Lakshmi Tantram Chapter 1

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prathamo'dhyya - stravatra
First Chapter - The Birth of the Sastra

turdrisamacchya tulasdmabhaam|
turagamamukha vande tugasrasvatapradam||
The one who has a complexion of ice mountain(pure white),
the one who has tulasi garland as his ornament
the one with horse face,
I salute who gives lofty eloquence

jnnandamaya deva nirmalasphaikktim|

dhra sarvavidhyn hayagrvamupsmahe||
The one who is bliss(ananda) of supreme knowledge(jna)
the one with a form which is like a blemishless crystal
the root / base of all scieneces & knowledge (vidyanaam)
that Sri Hayagreevam I revere (devoted to).

namo nitynavadhyya jagata sarvahetave|

jnya nistaragya lakmnryatmane||1||
I salute the one that is eternal , blemishless, the reason (hetu) for all the world,
full of true knowledge, which is motionless and the inner soul of lakshmi & narayana

The one who has bird as her seat, has compassion as a quality, worshipped by chandra(moon),
without blemish, a combination of moon,sun and fire that Lakshmi form I revere (devoted to).

Knows the true nature of vedas and vedantas, is well versed in all sastras,
knows the true nature of all siddhantas and obtained knowledge
of all dharmas

aagataagamam.h - praaptasaastrarahasyaM

jitendriyam jitdhra rgadvevaktam|

caturdagayogastha prasakhynaparyaam||4||
who has Won over senses, who has conquered the aadhaara chakra , who is unaffected by love or
hatred who has mastered 14 angas of yoga, who is continuously medidating

viddhe svarbhnun bhnau pur tapanat gatam|

nidna tapasmdya tejorimanmayam||5||
Earlier when svarbhanu( a demon) penetrated the sun, atri took a shining (tapana) form,
He is not hasty , tapasvi, who eats raw roots / food, has brilliant appearance(tejasvi) and healthy

prta sadhymupsnami hutahutanam||6||
The one who is not affected by the three gunas,one who is impartial and who is undecaying
the rishi(seer) who is attending on morning sandhi and the one who does fire(hutAsana)

pativratn param dharmaptn yaasvin|

brahmaviumahen janan krantare||7||
The best amongst virtuous ladies, atri's illustrious wife

who was once mother of brahma,vishnu and shiva

devairabhiut avacchntinity tapasvin|

vidu sarvadharmaj nitya patimanuvrat||8||
One who is praised by the devas, who is always tranquil, who is a tapasvini
who is learned, who knows the true nature of all dharmas and a virtuous wife

patyu rutavat tst vividh dharmasahit|

praiptapuraskramanasy vaco'bravt||9||
The one who heard extensively various dharma sastras from her husband
anasuya humbly approached and started speaking

anasybhagavan sarvadharmaja mama ntha jagatpate|

tvatta eva rut dharmste te bahuvidhtmak||10||
Anasooya said
My husband, bhagavan, leader of sadhus, you are fully aware of all dharmas and
I have heard and learnt from you various dharma sastras.

jnni ca vicitri phalarpdibhedata|

etebhyo bhagavaddharmo viio vidhto may||11||
I also learnt the form, substance, difference between those dharmas.
I hold that "BHAGAVAT DHARMAM" is the best amongst them

tvay kathayat tst bhagavaddharmasahit|

scita tatra tatraiva lakmmhtmyamuttamam||12||

Whenever you have expounded bhagavat dharma you have
also pointed out then and there Sri Lakshmi's Greatness

rahasyatvdapatvnna tvay prakaktam|

tadaha rotumicchmi lakmmhtmyamuttamam||13||
Because it is secret and I did not ask you, you did not show(explain) (Earlier).
Now, I want to hear about Sri Lakshmi's greatness

yatsvabhv hi s dev yatsvarp yadudbhav|

yatpram yaddhr yadupytha yatphal||14||
(I want to know)Sri Devi's that character, that form, that origin
that proof, that basis, that means and that rewards

