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SE 2370 Spring 2004

Discrete Mathematics for Software Engineers

Instructor: Eric Wong

Office: EC South 3.903
Phone: (972) 883-6619
e-mail: [email protected]
Office Hours: 4:30 – 5:30 PM, Tuesday and Thursday, or by appointment


Course Description: Fundamentals of logic (boolean logic, first order logic), model theory, completeness
theorem, regular expressions, sets, finite state machines, fundamentals of graph
theory, basic graph algorithms, statecharts, petri nets.
Prerequisite: CS 2305
Required Text Book: Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Rosen McGraw-Hill, 5th edition
Course Web Site:
Course Grading: Homework: 25%
Three Exams: 25% each
Incomplete status: The UTD undergraduate catalog contains the requirements and process to apply for a
grade of incomplete. Some valid reasons for an incomplete include:
• Missing the final exam due to illness or death in the family
• Missing the final exam due to a job or school related business trip
Please note these cases MUST be verified in writing.
Add/Drop: The UTD undergraduate catalog contains the registration deadlines for adding and
dropping courses. Each student is responsible for following UTD’s registration policy
and schedule.
Attendance: Attendance is expected. In the event of missing a lecture, the student is responsible for
promptly obtaining any handouts, announcements, assignments, reading material, etc.
covered in the lecture.
Additional Notes: Co-operation with other students for the Practice Problem Sets is allowed and
Required Reading Required reading will be assigned from the Rosen textbook and the class notes.
Student Conduct and Discipline
The UTD undergraduate catalog contains the expectations for student conduct and
discipline. Students suspected of academic dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism, collusion
and/or falsifying academic records) are subject to disciplinary proceedings.

If the conclusion is drawn that a student has participated in academic dishonesty,

then the student receives a 0 for the assignment or exam.

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