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It was 22nd of November, and I still remember the date, in fact how can I forget the date

on which my journey towards the fun started. I started packing up my bag from the day
before and in about half an hour I packed up all my garments and all other toiletries like
soap, shampoo, tooth brush, comb, tooth paste, towel, socks, crme, powder, etc which
comes in last minute packing was left for the next day.
Slowly the most awaited day arose-it was 22nd of November and I was like an enthusiastic
animal the whole day till 6:00 pm. We had to go to school & it was 2:15 pm when I was
back to my home from school. The journey had not started, yet the excitement was about
take its place and in that enthusiasm I eventually ended up packing my last minute
packing things at 4:30 pm (by the way I had to leave at 6:00). I thought that this time
also it would not more than half an hour for me to pack up but I was wrong as it took 1 hr
and 15 mins to pack up all the things which were left to be packed. Had it not been for
my mom then I would for sure forget some of my important things like socks :). I finally
left at 6:05 pm and at that time I realized that I should never pack my bag at last minute.
My mom also came with me and I scolded her that I am now not going to buy more food
packets or else I will get late but then mothers are mothers and they are going to get
worried about us and I finally reached the station at 6:30 pm where I gave my presence
there and then eagerly waited for my other 3 group members cum friends to arrive
outside the station. We all got some time to spend it with our parents and I think that I
was strong enough not to cry in front of my mom and my brother and my mom was also
strong enough not cry in front of me so that I dont cry.
We all were curiously waiting for the train to arrive. The train arrived and we were like
OMG! We all shouted and hooted and became restless to board the train and in that
restlessness we girls and boys entered from the wrong gate and so after boarding the
train there was a whole lot of chaos inside that compartment. In about 10 minutes we
were settled properly which was the thing to cheer about but I also realised that we could
complete the task more perfectly if we did it with patience. As soon as we settled,
everyone started calling their parents to inform that they PROPERLY (hehehehe)
boarded the train and are settled.
All of us were settled. We all became busy with our work and then slowly all of us slept
and as we woke up the next day, we found ourselves in the boundaries of Rajasthan and
our geography sir Jaydeep Mehta showed us the great Aravallis. Then we were provided
with the delicious samosas as our breakfast. Finishing the breakfast we all passed our
time somehow sitting steady in train and then we got our lunch. After some hours the
train had halted in one station for about 1 hr. The train started, and in about another
thirty to forty minutes we reached the next station Old Delhi at 7:30 and we had to
board another train for which we waited there for 15-20 minutes. The other train arrived,
all of us boarded the train in 45 seconds and settled down patting our backs. From this I
learnt that if anything is done with patience then it goes smoothly throughout. We
reached New Delhi and that part of my train journey was unforgettable as during that
halt a difficult task was to be performed by all the leaders and one of them was I. We had
to take order of food from our group members whether what they wanted to eat from Mc
Donalds, had to go there (to restaurant which was far from the train) and place the
order. One mistake I made during that task was that I did not take one more person from
the group to help me carry the food bag but then I got help from my other friend. We
leaders came back, settled down, fed ourselves and our group members and went
asleep. At 5:00 in the morning our tiring journey of train ended in Katgodam. During the
last task which I performed, I learnt that anything which seems easy is actually not, but
can be made easy by building up a strong belief in yourself.
The girls boarded the bus for Nainital and the boys boarded the bus for Jim Corbett. That
2 hr journey from Katgodam to Nainital was a real eye opening journey of North India.

After 2 hrs we finally reached our destination and after reaching there, we all refreshed
and we, the hungry people dashed towards the restaurant where delicious food was kept
ready for us and it seemed as if the food was calling us so we all went to have the
breakfast, after which we went to the geology department where I learnt more about the
Himalayas and as soon as the session completed we were taken to see the different
types of rocks which were reserved there and then it was the time to see the beautiful
scene of Nainital from top of that place. While looking out there I realized that geography
can be much more interesting than I initially thought, it also made me realize that
geography is more of a real life stuff where we have to feel, touch and observe things.
We were back to the hotel where the lunch was ready making our mouths watery. I had
my lunch and rested for some time. Adjusting in jeeps, we then went for boating. Our
teachers had enough trust on us that they left us and said that we can go to boating and
shopping in Tibetan market and come to the same place before 6. My group and I went
for shopping, then to boating and came back on time at the place where we were told to.
That was a fun experience but during that time we had some problems to be faced for
boating but it was soon settled and I learnt that there is solution to every problem, and
that I have a capability to solve any problem.
We all settled in the jeep and were back to hotel in time. The sun was setting and the
moon started arising due to which cold winds were prevailing. It became too cold, and to
adapt myself in those cold stimuli, my body responded to where jacket which I probably
didnt do in my home town. We had our dinner with the luscious desert accompanied by
the melodious songs sung by Sarvashreshtha sir and Jaydeep sir. My group and I
completed the dinner and went back to our room, where we did the masti with that
unforgettable laughter. As the night grew younger, the mood started coming. We all went
to sleep as we had to wake up early in the morning to continue with the next day rota
(agenda; schedule).

