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Math Lesson Plan # 1 (KG2)

Common Core State Standard

-Kindergarten, Geometry

Analyze and compare two- and three-dimensional shapes, in different
sizes and orientations, using informal language to describe their
similarities, differences, parts (e.g., number of sides and
vertices/''corners'') and other attributes (e.g., having sides of equal

Students will recognize 3D shape (cylinder) and apply it to real-life examples.
Background information
This lesson is aimed for students in a kindergarten class. The lesson is
comprised of mostly average-level students and few at above-average level.
In the middle of the classroom, there are 23 desks grouped in 4s. In the front
left corner, there is a carpet for whole-class instruction. In the back of the
classroom, there are 3 long rectangular shaped tables used for math center,
language center and science center. The tables have materials needed for
each subject. In the back right corner we have the class library and the
reading corner. Each student has brought in his/her favorite cushion from

home to use while reading during golden time. The students have been
learning about 2D and 3D shapes. The students now know that 2D shapes
are flat and 3D shapes are solid and 3-dimensional objects. They have also
been learning about faces, corners, edges and base.
-4 laminated name stickers per child
- 1 empty toilet paper roll.
- 1 soda can
- 1 unsharpened pencil
- 1 can of soup
-4 other random objects
Students have been learning about 3D shapes. During this lesson, students
will watch a short, animated video about cylinders. Before I play the clip, I
will ask all the children to come to the carpet by singing the 3D shape song
we have been watching all week. I tell them today we will watch a cartoon
clip about cylinders. After the clip, I will discuss with the students the
characteristics of a cylinder. I will ask questions such as: how many faces
does a cylinder have? What 2D shapes can we use to make a cylinder? I
expect to get answers like 2 faces; we use circles to make a cylinder. I will

also ask them to name objects that we use that look like cylinders. I will get
answers such as: a magician wand, toilet paper, etc.
To link the introduction to the lesson, I will tell them we are going on a shape
hunt today! I will explain that I have placed 4 objects that look like cylinders
on the desks in the classroom and 4 that do not. Each one of you will get 4
stickers with your name on it. When I say lets begin the treasure hunt, you
will get up quietly and look at each desk. When you find an object that looks
like a cylinder, I want you to put 1 name sticker next to it. I will start counting
from 0 to 100. When I finish counting, I will call your names one by one to
come back and sit next to the carpet. After I finish explaining the
instructions, I will model each step (get up, walk around, find one and place
my sticker next to it). Then, I will say: are you readyLets begin the treasure
hunt! I will start counting to 100. When I finish, I will use clap thrice to call
them back to the carpet. Next, I will check the desks to see if they got them
right and then go back to start the discussion. I will ask them: Who can tell
me which object they found that looks like a cylinder? I expect them to tell
me some right and few wrong answers. I will keep questioning until I get all
4 from the students.
The clip is very fun, educational and engaging to students of all levels.

The activity is hands-on and promotes higher-order thinking by linking

shapes to real objects we use every day.
If time permits, I will read the story: The shape of me and other stuf by Dr.
Seuss since it is age-appropriate and related to the theme.
To conclude the lesson, I will remind them of the characteristics of a cylinder.
Our discussion following the clip as well as the activity is the evaluation. I will
have a check list of who got all 4 answers right as I look at the name stickers.
Note: This lesson plan was inspired by:

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