tadaha rotumicchmi tvatto brahmavid vara|

bhaveya ktaktyha yasya vijnayogata||15||
All these i want to hear from you the best amongst those who knows the brahmam
I will attain my life's purpose by obtaining this knowledge

ta me daraya panthnamupasannsmyadhhi bho|

iti tasy vaca rutv bhagavnatrirabravt||16||
Kindly show me the road to reach your position.
Having heard her, Athri Bhagavan started speaking

atri sdhu sabodhitosmyadya dharmaje dharmacrii|

may pena vaktavyamiti nodghita pur||17||
Atri My dharmic mate who knows the true nature of dharma, now you have well addressed me.
I didnot start earlier as I thought "will tell when asked"

arh tvamasi kalyi lakmmhtmyamuttamam|

rotu rutiirareihdayastha santanam||18||
Kalyani, you are fully elgible to hear sri lakshmi mahathmyam
which is at the head of all vedas and foremost in the heart and which is permanent

pur malayaailasth munayo dharmatatpar|

rutasttvatavijn nradddevadarant||19||
In ancient times on Malaya Mountain, the seers, dharma followers,
who heard the SATTVATA knowledge from Narada

apcchannetamevrtha bhagavanta santanam|

nrada brahmasaka bhagavaddharmavedinam||20||
Asked the same question to Narada, who is god like, permanent
who has appearance like brahma and is highly knowledgeable in
bagavath dharmas

aya-bhagavastvacchruto'smbhi sttvata sattvasaraya|

uddho bhgavato dharmo mokaikaphalalakaa||21||

Bhagavan, we have heard(learnt) from you Satvata Knowledge which is

devoted to sathvam,very pure and divine and has moksha as its only aim

tatra tattvrthakathane lakmmhtmyamuttamam|

scita tatra tatraiva npatvtprakitam||22||
While explaining the principles(tatvam), you have at different places also
spoke about the greatness of Sri Mahalakshmi. You haven't explained(throw
further light) as then we did not ask about this.

icchmastadida rotu bhavasgaratrakam|

padminvaibhava sarva prajpayatu no bhavn||23||
We are desirous of hearing that which enables us to pass the ocean of worldy existance.
Only You can point out all the glory of Padmini(Sri Maha Lakshmi)

nat sma iras pdau tava sasratrakau|

adhhi bho mune divya prapannstv cira vayam||24||
We bow at your feet which enables one to cross the ocean of worldly existance
We your students come to you with bowed heads, teach us the divine(divya) knowledge

nrada-sdhu sabodhito'smyadya munaya saitavrat|

prasanna kathaymyadya lakmtantra santanam||25||
NaradaO sages, you all adhere to vow firmly and I am happy with your request and
I will start expounding the ancient Sri Lakshmi Tantra sastram

yatra s dyate dev svarpaguavaibhavai|

padmin padmanbhasya mahi padmasabhav||26||
Padmini, wife of padmanabha, who came from lotus, that Sri Mahalakshmi's
form, attributes and glory can be seen in this sastram

pur durvsasa pdabhibhte puradare|

nisvdhyyavapatkre bhraarke jagattraye||27||
In ancient times, Indra was cursed by Durvasa because of which
no vedas were studied and the three worlds lost their fortunes

daridre devavarge ca ke dharme nisasate|

pitmahe surai srdha krodravameyui||28||
Devas became poor and the feable dharmas were in very bad state.
After lots of penance devas with brahma reached the ocean of milk
(ksheera sagara)

bahn varagan divystaptv tvra mahattapa|

sabodhite jagannthe devadeve janrdane||29||
Having done intense divine tapas the devas awaken
sriman narayana who is jagannatha, devadeva and janArdana

pitmahena devya krye ca vinivedite|

krode mathite devaistaddiena vartman||30||
He was informed by brahma the position of devas and as per
his directions devas the next day started to churn the
ocean of milk.