The new day arose, arising lots of hopes and excitement within us. We all were ready for
the adventure the track which was going to be filled with a bunch of memories of the
hard work, beauty of nature and the pictures of the road. The track started from the hotel
itself and in the starting I thought that its interesting and fun but walking on a steep
road made me phus but still I continued to walk. There was a more difficult road still
to arrive and it was a steep pebbled road specially made for horses where I had almost
given up but then, again, gathering lots and lots of power and effort I started the track
again and for this I thank my teachers who encouraged me to continue the track as I was
capable to do it. The problem I was facing was that I had cold due to which my nose was
blocked and I had to breathe with my mouth. After the pebbled track was over there were
no more difficulties as then comes the hardest and narrower yet my favourite path the
muddy and slippery path between the mountains. It was not an easy task, but the
courage was enough for me to make my will stronger. I successfully reached the top but
before that we were taken to a beautiful meadow. We went to the top, ate the delicious
maggy which tastes more delicious in those cold regions, was a tasty experience. We
reached the hotel by 12:30 pm, had our lunch and left for boating at the Bhimtal Lake
and the day got oer with more fun and inerasable memories. As the day got over I came
to know that I can do anything if I can gather the courage within me. The day ended with
a tasty dinner and we went off to sleep.
The next day we woke up, had our breakfast and were ready for the walk to Himalaya
Darshan. As we were very tired by the track day before, so the plan was changed to
Himalaya Darshan. I was ready for the track and this time I made sure that I reach the
top first and I did it, I was among the first ones with my group members to reach the top
and then back to the hotel again. I reached the hotel, had my lunch and then as there

was no special itinerary we all were free to play and rest, therefore i thought of packing
my bag, not repeating the same mistake once again.
The next day we woke up, had our bath, packed the bags, went for the breakfast after
getting our entire luggage out, and left for a view at Ranikhet. We saw an eye-catching
ground and a golf course too. I also came to know that it was sign of love by the King for
his beloved Rani and the place was named accordingly. After the view we were taken to a
small restaurant as we had no other option than that as we could not expect a lavish
lunch in that small village. I there learnt that coming out of the comfort zone is the best
way to live life and most importantly, it is a reason for happiness. We then were off to Jim
We reached there by 7:30. There was a vast difference between the hotel at Nainital and
the hotel at Jim Corbett. Hotel at Nainital was properly lighted but, there the hotel was
dim and made not-so-attractive. This was done so that the animals dont get fancied by
the hotel. After reaching there we mutually understood and booked our own rooms and
during that time I learnt let go some things so that others can be satisfied and I can be
happy with my decision. My group and I dashed towards our room and rested there for
some time after which a call was made for all of us to go for the diner. We went for dinner
and the dinner there was not so great but then its ok. After the dinner comes the
exciting part of camp fire.....where we sang and danced and did the ultimate fun. Then I
was back to the room and slept.
The next day we woke up and found that there was no hot water flowing in our
bathrooms and so we, for that day had to remain dirty without having our bath. We had
our breakfast and then went to the museum. On the return we were taken to the temple
where we bowed down to Mataji. After the religious itinerary completed, we went to hotel
and had our lunch and were told to rest for some time after which we went to dip our legs
in the chilling river at the backside of the hotel. That task was one of the most
memorable one and filled with a basket of fun. During that task I learnt team
collaboration which can create a strong bond of unity between all of us. I also helped and
acted as a supporting hand to many of my friends. Before 5:00 we had to come out from
the river as it starts becoming darker and chilling. We were out of the water on time and
went for a bath and all were ready in another 2 hours as you know girls when they are
going to shampoo their hair. We were then free and so our teachers had called us in the
dining in area to explain us how reflective reports are return and some girls also read
their reports as examples. After the discussion I learnt how beautifully those reports can
be return. The food was ready for us. We had our dinner and then we went for a sleep as
soon as possible because the next day we had to get up early to see wild animals early in
the morning in safari.
Next day we woke at 4:30 am and by 5:00, but then it was informed that there is a delay
and we had to go at 5:45. We reached there at 6:30 and then our journey started. We
saw spotted dears, Sambar and a unique bird but unfortunately we didnt see the lion
and its cubs but we were fortunate enough to see their fresh paws. The safari ride got
over and we were back to the hotel. All of us packed our bags and went for the lunch
after submitting our luggage in reception. After the lunch got over we boarded the bus.
During that journey one more item was added to the itinerary which was to visit a
museum. It was a house of a British resident and it actually showed off the way how they
used to build houses, their life style, the weapons the used and how they designed their
houses. We were back in the bus after having a view in that museum. A dinner in the
highway from Corbett to Katgodam was organized for us. It was well-managed. After the
dinner we again boarded the bus and reached the Katgodam station, and the train was
properly boarded by us on time. We got settled and reached the Moradabad station at
midnight. The next train to Ahmadabad was @ 2:00am so we got settled in the waiting

room. Lots of announcements were made for the delay in arrival of the train from 2:00 to
4:00 to 5:15 to 6:30 and then finally to 7:00. We spent 7 hours in the waiting room and I
literally was asleep for those 7 hours. As the train was late so our teachers made
arrangement for some snacks for us. Due to the delay in arrival of that train we also
missed another connecting train from Ahmadabad to Rajkot. The train arrived and we
eagerly boarded the train. The journey till Ahmadabad went well. After reaching
Ahmadabad the teachers took a lots of efforts for our return to Rajkot. They managed the
things well and booked a comfortable A/C bus for us. We all were settled properly in the
buses and within 4 hours we would be back. To make this last part of the journey also
memorable, we were taken to the hfm highway food mall where we did our breakfast
cum lunch very well and were back in the bus. In another 2 hours we were back to Rajkot
and our journey ended with a big jar of memories worth remembering.
I have been to many trips before, and after each and every trip I have learnt something
about myself and others around me. In the same way this trip made me realize that our
capabilities and the will is already present inside us only the thing to be found out is
where it lies in you and that it is only your brain and heart can together make you realize
about your capabilities.

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