lived
ha''il. Emma !as ver u'set, but !as ha'' !hen 0ristan agreed to be &no!n as Un#le
0ristan to the bab.
Emma "ound ha''iness !ith no other than (urtis/ (urtis had some trouble !ith the 'oli#e
"or &illing Ethan...but that didnt last long.
Emma gave birth to a health bab bo, and named it 3enn. %e #an all guess !h.
3enn gre! &no!ing his mother, Emma, his "ather, (urtis, and his Un#le...0ristan/ 9nd
9unt Selene o" #ourse.
3enn and $an !ere the #utest o" all. %hats not #ute about t!o hot bos in love !ith
ea#hother1 0he stu#& side8b8side and later moved in !ith ea#hother...des'ite their
"amil+s ob4e#tions.
9aron and Harmon !erent too good. Harmon and 9aron got in a big "ight !hen 9aron
!as #aught !at#hing P*rnos. 0he s'lit !hen 9aron !ent to #ollege the ne5t ear.
Harmon "ound a ne! gu, an #onvin#ed Sha!n not to &ill 9aron.
Sha!n and Le5i staed together "or li"e...but never married. 0he !ere al!as &no!n "or
being the most s**all a#tive #ou'le in to!n. Sha!n bought a beauti"ul house "or Le5i,
and the invited her "ather to live !ith them. Her gold digging, "ree loving "ather,
a##e'ted and lived on the to' "loor.
9nd no! the most im'ortant #ou'le.
$aimen got better Cui#&l and the three lovers !ere together again. Sa''hire, $aimen
and $ustin remained a threesome #ou'le. ; ears later, $ustin and $aimen 'ro'osed to
Sa''hire and !ere a##e'ted/
Hannah and Henr !ere a bit astonished, but agreed to it. $ustin reali6ed his ne!
#onne#tion !ith his brother and the t!o o" them !ere inse'arable. Sa''hire never got
tired o" her t!o men, and loved them !ith all her heart.
Bour ears a"ter their marriage, Sa''hire had her "irst bab. Lila# Summer (arter, !ho
#ame "rom $aimen. 0hen #ame $avid Po!ers (arter, !ho #ame "rom $ustin. $avid !as
the name o" $aimen and $ustins "ather, so the name made sense. Summer !as Sa''hires
mother, so that !as Lila#s middle name.
9ll in all, the best da o" $aimen, $ustin and Sa''hires li"e, !as the "irst da that the
met, and all the drama and love began. 9nd Sa''hire !as never ashamed to saH
-7 t!o ste'brothers both love me, and share me. %ith ea#h other.-

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