prijte hayaree gajendre'psaras gae|

klake samud bhte vruymamte tath||31||
Parijatham, the great horse ucchaisrivas, elephant named gajendra, bevy of apsaras(nymphs)
the poison named KalaKootam, a drink called Varuni and Amrutham(nectar) came out of it

saha candramas devymutthity mahravt|

padminy padmanbhasya vakasthymanantaram||32||
With chandra, devi maha lakshmi came up from the ocean of milk
and padmini went directly to padmanabha's chest to be there forever

tayvalokite devavarge riyamupeyui|

taynavekite daityavarge caiva parjite||33||
Devas having seen by her (avalokite) got back all riches
Daityas(asuras) without being looked at (anavekSite) by her got defeated

svrjyamakhila prpya motamne puradare|

bhaspatirupgamya rahasda vaco'bravt||34||
Having got back his kingdom as well as the world purandara(indra) was very happy.
At that time, deva rishi brihaspati approached him and started saying secretely the following

bhaspatikle sabodhaymyetacchu vkya puradara|

anvayavyatirekbhy lakmyste kathit pur||35||
Brahaspati said

O Purandara( Indra) kindly hear the following words that are being taught to you at the
right time. Like I said to you earlier all the great things are under her control.

mahatt mahat ntha tasymyatate sthiti|

na bhrayeta yathaivai tava rjyasthiti par||36||
O lord(indra), the great things stand seeing in her directions
If you want to not to lose your kingdom and your position

tath yatasva devea araa gaccha padminm|

e hi reyaso mlame hi param gati||37||
O devesha(indra), then take sri mahalakshmi as your refuge.
She is the root of all greatness and she is the ultimate sanctuary / path/ refuge(gati)

rutnmabhisadhica saiva dev santan|

eaiva jagat pr eaiva jagat kriy||38||
Sri Mahalakshmi (sanAdanI) is the ultimate purpose/meaning/object of vedas
She is the life breath of all the world and she is the reason of all the world functions.

eaiva jagatmicch jname parvar|
eaiva sjate kle sai pti jagattrayam||39||

She is the desire of all the worlds and she is the ultimate knowledge
She is the one who creates the time and she herself protects the three worlds

jagatsaharate cnte tattatkraasasthit|

mtara jagatmenmanrdhya mahat kuta||40||
In the end based on each ones standing destroys the worlds at Pralayam.

Without praying to Mother of all the worlds what can be great?

(nothing is the hidden answer)

etattu vaiava dhma yato nvartate yati|

e s param ni skhyn vidittmanm||41||
She is that position for a vaishnava from where one does not return
She is the divine state for samkyas who understood(vidita) souls

ye s yogin ni yatra gatv na ocati|

e pupat ni sai vedavid gati||42||
She is that aim for yogis once reached they dont grieve
She is also the aim of pasupatha and she is the refuge of ones who have
learned vedas

pacartrasya ktsnasya sai ni santan|
sai nrya dev sthit nryatman||43||

Sanatani Sri Mahalaksmi is the ultimate goal / purpose of pancharatra agamam

She is called narayanii and she lives in sriman narayana's heart.

pthagbhtpthagbht jyotsneva himaddhite|

taistairjnai pthagbhtairgamaica pthagvidai||44||
Like moon rays and moon she is different and not different from Sriman Narayana
Different agamas, living beings, higher knowledges, forms of worships

ekaivai par dev bahudh samupsyate|

tmupehi mahbhg saraa padmasabhavm||45||

Reveres her as one as well as many (one with and different from Sriman Narayana)
You approach those feet of Sri Lakshmi, who appeared from Lotus.

tapovieairvividhaistaistaica niyamai ubhai|
rdhya mahi vio sthirkuru nijariyam||46||

