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HM211 Pakistan Studies

Course Instructor:
Mahboobul Rahman Khan

The Round Table Conference

All previous methods and proposal having
failed, the British government made yet
another attempt to find a solution to India's
political and constitutional problem by
associating all political parties in a round table
conference in London.
The conference held three sessions between


The first Roundtable conference of round table
conference began in London on 12 Nov 1930 and
ended 19 Jan 1931.
All political parties of British India except the congress
participated. The congress did not participate in the
first conference and started a civil disobedience
The Muslims did not take part in the civil disobedience
The Muslims delegation included Agha khan, Maulana
Muhammad Ali Johar,Muhammad Ali Jinnah, A.K Fazlul
Haq, Sir Muhammad Shafi, Sir Shah Nawaz,Ch Zafar
ullah and Ghulam Husain Hidayatullah.
The only point agreed upon was federal system of
government for India.

The British prime minister issued the statement that they had
accepted the proposals for full responsible governments and
the provinces and federal system in the centre.
The Muslim delegates made it clear that no proposal would
be acceptable to them unless it provided satisfactory
safeguards for Muslim interests.
The second R.T Conference was held in London from 7
September 1931 to 1st Dec 1931.
Gandhi attended the conference as the sole representative of
the congress.
Allama Iqbal was also invited in the second round table
There was wide difference between the congress and Muslim
league on almost all issue.
Gandhi challenged the representative status of all members
who did not belong to the congress.

Gandhi also opposed the recognition of claims of the

minorities and insisted Indians were one nation.
Jinnah replied that Indian Muslims were also a
separate nation of India having their own interests.
This conference also ended without finding any
solutions to the political problems facing Indian
Third session began on 17 Nov 1932 and ended on 24
Nov 1932
Jinnah did not take part.
In his absence Sir Agha Khan led the Muslim
Gandhi, Nehru and other congress leaders were in jail.
The conference ended without success.

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