One who is steadfast in Doing special penance, follows various auspicious precepts(niyamas)
and does the puja of Vishnu's wife, Sri Mahalakshmi, will attain true prosperity(Sriyam)

e prasdasumukh sva pada prpayiyati|

abhpsitrthad dev kminmapi kmad||47||
This beautiful lady makes the self to reach her feet
She gives artha and kama for those who desire them

nradaiti sabodhita akro guru guru svayam|

rdhayitukmast krodasyottara yayau||48||
Naradha said
Having been addressed like this by his guru, indra (sakra)
rushed towards the ocean of milk(ksheera sagara) with the intention to worship her

tatra divya tapastepe bilvamlaniketana|

ekapdasthito maun kabhto'nilana||49||
There under the tree of Bilva, standing on one leg, silent,
eating only air, indra did divine penance

rdhvadgbhhuvaktraca niyato niyattmavn|

divya varasahasra vai tapastepe suducaram||50||
With his eyes, hands and face looking upwards and controlling his
senses, he did painful penance for number of divine years

tapaso'vabhthe tasya s dev padmasabhav|

prasannavadan viormahi darana yayau||51||
Towards the end (avabrithe) of his penance, the devi, who
appeared from lotus, who is Vishnu's wife, who has cheerful face,
gave him her audience(darshan).

agrata sasthit dev jagat mtara parm|

t akracaku vkya vismaya parama yayau||52||
Indra saw divine devi, jaganmatha, standing before him.
sakra (indra) having seen her with his eyes was wonder struck.

vihvala praipatytha prjalirbalasdana|

riya sktena tuva padmin pkasana||53||
The one who destroys(suudhana) armies(bala) with agitated body, keeping two hands together
saluated with reverence(anjali) and indra( punisher of asura named paka)
made maha lakshmi happy with different hymns.

ekntabhvampannamavyj bhaktimsthitam|
ta vkya jagat mt vkyametaduvca ha||54||
Indra, who stood alone, who was simple and full of bhakti was
seen by Sri Mahalakshmi. Jagan matha then started speaking

rvatsa akra prasannsmi tapas tava suvrata|

vara vu mahbhga kimia karavi te||55||
Sri Mahalakshmi
Child Indra (chakra), I am very happy with your penance that was properly and correctly
observed, You, a Great Eminent, choose your boon.
Which one that is your desire you want me to fulfill?

akraadya me tapaso devi yamasya niyamasya ca|

sadya phalamavpta yad d bhagavat may||56||
Indra said,
Now I have done a penance with full restraint and as per the rule.
Having seen you bhagavathi maha lakshmi I have just now(sadhya)
obtained(avaptham) the result(phalam)

yadi vpi varo deyastvay me paramevari|

tattva kathaya devei ysi tva yatprakrik||57||
Parameshwari, if you still want to give me something then
Queen of devas(Deveshi), kindly tell me in the proper manner about your
truth / principle / form (tatvam)

yatpram yaddhr yadupy santan|

yasya tva tena v devi sabandhastava yadvidha||58||
Sri Mahalakshmi , you are eternal, what are the proofs to know you? what is your basis(root)?
what is the way or the means to attain you? You belong to whom? What is the kind of (yadvidha)
your relationship with him?

yaccnyadveditavya te nnstropabhitam|
kathayevari tatsarvamupasanno'smyadhhi bho||59||
O lakshmi (bho), please tell and bestow upon me all those various sastras &
other writings to know(veditavayam) you(te)

iti prasdit tena vatseneva payasvin|

snihyat manas padm pkasanamabravt||60||
Having asked thus, Indra was looked at by her like a milch cow(payasvinI) at her calf
With mind full of affection, Maha Lakshmi spoke to indra, punisher of asura named paka.

ru akra mahbhga y hyaha yatprakrik|

yasyha tena v ydk sabandho mama vtrahan||61||
Mahalakshmi said,
Hear Indra (Chakra) the eminent, i belong to whom and the type of
relationship between us

iti rpcartrasre lakmtantre stravatro nma


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